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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Take this to PM, put each other on IL, I don't care which.


I don't want any more of it in a diary I am writing.


I enjoy hearing from people who respond to this emotionally or intellectually or both. I welcome comments that tell me where I'm going wrong - Oregano Jensen would have to comment on this for himself, but certainly I tried to make "Pookie" Strong less of a Pookie as time went on.


I don't mind criticism, I don't mind wrong speculation, I don't mind right speculation, I welcome engagement.


But I am SICK of this particular back-and-forth.


This diary rolls on to the end regardless, because I am not stopping this close for anything.


However, I don't as yet have a massive attachment to the next project.


If this particular back and forth starts in that one, it ends.


IL, PM, take it to someone who doesn't mind's threads, or stop. I. Don't. Care.

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I think the Sam Keith section made me go into a bit of a 'dawww' moment. That's very sweet, and it makes his character shine through so strongly - a great piece of writing.


I thought much the same when I read it. Kudos to the anonymous creator - who can come forward and accept his bows, if he wishes...

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Alright alright... it was me, Austin! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!


I never really intended to keep it super-secret but it kinda became fun in that sense. I do appreciate that PS gave me a chance to contribute to his fantastic project in a small way. So thank you for that opportunity, Phantom. I did have fun voicing Keith in those segments, even if the voice did vary a bit over time.

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I enjoy hearing from people who respond to this emotionally or intellectually or both. I welcome comments that tell me where I'm going wrong - Oregano Jensen would have to comment on this for himself, but certainly I tried to make "Pookie" Strong less of a Pookie as time went on.

Aw, thanks for mentioning me! I always tried to stay focused...


...and yeah. That was actually really only a minor concern for me -- after 2-3 matches in a row that were spoiled by Strong, it seemed weird to have one character monopolize even the matches and stories she wasn't part of, even in a division that really only gained coherence VERY recently, and didn't have a lot of developed characters. (Maybe... Wade, and that's it? Gorgon, kind of, in the sense that most monster heels even have "characters.")


And yeah, that settled down, and it certainly established Strong's character. And meanwhile, JL Stone was cutting some promos that set up who SHE was, and while Starr and Cox remained kind of one-dimensional, you at least knew what they were about... and so on. Add Kate Dangerous to that list too, as the Malice match was really her big coming-out party. Assuming things played out the way you wrote, add Zoe Ammis. That's half a dozen developed characters right there. I would have been a LOT more into the women's division post-Malice than I was during the actual run.


Which is understandable -- opening a women's division is like opening a separate small promotion within the promotion, with all-new talent, and selling people on the stars... but only having maybe one match and one angle per show to do that, and rarely if ever being able to punctuate that development with a main-event match. So it's even slower than building up the stories of an entire promotion.

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Side note (side note!): I'm actually finally really REALLY working on my own dynasty. I've made a few abortive attempts over the years, and I've kind of taken apart why they never took off. Mostly, it was because I didn't have enough in place -- I got too excited and tried to launch the dynasty publicly before I had any shows fully written up. (Or, in a couple cases, after I had written up a few shows but before I had put together the images and uploaded them.)


Not going to make that mistake this time -- I'm going to write at least a couple months before I start, so I've already gotten the hang of it by the time I even start posting -- and I'm not going to post until I've figured out the formatting.


Anyway, this is off-topic too. Sorry about that!

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Take this to PM, put each other on IL, I don't care which.


I don't want any more of it in a diary I am writing.


I enjoy hearing from people who respond to this emotionally or intellectually or both. I welcome comments that tell me where I'm going wrong - Oregano Jensen would have to comment on this for himself, but certainly I tried to make "Pookie" Strong less of a Pookie as time went on.


I don't mind criticism, I don't mind wrong speculation, I don't mind right speculation, I welcome engagement.


But I am SICK of this particular back-and-forth.


This diary rolls on to the end regardless, because I am not stopping this close for anything.


However, I don't as yet have a massive attachment to the next project.


If this particular back and forth starts in that one, it ends.


IL, PM, take it to someone who doesn't mind's threads, or stop. I. Don't. Care.

Sure, I can agree to some of this. I can certainly agree not to do this in your next project. The other stuff, we'll see, no promises there. But otherwise, no more in your diaries.

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Side note (side note!): I'm actually finally really REALLY working on my own dynasty. I've made a few abortive attempts over the years, and I've kind of taken apart why they never took off. Mostly, it was because I didn't have enough in place -- I got too excited and tried to launch the dynasty publicly before I had any shows fully written up. (Or, in a couple cases, after I had written up a few shows but before I had put together the images and uploaded them.)


Not going to make that mistake this time -- I'm going to write at least a couple months before I start, so I've already gotten the hang of it by the time I even start posting -- and I'm not going to post until I've figured out the formatting.


Anyway, this is off-topic too. Sorry about that!


I still remember what there was of Reggie Jensen Has More Cs Than You quite fondly, so I'll look forward to that.


...and as I forgot to say earlier: You're welcome, smartman. When I CAN help someone, I'm more than happy to try - and I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much, too.


I do have another project in mind. It's... not going to be much like this one, but I hope people will enjoy it. Currently it looks like I'll be delving into the jhdverse for this project; I know what I'll be doing after that one, too, and that will revisit a key moment in C-Verse history.


That doesn't mean the next project will end quickly; however, I'll be building in some 'end condition' triggers from the beginning of that one, having discovered what happens otherwise in doing this one.


It's going to be interesting...

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Alright alright... it was me, Austin! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!


I never really intended to keep it super-secret but it kinda became fun in that sense. I do appreciate that PS gave me a chance to contribute to his fantastic project in a small way. So thank you for that opportunity, Phantom. I did have fun voicing Keith in those segments, even if the voice did vary a bit over time.

Should have known. :p

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Alright alright... it was me, Austin! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!


I never really intended to keep it super-secret but it kinda became fun in that sense. I do appreciate that PS gave me a chance to contribute to his fantastic project in a small way. So thank you for that opportunity, Phantom. I did have fun voicing Keith in those segments, even if the voice did vary a bit over time.


Bigpapa is Rikishi? :p


I really enjoyed the Sam Keith insights through the dynasty.

And the final one, while having that great 'proud papa' moment did sound a bit off in the voice from most of the posts. I think it sounded a bit 'in character' almost as if he was cutting a promo as a heel but with the topic being very non-evil. (Hard to be a heel when praising your children).


But Keith added another layer of depth to the whole thing. Not that PS needed more depth to this Mariana Trench of a Byzantine story.


PS knows how I feel about him and his dynasty, but a tip of the cap (or the booker's equivalent - a tap of the book?) for everything he put into this dynasty.

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Alright alright... it was me, Austin! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!


I never really intended to keep it super-secret but it kinda became fun in that sense. I do appreciate that PS gave me a chance to contribute to his fantastic project in a small way. So thank you for that opportunity, Phantom. I did have fun voicing Keith in those segments, even if the voice did vary a bit over time.


I almost let it slip a few times during PM conversations with others, but I managed to restrain myself. :)


Just a flat out fantastic diary from start to finish. Thank you PS for such a fulfilling ride, good sir.

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Bigpapa is Rikishi? :p


I really enjoyed the Sam Keith insights through the dynasty.

And the final one, while having that great 'proud papa' moment did sound a bit off in the voice from most of the posts. I think it sounded a bit 'in character' almost as if he was cutting a promo as a heel but with the topic being very non-evil. (Hard to be a heel when praising your children).


But Keith added another layer of depth to the whole thing. Not that PS needed more depth to this Mariana Trench of a Byzantine story.


PS knows how I feel about him and his dynasty, but a tip of the cap (or the booker's equivalent - a tap of the book?) for everything he put into this dynasty.


To be honest, if one was to go back and read through the Keith pieces, I think the "voice" would be found to be rather inconsistent as a whole. Rather gruff in some pieces, yet a bit more well-spoken in others. Tried for consistency but its tough when you only do one every so often.

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To be honest, if one was to go back and read through the Keith pieces, I think the "voice" would be found to be rather inconsistent as a whole. Rather gruff in some pieces, yet a bit more well-spoken in others. Tried for consistency but its tough when you only do one every so often.


Don't put yourself down BP, the Keith pieces were every bit as good as the diary itself and added a lot to the overall ensemble. Besides, there must have been some consistency, I workerd out it was you behind the text. :)

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I know what I'll be doing after that one, too, and that will revisit a key moment in C-Verse history.


I guess I'll read PS as Sam Strong and Rip Chord.


Or Nemesis and Eric Eisen.


Or Kikkiwa and crew walking out on BHOTWG.


Or...that foursome that walked away from...from OLLIE to make...MPWF?



As for the Keith stuff, I took it as him being a person. He typically talked about the road/business/whatever, but if he changed his line of thinking, I figured it was because...his mind changed. Or whatever. I think it was exceptionally well-written.

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Currently it looks like I'll be delving into the jhdverse for this project; I know what I'll be doing after that one, too, and that will revisit a key moment in C-Verse history.


Not that I'm in anyway biased or anything, but that sounds awesome :D


I haven't always had chance to read every show in this diary (really, it ought to be called an epic!) but the fact that I could always come back and slot back in is a testament to how strong the writing, planning and booking was throughout. The final two shows were a fantastic way to end things, and like everybody before me I've really enjoyed the recaps of late.


Thanks for all your hardwork and our resulting enjoyment PS! :)

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Just wondered if you where going to do something akin to Casey did for his MAW and format all the shows and backstage stuff you produced into one document for easy reading purposes? If not also okay, really need to find the time to read it all as have to re read what I already did read.


PS Hard Hitting championship ftw! I requested that render hehe.

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I do have another project in mind. It's... not going to be much like this one, but I hope people will enjoy it. Currently it looks like I'll be delving into the jhdverse for this project; I know what I'll be doing after that one, too, and that will revisit a key moment in C-Verse history.


Remember the night after Jim forced and Johnny Martin attacked Nemesis? The angle that caused a semi-riot in DAVE? ...Maaaaaaaaan that was awesome. If only we could relive it some wa-


CV2001: The mod is still knocking around. /cheap plug.

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I'll be honest, the main reason I'm not spilling the goods on the point I want to revisit is that someone else would get there first. The most I'll say is that it started as a real-world idea, but I prefer the C-Verse version now I've thought of it.




If I'd formatted posts in the main body of the article as I'd gone along, I'd be tempted to get it to someone whose computer is powerful enough to pdf it - the open office document runs over a meg without images or links, and I know my old thing would choke on the attempt.


Since I've formatted as I posted, however, except for very minor italicisations, etc, and one Remo promo which involved pictures of basically the entire roster that had to be sorted correctly, attempting to get it into readable shape would be an absolute nightmare. Should someone be willing, as mistaken has in some cases in the past, to pull this thread apart and pdf relevancies, I not only give them my blessing but want a copy.




The one thing I've known about the followup project since the start of this project was that it wouldn't involve Horatio. The original conception, before it moved to the jhdverse, used one of his students. Obviously, that no longer works.


Once I post the final piece of diary - it'll be the next Take It Home, Boys - someone remind me to talk about alternate followups, ones I spitballed along the way and finally decided not to do. Ideas, left in the dark, itch until they come out.

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But Keith added another layer of depth to the whole thing. Not that PS needed more depth to this Mariana Trench of a Byzantine story.


Glanced back and noticed this.


Oh, man, did I ever occasionally need the Sam Keith layer. I would always give BP something, and then let him work his magic on a basic theme, or on some tiny specifics. BP knew before anyone else that this would end in London with Tommy Cornell in the main event, because I asked him to do a piece on dreams that would include Tommy's dream of returning to set it up... I think in 2010? Probably, yeah.


(Incidentally, all the other dreams in that piece were BP's idea. Including the Tornado/McFly dream tag he had Troy have mentioned in many interviews, which I shamelessly plundered.)


Sam Keith gave me a way to add things Horatio wouldn't think of, and asking BP to do it absolutely ensured they came off as someone else.


The other big one where I did something weird... well, Keith occasionally spoilers big signings before they debut. But especially, I once told him, roughly, "I don't know what this is about but I know the final sentence is 'In ten years time, Tommy Cornell will be me,' " because I knew that an in-story week after that entry was slotted in, that would be the final line in a promo Sam gave.


I asked him to do some really, really weird stuff, because it helped me get where I was going.


Also essential at points were most of my regular predictors and commenters, renderers and alt artists, and, though he will never know it, Jim Cornette.

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The Future Of...


TCW's Teaching Factions


Total Wrestling, February 2010



“So,” Midden asks quietly, “you all got taken down. A big group like you, I'm thinking you were looking every which way. You saw them coming. You had weapons.


“So they had better weapons, or they outnumbered you, or both.


“The techs who cleaned up after the EMTs got to you tell me there was blood on a few of your little bamboo sword things. So you hit 'em, a few of 'em.


“We saw ELITE later and they weren't bleeding and they weren't patched up. We saw all of Generation Omega who were in the building later. Not bleeding. Not patched up. We saw the Enforcers later – you know where I'm going with this.”




Team KOBRA stand around him in a semicircle, their heads bowed. Midden lets the statement hang for a moment, but receives only silence. He sighs. “Are you gonna-”


All their heads tilt back up at once. “The School of Tradition,” they say in precise, crisp unison.


Midden sighs agin. “Why didn'y you say?”


“You had not yet asked,” Fumihiro Ota informs him politely.


Midden sighs.




Badge of Honor, February 2010



Eric Tyler frowns as Midden and Thatcher corner him. “Of course he's going to say that,” he retorts. “He's been hiring the Enforcers to take out my students. He's screwing around, and why? Because until recently we had the All Action Champion. Because the International Champion couldn't beat Freddy Huggins, just fight him to a draw.


“Because if the Enforcers hadn't taken out UK Dragon he would have won the Cruiserweight Open – and I bet I know who paid them.


“Ino can't stand that I've been training my students better than he has.


“So what are you going to do about his rulebreaking, Midden? What are you going to do to the guilty party?”


Midden stares back at him, shaking his head slowly. “The nerve of some people...


“I have no idea where you got all this in your head, Eric. I'll have to give you a chance to sort it out...”




Total Wrestling, February 2010



“Tell Ino,” Midden instructs the Baroness, “to get his students ready for war. We'll keep this one nice and simple; there's six of you fighting, so Tyler gets six. We'll settle this.”


“He'll have a choice, and we won't,” Emily replies. “Master Ittei and Master Naoshige would both recommend against that.”


Midden rolls his eyes. “Well, last time I checked the record books, they never pinned anyone. Whatever you're learning about wrestling from them, it clearly didn't cover that.”




Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



“It's perfectly simple, Mr. Midden,” John Pathlow says, his back ramrod straight. “I may have split from Team KOBRA, but I recognise that I learned from them. I.. owe... Ino-san... for his teachings.


“So I suggest expanding the match to allow the School of Tradition all of its men. Allow me and my own student to fight alongside Ino-San's team against them.”



Midden sits back in his chair, looking steadily at the All Action Champion. “Is that right?” he asks. “What's in it for you?”


Pathlow hesitates for a moment, then clears his throat. “Anyone who gets into TCW is going to be good. This whole argument is about who can take those good wrestlers and make them greatest – which school's training works best.”




“And Ino-San and I have slightly different approaches. This will be a chance to put them to the test, prove things. I'd like to prove mine... so I suggest a modification to the match.


“My student, American Fox, has wrestled in Mexico. He's a big fan of a thing called a Torneo Cibernetico. Regular team elimination until one team's out of the way, then the survivors fight them out among themselves until just one's left.”


Midden sits back, studying. “I'll consider it,” he allows. “If the others agree, we'll give it a try.”




Badge of Honor, February 2010



Huggins and Tyler match up with the American Dojo. After a little while, Joel Bryant hits the ring to tip the scales in the direction of the School of Tradition.


The match continues, Tyler expertly keeping Eugene Williams unsighted to the three-on-two beatdown. Soon enough, though, a Huggins Kiss sends American Fox crashing into Tyler's waiting arms, and the Tradition Lift ends it.




“Yeah,” Tyler smirks at Charlie Thatcher on the announce table. “Tell your boss we're in.”




The War To Settle The Score, February 2010






It's a packed Cibernetico battle, with a number of big moments – Acid taps early to a Shingen Miyazaki ankle lock, but he taps so early that the announce team speculate on why. American Dojo seem to be interested in quick strikes – they come in at their point in the batting order, hit a couple of moves, but bail out as quickly as they can.


There are other major exchanges – Tyler only goes down when Ino and Pathlow combine, Pathlow stretching the rules to breaking point in order to do so. Huggins fights hard, and accounts for Brazzle and Ota on his own, but falls in the end.


By the time the School of Tradition are out, only Hidekazu, Ino and Pathlow have weathered the storm.


And as the elimination begins, the leaders of the two schools face each other down – only for Hidekazu to jump the ropes illegally, shoving Ino into Pathlow's grasp. A 1st Dan ends it for Ino, and the two remaining men, Pathlow and Hidekazu, smile and leave the ring together rather than give the fans a winner. A statement appears to've been made.




Badge of Honor, March 2010



“Go ahead,” Pathlow says, smirking. “You can tell them.”



Marlowe shakes his head. “The man stood next to me,” he says, gesturing to Pathlow, “hired me and my boys on a number of occasions to target his old friends... and you lot, Eric. And he paid for secrecy.”


“Which I don't really need anymore.”


“You aren't getting your money back for it,” Marlowe warns him. Pathlow shrugs cheerfully.


“Not the point, right now,” he acknowledges. “I kept my nose out of it because I had to make a point.


“Ino, you sit there, you preach discipline, you preach this dead samurai's teachings, you attack us when we fail and press us all the harder the next day in training. But it didn't get anyone anywhere, because you focused on your star pupil.


“Now look.” He holds up the All Action Championship. “Acid didn't get this off me. Miyazaki lost it. Miyazaki failed again.


“But I didn't – not when I was free. Not when I could take my own shot. My style works better, Ino. And you'll learn that, just like Hidekazu realised – and I realised.


“We set you up to humiliate you because you needed to understand we mean business. You need to understand we're going to destroy your school. You need to understand we're going to tear you apart – and destroy everything you had.


“And the beauty of this is, I reckon that the School of Tradition will be happy to join in too.” He grins.




Saturday Night Showcase, March 2010



Eric Tyler sighs, shaking his head. “Like other people have been saying, this comes down to different attitudes. Like other people have been saying, this comes down to who's the best teacher.


“Well, Pathlow has a belt. Freddy has a contendership shot. But you know what else?


“Sean Deeley learned from me. Sean Deeley has the International Championship. My student has done as well as Ino ever has. Better than Pathlow ever has.


“The Lions learned from me. The Lions have the Tag Team Championships.


“Say what you want about me, my methods work. And that's why – say hello, Mo.”



Mighty Mo, the latest graduate from the TCW School of Wrestling – and only the second – steps out, standing beside Eric Tyler.


“This man just made it to TCW, and he came straight to me.


“Because he knows that the School of Tradition turns out winners.


“Stand by, both of you. Ino, you're going down first – but I got no love for your betrayer, either.”




March 2010


The war begins in earnest, and Team KOBRA are heavily under siege. Brazzle takes a savage beating, lead by Jaime Quine, but she's backed up by Frankie Dee, and the pair of them kick Brazzle hard enough that she's put on the shelf for a while; naturally enough, Midden is furious.




April 2010


Mighty Mo turns out to be one heck of a quick powerhouse, beating down on Team VIPER by speed, but between the Baroness' ever-present bokken and Koshiro Ino, they're able to keep from losing another member. All three active members look more and more injured as the month goes on.


To add insult to injury, Pathlow pairs up with Lauren Easter, boasting that the American Dojo's woman will go on where Suzanne Brazzle had failed and become a major player in the womens' division – and won;t go out by injury, either.




Saturday Night Showcase, April 2010



Baroness Emily sighs, shaking her head. “Tomorrow may be our last stand,” she says. “At Total Mayhem, we fight as three, but this cannot continue forever. Pathlow, Tyler, Fox – your alliance is taking a toll, your latest hired gun and his promise to break our legs beyond the limit.


“We go to war, and we take no prisoners.”




Total Mayhem, April 2010





Team VIPER and Koshiro Ino stand against a mixed force – Eric Tyler, American Fox, UK Dragon. At ringside are Frankie Dee and Mighty Mo.


It's not pretty. From the off the mixed force ignore the rules, swamping the referee with trouble and generally keeping him from seeing their cheating.



Over time, the battle gets worse and worse, until, finally, Team VIPER leave the ring, walking away, leaving their leader to his own devices. Eugene Williams lays down a no contest ruling, but by the time he does, Ino requires a stretcher – and the presence of Charlie Thatcher and of Rhino Umaga are both needed for him to make it.




Where Angels Fear To Tread, May 2010



John Pathlow is once again defending the All Action Championship. His opponent is Jacob Jett in a match where neither man has much support from the crowd.


The matchup is hectic, blindingly fast in places, and Pathlow has the slight upper hand – but only very slight.


However, after a while, Pathlow takes a spill to the outside. While Johnson backs Jett up, someone comes out of the crowd. They fold their hood down.






Koshiro Ino lays down a beatdown on Pathlow, raining in punches hard. Pathlow's head splits early, bleeding under the punches. Johnson turns around and rules this a DQ as American Fox and Lauren Easter run down to rescue their tutor.


And then the lights go out.



When they come back up, American Fox is unconscious on the ramp. As they come back up, Duane Stone – masked as the Black Cobra – nails Easter in the back of the head with a crisp, running dropkick.


The lights go black again, and when they come back up neither the Kobra nor the Black Cobra can be seen. ELITE were already running down in fury – the title shot was gone, after all – but their quarry has escaped.




Total Wrestling, June 2010



“Now, you see that? That's proof,” Tyler says. “Proof that the School of Tradition is the way to go. Team KOBRA? Dead. American Dojo? Screwed to high hell – by the last survivor of Team KOBRA.


“But the School of Tradition continue on. Mighty Mo? One of the best rookie years yet. UK Dragon? Now that Jett's off the list, he's gotta be the next contender for the All Action Championship. We're the big name in making the best wrestlers in the world. Stand by, boys, because it looks like we're the last men standing.”




Badge of Honor, June 2010



John Pathlow kicks at the locker, denting it, and turns to face the camera. “You think you get away with that?


Hell no. You bring your buddy – if he is your buddy – and you meet me and Fox in the ring. Guarantee you we're going to kick your asses.”




Saturday Night Showcase, June 2010



Pathlow once again puts his All Action Championship on the line, this time against another proclaimed patriot; American Elemental.


Before too long, it becomes clear that Elemental has the advantage; on the other hand, it also becomes clear that Pathlow is willing to cheat like crazy, and that's a big part of the reason he can keep control. Manipulating Eugene Williams into being unsighted, Pathlow low blows behind the ref's back, thumbs to the eye, grabs handfuls of tights...


It's all going well, he thinks. And then...


The lights go out.



When they come back up, Pathlow is unconscious, upside down and dangling from the turnbuckles, The Black Cobra stands outside the ring, watching, hands in the pockets of his long, scaled black leather coat.


American Elemental makes his way back to his feet, looking around and taking this in. He heads over, grabbing Pathlow's arms, and lifts him up slightly while stepping up onto the second rope – then throwing himself backward, connecting with a second-rope Elemental Suplex, somehow staying bridged to pick up the pin – and the championship!




In The Company Of Legends, June 2010



The American Dojo tag team stare bitter daggers across the ring at their opposition, the paired cobras, and set to with a will.


It's a rebirth for Ino; he seems ready once again to make a real impact. Duane Stone is just as ready, and just as skilled – perhaps more so. While Hidekazu and his tutor have racked up quite a few victories lately, they seem unprepared for this – and certainly, as time goes on, they begin to be worn down, begin to lose – and then the cobras strike.


A Stone's Throw sends Hidekazu all the way out of the ring. Pathlow eats a Kobra's Bite as he comes in, and Duane takes over again, connecting with the From Canada With Love – but he rolls from the ring, heading up the ramp even as Ino makes the pin, secure in the knowledge that he's done his bit.


The pin is made and the bell rings; Koshiro Ino has weathered the storm. The lights go out-



Chair shots ring out in the darkness. When lights come back up, Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee, and Mighty Mo are laying down a beating on both Ino and Pathlow. Charlie Thatcher and a horde of TCW officials hit the ring to break it up.




Total Wrestling, July 2010



“And we outlast them both, again,” Tyler smirks. “Remember what I said, people. The School of Tradition. We're built to last, and we build winners.”



That's just before the bokken cracks down on his head and a retaliatory assault begins. But standing almost alone, can Koshiro Ino possibly overcome the whole School?

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To be honest, if one was to go back and read through the Keith pieces, I think the "voice" would be found to be rather inconsistent as a whole. Rather gruff in some pieces, yet a bit more well-spoken in others. Tried for consistency but its tough when you only do one every so often.


It's hard hitting a voice that is only heard (or written) rarely. I didn't mean to suggest I didn't enjoy it or to disparage the writing you did with Keith's pieces. PS has acknowledged how they helped and often linked up things he might have struggled with otherwise.


It was just that last post sounded a bit different than some of the more recent ones. That was all. Like I said, they added another layer to this delicious TCW dynasty.

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About the latest post of schools etc.:


I've voiced my disdain in a totally appropriate and in no way annoying manner for the matches/feuds/whatever that I don't care about before.*cough* This storyline...not sure if I'm a huge fan of it. It's important, and I imagine the matches/writing would be stellar. But much like the Rhino/Champagne feud, not my cup of tea.


That said, it did lead to awesome Cobra moments and AmEl winning the title, for which I mark hard. It proves again that even if I'm not a fan of something in this diary, something related to it is going to catch my fancy. You got one hell of a diverse group on you.

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It's a regular three-ring circus, only without the limited choice. If you don't like the World Heavyweight Championship scene, watch the Tag Teams. If you don't like the Tag Teams, watch the Women's Division. If you don't like the Women's Division, watch your choice of mid-card factions. If you don't like any of them, watch the ELITE take on the world. If you don't like the ELITE, watch the DeColt/Stone rivalry. If that doesn't float your boat, watch the All-Action or International Championships. And if those don't do it for you? Watch the World Heavyweight Championship instead.
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Agreed, and exactly what any larger fed should be offering - variety across the board.


Hey its not TOTAL championship wrestling for nothing. One has failed to do it for a long time and now gets more time for it, the other shines different divisions at times but needs better booking in that aspect and/or more total time to do it effectively.

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