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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Elimination Protocol


With only a couple months left, it's too late to set up a storyline where either of the legit teams falls apart, or either of the traditional jobber teams rises.


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


All over the world, huh?


Elite Express vs. Kreed


Matt Keith shenanigans are possible, but I don't think the Kreed lose this one. Maybe a DQ win.


Davis Wayne Newton & Edd Stone w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly -- draw


Yeah... I don't see DWN losing this early, but I don't see either one of these guys on Jeremy's level, let alone Sean's. I suppose it's possible that Edd takes the fall and DWN says "it wasn't me, I'm still undefeated", but even that... it's too early for him to get that weasely with his streak.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 1 December 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.73)

Rebroadcast on Euro Cable Sports 1 (Rating 0.40)


Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia)


Attendance: 11,868





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen



For once, the opening pyro package doesn't cue in scenes in the ring. Instead, it follows Baroness Emily, who's walking with a purpose backstage.



The camera turns a corner with her, and sees Jack Marlowe, newly arrived, beer bottle in hand. He stops, looking her up and down.


“Well?” Emily asks. Marlowe shrugs.


“Well what, darlin'?”


“The Kobra won his match. Who hired you for A Little South Of Sanity?”


Marlowe takes another swig and smirks.


“Well?” Emily asks again. And Marlowe shrugs. “I just said they had the main event,” he says. “I never said it was for the answer.”


In a single fluid movement she draws her bokken, holding it in readiness. Marlowe frowns.


“Not the way I was hoping you planned to pay for it,” he begins-



Sammy Bach flies backward between them. With a vicious yell, Troy Tornado hurtles after him, meeting Bach as he gets back to his feet.


Emily spends a few moments watching the fight. By the time she turns back, Marlowe is gone.



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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Much is made, in the early going of this contest, about the fact that the Lions have been together for a little over a year only – but this is the champions' hundredth match as a team. And their unity is right up there with the Fly Boys in terms of how well they work together,


This becomes, therefore, a match which is purely a measure of the four athletes' relative skills, and while the Fly Boys do show what made them multi-time champions in the past, the reality is that the Lions have faced their best moves before – and the British Lions, famously, never lose the same way twice.

British Lions defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: B





The cameras pick up Wolf Hawkins hopping the crowd barrier, swiping a microphone, and climbing into the ring. A moment later, the production team, 'caught by surprise', hit his theme.


“I'm getting a little sick of this,” Hawkins says. “I am the World Heavyweight Champion. I've held this belt since May. I won the Shot At the Top. I have beaten everybody but the one man running scared, I lead the dominant stable, and I defy anybody to tell me that I am not the Wrestler of 2009. I defy anybody to tell me I haven't earned all the respect in the world.


“I defy anybody to tell me I do not deserve better from the men making our matches than surprise defences and full-on bull**** excuses from-”


Breakin' The Law begins to play, cutting Wolf off abruptly.



He turns toward the entrance, seeing Tommy Cornell stand there, and beckons him into the ring. “Well? What about it? Come in here and give me my damn match, Cornell!”


“A match? How about a World Heavyweight Championship match, sunbeam?” Cornell smirks. “No way I'm wrestling you til I have to, but I think the fans here wouldn't mind seeing someone take your belt off you, right?”


Hawkins growls, and raises the microphone, but Cornell cuts him off.


“And considering that unprofessional raggedy-arse wrestling-in-jeans-and-t-shirts idea you and your buddies have been running round with, I will not accept the claim that you're not ready to wrestle.


“So here we go... TCW rules say you can't be made to wrestle two matches in one night unless you accept a gauntlet match entry. But anyone who wants two matches... or has their gear ready like a good wrestler should, waiting for a shot... you get out here now. First man to the ring gets their chance.”


Mere moments later, End of the World hits, bringing with it Sean Deeley.


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Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

The home nation hero brings the fight to Wolf right out of the gate as the announce team remind people that, if Sean wins, he will have to vacate the International Championship.


Still, all agree that that would be a great step up, and Fry jokes that perhaps Wolf could get a second reign with that belt himself. Sean concentrates on Hawkins' leg, as McFly did in his first one-on-one match with the champion, eking out more damage to the knee, but it's not enough to get a submission – though it does take a lot of Wolf's moves out of play until, with a truly heroic effort, he lands the solo Spanish Fly.


It's not enough, but the champ continues to gut through the pain. The Full Moon Rising connects and, while he has to limp away from the match, Wolf Hawkins picks up the pin – but at what cost?

Wolf Hawkins defeated Sean Deeley

Rating: B+



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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Elimination Protocol

There's a certain amount of tension here, and an angry scowl on Jameson's face. The Protocol take the early going here and make a strong showing of it, Jameson in particular applying a ferocious-looking armlock to Fonda that has Fry speculating over whether he might just break Fonda's arm.


In the end, however, the Riders have the power to turn the tables, and they do – with Batch's help, snagging Jameson's ankle from the outside.


They seem to take a certain perverse pleasure in drawing out the beatdown, which does lead to a couple of hairy moments for them, notably when Jameson rolls through a powerbomb attempt into a Makuda Roll or when Technique turns a chokeslam into an armbar, but in the end they have a goal they're aiming for, and they know how to get there. Warren Technique falls to the Emergency Stop, Peter Hopper picking up the pin.

Easy Riders defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B-





Back from commercial, the Easy Riders rejoin a cluster of people; with the camera behind Fonda as they approach a group from down the corridor we can see both members of Eternal Party and the Blonde Bombshell (who has dressed down into a full business suit for this meeting, but with her figure and Edd's proclivities it doesn't seem to be helping much).


They join the group fully – and come to a halt, as Floyd Bowman and RDJ are already standing there.


“What are they doing here?”


Edd shrugs.


“Figured we had a ****in' right to a shot at the ****in' titles if you ****in' ****ers did,” Bowman says phlegmatically. “****, you've spent all that ****in' time calling us ****sucking pussies-”


“Technically-” Edd begins, but Bowman glares and he stops.


“Anyway, if you wanna wave your big ****in' ****s around, we wanna slap ours on the table and show you you're ****in' tiny-**** ************s,” Bowman finishes. He glances at the Bombshell, who is frowning slightly, and offers a slight climbdown. “Metaphorically.”


“...Whatever,” Fonda eventually offers, grudgingly. “What's this thing you got, Stone?”


Edd flashes a wide, wide grin. “You guys are going to love this,” he says.


“OK, so... we've got three weeks to settle this.” He digs in his back pocket and hands out rolls of paper. “Whoever gets the most items wins.”


“...A scavenger hunt?” RDJ asks, more than a little baffled.


The Bombshell simply shrugs, heading out, reading the list. Champagne Lover looks after her thoughtfully, perhaps the only person to recognise she's getting her team a head start.


Meanwhile, “...A ****ing scavenger hunt?” asks Bowman.


“I ain't doing it,” Hopper declares. Edd shrugs.


“Anyway,” Hopper continues, warming to his theme, “how do we know you haven't got all these things already?”


Edd blinks. “That would've been a good plan... Honestly, guys, I don't even know what they are. I just printed off all the tweets with the hashtag #huntforgolddecember.”


There is silence.


Eventually, “...I have no ****ing clue what the **** you think you just ****ing said.”


“It doesn't matter,” Edd says. “Whoever finds the most stuff gets the shot.”


“And someone's already started,” Lover says softly. Edd's eyes bug out. He superkicks a lamp, then runs off.



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Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

A slick and speedy little match, this one. The announcers hype the idea of the mask representing the country, and how the best in the world at the Japanese styles often adopt masks to become an ideal, an icon, rather than a person.


This showcase shows both men putting it all on the line.


At one point, UK Dragon joins CanEl on the top rope, hoisting him onto his shoulders as if for a Death Valley Driver and running along the top rope before jumping off – which is what costs him, when CanEl flips clear, meeting the disoriented Briton with a Daredevil Drop to score the pinfall.

Canadian Elemental defeated UK Dragon

Rating: B



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Elite Express vs. the Kreed

Bobby Thomas starts against Greg Keith, and there's the obligatory circling near the start. They close in, locking up, and after a quick exchange, Keith gets the advantage, taking them both to the mat with an amateur-style waistlift takedown.


Immediately, Greg transitions, hooking his feet into Bobby's knees, grasping his wrists, and rearing back into a surfboard hold.


He yanks back hard – Nate Johnson comes in, looking to rescue his partner – and Keith releases with his hands, kicking with his feet, to send Bobby crashing into Nate.


For a moment, that gives Greg the advantage – but as he locks up with Bobby again, Nate lays in forearms from behind. The Elite Express hit a stereo suplex, then Bobby locks in a surfboard of his own as Nate leaves the ring at Eugene Williams' request – only to come straight back in, vaulting over the top rope to mushroom stomp Greg's chest.


Bobby rolls out then and Nate stays in, grounding Greg with a series of stomps, then pulling him up only to put him back down with a neckbreaker. A quick pin barely even gets one, but Greg follows Nate up this time, cutting him off with a chop – whip toward the rope – reversed – dropkick by Johnson!


The Express man rolls out of the ring and Bobby Thomas leaps to the top rope, soaring out with a flying elbow – but Greg kips up out of the way, and Thomas crashes and burns. Sensing an opening, Greg slaps on a keylock, slowly inching back toward his own corner in a seated position, where he reaches back and makes the tag, bringing Art in.


Art takes the keylock and turns it into an armbar, twisting Thomas painfully, before Bobby finally finds the inroad he's been looking for and creates a reversal seemingly out of nothing, holding the armbar himself and snapping off six rapid-fire kicks into Reed's chest.


Art finally gets a break, handstanding to twist out of the armbar. He tags Thomas with a standing dropkick before recovering as Bobby rolls out of the ring and Nate comes in.


Armdrag attempt by Art is blocked – Johnson puts him down with a short-arm clothesline, then spins to knock Greg off the apron with a discus punch!


He turns back to Reed – only to find that the House of Stone graduate is back up and waiting for him with a straight left followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Reed vaults to the second rope and soars backward in a moonsault – cover – ONE, TWO, T- NO! Bobby Thomas nails the diving elbow this time.


Thomas holds Art to the mat for about three seconds as Nate hits the far ropes, coming off with a shining wizard that nails Reed as he sits up. The two Express men raise hands above their heads and dual-high-five in elation – only to be wiped out by a soaring missile double clothesline from Greg Keith, who goes on to toss Thomas from the ring and bail himself.


Art makes it back to his feet at the same time as Nate, and the two throw fists at one another for a few moments before Johnson shifts gear, leaping to plant Reed with a DDT. A quick cover – ONE, TWO, NO!


Art snags Johnson's leg as he tries to rise, looking for the Dread Lock, but Thomas is there again. Greg joins Art, leading to a short brawl with all four men before the Kreed get the advantage, Reed stunning Johnson with a jawbreaker which allows Greg to hit a running lariat on him, sending both men tumbling from the ring.


Art, meanwhile, looks for the Dark Matter, but Bobby manages to grab the top rope, blocking it – and then breaks free with a volley of chops! He's up with a dropkick -



On the outside, Greg finds himself spun around. His brother sprays him full in the face with the Asian Mist, then drops him with a lariat.


Thomas takes a suplex from Art inside, but Nate wipes him out with a missile knee to the back. He goes to the turnbuckle as Bobby pulls Art up, and the duo plant Reed with the Precision Driller, Bobby making the cover with Art's partner unable to make the save.

Elite Express defeated the Kreed

Rating: A*




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Davis Wayne Newton & Edd Stone w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

The Stone siblings are in the ring to start this one off. Jeremy offers a handshake; Edd accepts, and the announce team wait with bated breath for some kind of trick, but it doesn't come.


They circle, Jeremy closes to lock up, then lunges – and Edd vaults over him, hooking his head with his feet in a fluid huracanrana.


Both Stones are back on their feet fast and circling once again. After a moment, Jeremy smiles, offering a little nod to his brother, an acknowledgement; first strike.


Once again they close in together. This time Jeremy's ready for Edd's feint, taking him down to the mat and applying a headlock. With his free hand, he reaches out, hooking Edd's calf and starting to pull back on it in a bow-and-arrow hold. Edd hollers in shock and squirms clear.


Another staredown, but this time Edd feints a superkick, then literally dives out of the ring. Jeremy grins and wheels, meeting Davis in a lockup.


A quick shift gives the veteran the advantage, and he looks for an early Stone's Throw, but the 'Triple Threat' elbows clear, whirls around and hits a scoop slam, running to the ropes and trying for a dropkick to Stone's face; but Jeremy gets his arms up and blocks the kick, then tries for the – no! THE STONE HOLD IS LOCKED IN!


Davis struggles – almost makes the ropes, and Jeremy drags him back – to the ropes again – this time he makes it!


They circle again, but as he reaches his corner Jeremy tags out. Sean leaps over the top rope and faces down with the young Triple Threat. Another lockup; McFly gets the better of this one, putting Newton down with a snap suplex. Davis rolls clear of the ring, though, and Sean turns around just in time to eat a flying wheel kick from Edd.


The next couple of minutes see Edd trying to persuade McFly to powerbomb him, which doesn't go terribly well for either man, as McFly refuses to do so but is unable to get much traction with anything else. Finally, Davis Wayne Newton breaks the deadlock, striking with a tornado DDT off the top rope.


Edd shrugs, throws up his hands, and exits the ring. Davis, meanwhile, sets up for the Last Chancery; it doesn't go as well as he hopes, however, with McFly countering his forward floatover by the expedient of performing his own headstand.


There's a slow shift after that which sees both men face off again. Sean grabs a side headlock but Davis throws him off the ropes and meets him on the way back with a hard lariat. He promptly drops the knee across McFly's face, drawing blood from the nose, and tags out.


Edd leaps onto the top rope and soars out into a shooting star press, crashing to earth on the prone body of Sean McFly. He covers – ONE, TWO, THR-


Jeremy Stone breaks it up, and Sean has enough composure to roll out of the ring as the two siblings square off once again.


Jeremy opens with a right, then a left, then a right, a right, another – and with that head of steam behind him he puts Edd on the mat with an exploder suplex, turning to duck a lariat from Davis Wayne Newton, and the self-proclaimed Triple Threat eats a Stone's Throw on his way out of the ring!


Once again Jeremy looks to lock someone into the Stone Hold, but with a massive twist Edd throws him off, leaping straight to the top rope and coming off with a huge hangtime moonsault – only to eat knees from his brother! Stone's Throw! ONE, TWO, THRE-


Davis breaks it up with a hard stomp to the back of Jeremy's head, then tosses him from the ring. Sean McFly comes in with a chop, but Davis is furious. He chops back and aims a hook kick – McFly ducks – Sam Sparrow crashes to the mat! Punch to the gut from McFly! DELOREAN DRIVER! ONE, TWO, THRE- Newton gets his shoulder up!


Edd and Davis combine to whip McFly into the ropes, meeting him on the way back with a superkick/legsweep combo. An elbow drop from Davis buys Edd time to return to the top rope – FROM CANADA WITH LOVE!



Jeremy Stone is back up on the outside. He turns to rescue his stablemate, but someone pulls him back from the apron. The camera pulls out to reveal the identity – it's Alicia Strong! STRONG ARM TACTIC!


Back in the ring, Davis and Edd pull Sean McFly back to his feet. After taking the Edd-Renaline Shot and the From Canada with Love in quick succession, the bleeding American Tiger looks almost out of it on his feet. Davis picks Edd up and places him on Sean's shoulders as if McFly were going to -


YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE! PARTY'S OVER! PARTY'S OVER! On the outside, meanwhile, Alicia Strong delivers the Angel Driver to Jeremy Stone. Edd rouses Sparrow to consciousness as Davis drags McFly to his feet a second time, nailing the Fisherman's Suplex that is his own signature. Sparrow is dragged over to make the count – ONE, TWO, THREE!

Davis Wayne Newton & Edd Stone defeated Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

Rating: A*




Alicia Strong joins Davis Wayne Newton in the ring after what has to be considered the biggest win of his career so far. She holds a microphone.


“He already told you this would happen,” she begins. “You better believe it now – Davis Wayne Newton is a man of his word.


“But you should already have known that this match belonged to Generation Omega. Generation Omega is the coming thing. It will replace TCW as surely as TCW replaced HGC.


“And what name had the star power to make HGC happen? What name carried TCW until it could walk for itself?


“Be grateful, all of you. This is the House that Strong built. It always has been, and it always will be.


“What this is not... is the House of Stone.” She sneers. “Look at the American Tiger. Bloodied. His nose may be broken. Beaten down and pinned to the mat. So much for everything he learned when he ran from America for easier competition up here in Canada. So much for favouritism and trading on his wife's name.


“His wife's. Not even his own.


“And look at this.” She crosses to the side of the ring nearest the hard camera, where below her can still be seen Jeremy Stone, slowly recovering from taking an Angel Driver onto that thin padding and the concrete below. “Your Canadian hero... whose dad fled from mine, way back when, and whose daughter has been ducking me. I'm not saying it's genetic, but blood matters, seems like.


“JeriLynn. I'm done with your little hoops. You want to give these pretty-girl *****es their shot. You get to. But if you lose my title to them, I will bury you under this House – my House – before I bother putting my title round my waist.” She makes a little sound, half amusement, half exasperation.


“I had a plan, JeriLynn. You've gotten in my way on it. The *****es, they were just doing what comes naturally, looking to make a name. I can accept that.


“You have a name, one that's almost as good as mine. You and I will have business until I beat you.


“Finish your business with them, then get ready to leave the House that Strong built. Permanently.”


Show Rating: A

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Positive chemisty between Newton & Stone? From the write-up, it certainly seemed like it, since Edd's not part of Gen Omega, it was odd that their teamwork was that fluid.


Actually - and I probably should have commented on this - it's that their Psychology scores are pretty low for an A*, so I wrote them as including a number of set pieces to represent the areas where they were creating, while the Jeremy/Sean stuff should hopefully read as flowing more naturally out of the match. My own Psych score is far from perfect, though, so that may not come across.


Kayfabe-wise, Davis is a student of the tag game and Edd-Fu riffs off anything that's happening in the ring very fast, which would be the actual blag.


(Mind you, if the diary were running longer... I have vague plans to pair Davis and Edd somewhere along the way, as part of a storyline that needs groundwork laying over probably roughly a year. Did you know that nobody has yet become a TCW Grand Slam champion?


(I envisioned a five-way race coming into play sometime in mid-to-late 2011 when Autumn Gleeson, or her interviewer replacement, brings this fact up in an interview with one of the five. The idea was that Wolf would be looking for the tag strap, Aaron the world strap, Art the All Action strap, and Edd and Davis would be an alliance, both needing two belts left {Edd the Hard-Hitting, Davis the International, and both the tag straps, most likely} which would culminate with Edd and Davis picking up their belts and insisting on trying for a tag championship win together having held off the other 'competitors' from their final wins, such that it'd come down in the end to a series of matches over three pay-per-views where each wrester was hurriedly scrabbling for that final title.


(It would likely be either Wolf or Aaron who got the final title first, but Davis picking up Edd-Fu and reinventing himself as the 'Four-Way Thriller' or similar rather than the Triple Threat would be part of the storyline. Aaron would get the honour in an ideal world, Wolf in a world where Aaron's Psych didn't reach at least 80 in time.)

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And Marlowe shrugs. “I just said they had the main event,” he says. “I never said it was for the answer.”




“Not the way I was hoping you planned to pay for it,” he begins-


Somewhat-less yes :/


Looking at James Prudence in my games, he's an excellent prospect. Admittedly I don't know how he was in '08's data, but I'd say he's one of the big missteps on your roster. He could easily be Andrews or, hell, Edd Stone right now (in push, not character). Sucks that he's on the crap team of Fly Boys. *shrug*


First man to the ring gets their chance.”


Mere moments later, End of the World hits, bringing with it Sean Deeley.


Other, more funny answers:

1. Laura Huggins enters the ring first, holding the ropes open for Sean. The ref rules her the actual participant.

2. Or Vibert gets in the ring to yell, with similar results.

3. Tommy Cornell enters, disregarding his past speech.

4. Cornell Blade Chops the first answer (Sean, in this case).

5. A tag team enters the ring simultaneously.

6. A woman, Alicia Strong particularly, answers the call. And wins. >_>

7. Silence hits the speakers. Cornell is shocked; he knows that music! OH GAWD IT'S RON GREENHORN RON GREENHORN'S GOING TO WIN THE TITLE ON HIS DEBUT


Also, sucks that I knew Deeley wasn't going to win it. Not because Wolf's gotta face Tommy etc., but because Sean's a gatekeeper, (well, perennial upper-midcarder, rather, since he will get the title at some point, but...) too bad. By the way, that should be a suggestion for future TEWs; if there was a way to book "obviously," like ME vs. ET, make the match rate lower (or higher if the enhancement talent wins?)


And Wolf's a moron. Low blow Deeley. Done. Continue to do that until it's no-DQ, and-well, then you'll face Peak, I guess, but that's when you have Remo with you. Except in the surprise twist, Remo gets the pin and wins the championship.


Elimination Protocol would have been a better name for Marlowe's crew. Or, y'know, a team that actually wins.


who has dressed down into a full business suit for this meeting, but with her figure and Edd's proclivities it doesn't seem to be helping much


Edd: Look, I always say that business should be conducted like a party. A birthday party. So Bombshell...better change into your birthday suit.


^That is how you do a face turn, PS.


Also, I assume his tendencies are to unbutton Bombshell's top. Because DAMMIT IF EVERYONE ELSE LIKES HIM I SHOULD LIKE HIM


Bowman just suggested they literally...well, fine, metaphorically, but...why the hell does that phrase exist? WHO EVER DID THAT IN REAL LIFE LITERALLY?


“Whoever gets the most items wins.”

I just spat pot pie on my laptop. I had forgotten about that...AND BOMBSHELL'S BRA BETTER BE ONE OF THE ITEMS DAMMIT


He superkicks a lamp, then runs off.


You misspelled "Stan."


This showcase shows both men putting it all on the line.


Reading the previous paragraph, this should have been mask vs. mask, then.


first strike.


200 points, right?


The next couple of minutes see Edd trying to persuade McFly to powerbomb him, which doesn't go terribly well for either man, as McFly refuses to do so but is unable to get much traction with anything else.


Edd thrust his head between Sean's legs.


Sean: The hell?


Edd: Dude, powerbomb me.


Sean: No.


Edd: I'm right here!


Sean: No.


Edd: You know you want to.


Sean: No.


Edd: Then why am I in this postion?


Sean: You're insane.


Edd: You're right; maybe you should powerbomb some sense into me.


Sean: *facepalm*


Finally, Davis Wayne Newton breaks the deadlock, striking with a tornado DDT off the top rope.

^And that fits, too!



He chops back and aims a hook kick – McFly ducks – Sam Sparrow crashes to the mat! Punch to the gut from McFly! DELOREAN DRIVER! ONE, TWO, THRE- Newton gets his shoulder up!


Sparrow's freaking tough!



Davis picks Edd up and places him on Sean's shoulders as if McFly were going to -




**** man now I smell chlorine I hate you!



“Finish your business with them, then get ready to leave the House that Strong built. Permanently.”


Edd: Uh...hi smallboobs?

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Well, hell, why change the plot just because someone calls it?


Looking at James Prudence in my games, he's an excellent prospect. Admittedly I don't know how he was in '08's data, but I'd say he's one of the big missteps on your roster. He could easily be Andrews or, hell, Edd Stone right now (in push, not character). Sucks that he's on the crap team of Fly Boys.


James doesn't have the Psych he needs to to get a really solid push, to be honest. He's still improving. My thoughts on the Boys at the moment are to let their contracts lapse, watch them headline a Cult company for a while (their overness is strong enough), and bring them in a year or two down the line where their losing streak has been washed away.


Put another way, Deeley, Lover, Edd, Art, Aaron and others started ahead of them in terms of skill, in some cases massively ahead. There was a point where they nearly became major players in the tag division, around late 2008, but then a couple of the other teams being developed started to build momentum and the Easy Riders pulled a few results that made me keep pushing them instead.



Also, sucks that I knew Deeley wasn't going to win it. Not because Wolf's gotta face Tommy etc., but because Sean's a gatekeeper, (well, perennial upper-midcarder, rather, since he will get the title at some point, but...) too bad.


Yeah, this was unashamedly two things. First, we've seen Deeley a few times backstage only pack up and leave after confirming everyone for the scheduled matches was in the building. It's been pointed out and dwelt on a few times. So this was partly to emphasise that aspect of his character while seeing how Deeley fares against one of my top guys, albeit a top guy with weakish-for-the-top (84) Psych.


It was also something of a hometown-hero match. Only one outing on this card had no Canadian talent involved, and there's a reason for that. Sean's bio says he's tipped for the very top; that's as good a reason as any to put him in the slot that, say, Owen Hart occupied for a while; the guy who can be a nearly man at the top while popping the crowd elsewhere.


Horatio doesn't book the way I do. Most specifically, Horatio doesn't book for ratings; with a roster this deep he doesn't have to. When I book TCW, either as Horatio or as RDJ/RDJ and Horatio (when it comes to women and intergender angles), I'm thinking old school in rules. In terms of bookers still working today, look at Jim Cornette and Lance Storm (who I believe still books a local promotion to his area) whose philosophies as espoused where I've been able to find them drive his thinking.


That's right, I'm roleplaying this. (You should see my 0/0/0/0, where the user character is a complete egomaniac who'll only put Angry Gilmore over).


And Wolf's a moron. Low blow Deeley. Done. Continue to do that until it's no-DQ, and-well, then you'll face Peak, I guess, but that's when you have Remo with you. Except in the surprise twist, Remo gets the pin and wins the championship.


In the same way that Deeley coming out was to touch on an aspect of Deeley's character, remember that Wolf Hawkins' motivation, all this way, for getting Tommy in the ring has been to prove that he's better than him. To step out from under his shadow. Wolf Hawkins hasn't taken the easy way out for months, if at all since becoming champion. He can't. He needs to be the best and be seen to be the best. He won't throw a match.


Elimination Protocol would have been a better name for Marlowe's crew. Or, y'know, a team that actually wins.


EP were planned to be notching up wins in preparation for Jameson/Pathlow for the All Action Championship in December, but someone went and pushed too hard in the backstage stuff. Again, I'm roleplaying this.


^That is how you do a face turn, PS.


Also, I assume his tendencies are to unbutton Bombshell's top. Because DAMMIT IF EVERYONE ELSE LIKES HIM I SHOULD LIKE HIM


Duly noted. If and when I want to turn Edd... I'll probably do something else, but that's a possibility.


Bowman just suggested they literally...well, fine, metaphorically, but...why the hell does that phrase exist? WHO EVER DID THAT IN REAL LIFE LITERALLY?


People who are sure they'll 'win' that contest.


I just spat pot pie on my laptop. I had forgotten about that...AND BOMBSHELL'S BRA BETTER BE ONE OF THE ITEMS DAMMIT


Only JeriLynn has yet tweeted back, and she's not even suggested anything.


**** man now I smell chlorine I hate you!


I have no clue what that means.

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(You should see my 0/0/0/0, where the user character is a complete egomaniac who'll only put Angry Gilmore over).


I see no egomania anywhere in that quote whatsoever.






Also, I smell chlorine if and when I breathe in or out through my nose hard. Like if I'm stifling a laugh or snorting in laughter. No one knows why, since chlorine in my nose would kill me.

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The question isn't why you smell chroline, it's why you smell chroline when you laugh. Obviously you are sniffing in something you shouldn't, intentionally or unintentionally.


Air? Oh...well, if I didn't breathe, then yeah, I wouldn't smell chlorine. Good call.


I mean...uh...where's the next show Phantom >_>

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Sunday December 7th 2009


It's been a busy week. On Monday I flew to Seattle with Alicia Strong in tow to meet with Anne Stardust and Catherine Quine, and as a foursome we collected the newest trainer at AAA, recently retired from the ring and let go surprisingly fast by 5SSW; Alicia's primary trainer, Sensational Ogiwara.


It was too easy to make the offer, and based off what she's seen of our current womens' division, I think she saw the chance to establish a US legacy as well as a Japanese one, to make her name. I doubt we'll have her for long, but each and every week we've got her will be a significant benefit to the women in her care.


I spent some of the week, too, in negotiations about celebrities – by which I mostly mean names were brought up of celebrities who are fans or likely to be willing to show up for Malice In Wonderland, and then we sent interns out for DVDs of whatever they're famous for.


With three Supreme Challenges under my belt, I still never had a celebrity angle, and if I'm honest I don't feel terribly comfortable with the idea, but we'll see. It's something that some of the crew are very keen on – now that TCW has the kind of profile we do, we can get some fairly big names – but it's not my thing.


And I spent some of the week talking to Legal about this scavenger hunt angle Edd's suggested, using whatever it is. (Editor's note – Twitter)


I'm hoping they're paranoid. Don't see how the internet can be as dirty-minded as they think it is.


Canada's grown into a very strong market for us. The British experiment upcoming is unlikely ever to prove as useful, but it'll still BE useful; the occasional tour week through the country gives us more venues to touch on, better merchandise sales, and should spike PPV revenue satisfyingly. (On which note, I'm told we've just moved to a bigger PPV provider for Mexico, too, which again means only good things.)


There's some debate, at the moment, as to where to expand into following the UK, but the problem is the language barrier, or the lack of TV in Australia – but most likely we'll hit Germany, another hotbed of traditional pro wrestling, in another year or so, by which time we may be ready to move into Australia by early 2012. This is the sort of discussion I don't really care about being involved with. I just want to tell the stories. My concern at the moment is in the renewal of my contract – it comes due in early February, ten years after I initially signed on, and I'm not sure how many years I'm going to be doing after that.


Well, that's my main concern. There is some financial news I'm watching very carefully – but that comes from Canada, and may never be my worry...

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It looks like being another busy Tuesday here at TCW, and we're definitely looking forward to it. This one looks to open with a display of excellence and just get better from there, so let's get to it!


In the first match the Machines will be looking to prove a point. Perhaps more than any other team they emphasise the important of all-round skill anchored by a reliance on your partner and a solid mat game - and their opponents, Elimination Protocol, have been espousing a strategy which can be described in very, very similar ways. Can Elimination Protocol hold their own against the legendary former champions, or will the Machines make a statement of their mastery of the form once again?


The women of TCW take their turn in the limelight next, as former champion Gorgon is set to clash with Shiori Jippensha. Can Jippensha become only the second wrestler to exploit Gorgon's Achilles heel, or will the champion continue her winning ways?


An unusual tag team takes on something of a mainstay next. Golden Law will duel with the School of Tradition tandem of Acid and Eric Tyler. Both these men have more common partnerships, but for this battle the School has put forward a mix of experience and mimicry. Will it outdo power and determination?


Following issues which came to the fore last week, Mayhem Midden has engineered another tag team match - on one side, Freddy Huggins and Frankie Perez; on the other, Rhino Umaga and Sean Deeley. Which pairing will score the first points toward a moral victory?


Global Tradition will also be active representing the School of Tradition tonight, with their opponents being relative newcomers International Air. Who'll win through - age and guile or youth and innovation?


We've received word, by the way, that Johnny Bloodstone has requested a one-on-one match, but has not yet named his preferred opponent. Mayhem Midden has noted that he is inclined, nonetheless, to grant the former champion's request.


And in the main event, the King of Wrestling takes on the former Triple Threat Champion. Matthew Keith clashes with Troy Tornado one on one in what's sure to be an excellent match - but both men have their detractors who may be lurking in the wings...


Prediction Key:

Elimination Protocol vs. the Machines


Gorgon vs. Shiori Jippensha


Golden Law vs. Acid & Eric Tyler


Frankie Perez & Freddy Huggins vs. Rhino Umaga & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Global Tradition vs. International Air


Johnny Bloodstone vs. ????


Matthew Keith vs. Troy Tornado

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Elimination Protocol vs. the Machines

No way for Protocol to win this one.


Gorgon vs. Shiori Jippensha

Monster heel is always monster heel


Golden Law vs. Acid & Eric Tyler

Could go either way but I go with pair who has previous tag experience.


Frankie Perez & Freddy Huggins vs. Rhino Umaga & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Pretty much a coin flip but Deeley is the one who has made biggest impression on me.


Global Tradition vs. International Air

I´m pretty sure that I should know who International Air guys are but I forgot. Anyway I go with Tradition simply because I want them to win even once.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. ????

The in-game story you posted little while ago states that Johnny is in doghouse right now so Mr.mystery gets a win.


Matthew Keith vs. Troy Tornado

Matthew is getting a pretty big push and I guess this will be another big name added to beaten opponents list.

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Elimination Protocol vs. the Machines



Gorgon vs. Shiori Jippensha



Golden Law vs. Acid & Eric Tyler

The joys of a higher push.


Frankie Perez & Freddy Huggins vs. Rhino Umaga & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Let's take a guess.


Global Tradition vs. International Air

Slightly less jobber-y? Who knows?


Johnny Bloodstone vs. ????

Don't want him to look too much like a chump.


Matthew Keith vs. Troy Tornado

By cheaty-cheaty.

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(Mind you, if the diary were running longer... I have vague plans to pair Davis and Edd somewhere along the way, as part of a storyline that needs groundwork laying over probably roughly a year. Did you know that nobody has yet become a TCW Grand Slam champion?


(I envisioned a five-way race coming into play sometime in mid-to-late 2011 when Autumn Gleeson, or her interviewer replacement, brings this fact up in an interview with one of the five. The idea was that Wolf would be looking for the tag strap, Aaron the world strap, Art the All Action strap, and Edd and Davis would be an alliance, both needing two belts left {Edd the Hard-Hitting, Davis the International, and both the tag straps, most likely} which would culminate with Edd and Davis picking up their belts and insisting on trying for a tag championship win together having held off the other 'competitors' from their final wins, such that it'd come down in the end to a series of matches over three pay-per-views where each wrester was hurriedly scrabbling for that final title.


(It would likely be either Wolf or Aaron who got the final title first, but Davis picking up Edd-Fu and reinventing himself as the 'Four-Way Thriller' or similar rather than the Triple Threat would be part of the storyline. Aaron would get the honour in an ideal world, Wolf in a world where Aaron's Psych didn't reach at least 80 in time.)


This sounds awesome.

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Also, I smell chlorine if and when I breathe in or out through my nose hard. Like if I'm stifling a laugh or snorting in laughter. No one knows why, since chlorine in my nose would kill me.


Have you seen a doctor about that? Could be a sign there's an issue with your kidneys or liver.


Thanks, I appreciate that. :)


I'm toying with the idea of, after the big finish, posting some summaries of where I see things going, with about that kind of level of detail each...


That would be awesome.


Prediction Key:

Elimination Protocol vs. the Machines



Gorgon vs. Shiori Jippensha

Gorgon's the champion and I honestly don't remember seeing Jippensha in TCW before.


Golden Law vs. Acid & Eric Tyler

Both are higher on the roster than their opponents at this point.


Frankie Perez & Freddy Huggins vs. Rhino Umaga & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Rhino seems to be the weakest link in this match, so he takes the pin or submission.


Global Tradition vs. International Air

I don't know who's in either team, but I've heard of Global Tradition.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. ????

Normally I'd go with ???? here, but the preview says Bloodstone requested this match, so I'll go the other way.


Matthew Keith vs. Troy Tornado

Time limit draw.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 December 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 18.48)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.36)


Held at the H Jones Building (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 20,545




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver


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Elimination Protocol vs. Machines

Warren Technique has become the weaker link in a lot of recent Elimination Protocol matches, and that perception clearly rankles with him here. Against Brent Hill, Technique goes all out to demonstrate hold-for-hold mastery, and Hill lets him try, matching him at every turn, goading him until Warren starts trying flashy tricks.


The first couple work, but the third – Hill takes advantage, locking him down and nearly getting the pin immediately, except that Jameson is there to make the rescue and take over. A slugfest ensues, though the teamwork of the Machines wins out in a stunning sequence – John Anderson has clearly been working on his aerial ability.


And that's how they take over; once they have the upper hand, they never give it back. Anderson eventually delivers the Ammo Dump to Warren Technique, notching up the pinfall.

Machines defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Gorgon-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShioriJippensha.jpg

Gorgon vs. Shiori Jippensha

Jippensha is quite a talent, and in the early going she does a fair amount to demonstrate that – but as she does so, the monstrous former champion has a smirk on her face.


Once Gorgon decides to shut down the exhibition, it gets shut down fast, with the Hydra Bomb bringing an end to things with surprising speed – not that the fans don't seem to've enjoyed it anyway.

Gorgon defeated Shiori Jippensha

Rating: B-




The big screen comes back to life, playing Kashmir Singh's theme. The video, however, is of an incredibly opulent training wrestling ring, raised above the normal level so that the outside is padded with crashmats, ready for impacts.



Singh's wrestling gear is custom tailored, fitting perfectly. A bronzed muscleman moves around the ring on the outside, and Kashmir charges forward and flies between the ropes, crashing into him perfectly then popping up. He turns to face the camera as a blonde bunnygirl offers him an amber glass of whiskey.


“For most people, the All Action division is high risk,” he begins. “But I have the conditions, the time, the money to rehearse until my body instinctively conquers that risk, until anything I do is perfectly safe... for me.


“I don't gamble. I don't risk. I succeed... because perfection is easy enough to achieve when you have what I have, and perfection in action is all.


“I will be with you soon.” He toasts the crowd with his glass. “You're welcome. Perfection in action, to be seen whenever I'm willing to wrestle.


“If you could all be what I am, this would be a world of gods.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden_PS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg

Golden Law vs. Acid & Eric Tyler

There's no question which of these two teams has the power advantage, but the other team is well stocked with speed and deviousness, and the result is that this one actually becomes something of a difficult contest to predict very quickly.


The big men are good, absolutely, and Eric Tyler becomes a target quickly, his age making him obviously someone who could be put down by high impact. Rocky Golden nails his twisting overhead powerslam twice – yet both times, Eric kicks out even without aid from Acid. He blocks the Rocky Road, too.


Admittedly, after all that, when Rick Law hits Tyler with the Squad Car Slam his tag partner must come to his aid, but the Acid Rain Bomb hits home well and keeps the match alive.


And then Acid shows what he can do, wrestling the same way as Law and, later, Golden. He may not be as strong – although he does manage a twisting overhead powerslam of his own on Golden – but he makes up for that with speed; and it has to be said that a lariat hitting at twice the speed will put you down just as hard regardless.


So the brawls continue for some time, until finally Acid mistimes a springboard leap. Golden catches him, boosts him onto his shoulders, and looks for the Rack.


Unfortunately for him, Eric Tyler is in the ring. A jawbreaker by Tyler frees Acid, who spins out into a tornado DDT; Tyler ducks a lariat from Rick Law and the School of Tradition team combine, going high and low, to put the Total Lawman down. One Acid Rain Bomb later and Eric makes the cover, pinning Rocky Golden.

Acid & Eric Tyler defeated Golden Law

Rating: B+





Backstage go the cameras, and in their locker room the Easy Riders lounge at ease. Fonda is reading a copy of Rider Magazine, flicking through it idly. Sayeed Ali shadowboxes in the background, muttering Muhammed Ali quotes almost too quietly to be heard. Hopper chugs from the neck of a beer bottle.



The door swings open and Carl Batch swaggers in. “Good news,” he preens. “They might be too cheap here in Indiana, but I've got us free BBQ sorted at every venue for the rest of the month.”


Generalised satisfaction is sounded by the trio, Ali waving a thumb in the air enthusiastically.


“There'll be some here soon too, boys – I'm paying out of my own personal pocket here, because you guys are once and future champs. You guys deserve the best, and Carl Batch delivers.”


More murmurs of agreement. Batch takes another step forward, looking from side to side and lowering his voice conspiratorially. “Now. I've been asking around and I think the first couple items in the scavenger hunt are gonna be tricky-”


“Oh, who gives a ****?” Fonda asks. “There's no way Midden's gonna let this stand. Let the other guys waste their time, man. Gives us freedom for more BBQ.” Hopper grins, nodding approvingly.


Batch seems taken aback. “The fans are getting behind this, guys. You know how Midden gets when the fans get behind something.”


The Riders don't seem impressed. Carl takes a deep breath.


“The first thing on the list was a replica world championship belt... signed by a former world champion. I've got a couple of feelers out on eBay but most of the former champs turned me down flat. I think Vessey'll do it for money, so I'm probably going to FedEx one to him-”


“So what?” Ali interrupts.


“Well... the Texas Outlaws have RDJ. They just need to buy the belt, and they're one up on us straight away.”


Silence falls for perhaps ten seconds as the Riders contemplate this. Then, as one, they scramble out of their seats and toward the door.



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Frankie Perez & Freddy Huggins vs. Rhino Umaga & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

There's some real anger issues in Perez' behaviour here, but it's hard to deny that the man who last year anointed himself the 'New Crippler' has talent and skill, even when he's predominantly focused on causing pain, not on victory.


Freddy Huggins doesn't have that distraction. He's a title down on not very long ago, and he wants to change that – and to do that, he needs to impress Sean Deeley. The Canadian heirs to very different wrestling styles combine well in a series of exchanges, and at different points both men find themselves with the advantage in a very real way.


And Rhino Umaga delights in his position as the biggest man in the ring. Perez clearly has an issue with him, and the big Samoan shows his wiles, not focusing on a power game but baiting Perez in, using his temper against him – ducking a hook kick to nail a massive Samoan Drop, say - and taking a lot of punishment to give out more.


It's hard to say who's most impressive in this contest, but it just might be Freddy Huggins, whose HugginDriver on Deeley only fails to score the win when Rhino cuts off the pin.


Umaga baits Perez back in, then, and sends him crashing into Huggins with a quick sidestep. One Rhino Charge later and Huggins finds his shoulders pinned to the mat for three, but after one of the performances of his career.

Rhino Umaga & Sean Deeley defeated Frankie Perez & Freddy Huggins

Rating: B+





Sean Deeley offers Freddy a hand up from the mat after the match, nodding approval. A slow smile crosses Freddy's face as he realises what that means, and he holds out his hand for a shake.



Sean looks at the offered hand for a long time, uncertain – and his girlfriend, Freddy's sister, joins them in the ring.


There are no words spoken that carry far enough for the camera to pick them up. But under her smile, her encouragement, after a long moment the International Champion shakes the School of Tradition man's hand in respect.



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Global Tradition vs. International Air

One of the weakest-received tag matches in quite some time, with Global Tradition's stock having fallen some distance and International Air yet to develop a significant following.


Still, the talent is strong on both sides, and Mr. Lucha III makes a good showing against Joel Bryant of matching his technical knowledge in the early going, backed up by the show-stealing soaring stylings of Adam 'Mile High' Matravers – but Adam goes to the well once too often, and JD Morgan is there to lock down the Cross Atlantic Stretch, swiftly earning a submission.

Global Tradition defeated International Air

Rating: C-




Back from commercial, and the camera sees Eugene Williams waiting in the ring, alone. After a few moments, Azaria apologises to the viewers, noting that this time is, according to his notes, scheduled for Johnny Bloodstone's match against an unknown opponent-



And then the big screen flares to life, as the boys in the back have managed to find Bloodstone as he stalks backstage, dressed to compete. He walks down a corridor, pauses outside a door, and kicks it open.


“What the- Agh!”


Bloodstone reaches into the room and grabs the occupant, dragging him out into view.



A panicked Scout stumbles along the corridor, taking punches from a coldly furious Bloodstone, desperately trying to do his trousers back up as the camera pans to finally catch the GENTS sign on the door that was just kicked in.


Meanwhile, the brawl continues out onto the entrance ramp and down to the ring, where Williams calls for the bell. This match is on!




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Scout w/ Blonde Bombshell

One on one, it's unfortunately clear that these two don't gel nearly so well as they might. Still, this is a good contest, with Bloodstone busting out a charging discus elbow immediately dubbed the 'Raging Elbow' by Azaria.


Scout puts up a spirited defence but he's had no time to prepare. He's had no scouting time. He's not wearing his ring gear, and he's only barely got his belt fastened.


By a couple of minutes in, the Blonde Bombshell makes it out to ringside to stand by her new man, and, even now, Johnny mellows slightly, shifting from his vicious assault to a more calculating, submission-based attitude.


This isn't much better news for Scout, as one on one the tag specialist is simply outperformed, with Bloodstone locking the Bloodstone Mutilation down pretty fast – and Scout tapping quickly, anxious to save himself.


True to recent form, Bloodstone holds the Mutilation for the count of four after victory.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Scout

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Matthew Keith vs. Troy Tornado

Matt and Troy square up as the bell rings; rather than circle, however, Matt uses both hands to shove his opponent back, and when Troy retaliates in kind, this show of strength intensifies – though Troy finds a way out of it, hitting the ropes and coming off hard with a huge shoulderblock that ends with Matthew Keith on the floor outside the ring.


Back in quickly by the prodigal Keith and they lock up – headlock transition by Keith – Tornado squeaks free and applies one of his own, only to get countered back into an armlock quickly. Thinking quickly, the former Triple-Threat Champion drives his knee into his opponent's gut and tries for a scoop slam.


Matthew slips down behind him and rolls Troy up, getting a very, very short two.


Coming in again, Troy is dragged down into a small package – ONE, TWO, NO! A headlock is Matt's next ploy, clearly looking to keep Tornado's explosive bursts of speed out of contention – but the Painful Procedure frontman reverses it into a hammerlock.


Elbows from Keith herald a transition to his own hammerlock, but Troy twists forward, rolling and dropping into a kind of inverted drop toehold before slapping on an armbar. Using that for control, he guides Matt back to his feet – and whips him hard into the turnbuckle!


As Matthew comes forward, Troy hits the ropes and comes off with a flying crucifix pin – ONE, TWO, NO! Tornado stays in control, snagging Keith's arm as the two rise and returning to the armbar. Matt looks for a backdrop, but Troy lands on his feet, armbar still locked down – so Matt stomps the ankle, then the knee, then drives his knee into Tornado's nose, sending blood gushing everywhere.


Keith sees the clear opportunity here and clamps down a chinlock, only for Troy to elbow free fast. Tornado hits the ropes and comes back, only to meet a roaring elbow from Matt as he comes. Matthew whips him to the ropes and sets for another – Troy ducks it – off the ropes – flying crucifix – no! Countered to a Samoan drop! Cover! ONE, TWO, T- NO!


Tornado is up a hair faster, meeting Matt with rights and lefts. He whips him to the ropes, monkey flipping him on return – but Matt lands on his feet and cuts off Troy with a boot to the gut. Off the ropes himself he lands a bulldog, then heads to the top rope – but he's going there too early, as Troy catches him there, slamming him to the mat off the top.


In turn, Tornado climbs, looking for a moonsault, but Matthew wasn't there, having rolled clear, and when Troy makes it back to his feet he meets him with a running dropkick, sending him out of the ring.


Big suicide dive from the apron by Keith, followed by whipping Troy into the ringpost. With the count continuing, Matthew rolls back into the ring and pauses for a moment for Ray Johnson's admonition.



While Johnson's attention is on Matt, someone else gets involved. Zimmy sprints down the ramp, vaulting onto the guardrail for the last few paces to better nail a Blood Rush to Tornado's face while the former champion stands tall.


Zimmy rolls Troy into the ring with a smug smirk, and Matt immediately moves for the pinfall – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Keith stays active, pulling Tornado to his feet and hitting a fast suplex, immediately covering again – ONE, TWO, NO! He pulls Troy back up, sets for the Neutron Plex – out of nowhere, Troy counters to a sunset flip! ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Keith climbs to the second rope, coming off with a double-footed stomp to the back of Tornado's shoulders, continuing to work on the upper back and head. He transitions to a sleeper hold – Troy fights it, flailing around the ring – and he makes the ropes! He makes it to the ropes!


Matt promptly punches him four times in the face, bounces his head off the top turnbuckle, and goes straight back to the sleeper. On the outside, Zimmy bellows encouragement.


Troy manages, somehow, to get his bearings as Matthew boosts himself onto Troy's back fully, grapevining his legs around Tornado's waist to make sure of the hold – and Troy charges across the ring, turning at the last moment to drive Matt's back into the turnbuckles – but the hold stays on!


Troy makes it across the ring again for another – and the hold stays on! Zimmy continues to roar abuse at Tornado, but he's still on his feet – just – no! He sags to his knees! Matthew's eyes gleam with the awareness of imminent victory.



And then the hold loosens abruptly. Matthew Keith is staring. Staring past the floundering Tornado. Past Zimmy. All the way up the entrance ramp – to the watching Art Reed.


With the slacker hold, Tornado elbows free abruptly, and Reed starts to grin. Troy bails out of Matt's reach and tags him with a dropkick as the prodigal Keith closes back in. Another dropkick heralds a whip to the ropes. Star Maker! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Matthew kicks out, astounding Troy.


Matthew rolls to the apron. Troy tries to suplex him in, but Matt counters, landing on his feet behind Troy. German suplex! He bridges! ONE, TWO, TH- NO! Proton Lock attempt – Tornado kicks free! Matt rebounds off the ropes – Whirlwind Kick! TORNADO DRIVER! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Troy Tornado defeated Matthew Keith

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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Tag match surprised me.


Also, does the belt have to be from TCW? What is a "world" championship?


He's had no scouting time.


How? And before you answer, who hasn't had any SCOUTing time?


Keith match should have had Bombshell come out and ask him to lose. He'd reply, "As you wish," and millions (AND MILLIONS) of girls would all scream.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 December 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.19)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)





Steve Smith – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson

  • In the opening six-man match, Team VIPER and Suzanne Brazzle eked out a victory over Global Tradition and Jaime Quine when Brazzle pinned Quine off the Miracle Connection. (Rating: B-)
  • Koshiro Ino continued KOBRA's winning streak, defeating Ian Harris by pinfall. (Rating: B-)
  • Team KOBRA then came out to salute their winners, while the announce team speculated that perhaps American Fox, being trained by a KOBRA graduate, received the same treatment but not in public.
  • Marc Speed took on the rookie of the School of Tradition, Frankie Dee, and put him away, forcing a submission to the Cross Armbreaker. (Rating: B+)
  • Tag team action kept the crowd excited as the Darkwave duo of Sammy Bach and Zimmy squeaked out a very close win over Canadian Elemental and Giant Tana, Zimmy putting Tana down with the Blood Rush. Troy Tornado tried to prevent Bach cheating, but was run off by Jack Bruce. (Rating: B+)
  • JeriLynn Stone cut a promo announcing that while she'd teamed up with the Freedom Fighters, the apparent new name for the team of Aaron Andrews and Eddie Peak, to take on a Generation Omega trio including Alicia Strong, this didn't mean she considered Alicia to be at the front of the queue for a title shot, reminding everyone that the Leading Lights remain at the top of the list and nigh-on impossible to dismiss with their record.
  • The Freedom Fighters and JeriLynn managed to defeat Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois and Alicia Strong, Aaron Andrews pinning Marc DuBois after a Game Breaker. (Rating: B)
  • The Enforcers came out to inform Phil Vibert that Tommy Cornell had bought and paid for the main event – a World Heavyweight Championship defence for Wolf Hawkins – against World Tag Champion and submission expert Merle O'Curle!
  • Merle went after Wolf's injuries, looking to wear him down, and nearly scored the win on multiple occasions. While the champion did well, it took a Blood Rush from Zimmy with the referee down to allow Wolf Hawkins to notch up the victory. (Rating: B+)


Show Rating: B+

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A huge match is set to open this instalment of Total Wrestling, and another huge match is on the cards to close it out - and in between looks more than a little solid, too.


But since I'm excited right now... Davis Wayne Newton, that noted man of his word, is testing his word in powerful style, taking on Sam Keith one on one. Will he be forced to eat humble pie, or can he score one of the most important matches of his career?


Canadian Elemental has, we're told, asked for a tag match, leaving his partner unnamed. The opponents he's been given? Elimination Protocol. Will the developing teamwork of the Protocol be enough to overcome the talent of Elemental and his partner? And just who does the masked marvel have in mind?


Chance Fortune isn't an often-seen member of the roster, but he gets a chance to change that now. His opponent? Zimmy, who in a statement after Badge of Honor announced his attention to shoot for the World Heavyweight Championship, and we quote "while Cornell's crazy assault course has Hawkins injured as hell". Can the Darkwave man pull out the challenge for one of the most important titles in professional wrestling?


The big Samoan Giant Tana will also be in action, facing down rising star in the TCW firmament UK Dragon. Acid Dragon have notched up some impressive wins of late, and that's not all Acid - can his partner show his mettle solo?


Tag action to follow, however, and it's two mainstays of TCW's thriving tag division - the Machines and Floyd Goldworthy's Fly Boys. Whatever the outcome, this one will sizzle during the match!


In the semi-main event, the Easy Riders will face off with Aaron Andrews and Eddie Peak, a duo that seems to be calling itself the Freedom Fighters at present. Will teamwork prevail against the first graduate of the TCW School of Wrestling and the Bloody-Handed God?


And lastly, in the main event, Tommy Cornell will be in action - and his opponent? None other than Darkwave's frontman, Jack Bruce. So who'll have the upper hand - and will the match proceed without interruption?


Prediction Key:

Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith


Canadian Elemental & ???? vs. Elimination Protocol


Chance Fortune vs. Zimmy


Giant Tana vs. UK Dragon


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. the Machines


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Freedom Fighters (Aaron Andrews & Eddie Peak)


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell

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