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WWE The Bash (Predictions and eventual spoilers)


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I got the whole PPV predicted correctly except the Edge & Jericho Tag win. I said before that it was going to be two match PPV but it turned out to be a one match PPV, that match being Jericho vs. Rey. CM Punk vs. Hardy was a huge disappointment, they were just testing CM Punk's heel reaction.


Overall grade: 2/10.

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Personally enjoyed it all except the Raw main events. Jericho/Rey fantastic, tag match was great given the result, Scramble entertaining enough, I'm loving what they're doing with Punk, Ziggler is awesome (although kane vs. khali...yuck). Cena/Miz crap but predictable and the main event just so, so laborious...and Trips hit him AGAIN after the match, they're dragging it on and on. Cena probably will be involved now too.
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From my perspective, I saw the belts as exclusive to Raw competition. So when the Colons won them at 'Mania from Miz & Morrision, they brought them to Raw, that's all. They unified the belts, but they were exclusive Raw stars. If they want to do interbrand matches to get a set of tag belts on both brands, that's fine but book towards that (Teddy visits Raw and proposes so-and-so for this PPV or whatever) and treat the brand splits as separate.


I'm not surprised the 'E's did this, I just prefer that they go about it another way.



Your perspective is incorrect. They've defended them on each brand. The commentators have frequently informed the viewers that the unified tag titles allow the holders to move between brands.

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I must be the only one here that is loving the Miz atm lol His promos have been fantastic and funny and I love that he breaks kayfabe and mentions stuff outside the WWE "Universe". he deserved better than jobbing to Cena.


I really want to Miz/Santino feud could be the Worst match/best promo feud of the year.


I enjoyed the PPV but Khali and Ziggler didnt deserve a spot on the card over guys like MVP, Kofi, Regal ect. I like Orton as champion but they have made his character look pretty weak lately, Rumble - WM Orton was great. Orton-HHH needs to end soon tbh I dont even remember how this feud even started. I love HHH but he has become Stale and boring.

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Things i liked- Jericho-rey was really good, though they always put on great matches. nice swerve with the double mask.


I thought the tag team champ match was another good swerve.


Orton keeping the belt was good, though i thought they would provide mroe closure. How long can we keep up the predictable Orton-HHH feud? it needs more life/ a swerve or third party to hold my interest (come on tonight's raw;))


I am really enjoying the CM punk heel turn. IT's being handled very well.



Things i just didn't get-


Why give the miz 2 months of mic time, let him build up semi good heat, and then bury him in a 5 minute match, buried SO BADLY that cena does the "dirt on your gave" move afterwards :confused:


I mean, in no way, shape, or form did i expect the miz to win, nor should he have gone over, but you would think they would try to prop him up as a mid card heel by letting him get SOME sort of offense/ cheap moves in.


instead they just murdered him like he was a joke. We'll see if there's some angle tonight on raw i guess, but to me that was a waste of a good buildup.


Orton- So, is randy orton dangerous or not? Orton has been made to look both weak and strong so many times that i just don't connect with his heel persona. I wan't to imagine him as a strong heel, but he never, ever beats hunter clean, or even gets in a good flurry.


This is two main events now where hunter has beat the crap out of him....I just don't get what they are doing with legacy. They are the alternately the weakest heel stable or the most dangerous depending on segment.

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Michelle McCool using the Styles Clash just makes me go grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


And it's so sloppy. Ugh. She's going to hurt someone with that move in the long run.

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So I read through an online recap of the event, and got to the Miz vs. Cena. And from what I gathered, it was a fairly short match, which Cena almost entirely dominated, and finished with the stf wherein Miz tapped almost immediately.


If this is the case, if this was a glorified squash match, then why waste the time? Why spend almost 2 months giving Miz mic time, why build up all this hype and hooplah around a match, just to have it end in 2.8 seconds with Miz looking like the second coming of Barnaby Jones? (Man I miss Frisky Dingo. lol)


I get that a lot of people find Miz to be abrasive or obnoxious, and don't see any good in him. That's fine. For me, personally, aside from the horrible tag line, I dug the Miz. I liked the badass heel who shrivels to the shadow of a larger man, and takes pot shots from behind. And he's decent in the ring. (although I've heard he's stolen damn near half his moveset. However, I don't know this firsthand, so I don't hold it against him.) It's the same thing they did with Kendrick.


Kendrick got this big boost as the scrawny kid hiding behind the football player, so he could bully people. And it worked. And he built this wave into the championship scramble, where he "won" the title for 6 minutes. Then Trips comes in, hits a Pedigree, and landed it with such force that Brian Kendrick fell into obscurity. I don't see the point in building someone up, just to have them become some footnote in a PPV liner, before being forgotten. It baffles me!


Not everyone one is Main Event material. Kendrick certainly isn't. The Miz is not there yet (and may never get there). Which is fine.

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Not everyone one is Main Event material. Kendrick certainly isn't. The Miz is not there yet (and may never get there). Which is fine.


right, but why not let him get in a few cheap tricks and moves before utterly burying him?


that way, you can set him up as a midcard heel, something raw despratly needs.


The way the booked it, he's a joke and is back to opener status after two months of good mic time. just seems liek a waste. Perhaps tonight's raw will include a swerve to prop him up.

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Sorry but did you watch the match? He was in control for somewhere between a half and a third of it, not much I know but what you're saying is just false.


the official match time was 5:32....so your saying his (at best) 2 minutes of offense was a good result for his 2 months of build up?


Look, no one is saying the miz should have beat john cena, that's lunacy, people are just questioning the match scripting if you will.


anyway, We'll see what they do tonight, if they can get him into a decent mid card feud with a good promo, they can salvage some of his heat at least.

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And it's so sloppy. Ugh. She's going to hurt someone with that move in the long run.


I said that from the first time she did it. That move seems easy to do (and it is, if you're well trained and/or skilled) but it's not for someone like her. Could you imagine her trying to do an Air Raid Crash?


WWE's problem is, all of their "simple" finishers are already attached to people who are far more skilled now than they were when they started. Really now, does Edge really need the Spear as a finisher? Does Triple H need a double underhook facebuster? But those moves are SO over and so associated with one worker that they can't change them now.


But they should give Michelle a finisher like an inverted Russian Legsweep (hell, Melissa started with that until she got more skilled). She's seriously going to put someone out with the finisher she has now.

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I said that from the first time she did it. That move seems easy to do (and it is, if you're well trained and/or skilled) but it's not for someone like her. Could you imagine her trying to do an Air Raid Crash?


WWE's problem is, all of their "simple" finishers are already attached to people who are far more skilled now than they were when they started. Really now, does Edge really need the Spear as a finisher? Does Triple H need a double underhook facebuster? But those moves are SO over and so associated with one worker that they can't change them now.


But they should give Michelle a finisher like an inverted Russian Legsweep (hell, Melissa started with that until she got more skilled). She's seriously going to put someone out with the finisher she has now.


I agree that the WWE is too safe with finishers staying the same.


The silly part is, Superstars in the WWE have changed finishers to fit their characters and done very well, but the company still seems like the discourage it overall.


Look at Jericho and the codebreaker, clearly you can change finishers and as long as the fans like the new one, your still over....but the WWE still seems very reluctant to let guys change them up.


And some of thier up and coming guys need it. MVP espically, his finisher is not up to snuff with his M/E push....he needs more of a impact heavy finisher.

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I said that from the first time she did it. That move seems easy to do (and it is, if you're well trained and/or skilled) but it's not for someone like her. Could you imagine her trying to do an Air Raid Crash?


WWE's problem is, all of their "simple" finishers are already attached to people who are far more skilled now than they were when they started. Really now, does Edge really need the Spear as a finisher? Does Triple H need a double underhook facebuster? But those moves are SO over and so associated with one worker that they can't change them now.


But they should give Michelle a finisher like an inverted Russian Legsweep (hell, Melissa started with that until she got more skilled). She's seriously going to put someone out with the finisher she has now.


It seems, maybe more so than I notice, that a lot of the "top" talent, if you will, is leading towards the "he hit that out of nowhere" moves. RKO can come from anywhere, the spear can as well. It seems best fitted for heels as well.


And, is it just me, or is it weird that Triple H has had primarily one finisher for his entire 'E run? I know he was using a sleep at one point, and sometimes the Indian deathlock, but, those were fleeting. While Edge has had, what, a half dozen if not more? Orton only had a couple, but, he's not been around that long.


Also, I agree with the McCool thing. I've seen her sloppily hit it once, and didn't buy it as a good finisher for her. For the unlucky gal who gets her neck snapped, it'll then be viable.

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So I read through an online recap of the event, and got to the Miz vs. Cena. And from what I gathered, it was a fairly short match, which Cena almost entirely dominated, and finished with the stf wherein Miz tapped almost immediately.


If this is the case, if this was a glorified squash match, then why waste the time? Why spend almost 2 months giving Miz mic time, why build up all this hype and hooplah around a match, just to have it end in 2.8 seconds with Miz looking like the second coming of Barnaby Jones? (Man I miss Frisky Dingo. lol)


I get that a lot of people find Miz to be abrasive or obnoxious, and don't see any good in him. That's fine. For me, personally, aside from the horrible tag line, I dug the Miz. I liked the badass heel who shrivels to the shadow of a larger man, and takes pot shots from behind. And he's decent in the ring. (although I've heard he's stolen damn near half his moveset. However, I don't know this firsthand, so I don't hold it against him.) It's the same thing they did with Kendrick.


Kendrick got this big boost as the scrawny kid hiding behind the football player, so he could bully people. And it worked. And he built this wave into the championship scramble, where he "won" the title for 6 minutes. Then Trips comes in, hits a Pedigree, and landed it with such force that Brian Kendrick fell into obscurity. I don't see the point in building someone up, just to have them become some footnote in a PPV liner, before being forgotten. It baffles me!


Because they're putting closure into the storyline. I'm jipped too Miz lost to Cena this way but this was a way of saying "alright, you reap what you sow, and that's an asskicking by the man you've been talking trash about for months". Miz can go other places after this. He can become a strong midcard heel regardless. Besides, he got more than what many of us expected, and that's a PPV match against Cena. With WWE's deep-throating of the main-eventers these days, I half expected this match to appear on Raw tbh.


I enjoyed the PPV but Khali and Ziggler didnt deserve a spot on the card over guys like MVP, Kofi, Regal ect.


That's more of the reason I was GLAD Ziggler was on the card. Really guys, midcarders! Shouldn't you be thrilled they've placed midcarders in a PPV match? Today, you have the WWE putting the spotlight only on uppers and main-eventers. Tri-branded PPVs leave little to no room for midcarders. I mean hell, look at how often the tag titles have been defended. Even after they've been unified. It's crazy. Ziggler/Khali finally did some justice, and they need to give a rub to more midcarders this way. I would LOVE a PPV to feature a match like Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd or Santino vs. The Miz, Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes or even Morrison/Shelton which happened on a prior PPV. It's time to let the midcarders shine again, instead of ramaging through replays and replays of the top stars brawling and slapping each other to no end.


I honestly hope this "more guys deserve a spot over the card than him" mindset doesn't spread. >_>


And come on Edge and Cristian woulda been way smarter build up tension between them and have them fued/resplit the belts or make one set.


While I would've loved that, you gotta admit it still would've been somewhat out of place, sucks that Christian has to stay a household babyface name on the ECW roster. But I LOVE this partnership. Two Canadians, two of the biggest heels of the roster, two cunning individuals as unified tag team champions. Love it! I half-marked out for that. They're gonna be the new maple syrup-flavored Rated R.K.O. :D

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No, no, I'm not disputing that tbp, far from, actually. I'm super glad that Ziggs and Miz got ppv slots. The way I understood the match went, Miz hit like 3 moves, then Cena put on his cape and went all superface, and made Miz into his "prison woman" if you will. And it's why I brought up Kendrick. I believe, personally, that both guys, with time, and the proper storylines, could be higher on the card, but Kendrick isn't a midcard heel. He may be listed as one, but he isn't treated like one.


Remember the draft? Kendrick vs. Kane that lasted all of ... time to make a sandwich. And most of that was Kane getting to the ring. They do one arc, give a guy 4-7 weeks to stand on the edge of the spotlight, and when it's over, they're forgotten. If tonight, Miz comes out, says Cena got lucky, says he's still 7-1 against the company's top dog, and sets his sights on Kofi, then great. Or MVP interrupts and they do a staredown? But if tonight's Raw starts, and Cena comes to the ring, and spouts off about being done with Miz, only for Big Show to waddle down to the ring again, and the Miz doesn't get time, or a spot on the show ... it's washed away.


I want a stronger midcard class. MVP should be making the climb up the ladder, soon. So that leaves Regal, Matt Hardy, Kofi Kingston, and maybe the Colons and Priceless. They need to sieze these opportunities, instead of squandering them is all I'm saying. (Complaining about. Whatever. :p)

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That's more of the reason I was GLAD Ziggler was on the card. Really guys, midcarders! Shouldn't you be thrilled they've placed midcarders in a PPV match? Today, you have the WWE putting the spotlight only on uppers and main-eventers. Tri-branded PPVs leave little to no room for midcarders. I mean hell, look at how often the tag titles have been defended. Even after they've been unified. It's crazy. Ziggler/Khali finally did some justice, and they need to give a rub to more midcarders this way. I would LOVE a PPV to feature a match like Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd or Santino vs. The Miz, Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes or even Morrison/Shelton which happened on a prior PPV. It's time to let the midcarders shine again, instead of ramaging through replays and replays of the top stars brawling and slapping each other to no end.


I honestly hope this "more guys deserve a spot over the card than him" mindset doesn't spread. >_>


Im sorry but I dont agree. Ziggler/Khali should not of been on the PPV. maybe it was only there for Kanes return. both featured for 5 minutes on smackdown Ziggler hits a few chair shots on Khali then its not mentioned again on the show thats doesnt deserve a PPV match to me.


They are trying to sell PPVs. Maybe WWE thinking is that 2 matches can sell a PPV and the rest dont matter. but a strong undercard could gather more interest. I guess those days are over when PPV matches were a big deal and actually ment something

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There was much more than that... the build-up between them, even though not so significant, has been going on for weeks. Why not have them dispute a 5-minute match on a PPV? It actually has substance, unless you want to replace that by some generic match between two upper-midcarders with rushed build-up. Because not only that's where things go wrong, but that repeatedly happens these days.


Midcarders need exposure to start going over. How could Ziggler get over if we're not even willing to give him a chance, by getting a spot on a pay-per-view card? They can still sell PPVs if the storylines involved for it have enough exposure and interest.

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Why Edge and Jericho?


Christian is back, why not reunite the two, set the world on fire. Set it out there that these two can win the belts any time they feel like it. juice up the tag ranks, I think there are some teams that could really stand out.

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Why Edge and Jericho?


Christian is back, why not reunite the two, set the world on fire. Set it out there that these two can win the belts any time they feel like it. juice up the tag ranks, I think there are some teams that could really stand out.


From what I heard Edge is banged up and Christian is on ECW.They think it would give him less of a workload.

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Less of a work load? with the tag belts he shows up on both shows now! Plus so what if christian is on ECW make it an acquasition by Long or reveal on RAW that he was part of the Trump trade. Have Jericho move on too face paint wearing fan suck up Hardy and tweener Punk that would make a great three way fued.
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Less of a work load? with the tag belts he shows up on both shows now! Plus so what if christian is on ECW make it an acquasition by Long or reveal on RAW that he was part of the Trump trade. Have Jericho move on too face paint wearing fan suck up Hardy and tweener Punk that would make a great three way fued.


Sadly he is not part of it.

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