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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Sorry enough that your next project will be getting Horatio fired from TCW, jumping to SWF and dismantling the beast you've created? ;):p


I know what my next project will be, and it won't involve a Dangerous.


It will also involve a break of some duration between the end of this and the next one starting up; I've been doing one diary or another since my ROF diary started back under 2007. This epic will be over 1200 pages in Open Office before the next show's done, without formatting. It's around 560,000 words. And I still have two months of game to go - and as well as this, I write six pages of roleplayer-nerd webcomic per week.


It'll be time to relax.

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I know what my next project will be, and it won't involve a Dangerous.


It will also involve a break of some duration between the end of this and the next one starting up; I've been doing one diary or another since my ROF diary started back under 2007. This epic will be over 1200 pages in Open Office before the next show's done, without formatting. It's around 560,000 words. And I still have two months of game to go - and as well as this, I write six pages of roleplayer-nerd webcomic per week.


It'll be time to relax.


Phantom says what?

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*shrugs* I don't do much tabletop, but that was pretty easy to get. Kinda curious as to why you went with IRL pics.


This is really a discussion to have by PM or elsewhere, but the simple answer is that way always the plan; this grew out of my taking some photos my co-creator had shot for other things and doing short comedy strips with them, at which point she started suggesting an ongoing thing with plot.


I said that would never work.


That was about two years ago.

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This is really a discussion to have by PM or elsewhere, but the simple answer is that way always the plan; this grew out of my taking some photos my co-creator had shot for other things and doing short comedy strips with them, at which point she started suggesting an ongoing thing with plot.


I said that would never work.


That was about two years ago.



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Just simmed the show for writeup purposes.


...I feel really, really sorry for the SWF. On the same day that TCW finally pulls another A* show rating, Supreme TV delivers a C, headlined by Enygma vs. Genghis Rahn.


I have laughed at Genghis Rahn so many times since the start of this diary. This is another of those occasions.


I mean, by now he would most likely be one of the "You're still employed?" brigade along with Fonzarelli, Baine, Buffalo and Khoklov, but I bet his stock would've been higher than SWF's right now.

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Acid Dragon vs. Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk -- no contest


Something happens to break this one up. No way does this just lead off the show as is.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joel Bryant


Ah, Andrews. Good to see him back in action, even if he is just marking time with a squash.


Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Kate Dangerous


Not crazy about picking against Art Reed, but if Newton is going to make the ME leap, he needs this, and if Poochie is going to maintain her air of invincibility, she does too. I don't see Art moving at the moment.


Eddie Peak vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch


Much like the Andrews-Bryant match, this is just a way to get some ring time to a prominent face who's been a little out of the spotlight.


Kings of Wrestling vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


I'm getting kind of a gatekeeper-y vibe from the Outlaws lately, which I suppose makes sense -- it's a natural role for RDJ and Faith, and Pete doesn't really demand immediate pushing. (And if he ever does need a push, well, being on a team with RDJ and Faith isn't hurting his credibility any.)


Sean McFly vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)


Has McFly lost a one-on-one cleanly? I don't know that he has, and I don't know that this is a big enough event to justify doing that. But I also don't see Hawkins losing for any reason. Let's say Wolf wins by really blatant cheating.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 December 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 17.55)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.33)


Held at the New Hampshire Garden (New England)


Attendance: 19,340




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver



The pyro dies away and the camera dwells, for a moment, on an empty ring before panning across to the big screen. A few moments of static herald the appearance of Tommy Cornell on the big screen, resting in a hospital bed.


“Sorry I can't be with you,” he begins. “After the end of my last match, the docs want to check I don't have a concussion. I know that the next private rooms along have JeriLynn Stone and Michelle Cox in them after their match, too. We take this seriously. But I should be back by the end of the week...


“Anyway, much as I'd rather be there for this myself, I have some announcements to make. Seems Phil Vibert has every intent of taking over my company in the new year. We'll deal with that as we can, but it also means that Vibert is leveraging the Board to put together matches for his champion. And that's dodgy.


“Wolf, I'm booked to wrestle the champion in London, night two of Malice in Wonderland. That won't change.


“But the champion? That might.


“If you're still champion come February 1st, Wolf, it won't be because I haven't been trying. At Psycho Circus your belt will go on the line against five other wrestlers in an elimination-style match – and you can bet you'll be one of the primary targets to eliminate. Who those other wrestlers will be, we'll work out over the course of the month.


“You're an unmitigated wanker, Wolf, and I don't see any reason to give you the match you want. So that's not going to be the only title match you face. Tonight, for example... Sean McFly is your opponent. I told you – I told everyone – this was non-title. Well, Wolf – I lied.


“You want to be here and ready to compete every show, you quisling. Because I won't be telling you when the belt's on the line. I won't always be telling you who you're wrestling ahead of time.”


His face softens. “There's a bit – a very little bit – of me that almost wants you to succeed anyway. I picked the man I thought I could make into the best wrestler in the world. Seeing you beat a Stone shows I was pretty close to right. If you hadn't double-crossed me, if you hadn't screwed me over and spent months attacking me, if I thought the only reason you'd stopped the ambushes WASN'T that Remo wanted me in good health for his match...


“If all of that were true, I'd be your biggest supporter. But somewhere along the way, Wolf, you became a toxic asshole.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/UKDragon.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DeanWaldorf.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarvStatler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RandallHopkirk.jpg

Acid Dragon vs. Balcony Express w/ Randall Hopkirk

With both sides having a lot to prove if they want to rise up the rankings, this one is a pretty even contest. Certainly a motivated one. And the Express are fast becoming a team that knows how to work together – but their opponents know that even better.


More than that, Acid Dragon know how to utilise their speed advantage. A flurry of dropkicks, lightning tags, sentons and even fast suplexes from the Japan-inspired duo keep Dean and Marv off-balance, and while they do fight back – combining with some inventive double-teams – it's not enough.


After drawing the fans in to a stunning degree, Acid puts Dean Waldorf away with an Acid Rain Bomb which secures the pinfall.

Acid Dragon defeated Balcony Express

Rating: B+




Sean Deeley, backstage, leaves his locker room dressed for the nightclubs, whistling cheerfully. His kitbag slung over one shoulder, he makes his way along the aisle – and stops dead as Frankie Perez bars his way.


“Problem?” he asks quietly. Perez grins, showing all his teeth, almost feral.


“No,” he says. “I don't have a problem. And neither did you.”


“Neither DID I?”


“You took on Champagne Lover,” Perez says. “You could beat him. You couldn't have beaten me.”


Deeley shrugs. “Fair's fair, Frankie,” he says. “If you hadn't taken the fall in that six-man, I might have picked you.”


”Exactly.” Sean looks a little taken aback, and Perez presses on. “If it hadn't been for Umaga I'd have even won there. And I'd have your belt – or Rockwell's – today.”


Sean looks faintly uncomfortable.



“Then go for Umaga,” comes a voice, and both men whirl to see Freddy Huggins there, grinning.


“Seriously, Frankie. Your problem isn't with Sean here, it's with the big Samoan.


“And considering everything, Sean, I think that leaves your dancecard free. I'm looking for a new belt to replace my old one – so this might be the way to go.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. Joel Bryant

A good little match; it's clear here that Bryant is a better strategist, and there are a couple of points where he seems to have the match sewn up, but Andrews has the youth and resilience to come back, kicking out even of Bryant's famed One Shot Drop, before rallying.


Once he's rallied, it's all on Aaron's side as he shrugs off the veteran's assault, sets him up, and eventually sinks him with a spinebuster to seal the deal.


“He got away with it there – but Aaron is going to have to learn to think past his opponents as well as wrestling past them, if he wants to stay at the top of the tree,” Azaria pronounces gloomily.

Aaron Andrews defeated Joel Bryant

Rating: B




Backstage, and Eric Tyler is hammering on a locker room door. A few moments into this, another man joins him in this and the camera pulls out to reveal Koshiro Ino.


The two educators of TCW stare at each other briefly, glowering, and return to hammering on the door.



After a few moments it opens, with Jack Marlowe standing in the doorway, a bottle of beer dangling from one hand. His face settles into a smirk. “You two... right.


“What d'you both want?”


Tyler gestures to Ino to speak first, grinning as he does so. Ino looks back at him stonily, and after a few moments, Tyler shrugs.


“Fine, I don't have a problem talkin'. You got involved with Freddy's match Sunday night. Cost him the belt. Pathlow put you up to that?”


There's a resounding thud as Ino slams his clenched fist against the doorframe. The two others turn to look at him, then Tyler shrugs. “Guess he's asking the same thing, near enough.”


“You both wanna know who hired me?” Marlowe grins. “Tell you what. You, Eric, versus you, Ino, the main event Friday at Badge of Honor.”


He nods decisively, then shuts the door.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg

Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Kate Dangerous

There's some very good action here, and at the centre of it is the clear and distinct revelation that the women can hang with the men – even at this upper-echelon level.


Alicia and Kate seem to have scores to settle after Strong's recent assaults, and Reed has to play peacemaker from time to time, flying in to intervene one way or another.


Near-falls come fast and furious, with Art Reed giving the Strong Arm Tactic its first huge moment in TCW since the name change and Sam Strong's departure, when Art springboards across the ring to meet the SAT coming the other way, Reed turning a full circle before he faceplants to the ground – but he does kick out, and Kate Dangerous is in fast to take over.


Twenty minutes fly by, at the end of which neither team has been able to defeat the other. As it ticks down, Davis Wayne Newton has Kate Dangerous in the STF, but she's refusing to tap before time elapses.

Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton drew with Art Reed & Kate Dangerous

Rating: B







Champagne Lover visibly recoils from the screen as Edd Stone goes into an excited dance, waving his X-Box controller above his head. “NAILED IT!” Neither of them have a match, but Edd Stone is wearing his full wrestling gear nonetheless.


Lover shakes his head. “This is not true fighting.”


“You're just annoyed because you don't know how to reskin Chun Li nekkid,” Stone retorts with a grin – and the camera, having been slowly moving toward being able to see their game, darts back away from a potential FCC complaint about indecency.


“Nobody knows how to reskin her naked, apart from you,” Lover retorts. “What I don't understand is that I thought I was selecting Guile.”


Out of shot, someone clears their throat. Lover glances up, his gaze immediately softening to a sultry smile, while Edd's jaw drops. If he could, he'd probably make his eyes pop out.



The camera moves over to show that the Blonde Bombshell has arrived.


“They tell me you two want to challenge for the tag team championships,” she begins. Edd manages a nod.


“Well, my own team has unfinished business... so I have to ask you to wait. Gentlemen, I would be grateful...” She trails off and sighs. “Sorry, forgot who I'm talking to. This is NOT a promise I will do... ANYTHING... with, to, for or at you. I'm just asking you to wait your turn.”


Edd makes indistinct sounds. Lover sighs. “I would just say no, however attractive your presentation... but I think I need to consult. Later. When his brain works. Would you excuse us for that?”


The Bombshell half-smiles, and is about to speak when-



“Mind if I cut in?” Carl Batch appears behind her, grinning, “See, far as I can see both your sides have missed something.


“You've missed that the Easy Riders are automatically head of the queue.


“So sort out second place behind you, yeah?”


Edd finds his voice. “...bouncy funbags.”


This leads everyone else present to stare at him, and Edd swallows and tries again.


“Got an idea,” he manages.


“I'll set something up by Saturday. Contest. We can figure out who's top contender from that. Deal?”


After a long moment, the Bombshell nods.


Batch shrugs. “You all crazy. I gotta get to the ring. We'll sort this out Saturday.”


Carl leaves. Moments later, the Bombshell does the same. Edd watches wistfully for a few moments, then glances down. “...Aw, dammit.”




“I think my drool shorted out the controller again.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/NemePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SayeedAli.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch

This thing is a brawl. What's surprising is that it's a brawl where Ali is able to more or less hold his own against the 'Bloody-Handed God'. Punches and kicks are thrown at both sides, along with a lot of slams and a somewhat surprising not-really-a-tornado-DDT by Peak hit at a run.


Ali is the first to try putting this one away, looking for the GBH Driver, but Eddie plants his feet and smoothly reverses. Ali will get his revenge just a few moments later, however, converting a charge into a Samoan drop – but Peak kicks out.


Control switches a few more times before the Peak of the Devil connects to give the revitalised Eddie the win.

Eddie Peak defeated Sayeed Ali

Rating: B




Kings Of Wrestling


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TexasHangman.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydBowman_jhd2.jpg

Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

There's something of a blur to the action in this one. Tags are fast, suplexes are faster, punches faster still.


Texas Pete has always been one of the fastest of TCW's big men; when he sails through the middle ropes to drive Bobby Thomas into the crowd barrier with a flying spear to the outside, the crowd roar with approval, even as RDJ comes into the ring only to be waylaid by Matthew Keith.


The Outlaws are pretty good in general, but where they shine against the Kings is their unity – and unfortunately, the Elite Express are very good at preventing people from acting together.


Finally, however, Christian Faith is unleashed! A Leap of Faith crushes Nate Johnson in the corner, and a volley of Faith Hammers puts Bobby Thomas back down. Faith and the Keith scion throw down – Matthew crashes into Eugene Williams off a strong whip by the veteran – Faith backdrops Keith up, turns around -





Remo Richardson crouches over his downed target, a fiery light in his eyes. “Psycho Circus,” he growls, then rolls out of the ring – where Texas Pete meets him, throwing hands wildly in defence of his teammate.


RDJ eats a Precision Driller and Matthew Keith makes a cover on Faith as Williams recovers, scoring the win thanks to Generation Omega's supreme specimen.

Kings of Wrestling defeated the Texas Outlaws

Rating: A



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpg

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

It's not so long since the last time Sean McFly challenged for Hawkins' championship, and the last time he did it Hawkins won by the narrowest of margins and ended up walking wounded.


The fans want to see if this time the American Tiger will have Hawkins' measure – and the atmosphere is tense as hell.


There's an early collar-and-elbow, and Sean shifts position, converting to a headlock. As in the last match, however, he uses this position of power to go to work on the legs, shooting Wolf out in front of him and immediately kicking his leg out from under him. Once again he grabs it up, wishboning Hawkins for a moment before dropping the knee.


Wolf gets back to his feet and sidesteps McFly's attempt to dropkick the leg out from under him again. The champion promptly connects with a dropkick of his own, nailing Sean in the face while he's down and rolling clear again.


As McFly regains his feet Hawkins goes to a volley of chops, driving Sean back – and McFly abruptly leaps, hitting an enzuigiri to bring the champion down!


He pulls Wolf up, clearly abandoning the leg-based strategy used last time as he instead launches a dazzling snap suplex. That's a big impact, but Sean doesn't immediately cover; instead, he shifts position, applying a chinlock. Wolf fights back to his feet – the American Tiger spins him around – imploder DDT!


Cover! ONE, TWO – NO! Wolf gets back to his feet first and unloads with punches, rights and lefts, before whipping Sean to – no, reversed – Hawkins hits the ropes – flapjack by McFly – CUTTER OFF THE FLAPJACK! COVER! ONE, TW- NO!


Sean sits up, stunned, and Wolf abruptly surges, dragging him over and for the first time in the match the American Tiger's shoulders are put to the mat. ONE, TW – NO! McFly kicks out and Wolf Hawkins sends him straight back down to the mat with three forearms and a lariat! Cover! One, two – no! Bodyslam!


Wolf backs to the corner and boosts himself up to the second rope – the American Tiger springs up, following him up there, but Hawkins punches free! Diving splash! Cover! ONE, TWO, TH – NO!


With the champ on the offensive Sean McFly shifts gears. He looks for a kick – Hawkins catches it – enzuigiri counter – ducked by Hawkins! German suplex! BRIDGED! ONE, TWO – NO! Sean gets his shoulder up!


Sean McFly hits a straight right to the jaw, then drives knee into his midsection. A gutwrench suplex sends him crashing to the mat, and when Wolf comes up a lariat puts him straight back down – and McFly grabs a chancery to slow things down – then slowly flips forward to bridge into the Last Chancery.


Hawkins struggles – the crowd get ready for a change – after fifteen seconds since the bridge came down, Wolf is still trapped. Sam Sparrow grabs the arm and lifts -


It falls! Sparrow checks again -


It falls! He reaches out, lifting the arm, the crowd roar, and McFly tenses up further, forcing Wolf's spine to jack further and further back – but this time Wolf stops his hand from hitting the mat! As Sparrow waves it off, Wolf braces and shoves clear onto his back, sending Sean rolling away.


Sean recovers from his shock and comes in fast, looking for another lariat – Wolf gets an arm up to block, and Sean eats an STO from Wolf, who drops to one knee, holding McFly by the throat and repeatedly driving his head into the mat.


With the challenger sufficently dazed, Hawkins drags him to the corner and boosts him onto the top rope, going up after him. He sets up as is becoming standard, but Sean recovers in time and knocks him from his perch with a European uppercut.


Hawkins hits the mat, staggered and dazed, as Sean sits down on the top rope. Wolf makes it back to his feet with his back to the corner; Sean grabs the inverted facelock, points his free hand like a gun at the entrance, and launches forward in JeriLynn Stone's signature Girl's Best Friend! Cover! ONE, TWO, TH- Sparrow sees Wolf's foot on the rope, breaking the count.


McFly stands up and takes a moment to look around the crowd with a broad grin, gesturing for the Delorean Driver. However, as he picks Wolf up, the champion is ready with a run of punches and chops, cutting that one off.


Sean stuns him with a jawbreaker then hits the ropes behind him, looking for a bulldog as Hawkins did in their last matchup. This time it's Wolf who counters that into the Blue Thunder Bomb! Cover! ONE, TWO, THR – NO! SEAN KICKS OUT! HAWKINS TURNS HIM OVER INTO THE MINNESOTA CLOVERLEAF!


Sean struggles, but talent pays off; he manages to reach the ropes, forcing the break. Wolf, seeming frustrated, takes a kick at Sean's head as Sparrow separates the two.


Wolf goes to the second rope and comes off with a splash, but he gets nothing but knees. Sean rolls clear and comes in again - jawbreaker by Hawkins! He hops up on one knee – DDT! Cover! ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


So far, they've been evenly matched, and they stare at one another from a little distance. Wolf closes in, swings, and Sean ducks it – Stone's Throw – Wolf blocks, Sean sets and tries again – Hawkins counters by rolling him up! ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Sean drags Wolf to his feet. European uppercut! Delorean Driver is blocked! Hawkins tries for one of his own! This time, though, McFly blocks it, prompting Azaria to remind the fans that last time, he couldn't. Sean pulls Wolf into an abdominal stretch, then grabs a leg and hits a huge exploder suplex.


He looks to pull the champion up again, but Wolf punches out, rolling to his feet. He whips Sean to the corner, mounts – rains down punches – seven, eight, nine – Hawkins jumps backward, looking to hit the Full Moon Rising on the way down, but McFly blocks it with an arm. “Both of them learned from last time,” Azaria offers hoarsely. “Holy God, what's next?”


Sean levels Wolf with a huge lariat out of the corner, picks him up, and plants him again with a DDT. He doesn't cover, but does go for another chancery – and Hawkins squirms free, knowing he couldn't escape again. Wolf's Call – blocked! Delorean Driver – Wolf grabs the ropes on the way! Both men tumble to the outside!


Sam Sparrow can do nothing but start the count. By three, Vibert is by his client's side; as it becomes apparent what he intends to do, Mayhem Midden appears at ringside. Before Phil can roll the near-unconscious Hawkins in at eight, Midden grabs him, spinning him around, and that head lashes forward, dropping Generation Omega's evil genius with a steel-plate-assisted headbutt.


Ten rolls around, with neither man in the ring. This one is a draw.

Wolf Hawkins drew with Sean McFly

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A*

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“You both wanna know who hired me?” Marlowe grins. “Tell you what. You, Eric, versus you, Ino, the main event Friday at Badge of Honor.”


Well that didn't answer the question...




i lold


Edd Stone is wearing his full wrestling gear nonetheless.


So...street clothes >_>


“You're just annoyed because you don't know how to reskin Chun Li nekkid,” Stone retorts with a grin – and the camera, having been slowly moving toward being able to see their game, darts back away from a potential FCC complaint about indecency.




“What I don't understand is that I thought I was selecting Guile.”




He should have chosen T. Hawk or El Fuerte.


Or Dhalsim.


Or M. Bison.


The camera moves over to show that the Blonde Bombshell has arrived.


I'm assuming this is the nekkid reskin, of course.


Sorry, forgot who I'm talking to. This is NOT a promise I will do... ANYTHING... with, to, for or at you.


That settles it. Bombshell's going to be under Stone. ALL NIGHT LOOONNNNGGGGGG


finds his voice. “...bouncy funbags.”




Heh...Eddie Peak, Ketchup-Headed God...



So that ME, to give you an A* show, had to be, what, 100?

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 December 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.21)


Held at the President's Hall (Puerto Rico)


Attendance: 3,600





Steve Smith – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • In the opening contest, Tooth & Claw fought hard but ultimately lost to Acid Dragon, the Acid Rain Bomb putting Lobo Blanco away. (Rating: B)
  • Singles action next sees Chance Fortune defeated by Zimmy with a split-legged moonsault. (Rating: B)
  • A video plays warning people of how dangerous professional wrestling can be, featuring TCW wrestlers who are or famously have been injured; Tommy Cornell taken down by Remo, JeriLynn Stone and Michelle Cox taking one another down, and Marat Khoklov putting Rocky Golden on the injured list way back when.
  • Amber Allen teamed up with Melody Cuthill, but the fledgling team fell to the experienced duo of Cherry Bomb and Gorgon when Cherry Bomb pinned Melody. (Rating: B-)
  • Giant Tana romped happily to victory when he pinned Donnie J off a Big Fat Samoan Squash. (Rating: B-)
  • Elimination Protocol returned to the scene, losing to the British Lions in non-title action when O'Curle forced Technique to tap. (Rating: B+)
  • The video of Kashmir Singh promising perfection aired again, this time culminating in video of his rope-rebound blockbuster known as the 'Singh It Back'.
  • Ultimate Phoenix nearly pulled off a stunning upset, only to tap out to Marc DuBois' Model Solution. (Rating: B)
  • Koshiro Ino somehow outfought Eric Tyler to win in the main event, nailing the Kobra's Bite for the victory. (Rating: A)
  • Team KOBRA came to the ring to support their captain as Sara Silver reminded the fans that Marlowe set this up when they came to him with a question about who hired him.


Show Rating: A

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Y'know what'd be great? Julian Watson hiring Marlowe. Or Marlowe himself.


Or, dare I say it, Freddy Huggins. He got screwed, right?


Or, uh...let's see, best debut ever...likes money OH GOD IT'S BIG MONEY BRANDON JAMES THE WRITING'S ON THE WALLLLLL (also that'd be the second reference he's made).

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I sure hope you haven't signed Brandon James, considering he would basically be an inferior Remo. The roster's big, SWF don't need hurting and whilst I'm not as good a booker as PS, there are surely better targets than Big Money.




I've never liked Big Cat Brandon...

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It looks like a hell of a slate for this Saturday Night Showcase as TCW's wandering path takes us back to Kamloops! Let's see what's on offer...


In the opening match, the British Lions will wrestle the Fly Boys. Admittedly, this is a non-title matchup, but the Boys are going to be hoping to start something going - while the Lions just want to celebrate their hundredth match as a duo with a win.


The Easy Riders were last seen poking their noses back into tag team title contention, and Mayhem Midden has decreed that if they want to be taken seriously, they need to start wrestling again. Accordingly and for the first time, they're going to go up against the Elimination Protocol.


It bears noting at this point that Edd Stone promised to unveil his plan to settle the contendership question on this very show.


Canadian Elemental will wrestle a showcase in front of his home nation fans against fellow Japanese-influenced masked wrestler UK Dragon. UK Dragon's fortunes have taken a major uptick of late - but will it be enough?


The Elite Express look to advance in the tag rankings in the traditional way - by beating former champions. Those former champions already have a bone to pick with the Express' leader in the Kings of Wrestling; they are, of course, the Kreed.


And in the main event, the House of Stone unite as a tag team, with Sean McFly and Jeremy Stone facing a familial and Generational, if you'll pardon the pun, threat - because Edd Stone is tagging up with Davis Wayne Newton, who recently boasted that he would remain undefeated under all circumstances.


Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Elimination Protocol


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Elite Express vs. Kreed


Davis Wayne Newton & Edd Stone w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)

Sorry Fly Boys but you won´t beat Lions even in non-title match.

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Elimination Protocol

Protocol won´t get a win either.


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

Acid Dragon have done well lately and that makes this one close but Elemental is singles guy and thus needs the win more.


Elite Express vs. Kreed

I see Matthew making an interference and costing Kreed this one.


Davis Wayne Newton & Edd Stone w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

Could go either way but I just see the faces as bigger names still.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)



Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Elimination Protocol



Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

Off the back of his victory over Edd Stone, CanEl keeps his momentum up.


Elite Express vs. Kreed

While Matt-erference is an obvious way forward, I'm going to guess on Kreed anyway.


Davis Wayne Newton & Edd Stone w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

Draw. DWN doesn't want to be losing, nor does Edd, but Jezza and McFly are both top-level guys.

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Nationwide scavenger hunt, eh? Would you like suggestions or shall we just wait and enjoy the Edd-tertainment?


Edd has pledged to use the first forty. I am perfectly happy to adjust that if anything unusable or FCC-banned arises, but I thought people might enjoy suggesting stuff. And I like the idea of Edd running ideas past Twitter.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Elimination Protocol


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Elite Express vs. Kreed


Davis Wayne Newton & Edd Stone w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

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