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SWF: Entertainment For The Masses

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Tuesday, January 2, 2008



The SWF Locker Room, Before Supreme TV


A staff meeting has been called prior to the first show of 2008 and the entire on-screen roster of the SWF is gathered in one large room. Almost 60 men and women of various shapes and sizes pack the room but the most important figure of all is standing at the front, elevated slightly above the rest by a makeshift podium and flanked by a handful of familiar faces.



Richard Eisen, Owner of the SWF


“Okay everyone, settle down. As you all know I called this informal staff meeting to go over a few things with you all. Meeting with all of you individually would have taken forever, so I’m going to go over this once with each of you and then if you have any questions you can ask them afterwards or come to speak to me before or after the show. Everyone clear on that?”


A general murmur of agreement goes up from the assembled masses which Richard Eisen takes as a sign that everyone understands. With a sideways glance to his sons Eric and Jerry, he then takes a deep breath and proceeds.


“The first thing on the agenda is the new standard drug testing policy that will be implemented. From now on there will be mandatory drug tests for everyone on the roster, regardless of whether you are an active competitor or not. And when I say mandatory, I mean it. Likewise, when I say everyone I mean everyone, even I will be tested on a monthly basis. Even the camera crew and ring set up team will be tested, no-one will be allowed to avoid testing under any circumstances.”


A couple of grumbles in the crowd go un-noticed by the majority of people in the room but a very loud “harrumph” emanates from the direction of Big Smack Scott, one of the most notorious men in all of pro wrestling. The look on his face alone is enough to show that he is furious about the new drug testing policy and his reputation for violence backstage precedes him. Luckily though, someone on the locker room had the presence of mind to make sure Vengeance has been stood next to Scott, and as Eisen pauses for a moment to look at the crowd, Vengeance and Christian Faith exchange an almost imperceptible nod.


“Testing will be done after each pay per view event, meaning the first batch of testing will take place in less than two weeks after our When Hell Freezes Over event. I had considered starting the testing tonight but I appreciate that some of you will probably still be feeling the effects of your New Year’s celebrations. It seemed unfair to potentially punish you all with a policy like this without some warning, so you have a two week warning. Does anyone have any questions so far?”


Eisen looks around the room and a number of pair of eyes seem to turn towards Big Smack Scott, Joe Sexy, the Biggz Boyz, the Bumfholes and Kurt Laramee… the group of people that seem most likely to be on steroids or maybe just smoking something a little on the wrong side of legality. But no-one says anything openly and so Richard Eisen continues.


“On to our next order of business then and some good news. As some of you may have noticed we have a couple of new faces in the locker-room tonight. Where is he? Ah, yes. Over there is the first of a number of talents being brought in to represent the Class of 2007, graduates from our SWF training camp in Hawaii. This youngster’s name is Robert Greene and as you can see on the board with tonight’s matches, he will be making his debut tonight against Frederique Antonio Garcia. Some of you may already be familiar with young Mr Greene from your working holidays to the Hawaiian school already while others may not have had the pleasure. It is my hopes that all of the Class of 2007 go on to be as successful as the 2005 group have been, so you can all look forward to seeing some more new faces debuting over the coming weeks. Make them feel welcome and try not to haze them too much.”



Robert Greene


Being name checked by Richard Eisen, the most powerful man in wrestling, in front of your peers is a pretty nerve racking experience for almost anyone, so Robert Greene tries to play it as cool as he can from behind his shades, just waving to signify who he is without trying to draw more attention to himself than necessary. It’s going to be a big night for him after all, making his debut in front of thousands of fans in the arena and millions around the world. After everyone takes a few moments to let that sink in, Eisen makes another sideways glance to one of his staff.


“The final item on the agenda here is more good news, quite possibly for everyone on the roster but certainly for him. Following the departure of Sam Keith as head booker of the company we have been restructuring the creative side of things. Many good things have been coming out of this restructuring and several of you will have noticed a slightly different edge to your characters and some of the new ideas that have been brought to the table. While I’d love to be able to take the credit for them myself, credit must go to where it is due. And as such, I’m happy to announce that one of our junior writers has been promoted to be head writer for the company. Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for our new head writer, Christian Black.”



Christian Black


The SWF roster give a polite round of applause for the talented young writer as he steps forward to take over the makeshift podium from Richard Eisen. Behind him and to the sides he gets a series of encouraging nods from the Eisen family, Christian Faith, Peter Michaels and Enforcer Roberts who make up the rest of the SWF booking team and have been a part of it for several years. Black looks genuinely quite emotional.


“Guys, it’s weird but even though I can write great promos for you guys when it comes to talking about myself I’ve never really been that good at it.”


Despite not being very funny, the joke gets a small polite laugh from the crowd. Wrestlers know that change isn’t always a good thing and it never pays to get on the wrong side of the creative team lest you end up on the wrong side of the dreaded “creative hasn’t got anything for you” message.


“First of all I’d like to run through a few things I’ve contributed so far, just in case you guys don’t know much about me. The most obvious recent idea of mine in play is the Golden Opportunity gimmick that has now given Brandon James a world title opportunity whenever he wants it. I’d like to thank Brandon, Enygma, Jack Giedroyc, Joe Sexy, Lobster Warrior and Marc DuBois for helping bring that idea to life with an incredible ladder match. You guys were all awesome out there, without you putting it all on the line I’m not sure we could’ve sold the Golden Opportunity as being as valuable as it is. Thanks to you guys we now have a storyline we can pull the trigger on at any point over the next 12 months, which should keep the fans coming to see us and help us all make more money.”


“I’ve also been an important part of helping refine the Vengeance character further with his new “Karma… Justice… Vengeance” line, as well as giving Jack Bruce the guitar he always should have had. I know that recently some of you haven’t been on screen as much as you would have wanted, but another piece of news that Mr Eisen decided to leave to me to break was that we’re back to our regular two hour timeslot again. So with an extra 30 minutes to play with I’m certain I can get us all on TV again, along with some new characters I’ve been working on and will be largely introducing through the Class of 2007 angle.”


“And lastly, I want to assure you that I’m committed to this job, because this isn’t just a job to me, it’s a dream come true. I’ve always wanted to tell stories and I’ve always wanted to be involved in the wrestling industry, so to be able to do both and get paid a considerable amount of money to do so… it’s a dream come true. It’s a position that comes with a lot of pressure on it, especially after what happened to Sam Keith but I’m sure I can handle it. After all, the more money the company makes the more money I get to make too, which means the more money each and every one of you guys will make. And ultimately, that’s what it’s all about. Drawing fans in so that they spend money and if my track record so far is anything to go by then we should hopefully be about to start making a LOT of money.”


“And, um, that’s all from me. I wish I had a catchphrase to say to give my rambling a suitable finish but I don’t. So if you could all just cheer or boo appropriately, I’ll start working through tonight’s segments with anyone who wants to fine tune their ideas and we can get ready for tonight’s show. Um… thanks for listening.”


Black steps down from the makeshift podium and gets a mix of cheers, boos and catcalls before a small chant of “let’s make money” breaks out among a few of the roster. Black can’t help smiling as he looks over to the rest of the booking team who all seem happy with him, nodding or smiling in an encouraging manner. Black makes his way over to the chalkboard that runs down tonight’s card and he is greeted by Brandon James and Emma Chase, anxious to go over their segment for the night. The matches on tonight’s board read:



TV 3 (1 left before PPV)


MAIN EVENT: Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs Rich Money and Remo (The Almighty Dollar)

Lobster Warrior vs Joe Sexy

Enygma vs Paul Huntingdon

Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz) vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs Robert Greene

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MAIN EVENT: Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs Rich Money and Remo (The Almighty Dollar)

Lobster Warrior vs Joe Sexy

Enygma vs Paul Huntingdon

Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz) vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs Robert Greene

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Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs Rich Money and Remo (The Almighty Dollar)

Lobster Warrior vs Joe Sexy

Enygma vs Paul Huntingdon

Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz) vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs Robert Greene

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Hard to judge until your first show is up, so I'll make some wild guesses. I've never been too familiar with SWF guys.


Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs Rich Money and Remo (The Almighty Dollar)

Lobster Warrior vs Joe Sexy

Enygma vs Paul Huntingdon

Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz) vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs Robert Greene

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I'm slightly suprised you aren't using your own mod, but whatever. ^_^


MAIN EVENT: Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs Rich Money and Remo (The Almighty Dollar)

Lobster Warrior vs Joe Sexy

Enygma vs Paul Huntingdon

Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz) vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs Robert Greene

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A few months back USPW diaries seemed to be flavor of the month, now it's SWF...I blame that Big Papa character. :p


Anyway I've generally enjoyed Derek's work in the past, even if they tend to fizzle out after a while.


MAIN EVENT: Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs Rich Money and Remo (The Almighty Dollar)


Good TV main event, four big names but you're not giving away that all important singles match on free TV. This could honestly go either way, but to be honest I mark hard for Rich Money...once again I blame that Big Papa guy.


Lobster Warrior vs Joe Sexy


Silly costume or not Morrisette is better than Sexy.


Enygma vs Paul Huntingdon


At this stage Engyma should definitely go over Huntington. Enygma's not all that bad, he should just never have received the mega push that took him to a world title run back in 2004.


Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz) vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)


It's Sports Entertainment, the arrogant hosses get the win.


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs Robert Greene


A few months back, someone rightly brought me to task on the fact that I dismissed Frederique as a career midcarder whilst predicting in another SWF diary (think it was No Necks). It made me look at him, and the guy has got pretty good stats, he may be the most under-rated guy in the Cornellverse. The problem with him right now, is that his current gimmick screams 'comedy mid-card act' and I've never seen someone really get behind him.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2008


LIVE! From the Wisconsin Gardens in front of 10,000 sold out crowd




Some men flew high…


A rapid fire highlight video plays, with a series of daring dives from men like the Samoan Wildboys, The Amazing Bumfholes, Marc DuBois and the Biggz Boyz.


Some men fell hard…


A few videos are shown of men in pain, with Christian Faith bleeding heavily onto the canvas, Angry Gilmore is shown being treated for his broken collarbone, and the Samoan Wildboys are again shown, this time laying broken in the remains of tables.


Others ascended to glory…


Brief clips of the current SWF champions are flashed up, with Marc DuBois clutching the Shooting Star belt, Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole holding the tag titles high, Rich Money sneering as he wears the belt around his waist and Jack Bruce celebrating in the middle of thousands of SWF fans after the recent Christmas Clash PPV.


While others fell from grace…


Clips of former champions flash up, with the Biggz Boyz, Eric Eisen, Death Row, the Samoan Wildboys and then lastly Runaway Train scowling angrily as the Guru tries to keep him calm.




A New Year


And For Some


A Golden Opportunity To Shine


A series of short clips from the last recorded Supreme TV of 2007 shows, with graphic highlights of the Golden Opportunity 6 man ladder match. Enygma, Jack Giedroyc, Marc DuBois, Lobster Warrior and Joe Sexy are all shown in extreme pain while one man ultimately scales the ladder and retrieves the golden case hanging above the ring.


We cut to the ring where we can see the Golden Opportunity briefcase in the hands of “Big Money” Brandon James. In the interests of not overwriting everything, he is with his manager/business partner/secretary Emma Chase and she is looking pretty damn hot in a business suit, while armed with a microphone. After hyping up everything that her client had to go through in order to earn his Golden Opportunity, she informs everyone that he will one day take full advantage of it, knowing that he can use the contract contained within the case to have a SWF World title match whenever he wants. Brandon takes the microphone from Emma (bit of a mistake really) and has some words for Jack Bruce, letting him know that he can challenge him for the belt whenever he wants feels like it. But that unlike everyone else who was in the match, he was going to use his brain and business sense to make sure he done so when it would be the most profitable for him, “Big Money” Brandon James.



We return from a commercial break to be greeted by the owner of the SWF, Richard Eisen, He seems to be in a pretty happy mood for a change and he welcomes everyone to the first SWF program of the year. He then says that the New Year is a time when many people look to the future, which is something that he has done by looking at the successes of the past. He gives credit towards current SWF Shooting Star champion Marc DuBois and the SWF World Tag Team champions, The Amazing Bumfholes as fine examples of the high standards of training available in the SWF’s private training facilities. Following the obvious success of the Class of 2005, Richard Eisen announces that each week on Supreme TV, graduates of the Class of 2007 would make their debut, with the star of the class debuting three weeks from now. This week however, we will get to see s new superstar debut by the name of Robert Greene, and he will be facing Frederique Antonio Garcia, right now! Eisen then leaves the ring and heads backstage as the competitors make their entrances.



Robert Greene VS Frederique Antonio Garcia w/Andre Jones


After Garcia hands his robe to Andre Jones at ringside the match starts with a slap from Garcia to Greene. But rather than be shocked, Greene simply slaps Garcia back and the two engage in a fast paced back and forth chain wrestling series. The match continues with Garcia trying to get the upper hand but with Greene having an answer to everything he does and coming up with a counter. Garcia eventually ends up on the wrong end of a big tilt-a-whirl into a front powerbomb that has Garcia stunned in the middle of the ring. Greene then gets the crowd on his side as he claps his hands a couple of times and then positions himself in a corner and begins stomping his foot along with the rhythm of the crowd. As the rhythm picks up, Andre Jones senses the incoming danger and jumps up on the apron. The referee tries to get him to get back down but Andre is persistent, at least until Greene turns his attention to him and Superkicks him on the jaw. The crowd pop but Greene is distracted long enough for Garcia to roll him up with a schoolboy and Referee Shane Stones counts to three.


WINNER: Frederique Antonio Garcia


Garcia quickly rolls out of the ring and yells at a semi-conscious Andre Jones to fetch his robes as he makes a hasty escape, leaving Greene to look very disappointed that he lost on his debut.



We cut backstage to the locker-room area where High Concept are relaxing and playing The SWF Supreme Challenge video game. Elmo Benson picks to play as Groucho Bling and begins impersonating his tag partner and trash talking him in his own voice... Groucho then picks Elmo and does the same thing back when an unfamiliar face walks into the room.




The two members of High Concept seem happy to see the newcomer.


Elmo: “Hey Lumpy, glad to see you could make it! It’s taken you how long to get here?”


Groucho: “Six years if I’m not mistaken. You get lost on the way or something?”


Lumpy: “Very funny guys, it’s good to see you too. What are you up to?”


“Got a night off so just playing some video games, here we’ll deal you in. We’ve picked each other already but feel free to pick yourself… oh wait, you aren’t in yet.”


“Dude, that’s not cool”


“No worries, no worries. I’ll go Jack Bruce. That ought to teach you a lesson or two about wrestling.”


“Pah, we don’t sweat guys like him. I’ve beaten the entire SWF roster in a giant gauntlet match on the hardest setting. Jack Bruce with your brain in should be a walk in the park”


“We’ll see, I’m not a first timer to this game you know.”


And at that point, with the merchandise shilling out of the way we leave the little group behind to play video games together and cut back to the ring where the entrances for the next match are just beginning.



The Biggz Boyz w/Jessie VS The Pain Alliance


The match starts off with the Biggz Boyz both outquicking their larger opposition, sending them both to the floor where they being their first argument of the night. A small shoving competition begins before eventually they decide thing the manly way… by paper, scissors, stone. BS Scott wins with rock and then eventually takes control of the match for a while as the Pain Alliance work over Bart Biggz, making swift tags, sometimes even without having to do it behind their own backs. Jessie tries to rally Bart by getting the crowd behind him but it’s not to much avail as Scott and Laramee dominate the action and stop him getting a tag. Despite both men trying to exert their will over the other they hold the offense for a while until they start arguing with each other again, finally allowing Bart to make a free tag to Brett who storms into the ring and… watches his opponents argue. Big Smack Scott shoves Kurt Laramee towards Brett who quickly hits him with a Biggz Up (Fame dropper) to get the pinfall win.


WINNERS: The Biggz Boyz


After the match Big Smack Scott wastes little time pointing out to Kurt Laramee that he clearly needs Scott to carry him to success, as evidenced by him losing so easily. Laramee tries to argue that Scott should have helped him while Scott says he thought Laramee would kick out. Eventually the two leave for the back, still arguing as they go.



We jump backstage once again to see the Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole watching the monitors, presumably having just watched the Biggz Boyz pick up the win. The Bumfholes are wearing their trademark dark colour, flame trimmed track suit hoodies and the SWF World Tag Team titles are strapped around their waists. A quick discussion abbot the Biggz Boyz chances of winning the titles from them at the When Hell Freezes Over PPV is interrupted by the appearance of Shady K and Knuckles, more commonly known as Death Row.


The two teams eye each other up, with Death Row eventually stating that they want the tag titles back, having lost them several months ago to Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore. The Bumfholes don’t look intimidated by the big menacing rapper wannabes and after a few choice remarks are traded, the Death Row team leave the champs be. The Bumfholes return to watching the monitors, and it’s only then that Zimmy notices that his bottle of water has somehow disappeared and he knows that Death Row have struck once again with an act of petty theft.



Enygma VS Paul Huntingdon


The ever mysterious Enygma is forced to patiently wait for his opponent “Blue Blood” Paul Huntingdon as he takes a long time to slowly walk to the ring, walking as ever with his cane. When he finally gets into the ring and removes his white hunting jacket the match quickly gets underway as Enygma lights him up with some rapid fire offense. Huntingdon. A series of short cuts allows Huntingdon to get on the offense and methodically wear down the former SWF World champion with some impactful suplexes and wear down holds. Huntingdon finally gets a little too ****y as he takes a long time to climb the ropes before leaping off with the High Society (top rope legdrop). Enygma rolls out of the way as Huntingdon sells the impact of the move and then Engyma quickly locks in the Enygma Variation (ankle lock), forcing the Blue Blood to tap out.


WINNER: Enygma


Enygma doesn’t hang around for long to celebrate his victory and starts to walk up the rampway only to be stopped by the giant image of Marc DuBois appearing on the SWF’s giant screen.


DuBois: “Enygma… Christian Faith… Jack Bruce… Runaway Train… Steve Frehley…Sam Keith… Bruce the Giant… Sean McFly…Dread… these are the names of all SWF World champions who are still actively wrestling to this day, past and present. But why am I reading them out? Well, that’s simple… 2008 is a new year, and at the start of a new year it’s traditional to make a new year’s resolution… to give yourself a goal, something to live up to and to challenge yourself. Most people just try to spend less money, get into shape or give up their particular vice. But I’m not like other people. I’m already in great shape as you can clearly see… I’m not poor because my talents ensure I make a lot of money already and I sure as hell don’t have any destructive vices because I’m not dumb enough to let that happen to me.”


“No, I’m better than that so I have to set myself loftier goals, I have to try to achieve something that no-one else will be able to achieve. In 2008, Engyma, I’m going to challenge nod defeat every former SWF World champion that I can find and then… I’m going to win the World championship. Because you see, there is always a lot of debate about who the greatest champion ever is… but once I’ve beaten everyone, once I’ve proven myself to be the better man there can be no debate. I’m going to conclusively prove that I’m not only the “Can’t Miss Prospect” but that I am in fact, “The Greatest Wrestler To Have Ever Lived”. And Engyma… you will be the first name I cross off my list. I’ll see you at When Hell Freezes Over.”


Engyma’s eyes never left the screen as DuBois talked to him and when DuBois’ image finally disappears, Engyma nods his head as if to accept the challenge.



Joe Sexy VS Lobster Warrior


Going into this match the fans were expecting a good show and they got it. While both of men laid it all out with some top notch brawling the announcers put over some of their recent history, emphasised with some of the huge bumps Sexy gave Lobster Warrior in the Golden Opportunity ladder match, with the One Night Stand (twisting Neckbreaker) onto the ladder being the move that eventually ruled Lobster out of the match. Angry Gilmore is also hyped up in this match, as Joe Sexy’s injured tag team partner is still at home recovering from a broken collar bone he suffered at the hands of Runaway Train in match in November last year. This match finally comes to it’s own conclusion as Joe Sexy once again goes for the One Night Stand only for Lobster to escape it’s clutches and then roll up Sexy for a three count.


WINNER: Lobster Warrior


The announce team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen then put over that Lobster has built up a lot of momentum lately and that a big win like this may very well out him in contention for a title shot, at least at the SWF North American belt.



We go to Richard Eisen’s office backstage and are greeted by Squeeky McClean talking to him, trying to put over the virtues of living a straight edge lifestyle and that the New Year is the perfect time to start. Squeeky even tries to suck up to Eisen by telling him that if he does it then others will follow his example because he is such a great role model, but he is interrupted by Eric Eisen’s arrival, being half carried-half dragged in by Eisen family retainer, Enforcer Roberts


Richard: “Eric! Where have you been?”


Eric: “My head hurts…”


As Enforcer Roberts lets go of Eric, he slumps down into the nearby VIP couch. Squeeky McClean walks over to Eric and produces a flyer from out of nowhere.


McClean: “Sore head? Dehydration? Nausea? Tiredness? All of these are symptoms of a polluted lifestyle, the results of not taking proper care of yourself or those around you. This promotional flyer is a quick guide on how to get the most out of yourself, no matter what you do in life. By following this simple 103 step program you can turn that headache into brainwaves and be on the path to a more improved you. With just…”


“Mr McClean, I have some business to attend to with my son. Show yourself out.”


Squeeky looks like he’s about to say something else but before he does Enforcer Roberts steps towards him. Squeeky drops the flyer on Eric’s lap and then quickly hustles out of the door.


“Eric, I take it you have been bringing in the new year with your usual vigour?”


“It…. was… legen…. dary… ngh…”


Richard sighs as he watches Eric slumps down in the VIP couch. Enforcer Roberts makes a move to stand him up but Richard shakes his head.


“It’s okay, Roberts, he can have a free pass tonight. It’s probably time you go have a little fun yourself. Do whatever it is that you do to keep yourself entertained, you have the rest of the night off.”


Roberts looks back down at Eric and then shrugs his shoulders a little before turning on his heel and marching out the door to do… whatever it is he does to have fun. Richard Eisen walks back over to his desk and turns on a large plasma screen TV to watch the rest of the show as we cut to another area of the backstage…



… where we see Christian Faith and Jack Bruce standing with the SWF’s main interviewer, Ana Garcia. Jack Bruce has a guitar slung over his shoulder and the SWF World title strapped around his waist, while Faith is standing ready to fight and wearing the bandana he will almost certainly throw into the crowd on his way to the ring. Ana asks the two men how they feel heading into a big tag match with the reigning North American champion and his hired muscle and it’s Faith who grabs the microphone first, unleashing with a verbal tirade against Remo.


“Remo! Whether you’ve been choosing to do it or you’ve been told by your boss, you’ve been making yourself a thorn in my side now for the last couple of months. Interfering in my matches or attacking me backstage, every time you and me cross paths you keep driving that thorn deeper into me. But I’ll tell you what man… you might be a thorn but I’m like a lion and I’m getting pretty PO’ed about you getting underfoot every time I go out there. So tonight, I’ve enlisted the help of a man who knows a thing or two about dealing with people who stick their noses where they don’t belong to help me deal with you and with your boss, Rich Money. Tell ‘em, Jack.”


“For months now I’ve been plagued by a giant psychopath by the name of Vengeance, a man trying to right every wrong I’ve supposedly inflicted on the world. And yet every time he and I cross paths, he beats the crap out of me and then I come back and beat the crap out of him. And every time he beats me, the fans boo him. And every time I beat him the fans cheer me. He just can’t get it into his thick skull that he might just be wrong and that there are other people out there who are far bigger sinner, other people out there who are walking on the wrong side of the moral line, people who aren’t even a deep shade of grey. I’m talking about guys like you, Rich Money.”


“Rich, you’ve bee throwing your money around the SWF now for a long time, trying to spend your way to the top of the company rather than do an honest day’s work like me of Faith here. Which is why tonight, we’re teaming up to kick off the start of 2008 with a moral bang. Tonight, we show the world what good old fashioned hard work gets you and we’ll pick up the win tonight, either with Faith squashing you with the Leap of Faith or by me crushing you in a New York Minute. And if you don’t believe me then my tag partner here has two words for you…”


“Have faith!”



Jack Bruce and Christian Faith VS Rich Money and Remo


The Almighty Dollar are in the ring first with Remo showing off his athleticism before the match even begins with some big jumps into squats. Rich Money makes a show of being North American champion up until the combined entrance of Christian Faith and SWF World champion Jack Bruce. The good guys hit the ring and pose for the crowd, with Jack brandishing his guitar high in the air before the bad guys jump start the match by attacking from behind. Remo and Faith pair off as Rich sends Jack Bruce to the floor and the match settles into it’s regular tag format.


Both sides trade momentum, with each man getting a shot at getting in his offense only to eventually be countered and have the tide turned on them. Remo explosively throws people around with raw power while Rich is more grounded and calculated in his offense. Faith and Bruce get the crowd behind them with every opportunity they have but neither man can quite muster up the offense to put Rich or Remo down.


Eventually Faith ends up being isolated from his corner allowing Rich and Remo to wear him down with high impact moves. Bruce even makes a couple of saves but is isolated on the apron for a while. Eventually Faith rallies and manages to rally and get both men dazed on the corners, hitting Rich Money with a Leap Of Faith (big Stinger Splash) on side of the ring but then making the mistake of trying it on Remo too, who only catches him and crushes him into the mat with a modified Destroyer (snap STO). Jack Bruce runs along the apron and starts brawling with Remo from the apron, though an attempted suplex to the floor is blocked as Remo overwhelms him with brute strength. Jack then shows his experience and just drops down, catching Remo over the top rope but then the lights go out and the dreaded words are snarled out…


Karma… Justice… VENGEANCE!



The psychotic vigilante stalks from the back and makes a beeline for Jack Bruce, who shows no fear and heads straight for Vengeance as the referee is forced to abandon the match. Bruce and Vengeance trade a couple of shots before Vengeance gets the upper hand with some violent forearms to the head, sending Jack Bruce back towards the ring. Vengeance shows no remorse as he grabs Jack Bruce by the head and slams him headfirst into the steps, following up by grabbing his arm spinning him round and then Irish whipping him into and over them with brute force. In the ring Remo rolls Rich Money out the ring away from the assault and the two circle the ring behind Vengeance’s trail of destruction. Christian Faith slowly starts making his way to his feet and rolls out of the ring to help, only to be stopped, spun around and crushed by a second Destroyer from Remo before he can even get his hands on Vengeance.


Jack Bruce is powerless to do anything about the onslaught from Vengeance as he gets rolled into the ring and clobbered by some vicious punches in the corner, then grabbed by the neck and chokeslammed hard into the canvas. Vengeance waits for Jack to slowly recover as the Almighty Dollar look on from the entrance ramp, as Vengeance finally scoops Jack Bruce up and into position for the Skull Krusher (tombstone), bouncing Jack’s skull off the canvas. Satisfied with what he has accomplished for now, Vengeances stands tall over his prey as the show comes to an end.



Quick Results


- 2007 recap video and 2008 hype

- Brandon James and Easy Emma promo about Golden Opportunity

- Richard Eisen announces debuts of Class of 2007

- Frederique Antonio Garcia defeats Robert Greene by distraction from Andre Jones

- High Concept invite Lumpy Stevenson to play video games with them

- The Biggz Boys defeat The Pain Alliance

- Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott argue over blame for defeat

- The Amazing Bumfholes and Death Row backstage confrontation

- Engyma defeats Paul Huntingdon by submission

- Marc DuBois announces ambition and challenges Engyma to PPV match

- Eric Eisen arrives hungover to show, Squeeky touts virtues ot straight edge lifestyle

- Christian Faith and Jack Bruce hype main event

- Christian Faith and Jack Bruce defeat Rich Money and Remo by DQ when Vengeance attacks Jack Bruce

- Vengeance beats down Jack Bruce



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No idea why I'm getting blamed for stuff. That's not very nice, TK. I think some blame needs to go to NoNeck, even if he has been abscent of late.


MAIN EVENT: Jack Bruce and Christian Faith vs Rich Money and Remo (The Almighty Dollar)


This is the kind of main event that could define the direction of your main event scene. As such, I'm calling for a heel win by some nefarious means. Setting up a big feud betweent the four, with the faces getting individual wins down the road on a PPV show...


Lobster Warrior vs Joe Sexy

Mr. Crustacaen surprised me in my game by getting over quickly and putting on top caliber matches, so he's definitely worth pushing. And the gimmick is fun. That said, Sexy is an underrated guy. Not a fantastic worker but his Entertainment skills make him pretty valuable. I think he can be a top guy if you want him to be, which I really wouldn't mind seeing someone do with him.


Enygma vs Paul Huntingdon


No way does Huntingdon deserve this win, but an upset would be fun and could set the youngster up for a push. Two underrated guys here.


Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz) vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)


Wishful thinking, as I just want to someone give Big Smack Scott a monster push. Not that he deserves it, skill-wise, but I think it could be fun to read.


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs Robert Greene


Agree with TK - F.A.G. is underrated and underused. But I'm guessing Greene gets the win here.


Edit - gah, show was posted while I was making my picks. Crap! Sorry!

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I'd just like to thank everyone for all the feedback so far, it's awesome to see people getting excited by something I'm coming up with and it's always fascinating to see the way people think about the SWF. It'll take a little while to settle into a rhythm and be able to see some of the bigger plans I've got and the first few TV shows are going to be bigger than the average TV too. Any comments on the format are greatly appreciated, as even though I obviously like it I like to know what others think too.


And the next post (or maybe 2) will be up later today barring time escaping me. It always has a bad habit of doing that to me when I'm formulating plans. Mwa ha ha ha! :cool:

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Interesting so far, like the sense of continuity from things that could have just happened rather than changing stuff straight away. But Robert Greene using the sweet chin is a bit...well...blah. MITB style thing suits Brandon perfectly, he'll probably get insanely over and refuse to lose to anyone soon enough though, but the ratings he pulls out are insane.


DuBois/Enygma is a good match up, though I've never been a fan of Bruce and Faith teaming up. Hopefully you do something good with the tag division given the widespread awful momentum...for me the Bumfholes always seem to get stale quick, so I turned them heel and aligned them with Garcia...FAG and the Bumfholes...it's clearly what the game wants.

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Saturday, January 6, 2008



SWF House Show, The Gorilla Position


Peering through a gap in the crowd we can see the night’s main event, a match seen by many over the last few months of their epic rivalry, as the SWF World Champion Jack Bruce faces off with the man seemingly intent on destroying him, or at least what he stands for, the psychotic Vengeance. While many of the matches during the show have been a little more light hearted than what most fans see on TV, this main event is almost as intense as their PPV clashes as Jack and Vengeance look to tear down the house one more time. Watching the action and scribbling notes in his notepad is Christian Black, the recently promoted Head Writer of the SWF and approaching him is the most influential man in all of pro wrestling, the owner of the SWF, Richard Eisen.


Eisen: “You know, you don’t need to be here during all the matches. You aren’t responsible for scripting matches, that’s something the talent are very good at doing themselves. The best, in fact.”


Black: “I know, but I like to be able to hear the crowd reactions first hand. Second hand info might not be accurate, it’s important to know what works and what doesn’t. At least, it’s important to me. The more I understand, the better I can be.”


“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to discourage you, it’s just more work than I’ve come to expect from a lot of people.”


“You said it yourself before Christmas. TCW have become a legitimate threat to us and we need to take them seriously. I take my work very seriously too, so I’m here listening.. watching.. taking notes.”


A pop from the crowd for some of Jack Bruce’s big spots distracts Black for a moment but he quickly realises that he doesn’t need to take any notes as it’s something he already knows more than enough about.


“Speaking of notes, have you finished drafting Supreme TV yet? I’d like to get a good read through of it tonight.”


“More of less. I’ve been making some tweaks here and there over the last few nights but it’s quite close to what you had two days ago. Here it is.”


Christian Black removes several sheets of paper from a nearby folder and hands it over to Richard Eisen, who glances at a couple of pages without really reading anything.


“It’s almost time for another PPV, the thing we do better than anyone else. Just a couple of matches left for me to announce now.”


“The fans already officially know about DuBois vs Enygma for the Shooting Star belt through TV, and the recent confirmations online that they’ll have Faith vs Remo and now Lobster Warrior vs Rich Money for the North American belt. They also know the Bumfholes will face someone for the tag belts and that something is going to happen to blow-off the Vengeance vs Jack Bruce storyline.”


“I’ve never been a fan of revealing things through the internet… just seems wrong.”


“I have to admit that it’s not ideal, but the internet is the medium of the future. The sooner we embrace it, the more fans will know to check out the site every day for more content on their favourite SWF stars and for the hottest news. SWF.com is already one of the most viewed websites on the internet that doesn’t contain pornography, so it’s a good investment in the future. But to be honest, if it weren’t for the Christmas break I’d have preferred to have announced more on TV too. But we had the PPV, 1 live show with the Golden Opportunity, the yearly recap show and then just 2 shows to build to PPV. Sacrifices had to be made.”


“Hah, it almost sounds like you’re lecturing me there. I understand the situation perfectly, I’m the most successful wrestling promoter of all time for a reason you know.”


“Sorry boss, sometimes I forget that other people actually DO understand how the business works. I’m still getting used to dealing with people like you.”


“I’m going to take this draft and give it the once over in my hotel room tonight. I’ll call you in the morning if there is anything I’m not happy about or if anyone has any other ideas to add. Otherwise, this might very well be the final draft before the show. You know, I can’t remember the last time we ever had so much content so far advanced in the writing stage. When Hell Freezes Over is pretty much already written from what I understand?”


“Pretty much There have been a few things in the recent house shows that have made me reconsider the match order. As ever, the card is subject to change.”


Richard Eisen chuckles at one of his own on screen catchphrases being fired back at him. Even though he has barely used in the last couple of years, not regularly anyways ever since the last time he put together his own stable to tighten his control on the SWF, it still brings a smile to his face.


“Good night, Mr Black. I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of the show in peace, since I get the feeling you’re going to go mingle with the fans after the show again.”


“No better way to get feedback, it’s not like they know who I am so I just blend right in.”


Richard Eisen nods and then leaves with the rough draft of the next edition of Supreme TV rolled up and tucked under his arm. Christian Black smiles to himself as he watches Jack Bruce pick up a pinfall victory over Vengeance to retain the SWF World title before putting down his own notepad with it’s rough notes for the TV show card scribbled down, even refining it down to faces on the left and heels on the right. Regimented, ordered, planned. Just how things should be.



TV 4 (Go home for When Hell Freezes Over)


MAIN EVENT: Christian Faith vs Brandon James

Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean

Akima Brave and Kid Toma (The Samoan Wildboys) vs Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)

Heath Harvey (Class of 2007) vs Marc DuBois (non-title match)

Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum (Class of 2007) vs Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)

Robbie Retro vs Eric Eisen

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Christian Faith vs Brandon James

Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean

Akima Brave and Kid Toma (The Samoan Wildboys) vs Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)

Heath Harvey (Class of 2007) vs Marc DuBois (non-title match)

Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum (Class of 2007) vs Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)

Robbie Retro vs Eric Eisen

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TV 4 (Go home for When Hell Freezes Over)


MAIN EVENT: Christian Faith vs Brandon James

Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean

Akima Brave and Kid Toma (The Samoan Wildboys) vs Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)

Heath Harvey (Class of 2007) vs Marc DuBois (non-title match)

Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum (Class of 2007) vs Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)

Robbie Retro vs Eric Eisen

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Christian Faith vs Brandon James

Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean

Akima Brave and Kid Toma (The Samoan Wildboys) vs Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)

Heath Harvey (Class of 2007) vs Marc DuBois (non-title match)

Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum (Class of 2007) vs Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)

Robbie Retro vs Eric Eisen

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MAIN EVENT: Christian Faith vs Brandon James

Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean

Akima Brave and Kid Toma (The Samoan Wildboys) vs Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)

Heath Harvey (Class of 2007) vs Marc DuBois (non-title match)

Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum (Class of 2007) vs Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)

Robbie Retro vs Eric Eisen

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I have such a good feeling about this diary that i'm actually going to comment and predict! Think yourself lucky :p


Christian Faith vs Brandon James


Heels always win TV main events by nefarious means. Or at least, they do in my head.


Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean


You love Dermot O'Logical, you should by proxy be in love with Mr. McClean.


Akima Brave and Kid Toma (The Samoan Wildboys) vs Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)


I am a huge Biggz Boyz mark. 'Nuff said.


Heath Harvey (Class of 2007) vs Marc DuBois (non-title match)


I'm loathe to think he should, but the non-titleness of the affair makes me expect Enygma interference of some sorts.


Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum (Class of 2007) vs Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)


Surely? Don't tell me you're an indie snob Derek :p


Robbie Retro vs Eric Eisen


Nice easy squash for Eric to help build him up.


May I just say that i adore the between-shows segments as well. Very... FIN-esque, and i mean that as the highest order of a compliment!

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MAIN EVENT: Christian Faith vs Brandon James


DQ win- we don't want Brandon James to get even more of an ego than he already has but losing by DQ still makes him look a threat, as opposed to jobbing clean.


Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean


Hard to say at this stage, who would win this one, as both are at that same kind of upper mid-card level. I'd give the slight edge to McClean, due to having more SWF experience.


Akima Brave and Kid Toma (The Samoan Wildboys) vs Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)


Could go either way again.


Heath Harvey (Class of 2007) vs Marc DuBois (non-title match)


After his promo about going through all the ex SWF World Champions currently on the roster, DuBois isn't going to job to some rookie.


Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum (Class of 2007) vs Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)


Death Row are the more established team and and at this stage I feel the youngsters DWN and Callum have just been brought in to provide job fodder for the mid-carders such as Death Row to get a win over.


Robbie Retro vs Eric Eisen


Eisen has creative control (unless you turned it off) and I don't think that Retro is over enough for Eisen to be happy to do the job, actually Creative control or not Eisen should still go over here.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Tuesday, January 9, 2008</span></strong></p><p> <span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/SWF.jpg</span></p><p> <em>LIVE! From the Virginia Field Parks in front of a 10,000 sold out crowd</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Before we can get to the typical pyrotechnic show introduction that we are all used to, with the excited voices of Duane Fry, Peter Michaels and Jerry Eisen welcoming us to the show we are greeted by the Richard Eisen’s office door being thrown open by an irate looking Jack Bruce.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue">Jack Bruce: “I want Vengeance, in the ring, </span><span style="color:blue"><strong>tonight!</strong></span><span style="color:blue"> Make it happen!” </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red">Eisen: “And who do you want it against?” </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “Don’t get cute with me, Eisen. Me and him, tonight. Make it happen.” </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red"> “Jack, while I appreciate that you want to settle the score for what happened to you last week, I can’t give you Vengeance tonight. Not so close to a PPV. Besides, there have been no accounts of him being in the building tonight so I can’t very well make a match with someone who isn’t even here.” </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “Then make it for the PPV on Thursday.” </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red"> “Consider it done. The main event for When Hell Freezes over in two days… Jack Bruce vs Vengeance for the SWF World Heavyweight title.” </span></p><p> </p><p> Jack looks satisfied that he’s getting what he wants and after staring down Eisen for a moment he turns to leave.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red"> “Oh, and it will be inside the unforgiving confines of a steel cage. After all, I can’t very well allow you two to endanger the safety of the fans. You’ll be locked in the cage and the only ways you can win is by pinfall or submission inside the cage.” </span></p><p> </p><p> Jack glares at Eisen again and has some final words before departing.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “Inside a cage, huh? I like it. You let him know, his attacks end here and inside the cage, his reign of terror in the SWF will beat it’s final note.” </span></p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Robbie Retro VS Eric Eisen</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> After the opening segment we finally get our official welcome to the show by the announce team before we join this fun match, with Retro dancing his way to the ring before Eric Eisen makes his way to join him. The match itself is a fun one as Retro tries to break out as many dancing spots as he can within a few minutes but ultimately he doesn’t keep his mind on task and Eric Eisen shows that while he may be a little immature, he is still a pretty dangerous opponent in his own right as he hits Retro with the Silver Spoon Shock (sleeper hold neckbreaker) to pick up the pinfall victory.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: Eric Eisen</strong></p><p> </p><p> After the match Eric is as ****y as ever, getting in close to the camera and telling everyone that he is the greatest wrestler ever and that there is no-one in the SWF that can beat him.</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> After a quick commercial break we rejoin the SWF action as Brandon James and Emma Chase make their way to the ring, with Emma carrying the briefcase containing Brandon’s hard earned Golden Opportunity.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green">Emma “On behalf of my client, “Big Money” Brandon James I would like to thank Richard Eisen for putting together one of the greatest PPV line-ups of all time for When Hell Freezes Over. Not only do we have a whole series of championship matches, from Marc DuBois vs Enygma up to Jack Bruce vs Vengeance inside a steel cage… but as a result, he’s also given Brandon the perfect chance to use Golden Opportunity and become the SWF World Heavyweight Champion.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Boos echo around the arena at the thought of Jack Bruce not only having to overcome Vengeance inside a cage, but also needing to beat Brandon James after that too.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green"> “You see, in just two days time, Brandon James here could decide to become the SWF World Heavyweight champion and after Vengeance and Jack Bruce have been locked in a cage together, neither man can possibly be at 100%. Without doubt, it will be easy pickings for a competitor of the calibre of Brandon James… hell, it would probably be easy enough for someone of the calibre of Lobster Warrior… </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “I’ve heard about enough of this.”</span></p><p> </p><p> From the back and equipped with a microphone comes the SWF legend Christian Faith with an upset look on his face and anger in his voice.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue">Faith: “Ever since Eisen came up with the idea for the Golden Opportunity, I’ve been scared that someone like you would get it and abuse it. You aren’t man enough to announce when you are going to use it, you’re just gonna sneak up like a common thief and use it to steal the SWF World Heavyweight title, a belt I’ve held </span><span style="color:blue"><strong>four times</strong></span><span style="color:blue">, a belt I’ve helped make the most prestigious championship in the wrestling world… and you’re going to </span><span style="color:blue"><strong>steal</strong></span><span style="color:blue"> it at the first opportunity you can get.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green"> “Listen up, Faith. Just beca….”</span></p><p> </p><p> Before Emma can rally at Faith, Brandon takes the microphone from her and then glares at the crowd for a few moments before turning back to Faith.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red">Brandon: “Christian Faith, I understand your view, I understand your opinions and I understand your jealousy.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “I’m not jealous of a man like you, James. ”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red"> “I didn’t say that. I merely stated that you are jealous… of Jack Bruce. I understand that you are one of the men that this company has been built around, a loyal guy who has been on top of the pile for a long time. But lets face it, Faith, you aren’t on top of the pile any more. And probably never will be again.”</span></p><p><span style="color:red"> </span></p><p><span style="color:red"> “In fact, it’s been three years now since you were on top of the pile and Jack Bruce’s title reign has seen you trying to protect him from an unfair challenge for a while. But why, Faith? Why defend his reign from men like Vengeance, Runaway Train or even myself? Why not challenge Jack Bruce yourself and win the title for a fifth time, break Sam Strong’s record? I’ll tell you why… </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “Brandon, you’re full of it. Everyone in this arena knows that I’m as good as I’ve ever been, perhaps even better now than I was ten years ago when I was battling guys like Sam Keith and Sean McFly in their primes. But now more than ever, I’m concerned about people doing the right thing. And I know that men like you will do whatever it takes to reach the top because you believe the right thing to do is the thing that benefits you the most.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Brandon and Emma exchange some quiet words as Faith rants at them and after a few moments Brandon gets back on the mic.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red"> “Faith, I’m feeling like a little warm up before my World title reign begins. Later tonight, if you think you can handle it, you and me, one on one.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “I’ve never backed down from a challenge. You’re on. And when you are looking up at the lights later tonight, don’t forget the most important thing in wrestling… have faith.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Brandon sneers as Christian Faith pops out a catchphrase for the crowd to pop to and then heads to the back, followed shortly by Brandon and Emma.</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> Richard Eisen is in his office speaking to a group of unfamiliar faces.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red">Eisen: “While I’ve never seen any of you in action, I have heard a lot of high praise about you from your trainers. These trainers are men that I trust not to mislead me, and as such I have very high expectations of all three of you young men. And as I hear that you have all developed close friendships with each other, and called yourself the </span><span style="color:red"><strong>Triple Threat</strong></span><span style="color:red"> due to your numbers, I feel that is correct that you all make your debuts together, tonight on Supreme TV. Heath Harvey, step forward.”</span></p><p> </p><p> A tall lean youngster, about 6 foot 3 but clearly very athletic steps forward from the other two youngsters with a nervy glance back at his friends.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red"> “Heath, you will be engaged in singles competition tonight against the reigning Shooting Star champion and Class of 2005 graduate, Marc DuBois. It will however be a non-title match as you have yet to prove yourself deserving enough for a title shot. But first, Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum. You two will be engaged in a tag team match next… in fact, it will be a hardcore tag team matches against 2 more Class of 2005 graduates, Shady K and Knuckles. That match is next, so make your way to the ring now.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Without saying anything the three youngsters all make a 3 finger hand gesture at each other and nod. Tonight is going to be a big night for the three youngsters.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/DavisWayneNewton_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/NelsonCallum.jpg</span><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/ActionJackson_FIN2.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum, Heath Harvey</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum VS Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)</span></strong></p><p> <em>Hardcore Tag Team Match</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Two of the three members of the Triple Threat are thrown in at the deep end with a tag team match that strongly favours their bigger, more powerful and more experienced opponents. Death Row have made a name for themselves through brawls and are no strangers to no disqualification style matches either. The youngsters seem a little daunted by the match at first and find themselves on the wrong end of a beating but both men find their rhythm and eventually fight back, with DWN using some neat tricks around ringside to help his team out. But in the end Death Row’s toughness and experience are enough as they counter a DWN springboard attempt and send him crashing to the floor as a result, leaving them with an opportunity to hit Nelson Callum with a Death Sentence (spike piledriver) and pick up the pinfall victory.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNERS: Shady K and Knuckles (Death Row)</strong></p><p> </p><p> Death Row make their way to the back as Heath Harvey comes out to check on his friends, obviously concerned for them after a rough match. When both seem okay and able to help each other to the back, Heath is left in the ring ready for his match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Heath Harvey VS Marc DuBois </span></strong></p><p> <em>Non-title match</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The Shooting Star champion makes a point of showing off the belt to Heath and letting everyone in attendance know that he is not only better than Heath, but better than everyone else too. DuBois seems to underestimate his opponent in the early going and Heath shows off why he has been so highly touted to Richard Eisen by his trainers, showing off some great amateur wrestling skills and controlling Marc DuBois in the early going, even getting the crowd to cheer for him. DuBois changes things up a little as he brings in more mainstream influences, with strikes and some fast paced action, but Heath manages to largely keep up with that too. The match continues on in a fair even manner with Heath putting in a good showing for himself against the undoubted star of the 2005 class, but in the end Heath’s German suplex attempt is countered with a standing switch, allowing DuBois to run Heath into the ropes then roll back through and into a big bridging German suplex of his own, better known as the Marc of Excellence. Referee Shane Stones gets a three count but not by much.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: Marc DuBois</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> Back in Richard Eisen’s office we join Richard Eisen who looks like he’s developing into one of his famed bad moods when his office door opens and he is interrupted by The Guru, with Runaway Train close behind.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red">Eisen “What do you want now? I’m a very busy man, as I’m sure you understand better than most.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Eisen is, of course, referring to The Guru’s term as on screen authority figure in late 2005 and early 2006 where he deputised for Eisen while he dealt with the real life break up of his marriage.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:purple">Guru “Sir, I just wanted to thank you once again for acquiescing to my request for my disciple to once again be allowed to engage in spiritually cleansing combat with his dark nemesis, Steve Frehley.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:red"> “It was a good business move that’s all. Now, you should probably go see where your “disciple” is off to. You know what he’s like when he goes off his rails.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:purple"> “But he’s right behind m… oh.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Unwatched even for a moment, Runaway Train has left the side of The Guru through the open office door. The Guru chases after him, following the sound of a shout heard from around a corner. When Guru turns the corner he sees Runaway Train and Steve Frehley in the midst of a brawl, with several members of SWF security and backstage staff trying to keep them apart. The Guru wades straight in and tries to lock eyes with Train.</p><p> </p><p> For anyone else it would be a suicide mission but The Guru has always been able to maintain a hold on Runaway Train, channelling some kind of karmic balance to calm him down and bring him back to a state of relative peace, at least compared to the path of destruction that follows Train whenever he is left to his own devices. It takes a minute but as more of the security staff focus their efforts on holding back Steve Frehley, the Guru manages to stop Train from charging forward with his head full of steam and we are left with just a few shouts coming from Frehley about getting Train at the When Hell Freezes Over PPV.</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> Within earshot of the Runaway Train and Steve Frehley brawl, we join Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee. Hearing the shouts about the upcoming PPV they come to realise that, once again, they aren’t on it. Just like they aren’t actually on this TV show either. It doesn’t take long for each man to start blaming the other for not being on SWF programming, for losing matches and for ultimately holding the other back because each man knows that the other is the weak link in the tag team. We leave them and head back to the ring before things get too out of hand.</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Akima Brave and Kid Toma (Samoan Wildboys)</span></strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"><em> w/ BJ O’Neill</em></span><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong> VS Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (Biggz Boyz)</strong></span><span style="text-decoration:underline"><em> w/ Jessie</em></span></p><p> <em>#1 Contender for SWF World Tag Team titles</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> With the number one contendership and a match against the Amazing Bumfholes at When Hell Freezes Over on the line, these two fan favourite teams came into this match fired up and ready to go. Both teams brought their A game to this one and it showed, with the crowd getting solidly behind both teams and pushing them both to go all out for the win. The momentum swung both ways in this epic encounter and the match looked to be all over as both of the Samoan Wildboys put their notorious Samoan skulls to good use with flying headbutts off the top rope on Bart Biggz, the legal man. But as they recovered from the effects of their own move, Brett launched himself from a third corner and hit a flying Biggz Up (fame dropper) on Akima Brave, before sacrificing himself and Kid Toma to the floor with a big clothesline. With just enough left in the tank, Bart Biggz manages to drape an arm over Kid Toma to pick up a win for his side in a thrilling tag team encounter.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNERS: Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz (The Biggz Boyz)</strong></p><p> </p><p> After the match Jessie celebrates with her boys and then takes them to the back to help them prepares for their upcoming PPV title match with the Amazing Bumfholes.</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> Backstage we are greeted with by the reflection of Joe Sexy in a very large mirror as he goes through the motions of getting dressed and ready. Without saying anything he very deliberately plays with his hair, trying to get it just right before checking his teeth and eventually, after a LOT of thought, deciding to undo another button on his terribly out of season tropical styled shirt. When he is finally happy with his appearance he gives himself a wink in the mirror and then turns around as Frederique Antonio Garcia unexpectedly opens the door and walks in, pink feather boa draped around his neck but with no sign of Andre Jones, his lackey, nearby.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:purple">Garcia: “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise this room was in use.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green">Sexy: “I’m just perfecting my look. I’m going to make tonight a very special night for a very special someone.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:purple">“You’ve got a date?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green">“Don’t be silly. Joe Sexy doesn’t do dating, not got the time for that. No… I’m going out stag tonight and then once I get the smell of a sweet young filly in my nostrils then BAM! It’ll be time for her to feel the effects of a one night stand with the Sexy one himself.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:purple">“You’re going to wrestle her? Isn’t that a bit… desperate?”</span></p><p> </p><p> Garcia looks pretty disgusted at the notion of Joe Sexy going out to hit a woman with a twisting neckbreaker (One Night Stand) before having sex with her… at least that’s what Sexy thinks he’s disgusted at.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green">“No… look, I wouldn’t expect you to understand what I mean although… that gives me an idea.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:purple">“An idea?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green">“Well, girls can feel intimidated when they are approached by a big man like me… and they very rarely come over to see me. Maybe if you came with me then I’d be more approachable and who knows what might happen, if you know what I mean Frederique.”</span></p><p> </p><p> As Sexy gives a cheeky wink to signal his intentions for the night, Frederique looks Joe Sexy up and down from head to toe and seems to come up with an interpretation of tonight’s events all of his own.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:purple">“You know what, Sexy… you’ve got yourself a deal. The two of us out on the town tonight. Who knows what the night will bring for the both of us.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green">“I’m glad we’re on the same page, Frederique. I’ll meet you back here in an hour or so, I’ve just got to finish doing my hair and then I’ll be ready to go.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Frederique nods and smiles as Sexy turns around and once again starts to play with his hair in the mirror, giving Garcia enough time to take another look at Sexy before smiling and heading out to get himself ready for the action packed night ahead.</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Jack Giedroyc VS Squeeky McClean</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Despite there being almost no back-story to this match, Squeeky and Jack really left it all in the ring, giving the fans their money’s worth and then some. The SWF’s most self righteous straight edge practitioner maintained a fast paced style to the match and his expressions every time Giedroyc countered a move really helped carry this match. After almost 15 minutes of televised action, broken up only by some shilling of the upcoming PPV from the announce team, Squeeky went for the Stain Removal (Styles Clash) only to be backdropped by Giedroyc. As Squeeky got to his feet he got crushed with a perfect Crashing On (Codebreaker) from Giedroyc and that was enough to pick up the three count this time out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: Jack Giedroyc</strong></p><p> </p><p> After the match, Jack grabs a microphone from ringside and breathlessly issues the following statement.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue">“Eric Eisen. Earlier tonight… you let your ego show through once again after you beat Robbie Retro… and while Retro is a fine talent in his own right, he’s no Jack Giedroyc. If you want a real challenge, you go tell your dad that you want to face me at the PPV. Then we’ll see just how good you really are.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> Backstage once again we cut to Jack Bruce knocking on the locker-room door of Christian Faith prior to tonight’s big main event match up. Faith opens the door and is more than happy to see the SWF World champ standing there with his guitar strapped across his back and the belt around his waist.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green">Jack Bruce: “Hey man. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate everything you’ve been doing for me over the last few months. I mean, there are a lot of guys gunning for this belt I’m wearing and thanks to you, they’ve had to come at me one on one rather than all at once. Honestly man, I’m not sure I’d be able to fight everyone off all at once, not without your help. And after hearing Brandon mouthing off earlier, I jus…”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue">Faith: “It’s cool man. I’m just levelling the playing field.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green"> “Cool. I just wanted you to know, I’ve got your back tonight too. While you’ve got your hands full with Brandon James, I’ll be making sure that Rich Money and Remo don’t try to pull one over you heading into the pay per view.”</span></p><p> </p><p> While the good guys talk the sound of Christian Faith’s entrance music distracts Faith and he realises that it’s time for the main event.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"> “That’s my cue. You coming to ringside with me?</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:green"> “If that’s where you want me, that’s where I’ll be.”</span></p><p> </p><p> The two men nod and then begin making their way from their locker-rooms and to the main arena. Faith grabs a bottle of water from a table and takes in some last minute hydration to help him through the match when suddenly from out of the side of camera a dark figure bulldozes Jack Bruce off his feet and <strong><em>drives him through the wall!</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Despite there being a number of SWF staff on hand, Faith is the first one to react, diving through the wall and pulling Vengeance off the prone body of Jack Bruce who lies splayed out amidst the rubble of the wall. Vengeance doesn’t try to fight as Faith manhandles the psychotic hulk away from Jack Bruce… instead he grins maniacally as he looks on at the destruction he just caused.</p><p> </p><p> Faith pleads for someone to get help and it quickly arrives on the scene as EMTs from behind the entrance way scramble to help Jack. For the second time Faith’s entrance music begins to play and the announces put over the choice that Faith needs to make. On the one hand, he can tend to his friend backstage and stick by him although there isn’t much more that he can do with medical personnel already on the scene. And on the other hand he can go out to the ring and deal with another threat to Jack Bruce’s title reign in Brandon James, a man who has all but declared that he intends to use his Golden Opportunity to steal the title at When Hell Freezes Over.</p><p> </p><p> After a lot of checking on Jack Bruce and the third play of his entrance music, Faith decides to place his faith in Bruce’s strength… hoping he can beat Vengeance and hoping that Faith himself can do enough to Brandon James that he won’t be cashing in his Golden Opportunity any time soon. Faith stomps off to the ring with fire in his eyes</p><p> </p><p> </p><hr><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg</span><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/VS.png</span><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Christian Faith VS Brandon James</span></strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"> </span><span style="text-decoration:underline"><em> w/Emma Chase</em></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Faith is first out to the ring but he doesn’t seem his usual collected self and as Brandon James slowly makes his way to the ring, Faith can’t stand by and watch as Jack Bruce is treated on the giant screen. Faith and Brandon clash on the entrance ramp and brawl all around the ringside area with no regard for their own health. The fight stays out there for a couple of minutes before Brandon rolls into the ring to escape a flurry from Faith who is fighting like a man possessed, ignoring any refinement of technique in favour for duking it out against the his bigger, younger, stronger opponent.</p><p> </p><p> The match continues in much the same pattern for some time, with Brandon taking control of the match only to try and escape Faith each time he mounts a comeback as he is really fighting like a demon in this one, holding little back as he knows that at any moment his friend is going to be taken away to be checked out at a proper medical facility and that he really should be to support him. But another wrench is thrown into that plan as Rich Money and Remo put in an appearance, slowly walking down the ramp and choosing to taunt Faith from ringside about what is going on.</p><p> </p><p> Brandon manages to build up some momentum as Faith gets continually mocked from ringside by Rich Money, allowing Brandon to put the boots to the SWF legend. But when Brandon gets ****y and goes for a 10 punch in the corner, Faith manages to get his weight under him and then drop Brandon down so that his head is rocked by the turnbuckle. Faith quickly puts some separation between himself and Brandon as the Golden Opportunity hold pulls himself together only to see Faith charging at him and flying through the air with a Leap of Faith (big Stinger splash). Brandon is clearly seeing stars as Emma Chase chooses that exact moment to distract the referee only for Faith to chase her off the apron. Brandon is out on his feet in the corner as Faith sets up for a second Leap of Faith, but this time Remo interjects himself as he pulls Brandon out of the corner and down to the mat, causing Faith to hit his head hard in the corner. Referee Darren Smith can see that he is already losing control of this one and that it’s only going to get worse so he calls for the bell to disqualify Brandon James, giving the win to Faith as Rich Money hits the ring himself.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: Christian Faith</strong></p><p> </p><p> Faith sees Rich coming and Rich backs off as Faith pulls himself together long enough to lock eyes with the reigning North American champion. But Faith is clearly fading and he finds himself spun around by Remo and crushed with a brutal Destroyer (high impact STO) in the middle of the ring, not for the first time in recent memory either. Rich Money then gets in Faith’s face, telling him that Remo is going to do this to him again at the PPV… while at ringside Brandon James is tended to by Emma Chase, loyal to her boss as ever.</p><p> </p><p> Rich and Remo stand tall over Faith for a moment before the cavalry arrives, with Lobster Warrior sprinting down to the ring with a chair in hand, scattering the attackers to the winds and standing over Faith. The bad guys point back up to the big screen as the show goes off the air, with Jack Bruce being loaded up into an ambulance, neck immobilised and looking significantly worse for wear having been driven through a wall by Vengeance. The announcers quickly shill the PPV one last time as the show goes off the air.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22409" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Quick Results</span></strong><p> </p><p> - Jack Bruce demands PPV match with Vengeance, Richard Eisen makes it a cage match</p><p> - Eric Eisen defeats Robbie Retro by pinfall</p><p> - Christian Faith and Brandon James argue, will fight later tonight</p><p> - Richard Eisen introduces the Triple Threat (Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum and Heath Harvey) as Class of 2007 members, gives them matches</p><p> - Death Row defeat Davis Wayne Newton and Heath Harvey in a hardcore tag match</p><p> - Marc DuBois defeats Heath Harvey in a non-title match</p><p> - Runaway Train and Steve Frehley match announce for PPV, Frehley and Train brawl backstage</p><p> - Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott argue backstage, blame each other for not having matches</p><p> - The Biggz Boyz defeats The Samoan Wildboys to become #1 contenders to SWF World Tag Team titles, get match vs Bumfholes at PPV</p><p> - Joe Sexy and Frederique Antonio Garcia arrange to go out on the town</p><p> - Jack Giedroyc defeats Squeeky McClean</p><p> - Giedroyc issues challenge to Eric Eisen for PPV</p><p> - Jack Bruce and Christian Faith on same page, Vengeance attacks Jack Bruce and smashes him through a wall</p><p> - Christian Faith defeats Brandon James by DQ through outside interference in match</p><p> - Lobster Warrior runs Remo and Rich Money away from Christian Faith</p><p> </p><p> <strong>SHOW RATING: B-</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22409" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Line up for SWF When Hell Freezes Over</span></strong><p> </p><p> <strong>SWF World Heavyweight: Jack Bruce © vs Vengeance </strong><strong><em>in a cage match</em></strong></p><p> Christian Faith vs Remo</p><p> SWF North American: Lobster Warrior vs Rich Money ©</p><p> Steve Frehley vs Runaway Train</p><p> SWF All Action: Enygma vs Marc DuBois ©</p><p> Jack Giedroyc vs Eric Eisen</p><p> SWF World Tag Team: The Amazing Bumfholes © vs The Biggz Boys</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>SWF World Heavyweight: <strong>Jack Bruce</strong> © vs Vengeance in a cage match</p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith</strong> vs Remo</p><p>

SWF North American: Lobster Warrior vs <strong>Rich Money</strong> ©</p><p>

<strong>Steve Frehley</strong> vs Runaway Train</p><p>

SWF All Action: Enygma vs <strong>Marc DuBois </strong>©</p><p>

Jack Giedroyc vs <strong>Eric Eisen</strong></p><p>

SWF World Tag Team: <strong>The Amazing Bumfholes</strong> © vs The Biggz Boys</p>

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