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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Painful Procedure vs. Miyazaki & Ota

Ota and Miyazaki probably deserve it more, but PP takes this. A few more matches like the one with Natural Storm, though, and you'll probably understand why I went the route of making face Tag Champs, and re-building The Tag Team Specialists, over keeping heel tag champs, and building these dudes..just saying. :p


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tag Team Specialists w/ Laura Huggins

I do like the Kingman/Alexander pairing, as I said, but their first victory will be over a weaker team then TTTS.


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden

Golden gets a victory over wrestling's most naive high flyer EVER..


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

I would pick Andrews, but Huggins probably deserves this, after having a hand in that B-rated match. He's outperformed Andrews so far in this diary.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

Perhaps by DQ, to start this feud off already?


Hard Hitting Championship Contenders Match

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Perez seems like a rather odd choice for this division, quite honestly. I pick RDJ to win this, and the eventual title match. He's a good pick for first champion, and this is a good way to give him the title reigns he deserves, without having to put the World Title back on him, as he's a tad old for that.

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Ota and Miyazaki probably deserve it more, but PP takes this. A few more matches like the one with Natural Storm, though, and you'll probably understand why I went the route of making face Tag Champs, and re-building The Tag Team Specialists, over keeping heel tag champs, and building these dudes..just saying. :p


Oh, I understand it fine, I really do. But starting with face tag champs doesn't fit with my approach to the Syndicate, where getting the titles off the Machines is a necessity for your own.


I'm also not keen on using the Specialists as tag champs - not when Robert Oxford could retire any day, and not when both of them have so much to offer by teaching the weaker talents. (See also: Much of what the School of Tradition does).


Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Perez seems like a rather odd choice for this division, quite honestly. I pick RDJ to win this, and the eventual title match. He's a good pick for first champion, and this is a good way to give him the title reigns he deserves, without having to put the World Title back on him, as he's a tad old for that.


I mentioned this when the belt idea was first mentioned, and tried to put it across in character when Sam Keith put himself forward for it...


As much as it sounds like a hoss division belt, that's not the intention.


No Holds Barred. That Proton Lock choke variation Sam's been kicking around the idea of? Legal.


Johnny Bloodstone's most inventive bonebreaker? Legal.


On the other hand, Texas Pete's favourite chairshot? Immediate DQ.


Floyd Goldworthy interfering for American Buffalo? Immediate DQ.


The Hard Hitting Championship is for wrestlers of any kind who take no prisoners.


Frankie Dee is a puro expert who will repeatedly kick you in the head - and who is one of only four wrestlers in the default database with an Uber-Finisher, the Perfect Parity submission hold.


Now, it's entirely believable that I haven't made that clear enough (probably not helping: Mayhem Midden sure as hell thinks it's a hoss belt). But that's the goal.

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Prediction Key:

Painful Procedure vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tag Team Specialists w/ Laura Huggins


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


Hard Hitting Championship Contenders Match

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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Oh, I understand it fine, I really do. But starting with face tag champs doesn't fit with my approach to the Syndicate, where getting the titles off the Machines is a necessity for your own.


I'm also not keen on using the Specialists as tag champs - not when Robert Oxford could retire any day, and not when both of them have so much to offer by teaching the weaker talents. (See also: Much of what the School of Tradition does).




I mentioned this when the belt idea was first mentioned, and tried to put it across in character when Sam Keith put himself forward for it...


As much as it sounds like a hoss division belt, that's not the intention.


No Holds Barred. That Proton Lock choke variation Sam's been kicking around the idea of? Legal.


Johnny Bloodstone's most inventive bonebreaker? Legal.


On the other hand, Texas Pete's favourite chairshot? Immediate DQ.


Floyd Goldworthy interfering for American Buffalo? Immediate DQ.


The Hard Hitting Championship is for wrestlers of any kind who take no prisoners.


Frankie Dee is a puro expert who will repeatedly kick you in the head - and who is one of only four wrestlers in the default database with an Uber-Finisher, the Perfect Parity submission hold.


Now, it's entirely believable that I haven't made that clear enough (probably not helping: Mayhem Midden sure as hell thinks it's a hoss belt). But that's the goal.


Frankie Perez?


Anyway, onto predictions.


Painful Procedure vs. Miyazaki & Ota

For all the reasons stated above.


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tag Team Specialists w/ Laura Huggins

Specialists for the win.


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden

Young main event heavyweight vs a Cruiserweight? Uh huh...


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Could go either way.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

I'd rather Rick chase after a win over Tyler than the other way around.


Hard Hitting Championship Contenders Match

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

I'd rather RDJ win this.


- Sonfaro

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Prediction Key:

Painful Procedure vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tag Team Specialists w/ Laura Huggins


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


Hard Hitting Championship Contenders Match

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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Painful Procedure vs. Miyazaki & Ota

Popularity is all these guys have. You yourself have said that you won't be jobbing these guys out; not entirely, anyway. They've still got to have enough momentum to work matches with whoever their bandmates are feuding with, and that means they win these types of matches.


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tag Team Specialists w/ Laura Huggins

The Tag Team Specialists will likely be the fall guys for the School of Tradition. This match is about establishing the School even further.


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden

I like the slow burn for the Fly Boys. For it to continue to have legs, these guys can't get too far from each other, in the rankings. If Donnie J really is holding Jimmy P back, then Jimmy's not really being a heel, for saying so. Anyway, Rocky Golden got told to step up by the boss; he'll continue to do so.


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Aaron Andrews on his own, isn't likely to win too many matches. Freddy Huggins keeps threatening to blow up.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

I had said before that I'm going to keep predicting Rick Law victories, on Badge of Honor, but a match between two big guys, on the B show, leads me to think that it will be a draw. I don't want to put Eric Tyler over here, and if Rick Law wins, there'd be no reason for a feud.


Hard Hitting Championship Contenders Match

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

The concept for the Hard Hitting Championship is really cool. It's got some teeth to it, and lets characters carve out their style more than most matches dictate. Frankie Perez continues to lose his way up the card here, as the PPV match really should have RDJ in it. I'm still not sure if I'll pick him to win it, though.

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Painful Procedure vs. Miyazaki & Ota

For the moment, as long as Troy's getting pushed, then PP need some wins t be kept somewhat strong.


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tag Team Specialists

Barry Kingman will never win.


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden

The loss keeps the Fly Boys angle interesting, and Rocky's much higher up the food chain.


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins

SoT member goes over strong.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

Law wins via a DQ for Tyler, probably with a post match schmozz.


Hard Hitting Championship Contenders Match

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Frankie is moving up the card nicely, but having RDJ in the HH title match will give it added prestige. Don't think he's winning though. For my money, with the way you book the syndicate, Sam's the perfect first champion.

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Prediction Key:

Painful Procedure vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tag Team Specialists w/ Laura Huggins


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


Hard Hitting Championship Contenders Match

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 June 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.31)


Held at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)


Attendance: 2000




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FumihiroOta_FS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BillyJackShearer.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RandallHopkirk.jpg

Miyazaki & Ota vs. Painful Procedure

It's no Procedure/Talent contest. True, it's also what you'd expect from the tag divisions of smaller companies with poorer rosters, but without actual momentum behind them Procedure have always been content to rest on their laurels.


Miyazaki and Ota, on the other hand, keep the pace fast, outwrestling – and in Miyazaki's case, often outbrawling – the bigger men. Their issue, as the match unfolds, is shown to be a simple one; desire does not equal the experience to realise that desire, and Painful Procedure just have vastly more experience in working as a unit than do this pair – and, as big men, they can take a lot of pain.


Shingen Miyazaki, after being isolated in Procedure's corner, finally falls prey to a Randallism.

Painful Procedure defeated Miyazaki & Ota

Rating: D+





“Eighteen months,” Troy Tornado growls as the Badge of Honor cameras find him backstage. “That's what Tommy'll be saying. Eighteen months he'll have had that belt if I don't get it off him.”



“So we get it off him,” Harry Allen nods. “The Machines have had theirs more than a year, too. Their luck's due to change.”



Steve Gumble chimes in. “The Syndicate's about a year old, right? And the cracks are starting to show. Hawkins lost his belt, Keith and the boss seem to be having problems.


“Perez is the wildcard. I get the feeling they're expecting him to help fix things.”


“We're not even sure Perez is with them,” Allen points out.


Tornado sighs. “You're right,” he says. “We just have to get those titles from the Syndicate.


“We've got until Sunday to figure something out. They outnumber us, but if they take enough of a hurting in their matches, Tommy has no backup. And chances are he's not going to risk them to help the Machines against the pair of you.” He manages a smile. “If we can just get a little extra backup, we'll match their numbers and we won't have to put ourselves through hell. Failing that, here's what we do...”


What it is, however, the audience doesn't get to find out as the show goes to commercial.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RobertOxford.jpg

Kingman & Alexander vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Four technicians. Four good, grounded workers without much of a fanbase.


They do the best they can to grab the crowd's attention, but it isn't great. Once again, the Specialists find themselves, with these opponents, producing on a lower level than they might want to; that being said, there's flashes here of what could become a torch-passing contest in future, as Alexander and Kingman work hard against the older men – cheated, ultimately, by .


Around the fifteen minute mark the Specialists' savvy and willingness to cheat finally pays dividends, as Barry Kingman suffers Robert Oxford's top rope kneedrop and can't beat the pinfall-plus-ropes that follows.

The Tag Team Specialists defeated Kingman & Alexander

Rating: D+




For the fourth week running, the video screen lights up with the same message:


The video screen bursts into life. Motorcycles roar into life and pull out, racing forward, racing for the horizon. Their riders are indistinct.



In short, barely-more-than-subliminal flashes, an image of Karen Killer as she's been seen on TCW television for years appears, the bikes remaining the focus.


The main image of the bikers dissolves; leather-gloved fists wrap chains around them for emphasis.


The image of Karen changes, moments later; a still of Randall Hopkirk on the ring apron as, on the outside, Billy Jack Shearer tucks Karen's head, doubled-over, between his legs as if for a piledriver or a powerbomb.


The two bikers step into a bar, and the flashes of the still image of Karen begin to stay onscreen longer. Another photo along, Shearer lifts her for a cradle piledriver.


The final image of the sequence appears, with Hopkirk coming off the apron to spike Killer's head on the mat. A moment later, the silhouetted thugs in the other image explode into action, the short flashes easily able to conceal their identities.



The image dissolves out into Karen Killer's face.


“The bitch is back. And the bitch is coming for you.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden.jpg

Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Rocky Golden

It's the best-received match on the card yet, not that this says much.


Golden dominates from early on, using his brute-force version of a submission game. Meanwhile, at ringside, Donnie J offers a steady string of advice – useful calls, too, as Azaria and Dangerous both note – on ways to twist clear and counters that can be applied. Jimmy refuses to listen, however, trying to fight his way out – and it doesn't work well.


It's a pretty short match, as a result. Golden forces him to submit to the Rack in under five minutes.

Rocky Golden defeated Jimmy P

Rating: C-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Whatever else there is to say about Rocky Golden – and there's plenty – it can't be denied that he's popular, an advantage neither of these men can rely on in winning the crowd to their side.


Andrews looks all business as he comes out for this one. The two circle, the bell rings, and Andrews lunges forward, not for the lock-up that Huggins appeared ready for, but with a left jab to the jaw. Huggins drops, as much from the shock as anything, and Andrews waits for him to get up.


As he does, Andrews drops him again. The next time, Huggins blocks it and goes for a headlock into a takedown, followed by some stomps. Andrews grabs the leg, yanks Huggins off his feet, and as Huggins recovers, comes in with a kick.


There's no question here; Andrews is sending a message, and while Huggins is able to use Andrews' focus against him, that's what keeps on happening in between all of Huggins' near-falls.


In the end, ten minutes in Andrews gets the flying cross body for the pin.

Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy Huggins

Rating: D+




The video feed goes grey, which once again heralds a Syndicate-released training video.



The camera's focus begins on Sam Keith, standing at ringside, his hands on the apron, head tilted back as he looks upward.


“Dammit,” he says. “I keep telling you, John, slams won't hurt on that thing. Just use them for positioning...”



The camera pulls back, revealing Edd Stone and John Anderson on the Hangtime Match rigging.


“You can hook the nets with your fingers for leverage on holds,” Sam continues, looking up, “but all a slam's going to do is move them around. You have to think differently up there.”


“Yeah, but think how?” Anderson retorts. Sam's face twists. “I'm working on it,” he says. “Ask Edd, it's his damn match.”


Edd Stone, for his part, thrusts a hand through the netting to give a thumbs-up.



“How's it coming?” This from Tommy Cornell, walking into the training space. Sam glances back, and – yes, a little tension in his shoulders.


“Not great,” he says.


Cornell's face is like thunder. “Sam-”


“I know-”


“I brought you in to keep these belts around our waists,” Cornell continues. “Your years of ****ing experience, Sam. Wolf's lost his. Edd might lose his – what are we paying you for?”


“Hey, now,” an angered Keith responds. “I-”


“Or are you too busy going for a belt of your own?”


Keith's mouth sets into a thin, outraged line. Before either can continue, Edd calls from above.


“Tommy,” he says, “relax, man. Watch-” and the camera pans up in time to see Edd hit a picture-perfect Party's Over on the netting. Anderson, given momentum by the net, practically backflips over to crash down to the ring.


Keith and Cornell look at each other, wordless. After a long moment, Sam shrugs. “We need to start listening to the younger generation, Tommy,” he says. "Family instinct, man. Like my two boys..."


Cornell's trademark smirk is back in place as the feed cuts out.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

Suddenly, the show picks up the pace. Tyler and Law work a lovely, fast-paced contest that runs around eight minutes before pandemonium breaks loose – but pandemonium is due, Law having intervened against the School of Tradition too often.


Laura Huggins tries to get Rick's attention as he sets up for the Long Arm of the Law, but he's too wise for that – but the hesitation lets Tyler duck the Long Arm and that, in turn, leads to Eugene Williams being laid out.



Acid promptly hits the ring as Laura Huggins grabs Law by the leg.


A brief two-on-one ensues before the rest of the School's rivals appear; Joey Minnesota takes Acid down with the Minnesota Spiral and the New Wave crash into Tyler. By the time Williams revives, both Law and Tyler are down and, with no one else in sight, Williams counts to ten with neither man stirring.

Eric Tyler drew with Rick Law

Rating: B




Hard-Hitting Championship Qualifier

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Not the best match either man's been involved in, but it's short and the winner still isn't in doubt.


Perez does, however, last twice as long as in their last meeting, and it helps. RDJ finds himself, at times, fighting an even battle before the youngster takes one chance too many and the veteran is able to get back into control.


Around 12:09, the Southern Justice finishes another brave showing by Perez, putting RDJ through to the championship match at Excessive Force this Sunday.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: C+


Show Rating: B-

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Hard-Hitting Championship Qualifier

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Not the best match either man's been involved in, but it's short and the winner still isn't in doubt.


Perez does, however, last twice as long as in their last meeting, and it helps. RDJ finds himself, at times, fighting an even battle before the youngster takes one chance too many and the veteran is able to get back into control.


Around 12:09, the Southern Justice finishes another brave showing by Perez, putting RDJ through to the championship match at Excessive Force this Sunday.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: C+


Boy PS, you and me have a very differing opinion on what's a short match and a long match.. :p

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I'd hardly call a 12 minute match short either. It's not a long match, but it's not exactly short. In my opinion, anything under ten minutes could be referred to as short. As a main event for a one hour B-Show, the length of time for this match was perfectly acceptable to me, if I was a viewer.


To me my opinion on match lengths goes like this.


Under 5 minutes: Very short, if not a squash match then almost pointlessly short.


5- 10 minutes: Short


10-20 : Mid


20-30: Long


Over 30: Epic

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I'd hardly call a 12 minute match short either. It's not a long match, but it's not exactly short. In my opinion, anything under ten minutes could be referred to as short. As a main event for a one hour B-Show, the length of time for this match was perfectly acceptable to me, if I was a viewer.


To me my opinion on match lengths goes like this.


Under 5 minutes: Very short, if not a squash match then almost pointlessly short.


5- 10 minutes: Short


10-20 : Mid


20-30: Long


Over 30: Epic


Perhaps it's just the WWE/American TEW companies influences getting to me, but I see it as much more differantely then that..to me it's more like this-



1-3 - Sqaush match.


4-7 - Filler midcard match.


7-10 - Average length match.


10-13 - Pretty long match.


13-15 - Nice long match.


15-20 - Main Event level match.



Anything above that goes into the Epic scale for me. Seems my standards are a little lower as far as that goes, but my knowlege of matches outside of the States is only so wide, so the WWE probably has to do with that.

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It may well be that I've just got odd expectations. Part of it, too, is that I'm trying to establish TCW as "that company where wrestling actually happens that has people you've heard of doing it", and so I've mentally bumped these limits up a bit.


Four winners out of nine for this show, which is ironic as they scored five while the others scored four.


The prize for Badge of Honor is the brand new Edd Stone Syndicate shirt:



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Just out of interest, what're Frankie's stats like at the moment? 'Cos he seems to be getting a big push for a man with E+ selling.


Selling's up to D-, though the rest is 'coming along' more than anything else. This does, of course, put him only a shade beneath such low-push TCW names as Rocky Golden and Tyson Baine.


I agree his Selling is pretty low - that said, we're looking at a man with a much higher average match rathing than anyone else at his popularity level, and that isn't just the fact he's wrestling bigger names. His weakest match to date - sorry, Zeel - was against Tana before Tana was sent to dev, and he's doing better than (to name just one guy) American Buffalo despite even now being a full letter grade below him.


That said... yes, some of the push is about the character of Frankie Perez in this diary. On the other hand, there's no other youngster I could have workably slotted into this role.

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Friday 26th June 2008

I knew something was wrong when the New Wave ran out. Scout is known for his takedowns, his armlocks, his throws – he's that particular kind of old-school worker in his approach (which was why, for so long, the New Wave were paired with Eric Tyler's School of Tradition back in DaVE).and to see him, essentially, wait for the Guided Missile and just lay in stomps on Tyler, with the occasional left-arm only hold while Guide set up a big spot – well, what that said to me was injury.


The New Wave had been working earlier in the night, in one of those dark matches I was talking about with Acid, and their opponents had hit... To be honest, I'm not sure what we're going to call it; these guys haven't made their main roster debuts, and this is likely to be one of their big moves, the kind of thing we trademark.


In essence, it's a double-team move where the target is lifted above one man's head in a crucifix position, spun around, and launched into the air, to be converted into a powerbomb by the first attacker's partner as the target comes down.


They're good at it. And Guide is good. But sometimes, things go wrong, and Guide's not used to taking this move. He got lucky – he broke a little too much of the fall on his right wrist, but it's mostly intact.


The docs say it'll be fine in a few days, thankfully. Equally thankfully, he's not scheduled for Excessive Force – unlike the real issue I've dealt with today.


The team the New Wave were trialling are my plan to replace Painful Procedure. Heavily hyped on Badge of Honor this past month, I'm reasonably sure some of the internet fans have looked at the videos and looked at the list of wrestlers we have in developmental and jumped to the obvious conclusion, but I've been trying to avoid any of the speculation.


While the Procedure are not high on my list of concerns, they're useful to the company so long as they remain popular – and Painful Procedure, in all its incarnations, has been a useful part of this company. (Some members more than others.) They're often identified as a weak spot on the roster, especially now the Nation of Filth are gone, but they're useful, they've got more than a year left on their contracts, and they deserve some support.


Right place, right time: Painful Procedure making themselves useful, February 2007


By and large, support is what they're given. The problem comes when they catch flak from someone else about whom the same thing can be said.


After Robert Oxford, Kyle Rhodes is the man I'm called upon to settle disputes about most on the roster. He's old school, and for once I don't mean that as a compliment. He's worked here for over a decade; he's well known, he's familiar.


Like Painful Procedure.


And like Painful Procedure, he's not the best option on the roster – and he's got a hefty contract for a good long time..


Unlike Painful Procedure, he doesn't have a real use beyond that. Billy and Randall can get into a match to give a tag team exposure, credibility, or just to help them brush up on the art of tag teaming. They can cut promos, supply muscle for the rest of their stable, and generally use what they have to help everybody. Kyle Rhodes helps – a little – on the microphone – but we've got other people who are better, and we don't need to use him at all as long as we've got him.


He has work because I hate the idea of someone drawing checks for nothing, and because the amount he's done for the company means I want to give him the chance to improve.


So when Kyle causes problems backstage claiming things about Randy, I get annoyed with Kyle. He took it pretty well, but I think he's chafing at his demotion over the past three months. Or at the fact he's suddenly working five dates a month again with Badge of Honor; either way, I'm not impressed.


Sunday 28th June 2008

Looking back over the last entry, I almost smile. I talk about Kyle as a backstage problem – he is; I'm beginning to be aware of who is and why now. Kyle, Scout, Eric... these three are kind of the second-tier, after the all time top record holder. (I'm discounting Eddie Peak's ribs, like the bottle of water I took out to the announce desk one Tuesday that turned out to be vodka. Eddie's having fun and doesn't rib people who he doesn't think will take it in stride.)


The man who shaved Joel Bryant bald, so legend has it. The man, the legend, the Tag Team Specialist Robert Oxford.


The man who refused to extend his contract today, because he was annoyed with me.


Not, he explained, with my booking – I checked, actually, and yes, what I've done is more or less on par with the prior three months or so – but with me riding him for his ribs.


Ribs which are essentially designed, it seems, to target the rest of the tag division over some superiority/seniority complex.


I'd hoped to build the minor New Wave/TTS aspect to the School of Tradition program into something to blow off next month at Summer Showdown. Right now, I'm not sure whether his contract will guarantee him being there on the Sunday, or whether it effectively lapses the Saturday beforehand.


Some rethinking is needed.

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TCW Present Excessive Force


LIVE from the Nevada State Armory


As we reach the halfway mark of the year, questions are being asked in TCW. Who does Chris Rockwell think he is? Can Tommy Cornell retain in what's been slated to be Troy Tornado's last shot at gold and hold the title for eighteen full months? What's Painful Procedure's plan to neutralise Syndicate interference?


These aren't the only questions we face, however. Wolf Hawkins ducked out on Johnny Bloodstone near the start of the month and Bloodstone's manager, the Blonde Bombshell, had the rematch set for tonight. Who genuinely is the better man?


After we settle that question we'll turn to the first title defence of the night - and of its kind. Edd Stone will put the All Action Championship up for grabs in a match of his own devising, the Hangtime Match, against former champion Sammy Bach and international high-flyer Acid.


The Machines will be defending their own tag team championships immediately following that. With over a year's reign under their belts, they'll be eyeing up their leader's success as a target to reach for. Will Syndicate dominance over the title scene continue?


Eric Tyler finally gets his hands on 'disrespectful' Aaron Andrews once again. Andrews' stock has risen greatly since his alliance with Joey Minnesota and since Rick Law intervened on their behalf against the School of Tradition. Will Tyler get what he wants, or can the youngster pull out the win?


Another first taking place at Excessive Force: The Hard-Hitting Championship will have its first champion. Four men may take this belt home with them; Eddie Peak, Tyson Baine, Sam Keith and Ricky Dale Johnson. Whatever the case, this belt will be worn by a man who's deserved and worn the highest gold their company can offer.


The International Championship will be defended next. Since beating Wolf Hawkins for it last month, Koshiro Ino looked to have no challenger for a while before newcomer Chris Rockwell insinuated himself into the mix. How he got there and why he evidently believes himself the equal of anyone on the roster are questions yet to be answered. Will he prove himself in the biggest show of the month?


Lastly, as ever, the Main Event; Tommy Cornell defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Troy Tornado. This is the Painful Procedure frontman's final chance at the gold; all we know for sure is that he has a plan.


We'll see at least one new champion, but the rest is all in question...


Prediction Key:

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Wolf Hawkins


All Action Championship - Hangtime Match

Edd Stone © vs. Acid vs. Sammy Bach


Tag Team Championships

The Machines © vs. The New Wave w/ The Young Guns


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred Match

Eddie Peak vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith vs. Tyson Baine


International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Chris Rockwell


World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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The prospect of a match of Edd's own devising has me intrigued. Should be fun.



Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Edd Stone © vs. Acid vs. Sammy Bach

The Machines © vs. The New Wave w/ The Young Guns

Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Eddie Peak vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith vs. Tyson Baine

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Chris Rockwell

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado<!-- / message -->

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Prediction Key:

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Wolf remains gatekeeper to the Main Event.


All Action Championship - Hangtime Match

Edd Stone © vs. Acid vs. Sammy Bach

Edd Stone can't lose so quickly, not in the match he devised.


Tag Team Championships

The Machines © vs. The New Wave w/ The Young Guns

The New Wave have had little build. I don't see a shock title change taking place here.


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

By cheating, by any means necessary - but Tyler won't job to AA, no matter how much you might want him to.


Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred Match

Eddie Peak vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith vs. Tyson Baine

I'm torn, I really am. I don't think RDJ will get it - he's asked to be phased out of the World Title picture, and putting him straight back into a Main Event title chase? Doesn't sound likely. Tyson is good, but blows up too quickly. Which leaves Eddie - this could be the big push Eddie needs - or Sam Keith, who could really make this belt credible, but who might retire at any point.

Going to have to go for Keith. His taking the belt would tease further tension within the Syndicate, setting up later plot developments. Especially if... well, see the Main Event.


International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Chris Rockwell

Rockwell isn't due to go over The Kobra Commander so quickly. He'll take Koshiro to the limit, though. We may see more of an edge from Ino here.


World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

Dogged by chemistry issues and champ for almost a year and a half, Tommy Cornell's time may have come. Free him up to chase for the belt, and he'll develop a lot more character. Also, he'll have lost a title on the same night Keith gained his. Ooh, drama!

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Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Wolf Hawkins


All Action Championship - Hangtime Match

Edd Stone © vs. Acid vs. Sammy Bach


Tag Team Championships

The Machines © vs. The New Wave w/ The Young Guns


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred Match

Eddie Peak vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith vs. Tyson Baine


International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Chris Rockwell


World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Wolf Hawkins


All Action Championship - Hangtime Match

Edd Stone © vs. Acid vs. Sammy Bach


Tag Team Championships

The Machines © vs. The New Wave w/ The Young Guns


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Hard-Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred Match

Eddie Peak vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith vs. Tyson Baine


International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Chris Rockwell


World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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