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TNA: Everything Is On The Line!

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Shark Boy vs. Alex Shelly


Redebut vs. Sheikh Abdul Bashir



Melissa vs. Rhaka Khan


Brother Ray vs. Robert Roode


Debut vs. Matt Morgan



Abyss vs. Kurt Angle


AJ Styles vs. Booker T

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TNA is proud to announce the following signings in an effort to strengthen the backstage crew.


Referees Nick Patrick, Jim Korderas and Brian Hebner.


All three of these referees have a wealth of experience and will lighten the load for the three referees we currently employ. In chosen these referees we decided quality and experience was the deciding factor and not their past employers.




Also taking over the duties of recent departure Savio Vega sees the return of Pat Kenny aka Simon Diamond in the role of Road Agent, Diamond will be working closely with the X - Division, Knock Outs and Tag Teams as Terry Taylor will focus on the Hardcore and Main Event scene. TNA is glad to have this TNA original back and he seems glad to be back as well.




Quick Predicts:


Shark Boy vs. Alex Shelly


Redebut vs. Sheikh Abdul Bashir



Melissa vs. Rhaka Khan


Brother Ray vs. Robert Roode


Debut vs. Matt Morgan



Abyss vs. Kurt Angle


AJ Styles vs. Booker T


ooc remember last chance to become eligible the percentage win and guessing debut's etc is not mandatory but bonus.

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Just about missed making predictions.


Shark Boy vs. Alex Shelly


Redebut vs. Sheikh Abdul Bashir

Redebut= Paul London


Melissa vs. Rhaka Khan


Brother Ray vs. Robert Roode


Debut vs. Matt Morgan

Debut= Mr. Anderson


Abyss vs. Kurt Angle


AJ Styles vs. Booker T

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TNA Impact, week 4, June 2009.



Location: Russ Chandler Stadium, South East.

Attendance: 5.000 Sell Out!

TV Rating: 1.36



Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West.


Tenay: Welcome everybody to this, the first rough and uncut edition of TNA Impact!

West: And what a wild night it is shaping up to be!

Tenay: And please remember folks if you want your kids or little brothers or sisters to enjoy Impact with you a pg version will be aired on Saturday morning!

West: Make sure they don't miss any of the great action right here in TNA wrestling!

Tenay: And to start us off we have our executive shareholder wanting to say something.

West: Man what has that lunatic have to say? Why hasn't the mafia opened the show like they always did and should do lately?



Foley comes out to mixed reactions of the crowed and he is looking his usual dishelved selve again. He has the title belt draped over his shoulder again and he strokes it several times during the segment seemingly worried about loosing it and very attached too it.


Foley: Ho, ho, ho everybody and welcome too the first rough and uncut edition of TNA Impact! Now before we start tonight’s festivities I as your world champion have some announcements to make, but let me get this out of the way first. F*CK, SH*T, B*TCH, ASSH*LE, MOTHERF*CKER, hey whatta ya know no bleeps, man that felt good.


Now on to more pressing matters. You all know me as a fair man, someone who rewards his friends and punishes his enemies. Well it seems I have to defend my precious, my beauty of a world title here against four men tomorrow. And I got to thinking that that was a bit unfair, seeing as I have been wrestling my ass off for these last few weeks and giving you all a grand show I thought it would be fair to have at least one less enemy for Slammiversary.


So I decided on a little test, a little tweak if you will for the match involving my greatest enemy tonight. Kurt! You sick son of a b*tch if you are listening, your spot in the King of the Mountain match will be on the line in tonight’s match! And oh yeah the man you will be facing is my kind of man. Just as sane and normal and skilled as me in my prime, none other then "The Monster" Abyss!




The crowd pops at this announcement and Foley is smiling and stroking his title until it quits down. We cut too the back quickly too the MEM locker room and we see Angle going out his mind and we find Abyss in a dark corner giggling and tearing at his hair in a menacing way. We cut back too the ring and Foley prepares to speak again.


Foley: Now as far as rewarding my friends. I have seen a lot of old extreme buddies and pallies and what not here in TNA and I feel I haven't been able to do enough for them yet. So in my infinite wisdom I thought I would make a little tweak to tomorrows tag team match. If, no when my brothers Ray and Devon beat Beer Money at Slammiversary they have to acknowledge them as the better team and will not be allowed to challenge for the titles as long as 3D holds them, how is that for rewarding old friends! And oh yeah just for a little more fun it will be a tables match!






As Foley drops the microphone and head too the back we see team 3D celebrating in the back although at the same time they seem a bit confused as to why Foley would do this despite all the kind words. Then we cut to Beer Money and Storm seems to be choking on his beer and Roode is going mad cursing and yelling.


Rating: B-, More and better heat mainly for the tag teams. Foley getting madder and accentuating the new non PG style.


Tenay: Wow is it me or is Foley slowly going off his rocker?

West: No it isn't you and what a dirty trick to pull on Angle, having to face Abyss! He is well you know.... a Monster!

Tenay: For once I actually agree with you. And that match is later tonight but now is the final qualifier for the King of the X match! And as a special treat former X-Division champion Jay Lethal will be joining us at the broadcast table!

Lethal: Thank you Monsoon, hey there Heenen good to be here! Ooooooooh Yeah Man!

Tenay: Eh thanks I guess anyways lets get to the action!

West: You tell em chimp, ehm chump, ehm Gorilla.

Tenay: Rather a Gorilla then a low down stinking weasel!



Shelly and Shark Boy really seemed to gel in this high paced, high flying, high octane affair as they exchanged hold after counter hold and the flashy manoeuvres followed one and other at such a dazzling pace that the crowd seemed to hold their breath. They finally released it with TNA chants everywhere and even the occasional this is awesome.


The chemistry between these two was on full display as they went all out for the last place in the King of the X match. Alas to all good things must come an end and as Shark Boy went for the Chummer Shelly low blowed him out of sight of referee Johnson and hit him with the Sliced Bread to get the one, two, three.


The lights went out again and Suicide appeared this time perched on the announce table. As Lethal made to get up and get at him and Shelly came from ringside the lights went out again and Suicide was gone leaving Lethal and Shelly holding onto each other.


Result: Alex Shelly wins, via pin after a low blow followed by a Sliced Bread.

Rating: B, Whoohoo for chemistry!


Tenay: Wow what a match! Showing you what you can expect from the X-Division!

West: I can’t wait for Slammiversary when Suicide finally gets his come uppins!

Lethal: Ooooh Yeah we are going to send that suited freak Back to the Future and introduce him too the black madness Ooh Yeah man!

West: Aren't you supposed to leave so Cornette can come harass us again?

Tenay: Oh didn't you get the memo? Due to your behaviour last week Cornette thought it might be fun to have a guest commentator each week on Impact. He thought you enjoyed it so much that it was worth following up on.

West: What! What the hell are you talking about? I already have to sit here with you and now each week another coot will be joining us?

Lethal: Watch your mouth weasel Heenen or else the madness will have to be unleashed on you!

Tenay: Yeah watch it!


We leave our bickering broadcast table as we cut to the back too a familiar scene as Nash and Morgan are standing in the MEM locker room.




Nash: Well are you ready for the penultimate test?


Morgan: Yeah, yeah who is it?


Nash: Well he has finally recovered from his food poisoning and he is raring to go. And he also shares many qualities with your final opponent. He is a master of the power bomb, he is big, he is strong and he is experienced. He is only not as sexy as your final opponent if you win.


Morgan: So when I beat this guy I get my final opponent and when I beat him I am in?


Nash: If you beat this guy then yeah if you beat your final opponent at Slammiversary you are in the MEM, but be warned your final opponent is Big, Sexy, extremely skilled and sexy to boot.


Morgan: Yeah, yeah whatever just bring in the victim.


Nash: I think you might want to be careful what you say around this guy as he is Vicious. Yo bud come on in.




the door opens and Sid Vicious enters. Morgan turns around and the two giants have an epic stare down as they size each other up, and that is a lot of size. While Nash is having a chuckle seeing these two big men try to intimidate the other.


Rating: A, Menace rocks and the work so far has paid off.


Tenay: Oh my good it is psycho Sid Vicious what a test for Morgan! And if he can pull this one off I have a good idea who is next opponent is going to be!

West: Oh ya do doo ya why don't you fill me in?

Tenay: Your the one who is supposed to be buddies with the mafia so you are supposed to know.

West: I am, I am just testing you.

Lethal: It is the one who killed the son of Andre man! Oooooh Yeah man its that man, man. Freak Out!

Tenay: Ehm yeah, well now it is time for the Sheikh to face to music again as he takes on another one of Cornette's hand picked opponents and this time it is a former TNA champion!

Lethal: Ooooh who is coming back too the action I can't wait to see yeah!

West: It doesn't matter Bashir will beat him like he always does!



As Bashir awaits his opponent out comes Bentley and he receives a medium pop from the TNA diehards who remember his early days in the X-Division and his work in Serotonin. He had been focusing on his band lately and has agreed to return as long as he could remain working for them and we would use his bands music as his theme music and promote the band.


He seems to have a more confident and c*cky attitude about him, shades of his uncle and mentor in his early days, and this greater self confidence and attitude seems to help him in this battle as the Sheikh seems determined to prove his worth in the ring. His more methodical style is no match for Bentley's all around and especially high flying skills as he picks up the victory here after hitting the Sweet Rock Music superkick followed up by the Lost In Chaos.


Result: Matt Bentley wins, via pin after a Lost In Chaos.

Rating: D-, meh.


Lethal: Ooooh yeah the Bentley is back and he looks ready to rock and freak the f*ck out yeah!

Tenay: Indeed it was great seeing the former X-Division champ return with such a resounding win.

West: He cheated.

Tenay: How?

West: I don't know, but he did.

Tenay: Ok I have had about e..... wait I hear there is some commotion in the back and it is in the girls locker room?


We cut to the back to a camera in the girls locker room but nothing seems to be happening we can hear screams though and as the camera follows the noise we see that it is coming from the showers!




The view is partially blocked by the copious amount of steam and water running but we can make out that the Beautiful People are attacking Awesome Kong! It seems that Kong walked in while the Beautiful People where taking a shower and before she had a chance to undress they attacked her!


Kong is taking a hell of a beating as far as we can see as bits and parts of flesh and punches and kicks can be seen through the haze. Suddenly the Beautiful People notice the camera and grabbing towels to cover up they quickly leave the scene. Kong gets back to her feet and growls at the camera man before knocking him out cold. The last shot is the camera on the floor and we can see blood pouring away in a drain.


Rating: C, Keeping the heat up in more ways then one.


West: *Gulp*

Tenay: *Gulp*

Lethal: Freak Out!

Tenay: Ehm, I hope the camera man is ok.

West: Yeah that lucky ehm I mean poor cameraman.

Lethal: Oh those three Elizabeth’s really put a hurting on that Sherri, Yeah!

Tenay: And talking about women hurting one another the returning Cheerleader Melissa against Rhaka Khan is up next and Khan's TNA contract is on the line as well as a Queen of the Ring spot!

West: Hah Khan has nothing to worry about she is a freak of nature after all!

Tenay: I wouldn't say that Melissa has been dubbed a future legend and is a very accomplished female competitor across the globe.



Khan seems overly confident getting into this match and she isn't prepared for the determined and all out offense from Melissa. She dazzles the crowd as she takes the fight to Khan and seemingly dominates the much larger Khan. Khan gets back into things tough by using some cheap tactics and her greater strength but in the end it is not nearly enough as Melissa puts her away with a vicious


Result: Melissa wins, via pin after a Kudo Driver.

Rating: D, good for a semi squash.


Tenay: Wow what an impressive display by Cheerleader Melissa! She certainly seems one to watch for the future!

Lethal: The Freak is Out!

West: Yes lets not forget that Khan has lost her job now.

Lethal: Freak Out!

Tenay: Indeed but Melissa was just too much for her even with her impressive physical abilities.

Lethal: Oooh Yeah, Freaky Sherri is Out!

Tenay: And now it is time to see if Brother Ray can get one back over Robert Roode after Devon lost last week.



Ray and Roode seemingly gel well in this match as they know when to play too the crowd and slow the match down at the right moments and their styles really complement each other.


This is mainly a good old fashioned slobber knocker with a lot of punches and power moves being traded back and forth. Rey has the overall experience edge but Roode is much more comfortable in singles matches and well, he cheats.


Even tough the match is quite short the crowd seems really into it till the end when Ray sets Roode up for a Bubba bomb only to get low blowed and Roode following it up with the Payoff.


Result: Roode wins, via pin after the Payoff.

Rating: C, good chemistry elevates it above Devon and Storm’s match. ooc sorry got my chemistries mixed up


Tenay: That is two and o for Beer Money, they will have all the momentum going into Slammiversary.

West: As well they should.

Lethal: Don't forget they where both close fought matches man! And The Nasty Boys of Team 3D have the greater tag team experience.

Tenay: And it will be a tables match to boot their specialty. And aren't you forgetting something?

Lethal: Oh what?..... oh yeah....... Oooooooh Yeah!

West: Anywhoo while you two prattle on it is time for the battle of the behemoths as "The Blue Print" Matt Morgan takes on "Psycho" Sid Vicious!

Tenay: Hey that is my line!

West: Ya snooze ya loose. Man I can't wait for this match or decide who to root for both are so dam big and strong.



The crowd could decide who to root for though as they where behind Sid in this encounter given his remarkable recovery from his horrific injury. They loudly booed Morgan as he went straight for Sid's previously injured leg in an attempt to get the advantage. Sid used his veteran savvy to prevent this in the early going though.


This was a real test of strength between these two giants and neither seemed to be able to get the upper hand as both competitors started to realise this it became a war of attrition and it seemed that Vicious would win by using his greater experience. Morgan suddenly realised that power was not the answer as he retaliated by using his greater speed and agility.


After a bit of cat and mouse play by Morgan he managed to get behind Sid and deliver a nasty chop block on Sid's weak leg. As Sid was down on one knee Morgan quickly bounced off the ropes and delivered the Carbon Footprint. Realising that this probably wouldn't be enough Matt Morgan went up too the top rope! Morgan jumped and hit a top rope Leg Drop! 1,2,3 Morgan wins and will have a chance to become a member of the MEM at Slammiversary!


Result: Morgan wins, via pin after a top rope leg drop.

Rating: D+, seems only freaky fans of a certain European company like these kind of matches.


Tenay: What a battle between these two giants! This time speed and youth overcame experience but it could have easily gone the other way.

West: Indeed and I don't think this will be the last we will see of Vicious.

Lethal: Vicious got beaten by... well ehm... Vicious in this epic encounter yeah!

West: Are you ok there Jay?

Lethal: Mind your own beeswax weasel!

Tenay: Speaking of despicable creatures it seems Raven has something to say, so lets get too the back.

West: Who are you calling despi....




Raven is sitting in a corner on the floor alone and is half covered in darkness, we can barely see his mouth in the light and his eyes are mostly covered by his hair. It all has a very eerie and dark look too it as he begins to speak.


Raven: Well Abyss, here we are at another crossroads of our destiny. And now you dare think that you portray the light? While I know that deep inside you just as inside every man lies a hart of darkness and in your case that hart is bleeding. You have tried to put band aids on them but come Slammiversary I will rip them off one by one and reveal them for what they truly are. Platitudes of an inept society trying to force you in their mould of what is good, what is right what is just what is.......good.


He spits on the floor as if to wash the bad taste out of his mouth before he continues.


Raven: But you know, oh yes you know that you my friend are a white raven. And a white raven will bleed all the more clearly when they are hurt, they will crow all the more fiercely when they feel pain, and their darkness will return when they bleed! And bleed you and I shall together and you will realise that pain and suffering are the only truth in this world and we shall be cleansed and you will be reborn as your true self. The truth of pain shall set you free Abyss and I will be its messenger........... Quote the Raven; Nevermore!


As he raises his arms wide and he starts laughing maniacally as the camera zooms out.




We then cut too where Abyss is watching this on a monitor and he is seething! Pulling at his hair, spitting and sweating as he takes the monitor and smashes it on the ground before he leaves.


Rating: C+, Raven underperformed somehow in the eyes of the fans I wonder why.


Tenay: It seems Raven is really getting under the skin of Abyss lately. I can't wait for Slammiversary when these two will duke it out.

Lethal: Man that Raven dude freaks me out man....Freak Out!

West: You and me both brother you and me both.

Lethal: Watch who you be calling brother, man!

Tenay: Well lets just see if Abyss can remain his focus and control as he takes on Kurt Angle and that is next!



This apparent mismatch of styles was actually very good as Abyss seemed to take out his frustrations and demons on Angle and Angle was determined to remain in the King of the Mountain match at all costs. The match had many shades of their epic battle at Turning Point all tough in this case it wasn't falls count anywhere it didn't stop these competitors taking it too the outside often and inflicting heavy punishment on one another as both men where cut open and started bleeding.


Abyss seemed to be getting the better of Angle in this match as his greater power and his fury really had Angle back paddling. Abyss's offense became wilder and wilder as the match progressed eventually leading to an unintentional ref bump as Angle ducked a wild clothesline from Abyss and he knocked referee Johnson out cold instead. This allowed Angle to bring a chair into play and he started pummelling Abyss with it.


Working through the pain Abyss slowly got up and a stunned Angle saw Abyss punch the chair right out his hands. Abyss then took Angle up on his shoulders and delivered a shock treatment. He signalled to the crowd that it was choke slam time but as he was doing so he was blindsided as both Richards as Raven hit him with Kendo sticks. With Raven going high and Richards going low.


They continued their assault until Angle got up and as he noticed the referee regaining consciousness he ordered them out. He then dragged Abyss to the middle of the ring and applied the Ankle Lock. Abyss still suffering from the attack on his legs had no choice but to tap out. As Angle released the hold and celebrated Abyss got to his feet as quick as he could and hobbled after Raven and Richards who where gloating from the outside of the ring. As they saw him coming they ran away as quick as they could.


Result: Angle wins, via submission after an Ankle Lock. Raven and Richards attacked Abyss

Rating: B+, best match so far! These two are great together even without chemistry.


Tenay: Wow what a match that was! I was sure Abyss had it won till the interference!

West: Nah Angle was just toying with him and saving his strength for Slammiversary!

Lethal: Man that was one mad match man!

Tenay: You can say that again! Let's...

Lethal: Man that was one mad match man, madness Oooooh Yeah!

Tenay: I was gonna say....


But before Tenay can continue we cut to the back as there seems to be something going on there. We hear loud banging and smashing and as the camera arrives at the seen we see two men going toe to toe and using everything at their disposal too hurt each other.




Rhino and Steiner are battling it out in the back! And these two men seem to have been going at it for a while now as both are bleeding and sweating all over. Security rushes to the scene in an attempt to restrain both men but seem to unable to restrain their strength and anger as they continue to clobber away at each other!


Things seem to quite down though as more security arrives and Rhino seems content with the damage he has done and lets himself be led away. In the blink of an eye though he turns around and hits Steiner with a Gore taking down both him and several security members at the same time! Now he is really satisfied and walks away.


Rating: B-, decent rating and good intense backstage fight.


Tenay: Holy mackerel everyone seems to be totally on edge for Slammiversary! It is shaping up to be a night to remember!

West: Indeed Mike it sure is shaping up to become one crazy night you won't want to miss!

Lethal: Madness Yeah!

Tenay: Speaking of mad, Daniels was pissed of that Booker cost him his spot in the King of the Mountain and fellow Original and friend AJ Styles will be looking to even the score and at the same time qualify for that match and that main event is up next!

West: Oh I can't wait Angle, Sting, Booker all working together will definitely bring the gold back where it belongs!

Tenay: We will just have to wait and see Don. I myself remember AJ beating Booker for the Legends belt not to long ago in an epic battle.

Lethal: You got some weird shades on Don it seems as like you watching everything through Mafia eyes! You should borrow mine and really freak out! Go AJ, Go!



AJ and Booker really went all out in this contest with both hitting their signature moves which meant a lot of kicks by Booker and high flying by AJ. They even did some nice chain wrestling and counters reminiscent of Booker's earlier days. AJ had the advantage in the early going as Booker screwing over his friend and his rediscovered determination gave an extra edge and focus to his offence.


Booker T turned the tables though in classic heal style and started to hit AJ with kicks from different positions and blatantly choked him when he was on the ground. He threw him in the corner and started a barrage of kicks and punches before throwing him by the hairs to the middle of the ring and mounting him with punches followed by a Spinaroonie.


The end came when Booker kicked AJ in the gut setting him up for the Scissors Kick, as he bounced off the ropes he was suddenly tripped by Daniels! He was hiding under the ring the whole time and it was a classic double cross given his comments last week. Referee Hebner didn't see it and Daniels quickly hid behind the ring again. AJ recovered and as Booker tried to get up he gave him a low enzuigiri to the head and followed it up with a Styles Clash for the one, two, three! AJ is going to the King of the Mountain match and Booker will face Daniels at Slammiversary!


Result: AJ Styles wins, via pin after a Styles Clash. Daniels also interfered.

Rating: B, outshined but still a very good match.


Right after the bell the rest of the MEM, excluding Steiner, came out and immediately attacked AJ and Daniels for his interference as they where furious about being played the way they where.



AJ and Daniels quickly went down to the superior numbers although Sting again remained outside the ring with the commentary team wondering if he was directing the action or didn't want to get his hands dirty or actually not agreeing to the beat down. The dire spot AJ and Daniels where in didn't last long though as a familiar tune hit the pa system.



Joe came out of the gates at a one hundred miles an hour and entered the fray. AJ and Daniels seemed invigorated by his arrival and it turned into an equal three on three all out brawl. Sting decided to get involved though and the MEM had the numbers advantage again. The Originals put up a brave fight though but the numbers started wearing them down. That is until another song hit the sound system and out came the king of the mountain himself!



Jarret came in with his trademark guitar, just as he was about to hit Angle in the back with it he was blocked by Sting's baseball bat and the guitar shattered and the bat spun out of Sting's hand. The brawl evened out again as Nash was fighting with Joe, AJ and Angle where at it, Booker and Daniels where locked up and Sting and Jarret were trading blows. Just then someone else came out and everyone was wondering who would get the advantage. The answer? No one! As out came:



And he started to attack everybody while just laughing out loud and enjoying the general melee. It was total chaos as the fight began escalating and escalating and it seemed that no one would be in any shape to fight at Slammiversary it all quieted down though as another sound filled the whole arena.



He came out with pyros and all and in full ring gear but he just pointed at it seemed to be Jarret as all the action stopped and we went off the air with West and Tenay plugging the ppv and running through the final card.


Rating: A, whoohoo! ooc kinda cheated as it is more then 8 but this is better storyline wise.


Overall Show Rating: B+, Best show so far although all the cheating wins and multiple interferences and surprises during the last angle where a bit over the top, despite others being distracted I still have a lot of work to do, one consolidation no poles so far!


ooc up next Slammiversary and get to predicting! I am dropping the percentage and second place prize in favour of a ppv prize as that is harder to predict. I will post the full card with preview tomorrow.

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<p>Slammiversary preview.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/slammiversary7.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23598" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Wow what a card Slammiversary is turning out to be! All the qualifiers are now known and multiple grudges and tests need resolving be sure not to miss it!</em><p><em> </em></p><p><em> The show will start with those high octane, high flying X Division wrestlers in a King of the X match*</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Next up the Knockout's will show what they are made of in the first ever Queen of the Mountain match*</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Matt Morgan will face his final opponent he has to beat in order to become part of the Main Even Mafia and he will have to do so in a cage! Will he be successful against his "Big Sexy Giant Killing" opponent?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> And in another chapter of their storied rivalry Beer Money Inc. will challenge team 3D for tag team dominance in 3D's specialty, a tables match!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> There is sure to be hell to pay as well as blood and guts as Abyss and Raven are set to take violence to another level in order to not only become the first TNA Hardcore champion but also to settle some "personal differences" to say the least.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Rhino and Steiner have had much grieve between each other on Impact these last few weeks and they are going to settle it in what promises to be a brutal Hell in a Cell match!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Our founder Jeff Jarrett has been wondering out loud where Bobby Lashley's allegiances lie as well as the whole TNAtion and wrestlers. Will Lashley show his true colours in this match or will Jarret have to beat it out of him?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> In the semi main event Daniels and Booker T will face off in a battle between the TNA Originals and Main Event Mafia, both men also cost the other a place in the King of the Mountain match to ad even more fuel to the fire!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> And in our main event it is the classic King of the Mountain match* with the TNA title on the line! Will Mick Foley be able to retain? Will Angle and Sting be able to work together and overcome their differences in order to return the gold to the Mafia. Will Joe and AJ be on the same page even with the gold on the line or will they be distracted by their hatred for the Mafia instead of trying to win the title?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> All these questions and more will be resolved in this epic seventh edition of Slammiversary. Miss it and miss out! Be there or order it on Direct TV and be amazed!</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Quick Picks:</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>King of the X match for the TNA X Division Title:</em> Suicide © vs. Jay Lethal vs. Homicide vs. Eric Young vs. Alex Shelly</p><p> </p><p> <em>Queen of the X match for the TNA Knockout's Title:</em> Angelina Love © vs. Tara vs. Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong vs. Cheerleader Melissa</p><p> </p><p> <em>Final Morgan challenge in a cage match:</em> ??? vs. Matt Morgan</p><p> ???=</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tables match for the TNA Tag Team Titles:</em> Team 3D vs. Beer Money Inc.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Monsters Ball for the TNA Hardcore Title:</em> Abyss vs. Raven</p><p> </p><p> <em>Hell in a cell grudge match:</em> Rhino vs. Scott Steiner</p><p> </p><p> <em>Loyalty test:</em> Jeff Jarrett vs. Bobby Lashley</p><p> </p><p> <em>Originals vs. Main Event Mafia:</em> Daniels vs. Booker T</p><p> </p><p> <em>King of the Mountain match for the TNA Heavyweight Title:</em> Mick Foley © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting vs. Kurt Angle</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>* The King of the Mountain match format has now been changed to be a five way elimination ladder match. The goal is still to hang the title on the hook. The defending champion will start with the title and only the title and ladders are legal to use. There will be an elimination box but it has been enlarged and has two doors to also function as a barrier for people wanting to interfere.</em></p>
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<p>King of the X match for the TNA X Division Title: Suicide © vs. Jay Lethal vs. <strong>Homicide</strong> vs. Eric Young vs. Alex Shelly</p><p> </p><p>

Queen of the X match for the TNA Knockout's Title: Angelina Love © vs. <strong>Tara</strong> vs. Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong vs. Cheerleader Melissa</p><p> </p><p>

Final Morgan challenge in a cage match: <strong>???</strong> vs. Matt Morgan</p><p>

???=</p><p> </p><p>

Tables match for the TNA Tag Team Titles: <strong>Team 3D</strong> vs. Beer Money Inc.</p><p> </p><p>

Monsters Ball for the TNA Hardcore Title: Abyss vs. <strong>Raven</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hell in a cell grudge match: <strong>Rhino</strong> vs. Scott Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

Loyalty test: Jeff Jarrett vs. <strong>Bobby Lashley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Originals vs. Main Event Mafia: Daniels vs. <strong>Booker T</strong></p><p> </p><p>

King of the Mountain match for the TNA Heavyweight Title: Mick Foley © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting vs. <strong>Kurt Angle</strong></p>

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<p>King of the X match for the TNA X Division Title: Suicide © vs. Jay Lethal vs. <strong>Homicide</strong> vs. Eric Young vs. Alex Shelly <em>Homicide is good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Queen of the X match for the TNA Knockout's Title: <strong>Angelina Love ©</strong> vs. Tara vs. Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong vs. Cheerleader Melissa <em>Hot</em></p><p> </p><p>

Final Morgan challenge in a cage match: <strong>???</strong> vs. Matt Morgan</p><p>

???= <strong>Ron "The Truth Killings</strong> <em>Would be cool to see.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tables match for the TNA Tag Team Titles: <strong>Team 3D</strong> vs. Beer Money Inc. <em>Team 3D still has life left in them.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Monsters Ball for the TNA Hardcore Title: <strong>Abyss</strong> vs. Raven <em>I'd give Abyss a lengthly title run.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hell in a cell grudge match: Rhino vs. <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> <em>Strange having the Hell in a Cell match. Steiner is a better all-rounder.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Loyalty test: <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> vs. Bobby Lashley <em>I don't care what anyone says, Jarrett is TNA through and through.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Originals vs. Main Event Mafia: Daniels vs. <strong>Booker T</strong> <em>Daniels is good but Booker's a legend.</em></p><p> </p><p>

King of the Mountain match for the TNA Heavyweight Title: Mick Foley © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting vs. <strong>Kurt Angle</strong> <em>Angle rules.</em></p>

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Strange having the Hell in a Cell match


Well it's actually a six sides of steal with weapons but that is such a damm crappy name and I don't like TNA's habit of changing names of known matches as in changing TLC into Full Metal Mayhem. Lethal Lockdown would be a better name for it but that is generally known to be the team vs. team match at Lockdown. If anyone can think of a better name then please be my guest. Cage Mayhem perhaps?


Ron "The Truth Killings Would be cool to see


Hmm I thought I was pretty clear in the hints I gave so that those that order the ppv know who to expect, plus ???? means someone on the current roster. Plus I am still at Cult and WWE at this moment is hiring not firing.

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King of the X match for the TNA X Division Title: Suicide © vs. Jay Lethal vs. Homicide vs. Eric Young vs. Alex Shelly


NO SABIN, in that case i would have to vote Shelley. One half of the best tag team in history and a pure born wreslter




Queen of the X match for the TNA Knockout's Title: Angelina Love © vs. Tara vs. Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong vs. Cheerleader Melissa


Hard choice here, there isnt a knockout that i disslike in this match. as its a multi person match i would have to go with the ultimate knockout




Final Morgan challenge in a cage match: ??? vs. Matt Morgan



I'm either stupid(no comment) or ur just a good mystery writer. I never guess who is comming. As for the winner, it has to be the geneticaly jacked Matt Morgan




Tables match for the TNA Tag Team Titles: Team 3D vs. Beer Money Inc.

HUGE Beer Money fan, Drinking Beer, Spending Money and Kicking Ass... these guys have my dream lol. So Team 3D, Sorry bout ur damn luck




Monsters Ball for the TNA Hardcore Title: Abyss vs. Raven


Abyss is the true hardcore icon of TNA. Raven maybe great but he had his time in ECW




Hell in a cell grudge match: Rhino vs. Scott Steiner


I two power brawlers, not a fan of either and couldnt sit through there match. I would have to go with the younger Rhino in this match




Loyalty test: Jeff Jarrett vs. Bobby Lashley


Lashley is much younger, tallented and dominating than Jarrett. have to give him the win and make him the future :-D




Originals vs. Main Event Mafia: Daniels vs. Booker T


Great to see Daniels Battle a big name. My money is on the true tallent




King of the Mountain match for the TNA Heavyweight Title: Mick Foley © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting vs. Kurt Angle


This is a great lineup, Im a true and Loyal AJ Fan so i hve to put him as winner.

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<p>King of the X match for the TNA X Division Title: <strong>Suicide </strong>© vs. Jay Lethal vs. Homicide vs. Eric Young vs. Alex Shelly</p><p> </p><p>

Queen of the X match for the TNA Knockout's Title: Angelina Love © vs. Tara vs. Taylor Wilde vs. <strong>Awesome Kong </strong>vs. Cheerleader Melissa</p><p> </p><p>

Final Morgan challenge in a cage match: ??? vs. <strong>Matt Morgan</strong></p><p>

???=</p><p> </p><p>

Tables match for the TNA Tag Team Titles: <strong>Team 3D </strong>vs. Beer Money Inc.</p><p> </p><p>

Monsters Ball for the TNA Hardcore Title: <strong>Abyss </strong>vs. Raven</p><p> </p><p>

Hell in a cell grudge match: <strong>Rhino </strong>vs. Scott Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

Loyalty test: Jeff Jarrett vs. <strong>Bobby Lashley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Originals vs. Main Event Mafia: <strong>Daniels </strong>vs. Booker T</p><p> </p><p>

King of the Mountain match for the TNA Heavyweight Title: Mick Foley © vs. <strong>AJ Styles </strong>vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting vs. Kurt Angle</p>

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<p>Name news.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/tnanews.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Due to a threatened legal injunction from another company TNA wrestling has been forced to change the name of the Hell in the Cell match. Seeing as the match will take place inside a locked cage and it will be loaded with weapons and due to the dangerous nature of the match it will know be known as a: Locked and Loaded match!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>ooc Working on Slammiversary so get to predicting hehe.</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="burnum81" data-cite="burnum81" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23598" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is a great diary. I really like the detailed description of the commentary and angles. Personally, I'd probably be too lazy to write in such a detailed way <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks a lot for the high praise man I am doing the best I can. And yes it takes a bit longer but the result is worth it I hope. Comments like these really help inspire me and drive me to do even better and more so thanks again.</p>
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<p>Prediction results so far and prizes</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23598" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Prediction results month 1:</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Finisher: 6/8 - X - X</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> pate: 6/8 - 7/8 - 4/9 - 7/9</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Togg: 5/8 - 6/8 - 5/9 - 7/9</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> fallout24: 5/8- 6/8 - X - X</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Destiny: 4/8- 5/8 - 4/9 - 4/7</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> jwt13: 3/8- 6+/8* - 5/9 - X</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Bigpapa: X - 5/8 -X - 6/7</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Angeldelayette: X - 6/8 - X - X</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Theheel83: X - X - 6/9 - X </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> And the win this week is a tie between Pate and Togg as they had all the matches correct! Congratulations! They are also the frontrunners for the overall win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ok so I have been changing around with the prizes a bit. I have decided to keep the percentage prize for this month as I had announced it, so for this month only there will be three winners; The overall winner, percentage winner (3 shows minimum) and the ppv winner. In the future there will be just the overall winner and ppv winner plus special prizes for a perfect match prediction score in the form of merchandise.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Now the options for the monthly winners will be:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> 1. A yes or no question about the mystery booker.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> 2. Special hints on upcoming debut's/redebut's/????'s</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> 3. A sit-down interview with a member of the roster by either Mike Tenay/Don West or a news writer.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> 4. Chose the Knockout of the Month for the Knockout Calendar!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> 5. A link to a classic TNA web match involving a participant of your choice. (If I can find it but I am pretty good at it.)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> 6. Chose the guest commentator for one week.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> 7. Merchandise of my choice dammit!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Option’s one and two are only applicable to the overall winner. Option six will have a note to say who the actual commentator was so that one knows that it effected his overness and entertainment stats.</strong></p><p> </p><p> For Pate and Togg for the 100 percent last time around:</p><p> </p><p> This glorious limited edition secret special T-Shirt of the greatest person to ever grace wrestling if not god's green earth (at least he thinks so.)</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/GT_russo.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <em>PS show will be up tomorrow, sorry it has taken so long but was at my mom’s and she has internet from the stone ages and no English spellchecker in win word. Look on the bright side, more time to predict hehe.</em></p>
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Just like to let everyone know that I am laying the last hand on Slammiversary so this is the last call for predictions. Also sorry it has taken so long but I have been real busy and at the same time as this is my first ppv and it is the second biggest TNA ppv and with all the 5 ways it has taken quite some time to write.


Also please support our fantastic diary community by nominating here:




I am still eligable for Rookie for those wondering. (Cheap I know lolz.)

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Slammiversary part 1.




Location: Philips Arena, South East.

Attendance: 15.000 Sell Out!

PPV Buy rate: 4.39



Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West.


Mike: Hello everybody and welcome to the great spectacle that is Slammiversary Seven! I am Mike Tenay.

Don: And I am Don West and what a card we have for you tonight!

Mike: You said it Don, three new style King of the Mountain matches, Tag Team title matches, personal grudge matches and the thin line between the Originals and the Mafia coming to a head.

Don: And don't forget Morgan's chance to become a member of said mafia and the fact they will be as dominant as ever especially when Lashley makes the right decision!

Mike: I wouldn't get ahead of myself Don, to kick off the action we have those action packed wrestlers of the X division vying for the title in the King of the X match.

Don: Man this match will be exciting!


http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/JayLethal.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/Homicide.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/AlexShelley.jpg

Jay Lethal vs. Homicide vs. Alex Shelly vs. Eric Young vs. Suicide©

King of the X match, for the TNA X-Division Title.



After Lethal, Young, Shelly and Homicide make their entrances by going through the double doors of the elimination cage ,which is sheer on the side of the entrance and a grid on the ringside and wider and longer then the original penalty box in order to cover the whole entrance, the lights go out and Suicide's theme plays. As the light's go back on Suicide appears on top of the already set up ladder in the middle of the ring holding the title belt. After he points his fingers to his head in the gun motion he jumps down from the ladder and the cage doors are locked and the bell is rung.


At first all five competitors are unsure who to attack and are waiting on who will make the first move, before long Lethal and Shelly attack Suicide and Young and Homicide start battling it out. EY and Homicide are battling over possession of the ladder and Suicide takes a beating from the double team. After Suicide is dropped to the floor the belt he was holding drops between Shelly and Lethal and after looking at each other they quickly exchange attacks.


The pace these competitors are setting is blistering and the action is hard to follow as the fight is taken to the outside of the ring as well, more ladders are introduced and we see shifting alliances, every time someone seems to gain the upper hand someone else seems to recover and takes him out with one of his signature moves.


The first to be eliminated is Homicide after being double teamed by Shelly and Young, Young hits him with an Atomic Drop which Shelly follows up with a Sliced Bread using a standing ladder which Young follows up in turn with a splash from the top turnbuckle for the 1, 2, 3. It seemed Homicides inexperience in singles action cost him here but he put up a brave fight.


With Homicide out of the way the two faces and heels square off against each other with Suicide going after Shelly and Lethal and Young battling it out. Suicide manages to get the upper hand on Shelly and after hitting the chinlock bulldog on a ladder propped up in the corner he follows it up by running up the ladder and hitting a Moonsault. Shelly in an amazing efforts manages to kick out just before the ref hits the mat for the third time. Suicide then poses to the crowd giving the suicide sign and then hits Shelly with the Suicide Solution for the pin and Shelly is eliminated.


In the meantime Young and Lethal have been battling it out with neither opponent being able to get the upper hand. Young seems more vicious and determined then ever since turning heel and is using the full arsenal of heel moves to keep himself in the match. The battle is so fierce that when Young tries to get a breather by going up on top of the elimination cage Lethal follows him up and they start battling on top! Young manages to get the upper hand after an eye gouge and he throws Lethal down of the cage! Right on top of Shelly and Suicide and referee Johnson, as Shelly refused to go into the cage and Suicide was "helping" him get in.


With everyone down on the floor EY poses to the crowd on top of the cage, in the meantime Suicide is the first to get up and as Young spots him he does a Moonsault off of the cage onto Suicide! The crowd is going wild as they can't believe the risks these wrestlers are taking! Everybody is on the floor and out of it! Referee Johnson manages to get Shelly into the cage and as he does so Lethal uses the cage door to drag himself up. He spots Young and Suicide still lying on the floor and he drags EY up by his hair. Young swings at Lethal but gets caught, Lethal combination! But the second part of the combination sees EY's face hit the ring apron with Lethal's back suffering the same fate. Suicide manages to drag himself up and roll Young into the ring and drape an arm on him for the pin.


It is now down to Lethal and Suicide and both men have taken a lot of punishment. Lethal slowly gets up on the outside and gets into the ring, at the same time Suicide has gotten to his feet and a stare down ensues between the two babyfaces, they look at each other then both look up to where the belt has to go. Then they look around for the belt but it is nowhere to be seen! Realising that the first to find the belt will have a major advantage they both start looking for it, with the crowd shouting encouragements on where to find it. After scanning the whole ring they both go to the outside with Lethal choosing the camera side and Suicide the other. They both go to the right side of the ring and meet up realising neither man has found it they double back in a mad sprint. They come face to face again on the left side of the ring with the belt lying on the ground in between both men.


The start to exchange punches on the outside of the ring, Lethal whips Suicide into the steel ring steps but Suicide manages the jump on top of them and in a smooth motion hits Lethal with a crossbody on the outside. Suicide then picks up the belt and slowly gets into the ring and after setting up a tall ladder in the middle proceeds to climb up on the right side. The time needed to do this has allowed Lethal to recover though and he gets into the ring and climbs the ladder on the other side. They both reach the top at the same time and start punching and kicking each other. Suicide falls of the ladder in a sick bumb but he takes the belt with him. Lethal realises this and he proceeds to stand on top of the ladder Corkscrew Elbow Drop on Suicide from the top of the ladder! As referee Johnson counts the one two three the crowd realize Lethal is the only man left!


Lethal slowly gets up and picks up the belt while Suicide is put in the elimination cage, where Young and Shelly have lain out Homicide and are awaiting his entrance. Lethal slowly but surely gets up the ladder rung by rung with the crowd egging him on each step. He finally reaches the top and in a final effort hangs the belt on the hook before he collapses exhausted on top of the ladder! The crowd screaming their approval and shouts of "That was awesome" filling the arena!


Result: Jay Lethal wins, after being the final contestant after eliminating Suicide via a Corkscrew Elbow Drop of the top of the ladder. The order of elimination was Homicide, Shelly, Young, Suicide.

Rating: B-, happy with that and the X guys went all the way for a great opener as I hoped.




The action isn't done yet though as it seems Young and Shelly have taken it upon themselves to try and unmask Suicide, and with him locked inside the cage there doesn't seem to be anywhere for him to go! With Young holding Suicide's arms behind his back Shelly grabs a hold of his mask and tries to get it off. He seems to be succeeding and the mask is going up as the crowd holds it's breath.....






















It's Kaz! Kaz has made his return to TNA! He rushes towards the cage but he can't get in.




His return has distracted Young and Shelly though and has allowed Suicide to escape and Homicide has regained consciousness. They are now battling inside the cage! Lethal meanwhile has regained his breath and after getting his belt he also takes the key off of the referee and joins the fight inside the cage, after being unsure which side to chose he decides he does want to see who is under the mask and it turns into a three against two. Just then another theme hits and out comes.



He had been accused of being Suicide in the past by the Guns and Lethal Consequences and now decides to try and help Suicide in his time of need. He realizes he can't get into the cage so he signals to the back and out comes.



He is in his street clothes holding his guitar in one hand and a key in the other, he rushes to the cage door and opens it allowing him, Daniels and Kaz to enter the fray. Jarret immediately hits Young with a guitar shot and Lethal and Shelly back off of Suicide now that they are so outnumbered. Kaz and Daniels support Suicide out of the cage and once he is outside the arena lights go out again, when they go back on Suicide is gone, leaving all bewildered! Smarks, marks and wrestlers alike.


Rating: C+, who is Suicide??


West: Wow, just wow, what a match, Lethal is champ again and what a surprise return!

Tenay: For once I agree with you Don. I am simply speechless.

West: Well then let me speak for you, up next we have Angelina Love showing the world she is the premiere Knockout!

Tenay: She has some very stiff competition Don and the rest of the Beautiful People won't be able to interfere this time.



As soon as the bell rings all the women go after the reigning champion Angelina Love because of all the animosity she has built up over time. She immediately makes a run for it and while running away she is screaming and pointing at Kong. It seems she is pointing out it would be smart to take her out first while there are still four of them. Eventually the other Knockouts realise she has a point and they attack Kong. She manages to fend of the four competitors for quite a while but in the end the numbers are too much for her and after getting hit with a succession of signature and finishing moves she is pinned with all four other knockout's keeping her down.


This is the end of Angelina's luck though as the other three competitors Focus their attention on her. She tries to recruit Melissa on her side but she is having none of it and decides to take a breather while Wilde and Tara make short work of Love. One Widow's Peak later and Love is out of the competition. Meaning there will be a new Knockout champ tonight!


It is down to the last three and Melissa seems to be the freshest of the three opponents as the action rocks back and forth with switching alliances and one on one action when the third is temporarily taken out. Melissa capitalizes on having more energy and while Tara is on the outside she manages to hit the Kudo Driver on Wilde and she is eliminated leaving Melissa and Tara.


Tara and Melissa really go after each other neither budging an inch and laying into each other with vicious shots, kicks and slams with the advantage see sawing back and forth. Melissa still has a bit more energy though and she manages to throw Tara to the outside which she follows up with a suicide dive. Tara seems out of it and as Melissa gets back on her feet she looks for the belt and after she finds it she starts climbing the ladder.


Tara has gotten up though and follows her up on the same side. She manages to grab a hold of Melissa and she turns around on the ladder. Widow's Peak off the ladder! Melissa is in serious pain and Tara quickly grabs the belt and ascends the ladder. Melissa makes a desperate lunge for Tara but is comes up just short as Tara hangs the belt and becomes the new Knockout champion!


Result: Tara wins, after a Widow's Peak of the ladder on Melissa. Order of elimination was Awesome Kong, Angelina Love, Taylor Wilde.

Rating: D+, better then the overness of the Knockout's so a good match.


Tenay: What a blistering fight from the Knockout's and Tara is your new champion! She really seems overcome with emotion and it is a well deserved victory for the veteran.

West: Yeah whatever.

Tenay: Oh come on you are just sulking because your girl Angelina couldn't win without any outside help!

West: They where ganging up on her!

Tenay: After she suggested to do the same to Kong plus Angelina deserved it!

West: Wait I hear we are going to the Main Event Mafia locker room.

Tenay: Don't change the subject on me you son of a......




In what has become a familiar scene over the last few weeks Kevin Nash and Matt Morgan are backstage in the Main Event Mafia locker room. There is one change however as Nash is in his ring gear instead of a suit or the Mafia sports jacket.


Morgan: So who is my final opponent?


Nash: Well like I told you he is big, he is sexy, he is a giant killer, he is the master of the powerbomb, he is cagy and a real veteran.


Morgan: Oh man I can't wait to defeat this guy!


As Morgan says this Nash gets up and stares him in the face.


Nash: That guy as you say isn't so easily defeated. Because that guy is none other then me!


Morgan looks shocked for a moment but quickly regains his composure as the two big men stare at each other for a few moments before Morgan leaves.


Rating: B, par for the course for these two, hope the match is as good.



Kevin Nash vs. Matt Morgan

Cage Match, if Morgan wins he is in the MEM.


The crowd can't really decide who to get behind in this match. The older WCW marks get behind Nash while most people rally behind the younger up and coming Morgan given his recent impressive displays.


Tenay and the ring announcer explain that the cage door is locked and that it can not be used as a means of escape as TNA management finds that the easy way out.


The crowd remained restless throughout the match though as Nash and Morgan's timing seems to be all over the place. The lack of selling was expected with these two big men as it fits their personas but somehow the crowd never got into the fight between these two behemoths.


The ending did get the crowds attention though as in a miraculous feet of strength Morgan managed to Powerbomb Nash against the cage wall only for it to break and Nash falling to the floor much to Morgan's chagrin as Nash was proclaimed the winner.


Result: Nash wins, after being Powerbombed through the cage to the outside.

Rating: D, there was a lack of selling but worst of all a there was awful chemistry between these two which we couldn't pick up on as Nash doesn't do house shows. Given Morgan's results so far I am really reconsidering his push.


West: Too bad for Morgan that was quite an impressive display.

Tenay: Well either way the Mafia hasn't gotten stronger and that is a good thing as Nash took quite an amount of punishment in that match and was lucky to get the win.

West: Luck nothing that was veteran wiles.

Tenay: Whatever.




We don't let the crowd dwell too long on the previous match as a great highlights package is show hyping the nights main event, highlighting the matches and angles that have led up to the match and all the history between the five competitors.


Rating: A, cheap well timed pop and a great job by our video crew.


Mike: Wow that main event really promises to be something. The type of action only TNA provides.

West: Indeed and I am betting the Mafia will rule that action.

Tenay: I'll take that bet as I would love for the originals to win and to take some of your money. Speaking of money our tag team title match is up next where Team 3D take on Beer Money Inc. in a tables match.


http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/BrotherRay.jpghttp://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/BrotherDevon2.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/RobertRoode.jpghttp://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/JamesStorm.jpg

Team 3D vs. Beer Money Inc.

Tables Match, for the TNA Tag Team Title.



Team 3D and Beer Money make their entrances boozer cruiser with the boozer cruiser in effect as Tenay explains the rules of a tables match for those unfamiliar with the concept and runs down the tag lines and history between these two teams.


The match starts of slow and as a regular tag team match with Team 3D controlling the early action using their superior power to hit some nice power moves and using quick tags to keep fresh. Beer Money manages to turn the tables on Ray though using some heel tactics (, cheating,) and manages to isolate Ray in their corner. They are distracting the referee, utilizing blind tags and any other form of cheating to keep Ray from tagging in Devon.


Devon is just chomping at the bits for the hot tag but it never comes, even when Ray manages to hit Storm with a Bubba Bomb and gets close Roode just enters the ring and prevents the tag as Storm distracts the referee. That is the last straw for Devon and he decides to enter the fray regardless. All hell starts breaking loose as Devon and Roode start exchanging blows and Ray and Storm start battling. They take it to the outside and it just escalates from there turning into an all out brawl all around the arena with the crowd screaming their approval.


Team 3D manages to get the better of Beer Money in this wild environment utilizing every part of the arena, chairs and even soda's given by the fans. As they return to ring referee Charles manages to get some control and it is Roode facing of against Ray. All four wrestlers are cut due to the wild brawl on the outside and are really battling on sheer will power. Ray tags in Devon and he goes to the top for the What's Up but Storm manages to push him off. 3D are irate but quickly regain their composure as Ray slaps Devon's chest with both hands. One, Two, Three : "Get the tables!".


As Devon proceeds to get a table from under the ring and sets it up, Storm is drinking some liquid courage out of the boozer cruiser. After the table is set up and a successful What's up Team 3D set up to deliver the 3D on Roode through the table. Ray whips Roode into the ropes.....



Crash! As Roode smashes Devon from behind with a beer bottle, he then leaps off the table and hits a dropkick to the back of the head of Ray. After helping Roode regain his composure they hit Ray with the Beer Money suplex, but Devon has managed to move the table in last ditch effort while lying on the floor. After doing the Beer Money chant Roode kicks Devon out of the ring while Storm gets Ray up in a Powerbomb position. DWI through the table! And Beer Money are your new tag team champions!


Result: Beer Money win, after a DWI on Ray through the table.

Rating: C+, now that’s more like it from the tag division.


Tenay: Wow what a brutal match! And Team 3D defeated at their own speciality! Beer Money really is a team for the future, despite their cheating ways.

West: What cheating? And forget the future they are simply the best today!

Tenay: Well they are now holding the most prestigious tag team titles in wrestling so you got a point there Don.

West: See you would do well to listen to me more, it would save you a lot of heartache.

Tenay: Listening to you gives me a headache more like it. But what is really going to ache is watching the next match as Abyss takes on Raven in a Monster's Ball to crown the first TNA Hardcore champion. Oh man I hope I can stand to watch!

West: Don't worry Mikey I am here for ya.

Tenay: You........



Abyss vs. Raven

Monster's Ball, for the TNA Hardcore Title.



Abyss is the first to make his entrance and he is carrying two black bags one in each hand but not only that he has his old trademark chain wrapped around his neck as well and has reverted back to his black outfit! Raven comes out with a shopping trolley filled with a stop sign and a garbage can filled with kendo sticks, crutches and assorted junk.


Abyss places the bags in a corner and wraps the steel chain around his right hand while Raven enters the ring with the stop sign and a kendo stick. As referee Korderas rings the bell the brutality immediately starts as Raven hit Abyss with the kendo stick. Instead of trying to dodge it Abyss raises his left arm and takes the shot on it. While Abyss is shaking away the pain Raven picks up the stop sign and goes for a head shot. This time Abyss punches right at it with his right hand wrapped in the chain and sends the sign straight into Raven's face knocking him down.


Raven rolls to the outside of the ring and starts rummaging in his trash can but Abyss is in hot pursuit. Raven hits Abyss with a trash can lid bringing the big man down to one knee but Abyss shoves the trolley right into Raven sending both him and the trolley down with the contents spilling on the floor. The match steadily gets more brutal from here and it doesn't take long for both men to be bleeding profusely. Raven and Abyss are really playing of off each other well and the crowd is really getting into it as the violence slowly escalates and the advantage see saws back and forth. The whole ring area and contents of the cart are used as weapons including a staple gun which Raven uses to great effect on Abyss.


Abyss manages to hang Raven on the ring post though using his chain and this gives him time to set up a table in the middle of the ring and he sprinkles the contents of his bags on top of them and as expected they contained glass and tacks! As he is doing this Stevie Richards makes his way to ringside and frees Raven from his prone position. Seeing his former doctor sends Abyss into a frenzy and he immediately sets after him and Richards tries to get away. Just before the tunnel to the backstage Abyss manages to grab a hold of him and Stevie starts pleading to Abyss. No use though as Abyss chokeslams him off the entrance ramp onto a pile of equipment below!


He goes back to Raven who still seems to be out of it. Raven was playing possum though and as Abyss gets close he gets low blowed. Raven uses the last of his strength to hit Abyss's head on the ring steps and then get him in the ring and he grabs the chain of off the floor and returns to the ring as well. Abyss has gotten back on one knee though and as Raven swings the chain to his head Abyss catches it in mid air! He then uses it to pull Raven towards him as he gets up. Black Hole Slam through the table with glass and tacks! Abyss drapes an arm on Raven and thankfully for both men Korderas counts the one, two, three. Abyss is your first TNA Hardcore champion!


Result: Abyss via pin, after a Black Hole Slam through a table with glass and tacks.

Rating: B, Abyss and Raven had good chemistry and are both excellent Hardcore wrestlers.


West: Can I look now?

Tenay: Yeah it is over.

West: So Raven won?

Tenay: Ehmm no he put up a brave fight but Abyss was just too much for him.

West: I told you Stevie's therapy was working!

Tenay: There is just no way you can lose is there?

West: No because I am always right.

Tenay: Well let's see if you are right about the Mafia this time as Steiner is set to take on "The War Machine" Rhino in a Locked and Loaded match!

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Slammiversary part 2.


Rhino vs. Scott Steiner

Locked and Loaded


After both competitors had made their entrances the cage roof was lowered and hanging from it was an assortment of weapons, mainly chairs, a lead pipe, a baseball bat and even a table. The competitors needed to climb up a bit in order to reach them though.


This match as expected was all about who was the more powerful competitor and started with a test of strength. As Rhino seemed to be winning Steiner kicked him in the gut and got the early advantage. Throwing him into the ropes and clotheslining him and following it up with some wicked suplexes. With Rhino seemingly unable to resist he threw him against the cage wall but Rhino managed to hang onto the wall and climb up and grab a chair.


Steiner immediately reacted by going to the opposite side and tried to get a weapon of his own but he was too late as Rhino hit him in the back multiple times with the chair. Now it was Steiner’s turn to be on the brunt of some suplexes and a spinebuster onto the chair scored Rhino a near fall. Rhino decided that more drastic measures where needed and he proceeded to get the table from the top of the cage. This took quite some time though and allowed Steiner to recover and with Rhino setting up the table in a corner Steiner managed to grab his trusty lead pipe from the top of the cage.


As Rhino turned around Steiner managed to hit him with the pipe on his shoulder and Rhino went down on one knee. As Steiner gloated to the fans and started insulting Rhino, Rhino found a last reserve of strength as he grabbed Steiner by the waist and pushed him all the way to the opposite corner. The impact forcing Steiner to let go of the pipe. Rhino mounted the turnbuckle and after ten punches with the crowd counting along he whipped Steiner to the opposite corner where the table was positioned. Steiner managed to halt himself just before crashing into the table but as he turned around he was hit by the Gore! Gore! Gore! Right through the table giving Rhino the hard fought victory.


Result: Rhino wins via pin, after a Gore through a table.

Rating: C+, as expected there was a lack of selling and psychology but still a decent match.


Mike: Wow that was one hellacious match Don and Rhino proves once again why he is called “The War Machine”!

Don: Why are you always living in the past Mike better to look to the future, the future being Bobby Lashley!

Mike: You are just pissed that your boy Steiner lost due to his showboating and Rhino’s greater intestinal fortitude. But you are right that Bobby Lashley versus Jeff Jarrett is up next. The question being if Lashley will show his true colors tonight?




Before we get to the match though we see Lashley preparing backstage in his dressing room and he is looking intense and focused. As he makes his way out of his dressing room various staff make way for him as he walks towards the ring not wanting to get into the way of such a fearsome sight. That is until suddenly someone walks into view and bumps into Lashley! With neither man speaking a word the camera quickly pans around in an effort to see who it could be that has the guts to not be intimidated by Lashley. A somewhat familiar face comes into view and as the camera gets better focus Tenay speaks for us all.


Mike: Is that? Yes it is! He is here!




Mike: “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown is here! And he doesn’t look intimidated one bit! Is he back with TNA? And if he is, what are his intentions?


An epic staredown ensues with neither man backing down one inch as we cut back to the main arena.


Rating: B, welcome back Monty?!



Jeff Jarrett comes out first but uncharacteristically without his guitar. It seems he wants this to be a straight up fight and doesn’t want to be tempted. An even more pissed looking Lashley makes his entrance with the pyro showering him from both sides. When both men are in the ring Jarret seems to have a few words for Lashley but he just calmly stares back at him unfazed.


As referee Hebnar starts the match Lashley is quick out of the starting blocks and tries for a quick takedown but Jarret manages to sidestep him. The match quickly turns into a game of cat and mouse with both competitors alternating in the roles. Jarret is continuously shouting at Lashley asking what his intentions are but Lashley remains cool and collected leading to him getting the upper hand. Jarret feels the force that is Lashley as he hits power move after power move and does several shoulder blocks in the corner. He follows this up by whipping Jarrett into the ropes and gets a snap powerslam for a two count.


Jarrett realizes that he has to dig into his bag of tricks to get the advantage and an eye gouge later he starts hitting Lashley with some vicious chops. He even manages to body slam Lashley down in the middle of the ring and he follows it up by locking in the figure four. Jarret had been working on Lashley’s legs throughout the match and Lashley is screaming in pain. He manages to dig down deep though and in an impressive feat of strength manages to power himself inch by inch towards the ropes.


Jarrett holds on for the full four count before releasing the hold and referee Hebnar orders Jarret away from Lashley as he is clutching his right leg in agony and could be injured. With the referee distracted out comes Booker T with Jarrett’s own guitar! With Jarrett and Hebnar focused on the possibly injured Lashley and Hebnar blocking Lashley’s view none of them see Booker T winding up from the apron and blasting Jarret with the guitar and quickly hiding behind the ring apron.


Lashley seems to recover at this point and is seemingly shocked to see Jarrett lying on the floor. This doesn’t stop him to take advantage though as he goes for the pin.






No! Jarrett gets his shoulder up in a last ditch effort. Lashley can’t believe it but is quick to drag Jarrett to his feet and he sets him up for the Dominator. It connects and this time Jarrett isn’t getting up.


Booker starts applauding Lashley for his victory as he makes his way to the back in order to prepare for his next match but Lashley isn’t letting on one bit what he feels about the entire situation.


Result: Bobby Lashley wins, via pin after a Dominator we also saw Booker T attack Jarrett.

Rating: A, wow now that was unexpected, no chemistry either Jarrett still has "it" so to speak and Lashley is doing better then expected.


Mike: So the founder was hit with his own guitar but as it seems we are nowhere closer to finding out where Lashley stands.

Don: Things aren’t always as they seem Mike, no they are not.

Mike: Stop being so cryptic Don! And too bad Booker T had to ruin what was turning out to be a great match. Hopefully Daniels can get some revenge for our founder as that match is now!



This is a great semi-mainevent as Daniels and Booker are more then a match for one another. Booker makes the mistake of underestimating Daniels in the early goings of the match and he pays dearly for it as Daniels shows a great all around game hitting him with both power and speed leaving Booker on the back foot. Daniels seems to have become the gel that has brought the revamped originals together and he is doing everything in his power to drive home the point that the originals are what made TNA and that they are what TNA is all about.


Although Booker manages to get the advantage some of the time, via cheating, the match is mainly Daniels’s as he doesn’t let anything faze him as he keeps up a relentless pace that leaves the crowd enthralled and chanting “Fallen Angel!” louder and louder. After an impressive flurry of offense Daniels makes the mistake of posing for the crowd though giving Booker a chance to get back in the match.


Booker starts to work on Daniels with his trademark array of kicks and it seems that Daniels’s fire has finally been quenched. After spinning heel kick by Booker he is so confident that he even takes the time to perform a Spin-a-Roonie. He then picks up Daniels by the head and hits the Book End and goes for the pin. Referee Patrick starts the count.






Kick out!


Daniels just won’t quite and Booker is in shock that he hasn’t won! Daniels seems to gain a second wind and he and Booker start exchanging chops. Daniels throws Booker into the ropes and after a snap STO he signals for the BME. He hits it but only gets a two count! Daniels prepares to finish Booker T off now as he sets him up for the Angel Wings but he gets low blowed for his troubles. Booker quickly bounces off the ropes and hits the Scissor’s kick on Daniels. He goes for the pin and puts his feet on the ropes outside of the view of referee Patrick and gets a three count just before Daniels manages to kick out.



Result: Booker T wins, via pin with the feet on the ropes after a Scissors Kick preceded by a low blow.

Rating: B, Good match possibly overshadowed by the previous one.


Don: What a victory for the Mafia! And Booker shows everyone what the Main Event Mafia is all about!

Mike: Yeah they are about cheating.

Don: I would call it doing everything it takes in order to win.

Mike: Well we shall see if your precious mafia can win this one as it is time for our main event!


http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/AJStyles.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg
http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/KurtAngle.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TNA/MickFoley.jpg

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting vs. Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley©

King of the Mountain match, for the TNA World Heavyweight Title.



As the bell rings Foley quickly makes his way to the outside and points Joe towards Angle and AJ towards Sting. The four do decide to square off given that the hatred between the MEM and Originals is at such a high level that they decide to ignore Mick for a while. The action between both pairings see saws back and forth with neither gaining a distinct advantage.


At any point where it seems that one competitor does get the upper hand Foley is quick to re enter the ring and deliver a shot with the belt to equal things up again. Tenay figures that Foley is doing this so that all four other competitors wear one another out while he takes it easy. After a while of this going on Sting, Angle, Joe and AJ have finally had enough of Foley interfering and taking it easy and a temporary truce is called. Foley is shocked as all four men proceed to go after him but he is caught by a suicide dive from AJ spring boarding off the back of Joe. All four men continue to clobber into Foley and after an Angle Slam a Scorpion Death drop and finally a Muscle Buster Foley is the first to be eliminated.


The pairings now switch as AJ goes after Angle and Joe goes for Sting. Joe manages to overpower Sting and throws him to the outside. He dives after him knocking Sting against the barricade and then throws Sting into the ring steps. He then takes Sting’s head and slams it against the steps a couple of times drawing blood and knocking Sting out cold. As he looks in the ring AJ seems to be in trouble as Angle is working him over with European uppercuts and various suplexes. He leaves Sting and goes to help his buddy.


As Joe approaches Angle leaves AJ lying in the corner and walks towards Joe. He gets an evil grin on his face and after pointing towards AJ he extends his hand to Joe. Joe contemplates for a while and the crowd don’t understand what is happening. Joe shakes Angles hand and gives him a hug as the crowd roars its disapproval and AJ stares on in disbelief. Angle then motions for Joe to attack AJ and Joe picks him up in the corner. He sets AJ up for the Muscle Buster as Angle is looking on in apparent glee. But as AJ is up top Joe suddenly releases the Muscle Buster and AJ jumps over Joe hitting Angle with a high elevation flying fore arm which Joe follows up hitting Angle with a running senton. Joe and AJ proceed to shake hands and double team Angle. Angle is still in shock at the double cross and is in no way capable of fending off both AJ and Joe. He puts up a brave fight despite the odds though but after a slew of nice double team moves and finally a Styles Clash Angle is next to be eliminated.


This seemingly leaves AJ and Joe in the ring and after shaking hands for a second time the fan favourites and best friends go at it with all they have got. Both men know each others moves instinctively and counters and reversals follow each other in quick succession. AJ has the greater speed and tries to use that to his advantage while Joe uses his superior strength and tries to keep AJ grounded in a series of submission moves. The crowd start chanting both their names, “this is awesome” and shouting out TNA after each offensive foray.


Joe’s greater strength and tactic of attacking AJ’s legs seems to pay of as after a snap powerslam he has AJ locked in the Coquina Clutch in the middle of the ring. AJ in a desperate effort manages to gain some room and gets his foot on the ropes forcing Joe to break the hold which he immediately does. He then throws AJ into the corner and he follows it up with a jumping twisting enzuigiri and for the second time sets AJ up for the Muscle Buster. Wham! He gets hit from behind with a belt shot right to the head by Sting. Who after regaining consciousness went to look for the belt and waited for an opportune time to strike.


He then tosses Joe to the outside of the ring and Joe lands hard on his back. Sting then gets up top with AJ and after a valiant battle on the top of the rope he manages to superplex him to the floor. Sting then set’s up the ladder again which had been used as a weapon throughout the match and proceeds to climb the left hand side belt in hand. AJ meanwhile is stirring again and he sees Sting climbing the ladder and he uses his quickness to overtake him as he goes up the right hand side. As Sting gets to the top AJ is there waiting for him and the two start a slugfest on the top of the ladder both struggling to get the belt in their sole possession and at the same time punishing their opponent. AJ seems to be winning as with his greater agility he manages to use his legs as well as his feet.


Smash! Samoa Joe has re entered the ring and he has speared the ladder!


Grasp, one of the competitors up top manages to grab the cord the hook for the belt was on.


Wham! the other falls to the floor as the ladder tumbles.









Ding, ding, ding!









Sting wins! Sting wins! He managed to grab the cord and remain in possession of the belt and hang it on the hook while AJ fell to the ground. Joe just inadvertently cost him the possible victory!


Result: Sting wins, order of elimination was Mick Foley and then Kurt Angle.

Rating: B+, good main event.




The rest of the Main Event Mafia join in the celebrations while Kurt is eying Sting with a jealous look in his eyes. He then decides that for now he can't do anything about it and joins in on the celebrations. The party is cut short though as music hits the pa system and out comes:




He slowly makes his way to the ring and all the mafia members warily eye ball him as he proceeds to enter the ring. He is still in his wrestling gear and is showing no emotion so no one is quite sure what he is about to do.


He charges forward towards Kurt Angle! But stops just short as Angle gets a grin on his faces followed by the rest of the Mafia and Angle and Lashley hug! Sting seems taken aback at this latest development but as Lashley joins in on congratulating him with his title win that is quickly forgotten as the cameras fade out with the Mafia seemingly stronger then ever!


Rating: A, Making Lashley official and celebrating the new champ and a strong ending to the ppv.



Show Rating: B+, great show and apart from the Morgan vs. Nash stinker everything delivered on or above expectations.


OOC Up next prizes! Pre and then post Slammiversary discussions and fallout. Hope you enjoyed to show, would love any comments as it is my first ppv. For instance would you have paid 30 bucks to see it? Did you mind or liked the fact it was in two parts? Etc. Etc.


Also please support our fantastic diary community by nominating for real world, cornellverse and rookie here: Nominate

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Good PPV. I quite like that you made it feel bigger than the normal show - its a PPV, so it should! If TNA managed to do their pay per views like that, I might actually consider spending money on them. Didn't mind having it posted in two parts, especialy since you got them both up fairly quickly.


Was kinda hoping to see Raven take the hardcore belt, but seeing Lashley join up with the Mafia makes up for it. That should make for some fun.

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that was surprising. I thought you were gonna go via the real version and have lashley side with TNA but hey the Mafia works well too :D


Yeah well I booked all this before he had declared sides. And what is a major ppv without a suprise or two or in this case three with Monty returning, Kaz not being Suicide and Lashley siding with the mafia and the Joe double turn. Hope you liked it. Plus I really feel that the Originals so be the flag bearers in the assault on the mafia and well Lashley ain't one of those hehe.

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I liked that Lashley joined the Mafia for the simple fact that it is separate from reality. Well, that, and I think it will make some interesting stories, potentially. Honestly, I don't see the point in doing a diary if you are to keep things direct to reality. Its that line between keeping the promotion feeling like TNA, yet doing things how you would prefer to see them. I like how HH is doing with that so far.
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