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Steamboat Update


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There is discussion of having Steamboat become a regular performer for a few weeks due to the showings he's had. There is talk of a one on one vs Jericho at Backlash.


What do you guys think?


Personally, I'd love it. I was VERY hesitant to see Steamboat get back into the ring, but now I'm so thrilled he did and it actually makes me sad he didn't try it years ago. Whenever I start a TEW diary I think Steamboat is making a comeback in 1996 for sure!


Anyway, I want him to get the match with Jericho at Backlash and get the win (probably needs to be semi-cheaply) and then retire.

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Don't see what else Jericho's gonna be doing in the mean time so I think it'd be a great idea, would be a genuinely exciting match. Steamboat looked as though he was saying goodbye on Raw but honestly, with Rey getting the pin and it being Rey's music playing, it was a bit lame. Though I enjoyed Cena quietly saying "an absolute pleasure" and the "you've still got it" chants, there's still room for it to get even better. Then Jericho moves up a notch.
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Don't see what else Jericho's gonna be doing in the mean time so I think it'd be a great idea, would be a genuinely exciting match. Steamboat looked as though he was saying goodbye on Raw but honestly, with Rey getting the pin and it being Rey's music playing, it was a bit lame. Though I enjoyed Cena quietly saying "an absolute pleasure" and the "you've still got it" chants, there's still room for it to get even better. Then Jericho moves up a notch.


I agree it seems like Raw was his farewell, but I'm hopeful!

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If he's healthy enough, I say go for it.


Tho having him one on one with Jericho seems... odd, given that he couldn't beat him in a three-on-one elimination match... they'd need promos blaming 'ring rust' or something...


And what the heck, have him win, have Mystero offer him a title shot so he can hold the IC title again or something... gives whatever heel takes it from him a rub...

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Steamboat is the greatest. His matches in his prime were such a pleasure to watch. His athleticism, his selling, and his technical aspect of wrestling were off the charts. I havent watched his performance from WM25 but I am glad to hear he still has some of that talent. Some of these older wrestlers that come back in a way embarrass themselves.


In watching todays wrestling vs wrestling 20 years ago that is what I miss. There was a story to every match and the wrestlers used psychology. Today unless its the top superstars they are only interested in getting their spots in.

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As long as they don't extend it too long, I love the idea. When Steamboat got in the ring at 'Mania 25, I was hoping that it wouldn't be a Snuka "I can hardly move anymore, why am I on Wrestlemania" type performance. My jaw hit the floor, and did again on Raw. I think if he wrestled his final match as a one-on-one at Backlash, maybe getting the win due to Jericho being distracted, setting of Jericho's next fued and then back into retirement, would be perfect.


He's still got it!

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I honestly thought he was one of the most entertaining workers in this years wrestlemania, for me 'mania lacked a bit of chain wrestling. Too much of the show was spent with superstars being "knocked out" it actually made me find the show really dull. I mean having two close call ring outs in one event? Come on, who would book that garbage? (apart from me!)
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I'd like it but... I hope it won't happen deep down, the reason Jericho's promos are so good is because we sense the truth in them. If Steamboat does do this match, he is proving jericho's character right. Although it is unlikely, what if the fans realise?
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I wouldn't worry about that. Some legends you can look at and say "Gee, he loves the limelight. He keeps coming back." but not Steamboat. With that character you get the sense he's in it for the love of the sport, not the spotlight. Plus he hasn't come back repeatedly, so I can't see anyone turning on him for anything Jericho says.


Besides, if they were to fight at Backlash, I'm sure Jericho would goad him into it, making Steamboat doing one more match an issue of revenge, not another shot at glory (although Jericho would repeatedly claim the latter).


I'd be interested in one more Steamboat match. Although I did love his 'final bow' on last week's RAW. I've never been THAT into him, but I teared up a bit. Awesome stuff.

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As long as they don't extend it too long, I love the idea. When Steamboat got in the ring at 'Mania 25, I was hoping that it wouldn't be a Snuka "I can hardly move anymore, why am I on Wrestlemania" type performance. My jaw hit the floor, and did again on Raw. I think if he wrestled his final match as a one-on-one at Backlash, maybe getting the win due to Jericho being distracted, setting of Jericho's next fued and then back into retirement, would be perfect.


He's still got it!


of course he does. Would fans still be saying that if he had been wrestling during his 40's? Of course not. Because it'd be expected that he's be able to perform at a top level. So given the fact that he hasn't wrestled since the mid 90's, it was expected fans would chant "you still got it". Do you hear fans chant that kind of stuff about Michaels even though he's in his 40's? Of course not. Because he's a regular performer and it's expected that he'll bust his ass every night. Steamboat is an office guy. Who spends his time working out and training the future stars... Like his son.


WWE missed the boat with Steamboat. They should have tested the matches with him first. If he had gotten the kind of reaction he got at Mania and on RAW, they could have easily made the WM match Steamboat and Jericho instead of adding in two other people who clearly couldn't go. Having Steamboat wrestle more now would just be overkill. People also need to understand that Steamboat is in his 50's. WWE didn't have him wrestle more than a few minutes probably because they weren't sure if he can go for any kind of distance. And the fact that the guy was using low dropkicks should tell you something. For obvious reasons he won't be able to hit those high drop kicks anymore.

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I kinda hope that the Raw match was his finaly match, mainly for selfish reasons - I was there, and it would be cool to say I saw the final one live.


One more match at Backlast could be cool, but there is so much potential for it to fall apart and end badly. The few minutes he worked in the WM and the RAW match are likely a lot less than a one-on-one match against Jericho would be.


I do agree with I Rule Me that the WWE dropped the ball all over the place with the WM angle between Jericho and the legends. Given that Snuka and Piper could hardly move, there really wasn't much reason to have them in there. You can still have Flair involved, given his history with Steamboat. Poor planning by them.

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