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Diary Preview Thread

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I'm not sure if this is a thread based upon asking for advice/feedback about a Diary that's already set but I thought I would do so (since I've seen a few posts previously with the same direction).


All in all, What do you think of my X-WA Diary? Do you like it? Bored by it? Dislike it? Think it needs to change something? You can be as honest as you want as I'd rather know what others are thinking. Ultimately to see whether or not people "like" what I'm doing versus just checking in and checking out. ha.




I like. Like Foolinc, I do find myself falling behind and catching up. Not a bad thing. I like that you went with some different characterizations. It makes for something different. Writing and storylines are solid.

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I like. Like Foolinc, I do find myself falling behind and catching up. Not a bad thing. I like that you went with some different characterizations. It makes for something different. Writing and storylines are solid.


I like it, though to be honest since you put so much and update it daily (sometimes more) into it I am constantly catching up. :D


Thank you both for leaving some feedback behind. I've seen so many diaries here on the boards with such a strong following... People commenting after every show and 5-10 people deep making predictions and I was wondering if what I was putting forward just wasn't "interesting enough" to land something like that. I've had a great following up until now of a few great guys, however, was wondering if there was something glaring that was putting people out.


I do need to try to slow down my updates. ha. I just get nervous when I see my diary start to creep out of the first page. haha. Sounds sad, huh? This diary has been a lot of fun though so i find it hard to not write up something when I have the free time (which I've had a lot of lately between work and such).

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Thank you both for leaving some feedback behind. I've seen so many diaries here on the boards with such a strong following... People commenting after every show and 5-10 people deep making predictions and I was wondering if what I was putting forward just wasn't "interesting enough" to land something like that. I've had a great following up until now of a few great guys, however, was wondering if there was something glaring that was putting people out.


I do need to try to slow down my updates. ha. I just get nervous when I see my diary start to creep out of the first page. haha. Sounds sad, huh? This diary has been a lot of fun though so i find it hard to not write up something when I have the free time (which I've had a lot of lately between work and such).


The "following" will come with time and quality. You seem to have the quality part down, so just stick with it. Feedback is a much discussed topic on these board at times, as it can get frustrating for any writer.


And there's nothing wrong with the pace you update at. Its just tough to keep up with, but if you're comfortable with that pace and able to keep it up, I don't think it needs to be changed. And its not stupid to hate seeing your diary disappear off the main page. I think that's true of most writers...

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Thank you both for leaving some feedback behind. I've seen so many diaries here on the boards with such a strong following... People commenting after every show and 5-10 people deep making predictions and I was wondering if what I was putting forward just wasn't "interesting enough" to land something like that. I've had a great following up until now of a few great guys, however, was wondering if there was something glaring that was putting people out.


As has been said, it's about time, and getting a chance to establish yourself.


My first diary had two regular readers who posted and maybe twenty in total. I continued it a while into TEW 08 and found that I wasn't gaining any.


Philly Pro has a star rating, unlike the prior one, a regular 3-6 predictors, others commenting fairly regularly, is approaching 10,000 views...


Somewhere along the way, I think, the impression logged into folks' heads that I don't let diaries peter out after a month's effort. By that stage the old one was way too huge to follow without enough recommendation; I've noticed a lot of people grabbing onto Philly Pro in the last fifteen or so shows, many of whom have posted that they've gone through the whole thing.


Momentum for a diary gathers that way, and I think this is what a lot of people who peter off for lack of readership need to realise; too many short diaries close together and people won't bother starting.

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The "following" will come with time and quality. You seem to have the quality part down, so just stick with it. Feedback is a much discussed topic on these board at times, as it can get frustrating for any writer.


And there's nothing wrong with the pace you update at. Its just tough to keep up with, but if you're comfortable with that pace and able to keep it up, I don't think it needs to be changed. And its not stupid to hate seeing your diary disappear off the main page. I think that's true of most writers...


As has been said, it's about time, and getting a chance to establish yourself.


My first diary had two regular readers who posted and maybe twenty in total. I continued it a while into TEW 08 and found that I wasn't gaining any.


Philly Pro has a star rating, unlike the prior one, a regular 3-6 predictors, others commenting fairly regularly, is approaching 10,000 views...


Somewhere along the way, I think, the impression logged into folks' heads that I don't let diaries peter out after a month's effort. By that stage the old one was way too huge to follow without enough recommendation; I've noticed a lot of people grabbing onto Philly Pro in the last fifteen or so shows, many of whom have posted that they've gone through the whole thing.


Momentum for a diary gathers that way, and I think this is what a lot of people who peter off for lack of readership need to realise; too many short diaries close together and people won't bother starting.


You both raise great points. It seems that you really do need to prove yourself on the boards... Showing that your diary isn't going away anytime soon for people to really take ahold. I'm new to this whole section of the GDS forums (normally sat in the General Discussion area posting every once in awhile)... So, I was unaware if it was normal to see little feedback... I only had those around me to go off of and it seemed like you both had created such a great following (which is truly well deserved!)


I don't want to hijack this thread with my own Diary questioning... but, I just wanted to thank you all for your insight on how to go from here. I was starting to waver a little with my focus (even though I've been able to pump out two shows this week) since I was starting to let it get to me again, however, hearing your stories helped me to keep my eyes focused forward and keep on pushing on!


Thank you!!

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As has been said, it's about time, and getting a chance to establish yourself.


My first diary had two regular readers who posted and maybe twenty in total. I continued it a while into TEW 08 and found that I wasn't gaining any.


Philly Pro has a star rating, unlike the prior one, a regular 3-6 predictors, others commenting fairly regularly, is approaching 10,000 views...


Somewhere along the way, I think, the impression logged into folks' heads that I don't let diaries peter out after a month's effort. By that stage the old one was way too huge to follow without enough recommendation; I've noticed a lot of people grabbing onto Philly Pro in the last fifteen or so shows, many of whom have posted that they've gone through the whole thing.


Momentum for a diary gathers that way, and I think this is what a lot of people who peter off for lack of readership need to realise; too many short diaries close together and people won't bother starting.


Exactly. It takes time to build up. It seems like a lot of readers are hesitant to get really involved until they know a diary is going to stick around.


There usually seems to be a pattern to it - quite a few "hey this looks good" type posts in the early going, which slowly peter out after the first few weeks. After that, it starts to get sporadic - there might be a bunch of predictions before a show and a few comments after, or there might be next to nothing. It can get frustrating. But if you can push through that lull, you start to realize you've established at least a few loyal readers and they tend to stick with you.


Its tough, but the readers will be there. It takes that combination of quality and quantity.

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Spot on mate, it would take a lot of work, including a lot of hours infront of photoshop trying to make the graphics.


To avoid hours of Photoshopping you could create a private Invisionfree forum, set up a bunch of accounts on it and post whatever you'd want the forum people to be saying, then all you'd have to do is print screen it. Although, I guess you'd need quite a few e-mail accounts to set up the user accounts.

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So quick question? Do we want to tighten this thread up, topic wise?


It started as 100% "new diary ideas" but has shifted to 50% "diary ideas" / "hey, give me feedback about my diary"


If nobody else minds the scope creep I'll do my best to ignore it but I'd prefer that this thread be focused on getting new ideas off the ground rather then just a general diary discussion thread.

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I be the darkness.

I be the creeping vine that slowly encroaches on the psyche of the mortal.

I be the screams at night, which can only fade into the distance.

I be Pain, and you be Prey.


Oh won't you be prey here for me tonight?


21CW Best of British Wrestling, Thursday Evenings on UK Broadcasting Digital






This is just a rough vignette for what I had in mind, I might make more of these on this thread to see if it will make me feel comfortable with the characters.


Any thoughts?

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So quick question? Do we want to tighten this thread up, topic wise?


It started as 100% "new diary ideas" but has shifted to 50% "diary ideas" / "hey, give me feedback about my diary"


If nobody else minds the scope creep I'll do my best to ignore it but I'd prefer that this thread be focused on getting new ideas off the ground rather then just a general diary discussion thread.


I think its alright people getting feedback on ideas and hyping something they're writting, but feedback on diaries that are already going could easily be kept in the diary threads, surely?

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Any thoughts?


I like it. I'd add the character's name in there somewhere, but then I'm a fan of being talked to like I'm 10 years old. If you can do 5-6 more of them, each in a unique style for a different wrestler, you'll have a decent starter cast of interesting characters for the reader to latch onto.


Make sure you repost them at the beginning of you diary thread if you start one though.

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I like it. I'd add the character's name in there somewhere, but then I'm a fan of being talked to like I'm 10 years old. If you can do 5-6 more of them, each in a unique style for a different wrestler, you'll have a decent starter cast of interesting characters for the reader to latch onto.


Make sure you repost them at the beginning of you diary thread if you start one though.


Thanks, I feel like doing a tandem Takeover angle next.

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I'm "The Lion" Leo Price.


And I'm "The Complete Package" Joss Thompson.


And together, we are The Takeover!


In fact, we've even managed to "Takeover" this screen to remind you that there is only one place you can see "The Lion" and "The COMPLETE Package" wrestle


Thursday Evenings


UK Broadcasting Digital.


You don't wanna miss this action!






Is that a Geordie accent?


I'm from Wisconsin Jackass!


Oh, is that in Cornwall?




21CW Best of British Wrestling, Thursday Evenings exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital







It's not dead perfect, as this has no planning, but I'm getting a feel for what I want these characters to be...


Also my presentation needs to improve.

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Orange, i'm liking them. I never pictured you as a good diary writer in all honesty, but you're on your way to proving me wrong :D


Yeah, I have split personalities, the naive dude who constantly forgets where he puts his glasses, and that the left shoe goes on the LEFT foot...



...but when I get focused there is this odd creative brainiac who seems to be able to do things.


As I said, these are very rough, but with proper practise and planning, they'll have proper quality to them.

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This is just a beginning part of a MAW diary i've been creating for a while. Some thoughts would be appreciated :).


I parked up, took the key out of the ignition and opened the car door. As I stepped out of the car and stood looking at the MAW training center, I took a minute to take in a deep breath. It had been a while since I had thought about wrestling since the accident happened and all my troubles had started.


If it hadn't been for Rip's generosity and help, I doubt I'd be alive today, let alone set to take on a job with Mid Atlantic Wrestling again.


I entered the training center and was met by a couple of young bleached blonde males who I couldn't remember the names of but then my memory is very blurry over the past couple of years. They both said hello and pointed me in the direction of Rip's office.


I knocked on the office door and a familiar bellow said come in. I entered the office and Rip stood up and we shook hands as he asked me to sit down.


“Good to see you looking so good Christian, looks like rehab went well” said a smiling Rip. “They had a great bar next to it last time I was there”.


“I didn't notice that” I replied, although I thought to myself that Rip had missed the point of rehab but then he was one of those people that couldn't function without a couple of beers. “I have to say that I'm extremely grateful for you sponsoring my rehab and also for this chance to get back into the business”.


“Sure thing youngster, I still feel partially responsible for what happened in that match where you got dropped on your head...” said Rip apologetically.


“Rip, you were the one that dropped me on my head...” came my swift reply as I struggled to hold in my anger.


“Was it? my memory must be going in my old age...” was the response from Rip, as he looked to be in pain as he tried to recall what happened. “Anyway, let's get down to business and talk about the plans for the Rip Chord Invitational show. You had any thoughts on it?”.


I had expected Rip to have some names but writing wasn't a strong point of his and remembering names was out of the question with his memory problems being worse than mine somehow, which considering i'd been dropped on my head and having had drink and drug problems was some accomplishment.


“I've worked out the people we'll use in the tournament which will not include Erik and Jean as they'll close out the night with a MAW Championship match main event”.


Rip looked a bit surprised at leaving Erik and Jean out of the Invitational tournament as he replied “You sure about that? They're our two best wrestlers but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt”.


“I'm sure about it, I've sounded out a couple of wrestlers to bring in to take their places and if they do well, we can look at bringing them in if that's ok?" I said with a confident look on my face, although inside I was crossing everything that it'd work.


“Sounds good to me, kid, show me the finished line-up when it's done and then we'll run through planning out the show”.


I nodded as I stood up and shook Rip's hand again before leaving his office.


This is my big chance but will I hold together long enough to not screw things up?....

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I was the first of a new breed


I fought night in, night out


I am a 21CW Original


I am one of only five 21CW World Champions


I can perform one of the most devastating moonsualts known to man


I am The Welsh Warrior


I am the past of 21CW, I am the Present of 21CW




But my future in 21CW is only in one place...



21CW Best of British Wrestling, Thursdays exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital



Another one.

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This is just a beginning part of a MAW diary i've been creating for a while. Some thoughts would be appreciated :).


I like it, but, and this is purely constructive, Rip CHord sounds a little too dopey to me. I know he has had alcohol abuse, but considering he has been running a sucsesfull Wrestling Promotion, which has trained some of the premeir talent on the American scene, it just seems a little out of place tome.

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I see it as his memory is poor due to his drink problems but he knows wrestling inside and out so it'd come easily to him to do that part.


Maybe if I added something about Christian talking about Rip's wrestling knowledge and sense for the business it'd help put that across?.

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I see it as his memory is poor due to his drink problems but he knows wrestling inside and out so it'd come easily to him to do that part.


Maybe if I added something about Christian talking about Rip's wrestling knowledge and sense for the business it'd help put that across?.


That'd make sense

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I am Daniel Black Francis

I am only 23 years old, yet I am already the UK champion

I am the youngest singles champion in 21CW history

I am known for precise execution, and deadly submissions

I have been called the best prospect in all of British Wrestling today

I wrestle for just one company

You can find me in just one place...



21CW Best of British Wrestling exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital


And another. :D

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These are awesome Masked Orange. I really am looking forward to a 21CW diary from you now. Even though I'll only be able to read it for a week or two before I ship out, it'll be a fun 2 weeks.


I just want to say I really like these little vignettes... so we don't need to see any more of them in here. Get on with the diary already!! :p


O.K the people have spoken, should be underway tonight...

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