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TNA: Everything Is On The Line!

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Sorry the show hasn't turned up yet had some real life stuff to hash out and limited acces to my home computer. It should be up tomorrow so still time for those who want to predict.





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Consequences Creed vs. Eric Young



Debut vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir

Debut = Hulk Hogan:D



Awesome Kong vs. Jacqualine



Team 3D vs. Williams and Magnus



Jethro Holliday vs. Raven



Rhino vs. Sting



Samoa Joe vs. Lashley

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TNA Impact, week 2, June 2009.



Location: Foley Field, South East.

Attendance: 5.000 Sell Out!



Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West.



Tenay: Welcome everybody too another action packed edition of Impact! As you may have noticed we are not coming from the Impact zone. Due to increased interest in our shows we have been forced to go elsewhere until we can secure a new and larger one.

West: Indeed and I say it is all down to the Main Event Mafia. Who wouldn't want to see such a collection of champions!

Tenay: Can it will ya. First of our executive shareholder has something to say.




Foley comes out and gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. He has the title belt draped around his shoulder as he very gingerly makes his way into the ring. He apologises to the crowd for not being there last week saying he had to recover from that intense successful title defence he had at Sacrifice. He plays up the stitches again and now he also has a moderately sprained ankle.


He then comes to the real business why he is out here and that is to address two things. First of he is ticked off that he has to defend his title again at Slammiversary. And in a king of the mountain match of all things! At the same time he got bypassed in the decision on who would participate in the qualifiers. That has made him decide that anyone who does qualify will be tested the following Impact in a match made by him! In order for them to show their worth. What about the last qualifier you ask? Well lets just say he has a surprise for him.


Secondly now that he is both executive shareholder and dominant champion and they are in the stadium of his namesake. He has decided to spread the love. As no one can hate or defeat the dude that is Foley he thinks it is time to solve some of the problems around here and the solution is love! He proceeds to call out Booker, Angle and Sting has he wants to give them some love.



They make their way out wearing suits and with slightly confused looks on their faces and get mainly boos from the crowd. All three of them ask Foley what the hell he is up too and what gives him the right to call them out from the back. He tells them to be patient and asks them to try and feel the love that is in the air. He knows they have had their differences in the past but to set them aside and trust in the love, yeah! Because what he wants to do is bring back peace and harmony in TNA and he thinks that what is needed is a nice group hug. The MEM seem kinda sceptical at that and actually draw away from Foley. Foley then proceeds to tell them that the group isn't complete yet as three more people are needed. He then calls out AJ, Daniels and Joe!



The three most prominent originals make their way to the ring one by one and only enter when all three of them are there. The MEM are now standing on one side with the Originals on the other side of the ring while Foley is in the middle. He urges them on to get together and join in a big hug telling them love will make their woes go away. Slowly but surely they make their way towards each other and for a second there it seems that all will be right in the world once again. Love while a powerful thing isn't strong enough to stop the tension between these two groups though and it quickly turns into an all out brawl with Foley caught in the middle! Foley starts screaming for security and as they flood the ring and separate everyone he reminds Sting that he hasn't told him his opponent yet. He was planning to go easy on him but for breaking the bond of love he now has to face "The War Machine" Rhino!


Rating: B+



Tenay: Wow what a way to kick off Impact! Too bad Foley's plan didn't work. Although it was kinda crazy of him trying to get the Mafia to change it's way.

West: There you go again blaming the Mafia, you saw it they, where up for it. Its those young punks fault as always. Disrespecting the MEM and our venerable shareholder and champion.

Tenay: Venerable isn't the word I would use mad is more like it. And respect is earned not demanded in my book. Anyways up next it is Eric Young versus Consequences Creed for a spot in the King of the X match!




Another typical X Division match with a lot of fast paced action. Although in this case there was a bit more brawling involved given Creed's boxing background and EY's relative strength. The match was fairly even but it seemed that Young was slowly getting the upper hand using is new found tenacity every time Creed seemed to be on a roll. After a Young avoided a splash from the top rope he started working on the knee of Creed in an effort to slow him down.


The match seemed to be over when Young managed to get Creed into a sharpshooter but Creed refused to give up. Gathering energy from the crowd he slowly managed to get his hands on the ropes and referee Johnson broke the hold. Young was surprised it wasn't over and Creed was still pumped with energy and started a quick barrage of punches on Young. EY went for an eye gauge to stop him but Creed did a split in order to evade it and then came back up with a vicious uppercut.


Creed then set up Young for the Creed DDT but just as he had him on his shoulders. The knee EY had been working on throughout the match buckled. And Creed yelled out in pain. Young took advantage by doing a quick chop block and then hoisting Creed up on his shoulders in turn and finished Creed of with a Death Valley Driver for the 1,2,3. Once again the lights go out and Suicide appears this time standing crouched on the announce table. As the lights go out again he disappears.


Result: Young wins via pin after a Death Valley Driver. Suicide made an appearance.

Rating: C+, very decent for an X match especially given the strong preceding segment.




Directly after the match Jeff Jarret makes his way to ringside microphone in hand. He addresses that crowd and says something has been bugging him lately but he couldn't figure out what it was. With all the action that has been going on it seemed he had forgotten something. Last night though he realised what it was. It was two words, one man: Bobby Lashley!


Ever since his appearance at Lockdown and the following Impact he hadn't shown himself or made his intentions clear. He seemed to have some connection with Jarret and the Main Event Mafia though as at both times he appeared they where present. So that is why Jarret was here now, to call out Lashley and ask him what his intentions and more important his affiliations where.



After a few tense seconds Lashley's music starts and he comes out on the entrance ramp wearing his ring gear. Jarret asks him to come closer and he enters the ring and proceeds to stare down Jarret while Jarret keeps asking him what he wants. Lashley doesn't answer though and just keeps staring at Jarret while flexing his muscles.


Jarret: "Well if you are not going to answer now we will just find out in tonight’s main event as you take on Samoa Joe for a spot in the King of the Mountain match!"


The crowd responds enthusiastically and at the same time Lashley just nods and walks away leaving Jarret alone in the ring.


Rating: B+



Tenay: Well that didn't make anything clearer.

West: I thought it actually spoke volumes.

Tenay: Whatever you say Don, whatever you say. Anyways now it's time for Sheikh Abdul Bashir to prove his worth against a challenger chosen by Cornette.

West: Dam that Cornette picking on the Sheikh like that.




Cornette joined the commentary team for this one as he was interested to see who would come out on top in this battle. Bashir wasn't at all happy with his presence and made that quite clear.


This match started out evenly with both contestants trying too out cheat the other. Eye gauges where blocked, low blows where countered, naked chokes where responded in kind and hair pulling was kind of a moot point.


As both competitors found out that they where equally versed in the way of the shortcut the match actually became a contest of skill. With Bashir focussing more on high flying and Thomaselli using a more technical and brawling approach. The finish came out of nowhere when Bashir got caught in a vicious

Bashir wasn't getting up from that much to Cornette's glee.


Result: Salvatore Thomaselli wins via pin after a Tiger Driver.

Rating: D-, about what you would expect with Sal being so unknown.



Tenay: Well what a match that was from the new comer! Hope his brother is around too as they are an awesome tag team!

West: Poor Shiekie hope he is ok.

Tenay: Anyway we have more important things to get too as Nash is about to tell Morgan his next opponent!





Backstage Morgan is with Nash in the MEM locker room. Nash is his usual laid back and relaxed self and Morgan is in ring gear jumping on the balls of his feet and looking all intense and menacing.


Nash: "Sorry Matt but your opponent isn't here."


Morgan: "What! I wanted to destroy someone tonight!"


Nash: "Yeah sorry, but he got food poisoning so he couldn't be here. But listen up I got something else you can do for us."


Morgan: "As long as it involves hurting someone I am in!"


Nash: *chuckles* "I thought so. Well listen up then"


Nash whispers something in Morgan's ear we can't hear and we see Morgan intently nodding.


Nash: "Got that?"


Morgan gives a nod and leaves the room.


Nash: "He has all the potential question is does he have the smarts?"


And we leave Nash to his musings.


Rating: B



Tenay: Hmm food poisoning where have I heard that excuse before? And what could those two be up to now?

West: Never mind that, just focus on the next match will ya?

Tenay: Indeed up next its Jacqueline facing off against the one and only Awesome Kong!




The crowd didn't really know who to root for in this match but it didn't really matter as they admired the sheer tenacity shown by Jacky for taking the fight to Kong, reminding the crowd why she was a top contender in the early days of the division, and the skill Kong showed in fending her off and eventually picking up the win after an Awesome Bomb.


Result: Awesome Kong wins via pin after an Awesome Bomb.

Rating: D, decent for a women's match given their lack of overness.





All is not well though for Awesome Kong because as we cut to the back we see a three on one attack going on. With the Beautiful People, in very skimpy outfits, wailing on Saeed. They are using all kinds of weapons including hairspray and curling irons even the dreaded lipstick! Saeed seems to be totally defenceless all she can do is scream in pain! When she stops moving the BP take off her head cover and with Saeed's back to the camera they start snipping off parts of her hair!


After a few more well placed kicks to the head and stomach they leave her laying in a heap of blood and hair covered with lipstick and hairspray. They clap each others hands for a job well done and walk off camera.


After a few tense moments paramedics arrive on the scene and immediately put her on a stretcher and bring her to a waiting ambulance.


Rating: C+



Tenay: Oh my, oh my! No one deserves something like that!

West: Well if you live by the scissors you die by the scissors just saying.

Tenay: I don't care what you say that was totally out of line! And don't expect Kong to be happy about that!

West: We aren't afraid of Kong we have a plan all figured out.

Tenay: We as in you and the Beautiful People? That will be the day. Anyways up next it's time for 3D to show what they can do as they take on those meddlesome Brits in this non title match.




Not much to say here as 3D was intent on showing why they where the number one tag team in the world today and getting some payback at the same time. Even in the face of such a storm the Brits managed to hold their own at times mainly by distracting the referee and cutting the ring in half and other shortcuts. But without the big man at ringside to back them up it wasn’t as effective as usual.


In the end it wasn't enough as Magnus was caught in the 3D after Williams was knocked off the apron. For a clear one, two, three. Just for good measure Ray asked Devon to get the tables and they proceeded to put both Williams and Magnus through one after which they celebrated with the fans.


Result: Team 3D win via pin after a 3D.

Rating: C-, good given how unknown Williams and Magnus are.



Tenay: Well the Brits got what they deserved for all their meddling. And I have half a suspicion they had something to do with what happened to Neal as well.

West: Give em a break will ya they are just trying to make a name for themselves. Plus they have to adapt to our customs, culture and language.

Tenay: Your language maybe since you have stopped making any sense. Talking of sense its time for someone to get beaten senseless as Raven takes on Jethro in a Texas Death Match!



Jethro Holliday vs Raven


Jethro came out of the gates like he had something to prove her and took the match to Raven. Raven on the other hand seemed barely interested and didn't do much to counter Jethro's attack. Jethro started getting more and more aggressive with each passing minute going from punches too body slams then taking it outside and using the ring steps and ultimately weapons he found under the ring. All the while Raven just seemed to be taking it in even though he was bleeding profusely one could still detect a sadistic smile on his face.


Just at the moment Jethro went for a shot with a Kendo stick and it seemed Raven could take no more. Raven took the shot but at the same time clasped around the Kendo stick and too it out of Jethro's hands. With a maniacal laugh he began using it on Jethro with straight shots too the head. Jethro was in trouble and he knew it and he went back into the ring.


Raven meanwhile searched under the ring for more tools and threw a chair and a trashcan in the ring while taking a stop sign with him as he rolled back in having discarded the now bloody and broken kendo stick. At the moment Raven wanted to hit Jethro with the stop sign Jethro punched it causing it to hit Raven in the head. Raven just shook it off though while Jethro clenched his hand in pain.


Raven gave Jethro a boot to the gut and set him up for the Evenflow DDT and it connected right through the trash can! Raven wasn't done yet though as he picked up the chair and slammed it on Jethro's face multiple times in a sick canchairto. After the three count the ten count was academic and paramedics rushed too the scene with Raven slumping down in the corner with a smile on his face.


Result: Raven wins via pin followed by ten count after an Evenflow DDT on a trash can followed by a canchairto.

Rating: C, Not as good as Abyss vs. Richards but given Jethro's inexperience in these matches not too bad.




Stevie Richards comes out to the entrance ramp holding a mike. He claps for Jethro and congratulates Jethro for letting loose the violence inside of him and thus becoming one with himself and his surroundings and taking a first step to true sanity. Not like that coward Abyss who skulks behind imaginary girlfriends and is afraid of the truth that lies deep within him in. The truth he needs to find if he wants to become sane again and grab the gold.






Out of nowhere Abyss appears and starts pounding on Stevie. he throws him against the tron and choke slams him onto to floor of the entrance ramp. Screaming all the time and plucking out parts of his hair. While this is going on Raven makes his way up the entrance ramp in an effort to stop him but he is weakened by the match he just had.




Just as Raven starts to get close enough to help Abyss picks Stevie up again and in a massive feat of strength gorilla press slams him at an angle against Raven sending both flying off the entrance ramp and onto the concrete below. Abyss picks up the microphone lying on the ground and he has just one word to say while tearing at his hair and looking down on the carnage below.


Abyss: "I accept!"


Rating: B-



Tenay: Whoa seems that "The Monster" is starting to get back too his old ways.

West: See I told you that Dr. Stevie knew what he was doing.

Tenay: I am not sure that was the intended effect though. But now it is time for some more hard hitting as Sting takes on Rhino!



Rhino vs. Sting



Rhino seems pumped up for this one as he didn't have a fair chance against Sting the last time after being beat up by the rest of the Mafia beforehand. He immediately starts charging Sting and trying to use his superior strength to get the advantage. But Sting is no slouch and he uses his veteran skills to stay one step ahead of the raging beast kind off like a matador against a bull.


Rhino eventually gets a hold of Sting though and proceeds to deliver some devastating looking suplexes and slams. Just as he wants to throw Sting into the corner Sting counters and throws Rhino in it instead and he immediately follows it up with a Stinger splash. He sets himself up in the opposite corner for another splash and runs towards Rhino. Just at that moment Rhino explodes out of the corner. Gore! Gore! Gore!



No! Just at the last millisecond Sting evades it. Instead of getting the full brunt of the impact he is merely scraped. But a mere scrape by a Gore is still devastating. Rhino on the other hand collided fully with referee Charles as he was thrown off course when Sting evaded him and was also lying on the floor.


This opportunity brought out Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner from the Main Event Mafia, trusted lead pipe in hand. While Sting was still recovering from getting semi hit, Steiner entered the ring. Joe, Daniels and AJ made their way to the ring in an effort to stop Steiner but they where too late as he hit Rhino on the back a couple of times with the pipe before trying to hide on the other side of the ring not having noticed the rescue troops. The originals immediately started fighting with Steiner and although he still had the pipe he was severely beat down.


Meanwhile in the ring Sting and the referee had gotten back to their feet and oblivious to what was happening on the outside Sting locked in the Scorpion Deathlock. The extra strain this gave to Rhino's back was unbearable and he was forced to tap out. Sting then noticed what was going on outside and after grabbing his baseball bat and the three backing off as a service for Sting letting them save Daniels last week the match came too an end.


Result: Sting wins via submission using a Scorpion Deathlock, Steiner interfered, Joe, AJ and Daniels tried to stop it.

Rating: B, good.





Things aren't over yet though as AJ, Daniels and Joe make their way into the ring and Daniels asks for a microphone. He tells Rhino and 3D and Jarret that they are grateful for all the help they have given so far but that this time this fight is theirs. He also thanks Joe's advisor for helping him get his intensity back by reminding him of his roots but that the face paint and knife are no longer necessary as now that he has it back he doesn't need any props anymore.


With that Joe uses a black towel to remove the face paint from his face and takes the knife out of his pants and throws it away.


Furthermore Daniels notes that it was a mistake to think that the MEM could be overcome by sheer numbers. What was needed was unity and people with the same passion and desire to bring them down and show the world who really represents TNA and what TNA is all about. So for now the fight will be on the shoulders of himself AJ and Joe! They will lead the charge against the MEM they, the unbreakable three, the true TNA originals!


Rhino takes the microphone from Daniels and replies menacingly: "Fine, but for now Steiner is mine!"


Rating: B+, Frontline renamed TNA Originals and now consists of Daniels, AJ and Joe.



Tenay: Wow! What a development and what a night we are having! It is truly all action and the unbreakable three have thrown down the gauntlet!

West: Hmpf, actions speak louder then words Tenay, much louder.

Tenay: Well if it is action you want it is action you will get as our main event is next!




What a challenge for Lashley as in his first match he goes toe to toe with the Samoan Submission Machine! Both these guys have amazing strength and agility and where not shy in using it. Seeing as a shot at the world title was on the line and Lashley had to prove he could hang with the best TNA had to offer.


Well he certainly proved it her as he went hold for hold with Joe as the action see sawed back and forth with neither man appearing to get a clear advantage.


Lashley also got a chance to show his amateur wrestling background in this one because as the match progressed it became more and more about mat wrestling and submissions as both men started to wear out. Kurt Angle came out to ringside apparently to aide Lashley but he didn't get far as hot on his heels was Jeff Jarret. This caused quite the distraction, Joe took advantage of this by tossing Lashley too the outside.


As Lashley got up he found himself between Angle and Jarret and both stopped fighting each other wondering what Lashley would do. Angle started to get an evil grin on his face and in reaction Jarret lifted up his guitar and prepared to swing. Whack! And the referee calls for the bell! And your winner is Samoa Joe! Because just at the time Jarret wanted to swing Joe made a suicide dive on Lashley and Angle and he got caught in mid air by Jarret!


Jarret is shocked at what he has done and makes his way to the back while Joe, Lahley and Angle or in a heap on the floor as we go too credits.


Result: Samoa Joe wins via dq after being hit with a guitar by Jarret, Angle also got involved.

Rating: B, Hoped for better but good enough.



Show rating: B, that is more like it, less run ins too and a full house to top it off!


OOC the Holliday vs. Raven match I booked days before TNA did so in reality and I think mine is better was funny though to see them do that. Also don't forget to nominate for diaries of the month here: Nominate


As usual all questions and comments are more then welcome. Sorry the cards have taken so long but been doing some extensive rewriting.

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Predictions week 2

This weeks winner is pate! Congratulions and he is a real frontrunner as he tied for second place last time. Pretty predictable card it seemed as most 6 right and all more then half.


Finisher 6/8 - X

pate 6/8 - 7/8

Togg 5/8 - 6/8

fallout 24 5/8- 6/8

Destiny 4/8- 5/8

jwt13 3/8- 6+/8*

Bigpapa X - 5/8

Angeldelayette X - 6/8


*the + is for josh raymond which was close.


OOC be on the lookout for more backstage intrigue and a new Impact, thanks again for all those who predicted and welcome too Angel and BP as first timers. Edit: How did people like the link too the finisher? I am going to try and incorperate it everytime someone new uses it. If you are unfamiliar with any move please let me know and I will try a link.

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Zone Out.




Backstage at the Foley field the mood was festive. We had managed a packed house and the show had gone done pretty well. While everyone was busy congratulating each other ,and in the case of Russo themselves, something was worrying me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but something seemed off about tonight’s attendance. Sure the in ring debut of Lashley garnered interest and the marketing team had worked their butts off but still…… A sell out in a five thousand seat stadium was a bit much given that some of the previous ppv’s hadn’t even gotten those kinda numbers. It was like, I don’t know, like being in a different universe all of a sudden. Something like an aniverse or biverse or maybe even c-verse.


Anyways no need to worry too much about that. The most important part was the current success. Dixie even gave a heartwarming speech to everyone backstage before taking the creative team apart. Me, Jarret, Foley and Russo followed her into a side office and she told us she was very happy about today but also warned us not to get complacent. But given the rise in incoming due to increased attendance and the fact they where now paying for their seats she had decided to loosen the reigns a bit as it pertained to hiring new talent. She had already talked to Terry (Taylor) about this and he expected some of our first suggestions in a couple of days while he would also look into who was available and for what price.


All was not good news for me though as she told us that after talking it over with Vince she had decided that hiring managers would be out of the question. Vince seemed adamant about the fact that they averted attention away from the actual talent so there would be a hiring ban on them. Just as I was about to raise my voice in protest Vince cut in and said that this would also reduce the number of run ins and interferences in matches which I was so passionate about. This effectively blackmailed me into agreeing. At least for now….


What was good news though was due to everyone’s festive mood it seemed Jarret and Foley where mainly busy having fun with everyone and with Russo trying to grab as much responsibility for the success in public, while moping about the loss of his “bible” in private and racking his brain about its contents. It seemed I had quite the opportunity in deciding the direction of the upcoming shows. Just as I was contemplating that thought and thinking I would finally be able to get at least some real rest Dixie took me apart.


She basically told me that although the income had increased so had the expenses and as all this was mainly my idea so far it would mean my head if we didn’t run a profit this month. She said all this and all the while her smile didn’t leave her face. Further proof that looks can certainly be deceiving.


And what wait a minute I am a booker not a suit! How can I watch over the bottom-line when I am just a part of the creative team and when someone who isn’t a member is head of talent relations?!


There go my dreams of sleep again……sigh.



OOC Continuing strange mirror of fantasy and reality, first Lashley and Ayako, now Vega and Mantell man this is creepy. Anyways TNA preview up next so stay tuned. As always any questions, comments etc always welcome and hope you liked the first non he said she said backstage bit.


PS Sorry haven’t posted for a while been busy checking out that Naruto fad and got kinda hooked 310 episodes in one week hehe.

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Impact 3 preview.




In the second to last qualifier for the King of the X match we see two former champions and Frontline members go head to head as “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal takes on Chris Sabin of the Motor City Machine Guns.


It seems Jim Cornette is far from done with the Sheikh as he has another mystery opponent for him lined up this week. Who will it be and will the result be different this time?


These two vixens have had a lot of personal issues lately and on top of that a spot in the Queen of the Mountain match is on the line as Taylor Wilde takes on Daffney.


Beer Money Inc. and Team 3D have a match coming up at Slammiversary and they will be able to lock horns once again but this time in singles action as James Storm takes on Brother Devon. Who will get that all important momentum towards the ppv?


It seems that Nash’s intended challenge for Morgan is still out sick but he has found a suitable replacement from the current roster. Who will Morgan face? Will he be able to continue his quest to prove himself MEM worthy?


Mick Foley has chosen a competitor for the seemingly unstoppable Samoa Joe to face after qualifying for the King of the Mountain match and it is none other then MEM member Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner! What a test of strength this will be as one of the originals squares off against a MEM member!


And in our main event an epic battle will continue as Angle and Jarret face off. Jarret is of course the original King of the Mountain and Angle will do anything for a shot at the gold. These two have had some epic battles and confrontations in the past and now it will all be on the line in this stellar main event!


Quick Picks:


Jay Lethal vs Chris Sabin



Debut vs Sheikh Abdul Bashir




Taylor Wilde vs Daffney



Brother Devon vs James Storm



??? vs Matt Morgan




Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner



Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle



OOC good luck everyone! Also don't forget to vote for Cverse diary of the month here, Real world diary of the month here and featuring yours truly rookie diary of the month here!

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Jay Lethal vs Chris Sabin



Debut vs Sheikh Abdul Bashir

Debut= Matt Sydal



Taylor Wilde vs Daffney



Brother Devon vs James Storm



??? vs Matt Morgan

???= Daniels



Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner



Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle

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Jay Lethal vs Chris Sabin



Debut vs Sheikh Abdul Bashir




Taylor Wilde vs Daffney



Brother Devon vs James Storm



??? vs Matt Morgan




Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner



Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle

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Jay Lethal vs Chris Sabin



Debut vs Sheikh Abdul Bashir

Debut= Im guessing Hogan again. one day it will be right lol



Taylor Wilde vs Daffney



Brother Devon vs James Storm



??? vs Matt Morgan

???= Shelley



Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner



Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle

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hehe well that was the one available in the database and was best for the product TNA uses. As I am not from the us had no idea what it is normally for or if it was indoor/outdoor etc. As the only info in the database was that it was located in Georgia.
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Jay Lethal vs Chris Sabin



Debutvs Sheikh Abdul Bashir




Taylor Wilde vs Daffney



Brother Devon vs James Storm



??? vs Matt Morgan




Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner



Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle draw

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hehe well that was the one available in the database and was best for the product TNA uses. As I am not from the us had no idea what it is normally for or if it was indoor/outdoor etc. As the only info in the database was that it was located in Georgia.


ah no worries man, your diary is entertaining as it is. keep up the good work.

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TNA Impact, week 3, June 2009.



Location: McKethan Stadium, South East.

Attendance: 5.000 Sell Out!



Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West.


Tenay: Hello and welcome everybody to the best wrestling show on earth!

West: Thanks too the Main Event Mafia that is.

Tenay: I don't think everyone shares that opinion Don... The X division is also a big part of it and that is what we start the show with as Jay Lethal and Chris Sabin battle it out for a spot in the King of the X match!



One true action packed match here as both these high flyers and X Division veterans both go all out in order to obtain a spot in the King of the X match and a shot at the gold.


It is not an all out spot fest though as both men have a good arsenal of kicks and slams at their disposal. At the same time both use their remarkable agility to counter and slip out of each others respective moves. Sabin seems to have the advantage tough as he isn't adverse to take any shortcuts in order too win.


In the end though it is this same willingness to cheat that causes Sabin's downfall. After whipping Lethal torso first into a turnbuckle Lethal collapses in the corner. Sabin slowly walks over too him while pandering too the crowd not noticing that what Lethal is doing in the corner.


As he lifts him up by the hair he tries to go for a quick eye gauge. But instead he hits Lethal's glasses! Not having noticed that Lethal had put them on. Sabin's finger is really hurting and this momentary distraction allows Lethal to set him up for the Lethal Combination for the win!


As seems to be the custom lately the lights go out and Suicide appears on the turnbuckle Lethal was slammed into. They go out again and Suicide is gone.


Result: Jay Lethal wins after a Lethal Combination. Suicide made an appearance.

Rating: B-, Nice now that is what I want out of the X-Division apparently helped by decent chemistry.


Tenay: See I told you Don. What a belter of a match that was.

West: Lethal should have been disqualified for using those crazy glasses!

Tenay: Whatever Don. Speaking of crazy it seems our executive shareholder has something to say.



Mick Foley ambles to the ring with the belt once again over his shoulder and microphone in hand and he has a mischievous grin on his face. As he proclaimed last week every qualifier for the King of the Mountain match will get an extra test. And in this case Samoa Joe will face none other then Scott Steiner!


And the fun doesn't stop there oh no indeed it doesn't. It seems a certain "War Machine" has some problems with Scott himself and he has asked Foley for a match against Steiner. Well with Foley not being the kind of man to deny a favour he has decided to grant Rhino's wish and they will face off at Slammiversary! Only he decided to make one little tweak so to speak. Just a slight alteration that is not a big deal really.


He decided to make it his favourite type of match. And seeing as Bra and Panties was out of the question he has made it a Hell in a Cell match!!! Backstage we see the different reactions from the competitors Joe and Rhino both seem psyched up and are slamming and rubbing their fists together menacingly while Scott is throwing a major temper tantrum.




Rating: B+, advancing storylines and Mick's craziness.


Tenay: Wow Steiner really has a challenge now first Joe and at Slammiversay Rhino in Hell in a Cell!

West: Poor Steiner, what did he ever do to deserve this?! Foley has it in for him!

Tenay: What did he do? What did he do? Where to start you mean! And now it is time to start our next match as Bashir faces another one of Cornette's hand picked opponents.

West: Another one who is being targeted unfairly!



Once again Jim Cornette joins the announce booth and Don West immediately starts pandering towards him. Bashir is out first and is patiently waiting in the ring when a new theme blasts through the stadium and out walks Claudio Castagnoli too a small pop and even some Heeey chants as Tenay rattles off all his accomplishments.


Bashir doesn't know what to make of his opponent but Claudio sure does as he attacks like a man on a mission. What that mission might be is anyone’s guess but right now it is clinically dismantling Bashir with lots of technical and mat wrestling keeping him grounded.


Bashir does get in some offense mainly by using his veteran wiles aka cheating but there is no let up from the offense on Claudio's side and he eventually finishes Bashir off with his patented Ricola Bomb.


Result: Claudio Castagnoli wins via pin after a Ricola Bomb.

Rating: D+, very good for such an unknown wrestler.


Tenay: What an impressive display by our newcomer!

West: It's unfair! How can Bashir properly prepare against all these great new comers!

Cornette: What did you say?

West: Ehm eh just that the new guys you are bringing in are so dam talented.

Cornette: Thought so. Well my job is done so I will leave you two too it.

West: Thanks boss was a real pleasure having you here.

Tenay + Cornette: Stop it already ya slimeball!





We are in the back again in the MEM locker room as Nash tells Morgan that his intended opponent still can't make it but that he has found a suitable replacement Nash is in his Mafia suit and Morgan is in ring gear and is bouncing off the balls of his feet and looking altogether menacing as usual while listening intently.


It is someone that has substituted for Nash before and fought alongside the Mafia but he has now turned their backs on them and their ideals and for that he must be punished. He was glad to except the challenge as he had not forgotten Matt attacking him backstage for no reason a while back and wanted revenge. It is none other then Kip James!


And oh yeah just to make things interesting it will be a no holds barred match!


Rating: B+, hope Morgan will do better in the match this time around quality wise.


Tenay: Hmm I wonder who his opponent will be.

West: Doesn't matter, from what Nash said he deserves a beating!

Tenay: Well it has to wait as now Daffney and Taylor Wilde take their personal animosity too the ring as well as try to qualify for the Queen of the Mountain!



No love lost here between these two ladies as they immediately take it too each other. No frills or silly girly action just straight up wrestling with Wilde's tenacity facing off against Daffney's mean streak. In the end Wilde manages to survive as she counter's Daffney's Lobotomy into the newly dubbed Wilde Ride her usual Bridging German Suplex but now she rolls through vertically locking her opponents feet under her arm pits and her opponents arms under her legs.


Result: Taylor Wilde wins via pin after hitting the Wilde Ride.

Rating: D+, happy enough although with good chemisty expected more.


We immediately head backstage as it seems there is an altercation going on. We can hear screams and a loud ruckus and as the camera arrives at the scene we see all three of the Beautiful People being man handled by Awesome Kong!




Their clothes are ripped too shreds and they are doing everything they can to cover up while at the same time protect themselves from attack and flee. After Kong delivers Implant Busters on all three she bellows out: "For Saeed!" and leaves the scene with the Beautiful People left knocked out and in tatters.


Rating: C+, Kong gets revenge.


West: Oh no! I hope my girls are ok! And especially their fine impla... ehm I mean curves. I need to go to the back and help them out.

Tenay: Oh no you don't! We have matches to call out here so you are not going anywhere! And this next match will give a good preview of Slammiversary as Storm takes on Devon.



Both these guys venture into somewhat unknown territory as they are both tag team specialists. It seems Storm has an advantage though as he has a bit more experience in the one on one field. Devon has more experience altogether though and the result is quite the tight affair.


Devon seems intent to use his greater strength to his advantage while Storm is mainly busy getting out of the way and getting in cheap shots. Both workers focus on brawling and when the two do hook up the result is quite the slugfest with neither really gaining an advantage over the other.


Devon eventually manages to overpower Storm though and hits a couple of impressive moves but he quickly runs out of steam. Seeing as he doesn't have his partner to tag out two or to use double team moves with he is forced to take a breather allowing Storm to recuperate.


As the referee checks on Devon asking him if he is ok to recuperate Storm sneaks out of the ring and retrieves a beer bottle from the boozer cruiser. He downs it in one go and seems reinvigorated. Instead of throwing the bottle away he hides it behind his back as he reinters the ring. He proceeds to push the ref away from Devon and while keeping it out of sight of the ref he hits him with the bottle! He immediately follows it up with a Last Call and gets the 1, 2, 3!


Result: James Storm wins via pin after a Last Call and using a foreign object.

Rating: C-, Decent but hoping for more from the tag match.


West: Wow what a win for Storm and it was all down to skill!

Tenay: The skill of cheating you mean.

West: A skill is a skill no matter what you call it or think of it.

Tenay: I could call it a lot of things but not a skill. Well now it's time for Morgan to show his skills as he takes on his next opponent in his quest to become a Main Event Mafia member.



Matt Morgan is first too the ring as he awaits his opponent. When Kip James's music hits we can detect a slight smirk on his face as he seems confident that he can beat him. He severely underestimates the strength and experience of Kip though as he seems to have a new drive now that he has been reunited with his brother and is determined to show that he still has what it takes.


In the early going it is Kip James and not Matt Morgan that has the upper hand as James makes good use of the stipulations by using every move in the book against Morgan and being almost his equal in strength Morgan has a hard time off it as he is usually much stronger.


The turning point comes when James hits a low blow on Morgan and hits to ropes in order to hit him with a running Famouser with the intent of finishing the match. It seems Morgan was just playing possum though as he moves out of the way at the last second resulting in Kip landing on his ass. Morgan in turn hits the ropes and while Kip gets up he blasts him with a vicious Carbon Footprint. This time he doesn't take time to showboat and decides to immediately finish things off as he sets James up for the Hellevator, he even skips looking at his wrist as he lifts James up.


But no! James manages to slide out of the back off the move. Morgan is quick to respond tough and gauges James's eyes and throws him in the corner. He follows it up with a big splash and a flurry of elbows in the corner. He then throws James into the middle of the ring by his hair before pulling him up and setting up the Hellevator again. This time it connects and its all over despite a valiant effort. Morgan seems quite put out having had one of his toughest challenges so far.


Result: Matt Morgan wins via pin after hitting the Hellevator.

Rating: D+, Hmm having more and more doubts about the Morgan push.


West: Again a very dominant display by Morgan! Hah what was Nash thinking putting him up against Kip James.

Tenay: Where you watching the same match? Apart from one mistake it was James all the way! Unfortunately one mistake is all it takes here in TNA where the competition is so close.

West: You are right about that except when it comes to the Mafia that is.

Tenay: Speaking of the Mafia it seems we have some people backstage with JB that have some words about that.




JB: "I am backstage here with three of the greatest TNA originals and it seems they have some words for the Mafia and Steiner in particular."


Daniels grabs the microphone as Joe menacingly lurks behind him cracking his knuckles and snarling while AJ is looking as cool as always as he ads to Daniels's words with his body language.


Daniels: "That's right JB. Mafia! You better listen up! Your time of trying to dominate TNA is coming to an end! We are done complaining, whining or fighting amongst ourselves! Me, Joe and AJ us three we are united in one goal and that goal is your downfall! Taking TNA back to where it belongs and to who it belongs! Those that built this company from the ground up! Us three together here united is just the beginning JB, the beginning of the end for the Main Event Mafia!"


Steiner! Tonight we begin with you as you face the almighty wrath that is, the unstoppable, incomparable, “Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe! And oh, Rhino don't worry Joe here will leave a tiny bit left of him just for you.


Daniels hands the microphone back too JB does his Fallen Angle pose and leaves followed by AJ after spreading his arms and lastly Joe who snarls in the microphone and walks off.


JB: "Strong words from the Originals, united and focused at last it seems. I for one am relieved."


Rating: B, Originals showing unity once again and changing the tone of the MEM versus Originals fight.


Tenay: Indeed very strong words and it is good to finally see some unity and strength in the battle against the Mafia.

West: Blah, blah, blah... Heard it all before and it always falls apart and the Mafia reigns supreme just like they should. I will need to see it before I believe it.

Tenay: Well this just might be your chance to see it as Samoa Joe takes on Scott Steiner next!



The action here starts fast and furious as Joe really takes it to Steiner out of the gate with stiff chops and low kicks that have Steiner rocking. He throws Steiner into the ropes and Steiner tries to clothesline him but Joe just shrugs it off. Steiner goes to the ropes himself now in a second attempt to get Joe off his feet but he gets snap power slammed for his troubles.


Joe then locks on a modified sleeper hold but is unable to get a full Clutch going as Steiner struggles to resist. Steiner manages to brake free of the hold by poking Joe in his right eye. As Joe is dealing with the pain Steiner is busy shaking off the cobwebs and regaining his composure. He goes for a running clothesline again and again he is unsuccessful in bringing Joe down. Now he decides to grab Joe and he manages a quite spectacular suplex. He then straddles Joe and starts landing punch after punch. Referee Charles tries to get Steiner off of Joe but Steiner isn't relenting. Instead Joe throws Steiner off of him, unfortunately Charles was in the way and gets bowled over.


Joe rubs his right eye and seems to be ok now and restarts his offense on Steiner after suplexing with a head and arm variation Steiner in turn and following it up with a running Senton he picks Steiner up again and throws him in the corner. He then hits him with a corner splash followed up with a jumping twisting enzuigiri leaving Steiner out of it. He then proceeds to haul Scott Steiner up too the top rope in preparation of a Muscle Buster. But Steiner manages to cut it off with a rake of the eyes immediately followed by a vicious low blow.


Steiner quickly makes his way too the outside and grabs something from under the ring. It is his trusty lead pipe! As he rolls into the ring he hits Joe with it on the inside of the leg making him fall too his knees followed by a hit too the back at which Joe falls to the ground. Steiner hasn't noticed though that referee Charles is starting to regain his consciousness as he prepares for his third swing. He hits Samoa Joe in the back again and then locks in the Steiner Recliner using the pipe for extra leverage.


Suddenly out comes Rhino rushing out too the ring trying to prevent further damage on Joe and get revenge on Steiner. Rhino suddenly stops in his tracks though as Joe seems to be waving him away indicating he doesn't need his help. In a miraculous feet of strength Joe powers his way too his feet with Steiner on his back and drops backwards too the floor. He then quickly spins behind Steiner locking in the full Coquina Clutch just as that moment the bell starts ringing though. It seems Charles has fully recovered and upon seeing the pipe and the damage Joe has taken has called for the bell giving Joe the DQ victory. Joe doesn't release the clutch though until Steiner is passed out after which he stands up and spits on Steiner’s body and makes his way out of the ring but in a way that you can see that he is still seriously hurting.


Result: Samoa Joe wins via DQ after Steiner used a foreign object.

Rating: B, Nice happy with that, too early for a straight victory according to some (not me.)


Tenay: What a victory for the Originals! Steiner fought bravely but Joe was just too much for him

West: Hmm a questionable dq victory not much of a victory if you ask me.

Tenay: I am not asking and yes too bad it was by dq but if the bell hadn't rung I am sure it would have been via submission.

West: For Steiner that is.

Tenay: In your dream world that is. Anyways next up is the one you have all been waiting for it is our Main E.... Wait I have just been told that Daniels has something to say so let's take it too him.

West: Daniels? Who ca.....




Daniels: "I am sorry to bother you all again this evening but I just want to take this time to get some stuff of my chest.


First off congratulations to Joe for winning his match against Steiner. Don't say we didn't warn you.... because we did. Second and this is more personal I want to adress my loss too Sting. Sting I have nothing against you personally as you are a hell of a competitor and a true icon. What I do have a problem with is your involvement with the Mafia. But Sting is not the one I want to talk about here.


No it is that "sucka" Booker T! Where do you get off in interfering in my match with Sting? Do you have so little faith in Sting that he can't beat me? While that is a serious possibility I would expect a little more faith from my friends. You see I have so much faith in my friends that I think AJ Styles will beat you for the last spot in King of the Mountain next week.


So that is why I have arranged it with Jeff Jarret that if AJ beats you, no WHEN AJ beats you, that you and I will settle our differences at Slammiversary. So how do you like that "sucka"?"




We then cut back too Booker's apparently restored locker room and see his reaction and he doesn't seem too happy. Screaming: "Hell no, hell no!" and at the same time kicking stuff around and punching in the air.


Rating: B+, more layers in the MEM against Originals feud.


Tenay: Hmm Booker doesn't seem all that pleased and what was that about Sting?

West: Nah he is just psyched up that's all. That is how he always gets when preparing for a match.

Tenay: Well that match is next week but right now it is time for out main event as Jarret and Angle continue their storied rivalry.

West: Their one sided story in my opinion, with Angle always in the right.

Tenay: Whatever, let's just get too the match.



Another classic encounter between these two competitors as their styles really seem to compliment each other and the animosity between them seems legitimate somehow.


Both had a real fire coming into this match which even saw Jarret resorting to some of his classic cheating ways in order to counter Angle's use of the same. Kurt seemed to be getting the better of the affair though as he seemed to be in better shape and somehow even more determined to put Jarret in his place.


Jarret fought valiantly though and even managed to hit Angle with a double underhook facebuster (,which Tenay called correctly this time,) after which he managed to get Angle into the figure four leglock. After some struggling Angle managed to reverse the pressure forcing Jarret to release the hold. Quick as a viper Angle grabbed Jarret's ankle and he locked in the ankle lock.


Jarret struggled too the ropes and he got within touching distance but couldn't quite get there. The crowd started chanting his name urging him forward, this gave him a burst of power and he managed to get too the ropes. After a four count by referee Hebnar Angle released the hold. Jarret slowly got too his feet and realised it was time to go too his old bag of tricks again and racked Angles eyes. He quickly proceeded to set Angle up for The Stroke. But no Angle countered it, seemingly out of sheer instinct, and hit him with the Angle slam. This time he took no chances and he dragged Jarret too the middle of the ring before reapplying the Ankle Lock.


Jarret struggled for all he was worth and seemed to be getting a burst of power again with the crowd chanting his name. But this time Angle reacted by going one step further and synched in the grapevine. Instead of tapping tough Jarret continued to struggle on despite the immense pain he must have been in. Eventually it became too much though and he seemingly passed out. The referee raised his hand one time and it fell down. He raised it for a second time and it fell down again. He raised it for a third time and with the crowd on the edge of their seats and chanting Jarret's name it......


fell down again. Making Hebnar call for the bell and Angle stand up and raise his hands in victory.


Result: Angle wins via submission when Jarret became unresponsive in the grapevine Ankle lock.

Rating: B+, no positive or negative chemistry just two workers who work well together it seems.


Tenay: Wow what a belter of a match! Too bad our valiant founder couldn't quite make it in the end. But Angle has qualified for the King of the Mountain and it seems the king himself won't be in the match!

West: Hah he never had a chance.

Tenay: Well I don't agree with you there, but wait what is going on it seems Angle isn't done as he is signalling for people to come out from the back! What does he have in mind?



Out come the other members of the Mafia with Nash, Booker and Steiner in ring clothes with Steiner walking slowly and looking pretty beat up but carrying his trusty lead pipe again. Sting meanwhile is in a suit and as Nash, Booker and Steiner enter the ring he just stands off and watches.


Angle grabs the lead pipe from Steiner and motions him to take a rest which he does in one of the corners. Nash and Booker meanwhile are taking their boots to Jarrett and stomping down on him repeatedly. Angle motions for Nash and Booker to pick Jarrett up between them. Angle then sets up for a mighty swing too Jarret's face with the lead pipe. Just at that second music hits the pa system and Angle freezes and turns around.



Out comes Mick Foley, without his belt or microphone in hand and he rushes towards the ring as fast as he can, so at a normal pace for the rest of the world. He then starts arguing with Angle with Sting still impassively looking on, Steiner in a corner and Nash and Booker holding up Jarrett. Angle suddenly gets a big grin on his face and he hands the pipe to Foley!?


Foley then shakes hands with Angle as he steps away and Foley readies himself to take a swing while Angle indicates to Booker and Nash that it is ok. Just as Foley gets a maf grin on his face and revs up for a full John Daly like swing music hits the pa system again!



Out comes Bobby Lashley in full ring gear and he sprints towards the ring like a man possessed. As Lashley gets into the ring all action stops and even Sting enters the ring and everyone has their eyes on Lashley wondering what he is going to do.


And then the credits appear, that is all the time we have for tonight folks hope you enjoyed the show!


Rating: A, MEM remains dangerous and what is Lashley up too?


Overall Show Rating: B, Ok, good show especially for a third one leading up to a ppv which is basically a filler show. Less run ins this time but too many foreign objects for my taste.


OOC: Any questions, comments, remarks or anything else more then welcome as always. Especially curious about the Samoa Joe match as that is very close too the format that I will be using for the ppv matches. Also smaller pictures preferable or fine as they are? Up Next is the future with Spike and of the TNA hardcore belt. Also don't forget to vote for Cverse diary of the month here, Real world diary of the month here and featuring yours truly rookie diary of the month here!

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Prediction results month 1:


Finisher: 6/8 - X - X

pate: 6/8 - 7/8 - 4/9

Togg: 5/8 - 6/8 - 5/9

fallout24: 5/8- 6/8 - X

Destiny: 4/8- 5/8 - 4/9

jwt13: 3/8- 6+/8* - 5/9

Bigpapa: X - 5/8 -X

Angeldelayette: X - 6/8 - X

Theheel83: X - X - 6/9


And the win this week goes too first time predicter Theheel83 congratulations and welcome aboard! Please remember next show is a must for first timers if you want to be eligible for the percentage win of the month.



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Getting hot with Scott.




After the show I was looking for Jeff as I wanted to give him a piece of my mind for doing that dam double underhook facebuster again. He had promised me not to use it anymore and there he goes and uses it in the main event! In my opinion it is just not done to use other peoples finishing moves when they are so well known. Even tough a certain miss taker had been stealing ours lately and executing them badly at that, it was no excuse.




Before I could find him tough Eric Young came up to me and warned me that Steiner was causing quite the sh*tstorm backstage. EY led me too the locker room he used and I could hear the commotion from the outside. I thanked EY and told him I could handle this and after he asked me I was sure and I assured him he left.


*knock, knock*


Steiner: Who the F*ck is it!




As I entered I saw that the whole locker-room was turned upside, lockers lying on the floor and even a broken bench. Steiners face was all red and he was sweating all over, Nash was there trying to calm him down but at the same time I noticed by his expression he was quite enjoying the fruckus at the same time.


Me: Nash could you leave me and Steiner alone for a while?


Nash made to leave but before he was out the door Steiner piped up.


Steiner: Why the f*ck does he have to go and who or what gives you the authority to tell him to leave!


Me: I didn't tell him to leave I politely asked him to leave, plus I prefer to talk to you one on one Scott and I think you would prefer it too as I don't want you to make a fool of yourself anymore then you need too.


I politely nodded to Nash and he nodded back and left.


Me: So what has you so worked up that you decided to trash the place? I know you or not on the sauce anymore so what is up?


Steiner: What is up? Me loosing too that freaking fatso Joe is what is up! I am the freaking star of this company and I get made to loose to that loser! That is what I got a problem with! Who the hell booked that crap!


Me: Actually Scott I booked that crap as you put it. And what are you worried about Scott? You can't win everything in this business and you know that, plus your legacy as one of the greatest tag team and single wrestlers ever will always remain intact no matter what you do in the ring. I could have you punching whales or benchpressing bullsharks and it wouldn't matter. It is sh*t like this that is the only thing that can ruin that Scott. You need to start thinking in the long run.


Scott: Yeah whatever man, just watch pulling that kinda crap again or it is you I will be thrashing!


Me: Consider this fair warning Scott next time you pull a stunt like this I won't be so kind. I might even talk about it with Dixie.


Suddenly the door opened


Dixie: Talk to me about what?


Me: Oh nothing very important I was just complementing Scott about the good job he did putting over Joe tonight.


She didn't look at all convinced given the state the locker room was in so I was kinda surprised by her reply.


Dixie: Yeah indeed keep it up Scott.


Steiner *grumbling*: Thanks, was my pleasure miss Carter.


Dixie: Please it is Dixie and actually I was looking for you as I want to talk some things over in the conference room.


Me: Me or Scott?


Dixie: You.


Me: Ok I will come along, just remember what we talked about Scott ok.


He just glared back and started concentrating on putting the locker-room back together. As I left following Dixie, Nash went back in and started helping him out. I was curious how much of that he had overheard and if he felt the same way as me or as Scott.



OOC up next talking with Dixie again, this time about Spike, hardcore belt, the product and other dealings.

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Dixie Spikes Me.








We both settled down in a small room with a table surrounded by six chairs in what I guessed must have been what she meant with the conference room backstage at McKethan stadium. She took the chair at the head of the table and she indicated the chair opposite for me to sit.


Me: Are any other people joining us?


Dixie: No I already informed them about these developments and they where fine about it, but as this mainly pertains to your ideas I thought it would be best if we discussed this at more length between the two of us.


I was wondering what this could all be about and if I had done anything that could have put my job in jeopardy so I asked nervously.


Me: Ok so what is the matter?


Dixie: First of Spike has sent us two messages. The first concerns making Impact a live show. They have informed us that they do not renegotiate contracts at this time so we have to wait about a month to open negotiations. They do agree with us taping Impact on a Thursday with an hour and a half delay and leaving it uncut so that we can start taping at half past seven in the afternoon which is a good time for people to go out to wherever whe are showing.


Me: Well that is certainly progress especially with our main competitors going PG it gives us an extra edge and way to differentiate ourselves. I would suggest to make the replay PG though giving extra incentive to watch it the first time while at the same time not alienating the younger audience.


Dixie: That is actually a good idea and I will relay that too Spike. Now on too the second part, they are worried about the hardcore belt. While they are the so called male television network they don't want things to get out of hand so not too much blood or weapons etc.


Me: Well that kind of restricts us in our options but as Spike is our main partner at the moment I guess we could make it more off an old school brass knuckles belt if you know what I mean.


Dixie: No not really please explain.


Me: Well in the territory days and mainly in the south you had brass knuckle belts and they where more or less for the tough as nails workers. You know the heavy duty brawlers or actual legitimate fighters. I actually think this could be a good development as it would be a sort of "new" hardcore combining the realism of the past with the current hardcore.


This would translate in mainly no-holds barred type fights which focus on brawling or simple extreme rules fights or other basic no dq matches on Impact while having the more extreme match types on ppv. We could have a press release along the same lines emphasizing the new approach to hardcore while stating true to both the past of hardcore and the past of the brass knuckles, kind of a fusion. This will allow both the brawlers and hardcore workers and even the tougher technical workers so shine in the division while at the same time delivering more and more regular blood and guts then our competitors.


Dixie: I see what you are saying and I think that Spike can agree to that and promoting the belt in that way would actually appeal to both traditional as well as hardcore fans as well as bring in new fans.


Me: Yeah well I am not totally happy with it and would like to go even more risque but seeing as Spike is our main partner at the moment it seems a decent way to go.


Dixie: Ok well that is the main concerns Spike had. Now concerning the product there have been some rumblings about the fact that the main event guys have gotten less screen time in favour of mainly the X-Division, the tag division and the women.


Me: Trust me Dixie there will always be rumblings about how much screen time everyone is getting but we as a creative team are doing our best to keep everybody as happy as possible. And yes those divisions have gotten more attention and that will remain that way if not even some more in the future if I have my way. Look there is no point in out doing the E in being the E. We just need to offer the same they have at a similar level but in a different edgier way and have more then they have.


That is why the X, the women and the tag division and in the future the hardcore division are getting more attention. It is all the E does not have, sure they have tag teams and women but not near to the same level of attention or quality we have. Further setting us apart from the E, we real our fans in by offering the mainstream product and keep them by offering more and being a bit different.


Dixie: I see your point but be careful you don't get carried away, the main event is still our bread and butter and I don't want you upsetting any of them especially as we have come this far in getting people like Kurt and Sting to sign on with us.


Me: I'll do my best.


And I am sure the other people in creative wont let me forget. I was constantly fighting to get them more attention and for now, because of the recent developments, it was going quite well.


Dixie: Now I heard you had some concerns regarding our attendance figures especially as we are only running in the South East. Well I had my Assistant Director in charge of Analysing Market Mechanics or ADAM for short take a look at the situation and he has concluded that having two shows in one area is fine before there is a notable drop in attendance or crowd burn out. Furthermore the difference between our popularity in the South East and the rest of the country is such that it most economically viable to only run shows in the South East for now.


Me: Ok that is an interesting development. Could you ask this ADAM to keep a good look on the figures so that we know when it would become viable to run in other areas?


Hmm considering the crowd burnout we might want to move our ppv’s too the first week on Sundays instead of where they are now till we can run them elsewhere. But that was for another time. Also this should maximize our income being the first to hold a ppv each month*


Dixie: Certainly, and as you mentioned other areas it also seems that apart from bringing in income our house shows will not increase our popularity but only maintain it and that having regular television coverage does the same thing. Furthermore he notes that attendance would not be affected by who actually participates in the house shows.


Me: Well how about this? We run the house shows in those regions where we do not have television coverage and also pull our main stars and older stars out of the house show loop in order to avoid the risk of fatigue or injury. But we don't pull them out completely but rotate them in order to test on in ring chemistry for our big events. I knew there was something strange with this cverse.


Dixie: Cenaverse? What are you babbling about?


Me: Nothing just a weird thought I had one time.


Dixie: Well just watch it with those weird thoughts will ya.


Me: Ok no problem Dixie, so anything else?


Dixie: No that is it....... for now.


Well I was glad that was over and while I was pissed that the hardcore division would have to be toned down I was actually happy with the solution I had come up with. And yeah this is one strange universe sometimes. Now finally I could get back to my hotel and maybe get some sleep at least my job was safe for now.


Jarret: What was it I heard about you not liking me doing that move!!


Oh no wishful thinking again.....



OOC next up impact preview, and for those interested here is the product:


Key: Mainstream

Heavy: Modern

Medium: Traditional, Daredevil

Low: Risque, Cult, Hardcore, Pure

Very Low: Comedy, Lucha Libre, Realism


Intensity: 20, Danger: 40, Divide: Medium, TV ratio: 70, Event ratio: 80.


As always any comments etc welcome and thanks too all so far.


* Last part proved to be false only the part Dixie mentioned was true. This was a common misconception, thanks to Adam (the real one) and Phantom Stranger for pointing this out.

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In the final qualifier for the King of the X match Alex Shelly has to be cautious not to turn into fish bait as he takes on Shark Boy 24: 7 Oh Shell Yeah!


Sheikh Abdul Bashir will be looking to turn around his luck against another new Cornette signee, this time it is a former TNA employee!


Cheerleader Melissa takes on Rhaka Khan for a spot in the Queen of the Mountain match, and oh yeah if Melissa wins she gets Khan's contract, if Khan wins Melissa may never join TNA!


Brother Ray looks to even up the score as he is set for one on one action against Robert Roode. Who will have the momentum going into the title match? Watch and see!


Matt Morgan has one more opponent to face in order to get a match for a spot in the MEM. Who will it be tonight and is he 100 % after his struggles with food poisoning?


As a qualifier Kurt Angle faces someone else with something to prove going into Slammiversary, it is none other then "The Monster" Abyss!! Who will survive in this clash of titans?


And in the final qualifier for the King of the Mountain match "The Phenomenal one" AJ Styles takes on none other then Booker T. These two have had quite the feud as of late over the legends belt and look to extend that too tonight’s impact!



Quick Predicts:


Shark Boy vs. Alex Shelly


Redebut vs. Sheikh Abdul Bashir



Melissa vs. Rhaka Khan


Brother Ray vs. Robert Roode


Debut vs. Matt Morgan



Abyss vs. Kurt Angle


AJ Styles vs. Booker T



ooc good luck everyone! And remember last chance for the percentage prize!

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