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And my worlds Champion :)




good idea doing the belt renders now.. how much extra time does it take to set up and do the belt render? I'm wondering if it'd be feasible to do belt alts with other major player workers, not just the current title holders...

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good idea doing the belt renders now.. how much extra time does it take to set up and do the belt render? I'm wondering if it'd be feasible to do belt alts with other major player workers, not just the current title holders...




doesnt take long, I just add the belt and have to make the texture for everybelt that I have that reaper made for me. other than that its just a prop that gets added


Another one from me :)



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I totally want to grow Sean's beard. Badass renders.


I'd totally give Sean a full on handlebar and a truckers gimmick :D


doesnt take long, I just add the belt and have to make the texture for everybelt that I have that reaper made for me. other than that its just a prop that gets added


Just thinking aloud, if it was a generic'ish texture used people could probably use the single belt alt for any promotion the worker might get signed to. Although I can also see why you'd want to use the proper title texture that relates to their current holding as well, I would too

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doesnt take long, I just add the belt and have to make the texture for everybelt that I have that reaper made for me. other than that its just a prop that gets added


Another one from me :)




What figure are you using to render and what shirt did you use for that one?

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I used Apollo and the Apollo wrestling pack for that



I'd totally give Sean a full on handlebar and a truckers gimmick








Just thinking aloud, if it was a generic'ish texture used people could probably use the single belt alt for any promotion the worker might get signed to. Although I can also see why you'd want to use the proper title texture that relates to their current holding as well, I would too



I can see if I can get one of Reapers Generic titles to work and try to render just a title for people to use :)




was bored so I figured I would make this to see how the roster looked so far :)



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Now that I have completed those two character Renders for Sean and Zack I think I am going to start rendering up my characters for SCW.


I know your all so excited about seeing Suicidal Gundi(in case you missed it he is a rib on the Crocodile Dundee movies)

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Here is my go at Zack



now Sean



I'm loving the pretty boy nature of Zack and the more downright attitude look to Sean. Its kinda how I book them to be, Sean to be a middleweight and Zack on a Lightweight generally.


Loving Sean's hair and beard, for a render those 2 are just great may have to use them in both the C-Verse and in this mod now :D

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I'm loving the pretty boy nature of Zack and the more downright attitude look to Sean. Its kinda how I book them to be, Sean to be a middleweight and Zack on a Lightweight generally.


Loving Sean's hair and beard, for a render those 2 are just great may have to use them in both the C-Verse and in this mod now :D


Happy I could throw something together for you that you like. I did try making a father for Zack but was not happy with the way he turned out.

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Yeah I love the Impact New York logo as well!


I was wondering if anybody was willing to have been a former US-A developmental territory? I have it written in some wrestlers backgrounds that they had a developmental territory up until recently and that they were forced to close it down due to a downturn in business.


Now if anybody wants their promotion to have been their former developmental territory just write a short blurb in your promotions history and tell me the name of your promotion so I can add it to the bios of some of my workers. If nobody wants to be their former developmental territory I will either make one of my own or have so that the promotion went under once it split from US-A.

I am still working on the bio but what is the name of the owner and from what was the time frame on my SCW being the development company for US-A?
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Here is my go at a bio for SCW in full. I should have a few renders up tonight to go along with Ken Harding, Richie Marter and Suicidal Gundi.




Skyline Championship Wrestling was originally put together when the US-A was looking for a farm promotion to get some younger talent ready for the call up to the main stage. When US-A put together the idea for this they had one man in mind to run the operation and that was Ken Harding because of his well known reputation to make any talent look great in any style match up. After having nothing else on the table and a broken neck Harding took up the responsibility in getting SCW off the ground. After several years of successfully running shows throughout the Northwest and sending countless guys to the main stage in US-A; the US-A were forced to sever their ties with SCW due to a down turn in the business.


When SCW and Harding were about to close up show they were contacted by Richie Marter of the global corporation Puma Energy Corporation(PEC). Marter and PEC decided to invest countless amount of dollars into SCW as long as they remain successful in developing stars for the big stage. With the finances in hand and Harding reaching out to some of the lesser known workers who were forced out of SCW because they couldn’t pay them coming back SCW still has a chance at giving these talented young athletes a chance to shine on the main stage.


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Question for Trell.


I'm working on some renders for the Mod, and can't get Weidt's lighting set-up to work. Trell, would you be able to re-up it for me, and second question, Where did you get the belt, and was it a free prop or was it bought, and what was it called.

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Here are some workers from BHK1978 that need renders:


I'll put together for any that others don't pick up but wanted to post these just in case anyone had any inspiration.


Morgan Dougal: His alter ego should like something like Grizzly Adams or Hillbilly Jim. His current gimmick he should have the same face with shorter hair and either be clean shaven or have a nicely trimmed beard.


Chesapeake Bay Butcher: He is based on the Necro Butcher so anything like that you know like a wild man would be cool.


The End Of Reason: This guy should have a black mask for his current character and a blue mask for his alter character.


Ron "The Snake" Ventris: He is based on Jake Roberts so if it is possible could you have him with a snake in the picture?


Reggie Blade: I picture him looking something like Mark Henry.


Moritz Marolf: Something like Claudio Castagnoli thin guy with balding black or brown hair.


Izzy Straight: Skinny guy with sunglasses, if you have heart shaped ones that would be cool.
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Here are some workers from BHK1978 that need renders:


Chesapeake Bay Butcher: He is based on the Necro Butcher so anything like that you know like a wild man would be cool.


The End Of Reason: This guy should have a black mask for his current character and a blue mask for his alter character.



Can I do TEOR to have face paint rather than mask since I don't have a mask object? If not that's cool.

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People are sending me their data and I'm importing everything that can be imported into the data as it is.


So whenever you are finished with your first promotion/workers if you can send me your data I'll import it in and then send the data back to you to make additions too.


If you don't really have any preference concerning anything you didn't post in the topic (i.e if you don't have any preference regarding skills etc.) then just let me know via this pm and I'll make the worker based on the bios.


The idea is that when people send me their data I'll import what can be imported in the main data and then send it back to them to add in the other stuff. ^_^

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Also, the following could use logos/banners if anyone wants to give them a shot.


Lone Star State Wrestling League (LSSWL)


Pretty United States Athletes (PUSA)


^^ http://www.drfunkenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/lakers.bmp


^^ Color scheme like that, but using black and white more dominantly as opposed to the blue and gold.


Top Wrestling Alliance (TWA)


Broadcast America the TV station also needs a logo. :)

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Looking good guys. I really love that blue background. When I saw the poll come up, I thought the colour might be a bit too intense, but with the lighting, the renders so far are looking great.


I wish I was any good at delegating tasks and trying to organise things, as sharing the workload for a mod is definitely the way to go. Good luck with it.


Yeah, it's amazing how much faster this thing is coming along than any other project I've seen. I imagine at the rate we're going there will probably be 600 workers + renders, logos and banners by the end of July. :)


P.S. Could someone post how to render right to the background again? I the look much better than just adding it in photoshop after the fact. ^_^

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Yeah, it's amazing how much faster this thing is coming along than any other project I've seen. I imagine at the rate we're going there will probably be 600 workers + renders, logos and banners by the end of July. :)


P.S. Could someone post how to render right to the background again? I the look much better than just adding it in photoshop after the fact. ^_^




Click the Edit dropdown, then select Backdrop. On the window that pops up, click the Image drop down, then select browse. Find your background of choice, click Open, and then Accept.


Makes things much easier when you aren't planning on doing postwork.

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just a quick question on the characters needing renders that BHK needs,


1. are they supposed to look exactly like the real life wrestler, cause that is going to be a hard task to pull off. that is why we didnt do it in the render thread, it can take up to 20 hours just for one render, so i'm not sure exactly what he is looking for.


2. anyone know where to get a snake prop?


also just to let people know after I'm done this promotion, I will probably start to do some community renders for people to use and to fill out the unsigned if we have any :)

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Yepp, things are definitely looking exciting with this mod. Hope the momentum can continue! I've even got managed to flesh out the bios for a few of my workers.. and come up with a partial roster of names.. not entirely sure how well the concept of the promotion will be recieved, but it'll be something different :D


Will post up once I've actually managed to add them into a database and see how it all looks (it's just on notepad atm, been doing them while at course)

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Thanks jt lant. :)


just a quick question on the characters needing renders that BHK needs,


1. are they supposed to look exactly like the real life wrestler, cause that is going to be a hard task to pull off. that is why we didnt do it in the render thread, it can take up to 20 hours just for one render, so i'm not sure exactly what he is looking for.


2. anyone know where to get a snake prop?


also just to let people know after I'm done this promotion, I will probably start to do some community renders for people to use and to fill out the unsigned if we have any :)


He's just looking for a general likeness from my understanding. :)


Sounds good Crayon. Question though, I know it's off topic but how is your mod coming? ^_^

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