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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Well, damn.


How good IS Kate Dangerous, anyway?


25 months into the save, with a number of 5SSW tours and a year and change wrestling in TCW under her belt, much better than I'd anticipated her growing into.




(I intended her to be the best of Horatio's kids. I can only assume she also got a DAMN good destiny draw; that third row is all up at least 6-9 points.)

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I haven't stuck my head in as often as I would've liked to through the duration, but those two shows were an awesome finale. Wrapped up just enough to be entirely satisfying but left open enough to make you believe that TCW and Horatio would be going on from here, business as usual.


I honestly consider this one of the best works I've seen on the board, probably in my personal top 3. I've had a lot of fun.


You certainly know how to tell a tale, PS. Kudos!




Just amazing.


Nothing more I can say.


Thanks are due here as well, by the way. Some of what's coming will be written up here in a slightly different style as an epilogue...

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Hashasheen (I think) wanted a snapshot of the rest of the North American scene...




SWF's roster:












Rip Chord's boys, MAW:



Dean Daniels' entry, LA Wrestling:






The mostly-unchanged Babes:



RIPW, SWF's feeder league:



Which leaves our own developmental territories:







and AAA:


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Hashasheen (I think) wanted a snapshot of the rest of the North American scene...


Thanks, PS!


Let's see...


Supreme Roster isn't as different as I'd expected. Hugh De Aske & Mario Heroic are the only surprises.


USPW has a pretty great roster for Cult, minus the few usual sucktastic choices. And I see Valentine is still World Champ. Despite guys like Shawn Gonzalez, Robbie Retro, etc... on the roster. Wait, USPW has both members of Pain Alliance? That Backstage must be hell...


NOTBPW is as expected. Nice to see even getting gutted of half their top talent hasn't made them shift much in their hiring practices.


NYCW... Right, how the hell is Atom Smasher working between SWF, RIPW, NYCW & USPW? SWF is Global, so unless he got released in a Cult Drop 6 months before and just got resigned, it's a bit of a question. But it looks like a decent roster over all, even if I cringe at the presence of Laramee here.


MAW... Pretty much the same.


LA/4C/BSC/RIPW ... Not really my favorites, but it seems a lot of the same talent is getting shared, it seems.


CZCW looks ridiculously awesome on the main event half of the roster. Nice mix of international talents right here.


FCW... has Dark Eagle working there? DA HELL?


And so it appears AAA does have Wanda Fish. Why did you never bring her/Joanne/Raven/Sara Marie/Suzanne up, anyway?

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NYCW... Right, how the hell is Atom Smasher working between SWF, RIPW, NYCW & USPW? SWF is Global, so unless he got released in a Cult Drop 6 months before and just got resigned, it's a bit of a question. But it looks like a decent roster over all, even if I cringe at the presence of Laramee here.


Checking around... Looks like Atom Smasher just got grabbed on a Written by the SWF four days ago.


FCW... has Dark Eagle working there? DA HELL?


One of the trio of trainers, alongside Rafael Ruiz and Nemesis, covering the areas neither of them are particularly strong on.


And so it appears AAA does have Wanda Fish. Why did you never bring her/Joanne/Raven/Sara Marie/Suzanne up, anyway?


J-Ro, Wanda, and Cherry were my initial trainers. When Raven's USPW contract came up and I wanted to bring Cherry up, I signed her to fill the same role.


SMY just came in recently, and at the moment I'm bringing women up based much more on what role I want to fill right this second. Suzue isn't on a dev contract.

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Checking around... Looks like Atom Smasher just got grabbed on a Written by the SWF four days ago.
What's his Pop/Skills?


One of the trio of trainers, alongside Rafael Ruiz and Nemesis, covering the areas neither of them are particularly strong on.


J-Ro, Wanda, and Cherry were my initial trainers. When Raven's USPW contract came up and I wanted to bring Cherry up, I signed her to fill the same role.


SMY just came in recently, and at the moment I'm bringing women up based much more on what role I want to fill right this second. Suzue isn't on a dev contract.

When it comes to the women's division, I'm of the stance that is "Bring in Quality and then figure out the Feud."
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What's his Pop/Skills?


He's not great, and he's around D+ Pop stateswide - but he's good enough that I could use him. If he weren't on a written, I'd be tempted to drop him in Dev and see how good he gets - but I couldn't break up his USPW tag team!


When it comes to the women's division, I'm of the stance that is "Bring in Quality and then figure out the Feud."


I've got more girls than I need, honestly - the biggest reason for having so many is to have some current job girls plus an 8-woman elimination match for The War To Settle The Score. I'd rather make sure AAA's ratings stay high by keeping it stocked.

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Malice in Wonderland... and Chance Fortune, Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf kick things off. It's PPV bonuses all round! (And, later, Nate Thomas wonders what he did wrong...)


Pathlow/Singh on first, which eliminates the match on night one no-one wanted (I should say paid) to see at the off. Reasonable, although maybe better to bury it further into the card. And a count-out victory first thing? Unhelpful indeed.


DeColts/Elite - You just know that a feud has history when a 'your mom' line sparks off a nine-man brawl. I wonder if any of the DeColts are going to call Maverick on failing in CGC, or did that not occur in the diary history?


Was Umaga/Perez a part of the Omega/TCW series? It might have been useful to include banners or some sort of indicator when matches were


Shot at the Top - Newton wins, of course. I liked the simple recap approach - effective for what would inevitably have been a spotfest match.


Minnesota over Faith was a good choice. Minnesota hasn't (I think) delivered on the same level as Matt, Wolf et al, but he needed the rub of going over an established star like Faith.


DaLay over McFly. I understand why, but really - did it have to be McFly? Could Keith not have stood in for him, or someone?


Having Patriot be called a TCW original or whatever seems odd considering he's only been there about two months, having spent much longer in development, and being the 474th guy under the mask ;)


Lions/New Wave was the shock flop of the night, if only because I'm sure they've done much better than that in the past.


Deeley/Huggins drew? I'm still struggling to get behind Huggins, who doesn't strike me as having the same kind of potential as Deeley. Granted you'll obviously have a different view than me (having the game before you the last three years, for a start...) but even so, if that's the end of the series I'm surprised it ended like that. Either have Deeley win decisively, or move him on to bigger things while Huggins gets to play with the title.


Liked to see DuBois playing with fire - and a fitting opponent for him to break that out on. DuBois seems much better for you than for me, which goes to show what a different destiny/potential roll, more foused push and substantially better opponents will do for you...


Strong/Dangerous (2...) was awesome. I loved the throwbacks to their fathers, as well as the tacit acknowledgements that their was a deeper history to their feud.


Elite getting into the MOTC was... inevitable. Annoying that there was another draw, though - I'd have liked to see one of the teams go over, cheaply, as it could have led to a three-way feud. That's not ruled out, but tensions between the DeColts and Stones could have been raised in the future with one of the workers/teams getting carried away with a win they didn't get wholly by themselves.


Greg wins! Greg wins! Greg wins! I think it was the right decision, as it definitely plants seeds for him even if he goes back to Kreed and Matt goes back to heavy heeldom - In the future, Greg might be called on as the 'one man who has a chance to stop Matt'.




Hurst. Wolstenholme. Wembley. '66. Des! All it needed was a Mini with a Union Jack roof, and we'd be set.


I'm shocked Andrews went over Remo, although not so much by the grade. Both men seem to still be at that stage of their career where they need a more experienced lead to crack the big grades, and I'd bet Remo got dinged for poor selling as well. Still, the sick bump was a nice touch - and an emphatic way to put Remo down for a three-count that otherwise Andrews might not have been able to pull off.


Disciples of Stone... Odd trio to throw against Elite, but okay.


I see what you mean about the Darkwave/PP match - as a contrast to TCW's usual fair, an all-out entertainmentfest with all four men getting their chance to shine is definitely something different.


Minnesota going over Keith was also the right decision. The younger man got to outperform one of the canniest veterans on the biggest stage TCW has to offer.


From there to the six-man was quite a drop, and may have dinged the show rating by, oh, 1/4 of a % or so. You survived, of course. The 'face' trio's justification for teaming was addressed, the heels did their part, Acid made the smarks pop... It served its purpose.


I liked Cox and Starr alternating pinfall attempts. The Leading Lights worked as a team, and nearly won as one. It'll be interesting to see where you go from there - will Cox still be in line for a shot, not having lost? Will that cause trouble for her and Starr? Their approach to this has definitely got me intrigued.


I'm a big Westybrook mark, I like Bloodstone, and it was time to move the title on from Rockwell. The Hard-Hitting match did what was needed of it, and sets Bloodstone back on the path to bigger things. Out of curiosity, what are your title prestiges right now? I'm assuming the World and Tag are at close to 100%, and the Hard Hitting pretty high as well, given who's held it.


Elimination match - God > Jabronis, as it should be.


Did Newton and Stone have bad chemistry? Considering Minnesota/Keith got the same grade, the writeups seemed very different. Newton losing confirms that he still has plenty to learn, but with a year to go until he cashes in SATT, it's no surprise that he doesn't get the full throttle push out of the gate.


Lions/Machines - A* of course, and a deserving one at that. The Lions reinforce their shtick of never losing the same way twice, while the Machines lose nothing from a match like that.


It was only at this point that I realised RDJ was missing from Malice. Gutsy call - but having him back up Cornell made up for it.


I should say that I don't often do full read throughs of the matches in diaries, especially when they go into the detail your A* matches do. I made the effort this time, and enjoyed it a lot. Cornell/Hawkins really played off their history well, and Strong/Dangerous and Greg/Matt were great as well. The figures at ringside added to the match, and seeing Vibert get butted into oblivion - with his charges encouragement - was a great touch. As for Othello, well, the old ones are the best, huh?


Cornell winning was inevitable (to me, at least) - and yet the finisherfest kept things in doubt until the very end. Nicely done.


It was a great show, PS, and a worthy end to a classic diary that it's been a pleasure to read. I can't wait to find out where you're going from here - both with your vision of TCW's future, and whether any other projects are in the pipeline.

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The Future Of The...


World Championship Scene


Total Wrestling, February 2010



Cornell is stood in the centre of the ring, microphone to his mouth, thanking the British fans, when The Fight Song hits.



Accompanied by Phil Vibert, Joey Minnesota strides down to the ring. He climbs up into the ring, going eye to eye.


“You weren't getting ready to name your first challenger, were you?” he asks. “Because I figured it was going to be obvious.”


Cornell sneers. “Seriously?”


“You know someone had a better Malice than me?” Joey shrugs. “I mean, sure – you got the title you didn't deserve to win. You got more out of it – but I won two nights running, and I'm...” He pauses, letting it sink in. “Yeah,” he nods. “I'm the only guy who did that. I figure that earns me a match, right?”


Cornell frowns. “I hate to admit it, but your buddy has a claim to a rematch...”


Abruptly – incredibly abruptly – Joey smiles, shifting gear. “Then you best beat him again – but either way, I'm next on the list. You get me?”




Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



The door to the Kreed locker room slams open. “There you are!” Steve DeColt grins. Greg and Art turn to face him; Greg's been working a heavy bag, Art has both ankles strapped at a bit above head height to one wall, doing situps against gravity.


DeColt shifts his attention slightly and sees Greg, too. His face softens. “Hey, how's your dad?”


“Mending fast, the doctors say,” Greg admits. “He'll be back in a month or so. Thanks for asking.”


DeColt nods. “Tough old bastard. Good.” He smiles slightly. “Listen, maybe this isn't the way I oughtta go about these things, but you wanted a rematch for my title, I'm still in the mood to give you one.”


Reed reaches up and unfastens his straps, backflipping from the wall to a standing position. “I thought you guys were fighting ELITE this month.”


“Cage Wars, right.” DeColt nods. “Look...” He looks at the camera awkwardly and sighs. “Ah, hell. I'm kinda lobbying for us to come into TCW full time. My dad got driven into Canada and locked down by politics in the territory era, but these days, worldwide shows aren't that surprising – but CGC's got a lot of deals to cut if we want to get there.


“I'm looking for a few good men to blow the roof off with. Make Alex see the wisdom. And my pick was you.”


Reed steps across, offers his hand. “It'd be an honour, sir.”


“Sir is my dad. You can call me the guy who beat you two straight times.” Steve smiles, effortlessly taking the sting out of the words. Reed grins in return. “Not yet I can't... Steve.”




Total Wrestling, February 2010



Reed and DeColt take one another to the edge, both men grinning broadly, euphoric in their efforts, in their pursuits and tactics. The battle rages back and forth, the crowds on their feet and screaming, over and over again.


Finally, perhaps inevitably, the bell rings. The time limit has elapsed.




The War To Settle The Score, February 2010



“...that being the case,” Alex DeColt tells the crowd, “I'm happy to announce that in two months' time, under the TCW banner, there'll be another double-header. Night one will be Total Mayhem 2010. Night two... presented by TCW but following the CGC legacy... will be the DeColt WrestleFestival.”


He lets that sink in, lets the crowd's reaction die down again. “Now, what's going on with everything, I don't know exactly. But my brother Steve wants to defend the CGC World Championship at Total Mayhem... and then, for the main event of the DeColt WrestleFestival, there'll be a unification match between the CGC World Championship and the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.”




In the closing minutes of the World Heavyweight Championship match that night, just before the DeColts/ELITE 'One Last Time' Cage Wars match, Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins go to the limit. Both bleeding, the two stagger, and collide one last time. Cornell blocks the Wolf's Call, shoving Hawkins away, and the battered and beleaguered former champion collapses.



Rather than attack, Cornell gives Sam Sparrow a moment's grace to check on his former protege. Phil Vibert has been notably absent from Hawkins' side all month, but Joey Minnesota slides into the ring to offer Wolf backup. He levels Cornell with a stiff lariat, then picks him up again and scores with the Empire Spiral, then rolls out of the ring again, gesturing 'go ahead' to a wild-eyed, disbelieving Hawkins from where he kneels.


Rocking back on his knees, clenching his fists, Hawkins tilts his head back, eyes squeezed closed, and screams, screams in anger and fury and frustration. Sparrow looks back at the downed Cornell with a puzzled fascination.


And, instead, Wolf rolls out of the ring, takes the long walk to the back, as Minnesota stares, disbelieving.




Total Wrestling, March 2010



“You should have taken the shot,” Joey says in frustration. Wolf slams his fist into the locker next to Minnesota's head, denting the steel.


I have to beat him,” Wolf growls. “When Phil interfered, that didn't count. When you interfered, you made it not count, again.”




Saturday Night Showcase, March 2010



“You've been wondering all this time how you should vote,” Joey Minnesota tells the crowd. “Should Tommy Cornell put his belt on the line against Dan DaLay in a hardcore match, against Wolf Hawkins in a tables match, against me in a RWA Rules match...


“At Fight to the Feedback, that's in your control. So what do you inflict on your hero?


“DaLay will brutalise him. ELITE will brutalise him – hardcore means no DQ means Tommy Cornell fighting five men.” He looks around, sees a child of no older than eleven near the front of the crowd, staring daggers at him, points a finger. “You think he could do it, don't you?


“There's some groups of five where I think he probably could. But this group of five – maybe six by then; you ask me, one of the people they're trying to recruit is bound to go for it soon – they're something else. They aren't just five men. They're a gang. And nobody, in this business, has ever beaten a gang on their own.” He pauses, lets that hang in the air; the noble Eric Eisen recently saw off Atlas, Nevada Nuclear, Steven Parker and Jay Chord on SWF programming in a bizarre handicap match organised by #1 contender Genghis Rahn.


“Believably, anyway.” The crowd laugh.


“So you don't want to do that to him. Maybe you want him to face Wolf Hawkins again. Maybe you just want to spite me. But Wolf... it's going to be a tables match. Wolf won't be satisfied with that if he wins and he'll cry foul if he loses. You don't change anything.


“So vote for me... because if I don't win, at least I'm off the champ's back. And if I do win... that's the risk you have with everyone. Come on, guys – let me do you a favour. Let me clear one of the list off his back.”




Fight to the Feedback, March 2010



“You were offered the choice,” Gleeson tells the crowd. “Who would go in the tag team contendership match? The top two teams of six will get in... and those teams are Alex and Steve DeColt... the Machines... Elimination Protocol... the Kreed... the Easy Riders... and Double J.


“Let's see what we've got...”


The displays spin and blur. After a while, the team lineups lock into place. Top pick for a chance to face new tag champions Eternal Party is... Alex and Steve DeColt!


“A little bit of DeColt/Stone rivalry being demanded by our fans,” Gleeson grins. “I like it... now, let's see what's next.”


And the second spin comes down neatly. Long-term fan favourites the Kreed are in play!


“Something else that could be the shape of things to come,” Gleeson notes. “We still haven't seen a final settlement of Art Reed's challenge for the CGC World Championship. The match is up next...”




It's another fast and furious battle, and notably, Greg Keith shines here – but Alex and Steve slowly shut him down and score with a Doomsday DeColt Stampede. Reed comes to his partner's rescue, but the DeColt Driver allows Alex to pin and win.


“That moves the DeColts through to tag team contendership,” Azaria offers. “But what does that mean for Art Reed's World Championship bid?”




The numbers came up earlier in the show. By a bare percentage point, Joey Minnesota gets to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship – and under RWA rules. The crowd isn't happy about this, but then they weren't happy about many of the other options.


It's a harsh, if slick affair, a submission war and a half. Neither man even tries for pinfalls – you need two of them, but you only need to tap a man out once. Cornell comes close twice – but both times are in the last seconds of a round, and Joey is able to tough it out.


Finally, having worn one another down, Joey locks in the Minnesota Cloverleaf, cranking it back unusually far, putting incredible strain on Cornell's lower back.


Agonised, in the middle of the fifth round, Cornell taps out. TCW has a new World Heavyweight Championship – and the owner becomes the man with the shortest title reign on record!




Total Wrestling, April 2010



Joey is in the middle of the ring, the belt strapped around his waist, expensive sunglasses and a smart suit in place. At least one member of Generation Omega has changed their style, it seems...


“So here I am,” he smiles smugly. “TCW's champion – no, not your champion. You had nothing to do with this. TCW gets to brag that they signed me when DaVE fell away.


“Now, the good news is, the favour I did you? It's done. I'm off Tommy's back – I'll leave him to Wolf, who still wants that big win, and to ELITE. So...” A grin. “You're welcome. Any time I can do you a favour where I don't have to care, where it just happens while I get what I want, you can bet I'll do it again.




He grins. “Getting on to what I'm here for – I'm holding the belt that calls you the best wrestler in the world. I'll prove it.


“Any match I'm in, I want this on the line.”





Joey pins Brent Hill.




Saturday Night Showcase



“So you want to defend the belt one last time before it gets unified?” Art Reed smiles. “You and me, Steve, we've gotten too close to even for this to be anyone else. Canada's finest colliding – let's do this.”



We Will Rock You hits, and Steve DeColt emerges cheerfully. He looks Art up and down. “See, this is a problem,” he says. “On the one hand, I'm looking to add one last stellar match to that title while it's still the CGC title, before I fold the World Heavyweight Championship into it too.


“On the other hand, son, I don't wanna kill your ambitions... But on an extra freaky-ass mutant hand, you're asking for it.


“So alright, kid – you and me, Total Mayhem. Let's get this done!”




Joey pins Sean Deeley.




Total Wrestling, April 2010



Joey makes Greg Keith tap.




Saturday Night Showcase, April 2010



Joey fights to a draw with Jeremy Stone




Total Wrestling, April 2010



Chris Rockwell gets a win – but only by DQ, when Phil Vibert interferes. Joey retains.




Total Mayhem, April 2010



In the semi-main event, Art Reed and Steve DeColt let it all hang out, in an excellent match which ends only when, at the very last second, Reed counters the DeColt Stampede into a Blue Thunder Bomb, getting a flash pin and shocking the fans in attendance, boosting them into euphoria.




TCW Presents the DeColt WrestleFestival, May 2010



The main event sees Art Reed, CGC World Champion, up against Joey Minnesota, TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Both titles are on the line, and at the end of the night, Mayhem Midden has personally guaranteed there will be a single, unified World Heavyweight Champion.


Greg and Sam Keith, together with Davis Wayne Newton and Alicia Strong, surround the ring, keeping the ever-present threat of ELITE from sullying the main event of the show named for their greatest rivals.


ELITE still try, but when Rick Law and Remo Richardson – a very strange combination – join the defenders, they're kept apart.


“Whoever wins here, someone's got a very, very short reign,” Fry offers on commentary. “Neither man will want that – this is going to be a barnstormer!”


At the very end, Reed lands on his feet to counter the Empire Spiral, connecting with a Dark Matter to set up the Dread Lock. Minnesota doesn't tap – but he does pass out.



Art Reed waves away both offered title belts; apparently knowing what Reed was going to do, his old trainer Jeremy Stone appears with a chamois bag, coming down to the ring... and producing a title belt not seen in TCW for exactly a year:



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Aw... you mean we were only a few months from an Art Reed title reign?


A case could be made for it being two.


There are a few more of these to go - Huggins/Deeley is an obvious one. The womens' division needs unpacking. I have a lot of thoughts on the tag division. I want to touch on ELITE somewhat. And you'll notice a Tommy/Wolf sequence unfolding in the background...


That's five more. I think that's enough. The question of what's going on with the other things... well, there should always be some things left unspoken.


As far as a next project goes, I'm having a BREAK first. For one thing, the original plan I had might get converted into a jhdverse project... but we'll see.

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Man, Joey Minnesota has no luck at all. No wonder he was such a fighting champion - if he was going to lose the belt so quickly, it'll take all those defences to keep his credibility.


Loving the Canadian World Championship sighting, though.

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Man, Joey Minnesota has no luck at all. No wonder he was such a fighting champion - if he was going to lose the belt so quickly, it'll take all those defences to keep his credibility.


Loving the Canadian World Championship sighting, though.


Remember, Minnesota's pencilled in as the defending champion at next Malice...

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The Future Of The...


International Championship Scene


Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



Freddy Huggins hobbles backstage. His sister, walking briskly out of a side corridor, glances to one side, stops, and smiles. “Freddy,” she says. “You're back on your feet!”


“Cleared to wrestle, just about,” Freddy offers with a slight smile. “You here with the Lions?”


She shakes her head. “Tommy gave them the week off to spend with their family. First title defence back in the US is for Tuesday. No, I'm here with Sean.”




She nods.


“Good. I could do with talking to him.”


Her face falls slightly. “Freddy, I hate to say this, but... well, the four of us talked. You and he took up two months – Sean wants to add a few new names to the list he's defended against.”


Freddy hesitates. “...Right,” he says slowly, then smiles. “Right, yeah. No, I think I can deal with this.”




The door slams open, and Sean Deeley looks up from his seat in his locker room. By the looks of things, Laura Huggins hasn't returned yet. Joe Money and Maverick swagger into his room. “Congratulations, Sean,” Joe says. “Eddie and Adrian agree – so you get a chance to renounce your recent foolishness.


“Come back to ELITE.”


Maverick grabs another chair, spins it around, sits down with forearms over the chair back, stares unblinkingly at Deeley.


Sean looks back at them evenly. “Why would I want to do that?”


“A bunch of reasons. You were ELITE once. We know you can cut it. We know you'll kick ass all over the place. We know we can count on you to have our back – you know the life already.


“You know the perks the life gives.” Money delves into a pocket, pulls out a fat bankroll, then pauses. He puts it back, then reaches into his other pocket, pulling out a fatter one. “You prefer Canadian, right?” He peels off until he counts off eleven hundred-dollar bills, drops them on the floor in front of the unblinking Deeley.


“That's from me, Sean. You get that whether you come back or not – but we're ELITE. If we want you, either we get you or you spend a lot of time in hospital.


“But there's one last reason.” Money smiles. “You've got a title. And you know ELITE rules.”


“The biggest title calls the shots,” Deeley says slowly.


“Exactly,” Money nods. “ELITE is expanding, Sean. We're not expanding far. You still need to be the very best to get in. But you qualify, Sean.


“More to the point, that belt over your shoulder is coming to ELITE. You can come with it, or my buddy here can take it from you.”


Maverick smiles. It doesn't look right.


Money shrugs. “We're reasonable men, Sean. This man – your predecessor and successor in ELITE. You can't deny he's your equal.


“A week today, Adrian will file the paperwork and lock him in against you for a title match or two. You've got until then to change our minds by signing on the dotted line.”


They leave, as confident as they came. Deeley looks down at the scattered notes on the floor.




Badge of Honor, February 2010



Jack Marlowe stands in the ring. Beside him is Freddy Huggins. “The money's been paid,” Marlowe says. “The man next to me has bought himself a main event. And he's paid well over the odds for me to take the heat and make this a title match.” He grins.



“Ryan Powell, get your ass down here. Your Canadian title is on the line.”


Powell comes down, looking more than a little confused. Huggins takes the mic. “Nothing personal, Ryan,” he says. “I need some leverage on a guy – and that title is what it takes. And, well, this is the way I have of making the title match, since you're not really TCW talent.”


Powell shrugs, handing his title to the ref. He cricks his neck twice for show, jumps onto the second rope, and comes off with a spinkick, triggering the beginning of the match.


The battle goes back and forth. Huggins just can't nail the Huggins Kiss, and as always, this seems to become an obsession; after the third, though, he jumps onto Powell's back, grapevining his body with his legs, clamping both arms around Powell's head in a borderline choke.


“YEAH!” he yells. “HUGG IT OUT, B***H!”


Powell comes crashing to the mat, landing on Huggins. Sparrow slides in for the pin count – and Powell taps as Sparrow's hand comes down for the third time.


The result is inconclusive.




Total Wrestling, February 2010



A week and a half after ELITE made their offer, Sean Deeley hasn't accepted – and the International Championship match is on, Deeley versus Maverick.


The back and forth of this exchange is a pretty impressive one, all told. They strut their stuff in a pure amateur-style match, then shift gears into painful, wrenching, borderline illegal holds. It begins to resemble a Hard-Hitting Championship contest more than what it is.


After a while, Maverick gets something of an upper hand, locking things down tight, getting ready to put Deeley's lights out.



That's when Freddy Huggins makes an appearance with a chairshot, drawing the DQ but saving the title for his sister's boyfriend.




The War To Settle The Score, February 2010




In the Cage Wars main event, ELITE thunder against the DeColts, whose fifth man – making up the numbers – is Ryan Powell. Maverick and Powell single one another out once they're both in, throwing punches, kicks, holds, nerve holds, dropkicks and much else at each other.


Steve and Alex look to take advantage of that. They grab a damaged, dazed Maverick, setting him up for a stereo powerbomb – their half of the Welcome To DeColt Country. Powell cuts Ricky off, wanting to deliver his half himself. He goes for it – and Dan DaLay boots him out of the air.


It takes a lot longer, but eventually the DeColts get another DeColt Country shot, this time on Money. He goes up – his fist, glittering with the golden knuckles Adrian Garcia slipped in earlier, comes down on Alex, busting him open – and again, the move goes awry. Maverick slaps the Deadly Silence on to the bleeding Alex, looking to capitalise.


This time, Ryan redeems himself. A baseball slide dropkick breaks the hold.


Everyone's attention is on the battle, once again, when a steel chair clatters to the floor in the centre of one of the rings. That gets the crowd and the cameras looking up at the cage's roof.



Acid stands there, holding another chair, having apparently somehow jimmied open a section of the roof. How he got onto the cage is another matter.


Chandler puts Jack down with the steel chair. Acid tosses another down, and Money catches it, slamming it into Steve DeColt's head. Maverick rolls Alex, the CGC owner in kayfabe at least, into the centre of the ring, and Chandler places his chair on Alex's chest while Money and DaLay keep the DeColts away.


Jett comes off the turnbuckles with a senton splash onto the chair, writhing off the impact as the metal skids away. Acid then dives through the hole, hitting a HUGE Acid Rain Bomb on Alex's chest, and DaLay caps it off with a massive foot on DeColt's chest to secure the pin. Acid has defected?!


Somehow, ELITE have pulled it through again.




Fight to the Feedback, March 2010



The decision has been made. Much to Freddy Huggins' vocal frustration – and possibly also frustrating to Maverick, though it's tough to be sure – the vote at Fight to the Feedback is to determine who Acid faces for their title; Sean Deeley for his International Championship, Ryan Powell for his Canadian Championship, or John Pathlow for the All Action Championship.


Whichever pair are not selected will team against Huggins and Maverick – unlikely allies – in a Falls Count Anywhere Tornado Tag match.



Autumn Gleeson smiles as the video recap ends with Huggins promise that “if that masked ***hole traitor gets to the International Championship before I get there, I'm going to kick his buddy Maverick's head in then go after the rest of them”, polling the crowd for their opinions. Acid's recent defection to “the only real gang in professional wrestling” has a lot of people unhappy – almost as unhappy as Freddy.




Huggins and Maverick already wait in the ring, Maverick unreadable, Freddy furious. The trio of champions stand atop the entry ramp, waiting.


“So let's see what we have,” Gleeson beams. The graphics on the big screen whirl, and Deeley, Pathlow and Powell's faces flash forward rapidly. Eventually, though, they stop on Sean Deeley's smile.


Immediately, Huggins jinks sideways, catching Maverick unprepared for the Huggins Kiss. He nails a HugginsDriver to follow, clearly furious – and Acid slides into the ring! The champions chase down the ramp!





A six-man brawl erupts – and HERE COME THE ELITE! AND THE LIONS! The whole thing rapidly breaks down before Charlie Thatcher hits the ring at Mayhem Midden's request, nailing fighters left and right. DaLay levels him in his turn with a DaLay Down, but a flying chairshot from Huggins sends him crashing from the ring.


Little by little, order is restored. Acid attempts to start his match with Deeley early, but O'Curle gets in the way, as does Morgan. The Brits spike him with an assisted twisting DDT, then roll out of the ring – and with only the legal men in the ring, Eugene Williams starts the match. Deeley wastes no time in going for the pin – and Acid fights back out.


It's a good match, but Acid is a little slowed by injury. Over time, that proves to be all the difference the International Champion needs in order to retain.




Total Wrestling, April 2010



“...Fight to the Feedback is about the fans,” Mayhem Midden growls at Freddy Huggins. “They make the matches, and your interference cost them a tag match and hurt the International Championship match.”



“In Freddy's defence,” his sister spoke up, “he promised the fans he'd attack Maverick if the results went that way. That may have been why they voted the way they did.”


Midden reaches up and lowers his sunglasses to look at Laura over the top of them, sternly. “Done?”


Laura nods.


“Good.” Midden pushes his sunglasses back into place – but – was that a flicker of a wink beforehand?


“Right. So... you know, I would've been willing to greenlight another one-on-one between you and Sean, before this. Your Best of Seven ended up a draw, which is a hell of a trick when you get right down to it.


“I can't do that now, Freddy, not after that.


“So here's what I'm going to do... At Total Mayhem, Sean Deeley will defend his International Championship... and Ryan Powell will defend his Canadian Championship... and their opponents will be Maverick and Freddy Huggins... but all of this is going to take place in one match, winner takes all. We'll unify the belts.


“Night after that, Maverick can take Acid and one of his ELITE buddies, and you and Sean and Ryan can team against them. If the new champion wins, he gets to pick his next opponent like Sean has been. If someone else gets the winning pin, they're the top contender.”


“That's how this is going to have to be, Freddy.”




Total Mayhem, April 2010



The four men stand in each corner, Ray Johnson holds both belts aloft, and the bell rings – and they collide! Action comes fast and furious in the early going. Maverick and Deeley continue their war, but Freddy refuses to simply concentrate on Powell, picking his spots and connecting. His focus is still on Sean Deeley – and the match is elimination, meaning that nobody else particularly objects if Huggins goes for the pin.


First elimination, however, is Ryan Powell, who catches a Huggins' Kiss when Deeley ducks it. Maverick immediately capitalises, and we know that the Canadian Championship will not be retained.


Abruptly, Freddy switches focus, assaulting Maverick viciously. It works well for a while, but Deeley sees an opening, scoring with the German suplex – and Maverick low blows Deeley while the ref is distracted, clamping down on the Deadly Silence to force a tapout. It's just Maverick and Huggins now...


Whoever wins, we have a new unified champion. Maverick tries to minimize what Huggins can do, but Freddy stays agile, stays fast, and when the ref is unsighted, he jerks his boot back and up, catching Maverick with a low blow of his own. Rather than hit a Huggins Kiss, he nails the HugginDriver straight away, going for the pin and scoring the victory – and the unification!

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The Future Of...


Aaron Andrews' $10,000,000


Total Wrestling, February 2010



“Aaron,” Cornell smiles backstage, and the company owner – uncontested once again – embraces his new protege, albeit carefully after the damage Andrews must have done to himself the previous night. “Well done, son. Without your win it'd've been curtains before I even got in the ring.”


“Me, Eddie, and Jeremy Stone,” Aaron points out honestly. “I didn't do all of it.”


Cornell smiles... but after a moment, he clears his throat awkwardly. “No, that's true... but you're the one where I don't know where the money came from.”


Aaron looks away, uncomfortably. “TCW needed the money, boss,” he says simply. “TCW needed the money.”


Cornell frowns. “Where did you find it, Aaron? What did you do?”


The younger man bites his lip. “I... didn't find it. Someone came... offered it to me.”


The company owner blinks, shaking his head, and wonders. “Who'd do that?”


Andrews can't meet his eyes. The answer comes out “Sammy... Sammy Bach.”


Cornell stares, wide-eyed. On the announce desk, Jason Azaria asks the question forming throughout the audience. “So where did he get the money?”




Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



Sammy Bach and Zimmy relax backstage alongside Ian Harris and Cherry Bomb, preparing for their main event that night against the Three Amigos and Stephanie Wade. In the dim lighting of this particular locker room, the shadows cast on Bomb's face as she massages Bach seem both sensual and dangerous.


Harris still hasn't removed his face mask. It seems that he never does.



There's a thud at the door. It flexes at a second, then crashes off its hinges at a third, flooding the entryway with the bright light of the corridor outside. Eddie Peak stands there with a warm, contented smile – completely at odds, for most people, with the violence just unleashed on the door. He reaches up and draws that sharpened thumbnail diagonally down across his shirt again, slitting it open and leaving a thin line of blood.


Bach watches placidly. “Something you wanted, Eddie?”


“Me?” Peak grins. “Oh, I'm just here for security. Four of you, after all.”



Cornell moves into the doorframe, into sight. “Alright, sunbeam,” he says quietly. “What do you want?”




“For the ten million.”


“Ohhh.” Sammy's eyes close in that almost-sexual afterglow of satisfaction. “I have what I want, boss man. Aaron Andrews is indebted to me.” His eyes open again, catlike with confidence. “Isn't that nice?”


Cornell frowns. “You're not looking for a chunk of TCW?”


“Not right now.”


Taken aback, the world heavyweight champion slowly recovers. “Where the hell did you get ten million bucks, anyway?”


Bach sits up, smirking. “I'm hurt, Thomas,” he says. “We came into the business near enough the same time.”


“Yeah,” Cornell nods. “And I started with the biggest place in the world and moved on to the second biggest, bought it out... and oh, that's right, made it the biggest. That's where I scraped my ten million readies out of – you spent all your time in the biggest minor league around. It's not enough.


“Where did you get the damn money?”


Bach smiles. Bomb's fingers trail over his pecs. “My girl has a powerful sugar-daddy,” he says, and as Cornell's gaze shifts to the Bomb, Sammy laughs. “Oh, no, Cherry's not my girl... but she's a good substitute while my girl's not here, hmm?”


“Oh, my,” Fry breathes. “I have a horrible feeling I know who he's talking about...”





In the main event, the Amigos have locked the ring down. Golden has Ian Harris isolated; it's a clear case of focusing on the perceived weakest link, but the four drinking buddies know what they're doing and know how to take advantage.



Rocky shifts position, getting ready for the Rocky Road; the ref is unsighted – and, abruptly, Golden smashes face-first into the mat, then slides out of the ring feet-first – because of Aaron Andrews at ringside.


The camera sees Aaron actively shake his head, then deliver a Game Breaker on the outside. Harris makes the tag; Wade comes off the apron at Andrews with a dropkick; Bach superkicks Law and Zimmy connects with a Blood Rush on Rockwell, allowing Sammy to pin Law and win the match.




Total Wrestling, February 2010



“You did good,” Sammy says, all smiles. “I'll cross some of what you owe me off the list – how about that?”



Aaron looks sullen. “Not enough,” he says. “I never realised who you were getting your money from. I never realised I was creating a bigger threat.”


Bach's eyebrows skyrocket. “A bigger threat?” He bursts out laughing. “You think my girl's sugar-daddy is a threat? You – oh!” He creases up with laughter. “Oh, that's rich. OK, look.” He throws an arm over Aaron's shoulder, steering him out of shot. “Come on, man – I'll show you how wrong you are. I'll introduce you. Then you'll feel better.”




Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



“I need your help, Jack,” Cornell says softly. “I know we've no good reason to see eye to eye-”



“-But we've got a hell of a bad one,” Jack Bruce says sombrely. “Sammy Bach.”


Cornell nods. “I think this is going to get messy, Jack. And I'm tied up with title defences – I can't get into-”


Bruce raises a hand. “Say no more,” he says. “I'll look into it.”




Total Wrestling, February 2010



Dunton Hall beams as Autumn Gleeson introduces “after much detective work, the man behind Sammy Bach, the man who funded Aaron Andrews – and indirectly saved the company.”


He nods his approval as Gleeson continues, “But, in all due conscience, Mr Hall, I do have to ask – why would you give the money to Sammy Bach? He's spoken of you openly as someone his girlfriend is stringing along-”


Hall raises a hand. “Dear girl – have you seen Mr Bach's beloved?”


“Well, I... yeah, I mean-”


“Then I trust the reason I am happy to be wrapped around the very littlest of her fingers is immediately evident.”


He grins. “In my considerable years on this planet, dear girl, I have been a number of things. Businessman, author, gambler, bare knuckle boxer – very briefly – tournament golfer, card sharp – very different from gambler – trainer of horseflesh, actor, tutor of shibari – somewhat less briefly – teppenyaki chef, television reporter, alleged father, defendant, plaintiff, World Subbuteo Champion 1967, holder of a Blue Peter Badge, director, stockbroker, stuntman-”




“In For Your Eyes Only I played the third henchman in a notable explosion scene and briefly doubled, at Lynn Johnson's insistence, as Roger Moore for one of the love scenes,” he says promptly. “She was my Bibi Dahl. Where was I? Ah, yes – and indeed, dear girl, I am a noted explorer of Antipodeans such as yourself.


“But my dotage is coming, and with little on my bucket list remaining save a second jaunt up Kilimanjaro, a short term as a slumlord, and creating a bestselling line of superhero comic books, I find that dear Easy has made things exciting once again.”




“Such is her nickname, yes. It is inaccurate. Like all good things, she is a challenge, but eminently worthwhile. And if she wishes the occasional ten million dollars to invest in a project, then like the fifteen thousand dollars to bribe TCW clerks in finagling contracts for certain of Mr. Bach's other friends, I must consider it a worthwhile expense. Was there anything else?”


Gleeson blinks. “I'm honestly not sure where to start.”


Hall smiles. “Then my work here is done. Do excuse me, dear girl. Young Zimmy wanted to consult with me on his new exercise regime. I am, of course, a noted physical fitness instructor.” And with that, he glides from the interview area with the effortless efficiency of a Hollywood English butler.




The War To Settle The Score, February 2010



Jack Bruce and Aaron Andrews meet in the ring, Dunton Hall at ringside for the match, apparently in Andrews' corner. He bustles about at ringside, chatting idly to various people, evidently having a whale of a time.


Andrews is frustrated, in many ways; Bach wants him to win this match, to punish Bruce, but Andrews doesn't want to follow Bach's orders, however many favours he owes. And yet...


Aaron Andrews doesn't back down from fights. The story dominates the contest, but then Bruce is one of the best in the company at simply turning a match into a story, and it works. The finish comes when Andrews sees an opening, countering the New York Minute into the Game Breaker.




Minutes later, with the recap of the match highlights just done, footage dissolves into a dimly lit locker room, illuminated only by a candle. The door opens a crack; framed in the light of the hallway, Aaron Andrews peers in, confused, and reaches for the lightswitch-





The voice is unmistakable. Andrews pauses. “Cherry?”


“Come on in... I'm your reward.”


Andrews hesitates a long moment, then retreats from the room, shutting the door behind him.




Total Wrestling, March 2010



“I don't have to approve your being here, Hall,” Midden tells the world's most interesting man. “And if I don't, you're gone.”


Dunton smiles. “I'll be here as long as Mr. Bach needs me, Kenneth,” he says crisply. “Can you make any similar promises regarding how long you'll be around?”


Midden rolls his eyes. “Get out, Hall. You're done.”


Without a word, and smiling all the time, the billionaire makes himself scarce.




Fight to the Feedback, March 2010




The numbers don't lie; the six-woman battle for the TCW Womens Championship has been selected to be a ladder match. On the list: reigning champion JeriLynn Stone, Alicia Strong (who has to be considered a favourite at present off the back of some recent stellar wins), Zoe Ammis (fighting now in golden CGC spandex), Tamara McFly (gaining some notoriety as a deciding factor in intergender tag matches), Stephanie Wade (still the fastest superkick in the world), and Darkwave's Cherry Bomb.


Alicia decides early that since ladders are legal it's time to go hardcore, and very rapidly a number of others, including the champion, are bloodied. Cherry Bomb takes a particularly bad series of shots to the head, with Azaria recapping their war in “another company” and both of them's records. Ammis comes close, too, and Wade narrowly avoids bleeding with a blindingly-fast superkick.


Bomb weathers the storm from Strong – despite the fact her face can barely be seen through the slick blood covering it – and keeps going, only to take more punishment from Wade and, latterly, Ammis – whose golden costume will bear the imprint of Bomb's face for the rest of the match, after an ill-advised headlock.



Strong starts to direct traffic after a while, with McFly happy to whip others in for a chairshot, a big boot, a Strong Arm Tactic. Frustrated, at length Andrews hits the ring, dragging a half-unconscious Bomb to safety and carrying her up the ramp.





Autumn Gleeson cues up the next video package. The CGC tag champions had been slated mid-month to face Double J with the titles on the line, only for Aaron Andrews to interfere, breaking up a pin following the Code Gold and laying out Ricky DeColt. Only the fact of Andrews' interference causes the match to be a DQ rather than a victory for ELITE, but it draws the Canadian Golden Boys' ire.


Double J have a claim. With this attack, Bach stakes a claim for Darkwave, looking to capitalise alongside Zimmy. And the third claim comes from the New Wave, currently embroiled in a war with Jack and Alex DeColt over a modelling job that the Blonde Bombshell tried for and Hotstuff Marie, Jack's fiancee, won.


The indicators spin, and it seems that Darkwave are due the shot.



Backstage go the cameras, as Jack DeColt peers in through the trainer's door. “He's in there?” Marie whispers, and Jack nods, grinning goofily. “Looking after the redhead,” he says, before jamming the door shut. “That should keep the match fair...”



A fair match turns out to be a bad thing for Darkwave, who lose – albeit only narrowly. The stage is set for the Canadian Golden Boys to face Eternal Party in a unification contest – potentially the first match of a new set of DeColt/Stone linked matchups.




Saturday Night Showcase, April 2010



“Sorry, Tommy,” Alex DeColt says softly. “I'm sorry.”


Cornell frowns. “What for?”


“After the fuss around Christmas, I had to sign away CGC's video library rights to calm the network down,” DeColt says. “I wanted them back, Tommy, before the merger – it's half the company's value, after all. Me and my brothers got enough together that we felt pretty confident...”


Cornell sighs. “What happened?”


“Hall had already bought it.”


Tommy hesitates. “Dunton Hall?”


“Yeah.” He sighs. “He had a really low price.”




“...The merger documents we signed? They guarantee CGC personnel TCW contracts-”


“He wanted a manager's contract.”




“We can't legally kick him out from Aaron's side.”


“That's... about the size of it.”






TCW Presents The DeColt WrestleFestival, May 2010



The opening contest of the night is a 15-man battle royal, the winner of which will be the number one contender to the unified World Heavyweight Championship. Andrews and Bach combine as a unit, eliminating opponent after opponent, dominating the match, finally becoming the last two men in the ring.


Andrews stares flatly at Bach, who simply looks back with a smile. With a sigh, Aaron overcomes his desire to win, throwing himself over the top rope. Sammy Bach has the opportunity.




Once again we find ourselves in the darkened locker room, lit only by a single candle. The door opens slightly, and again, framed in the light, Aaron hesitates.





“I'm here,” she says softly. Andrews slips inside the room and shuts the door behind him.




Where Angels Fear To Tread, May 2010



Tommy Cornell stares across the ring at his former protege, Aaron Andrews, and shakes his head softly. This is just a month after his year-plus war with Wolf Hawkins finally came to an end; a year-plus war immediately preceded by issues with Aaron Andrews. And here he is again, and this is a war... a war which seems unwinnable.



Back and forth goes the battle, and Cornell very, very slowly pulls it back, gaining the advantage. Until, that is, Dunton Hall gets Sparrow's attention.



Cherry Bomb has a short length of pipe in hand when she blindsides Cornell, almost knocking him unconscious immediately. He takes a second shot to the back of the head, then a big boot from Andrews, who promptly locks the unconscious Cornell into the Guilt Trip. Sparrow has to award Andrews the match when Cornell is unable to respond.


Aaron grabs Cherry after the match, the two kissing long and hard, her legs twined around him.




Saturday Night Showcase, June 2010



“Alright,” Cornell says softly. “We need a third...”



Eddie Peak, smiling, nods. Andrews has refused to meet Cornell one on one, throwing down a counter challenge; six-man tag team action, with Zimmy and the surging Ian Harris by his side, as Sammy Bach continues his siege on World Heavyweight Champion Art Reed.


Peak, Andrews' short-time tag team partner, is a natural addition. But all of Cornell's other allies are busy, one way or another.


Tommy sighs. “Time to get looking...”




Total Wrestling, June 2010


“I'm your man, Tommy.”



Cornell sits back from his chair in the cafeteria, staring at the man in front of him. “You?”



“Me,” Hawkins confirms, sitting down opposite him.


Cornell stares further. “No,” he says, flatly.


Hawkins shrugs. “I'll be ready, with my gear, for In The Company of Legends,” he says. “If you haven't found anybody... I'll be ready.”




June 2010



Andrews seems to have fully embraced Darkwave's lifestyle. Alongside Cherry Bomb, he's running riot, raising hell, clearly enjoying himself in this one, as depraved as Bach but more focused on violence.




In The Company Of Legends, June 2010



Cornell and Peak make their appearance at the entryway. Peak draws his sharpened thumbnail across his chest, ripping his shirt and drawing a thin trail of blood – and a reaction shot shows Aaron Andrews grinning broadly at that.



There's a moment's pause, and Cornell turns behind him and nods. Breakin' The Law cuts off abruptly and Of Wolf And Man begins to play.



The six-man match is the first success Cornell has had in shutting down Darkwave's wrongdoing, with Hawkins pinning Ian Harris off a Wolf's Call.



Andrews watched Peak batter Zimmy before that, though, perched on the second rope, hands outstretched for a tag, laughing gleefully.



After the match, Aaron and Cherry join Harris back in the ring, and Cherry lifts Harris up – only for Aaron to blast him with a big boot! The pair beat him down until Hawkins and Cornell hit the ring again to drive them off.




July 2010



After each match, Andrews or Bomb look up to the entrance ramp, calling "Is this one worthy?"



Near the end of the month, in answer to that call, as Andrews stands over a downed Sean McFly, music sounds. Within Temptation's Ice Queen begins to play...


Immediately, the couple in the ring begin beating on McFly, bloodying and assaulting him.



And, at the side of Sammy Bach, Emma Chase makes her way to the ring.


She dabs her thumb against the blood of McFly, marking Andrews and Bomb's foreheads with a curious sigil. For all the world, it's a cult ceremony - and the only thing that breaks it up...



...is the arrival of Wolf Hawkins and Masked Patriot, two of Andrews' fellow 'TCW only' wrestlers, wielding chairs.

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