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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Here is what US-A looked like at or around the time that they fell from National to Regional:


Male Division:


Main Eventers:

Big Ben

Nigel Cromwell

Ross Waters

Todd Thibodeau

Xavier Young


Upper Midcard:


Hayk Bogosian

Dan Nolan

Gavin Howard

Brad Miletich

Ulysses Buchanan






Jorge Carazo

Josh Howe

Justin Banks

P.J. Pierce

Owen Harper

Moritz Marolf


Lower Midcard:


Alan Ford


Paul Lawson

Rocco Ianetta




Drake Reynolds

Pedro Vazquez

Stan Feldman


Enhancement Talent:


Austin Logan


Women’s Division:

Kellie Gilbert

Joséphine Demers

Jenna Pappas

Big Bertha

Brandy Todd

Penny Layne


Ideal Men’s roster:

Main Event: Needs 1 more

Uppermidcard: Need 1 more

Midcard: Need 3 more.

Lower Midcard: Need 1 more

Opener: At the right level

Enhancement Talent: Need 1 more


So as you can see there are only seven more wrestlers out there that were apart of US-A who have yet to be created, that is if US-A was employing the minimum they had to at the National level. I think they probably were at that level or maybe one or two wrestlers over as the owner of US-A likes to run a small promotion.


As far as the popularity levels go, like I have said in the past these wrestlers might get popularity boots later on in the data due to the fact that they used to work of US-A.


One thing that I did not realize was how many wrestlers stayed in the US-A after Bloody Sunday. I mean I have a backstory for most of them but still they retained a lot of their wrestlers.


Also, on a side note I think that FLI should have more wrestlers in it. I would not mess with it as I did not create it but I like the wrestlers in it thus far and I would personally like to see it filled up.

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no rush i probablly wont be able to add much until saturday or sunday im in the uk so im ahead of you kobe...question is kobe a man or lady


I don't like to tell people my gender on the internet because it brings up questions I don't like answering. :)


Sounds good. In that case I might take another day since there are a few additional things I want to add and will only have an hour today.

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I have been jonesing to create two more promotions, but I will not because I have created enough.:D And hell I have yet to finish the ones that I have created.


However, maybe we could use these as future promotions. The first one is the touring promotion that I mentioned about a page back. The second one is a hardcore promotion based out of Philadelphia called Liberty City Hardcore (yes it would be named after a radio station in GTA).

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I have been jonesing to create two more promotions, but I will not because I have created enough.:D And hell I have yet to finish the ones that I have created.


However, maybe we could use these as future promotions. The first one is the touring promotion that I mentioned about a page back. The second one is a hardcore promotion based out of Philadelphia called Liberty City Hardcore (yes it would be named after a radio station in GTA).


Sounds good. I've been really busy, but I'll be back in action Mondayish. ^_^

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I am in a modding mod lately, so if you need promotions/workers or anything really I can be of service. Is there a summary of what has already been submitted somewhere in this thread?


I don't want to make anything that's already been done to death. Tell me what holes you have as far as size and style of feds. I'd prefer making an American or Canadian company, but I can do UK/Mexico/Australia/Europe too. I'm not great with Japanese stuff because it's so different.


I'm also not great at judging popularity in general or roster size, so if you can give me a CVerse analog to go by or maybe ranges for how many people at each overness level and how popular they should be, it'd help. (You seem to have alot of data already put together.) If not, I can do my best and you can edit things as needed.


I can make fed graphics too. I can't do renders, but I can do my own logos and banners and other companies' as well if need. (If whoever does the renders would like something to work from, I have a bunch of cuts from No Mercy screen caps that I did a while back that'll save time on trying to make up new looks for random workers...)

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Hopefully Kobe can give me some insight. I've always been good at coming up with characters people can care about, but I hate working with the popularity #'s.


One thing I'd love to see is some easier way to figure out the relations between letter grades, promotion size, and roster position. Maybe someone should make a program or maybe even Adam can add to the next game a way of doing this.


Sure, you can look to see what #'s equal what letter grades and then see what letter grades make what promotion size and then see what ranges put workers at what roster positions when compared to the other workers (because if you trend high, workers that would otherwise be one level would be one or two steps lower and vice versa), but that takes ages of experimentation!


It'd be nice to have a feature for promotions that shows guides marking promotion size that change as you set the sliders. Then, for workers, you can choose a promotion from a drop down menu and it'll bring up guides for each roster position. To make the guides change in real time would be a programming hassle considering how the game runs now, but if you had an "apply" button that sets the values where they are, I think the benefits far outweigh the hassles.

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Hey just to say where Im at, Im still commited to doing all the logos for this mod if people wish, so that theyre all cohesive. However Im waiting until the list is properly concrete and finished. Otherwise this could be quite the sisyphean task.


If you want to handle logos, that's fine. If you need ideas, I'm here.


I'm just going to mess around and make some stuff. I can tweak it based on what we need.


If you still need a big fed, I can take the time to put it together.


Also, mods need free agents. That's where some turbulence comes up. Plenty of feds are made, but no one wants to make random crappy guys. I can do that too! :D

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If you want to handle logos, that's fine. If you need ideas, I'm here.


I'm just going to mess around and make some stuff. I can tweak it based on what we need.


If you still need a big fed, I can take the time to put it together.


Also, mods need free agents. That's where some turbulence comes up. Plenty of feds are made, but no one wants to make random crappy guys. I can do that too! :D


We are actually really lacking in that area, as of the last time that I saw the most up to date data. So make as many crappy guys and girls as you want because we need them.:D

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Hey just to say where Im at, Im still commited to doing all the logos for this mod if people wish, so that theyre all cohesive. However Im waiting until the list is properly concrete and finished. Otherwise this could be quite the sisyphean task.


I just realized that was your logo thread I was in before... You're great! :D

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I just realized that was your logo thread I was in before... You're great! :D


Thanks! Sorry didnt mean that previous sentence how it sounded. I hadnt realised youd commented about making logos previously. I was just writing to say that I was still willing to do all logos for this project if they were wanted, not that other people shouldnt be doing logos etc.

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On what date does this data start?


EDIT: Also, gimmicks and move sets don't carry over during import! How do we handle that?


The start date is January 2010.


I am not sure on the gimmicks part.


As far as move sets go I have been making them up as I think of them. Not many of my wrestlers have movesets yet.


As far as what the game world looks like thus far, promotion wise:



SAW - National - South

FLI - small- Ireland

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



United States:

US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

BWA - small- South West

FWC: HIW-regional- Hawaii

FWC: FWF-regional-South East

Unnamed Stennick developmental company- Mid South


S.E.X - cult - Southwest

WWA - cult - Southeast



KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

Super Puro Tradition-not sure of size or location with Japan


Australia/New Zealand:

AWE-New Zealand





Tijuana Battle Zone Northern-it is a developmental company.

LAMLL- Not sure of size or location within Mexico

Nueva Edad Lucha Libre- Not sure of size or location within Mexico


Also, if any promotions have been added or changed or taken away please tell me so I can change the list. Or if I have eliminated them by mistake.

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Hey, I have any idea to handle renders for minor guys. In most games, when there's people that are rather insignificant, the game normally uses a cheap placeholder. If this mod gets to the stage of being stable and playable, whoever is making the renders should maybe make a few generic pictures that can be used for minor people. I think that's better than the wire-frame nobodies that are default.


You can make tons if you get really specific, but one for a male/female of each major race would make sense.


Actual renders can be added in later.

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Finally got a few free hours to myself today. I've finished updating the data with what I wanted to put in it. I'll be sending it to Paulskin this evening. ^_^


I'm torn between doing more new renders this weekend and taking 5-6 hours to re-render all of the workers done so far at a more even camera angle. I also want to take advantage of some new lighting and texture tricks I've learned. But if I keep re-rendering everytime I get better at it I'll be doing that forever so I'll think about it. ^_^


mjdgoldeneye, I'm actually thinking about doing something like that. The light source I'm using bumps the detail up on my renders, which makes them take much longer to do on a render by render basis because I can't really re-use texture files for different workers. I'm thinking of creating some place holders as a result, just because I figure that the nature of the project is such that there will always be more workers done than renders until we stop taking submissions, which I figure won't be until we hit 1000ish workers. :)

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Yeah right as I clicked on that my wife woke up and gave me a strange look. Accused me not of cheating on her or something like that but of uh releasing stress in my spare time :) So then I said "well if I'm gonna get accused of it" and proceeded to do as I was accused of doing in front of her......I keed I keed
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Yeah right as I clicked on that my wife woke up and gave me a strange look. Accused me not of cheating on her or something like that but of uh releasing stress in my spare time :) So then I said "well if I'm gonna get accused of it" and proceeded to do as I was accused of doing in front of her......I keed I keed


well i clicked on the damn thing at work...lol

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