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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Glanced back and noticed this.


Oh, man, did I ever occasionally need the Sam Keith layer. I would always give BP something, and then let him work his magic on a basic theme, or on some tiny specifics. BP knew before anyone else that this would end in London with Tommy Cornell in the main event, because I asked him to do a piece on dreams that would include Tommy's dream of returning to set it up... I think in 2010? Probably, yeah.


(Incidentally, all the other dreams in that piece were BP's idea. Including the Tornado/McFly dream tag he had Troy have mentioned in many interviews, which I shamelessly plundered.)


Sam Keith gave me a way to add things Horatio wouldn't think of, and asking BP to do it absolutely ensured they came off as someone else.


The other big one where I did something weird... well, Keith occasionally spoilers big signings before they debut. But especially, I once told him, roughly, "I don't know what this is about but I know the final sentence is 'In ten years time, Tommy Cornell will be me,' " because I knew that an in-story week after that entry was slotted in, that would be the final line in a promo Sam gave.


I asked him to do some really, really weird stuff, because it helped me get where I was going.


Also essential at points were most of my regular predictors and commenters, renderers and alt artists, and, though he will never know it, Jim Cornette.


Well, you make it seem like I contributed more than I thought I did.


To be honest, the wya you requested these fit directly in with my typical writing style. I usually find a core idea - a nugget, if you will - and just form everything around that. Whether its a promo, a match, or a monthly recap. Since you typically gave me that core idea, I simply had to find an angle to take it on and that usually came quite quickly. Hence, I typically found these quicker to write than I would have expected.


It's hard hitting a voice that is only heard (or written) rarely. I didn't mean to suggest I didn't enjoy it or to disparage the writing you did with Keith's pieces. PS has acknowledged how they helped and often linked up things he might have struggled with otherwise.


It was just that last post sounded a bit different than some of the more recent ones. That was all. Like I said, they added another layer to this delicious TCW dynasty.


Don't worry, I didn't take it as a slight. Just a recognition on my part. I kinda tended to stay away from certain topics too much, and having Keith talk directly too much about his boys was one of them. Same with his release from the SWF, which I don't believe I touched on at all.

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The Future Of...


Tommy Cornell And Wolf Hawkins


Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



“You come nowhere near the ring when I'm in it, Phil. That's not negotiable. I kicked your head in once, I'll do it as many times as I have to before you get the point.”



Vibert returns Hawkins' gaze steadily. “Then you're leaving us?”


Hawkins shakes his head. “No. I'm still Generation Omega, Phil.”



Vibert looks around the locker room at the others assembled. Remo is paying no attention; DuBois scrutinises his face in a hand mirror, checking the wounds Peak inflicted for signs of scarring, but he does raise a thumb, acknowledging Hawkins' right to stay in the group.



Davis Wayne Newton, Joey Minnesota, Alicia Strong... all three of them smile and nod, as if they'd known this was coming. “If anything,” Davis adds, “he's more Generation Omega than you.” At that, Minnesota shifts, uncomfortable at the criticism of his mentor.


Vibert raises his hands. “OK, OK... Malice was a setback-”


“A setback that's left you a lot richer,” DuBois offers.


Vibert frowns. “I don't know how you can say that, guys. There are six of you, and one of me, and seventy million... and I do believe in profit sharing. My starting funds may have made this possible, but you guys did the work. I'm keeping sixteen million – the rest of you are getting nine million each.”


Davis whistles. DuBois grins. Wolf seems mollified, and Joey proud. Alicia's expression doesn't change much, though – and Remo's doesn't change at all. Apparently it doesn't matter.


“We need to regroup. Wolf, I promised you a beaten Cornell, and I will deliver, even if I'm not delivering from ringside. Davis, you need a tag partner for your next plan, and I'm working on that. Joey – we've talked about what you want. I'll deliver on that, too. Same for Alicia and the girls' belt.”


“Womens' Championship,” Alicia interjects acidly. Vibert acknowledges the criticism with a raised hand.


“Remo, Marc...” Vibert sighs. “Do either of you two know what you actually want, yet?”


Remo nods and rises. “Gonna take care of that myself. 'Scuse me-”


“DeColt'll be busy all month,” Wolf cuts Remo off. Surprised, the supreme specimen looks at the former champion. Wolf smiles. “You wanted to beat Steve DeColt, right?


“There's no way Tommy doesn't try to keep them focused on ELITE. Getting involved now just means your match with him'll cluster****, which doesn't get you the win you want.”


Remo nods. “Point. Alright. Next best thing.”


He stalks from the room. Hawkins watches him go. “I wouldn't be Jeremy Stone now for all the gold in Fort Knox,” he muses.


“Marc... so long as you're not occupied right now, you want to help me?”


DuBois looks up, setting his mirror down. He shoves off. “Sure. Let me guess; this time you do want Cornell hurting?”


“Now you seem to wanna hurt people,” Hawkins smiles, “it strikes me you might wanna make some noise.


“If you want to make it a tough month,” Vibert speaks up, “I have another idea. A potential recruit...”




Total Wrestling, February 2010



Tommy Cornell stands alongside Aaron Andrews, awaiting their opposition – and Generation Omega, as always, come in through the crowd; Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois.


It's frantic and furious and Hawkins, in particular, won't let up on assaults, especially if Cornell is the man in the ring. In the meantime, Andrews' benefactor is already tearing him and his former mentor apart, and in the ring, they're not as connected as they have been. DuBois unleashes a fireball after being busted open by an errant Andrews punch, leaving Aaron staggered.


The Generation Omega pair bundle Aaron from the ring and double-team Cornell down. Hawkins finally gets a second pinfall victory over Cornell, but with the tag circumstances, it's not going to give him the satisfaction he must have hoped for... nothing like it, in fact.




Badge of Honor, February 2010



Davis Wayne Newton has his arms folded, leaning against the doorway, looking into a locker room. Inside, Alicia Strong talks a mile a minute, Japanese syllables spilling from her with easy understanding.



Nichiren Amagawa has already been offered a spot by the ELITE, but no one was even sure he understood the offer. Here, Generation Omega have sent someone who, quite literally, speaks his language.


She talks for a long time, Amagawa's face unmoving, seemingly frozen as always in that quasi-smirk of his. Finally, he smiles more fully. He speaks a sentence, of which the only distinguishable word is “Cornell.”


Alicia nods, offering one last sentence, and they shake hands.




Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



Another tag match has been arranged, this time featuring Cornell and Peak, rather than Andrews – another sign of the growing distance and concern the two share.



Their opponents, however, are DuBois again – DuBois, who seems now bound and determined to take the Bloody-Handed God to realms of hardcore he's scared to tread – and Nichiren Amagawa, the latest addition, it seems, to Generation Omega.


From fairly early on it becomes clear that the Generation Omega duo have no interest in winning – a wrestler might pass up one or two reasonable pinfall opportunities if they had a gameplan, but not six or seven. They're purely here to inflict pain and wear their opponents down.


Wolf Hawkins has, perhaps, succumbed to a new temptation; the notion that a victory over a worn-down Cornell could be enough. And, as Duane Fry points out, after the December Cornell put Hawkins through, he can hardly be blamed for that.




The War To Settle The Score, February 2010



In the closing minutes of the World Heavyweight Championship match that night, just before the DeColts/ELITE 'One Last Time' Cage Wars match, Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins go to the limit. Both bleeding, the two stagger, and collide one last time. Cornell blocks the Wolf's Call, shoving Hawkins away, and the battered and beleaguered former champion collapses.



Rather than attack, Cornell gives Sam Sparrow a moment's grace to check on his former protege. Phil Vibert has been notably absent from Hawkins' side all month, but Joey Minnesota slides into the ring to offer Wolf backup. He levels Cornell with a stiff lariat, then picks him up again and scores with the Empire Spiral, then rolls out of the ring again, gesturing 'go ahead' to a wild-eyed, disbelieving Hawkins from where he kneels.


Rocking back on his knees, clenching his fists, Hawkins tilts his head back, eyes squeezed closed, and screams, screams in anger and fury and frustration. Sparrow looks back at the downed Cornell with a puzzled fascination.


And, instead, Wolf rolls out of the ring, takes the long walk to the back, as Minnesota stares, disbelieving.




Total Wrestling, March 2010



“You should have taken the shot,” Joey says in frustration. Wolf slams his fist into the locker next to Minnesota's head, denting the steel.


“I have to beat him,” Wolf growls. “When Phil interfered, that didn't count. When you interfered, you made it not count, again.”




Saturday Night Showcase, March 2010



Cornell faces off in the ring with Dan DaLay, now. The Giant Among Giants has amassed a sizable win record since coming to TCW, albeit almost entirely through the intervention of more and more of ELITE – but it's enough that Adrian Garcia, now acclimatising to working in TCW after the initial shock, has been able to leverage a title shot.




It's a tough job, trying to hurt the Giant Among Giants without being beaten in return, but Cornell is a past master of facing all manner of opponents. He starts to get the upper hand, and when ELITE start to come out, he's ready – and so are Eddie Peak and the men currently taking it to ELITE, Masked Patriot and the Machines (including a returned-from-injury Marc Speed).



So ELITE aren't able to help DaLay – but that just means that nobody's looking in the right direction when Hawkins, Amagawa and DuBois come out of the crowd and into the ring. Hawkins low blows Cornell; Amagawa locks him down, and DuBois delivers a fireball into his face.


Tommy thrashes on the mat for a few moments, but he doesn't get long; Amagawa and DuBois muscle him back to his feet under Hawkins' supervision, dragging him to the apron.


Saturday Night Showcase goes off the air with no announce desk after Generation Omega's new technician and newborn hardcore warrior powerbomb Cornell from the apron all the way to the announce table, putting him through it. The last shot of the night sees a furious DaLay going nose to nose with Hawkins over Cornell's body.




Total Wrestling, April 2010



“So come on, then,” Hawkins jeers. “Discipline me, Tommy. Because I know you're not still thinking that what I've done to you is just something to be settled in a match.


“No. I killed the Syndicate. I took the title when you couldn't. I held it long and well and I beat you down and outdid you the whole way. Hell, I beat Troy Tornado one on one – and I seem to remember that's what cost you your title, that's the guy you spent the back end of 2008 obsessing over, the guy you couldn't beat any time you faced him, no matter what...


“And I kept beating you down. I outdid you, and all you have is one night. I have a year, Tommy, nearer a year and a half. I have Generation Omega. And we have hurt you. We've left you bleeding. We've put you through tables. And we've taken your title yet again.


“This needs to finish, Tommy. A match can't do this justice. What we need is punishment.”



Cornell, regretting it even as he does so, nods. “What we need is the Test of Steel... and you're right, Wolf.


“I've been in that cage five times – more than anyone else. They say every time you get inside you lose a year of your life, maybe two years of your career on top of that.


“You're right, sunshine. I've lost four years of my career nurturing you and two years of my life wondering why you wouldn't listen, and in the meantime I've gone through so much in my own life I've turned around completely and still you wouldn't listen.


“Another two years without wrestling?” His sardonic smile flashes, shadowed by his hair, white teeth hungry in the darkness. “Hell, I'll only live one of them.


“Six years in the ring you've cost me. Three years of my life you've cost me. And that's the final tally... because at the end of the Test of Steel, we won't need anything else.”




Saturday Night Showcase, April 2010



TCW airs a video package. Centred around the Test of Steel roofed cage, the injuries inflicted in it, the voiceover is by Tommy Cornell.


“The Test of Steel... haunts my nightmares...”


Bryan Vessey finds himself tossed into the cell wall by Cornell's Rough Ride


“Since I've fought five of these matches and we've used it only eleven times, that's no surprise...”


BLZ Bubb crushes Sam Strong's head against the cage with a running boot


“They say that only the worst, deepest, most cutting grudges ever make it to the test...”


Liberty hangs from the ceiling at the centre of the cage for a long moment, looking down on Rip Chord. With a final swing, he plummets, driving the elbow right into Chord's heart from twenty feet up


“And they're right. But the thing they don't understand...”


Ricky Dale Johnson drives Cornell back-first into the cage before wheeling around to plant him with the Southern Justice


“You don't wrestle your opponent in there.”


After the match is over, Sam Strong stands over a devastated, broken Peter Valentine, looking down on him, and shakes his head sadly.


“You and him both wrestle a losing war with the cell itself.”


Wolf Hawkins betrays Cornell at last year's War To Settle The Score, hitting him with a Full Moon Rising rather than come to his rescue


“But this time, Wolf, when you're locked in there with me, and I'm locked in there with you...”


Hawkins nails Cornell with the briefcase his Ticket to the Top contract resided in


“I'm going to do my very best to hurt you more than the cell does.”


In their first matchup, over a year ago by this point, Hawkins flukes out a pin with a handful of tights.


“You've become a psychotic little b*****d and I wonder I never saw it before.”


Intercut, Wolf and Tommy do equally well in a variety of match types against top level opponents


“...and I just wish I didn't teach you so well.”


The music changes. Cornell and RDJ ally for the first time against Generation Omega.


“Because I'll admit it, sunshine. You're better than I was at that age..”


Hawkins hits the Wolf's Call. Cornell clamps down the Guilt Trip.


“But right now, we're one and one and a year and a half of trying for another.”


Back to the staredown. The Test of Steel cage fades in


“We end this now, Wolf. At Total Mayhem, you and I fight... and you and I fight the Test of Steel.”




Total Mayhem, April 2010



The main event, and the Test of Steel is sealed around the two participants. Art Reed has just been crowned CGC World Champion, and the crowd is hot for this one.


Cornell and Hawkins collide. This is an astonishing match, on the level of their Malice contest, perhaps better – and they debut some shocking moments.


Easily the biggest new tactic sees Hawkins launch the solo Spanish Fly to the outside of the ring – sending Cornell crashing face-first into the steel, cushioning himself (as much as you can cushion yourself against chain link) on his back. But even that doesn't get the victory.


Hawkins tries more. He loots under the ring for weaponry, and over time, Cornell does the same. Neither one can connect well enough to keep their opponent down. Wolf slips on a Full Moon Rising attempt, and Tommy manages to spike him down on the canvas – then leaves the ring, climbing up the cell side.


When he's almost at the top, he turns himself around, looks down at the prone Hawkins, and pushes off, looking for an elbow drop -


But Wolf sits up at the wrong moment. Cornell crashes to the mat and immediately clutches at his injured elbow; Hawkins nails two chair shots to it, then grabs the arm and clamps on an armbar with so much leverage, the company owner has to tap. Midden is already barking for EMTs and security to come down and to get the cell unlocked – but much to his surprise, once Cornell has tapped, Hawkins releases the hold clean.


He crosses away from his former mentor and slumps into the turnbuckles, apparently no longer able to keep himself upright, utterly lost to the emotion of the moment.


For the second Total Mayhem running, Wolf Hawkins has started a new chapter of his career with a main event victory.

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OOC: Combined two entries into one here, because neither would've worked well on their own. But fair warning: long post is long.


The Future Of...


ELITE, the Hard-Hitting Championship, and the Tag Team Championships


Badge of Honor, February 2010



“Congratulations, Davis,” Joe Money smiles as he smoothly sidles up to the winner of the Ticket to the Top. Adrian Garcia, right behind him, raises his hands to applaud.


The self-proclaimed Triple Threat studies them, looking up and down. “What's this about?” he asks.


“Young. Talented. Canadian. Coming up on the top of your game. Two of those describe me – all four of them describe you.


“The right two alone would make you a candidate. How long do you see Generation Omega lasting? Seriously? ELITE will make you, and keep you made for your whole career.”


“How long do I see Generation Omega lasting?” Davis grins. “Juuuust long enough.”


Money smiles. “Thought that might be the case.”


Adrian Garcia holds out a business card, clearly not expecting anything. “For you, we can justify keeping the offer open?”


Newton takes the card with a smile, tucking it into his wallet. “I appreciate that. Hey, remind me – for you guys, there's a deal on who runs the show, right?”


Money nods. “Committee thing, but when we have titles, biggest belt calls the shots. Rest of the time it's seniority.”


“I can work with that.”




Saturday Night Showcase, February 2010



After Sean Deeley refused to rejoin ELITE, after John Maverick's challenge for his title was interrupted by Freddy Huggins and a steel chair aiming to prove a point, Deeley must have expected some level of repercussion.



It's understandable, then, that he's surprised when, on exiting the locker room that Laura Huggins' clients share, he's greeted only by Jacob Jett, leaning back against the wall, arms folded.


“What do you want?” Deeley frowns.


“I'm just the messenger,” Jett says simply. “Eddie says 'You should remember what happens when someone crosses ELITE, Sean – you should remember how thorough we are.' So, you know... there's that.


“You might want to find a monitor.”


“Oh, crap,” Sara Silver says after a moment. “The British Lions' title defence is up next...”




Eternal Party seemingly lucked into a title shot – though Edd Stone will cheerfully insist that it was nothing like luck, but skilful manipulation of the odds – through a four-team elimination match earlier in the month, beating out Elimination Protocol, a distracted Kreed, and the team of Jack and Alex DeColt (who fell to ELITE interference then, too, before becoming embroiled in an argument between the Blonde Bombshell and Hotstuff Marie over whether Marie “deserved” to win a modelling job back in the ladies' past).



Tonight, before The War To Settle The Score, the belts are on the line, the Lions defending against the Party. Sean Deeley's allies defending against the Party.



The trouble starts – or so it would seem – when Adrian Garcia emerges, heading down to the ring in a TCW referee's shirt.


“What. The. Blue. Hell.” is Fry's deadpan response, but Alanis Springsteen – apparently more conversant with TCW bylaws – confirms that in the event of a referee being incapacitated, any official within TCW who is prepared and knows the match rules under which the contest is wrestled can present themselves as a new ref.


“Midden will close that loophole in five minutes, tops,” Fry replies. And it's probably true – but Garcia has already started the match.


And the match goes on... but Eternal Party cannot tap out, no matter how hard they try; Garcia refuses to see it. Edd and Lover quickly work out what's going on and adapt.



Sean Deeley tries to intervene, but John Maverick cuts him off, the pair descending into a scrimmage on the entry ramp as Sean struggles to reach his friends.


The Lions look at each other and shift focus. O'Curle shoves Garcia backward; Morgan comes off the top with a neckbreaker.


“Well, I know one thing,” Fry crows. “Even if he were upright, he wouldn't be keen to disqualify them.”


So the fightback begins, and the Lions seem more than a little frustrated as they punch, kick, and brawl their way through an increasingly brazen display of cheating by Eternal Party – and yet that can't last forever; running down to ringside comes Ray Johnson – who, as Fry confirms, checking his schedule notes, was not the originally-assigned referee.


And so Merle and Walter start to turn the tide – but it's not enough. They've already been beaten up and down, worn down, twisted, trampled and low blowed.


And, when they can, they've survived by having an answer to what they were hit with before. This is... not the best strategy against Edd-Fu.


Edd finishes this one by springboarding from the top rope to land standing on O'Curle's shoulders; he rolls forward, somehow converting that into a Girl's Best Friend to put Merle down. When Walter comes in, he gets a boot full of Edd-Renaline Shot; Champagne Lover is already scrambling to cover Merle, while Edd vacates to keep it lawful.




The War To Settle The Score, February 2010



Traditionally, the February PPV has seen the tag titles defended under Tag Wars rules, with four teams fighting through an elimination battle. After ELITE's interference and the disrespect for referees that it indicates, Mayhem Midden has decreed an alternative; a best-of-three contest between the Lions and Eternal Party. The referee's job is safeguarded by the watchful ringside presence of Charlie Thatcher.


Edd tries the springboard-Girl's-Best-Friend in the first fall, giving Merle the chance to counter his momentum, shift his position and score with a piledriver, picking up a fall.


The Party pull the second fall back, with Champagne Lover breaking out a Montero Roll – a move the Lions' lack of Mexican experience leaves them unprepared for, a move Lover had taken many times.


In the third fall, the pressure builds to a frenzy. Sam Sparrow has taken it upon himself to make sure this contest will be enforced fairly, and that means that, if anything, each wrestler has to make even more sure of a pinfall, even more certain their opponent will tap.


The Party debut something new here; Lover hitting a Lover Stunner while Edd delivers an Edd-Renaline Shot to the back of the victim's head. In time to come, this will be known as the Party Popper. Right now, all it is is the move the Lions haven't seen before.




Total Wrestling, March 2010



“...So you can see, Sean, that the rules haven't changed,” Eddie Chandler declares from the centre of the ring. “Someone defies us, and they suffer. And so do their friends. Anyone connected.


“You're still sitting pretty, sure. But you're down one title, you and your friends... and we'll get to yours.


“But if you just lose yours, that tells you nothing except that you lost. So we went... and we cost you. Not for our gain... for your loss. Your suffering.


“You should've known this was coming. But you did it anyway – and the only real gang in professional wrestling isn't going to take that.


“Everyone else should know that, too-”


Music begins to play, and Eddie halts. It's a recognisable theme – but one that hasn't been heard since December.



Marc Speed appears on the entry ramp. A few moments later, Brent Hill and John Anderson emerge to stand on either side. All three raise their right hands, showing golden knucks in place. They close their hands into fists around them. The Machines are a unit again.


They start heading for the ring, and Chandler rolls his eyes. “This,” he announces loudly, “is ridiculous. Let's clear this trash out the way.”



ELITE as a whole are a bit much for even a unit as co-ordinated as the Machines. But after a few moments, a couple of other figures emerge; Eddie Peak first, his chain back around his fist for the first time in months, every inch the Bloody-Handed God once again, tearing into Dan DaLay.



And, latterly, the Masked Patriot, who goes straight after Joe Money. The numbers aren't quite even, but all of a sudden, it's close.




Saturday Night Showcase, March 2010



Eternal Party put their belts on the line against the Freedom Fighters, Aaron Andrews and Eddie Peak. The opponents were selected by the Party as a “challenge,” but as the contest wears on, it's clear what they were planning; they were planning to capitalise on Andrews' splintering self-confidence over the Bach issue, and the lack of trust it's helped foster in both his current allies.


As the match goes on, it becomes clear that they can, too; they exploit it to keep Peak out of the ring, preferring to fight Andrews' dogged determination rather than Eddie's raw power. A Party Popper puts this one away.




Total Wrestling, March 2010



“...As far as I'm concerned, Autumn,” Marc Speed holds forth in the interview area, “the real problem here is obvious and simple. The real problem here is that I'm back, and I want to get some payback, and my friends – my partners – John and Brent are willing and ready to stand with me.


“Now, I went to Mayhem and I asked him, I said it could be a Submission Match, or it could be a Hardcore Match, or it could be First Blood. I said I didn't care which – I just wanna hurt the people who put me on the shelf for three months and change. And Mayhem, he said he was fine with that, but it couldn't be a six-man, because Double J are entered for the tag contendership match, and DaLay's entered for the World Heavyweight Championship, and Acid and Jett are entered for the CGC Tag match – and that just leaves Eddie.


“So it looks like I'm one on one with Eddie Chandler, and that suits me just fine, but me and my friends think-”



“Is that all?” Adrian Garcia steps into shot, smirking slightly, having obviously just overhead this. “I wish you'd just said, Mr Speed.


“If your partners want to get involved in this – if they're dumb enough to risk their necks – then put it to the vote as a six-man match.”


Gleeson looks puzzled. “So who'll fight alongside Eddie Chandler?”


“Have no fear,” Garcia grins. “There'll be someone.”




Fight To The Feedback, March 2010



The Machines wait in the ring. Autumn Gleeson flashes a smile at the camera. “OK,” she says. “Six-man tag action to come – and Marc Speed started this one, looking for revenge after ELITE put him on the shelf.


“He's given you three choices on how he tries for revenge – submission, First Blood, or an old-fashioned Hardcore beatdown. So let's see how we do here...”


The graphics spin and spiral, finally settling down to display the word SUBMISSION in bold type.


“So there we have it,” Autumn smiles. “Marc Speed has two dangerous submissions of his own – but Eddie Chandler has the Fabulous Stretch. When we add in the Machines, this will be a scientific destruction – but who does Eddie have on his side?”



And I Touch Myself by the Genitorturers hits, and Eternal Party strut to the ring, title belts around their waists.



Chandler embraces them, all smiles. “More new members of ELITE?” Azaria asks. “Still, the champs... they definitely count.”


“Oh, man,” Dangerous groans. “A Stone in ELITE? How messy is that going to make things?”


The match itself is brutal, but benefits hugely from two old-school former wrestlers on the announce desk talking through the physics of each move and the pain it will inflict.


The finish is a major one; Anderson, the man with the least submission credentials in the match – hard to believe, of one of the Machines – taps to the Fabulous Stretch, but only after everyone has been seriously tested and tormented.




April 2010





The Machines stick together and keep chasing ELITE. A series of tag matches and six-mans across April provides, overall, an inconclusive set of results.


Neither side can really say they've won through on this – though it confirms one thing; Double J are a tag force to be reckoned with.




Total Mayhem, April 2010



One on one, Marc Speed and Joe Money stare at each other across the ring, Money smiling easily, Speed clearly furious.


This one is nasty; punches, kicks, muscle-tearing leverage on holds. Of late, Money has been solely a tag team man; Speed is becoming the go-to singles man for the Machines. Sooner or later, it was always going to tell; Speed counters out of a Wall Street Crash attempt and puts on the Cross Armbreaker, making for the victory.


After that, he heads to the corner where Joe Money's ring robe rests, shoving Adrian Garcia away.


He delves into the pocket, fishing out a roll of hundreds, holding it up in Money's eyeline.


“Now,” he informs Joe, “we're even.”




Saturday Night Showcase, May 2010


Another battle royal has been scheduled, looking for a primary contender for the Hard Hitting Championship currently in the hands of Johnny Bloodstone and defended by Bloodstone, Westybrook, and new disciples Elimination Protocol.



Prominent in this battle royal are John Anderson and Brent Hill, the two original Machines. Anderson does well, eliminating Remo – to the shock of many – Zimmy, and Duane Stone. Hill, too, is strong, helping to toss Zimmy and dropkicking Aaron Andrews from the ring.


That leaves them up against Rick Law, Jack DeColt, Joey Minnesota (looking to come back after losing his prior title) and a masked man, an athletic newcomer, going by the name Ikari and, while a gaijin, wrestling in super junior style.


Law eliminates Minnesota with a stunning Long Arm of the Law. Law and Ikari tussle, and Ikari manages to suplex him clear. The Machines have an innate understanding, a natural alliance, a clear bond – and a clear advantage. It is, as Duane Fry informs everyone energetically, the Machines' match to lose. (It is also, we learn, a barnstormer.)



And then Acid and Jett strike, nailing them with missile dropkicks. They promptly drag their downed opponents to their feet and toss them from the ring.


Turning, they see DeColt staring at them, and Jett grins. As Jack rushes them, Acid moves to a backdrop, and Jett pulls down the top rope, sending Jack tumbling from the ring.


Jett and Acid bail, running from the ring happily.


Ikari stares after them all, bemused.




Badge of Honor, May 2010



“We don't deal in half-measures,” Chandler informs Speed, who is victorious in the ring after his match, from the big screen. “Tell him, Joe.”



Money grins. “He's right,” he says. “And you'd think there wouldn't be too much more to say, but the fact remains – you came at us, and we've taken something dear from your friends. So hey – keep the money you took. Buy them a consolation dinner. I've made reservations for you at Trattoria 10 to cheer them up – because they'll need it. He shoots double-pistols at the crowd watching the screen. “You know you love it.”




Adrian Garcia sighs. “We're going to be right in the DeColts' back yard at Where Angels Fear To Tread,” he tells Eternal Party. “Having the unification match when they have their crowd behind them isn't wise, Edd. Trust me.”


Edd looks at him for a long moment, then reaches out and taps the metal of his TCW Tag Team Championship belt. Garcia nods. “I know, I know,” he says. “Right now, you call the shots. But still.”




Where Angels Fear To Tread, May 2010



Bloodstone's title defence machine seems to have lost a step, possibly two. The man he's up against – the masked gaijin whose name means Anger – seems to have everything he can do scouted, but Bloodstone has been able to do precious little scouting in return.


The battle flares into an astonishing level, but in the end, Ikari blocks Bloodstone's attempt at a Bloodstone's Throw, counters out, hits a low blow – perfectly legal under the title's rules – before nailing a suspiciously familiar move to pick up the pin.


On being handed the belt he raises it aloft, reaching behind his head with the other hand and unfastening the hood, pulling it clear -



To reveal Tom Gilmore's bald head. Looking around the crowd – listening to the explosive reception – he smiles, seeming content. Collecting a microphone, he waits for the noise to fall away.


“Well,” he begins. “I've chased the big league all my life... but I'm here, now.” He looks at the belt. “I think I want to add to this collection.


“Who wants to watch me?”


The crowd explode in approval.




Eternal Party take on the Canadian Golden Boys with the unification of the two tag team title sets on the line. Azaria mentions that the CGC Tag Championships have survived longer than any other before unification, and Midden gruffly agrees – commenting that between the number of legitimate tag team contenders and ELITE it's taken a long time to find the right time, but also listing off Elemental Energy, Acid Dragon, the Fly Boys, Elimination Protocol, and M.A.D. as teams that the Golden Boys have defeated since arriving in TCW in their own right.


“Speaking the plain truth, the TCW tag division is so far above most of its competitors that I'm glad these two have earned the right for a chance to be our top tag champs and unify the belts,” he says.


It's an extremely good match, and Azaria plays up the Stone vs. DeColt nature of the contest. In the end, the Code Gold gets countered, Edd Stone somehow cartwheeling clear, and Powell eats the Party Popper to lose the titles.




Total Wrestling, June 2010



“So there we have it,” Edd mugs to the crowd. “THE best tag team in the world today, with THE best mix of styles, THE best pedigree... and...”



He's trailing off because Rude Mood is sounding through the sound system, which as always heralds Floyd Bowman. The F-Bomb is grinning broadly.


“Son,” he begins, “you need to shut the **** up and sit your a** down before I take all this bull**** you've been spreading about having the best pedigree in tag wrestling and ram it the **** down your throat. Are we clear?”


And he smiles benignly... except for the fact that he extends one arm and flashes a middle digit.


Stone frowns.


“But I guess I should be fair,” Bowman says, changing tack slightly. “I mean, yeah, ****, you're talking about the best ****in' tag team today... and thanks to you ELITE ****s, the Texas Outlaws are down to one man.”


He lets that statement hang there, letting the quicker among the crowd catch on and start cheering, making their approval known. As the sound builds, he smiles. “Well, ****, son, I say are.”



And No Shelter hits. Ricky Dale Johnson hasn't been seen since he came out at Tommy's side at Malice, but four long months later it looks like he's cleared to compete. RDJ stands behind Floyd.



The music segues to Cowboys From Hell and Texas Pete emerges, also back off the injured list. And then, one last change... to Hallowed Be Thy Name.



Seeing the Texas Outlaws reunited, an excited crowd blow the roof off.


“Better ****in' pedigree,” Bowman says, raising his middle finger. “Better ****in' wrestlers,” he continues, raising the other. “Better ****in' championship histories.” Pete flips a finger now as the count hits three.


“Better ****in' styles,” he continues, warming to his theme, and RDJ adds his own bird. The crowd, catching on, can't quite belive what's coming.


Faith takes the microphone. “Better tag team champions,” he says, and adds one finger of his own as the crowd blow the roof off.


“And if you think we aren't, Edd, I cordially invite you to prove it. In the Company of Legends... the Texas Outlaws versus ELITE. Legendary enough?”


Lover looks perturbed. Jett looks worried. Money shakes his head dubiously. And Edd-


“Oh, it is so on,” Edd retorts. “And get ready to-”


“I'll just get ready to raise my tag team belt over my head while my friend raises his,” Faith interrupts. “I can see it, already. I know it's going to happen. I can feel it. Because-”


But the crowd does this for him.






In the Company of Legends, June 2010



The tag team title match is the semi-main event here in San Antonio, and Christian Faith and Texas Pete are the Outlaws' representatives in this one.


Back and forth it goes, with RDJ and Bowman both at ringside watching for any form of cheating.


Edd Fu is still a dangerous thing, however; once again he delves into his tricks and comes out with a springboard to land on Faith's shoulders, followed by rolling down him into a Girl's Best Friend! Faith hits the mat with a thunderous impact and Edd rolls out of the ring to play to the crowd in celebration.





Edd grabs a girl from the front row and plants a kiss on her, to the visible fury of her boyfriend beside her – who grabs Edd off her and decks him with a single punch! Edd falls hard, but security rush the man, bundling him out of the arena – which may be just as well as ELITE are heading for him.


In the ring, Champagne Lover comes in, looking to get the win, but Faith has had long enough to recover, kicking out on a long two and tagging out. Texas Pete clotheslines Lover out of his boots, drags him to the centre, and nails the Lone Star Drop to cover and pick up the pinfall – and with it, the belts.




Saturday Night Showcase, July 2010



“There's a time for wrestling,” Money says, illustrating his point by a dramatic gesture with the fingers. “There's a time for wrestling and a time for other things. That's what they say.


“When we came in here we looked to stir things up. When we came in here, we targeted wrestlers. Not in our company, but wrestlers. So if we laid you out, it was still business.


“Now, this punk who got in the way of Edd's after-match celebration plans – he's not a wrestler, they tell me. No company's willing to admit to having trained him. He's not a wrestler, or they're running scared.


“So this may be time for other things... but I don't think so.


“We looked up the seat number. I threw some cash at the problem – just like always,” he grins, “and you know I got what I wanted. You want me to tell you? Yeah, course you do. You know you love it.


“Well, we got the guy's credit card number, and from there we got his name and address. Jacob knows his computers, and he got us the guy's workplace, down in San Antonio.


“Now, it happens we're back through there in two weeks, for Total Wrestling. So...” He looks dead into the camera. “Hi, Dave. You can show up and stand here in this ring and give your excuses, or I can get the lawyers in, put pressure on your company to cut your job.


“Yeah. You know you don't want that, Dave. There's a time for wrestling – and our business is wrestling, and you interfered in our business. What we have for you is a way you can make good – and maybe even make some cash on the side.”




Total Wrestling, July 2010



Dave – for such is his name, apparently – stands in the ring, surrounded by his hometown crowd, and stares at Eddie Chandler, who has taken over from Money for this stage.


“So,” Chandler says. “You cost us, Dave. You cost us big. Normally we brag about how we put your friends in hospital and cost you more than you ever cost us – but you're no kind of wrestler, so we've got another plan.


“You gotta choice, Dave. We can cost you – Joe has the money, and he doesn't care about spending it enough to not give you all you got coming, the full lawyer dance – or you can accept a challenge.


“You can go ten minutes, on pay-per-view, with my friend here.”



John Maverick's expression does not change.


“And that's what Joe meant, Dave. You go on TCW PPV, they pay. They pay big. Maybe they'll even pay you enough for your medical bills – because I guarantee you'll have them. So what's it going to be?”


Dave is clearly a tough guy, but when he swung at Edd, he swung without thinking. He looks terrified here. “He'll try an' snap me in two,” he says. “I ain't wrassled since high school.”


“I can give you another ten seconds to think about it,” Chandler offers with a smirk – and then Rude Mood begins to play.



Bowman appears on the ramp.


“Dave, you've got one mean mother****in' right hook,” he says. “Put Edd Stone flat on his back, an' fer all he's a goof-off and a screw-up, he's a Stone, and don't many come ****in' tougher. And if my ears don't deceive me, you wrestled years ago. Hate ta tell you that ain't near ****in' enough.


“But we gotcha a li'l deal, Dave. Let's see if we can't dig you some ****in' way out the shit, alright?


“You come on down to Ricky's ranch the next couple weeks. We'll see if we can't whip ya into shape in time for the Summer Showdown. Maybe you'll last, and sh*t, maybe you won't – but we can ****in' try, sure as sh*t an' true as Texas.


“Hell, the alternative's lettin' these ****s pick over your money like a packa vultures. Whaddaya say?”


Dave's jaw firms. He nods. “You got yourself a deal, Mr Bowman,” he says. “Let's give this one a try...”




Summer Showdown, July 2010



With less than a month's professional training, Dave Diamond lasts only nine minutes before passing out at the hands of John Maverick, but he impresses Midden, who calls Floyd over before the Texas Outlaws take their leave.


“Floyd,” he begins. “When he comes round, see how he felt about this. You know the tug of these lights; if he felt it, if he wants to come back, you can keep training him and you've got my word – end of the year, there'll be a TCW contract waiting for him. Maybe sooner.”



Bowman smiles. “You're a ****in' good guy, Kenny,” he tells Midden. “**** it, why not? If he's willin' to step between the ropes again after getting seven shades a s**t knocked outta him like that, he's more likely to make it than half the kids I see getting' started.”




Total Wrestling, August 2010



Sammy Bach's furious run at the World Heavyweight championship came to an end at Summer Showdown when Art Reed was finally able to defeat him cleanly. Now, on the first show after, Mayhem Midden comes out to the ring to open the show.


“Last year, round this time, Wolf Hawkins had a contender in mind and had worked through most of the established championship challengers. Rick Law came to me and suggested a new option for selecting the challenger – the return of Malice in Chains.


“This year, I thought hard about what to do with our contendership, and I like the conclusion I reached.


“We're gonna put Art in Malice with five more guys who've never held the belt – and see who comes out on top. Anyone else want to see that match?”


The fans reply in the affirmative, and Midden smiles. “That's what I thought. We've got five matches on tap to decide the five other entrants.


“By TCW rules, the defending champion will start off. We'll decide most of this randomly – but we're gonna have a Watch the Clock challenge at the end of the month. Whoever of the qualifiers takes longest to beat their opponent, they're going to be the other man starting the match. So let's get rolling on this...”




In the first qualifying match, Eddie Chandler faces off against Tom Gilmore, winning through by means of an Acid assault to Gilmore.




August 2010



Over the course of the month, Joe Money also qualifies for Malice in Chains, beating out Jack DeColt when Maverick got involved. Aaron Andrews narrowly won through against Christian Faith after bloodying the legend.



Steve DeColt bested Tim Westybrook and Eddie Peak finally ended his ongoing on-and-off hardcore war with Marc DuBois, settling the series at five wins to four, to take the final slot.




In the Watch the Clock challenge, ELITE interfere to draw out DeColt's match as long as possible, making him the other man to enter Malice first.




Hotter Than Hell, August 2010




Reed looks a little apprehensive here, but his first opponent, at least, is someone he has come to know very well. Reed and DeColt light up the arena in the early going, before Chandler comes in – and both the men in the ring cut loose on Eddie who, to his credit, fights back well. After the next division, in comes Aaron Andrews, and things get a little more even – though Andrews is quite happy simply to try to bloody everyone.



In comes Money, next, and ELITE pair up against Steve DeColt, taking a man Andrews has busted open and working him over before, ultimately, mocking him by executing a Doomsday DeColt Stampede on him to eliminate him.


Elimination #1: Steve DeColt



Reed is grateful, moments later, to have Eddie Peak arrive.


Peak storms through ELITE and goes for Andrews, and that brawl occupies both men for a while. Try as he might, Reed can't fluke a roll-up even on either of the ELITE pair without being interrupted, but picking his moment, Aaron Andrews catches Chandler with a roll-up pin to make Money the last member of ELITE standing.


Elimination #2: Eddie Chandler



Money immediately assaults Andrews for his role in this, beating him down. At ringside, Cherry Bomb slips something inside the chamber and Aaron scrambles for it – but Money cuts him off, snaring the brass knuckles for himself. He sets Andrews aside, blindsiding Eddie Peak, who'd been preparing a Peak of the Devil for Reed.


Money clearly sees Eddie Peak as the big threat, the man who he needs weapons to equalise with, and he goes right after him, battering him with knucks-assisted punches and hitting three Wall Street Crashes before pinning.


Elimination #3: Eddie Peak


Andrews is furious at this, but on his way to attack Money, Reed catches him with a Dark Matter. Staring at Money, determined to prove a point, Art locks in the Dread Lock, and Andrews has to tap.


Elimination #4: Aaron Andrews


And so it comes down to Reed and Money for the title. Azaria reminds the fans that ELITE organise who leads by who has the biggest title, reminds them that this title now incorporates the old CGC World Championship over which ELITE has battled many times, and reminds them how hard Art Reed has fought to be recognised as one of the biggest talents in the sport.


And after it all, the match goes another ten minutes before Reed finally ends it, blocking the Wall Street Crash and connecting with a Dark Matter onto the steel to finally put this one beyond doubt.


Elimination #5: Joe Money



Total Wrestling, September 2010




There's a knock at the door, and it swings open. ELITE – minus Dan DaLay, down with injury after fighting Tom Gilmore No Holds Barred – turn to look.



Davis Wayne Newton is standing there. He holds up Garcia's card.


“Hawkins is gone,” he says. “DuBois is going crazy. Alicia's taking some time to recover, Remo's always been Remo and Joey is disappearing up Phil's ass – which is gonna pay off for him. But I'm done. They've taken me as far as they could, and I need something new.” He smiles. “I'm sure Nichiren and DuBois are gonna be hell. But that's not the issue.


“Gentlemen... if the offer is still open, then Davis Wayne Newton will make good on his word. I am ELITE. I just want that acknowledging.”


There is, as you'd expect, general agreement. Davis smiles. “Good,” he says. “Now... I've got a guaranteed title shot, or a guaranteed tag title shot. We need to talk tactics.” He looks at the camera. “Which means you need to get the hell out.”

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Margaret Darlington


And now we can clearly see what happens when my dear husband tries to retire. Five years after arriving in TCW – which was eleven years after retiring when his old company in Philadelphia closed – he's still going. In those eleven years he's run a training program for wrestlers. He retires about as well as I do, in fact.


Wrestler, husband, father, trainer, storyteller, author... it's quite a list, and I admit I'm proud of him, so far. For this paperback reissue I demanded my privilege as wife and as professor; the last word.


I was never a wrestler myself, but one of my childhood friends was; Heidi Brooks. Her job fascinated me viscerally, but she kept to what I now know as 'kayfabe' even with me; I was never allowed to suspect that her rivalries were imaginary, the results of her battles predetermined.


From time to time, however, I would accompany my friend to the bars after wrestling shows had finished; I had what I now understand must have been an insufferable way of insisting on celebrating her victories with her, when what she wanted was to be around her friends – and to talk freely, which in my presence she couldn't; nor, of course, could her colleagues.


One of those colleagues caught my eye as a young college student. Dashing, back then, and possessed of a certain charm; his mannerisms aped those of an English gentleman closely enough that I couldn't tell the difference. We frequently fell to talking, and from early on, would talk well into the night. After a while I began to attend the shows for him rather than her, and I suspect you know much of the rest.


Finding out that these events were scripted was... a relief. I didn't worry nearly so much for his health – until the middle of the 1980s, when a more violent style began to arise. By that time, too, we had three children to raise, and I was rapidly having to resign myself to the fact they found their father's profession far more interesting than mine. A college professor can only ever be half so interesting as the subject she teaches; I seldom reach that level, I think.


In 1993, Harry – Horatio, to you – retired. And immediately took to spending his time wandering around offering advice to youngsters in other people's training camps, occasionally showing up to script matches and ekeing out a living that way. Inside two years he'd begun training – our sons, and a few others; it rapidly turned into a business, before he was enticed to return to the ring and wrestle – while crafting stories – for an old friend, Andrew Barber.


It has been an interesting life, and one I do not regret at all. The closest I come is when I think of the work I could have done to make my name academically, deconstructing the storytelling methods and issues associated with wrestling – but kayfabe constricted me from so doing.


(Imagine my frustration when Harry nonetheless, in this book's hardback edition, published first.)


And so we come to the second of these releases. I've long been told that the most successful books in wrestling have been biographical, but as I understand it, this isn't something my husband agrees with. Nonetheless, I present a few dates from my own diary that may be of interest.


30th April 2011

Called by K this afternoon from New Mexico. V. excited, big news. Hurried downstairs to tell H the good news; we're going to be grandparents! H called Karen to get K off the road; this left me to go into the loft and see if I could find the crib. Long conversation about Arthur and plans for future.


1st May 2011

Mayday; how appropriate. H. threw Arthur into panic when Arthur made The Call. It was quite sweet, actually, from what he told me. Arthur asked for K's hand in marriage. H asked if this was simply about the child; Arthur stumbled, but seems to have recovered. It's all very entertaining. H insists he was merely 'ribbing' Arthur, but I can tell he wanted to make sure it wasn't just a decision of necessity.


2nd May 2011

A thought has disturbed my sleep; as always, dear diary, I turn this into a prediction, so at least I can be vindicated in turn. H will come out of retirement to train our grandchild.


Harry will be over seventy by then, but I shall be stunned if he does not take an interest, and the only reason he would have to take the Danger Zone out of mothballs is if our children have shut it down in the meantime.


A couple of notes in closing, since I have claimed the last word; Heidi always insisted that you were more likely to be recognised in the days of close-held kayfabe and organised territorial empires, but I have been Mrs Margaret Darlington my entire professional life, and not until I placed my daughter's wedding photos on display did I begin to be referred to more than once a year as “Professor Dangerous”.


I rather enjoy my late-in-life notoriety; Harry has kept up the practice he started during the time covered by this book, coming in to talk with my students once a semester or so on story construction. He and I have begun to collaborate on a book which will take an academic's view of professional wrestling – its history, its stories, and the way it reflects America's times. We plan to publish as Professor and Mr Dangerous, for the amusement value – and, after all, I have tenure. Why should I fear the effects of a whimsical decision such as this?


Wrestler, husband, father, storyteller, author, grandfather, and academic.


It will be a pleasant retirement but, I hope, a quiet one.


Margaret Darlington

Less than fifty feet from the family wrestling ring

February 2014

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Damn fine ending. Kinda elementary once you think about all the background flavor she's been. Also surprised the family name was Darlington. Guess Dangerous was too cool a name to be for real.




But yeah...


No, I worked that one out in the middle of PPPW. Peter Darlington, the patriarch, wrestled as Alexander Dangerous, and deliberately christened his son Daniel Horatio, Daniel Harry to his friends, so he could legitimately be billed as Horatio - and, of course, introduced by his father, the surname came naturally.


Maggie was nearly someone different to a professor. For a while, the follow-up to this one was going to be a trip to C-Verse 1977, with a young Harry as a non-booker added character and young Maggie [surname] as the booker for whatever federation I'd chosen in the same way that the Rock's mother booked a territory. But it just didn't fit, and a while later, I realised that Maggie made most sense as an academic, someone completely different.


(Where "made most sense" translates as "instinctively knew, but cannot explain or justify at all").

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But yeah...
Sue a guy for not remembering the opening pic to a leviathan of a story.

No, I worked that one out in the middle of PPPW. Peter Darlington, the patriarch, wrestled as Alexander Dangerous, and deliberately christened his son Daniel Horatio, Daniel Harry to his friends, so he could legitimately be billed as Horatio - and, of course, introduced by his father, the surname came naturally.


Maggie was nearly someone different to a professor. For a while, the follow-up to this one was going to be a trip to C-Verse 1977, with a young Harry as a non-booker added character and young Maggie [surname] as the booker for whatever federation I'd chosen in the same way that the Rock's mother booked a territory. But it just didn't fit, and a while later, I realised that Maggie made most sense as an academic, someone completely different.

I see.


(Where "made most sense" translates as "instinctively knew, but cannot explain or justify at all").

That happens occasionally, if one's lucky. It's when everything just clicks and magic gets made.
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And now, I guess, I come to thanks.


Thanks to the renderers and altmakers, first of all; particularly to the now-seemingly-gone FINisher, whose reworking of the Horatio image both really helped and must have been hell, to jhd1 for Kate Dangerous and Floyd Bowman, to LoNdOn for giving me permission to use the render that became JeriLynn and for volunteering a new Amber Allen image.


But in addition to those guys goodness knows how many people answered one request or another or simply supplied a picture I liked more than the one I was using. (On which note, I have to say I find it kind of fun that Queen Emily now has glasses and red lipstick as a default, because when I began neither were true.)


Of note there, at a first pass, are jtlant, who decided the white and black facepaint didn't work with Original Shingen Miyazaki and decided to render a new one, FlameSnoopy, who came through on a couple I needed early on, Trell, whose Suzanne Brazzle blew me away, ewanite whose Rhino Umaga rewrote the character in my head, causing me to make him a player, Self, for essentially causing the Leading Lights with his STELLAR re-renders (my only regret being that I couldn't work in the Michelle Cox Goes Goth story arc I had planned) as well as for re-envisioning the Stones; J Silver not only for his renders but for the re-render archive, and I assure you I'm missing a bunch here.


Someone with more patience than I is welcome to go through my archives and see who's created the most reworkings I used. I should also thank the poster who created the redesigned Jack, Ricky and Steve DeColt, which I love, but I can't find their name.


Next up, thanks are due to the beltmaker. ReapeR is, with the sad leaving of Payne, the man with the rep on belts these days, though thankfully we're getting others filling that role; however, it was ReapeR who provided bespoke Canadian TCW Championship and TCW Womens Championship belts on request and whose Hard-Hitting Championship, TCW World Heavyweight Championship redesign and All Action Championship redesigns all inspired new storylines and twists in the tail - and you can't ask for better than that.


Thanks of course also to Wallbanger for kind permission to use JeriLynn Stone, and to James Casey, Bigpapa42, 1PWFan, Tigerkinney, NoNeck, ajcrible, Self (again) and Monkeypox for putting up with direct steals from and heavy referencing to their diaries. (I want to say I did the same with Dragonmack but I'm not 100% sure any longer.)


I love the community interpretations of the C-Verse we're slowly knitting together, and while I go against the grain in some parts, I'm always happy to see things connect together. You may also consider this permission to take free reign in lifting anything from this diary you find fun enough to use in your own work.


I've already stated how much I owe to Bigpapa42 for the Sam diary parts and for occasional story consultation when I had to squee about a contract coming due to somebody. I'm saying it again anyway.


Blake Trask named the Kreed in predictions. Beeker was a constant source of ideas and gave me names occasionally without realising, and we finally got to Huggins's submission hold. Regis named Generation Omega and Darkwave. Going off the boards momentarily, Darkwave came from what I used as their theme song and from a gig by local band TerrorNation, then known as 19ninetynine. If you like that kind of music, in the internet age you can both listen to and support them from all over the world. Go for it.


Oregano Jensen and Tigerkinney are the two standouts at what every predictor helped to do, which was tell me who the readers were buying and who needed more work. Jensen is directly responsible for the chain of events that started with heel Chris Rockwell and ended with the Three Amigos. Tigerkinney was an excellent barometer for that trickiest measure; when is a temporary pairing solidified enough that they deserve a tag name and identity?


Another shoutout in terms of changing plot; Remianen, who at first opposed the creation of a Womens' Division when I put it to the vote, was the man who tipped the scales in the direction of JeriLynn staying in the Stones/DeColts match. I hope it'll please him to know that extended plans see Stephanie Wade leading the first all-female trio into the Three Kings Tournament in 2011.


I don't appear any longer to have a record of who created the first year's PPV logos, which Bigpapa offered to me when his own TCW project was coming to an end. Liamo, however, created the second year's, with the only exceptions being the weaker pictures I constructed myself for renamed events Fight to the Feedback and Crunch Time.


There are two last sets of thanks to give. First, to you, the readers, for sticking with this, for offering feedback to whatever degree or extent you have, for voting me Diary of the Month... a lot, I'm honestly not sure... for giving this Rookie of the Month, too, for adding me to the Hall of Fame and driving this thing to five awards in the last Diary of the Year set, but most of all for reading this. In the wordcount this thing has generated you could have instead read eight, perhaps nine novels that aren't Giant Fantasy Epic Phonebooks. That's commitment.


Lastly, thanks that will never be seen by its intended recipients; to Mick Foley, whose The Hardcore Diaries frustrated me so much on my second reading that I determined to do the book he'd actually envisioned and been unable to create, only in the Cornellverse, and to the men who influenced Horatio's booking style. Horatio lifted from Shane Sneer, Professor Mycroft "Mike" Nero, and a few others. I didn't have them, but I had the outspoken words of Bill Watts, Jerry "the King" Lawler, Scott "TNA Womens Division When It Was Good" D'Amore, Vince "If you won't do Serotonin interestingly, I bloody well will" Russo, Lance Storm, and most of all, above all others, Jim Cornette. Between his shoot interviews and his website commentaries, Cornette has influenced my thinking on professional wrestling storytelling as much as, if not more than, all the shows I've seen. Without him, this diary is half of what it became, at best.


If anyone has any questions I've failed to answer, now is the time to ask.

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An obvious one, but would DWN have gone for the World title as intended, or would he have been distracted by ELITE business?


Less obviously, what were you planning for Fonzie?


Finally - for now :p - what was the biggest rewrite/change of direction you made over the course of the story?


Oh, and as always, you're very welcome.

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...to jhd1 for Kate Dangerous and Floyd Bowman...


Can't take the credit for Dangerous, I think that one was by jtlant. Bowman was definitely one of mine, and I seem to recall doing some other requests down the line somewhere (although what they were I couldn't tell you!). As I've said all along, being able to work with such talented writers is a pleasure - the thanks go straight back to you! :D

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An obvious one, but would DWN have gone for the World title as intended, or would he have been distracted by ELITE business?


Less obviously, what were you planning for Fonzie?


Finally - for now :p - what was the biggest rewrite/change of direction you made over the course of the story?


Davis would've gone for the World title. No point not having him keep his word if you've got the contract. Whether he'd have won it, or been part of a triple threat to bolster things, would have entirely depended on how good 2010 was to his Psychology - there's a minimum level I demand before I put that top belt on you.


Fonzie... Fonzie was going to start under Katie by beating Gargantuan as his contract ends, with Garg having gained a bit of overness via promos and just being featured.


Then Fonzie was going to start getting more wins, slowly, mixed in with some losses and some incredibly one-sided promos as Katie continues to refuse to answer anything except with a question, culminating when Frankie Perez would pick on Fonzie for daring to try to come back after Perez got him to have his head shaved off the stip.


His last match with Katie would have seen him pin Frankie on PPV, then one of two things would have happened; he might have picked up a couple more wins and gradually faded away, sliding down to FCW to work on his skills until his contract came due and he went back into circulation somewhat rebuilt, or - if his results were getting good enough - he would've returned to a more fun-loving style.


Either way, though, the point of that angle was to establish Katie, who was conceptualising as a muse rather than a manageress; she shows up when you're beaten, down, and screwed, and your luck turns around and your skills improve. She can't be given direct credit - she gives no advice, she just asks the right questions and hangs around, and you improve.


Which would give me a gimmick that'd allow for elevation of face talent that's spent too long jobbing. Her next client would have been Ultimate Phoenix.


In terms of the big, big rewrites and changes... difficult to say what the biggest was. But Generation Omega wasn't planned; my original goal was a Remo/RDJ/Texas Pete/Minnesota stable led by Phil Vibert as the new core heel stable, after a couple of months with none. RDJ would have been the primary championship challenger.


What changed was that Remo injured RDJ mildly in a match, and the writeups leading into the end of 2008 got sufficiently heated between them that I couldn't justify the turn and alliance. However, RDJ's promos about not even getting shots at title shots were groundwork for that.


Can't take the credit for Dangerous, I think that one was by jtlant. Bowman was definitely one of mine, and I seem to recall doing some other requests down the line somewhere (although what they were I couldn't tell you!). As I've said all along, being able to work with such talented writers is a pleasure - the thanks go straight back to you! :D


Aaaarg... you're right. I knew I was going to mess SOMETHING up.

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I'm curious about where my favourite worker ever was going to wind up. What was in the stars for Rick Law, long term? (there's probably already been some mention). I wonder cause, when I booked in 2010, he won my world title at Malice 2011, so I always have a lot of curiosity to see where he ends up.
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I'm curious about where my favourite worker ever was going to wind up. What was in the stars for Rick Law, long term? (there's probably already been some mention). I wonder cause, when I booked in 2010, he won my world title at Malice 2011, so I always have a lot of curiosity to see where he ends up.


About as far as I'd mentioned so far was that the Three Amigos would win the Three Kings this year, and I was vaguely planning for Rick to win the Ticket To The Top next year. Chances are he'd be the first to use that to challenge for the tag titles - something that was teased as being a possibility for the first time this year.


He and Rocky would win... if Davis didn't.

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Davis would've gone for the World title. No point not having him keep his word if you've got the contract. Whether he'd have won it, or been part of a triple threat to bolster things, would have entirely depended on how good 2010 was to his Psychology - there's a minimum level I demand before I put that top belt on you.

What is this minimum? B+? Because Psychology is a hard stat to raise.

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Who is the one talent in any role that you would have most liked to sign, but couldn't?


During 2008, Gino Montero, who suffered the traditional TEW08 problem of automatically taking over MHW when he debuted. Would've taken the All Action strap and feuded with Edd Stone in particular for a long while.


During 2009, Eisaku Kunomasu. Links to the former DaVE guys and in particular to Art Reed make his storylining a breeze.


Averaged out over the entire span of the project... probably Yoshimi Musashibo, because, well, Cornell/Musashibo. Stone/Musashibo. McFly/Musashibo. Keith/Musashibo. These are matches that don't even require a story to sell. Add in what he could do for everyone else and the fact Musashibo/Whoever Your Champion Is is money and you get a no-brainer.


What is this minimum? B+? Because Psychology is a hard stat to raise.


Wolf took the belt with 82, or a solid B. By the time he dropped it, he was a hair off 85. His matches as champ all feature folks with substantially higher Psychology or are oddball one-offs (Hawkins/Speed to main event Badge of Honor). Which is fine - I have plenty of them - but it makes structuring other feuds awkward. You need to keep in your mind at all times that you need a challenger with a high B+, A, or A* Psychology if your champion's going to deliver the main event your PPV wants - once you start delivering regular A*s, the goal has to be to make sure your champion does that. He didn't, always, but he was close - but that took work.


I disagree that Psych is hard to raise. Psych is slow to raise, which is similar but different enough that I feel the need to stress it. You raise Psych the same way as everything else, but you bear in mind it's slow going.


At the end of the diary, Walter Morgan had Psych 70. O'Curle was on 79. This was the Lions' sole remaining weakness in performance, and was something that massively increases the value of, say, the Elite Express.

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