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SD! vs RAW 2010 - What d'you want to see?


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Ok, so I've read on a few sites that it's been confirmed. What do you want from this game!!?


Me? I just want them to use the old game engine like they did with the N64 games. I mean, the N64 games had a great engine but now we've got the power of PS3 and Xbox 360 why can't they use that as a foundation?

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I'd like to see them convert the UFC's ground game engine into Mat Wrestling. Same right-stick techniques. Same 'tree' system for transitions. You just replace side-control, north-south etc with Wrestling holds, like Hammerlock, Front Facelock and so on. May suck (and be rife with clipping issues... Khali & Rey Rey wrasslin' and such) but worth a try in my book.


It would be another way to win, adding some tactics to the preceedings. Getting the crap kicked out of you with slams & punches? Take that sucker to the mat and control him. Restholds, yo!


Other than that (and this might contradict) SIMPLIFY!

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Other than that (and this might contradict) SIMPLIFY!


I dunno, there's already like 5 moves per character as it is. I'd rather they added moves and grapples and whatnot.


I'd like to see a GM mode. End of.

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I dunno, there's already like 5 moves per character as it is. I'd rather they added moves and grapples and whatnot.


WWE is all about the 5-moves-of-Doom. I'd say characters have too many grapple moves. Every middleweight has Christian's Diving Reverse DDT thing. I've never seen anyone but Captain Charisma use that move, and yet Matt, Jeff, MVP et all use the move in game. I see things like that and think "What's the point on giving us 16 grapple moves if you can't find 16 moves that the characters use?". When people play as Triple H, do they really do any more than Punch, AA Spinebuster, High Knee, Knee Face Crusher thingy and Pedigree? I know I don't. I'd strip the characters down to their bare essentials. Simplicity = Fun in my book.


Although (and this might be what you're saying) I'd be cool with more places to do grapples from. A bit of context sensitivity perhaps. J

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Legends was too simple, as far as controls go. I'd like to see a bulked up roster like I've heard rumors about, if they are supposedly doing a 200+ man roster with people from the 80's,90's & 00's that'd be sweet. But more than likely it won't.


I'd also like to see GM Mode back(not part of Season) it was one of the main reasons I played SvR08, since the game was pretty horrible. Hopefully they actually try at this game unlike the last 3 years.


Basically re-make '06.

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Legends was too simple, as far as controls go. I'd like to see a bulked up roster like I've heard rumors about, if they are supposedly doing a 200+ man roster with people from the 80's,90's & 00's that'd be sweet. But more than likely it won't.


I'd also like to see GM Mode back(not part of Season) it was one of the main reasons I played SvR08, since the game was pretty horrible. Hopefully they actually try at this game unlike the last 3 years.


Basically re-make '06.


Was '06 the last one before they started using the right-stick? I hated that one. It was the first wrestling game I'd played for years, and I couldn't fathom the controls. Then they switched to the stick in '07 and it became playable. For me at least.


Having GM mode attached to Season was a terrible idea. So many exploits....


A 200+ roster is pointless if everyone fights the same.


Legends was too slow. I tinkered with the demo, and liked the idea of the simplified controls, but... so very, very slow.

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Legends was too slow? Really? I thought it was faster than SDvR, more of an arcade feel to it. Though if you gain chain levels quicker while doing less damage, you can end up having solid 10 minute matches (if not longer).
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23070" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Legends was too slow? Really? I thought it was faster than SDvR, more of an arcade feel to it. Though if you gain chain levels quicker while doing less damage, you can end up having solid 10 minute matches (if not longer).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I had at go at the demo, after having not played a SVR game for many, many months, so speed-wise I can't compare the two games. I just remember playing the demo and finding it plodding and irritatingly slow. Nothing like the immediacy of UFC. </p><p> </p><p> I'm going to try not to get sucked into the SVR hype again with this installment. Even if the games are any good (I thought 09 was a solid 7/10 title) I get bored of them quickly... It's just a shame when it comes to wrestling and computer games I can become a ridiculously opinionated son of a gun. As long as I don't wander onto the IGN forums I'll be okay... one day at a time, Selfie... one day at a time...</p>
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Self, totally agree with your opinion on the SDvR games. They are fun, but maybe it's the ADD society we live in or whatever, but they lack a hook to keep me coming back. I had to laugh at the IGN comments. Couldn't even imagine you at GameFAQs.
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<p>Improve the LoWM controls, then put them in SvR. LoWM had great controls and felt like you were controlling the guy you were controlling. But moves became repetitive. Yes I know, Hogan really DOES has the wrestling arsenal of a broomstick. But not everyone else does. Fix this for more variety and you have a game.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, bring back GM mode. I cannot fathom why this was removed. It was, beyond asinine. And I'd like the man who thought it was a good idea to remove it to be fired immediately.</p><p> </p><p>

I liked Road to Wrestle Mania. But with only 6 people to choose from. It's utterly pointless beyond a weekends worth of binge gaming. If it's too much to ask to at least have all major superstars represented, then scratch the idea and bring back season mode. One similar to HCTP. Where YOU choose your path. And please, PLEASE remove the stupid cell phone thing where superstars leave you a message. I've hated that idea since they started doing that. Will it kill you to have the wrestler cut a promo instead? Does he need to leave me a negative voicemail? I mean, does that happen in the WWE? How many times has Orton left mean messages to Batista in their current feud. None.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, make it easier to boost up CAWs stats. You don't have to give us unlimited points. But the season mode idea was a chore. Not to mention boring. Although unlimited points would work fine.</p>

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<p>if we had all the major stars represented in road to wrestlemania we'd have two almost completed DVD's........ what with all the intro movies and voiceovers, etc but I agree if you don't want that bring back career mode!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

also improve on the Create-a-Finnisher to include top-rope and submissions. last year's was good and hopefully they will improve on that</p>

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<p>That would be hard, Diva's to the WWE are just considered eye candy even still today after the whole switch to JBL is poopy thing, for them to build a storyline around just divas to me would be fun but to WWE a waste</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I think they should make it how it use to be, where you could roam around and interact with other superstars, even start a faction</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Man wouldn't it be great if one day WWE told Adam to make a game for them and he had free range to do anything.....? what a dream</p>

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<p>I'd like to see a wrestling game that recognizes this is entertainment, not a legitimate fight. Right now, you have to bludgeon your opponent to death to pick up a win in a wrestling game: on average you're hitting probably 15-30 moves, plus punches, kicks, etc. And that's just not how the WWE works today, nor is it how wrestling has ever worked (in America). Ric Flair didn't put you in a leg grapevine five times to turn your legs yellow before he did the figure four; HBK didn't punch you in the jaw twenty times to set up Sweet Chin Music. And that I have to do that in a wrestling game just flat out is not fun.</p><p> </p><p>

I really like the "five moves o' doom" idea but they also need to change their approach to moves to make it fit how the WWE operates. One of the things I loved in No Mercy was the reversals; almost every big move would have at least one counter, while some moves would have multiple counters depending on size. Compare that to SD vs Raw, where somehow there's no counter for wriggling out of the FU: your character just breaks up the grapple attempt and the finisher is gone. What I'd like to see is a risk/reward system for going for bigger moves; Kane goes for the Chokeslam at least twice per big match, but when it gets reversed, Kane should lose momentum and his opponent should be able to take control for a time. Every worker's "big" moves should have at least one reversal animation and reversals should be timing based depending on your wrestler's condition and ability. This way you could realistically have Goldberg-esque squashes where you could pick up a win after only hitting a small number of big moves, as long as none of the moves were countered. There would also be a decision to make whether you should "soften up" an opponent early on or immediately go for a big move and risk a much higher reversal rate (similar to the No Mercy engine).</p><p> </p><p>

This would also change the Finisher system; instead of getting a "special" when your momentum meter is full and performing a near unblockable super attack, you would be able to perform your finisher at any time, but if your opponent was fresh he would almost be guaranteed to counter it. Again, this is pretty realistic when you consider that Austin, Rock, and HHH seemed to get their finisher countered at least once a match, and Punk going for the Go 2 Sleep or Cena trying the FU only to be countered is a spot on every pay per view. Actually hitting your finisher on a drained opponent would charge up your momentum and drain theirs to the point where you would be far more likely to get a pinfall or submission. Instead of the finisher as the unblockable reward for beating a guy up, successfully performing a finisher should give you the means to win the match. This would also allow "out of nowhere" finishes for when your opponent controls the match, goes for a big move, it gets reversed, and you pull off the big finisher successfully.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

While we're making the game more like the product, let's get rid of things that are never done on television. The ducking crouch needs to go; let's use things wrestlers actually do when they're on the ground. A cowardly heel could roll out of the ring to get away from his opponent. A worker could pull himself to his feet using the ropes or the turnbuckle. All of these options could lead to an opponent going for a move, but with an intuitive counter-system, a good player could get the opponent to avalanche into the turnbuckle or kick out at nothing that leaves the opponent tangled in the ropes.</p><p> </p><p>

The damage system could also be modified to actually affect match psychology. Right now, getting a red body part just means you can be forced to tap out and sometimes your wrestler will grab his injured limb/head, leaving him vulnerable. What I'd like to see is damage actually affecting your ability to do offensive moves. You should be a step slower when you're hurt, and finishers and secondary finishers using damaged body parts should be easier to counter. If you work over Kane's arm all day, he shouldn't be able to just chokeslam you without a problem. In some cases, even hitting a big move should damage both parties if you're injured: if HBK has red leg damage and hits Flair with the Sweet Chin Music, the strain of hitting the move should cause damage to HBK and prevent him from getting the easy pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

To go with an improved reversal system, I'd love to see more mini-games: I love the chop-fight, and I wish there was a way I could do something like the "test of strength" from the old No Mercy engine, only where you could control the outcome through timing and not button mashing. I liked the old bouncing "reverse" and "escape" features on submission moves, and would love to see more stuff like that. I also miss the "beat the ten-count" mini-game for when both workers hit big moves or a worker hits a finisher but is too drained to make the cover. Exiting the cage, retrieving the ladder, and other gimmick matches could rely on similar timing games.</p><p> </p><p>

Basically what I want is for a wrestling game that actually plays like wrestling is presented: a game where a person isn't rewarded for hitting twenty running grapples and then a finishing move, but one where strategy and timing is used to lead a wrestler to victory. I want a game where fans can take what they watch on television and transplant it seamlessly into a video game. I want good players to produce good wrestling; now, good wrestling is a royal pain that requires cooperation from the players to use a clunky game engine for something other than its given purpose.</p><p> </p><p>

I want a <span style="text-decoration:underline;">wrestling </span>game, not a fighting game that happens to have wrestlers in it.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lazorbeak" data-cite="lazorbeak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23070" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd like to see a wrestling game that recognizes this is entertainment, not a legitimate fight. Right now, you have to bludgeon your opponent to death to pick up a win in a wrestling game: on average you're hitting probably 15-30 moves, plus punches, kicks, etc. And that's just not how the WWE works today, nor is it how wrestling has ever worked (in America). Ric Flair didn't put you in a leg grapevine five times to turn your legs yellow before he did the figure four; HBK didn't punch you in the jaw twenty times to set up Sweet Chin Music. And that I have to do that in a wrestling game just flat out is not fun.<p> </p><p> I really like the "five moves o' doom" idea but they also need to change their approach to moves to make it fit how the WWE operates. One of the things I loved in No Mercy was the reversals; almost every big move would have at least one counter, while some moves would have multiple counters depending on size. Compare that to SD vs Raw, where somehow there's no counter for wriggling out of the FU: your character just breaks up the grapple attempt and the finisher is gone. What I'd like to see is a risk/reward system for going for bigger moves; Kane goes for the Chokeslam at least twice per big match, but when it gets reversed, Kane should lose momentum and his opponent should be able to take control for a time. Every worker's "big" moves should have at least one reversal animation and reversals should be timing based depending on your wrestler's condition and ability. This way you could realistically have Goldberg-esque squashes where you could pick up a win after only hitting a small number of big moves, as long as none of the moves were countered. There would also be a decision to make whether you should "soften up" an opponent early on or immediately go for a big move and risk a much higher reversal rate (similar to the No Mercy engine).</p><p> </p><p> This would also change the Finisher system; instead of getting a "special" when your momentum meter is full and performing a near unblockable super attack, you would be able to perform your finisher at any time, but if your opponent was fresh he would almost be guaranteed to counter it. Again, this is pretty realistic when you consider that Austin, Rock, and HHH seemed to get their finisher countered at least once a match, and Punk going for the Go 2 Sleep or Cena trying the FU only to be countered is a spot on every pay per view. Actually hitting your finisher on a drained opponent would charge up your momentum and drain theirs to the point where you would be far more likely to get a pinfall or submission. Instead of the finisher as the unblockable reward for beating a guy up, successfully performing a finisher should give you the means to win the match. This would also allow "out of nowhere" finishes for when your opponent controls the match, goes for a big move, it gets reversed, and you pull off the big finisher successfully.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> While we're making the game more like the product, let's get rid of things that are never done on television. The ducking crouch needs to go; let's use things wrestlers actually do when they're on the ground. A cowardly heel could roll out of the ring to get away from his opponent. A worker could pull himself to his feet using the ropes or the turnbuckle. All of these options could lead to an opponent going for a move, but with an intuitive counter-system, a good player could get the opponent to avalanche into the turnbuckle or kick out at nothing that leaves the opponent tangled in the ropes.</p><p> </p><p> The damage system could also be modified to actually affect match psychology. Right now, getting a red body part just means you can be forced to tap out and sometimes your wrestler will grab his injured limb/head, leaving him vulnerable. What I'd like to see is damage actually affecting your ability to do offensive moves. You should be a step slower when you're hurt, and finishers and secondary finishers using damaged body parts should be easier to counter. If you work over Kane's arm all day, he shouldn't be able to just chokeslam you without a problem. In some cases, even hitting a big move should damage both parties if you're injured: if HBK has red leg damage and hits Flair with the Sweet Chin Music, the strain of hitting the move should cause damage to HBK and prevent him from getting the easy pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> To go with an improved reversal system, I'd love to see more mini-games: I love the chop-fight, and I wish there was a way I could do something like the "test of strength" from the old No Mercy engine, only where you could control the outcome through timing and not button mashing. I liked the old bouncing "reverse" and "escape" features on submission moves, and would love to see more stuff like that. I also miss the "beat the ten-count" mini-game for when both workers hit big moves or a worker hits a finisher but is too drained to make the cover. Exiting the cage, retrieving the ladder, and other gimmick matches could rely on similar timing games.</p><p> </p><p> Basically what I want is for a wrestling game that actually plays like wrestling is presented: a game where a person isn't rewarded for hitting twenty running grapples and then a finishing move, but one where strategy and timing is used to lead a wrestler to victory. I want a game where fans can take what they watch on television and transplant it seamlessly into a video game. I want good players to produce good wrestling; now, good wrestling is a royal pain that requires cooperation from the players to use a clunky game engine for something other than its given purpose.</p><p> </p><p> I want a <span style="text-decoration:underline;">wrestling </span>game, not a fighting game that happens to have wrestlers in it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Marry me?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SuperOwens" data-cite="SuperOwens" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23070" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Marry me?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> LMAO</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> but good ideas by Laz. I always thought this was more of a fighting game when it should be an entertainment based game</p>
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<p>While I immensely agree with laz, part of me thinks that we shouldn't be expecting too much like this or else we'll end up continually disappointed... sort of like how some of us are now.</p><p> </p><p>

Those are basically ideas for a picture perfect game, and personally I'm happy with some of the things SvR09 has fixed from the previous games. Commentary is infinitely better(but still needs work), the tag team touches were nicely done and other gameplay antics were slightly improved. Game wasn't all great, I'll admit. But decent. I think now they have momentum to build up on this, incorporate some good features in '010(bring back GM Mode plz!), fix more things and the game could pull off as a success. Could.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tha Black Phenom" data-cite="Tha Black Phenom" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23070" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>While I immensely agree with laz, part of me thinks that we shouldn't be expecting too much like this or else we'll end up continually disappointed... sort of like how some of us are now.<p> </p><p> Those are basically ideas for a picture perfect game, and personally I'm happy with some of the things SvR09 has fixed from the previous games. Commentary is infinitely better(but still needs work), the tag team touches were nicely done and other gameplay antics were slightly improved. Game wasn't all great, I'll admit. But decent. I think now they have momentum to build up on this, incorporate some good features in '010(bring back GM Mode plz!), fix more things and the game could pull off as a success. Could.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, I'm not saying I expect that; I just think it would be the kind of improvements that would make an amazing game. Stuff like "better season mode" is something the Smackdown series has been working on for years but you can't please everybody, especially when the core gameplay is as flawed as Smackdown's. Personally I miss the old HCTP model where you could see where you were on the card and your character was just part of the roster, not the sole attraction.</p><p> </p><p> I also think Smackdown needs to overhaul their current online "ranking" system and make an actual effort to provide DLC: I like the idea of paying a few microsoft live points for no-names or late additions to the roster, but I would also have giveaways that coordinated with WWE's product. If the game had a PPV maker, you could download a PPVs card and play out your own results: I like how before a football game they can have the computer simulate the results, and would love it if some sort of "Smackdown Rewind" plug could simulate results of pay per view match-ups. You could also put your own content out there for download: created wrestlers or finishers, PPV cards, and even particularly well-executed matches. I would settle for an online system that was even remotely fun, though.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lazorbeak" data-cite="lazorbeak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23070" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I would settle for an online system that was even remotely fun, though.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would settle for an online system where I'm not gunna get my as$ kicked by some idiot repeating one move over and over. Not allowing me to get up.</p>
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