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Edd's personality is reminiscent of the awesome FCK, which is absolutely a good thing - it's where I'm going for Edd - and I think Tigerkinney did something with the Henson press (though I'm not sure). But it's certainly not a knock...


I've been referring to the Lou Thesz Press as the Ed Henson Press since my BHOTWG diary for TEW 07.


As for the match write-up's I know where you are coming from about finding it easier/more fun to write for wrestlers that can actually like you know wrestle as opposed to bland hosses.

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I've been referring to the Lou Thesz Press as the Ed Henson Press since my BHOTWG diary for TEW 07.


As for the match write-up's I know where you are coming from about finding it easier/more fun to write for wrestlers that can actually like you know wrestle as opposed to bland hosses.


What are you saying about Puerto Rican Power?

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Helluva show. Well worth the wait.


Also Peak's howling a reference to Monkeypox?




I'm gonna be honest, I haven't read that many diaries. The three that I referanced (JSilver's USPW, Phantom Stranger's Philly Power Pro, and BigPapa's Gen Supreme) are pretty much the only ones I've followed that closely..

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I'm gonna be honest, I haven't read that many diaries. The three that I referanced (JSilver's USPW, Phantom Stranger's Philly Power Pro, and BigPapa's Gen Supreme) are pretty much the only ones I've followed that closely..


Okay, I am probably being dense here... but I've read through the show three times and I am not catching the Gen-Sup reference... Help please....


Quite enjoyed the show, by the way. Little bit more entertainment-based than I expected, but solid...

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Okay, I am probably being dense here... but I've read through the show three times and I am not catching the Gen-Sup reference... Help please....


Quite enjoyed the show, by the way. Little bit more entertainment-based than I expected, but solid...



It was actually the Crippler Position, mentioned in the Keith/Cornell discussion. That's assuming that originated in Gen Supeme, of course...:p



As for being entertainment-based, I think I know what you mean. I'll try and shift away from that..products for promotions in dynasties wouldn't really be shown completely in just two shows anyway..

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It was actually the Crippler Position, mentioned in the Keith/Cornell discussion. That's assuming that originated in Gen Supeme, of course...:p



As for being entertainment-based, I think I know what you mean. I'll try and shift away from that..products for promotions in dynasties wouldn't really be shown completely in just two shows anyway..


Ah, I completely overlooked that... And yeah, the "crippler position" is a Big Papa original. Sweet... A shout-out. Thanks....


And I can't say there's any problem with Tee-Cee-Dub going with that approach. If grades are there and the fans accept it, why not? Its a good way to get the top guys even more over, which I think is pretty necessary to fight off the fall to Cult.

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January 14th

Gregory McKay



Sunday, Sunday, Sunday~! ...is today. But it's also the day of TCW Malice In Wonderland, just two weeks away! And first things first - we've got a new match for that card! Joining Tyson Baine/Tommy Cornell, for the TCW World Heavyweight Title, is a Tables Match between American Buffalo and Koshiro Ino! It may not be a bench match, but hey, it's close! Buffalo and Ino have swiftly built up a heated feud in the past two weeks, as Ino has not taken much time at in making enemies! And he may make another one, this Tuesday, as in his second TCW match, he will be going one-on-one with the former Painful Procedure guitarist, Ronnie V. Pain! Speaking of enemies, you know how Eddie Peak told Joel Bryant, that if he saw his partner, Robert Oxford, he would show him why he used to wear a muzzle? Well, guess who Robert Oxford's facing this week! If you guessed "Ben Force", you're definitely wrong..he's got Eddie Peak in a match this week! Expect some biting, folks..



And as well as this, as was announced last week, we will be getting the first edition of the Laying Down The Law challenge! Who will be the first one to accept his challenge? Well, only one way to find out, isn't there? Remember that Scout/Brent Hill match from two weeks ago? Didn't that kick a little you-know-what? We expect something similar from the next chapter in the seemingly endless New Wave/Machines feud, as John Anderson will be taking on Guide, one on one, on Tuesday! And remember that International Title match between Wolf Hawkins and Eddie Peak last week? Didn't that kick a little you-know-what? Well, again, we expect something that's just a bit similar to go down on the next Total Wrestling, as Eddie Peak's friend Joey Minnesota, is the next challenger for Wolf Hawkins' Championship! That match will indeed take place, this Tuesday!



And do you remember that awesome match, from A Little South Of Sanity, last November, between Ricky Dale Johnson and Sam Keith? Didn't that k-, y'know what, I'm going to stop that now, it's not really that cool. But that match was amazing, and we're going to see the rematch here tonight! So far, RDJ is 1-0 over the Co-Leader of The Syndicate, and that has to be a fact that Keith is none too pleased with! You most certainly can not miss a main event like this - RDJ and Sam Keith are two guys that could headline any show, anywhere, with any sport! Plus, as seemingly always, as of late, The All-Action champion, Sammy Bach, will be in action! He looks primed to continue his series of "putting over" the All-Action title, if you will, by putting in his most dominant performances ever, against it's former contenders! All this, and more, next Tuesday, on Total Wrestling!




Full Card


Ronnie V. Pain vs. Koshiro Ino


Robert Oxford vs. Eddie Peak


Guide vs. John Anderson


TCW All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach vs. Aaron Andrews (Non-Title)


TCW International Championship: Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


The New Age Party Crashers vs. The Young Guns


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith

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Ronnie V. Pain vs. Koshiro Ino


Robert Oxford vs. Eddie Peak


Guide vs. John Anderson


TCW All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach vs. Aaron Andrews (Non-Title)


TCW International Championship: Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


The New Age Party Crashers vs. The Young Guns


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith

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[ooc]..Can you guys see that banner up there? I can't see it, but I know for a fact it's on photobucket..and a quick look to my last show shows the exact same thing for every single picture used in this dynasty..please tell me my computer's just screwing up..[/ooc]
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Ronnie V. Pain vs. Koshiro Ino


Robert Oxford vs. Eddie Peak


Guide vs. John Anderson



TCW All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach vs. Aaron Andrews (Non-Title)


TCW International Championship: Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins ©

Disqual or Count out, so no title change... yet...


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


The New Age Party Crashers vs. The Young Guns


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith

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Ronnie V. Pain vs. Koshiro Ino


One of these guys is getting pushed, it's not the gormless looking dude who plays guitar.


Robert Oxford vs. Eddie Peak


Oxford wins in a chicken**** heel like manner when Peak goes overboard with dishing out the punishment


Guide vs. John Anderson


I like Big P's logic on this one, a draw (like a double DQ) is a definite possibility here...with both of the other team members getting involved.


TCW All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach vs. Aaron Andrews (Non-Title)


Andrew is at the bottom of the ladder right now, so non title or not he isn't beating Bach.


TCW International Championship: Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


Probably wont be clean, as I can see the program Minnesota had with the Tag Team Specialists being switched over more to them having an issue with Peak, whilst Minnesota goes after the International belt held by Hawkins.


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


I see these challenges gradually getting tougher for Law, so ??? will be some jobber.


The New Age Party Crashers vs. The Young Guns


The Young Guns are at this moment in time glorified jobbers that the Party Crashers should definitely be going over, if they are to be a serious addition to the Tag Division.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith


Could go either way, but I think you'll keep one of your top babyfaces strong, especially as Keith won't be challenging for the title as long as he's Cornell's right hand man.

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Ronnie V. Pain vs. Koshiro Ino




Robert Oxford vs. Eddie Peak


Oxford giving Peak lessons. Peak giving Oxford a beating.


Guide vs. John Anderson


Even things up 1-1.


TCW All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach vs. Aaron Andrews (Non-Title)


Bach wins in a good and close match.


TCW International Championship: Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


Can't go against my former avatar. DQ though.


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


Law rocks!


The New Age Party Crashers vs. The Young Guns


Well if you want to establish them no one better then the guns.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith


Keith is the jobber of the syndicate which will lead to being kicked out then turn on Cornell for one last run for the top before retirement.

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Ronnie V. Pain vs. Koshiro Ino

One guy's the least talented member of a faux-rock band. The other guy's getting a push.


Robert Oxford vs. Eddie Peak


Guide vs. John Anderson



TCW All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach vs. Aaron Andrews (Non-Title)

Andrews will look strong, but still lose because this ain't MAW.


TCW International Championship: Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins ©



Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???

People don't lose their 'challenge' in their first couple weeks.


The New Age Party Crashers vs. The Young Guns



Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith

DQ Finish. Or a schmozz.

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[ooc]Click on a worker's name when their matches are on, for the link to their theme song. The opening theme of the show is also linked to it's name.[/ooc]




TCW Total WrestlingBrought to you LIVE, from the V. Thompson Arena, and on GNN Total Sports!



Angry Chair by Alice In Chains, the opening theme of TCW Total Wrestling, hits, as highlights of the best moments of Total Wrestling's history race by the screen. It eventually all cracks and breaks, to show the crowd at the V.Thompson Arena! They're going wild with anticipation, as our announcers Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes hype up the show!





Jason Azaria: Hello, Cali Cali!! The V.Thompson Arena is absolutely on fire tonight - and who can blame it, when it hosts none other then T..C..W! Hello, wrestling fans, my name is Jason Azaria.


Kyle Rhodes: I'm Kyle Rhodes.


Azaria: And we have yet another great episode of TCW Total Wrestling to bring to your home screen - only on GNN Total Sports!


Rhodes: That's right, Jason..think I know the answer to this question already, but I'll ask anyway - are you excited for our main event?


Azaria: Excited? I'm thrilled! Ricky Dale Johnson! Sam Keith! Two straight up Total Warriors, Total Icons! This is going to be the kind of match that shows everyone that isn't buying our Pay-Per-Views just what they're missing out on!


Rhodes: Thinking that's kind of the point, Jason. The Board Of Directors can be quite the manipulators when they wish to be..


Azaria: I wouldn't be talking bad about The Board, Kyle. Especially with your fan reviews in the shape that they are..


Rhodes: Hmm..maybe you're right this time, Jason..in any case, let's get this underway..




Backstage Segment


The first thing to come up on the big screen tonight are DAVE alumni, Joey Minnesota and Eddie Peak. Minnesota's in street clothes, signaling that he won't be wrestling tonight. Peak's in full wrestling gear, and is psyching himself up for his later match, as only he can..


Joey Minnesota: So, you got Oxford tonight..



Eddie Peak: Neheheheheh..yeah..it's going to be an absolute massacre..I'm not just gonna beat him, I'm gonna maul him..neheheheheheh..and I'm gonna savor every last minute of it..I may just be able to taste it..neheheheheheh!



Minnesota can't keep from seeming a bit weirded out by his choice of words..



Minnesota: Boy, Eddie, I'm glad you're on my side, I'm not ashamed to say..but anyway, do me a favor, and deck that bastard one for me, they've been double teaming me for over a month now, I'm damned tired of it.



Peak: Oh, I'll give him one for ya, Joey..and while I'm at it, I may just give him one, one after the other, for every single member of this roster..hell, I'll give him one for the interviewers, and the announcers, and the referees too..neheheheheheheh..




Peak continues psyching himself up, when a door can be heard opening. Peak and Minnesota turn, and the screen pans slightly, to reveal two more DAVE alumni walking Peak and Minnesota's way..






Guide: Hey there, Joey, Eddie.


Minnesota: 'Sup, guys? What brings you two here?


Scout: Well, we know you two have been having some trouble with the Tag Team Specialists. They've been talking so much crap about DAVE, and I just wanted you both to know, we support you guys' defense of our old company. We're rooting for you two.


Minnesota: Well I'm glad to know that. Thanks.



Minnesota seems appreciative, but Peak just kinda looks on with a scowl. Knowing him, one new friend for Peak is probably plenty..the two teams don't make much small talk, and The New Wave doesn't take much time in saying their good byes and good lucks, before walking out of the room. The camera man decides to follow The New Wave for a bit..who suddenly get jumped!




The TCW Tag Champions rain down an assault on The New Wave! They take them down, and stomp them into the pavement - John Anderson in particular puts the hurt on Guide! But before too much damage can be done, Eddie Peak and Joey Minnesota run out of the locker room they where in, and chase The Machines off! Minnesota checks on the fallen Tag Team, as we cut back to the arena..





Azaria: Jesus! The Machines just took down The New Wave!


Rhodes: Guide and Scout should consider themselves lucky this week, they'll be fine, thanks to Peak and Minnesota.


Azaria: Indeed - those are two fine friends to have, when your enemies are as volatile as The Machines! Guide'll be looking to pay Anderson back for that later tonight..but, focusing on the here and now, Koshiro Ino's second ever TCW match is up next! Ino vs. Ronnie V. Pain! I can't wait to see "The Kobra" in action again..



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RonnieVPain.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/KoshiroIno-1.jpg

Ronnie V. Pain vs. Koshiro Ino


The crowd popped pretty loudly for Koshiro Ino's entrance, set to the adrenalin pumping "Calm Like A Bomb" theme, by Rage Against The Machine. But aside from that, this match didn't excite them too much, as the fans just don't have much of an opinion on Ronnie V. Pain at the moment, as is shown when he makes his entrance, to "Before I Forget" by Slipknot. The only thing Pain has really won since leaving Painful Procedure is the "Best New Entrance Theme" Award in 2006..and even then, that was pretty much only between him and Freddy Huggins.


Unsurprisingly, Pain doesn't put up too much of a fight for Koshiro Ino, who puts him away without too much trouble. A devastating Kobra's Bite takes Pain down here, with the only real pop of the match with it.


Koshiro wins, via pinfall, after a Kobra's Bite, at 5:57







Backstage Segment


Cut to THE BACK~! to see Jasmine Saunders with a microphone.


Jasmine Saunders: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here with a true legend of this business, Sam Keith! Sam?


The camera pans out a little to show Sam Keith.


Sam Keith: Hello, Jasmine.


Saunders: Now, Sam. You've got a match tonight, in the main event, against Ricky Dale Johnson, a man who, as he has told us, is the only man still on the TCW Roster, that has beaten Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship..any words for him?


Keith: Yes, I do, actually..I'd like to make a response to the interview in which he pointed that out, two weeks ago. See, Ricky mentioned Tommy Cornell loving his World Heavyweight Title more..then The Syndicate, more than his protege`, Wolf Hawkins, even more then his wife and child. Now, Johnson. I won't spew out a "Now it's a personal" line, because the issues between you and Tommy have been personal for about three years now. But Ricky, you've definitely crossed the line. The only part of what you said that is true is that he does indeed love his title. And of course he does. I mean, ask Jason Azaria, he could tell you, he's held it for about half of his TCW career, at this point. But Tommy Cornell cares for Hawkins, he cares for his stable, and he most certainly cares for his family, far more then the ten pounds of gold and leather that he carries. And for you to say anything else..is a cheap shot, from a cheap wrestler. And I'll prove the latter of that true tonight. You're a dime store wannabe underdog hero. And I'm going to show you, and everyone across the world, tonight, what a fluke win it was when you pinned Tommy Cornell. He's held that title for the entirety of 2007..a goal that many deemed unrealistic, even for the greatest of the greatest great. I mean, that's an accomplishment you'd only expect from a legendary wrestler, like..well, like me. But I'm getting off-topic..Ricky Dale Johnson, you're considered the biggest enemy of The Syndicate. You represent the enemies of The Syndicate. Tonight, I'll make an example of you, and an example of anyone that wishes to oppose us..count on it.





Azaria: Seems Keith didn't at all appreciate RDJ's comments from the start of the month..


Rhodes: Ricky really did a little go too far in that implication, Jason.


Azaria: I have to agree with that, actually, Kyle. But then, I do find it a bit difficult to defend Tommy in verbal controversies, what with his mention of The Hype last week..


Rhodes: Always something..in any case, we're going to a commercial break here.


Azaria: Yep - and when we come back, we're coming right atcha, with Eddie Peak going against Robert Oxford! And Oxford's gotta be hoping he doesn't walk out of this match with bite marks..



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/EddiePeak.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RobertOxford.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Robert Oxford


"Freak On A Leash" by KoRn hits, and out comes "The Hardcore Assassin" Eddie Peak, banging his head the whole way down to his entrance music. The crowd goes along with this, and in doing so, gain the appearance of a mosh pit. His usual trademark grin is gone, replaced with a dark scowl. He slides into the ring, and waits stoically on the ropes, staring at the stage. "Them Bones" by Alice In Chains blares, and out comes "The 47 Year Phenom" Robert Oxford with a look of determination. But that look is swiftly replaced with a look of shock when he is jumped on the rampway by Peak! Evil Eddie stomps him down, then pulls him to his feet, and throws him into the right side barricade! Peak pulls him back up, then throws him into the other barricade! He hangs there for a bit, so Peak rains some punches down on him before violently throwing him into the metal ramp!


Peak drags Robert down to the ring, and throws him into it. Peak covers, but the tough vet kicks out. Peak keeps the momentum on his side for the majority of this match-up. Oxford does, however, take control for a minute or so, after a Greco-Roman hair pull. But Peak takes it back after reversing a clothesline into a Samoan Drop. Peak pulls Oxford back up, sets him up, and plants him with the Peak of Perfection! Eddie gets the cover - and the 3 count!


Eddie Peak wins, via pinfall, after a Peak Of Perfection, at 8:59







Backstage Segment


Brent Hill: Look, I just don't understand this..


John Anderson: Yeah, I mean, Tommy, you've never had problems with this before..



The Machines and Tommy Cornell are backstage. Cornell and Hill are fully suited, whereas Anderson, just moments away from his match, is in ring gear. All three wrestlers are armed with their titles - Anderson with his around his waist.



Tommy Cornell: Listen, I know I was fine with interferences in the past, but I'm starting to realize how wrong I was. The Syndicate is the biggest thing to ever hit wrestling, filled with the greatest wrestlers to ever hit wrestling. We all know that. But one thing The Syndicate isn't, is the most respected stable in wrestling. That's something that needs to change, and it needs to change fast. People haven't been forced to respect us in the past..and you know who's fault that is? Ours. Because we cheated, they see us as nothing but cheaters, that can't win without each others help. And we need to solidify that that isn't what we're all about. That isn't why we formed. We formed..to make history. We formed to be the greatest faction, the greatest group, the greatest stable, the greatest team, whatever you want it to call it. We formed to be the greatest in history, to make history. That's why The Syndicate exists. We are a team full to the brim with gold. Hawkins has the International Title. I have the World Heavyweight Title. Sam Keith doesn't have a belt, but he's already a Hall Of Famer, that's his title. And you two, you two have the Tag Team championships. Every last one of us, as far as I'm concerned, is a champion. And we must behave as such. By the time Spring comes around, there won't be a single wrestling fan out there, that would dare disrespect us..got it?



Hill: Yes, Tommy, I got it.



Cornell: Mmm..Anderson?



Anderson: Hmph..yeah, I got it..but I can't help but wonder if you'll change your tune, come your title defense at Malice In Wonderland..



Cornell: ...don't you have a match that's starting..now?



Anderson: Uh..crap..



Anderson hurriedly turns and walks to the door, as the scene fades..





Azaria: A new life lesson learned for Tommy Cornell?


Rhodes: I wouldn't buy into it so quickly, Jason..


Azaria: Agreed, Kyle. I believe said something similar to this after his TCW Title win back in 2000..



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/Guide.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/HumanArsenal.jpg

Guide vs.


The crowd is on their feet when "Hammerhead" by The Offspring hits, and The New Wave make their way down the ramp. Guide's definitely ready for action, while Scout's in street clothes. Scout stands at ringside with his arms crossed, looking somewhat like a bodyguard, as Guide enters the ring, before doing the "HOO-HAH" entrance. "War" by System of a Down blares, and out comes John Anderson, with Brent Hill in tow. They both are showing off their tag team titles, as Azaria points out the irony in two men feuding with soldiers, coming out to a song called "War". Rhodes points out the irony of a team named "The Machines" coming out to a System of a Down theme. Hill's still in his Syndicate suit, looking sharp, as Anderson looks ready to fight.


And fight he does, this is a back-and-forth battle. The tension between the long-time enemies is obvious, but neither can seem to dish out the punishment that they both crave. Guide eventually gets frustrated with the lack of domination, and ends up taking a risk with a crossbody. The veteran Anderson catches him however, and a Death Valley Driver nearly seals a win. From then on, Anderson is able to keep Guide on the mat for most of this match. What seem to be becoming staple Syndicate submission moves, in Cross Arm Breakers, Figure Four Leglocks, and all sorts of similar moves, appear, and work, yet again in this match, as Guide is force to spend quite a few minutes writhing in pain on the mat. But he very suddenly swings the match in his favor, when he counters a back suplex into a springboard bulldog - definitely one for the highlight reel! Guide is able to put the pressure on Anderson from here on, but not quite taking him down for some time, as the Co-Tag Team Champion stays persistent. It should be noted that Brent Hill keeps his distance from the ring for the entirety of this match, but does look tempted to interfere while Anderson's on the losing side. Anderson also seems to send a few glances over, but nothing comes of it. Eventually, Anderson looks to gain a big comeback victory, when he counters a Flying Double Axehandle off the top rope into a Swinging Uranage slam. But when he tries for the Ammo Dump, Guide is able to Back Body Drop out of it! Guide waits for him to get up - then nails the Guided Missle, for the pin, and the win!


Guide wins, via pinfall, after a Guided Missle, at 14:17





Azaria: And a huge win for the New Wave!


Rhodes: The two teams are now 1-1 for January, Jason.


Azaria: Indeed, Kyle. I've got to think yet another PPV Tag Title match is in the car-..wait a minute, Anderson is taking his time getting up..


Rhodes: ..Seems to be favoring his ribs, Jason. He may be hurt.


Azaria: That Guided Missle has injured a few people before..




Backstage Segment


Backstage, Tommy Cornell can be seen viewing the previous proceedings on a television, clearly unhappy with the loss. He turns the tv off, and then tosses the remote onto the coffee table. He slowly gets his TCW World Heavyweight Title off of said table, and turns to walk away..


..but before he can do so, he is met with a certain demonic No.1 Contender.






Baine just looks on into Tommy's eyes for a long moment, looking emotionless. Tommy initially appears surprised, but swiftly twists his expression back into an annoyed scowl. Baine doesn't speak, so Cornell talks first.



Cornell: Baine..may I ask who it was that made the mistake of telling you were my personal locker room was..?



No response. Baine simply looks on, breathing heavily. Eventually, a rare smile comes onto Cornell's face. And then, a very rare laugh emits from his lips.



Cornell: Oh my God, this is rich..you're trying to intimidate..me. You're trying to scare..me.



Cornell has to keep from bursting out in laughter. Baine's face stays straight, however.



Cornell: ...Ahh, that's rich! Oh, Tyson, Tyson, Tyson..don't you know who I am? I'm Tommy Cornell! I can slam a revolving door! When a tree falls in the forest, and there's no one around, I hear it! I once had an awkward moment, just to see what it was like! I didn't care for it, by the way. And now some little devil worshipper wants to come up to me, and try and scare me with his Darth Vader breathing?! Is that what you're trying to do?! Hmm?!






Baine: Never before.


Cornell: Oh, so you can speak. Well, let's move on to the next mystery - can you make sense?


Baine: Never before..never before have you and I went one on one...Malice...Malice...Malice! You..you...I...Malice!


Cornell: Uh-huh, right. Malice in Wonderland, it's a joke, it's very funny. Get out of my sight, now.


Baine: Two weeks ago, you suffered. Two weeks ago, I defeated you in your own ring. Two weeks ago, you were, for the first time, introduced to..Hades...Malice..Malice!! The second coming shall commence! You two shall become reaqcaunted..



Baine takes a look at the TCW World Heavyweight Title that he once held so many years ago.



Baine: ...Us two, shall be re-acquanted..


Cornell: Get. Out. Of my. Locker room.



Baine pauses for a moment, then slowly walks away. Cornell nods his head "No", then glances at the title he holds, as the screen fades..






Azaria: Y'know, Kyle, if I didn't know any better, I'd think that perhaps Tommy Cornell is actually underestimating Tyson Baine.


Rhodes: He's just trying to get into Baine's head. Just like Baine has been doing to people for years..but can I ask you something, Jason?


Azaria: Shoot, Kyle.


Rhodes: Was that true what Tyson said, about him and Tommy never meeting one-on-one?


Azaria: Now here's something you may not know, Kyle..yes.


Rhodes: Bottoms up..


Azaria: What's that, Kyle?


Rhodes: Mm, nothing important, partner..



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/SammyBach.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/AaronAndrews.jpg

Sammy Bach vs.


Sammy Bach's entrance begins, Capricorn by 30 Seconds To Mars blares over the PA. The silhouettes of Bach and his manager, Karen Killer can be seen behind a screen that was sneakily placed before the stage just after the lights went down. Once the intro to Capricorn ends, Bach kicks through the screen, and a sea of smoke comes out of it, which he and Killer break through. They walk down the ramp slowly, giving angry looks to the fans. The arena, during his entrance, has the atmosphere of drama and mystique, as what is essentially a laser show breaks through the other-wise pitch black arena air. Bach has on his "Prince of Evil" shirt, and the All-Action title is tied tightly around his waist. He jumps onto the apron, and flings himself over the top rope, into the ring. He undoes his title, and flings it over to the referee. He strips his shirt off of him, leaving him only in his ring gear. "Light Grenades" by Incubus, the energetic theme of Aaron Andrews plays, and the feirce blue chipper stomps down the rampway. He enters the ring, ever-determined. He takes a quick glance over to the All-Action title, laid out on the announce table. Bach does not care for this - referee Eugene Williams to keep Bach held back before ringing the bell.


Surprisingly, it's Aaron Andrews with the early advantage, attacking Sammy from out of the shoot. But the "Prince Of Evil" sends an elbow to Andrew's stomach, and a knee life to his face, capped off with a bulldog to swing things his way. He keeps the match on his side for most of it's remainder, and essentially defeats him with an Adrenalin Shot, at the 5:45 mark. However, the beating does not cease until a good bit after this. Bach brutalizes Andrews, at one point, driving him onto his head with a Brainbuster. (Or, for you puro fans, a "Dangerous Head Drop Suplex") Bach mercifully locks Aaron into the Bach on your Back, and gets the submission.


Sammy Bach wins, via submission, with a Bach on your Back, after 6:52





Azaria: And yet another dominant performance from Sammy Bach, the third straight now.


Rhodes: He's really showing that mean streak isn't he, Jason?


Azaria: Yes, he has. And many say a mean streak is neccessary if you wish to rise up the rankings. But all the same, I can't help but feel just a bit weird about it, he just seems to be abusing his opponents each week. It doesn't seem right.


Rhodes: He wants to improve people's opinion of the All-Action title..the added punishment is a neccessary evil, Jason.


Azaria: If you say so, Kyle. If you say so..in any case, our TCW fans are definately excited for this next match!


Rhodes: Indeed, Jason. A TCW International Title match, between Wolf Hawkins and Joey Minnesota.


Azaria: Minnesota hasn't always had the greatest luck as of late, what with his 2-on-1 feud with The Tag Team Specialists. A win here would have to be considered an upset, and winning the title here tonight would be an immediate wave of momentum that Joey will be riding!






Wolf Hawkins makes his usual entrance, set to "Clint Eastwood" by the Gorillaz, "Youth Gone Wild" turnbuckle pose and all. Azaria mentions how long it's been since we've seen Stevie Grayson, bringing up the horrible injury Grayson got when Wolf Hawkins threw him off the stage. "Takes My Pain Away" by Jimmy Eat World plays, and the crowd responds hugely for Joey Minnesota. The crowd is definately hot for this one, and they give mass reactions to both competitors. Minnesota gets in the ring, ever-intense. But he can't help but gander at the beautiful International Championship. He makes it clear with a few gestures how much he wants it, but Hawkins seems un-phased by this.


Tommy Cornell's protege` really seems a little 'lax coming into this match. Minnesota definately does not appreciate that, nor does he let it continue, as he assualts him in the early going, and keeps him on the ropes for the first two and a half minutes of this match. Hawkins puts that to bed with a very sudden Super Kick! The fans hate it, and Hawkins has a look of Total Arrogance on his face, as if beleiving he will defeat Minnesota in less then three minutes. But it turns to a look of shock when Joey kicks out just after 2! Another cover gets the same result! But while the fans love it, it doesn't do much in swinging things Minnesota's way, as Hawkins keeps the pressure on Joey for quite a bit after this. And the high-level submissions again become more and more solidifed as a Syndicate trademark - but unfortunately for Hawkins, there's an apparant "One match per show" maximum for how often that can work, as Minnesota is able to counter this quite a few times with intricate quick pins.


After very slowly battling back, Minnesota finally gets some momentum, and solidifies the turned tide with a Snap Rolling Wheel Kick, that very nearly knocked young Hawkins out! Wolf does gain some respect, however, in kicking out, if barely. Minnesota kept the match in his favor for about four minutes after this, with Hawkins trying desperately to fight back, but not being able to gain the upperhand. It looks like we'll be getting a new International Champion on more on then one occassion, as devastating moves, such as a Bulldog from the second rope, are executed, but Hawkins still kicks out. Minnesota does not let this deter him however. He looks out to the crowd with fire in his eyes, and that in itself is nearly enough of a signal for them to know what's coming. He pulls Hawkins up by his hair, and goes for the deadly Empire Spiral - but, similar to the way Eddie Peak countered the Rough Ride two weeks ago, Hawkins is able to counter the ES with a spinning bulldog, mid-spiral, driving him face-first into the ground! Hawkins goes over to the corner, and stalks him a bit..he waits for Joey to get back up - New Moon Rising! Minnesota goes down - Hawkins covers, and gets the victory!


Wolf Hawkins wins, via pinfall, after a New Moon Rising, at 13:50





Azaria: Ooh, tough loss for Joey Minnesota! But he went down fighting, by God!


Rhodes: Yes, indeed, Jason, and say what you will about Wolf Hawkins, but he can definately get it done when he needs to.


Azaria: You don't have to tell me twice, Kyle. I don't think anyone questioned the abilities of Wolf Hawkins - and if they did, they've just been silenced.


Rhodes: That's right Jason. Unfortunately, I'm not as good as you, when it comes to doing segues..but up next, we have the Laying Down The Law challenge.


Azaria: I think that was a pretty good segue, actually. Very self-aware..


Rhodes: Oh, good one, Jason. That was about as funny as High Concept..




In-Ring Segment


"Breath" by Nickelback hits, and the fans erupt for their favorite policeman, as Rick Law makes his entrance, decked out in his law officer uniform, baton and a humble smile. He walks down the ramp, making a very simple entrance, before stepping into the ring. He pulls a mic from his pocket.


Rick Law: How is everyone here doin', Cali?



The crowd roars - Rick Law's the master of the cheap pop.



Law: Now I'm not one for banter, I'd rather not use a mic any more then I must. So, let's get this underway - tonight, I am Laying Down The Law - the challenge begins now! So, bring out my first opponent.



There is a slight pause in the arena, as everyone clearly expects some sort of mega star. A hush comes across the crowd, waiting for the next theme to hit..



...and it turns out to be Sublime's "Seed".






Freddy Huggins comes running out, ****y grin plastered on his face, with sister Laura following close behind, chastising any fan who dare put their hand over the barricade - over-protective, much? The crowd doesn't seem very impressed, nor does Law. But he shrugs, and throws the mic away, as Huggins enters the ring.





http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RickLaw.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/FreddyHuggins.jpg

Rick Law vs.


Okay, so Huggins wasn't exactly what the crowd was expecting, but then they didn't really expect a legend to show up for the first night of the challenge either. Huggins just simply does not have it in him to put up a fight against a man like Law, who has a good 90lb weight advantage over him. Arrogant or not, Huggins pretty much gets brutalized here. He does keep from getting pinned that quickly, but that's mostly because Law doesn't have the mean streak to immediately hit high impact moves. The match is stretched to close to the six minute mark, before Law gives up with being a nice guy, and narrowly avoids taking Huggins head off, after nailing the Long Arm Of The Law.


Rick Law wins, via pinfall, after a Long Arm Of The Law, at 5:54





Azaria: Well..the fans must've expected someone a little bit tougher then that.


Rhodes: Yes, and from the looks of things, so did Law.


Azaria: No offense to Huggins, he's a very talented young man, but he didn't exactly give Law a war out there..


Rhodes: Kudos to him for stepping up, however. And as for the challenge, I've a feeling he'll be facing tougher opponents soon enough..


Azaria: I think you're right about that, Kyle. Anyway, moving right along..our next match marks the second televised match-up to feature The New Age Party Crashers.


Rhodes: Indeed, Jason, they didn't exactly shine last week..


Azaria: True, Kyle, but few teams can when they're going against The New Wave. Especially in their first appearance as a tag team..


Rhodes: Fair enough, Jason, fair enough. In any case, that'll be right after the break..



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/EddStone.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/TexasPete.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/HarryAllen.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/HarryAllen.jpg

The New Age Party Crashers vs.


"Little Smirk" by Theory Of A Deadman hits, and out come the NAPC. Texas Pete stumbles out drunkenly, as always. Edd Stone walks out with him, and his face is covered again, like it was last week. This time, however, it's a wet rag, instead of a lampshade, as he's apparantly wiping off some post-party "face paint" that someone drew. He pulls the rag down, revealing a very smudged message, the only parts still decipherable being "enis l ver". Edd turns to Pete, and asks if he got it all, and Pete responds by bursting out laughing..before falling to one knee. Pete pulls himself up with the barricade, as Stone shrugs, and smiles. Pete keeps his hand on the barricade for much needed balance, and the two stagger on down to, and into, the ring. "Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith plays, and out come The Young Guns to a decent reaction from the crowd they've been wrestling in front of for so long.


The experianced cowboys don't look that impressed with the hard partying duo. But all the same, for the second week in a row, the stagger seems to dissapear when the bell rings. Stone and Gumble start off, and the youngest active Stone pretty much man-handles his opponent. Steve's tough, however, and is able to kick out of early pin attempts. An apparant comeback is stopped short with a rake of the eyes. Gumble eventually gets the hot tag to Harry Allen, who comes in with a fire, and cleans house for a bit, which gets a pretty good crowd response. In doing so, however, he makes the mistake of knocking Texas Pete's hat off of him, and to the floor. Allen gets Stone up for his signature stalling suplex, but Pete foils those plans with a stiff big boot. Pete then pulls Stone to NAPC's corner, and tags himself in. Pete pulls Harry up and nails the Lone Star Drop, for the pin, and the New Age Party Crasher's first TV win.


The New Age Party Crashers win, via pinfall over Harry Allen, thanks to Texas Pete, after a Lone Star Drop, at 5:39





Rhodes: And The "New Age" Party Crashers get their first TV win.


Azaria: Yeah..but I don't know if I liked the way it was done.


Rhodes: It's always something..what, did you not like the way Pete tagged himself in?


Azaria: Well, that too, Kyle. But I also don't like how Edd did pretty much all the work, and then Pete swoops in for the victory.


Rhodes: Well, I really don't either, Jason, but the Stone Family's used to carrying all the weight and not getting any of the glory.


Azaria: Yeah, I suppose you've got a point, Kyle..remember Dan Jr. and Bruce the Giant's teaming, back in '99, up in the "big leagues"? Ha..good times..speaking of which, Ladies, Gentlemen, more good times are coming tonight - because that tag match was the last undercard match that we've got on our program! You know what that means..


Rhodes: Correct, Jason. We have but one match left - Sam Keith, Ricky Dale Johnson, one-on-one. I'll tell you, for a match like that, even I might get excited..


Azaria: Wow! Folks, if that doesn't put over a match, then I don't know what will!


Rhodes: Hmm, yes..well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We've still got a ways before that match comes on - first off, we've got part three of that Sammy Bach interview, coming up.


Azaria: You're right, Kyle, and those interview parts so far have been quite telling. Let's see the rest of what he has to say..




Outside of the Arena segment


Sammy Bach: Scraps! They put me against nothing but scraps!


We cut back to the same night sidewalk we've seen the past two weeks, with the man formerly known as the "Elation Sensation" standing against a brick wall, ciggerette in mouth.


Bach: They told me who I'd be facing, one after the other, this month. That I would wrestle at every TV show this month..and in return, I'd get to choose my opponent at Malice In Wonderland..sounds sweet, right? All that exposure, wins every show of the month, PPV match against anyone of my choice. Sounds like something anyone would like..what better way to give my championship some more value? But what does the "Total Board" do? They. Give. Me. Scraps!


Bach seems to anger himself more with each word. Karen Killer then steps in, and wraps her arms around the 28 year old Middleweight. The look on Bach's face changes that of pain, to that of pure delight, as though he's in heaven.


Bach: Thank you, my Goddess. Where would I be without you..? ...So they put me against both The Young Guns, first, the lowest team in our tag division, in sucession. Then I have that Aaron Andrews guy, who everyone has beaten at this point. And then, on the show just days before Malice In Wonderland, they put me against Randall frickin' Hopkirk?! Are you kidding me?! He couldn't be any further from being an All-Action contender if he tried! You might as well put me up against Clark Alexander again, for Christ's sakes! Damn it.. fine, it doesn't matter. I'll just use him as a prime example that the All-Action is better then the heavyweight and tag divisions. I'll beat him just as easily as anyone else this month! I'll make an example of him..that's just the kind of thing I have to do increase my All-Action title's prestige..



He takes another quick drag of the cigerette, then glances over to Killer again, smiling as though he's in his nirvana, apparantly having to see her atleast once every twenty seconds..he looks back to the camera, in disgust.



Bach: ..but Hopkirk isn't what I had in mind. Not because he's too big, no. Rather, that he's not big enough. Not enough of a name for what I have in mind. Definately not the kind of competitor that I want, definately not the kind of competitor you will see me face off against at Malice In Wonderland...it's going be..a legend. An absolute legend..



He actually starts licking his lips at this point.



Bach: ..and I..can't..wait..



*To Be Continued...*





Rhodes: Bach/Hopkirk next week. The current All-Action champion verses a former Tag Team champion.


Azaria: How many of these parts were shot, Kyle?


Rhodes: From what I've heard, four. Only one more left..


Azaria: I see..so that'll be just one more thing to look forward to, next week! But that's next week, and this is now! We've got a huge main event coming up, but first, we've got Jasmine Saunders backstage, with one of it's combatants, and a former TCW World Heavyweight Champion..




Backstage Segment


We cut backstage to the bright smiling Jasmine Saunders, holding a microphone.



Jasmine Saunders: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jasmine Saunders, and I'm standing here with the one, the only, Ricky Dale Johnson! Ricky?



The screen pans a bit, to reveal the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. He looks focused, jumping side to side a bit, warming himself up for his next match.



Ricky Dale Johnson: Thanks for having me, Jas.



Saunders: Thanks for being here, Ricky! Now, you have a main event match against Sam Keith, coming up in just a few moments! I talked to him earlier, and he is not happy with the comments you made about his co-leader two weeks ago! May I get a quote on you as to what your reply is?



RDJ: Well, Jas, I must admit, maybe I did go a bit over the edge when I said the belt meant more to him then his family did. But the fact is, he's said much, much worse about me and my family, he really doesn't need to be speaking about hurt feelings. As far as Sam Keith goes, though, I don't begrudge him a bit for being unhappy with what I said, nor do I begrudge him for anything, really, aside from joining The Syndicate. To be honest, I really am unsure of why he did that. I mean, if he came to this company, and helped us Total Loyalists - Me, Golden, Baine, Rahn, and everyone else - The Syndicate would be long gone by now! He'd be a hero to the millions of Total fans, and possibly even a TCW World Champion, right now! Instead, he comes in as Tommy Cornell's lapdog. I just don't understand how he could settle for that, how an absolute legend would just sell out like that, it makes no sense. And Tommy's feeding him all this crap about how he's only treating him so badly, because he wants others to respect him? Sam would be respected by everyone that considers themselves a TCW fan if he didn't join The Syndicate! It's so counter productive! This man used to be the one I respected the most, back when I was getting started in the business. And he's still up at the top of the chain.



See, back then, back in the 80's, there were a lot of stars, but three, count them, three people, that really stood out as the top wrestlers in America. One was Sam Strong, who had all the charisma, and the look, and the personality, and the strength to make himself the biggest name in the business. And then, you have Rip Chord, who was so very talented in the ring, and on the mic, who'd probably be the biggest and most respected superstar in the world if it weren't for his "personal demons". And then, then..there was another Sam. Sam Keith. Everyone wanted to list Keith as the third man, everybody saw him as just below Chord and Strong. But you know what? I didn't. Because Sam Keith had it all.



He had the personality, the charisma, the skill, and he was able to gain it all without having all those vices. He was the exception to both the Rip Chord, and the Sam Strong, rules. He was the exception..and I'll just come out and say it - during my teen years, and during my rookie days, and, hell, even up to his debut in TCW last year, Sam Keith was my all-time favorite wrestler..Sam Keith..my favorite wrestler. That used to be something I could say with great pride. But because of the destruction he is emitting onto his own legacy..that's not exactly the case any more. I hope some day..some day soon, he figures that out for himself. I hope that some day soon, he'll realize just what he's doing to his history, to his legend. I still have so much respect for Keith, but I don't know how long I'll retain it. So, Sam, for your own good, I hope you soon realize just how much bigger then The Syndicate you really are. The only good thing that comes from your joining them, is that it occured on the back end of your career, and it won't be what people remember you for after retirement. And when that day finally comes, Sam. You, as well as I, will know just what a blessing that really is. Now, if you'll excuse me, Jasmine, I have a show to main event..



Saunders: Wow..okay, thank you, Ricky!



RDJ nods to Jasmine, then walks off screen, as it fades to the announcer's table.





Rhodes: Some strong words for Ricky Dale Johnson.


Azaria: I have to agree with him, Kyle. I don't really get the logic in Sam Keith joining The Syndicate, he really didn't stand to gain too much.


Rhodes: It's not about him gaining something, Jason. Don't you know that Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith have been friends since they first met in '96? Keith joined the Syndicate to join his friend, not to better his already amazing career.


Azaria: Hmm, yeah..I suppose that is a little something everyone else may not have known..


Rhodes: ... *Sigh*


Azaria: In any case, let's move on to our final commercial break! And after we come back, we'll finally get the match we've been hyping so much all night!



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/SamKeith-1.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith


"Livin' On Borrowed Time" by Puddle Of Mudd blares, and Lord do the fans love Ricky Dale Johnson! They react to him like a true Hall Of Immortals member, nearly breaking the sound barrier, as he comes out focused, and ready for the fight of his life. His entrance is as simple as they come, as he doesn't have much flash to him, but what he does have is the well-deserved love and respect of anyone that calls themself a Total Fan. He enters the ring, and gives a simple raise of his arm, to thunderous applause. In huge contrast, the fans turn to riot-like status when "'Till I Collapse" by Eminem hits, and out comes the legendary Sam Keith, with his equally legendary scowl. He slowly walks down the ramp, not taking his eyes off of his opponent. He walks up the steps, and across the apron a bit, glaring out to the fans, who roar their disapproval. He wipes his feet on the apron, as he has for so many years, before stepping into the ring. RDJ and Sam Keith have an old fashioned boxing stare down, with them going nose-to-nose, and referee Sabanobu Koruba has to seperate the two, before ringing the bell, this is underway!


The hype coming into this match-up was huge, and the match itself did not dissapoint! The fans were into it for every single second of this contest, and they absolutely loved the opening three minutes, as RDJ dominated the legendary multi-time World Champion in them. At one point, he almost took him down with a signature Uranage Slam, but Keith is able to struggle away from the sure disaster that would bring. A slight comeback from Keith is negated by RDJ's signature "Headhunter" Lariat, but that just gets a two count. From there, RDJ's domination only lasts for a minute and a half, as Keith is able to counter a second Lariat attempt with a Powerslam, which gets two. Keith returns the favor, and dominates RDJ from here, and at one point even hits the "Atomic Facebuster", his signature Front-suplex-into-a-facebuster manuever, but this only warrants another two count.


Two counts are indeed aplenty in this exciting match-up, and after negating a comeback of his own, with a thumb to RDJ's eye, Keith starts to get frustrated. He ends up doing a very un-Keith like move, when he goes up to the top rope! Even some of the fans who were rioting ten minutes earlier had to cheer at the sight of that! Keith measures Ricky Dale - then goes for a Flying Clothesline - but in a stunning move, Johnson counters it into the Uranage Slam! The fans go out of their minds, as Keith is driven onto his back with such force! They beg RDJ to cover, but after a few moments of recovering from the beating on the mat, RDJ decides not to waste time with a not-so-sure pinfall attempt, and instead starts rallying the fans - as if they needed it! The cheering level does indeed increase, as Ricky hunches down and waits for Keith to arise, and he tries for the Southern Justice! But Keith masterfully spins out of it, and behind RDJ - and nails the Neutron Plex! The cheers turn to full jeers in less than a heartbeat, as Keith slowly crawls over for the pin, and the win...



...but he doesn't get it! The roof of the V. Thompson Arena nearly implodes, as the fans nearly crack the stratosphere with the pop RDJ's kickout garners! Sam Keith is absolutely shocked, but the determination swiftly comes back to his face, as he gets up with one knee, eyeing his opponent as though he were a mortal enemy. He grabs Ricky Dale by the neck, and pulls him up by it, as Koruba does the usual choke-count that refs never seem to finish. But before the International Exchange Ref can get to five, Keith whips around to behind RDJ, with his trademark lightning quickness, and hits the Neutron Plex, yet again! But this time, instead of going for the cover, he fulfills the original purpose of the signature suplex - and that's as a setup to the Proton Lock! Keith gets the Indian Deathlock portion of it in, and shoots a mean look to the crowd, who give a mean response in turn. He then bends back as quickly as possible, wrenching the neck, and streching RDJ's entire body with the signature submission that has won some of the most prestigious titles in the world! The crowd starts a near immediate RDJ chant, to will him on as best they can! Even the famously resiliant RDJ looks about ready to tap after a few moments of this, but he stays powerful! They aren't in the center of the ring, but their close, and as much as RDJ struggles and streches his arm towards the bottom rope, he's still about another arm's length away! After a few more moments of trying valiantly to reach the ropes, RDJ sees the fruitlessness in this, and changes his strategy to hitting a few shots on Keith's arms! But Keith is definately stronger at this point in the match, and he doesn't really weaken the grasp!


It looks hopeless after a full two minutes of Ricky Dale being in the hold, when he suddenly starts his doing his trademark "Rally Spin" taunt, of twirling his fist in the air, causing the crowd's RDJ chant to again resurface, much louder then before! And it's almost as if they grant him power, as he grabs Keith's arms, and breaks them away from his neck! He pulls himself up, but Keith isn't letting go of the leg lock so easily! RDJ gets onto his stomach while Keith keeps the hold in, but from there he's able to shoot himself forward, and grap the ropes!! Keith can't beleive his eyes, and holds the Indian Deathlock in for as long as Koruba's count will allow, before breaking it. The enraged Keith pulls RDJ back up..but gets suddenly caught with a Jacknife cover! 1! 2! 3! Johnson wins it, in an abrupt end to this fabulous match!


The fans seemed to have reached their personal heaven, as "Livin' In Borrowed Time" hits again, and Ricky Dale Johnson's arm is raised! Sam Keith's look of shock eventually fades to one devoid of much emotion, and he slowly pulls himself up with the ropes. The massively popping crowd suddenly goes deathly quiet however, along with the music, as Keith and RDJ come face-to-face, similarly to how this match began. You can almost see lightning between the two's eyes, as they look into one another's. Slowly, and surprisingly, Sam Keith offers his hand to RDJ. Ricky ponders this for a moment, then looks out to the crowd. You can see quite a few people in the front row, shaking their heads and arms, telling him not to do it. RDJ looks up at the lights, and takes a deep breath..before accepting the handshake. The crowd groans a bit, as they fully expect Keith to do something dastardly. But shockingly, Keith simply shakes RDJ's hand, lets go, and walks out of the ring! After just a second of stunned silence, the crowd pops for the show of respect! "Livin' On Borrowed Time" continues playing, as Keith just walks down the ramp, turns, and nods at RDJ, before going back through the curtain. The pleasantly surprised Ricky Dale Johnson looks on with a smile, and continues playing to the crowd.


Ricky Dale Johnson wins, via pinfall, after a jacknife cover, at 16:52





Azaria: ..Wow..wow, on so many levels. Folks, that was an amazing match, but what about that handshake, eh? Didn't see that coming..


Rhodes: Though RDJ's interview before our last commercial break might make you think otherwise, Sam Keith is still a respecting individual. When someone does something that earns his respect, he has no hesitation in giving them their due. RDJ and Keith had a five-star classic tonight, and Sam isn't going to overlook that, or him.


Azaria: I guess you're right, Kyle. After that, I can't much argue. I guess it's just been so long that I've seen a noble gesture from Sam Keith, that seeing one now is quite surprising!


Rhodes: Must you take a potshot at every turn..?


Azaria: Hey, just telling it like it is, partner! Well, folks, signing off from another great episode of TCW Total Wrestling - I'm Jason Azaria,


Rhodes: I'm Kyle Rhodes,


Azaria: And we shall see you next week!




Neilson: 3.28

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- ..so, safe to say that show took a little longer to finish that then I was first aiming for. For my credibilities sake, it was a good thing I didn't post my original deadline..I was actually planning on getting that out last Wednesday, if you can beleive that. Curse me and my laziness.. :p


- Hopefully the extra-extra long main event will help make up for the delay..for the first time in this diarie's short career, I feel I actually made it the biggest part of the show, like I should have been doing.


- I'd like to make a short note about The New Age Party Crashers, and their entertainment-y gimmick, being presented in what is otherwise a very serious product. See, it is my belief, that any company (aside from your MMA-crossover Hyper Realism ones) needs atleast a little comic relief. The key being actually using it as a relief, and not one of many other over-the-top silly gimmicks. Make the rest of the show dead serious, and dark, and then throw these two guys out their with their comedic routine, to convince the fans the world isn't so bleek after all~! Hence the main reason I added them. The other reasons being, A. I had no plans for either man, and decided it was a good pairing, and B. I didn't feel Giant Tana or Danny Fonzerelli were gimmicks that my product's fans would find funny.. :p

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- I'd like to make a short note about The New Age Party Crashers, and their entertainment-y gimmick, being presented in what is otherwise a very serious product. See, it is my belief, that any company (aside from your MMA-crossover Hyper Realism ones) needs atleast a little comic relief.


I've got no problem with the NAPC in a comic relief role, as you said most promotions unless they present themselves as an almost MMA-crossover style promotion like EXPIRE (I do have an irrational dislike for that promotion, stemming from the fact that I did a BHOTWG diary for TEW 07 :D).


Good show overall, particularly enjoying the Sammy Bach segements and don't worry about not having a high post count, if the quality is there people will continue to read. I'd say look at someone like NoNeck he's not a particularly frequent poster but when he does post the show you can see he's put alot of effort into it. I'm feeling that so far with your diary.


Also you've got Phantom Strangers TCW diary just started up, so there's a bit of friendly competition there, but hopefully his is shaping up to be different enough from yours for people not to compare the two. For starters you're not giving Painful Procedure any kind of push what so ever (probably a good thing !)


But people may see two TCW diaries and say I'll go with Phantoms because he's the established writer. Right now Phantom's like the veteran and you're the young lion looking to earn respect amongst your peers but as I said keep this quality of writing up and you'll earn that respect.

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I've got no problem with the NAPC in a comic relief role, as you said most promotions unless they present themselves as an almost MMA-crossover style promotion like EXPIRE (I do have an irrational dislike for that promotion, stemming from the fact that I did a BHOTWG diary for TEW 07 :D).


Good show overall, particularly enjoying the Sammy Bach segements and don't worry about not having a high post count, if the quality is there people will continue to read. I'd say look at someone like NoNeck he's not a particularly frequent poster but when he does post the show you can see he's put alot of effort into it. I'm feeling that so far with your diary.


Also you've got Phantom Strangers TCW diary just started up, so there's a bit of friendly competition there, but hopefully his is shaping up to be different enough for yours for people not to compare the two. For starters you're not giving Painful Procedure any kind of push what so ever (probably a good thing !)


But people may see two TCW diaries and say I'll go with Phantoms because he's the established writer. Right now Phantom's like the veteran and you're the young lion looking to earn respect amongst your peers but as I said keep this quality of writing up and you'll earn that respect.


Well I'm glad there's no problem with NAPC's role, but I am curious as to what people think of it's execution, as to whether it's actually all that comedic..


Glad you're liking Bach, as well. I've got what I think is a pretty interesting idea for how his long-term diary story will go..but not much of it will be revealed immediately. For now, I hope his PPV match "reveal" in his next promo will be a nice surprise..


Painful Procedure are sort of in a unique way for me, in that I'm not the hugest of fans of them, and yet, it would feel almost wrong to just fire them, and kick them to the curb, just 'cause they've been there for so long at this point, and have quite a lot of history with the company. It's similar to how I feel about Kyle Rhodes. He really isn't up to the standard of Color Commentator that Total needs, but splitting Rhodes and Azaria up after having been calling shows since the very first one, and just shoving Kyle away, it feels kinda wrong. I get little connections like that, were I feel letting someone go and finding a replacement is the "smart" thing to do, but not the "right" thing to do..but maybe I'm getting too much of a connection to these fictional peoples.. :p



I'd honestly be content with just being considered someone that can compete with PS...for now.. :p

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Also you've got Phantom Strangers TCW diary just started up, so there's a bit of friendly competition there, but hopefully his is shaping up to be different enough from yours for people not to compare the two. For starters you're not giving Painful Procedure any kind of push what so ever (probably a good thing !)


But people may see two TCW diaries and say I'll go with Phantoms because he's the established writer. Right now Phantom's like the veteran and you're the young lion looking to earn respect amongst your peers but as I said keep this quality of writing up and you'll earn that respect.


Yeah, I'm hoping not to take much away from you. Yours is good and I, at least, keep coming back to it; so I figure if the forum can support two major SWF diaries it can support two major TCW diaries.

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Well, it was definitely a solid show. Liked the main event write-up, long or not.


Now, regarding your questions...


Yeah, I do find the New Age Party Crashers amusing. Not "laugh out loud" funny, but to be honest, very few diary writers manage to get me to do that with any frequency (J Silver being the rare exception). So for the most, amused works for me. The only complaint I would mention about them (and only because you ask) is that it almost seems too overt. I've always looked at TCW as likely having slightly "smarkier" fans than the SWF. Fans who would look for slightly more subtle humor than the overt, outright SWF-type humor. Rather having them be falling down drunk, something like an occassional stumble confirmed by an empty bottle falling out of their pocket might work better... Though again, that's based on my "perception" of Tee-Cee-Dub faithful.


I do like that you aren't simply abandoning all the dead weight in the promotion outright. Its so tempting to do in any given, especially with a bigger promotion where bringing in a more talented replacement is fairly easy. Considering the history of workers like the PP duo and Rhodes is important, I think. I rarely manage that kind of restraint when playing at TCW, I must admit.


Keep up the good work.

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