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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The thought has occurred to me as well.


Rick Law, though, is good. It took me a while for that to really sink in - he's lowish down the card for a good bruiser, at least early on, and you just kind of assume that RDJ, Rahn, Baine, Golden, Ino, Peak, and Law are arranged in something vaguely approximating a hierarchy.


And then you scroll down your roster looking at the averages. It's striking when you compare Law and RDJ, particularly as the two are just one keystroke down away - I'm not sure, pound for pound and looking at the averages, which is better. RDJ is more over, solid, requires little proving - Law needs to be pushed to be in that place, but he's younger.


He's a good hometown hero to build as a new brawler, particularly with Rahn likely to retire at some point (or be stolen by the SWF and jobbed repeatedly to Big Smack Scott, of all people) and Golden and Baine needing more work.


Eddie Peak? See Law. Less rounded (not that Law really counts that way) but sharper in what he does do well. They're both surprisingly good fits for a company that claims to be all about the wrestling skill.


I think I appreciate C+'s on the top row, more then others tend to. And as for card placement, it only took about three installments of the challenge for Law to move up to Main Eventer. (Well, and all those developmental talents who's other contracts still had the seven days left that kept me from putting them in development yet kinda boosted everybodies card position as well.) The mix of talent and popularity makes a guy like Rick Law very useful in a company that majorly uses brawlers, such as TCW is at the start. And he's also done really well at carrying certain people, which is something I didn't see coming. He's gotten a B match out of Texas Pete, (something only RDJ accomplished before or since) and the initial LDTLC segment was a match with Freddy Huggins that garnered a B-. B-! With an Opener! A high-flying Opener! In the first match Law had in the game, and second that Huggins had! B-!


I don't think they even had good chemistry..but anyway, yeah, if it wasn't for Law's gimmick, I'd probably see him as a current possibility for World Champion. Useful member of the roster, to say the least.

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Just caught up and wow! That Tornado & PP vs Wolf & Machines match was an overbooked thing of beauty! Awesome way to cover for Painful Procedure's lack of skill comparable to the others in the match (as well as advance a few storylines).


Well done!


That's... real praise, and I'm honestly grateful for it. And yes, sometimes matches really do benefit from overbooking (not often, mind.)


I do need to give Wolf some more wins soon, before he starts bitching.


I don't think they even had good chemistry..but anyway, yeah, if it wasn't for Law's gimmick, I'd probably see him as a current possibility for World Champion. Useful member of the roster, to say the least.


I'll be honest, I have a really hard time imagining changing Law's gimmick very far. The emphasis may alter, but Rick Law as Rick Law works for me. I do think a World Heavyweight Championship would call for a makeover - but before winning or after?


EDIT: Oh, and - having now run the Badge of Honor card - the Summer Showdown advance booking features no fewer than three A* heat matches.


Should sell well, at least...

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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Bloodstone is on his way up, and a win over the credible Buffalo will certainly help.


Art Reed, Danny Fonzarelli & Rocky Golden vs. Eric Tyler & the School of Tradition (Joel Bryant & Sean Deeley) w/ Laura Huggins

School of Tradition with the obvious victory. I see Rocky's current loosing streak as the beginning of a big heel turn. It will happen soon that after another loss, he's gonna beat the hell out of his partner. In fact, Danny would be a good candidate to take said beating.


Chance Fortune & Fox Mask vs. The Machines

Chance with the opperatunity to impress in his return, but he's not getting the win.


#1 Contendership for the All-Action Championship


Frankie Perez vs. Kazuma Narato vs. ????

Win for the new guy as Frankie continues to loose his way up the card.


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Barry Kingman = Barry Horowitz


Chris Rockwell vs. Rick Law

Rockwell should keep it competitive, but Rick's gonna lay down the law!


I remember changing Rick to the Avenging Angel gimmick as he can still talk about justice and right, but without the uniform. I personally always had a problem booking wrestling cops (just like wrestling cowboys or lobsters). This obviously excludes anything with "The Mountie". He was awesome!

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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Art Reed, Danny Fonzarelli & Rocky Golden vs. Eric Tyler & the School of Tradition (Joel Bryant & Sean Deeley) w/ Laura Huggins

Chance Fortune & Fox Mask vs. The Machines


#1 Contendership for the All-Action Championship


Frankie Perez vs. Kazuma Narato vs. ????


Kingman & Alexander vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Chris Rockwell vs. Rick Law

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 June 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.31)


Held at the Club Absinthe (Hawaii)


Attendance: 1000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmericanBuffalo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Well, it's not all it could have been. But then, it's a match with American Buffalo in it. He does his best – and he seems to be developing more and more of a grasp of how to put his matches together - but it's just not great.


Bloodstone, meanwhile, seems to be having fun. He doesn't smile often – but occasionally, during this match, he'll counter the Stampede with a drop toe-hold or something similarly elementary and glance across to the Bombshell.


And she'll smile, and nod, and a moment later a fond smile will cross his lips in response. The Colt Killer comes as a shock, but it doesn't hit – somehow, Bloodstone manages to twist in mid-air. A chop block later, he clamps down the Bloodstone Mutilation, and while Buffalo fights, roaring in fury, after a minute it's clear that while he isn't submitting he can't counter.


And Goldworthy throws in the towel.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated American Buffalo

Rating: C+



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg


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Art Reed, Danny Fonzarelli & Rocky Golden w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Eric Tyler & the School Of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Rocky Golden has a hell of a punch, and for the first couple of minutes he shines, laying out anyone else who gets in the ring before – while attempting to tag out – he finds himself cut off by a running knee from Tyler, followed by a DDT.


The beatdown ensues, cut off only by an assault by Fonzarelli – and Golden makes it to tag in Reed. Bryant tags out to Deeley and Tyler is clotheslined over the top rope by Fonzarelli, leading in short order to Deeley and Reed changing the pace of the match. You'd be hard pushed to say who's better here – Deeley counters the Dread Lock for his Sure Shot submission hold, only to have Reed roll the Dread Lock back in, and it might have led to another reversal had Bryant not swung a punch at Reed, breaking the hold.


From there it breaks down, with all six men in the ring, and it's a tough challenge to Eugene Williams to restore order.


Eric Tyler jumps Reed from behind with a forearm and lifts him for the Tradition Lift. As if on cue, Bryant backdrops a charging Golden out of the ring and Deeley and Bryant together clothesline Fonzarelli over the top, spilling out themselves. Faced with two approximately legal men, Williams accepts Reed's submission to end the match.


“I'll check when I get to my TiVo,” Shawn Doakes says thoughtfully. “But I thought Tyler and Golden were the legal pair...”

Eric Tyler & the School Of Tradition defeated Art Reed, Danny Fonzarelli & Rocky Golden

Rating: C-





Tyler promptly grabs a microphone, as Laura Huggins climbs into the ring. “Midden!” he calls. “You and me need to talk.”



Mayhem Midden appears not long afterward, apparently unconcerned. He's holding a paper cup of coffee and a thin foam hangs from the moustache just above the lip. “Apparently everyone with a posse gets to call for me,” he says mildly. “What's up?”


“Four months,” Tyler growls. “Four months Andrews and me have been dancing around each other.


“Four months. I should be settling my problem with Law, and I'm still dealing with this punk.


“I want a match he can't duck out of. Law won't make it, so I'm asking you.


“Summer Showdown. Me. Andrews. One last time.”


Midden shrugs, licking the foam from his lips. “Anything else?”


“Yeah,” Tyler nods. “After the show is over, he has to come out and say he respects me.”


“Loser has to admit respect for the other,” Midden says.


“That's what I said!”


“Not quite,” Midden points out. “But close enough. Alright, Eric; you've got your match. Should be fun. Oh – but if your School get involved, you can't enforce the stipulation.”


“I won't need them,” Tyler snarls.


“Suits me.” Midden takes another sip of the coffee. “To be honest, I'm looking forward to it. I won't get into the respect issue with you, but he's getting to be a good fighter. And you are a good fighter. Goes together well.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FoxMask.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg

Chance Fortune & Fox Mask vs. The Machines

Considering Fortune's recent absence from TV and Fox Mask's virtual unknown status, the crowd really get into this – aided, no doubt, by Kingman & Alexander's recent win over the Machines which makes them look more than catchable.


And Chance and his fellow former Coastal Zoner do their best.


It's just... well, not enough. Anderson and Hill's faces close down, betraying nothing, and they go to work like the Machines of old, with Hill in particular dominating for much of the match. Fortune, at one point, hurtles off the second rope, spinning twice around Hill before taking him down into an armbar – and that's great, so long as he's in motion. Once he stops Hill knows exactly what to do, rolling forward to break the hold, suplexing Fortune, and tagging in Anderson who delivers the Ammo Dump with verve.

The Machines defeated Chance Fortune & Fox Mask

Rating: C-


#1 Contendership to the All Action Championship


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KazumaNarato.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg

Hell Monkey vs. Kazuma Narato vs. Frankie Perez

The crowd react for Hell Monkey in Hawaii as they wouldn't anywhere else in the States. There's enough crossover with Japanese broadcasts to make the hard-hitting specialist well known here, and his mix of styles gives him an upper hand. Perez is beaten down with lightning-quick flying moves and Narato, who could give Hell Monkey some competition in that, finds himself on the receiving end of some massive moves, occasionally coming back with a spot or two before one of the brawlers blasts him unconscious.


The ladder doesn't play a huge role – not in such a comparatively short match – but toward the end we get there; as Hell Monkey sets up the ladder, Perez is already climbing. Narato vaults from the top turnbuckle, coming down two-footed on Perez' back; as he tries to recover, Hell Monkey twists on the other side and kicks him off.


Narato sees the newcomer approaching – tries to fend him off with punches – goes for what appears to be a tornado DDT from the top of the ladder – and Hell Monkey launches himself off with Narato, countering it into something very like a backdrop driver even as the two crash to earth.


Perez tries to take Hell Monkey out, but the Monkey counters and hits a Hell Fire Kick before scrambling up the ladder to capture the contract.

Hell Monkey defeated Frankie Perez and Kazuma Narato

Rating: C





The big screen flickers into life. Ricky Dale Johnson is shown there, at home in Texas, settled down at a booth in a bar there. It's become a pretty common sight during RDJ's pre-tapes over the past year.


“I remember,” the street fighter says thoughtfully, not looking into the camera, “growing up. Turning on my TV. Watching wrestling.


“And this was a good time for a Texan to watch wrestling. I didn't tend to catch OLLIE – they were on when I was working part-time, my poppa's old garage...” He shakes his head thoughtfully. “I caught TWL, though. Never missed it. And suddenly, there was more than that for us.


“There was MPWF. And there was this young guy called Sam Keith...” He smiles, reminiscent. “He was there only a year. But he was there long enough to see something I hadn't seen before.


“Four years later I was wrestling. And I didn't see him for a while, not until the TWL was closing and I was casting around.


“At that point I was watching everything. Trying to find a place to go.


“Eventually, of course, I came here. But before that happened, I saw Sam Keith. He wasn't such a youngster anymore. He'd been to Japan as well as Mexico. He'd been to Europe. He'd been to Canada.


“He'd trained everywhere. He'd learned everywhere. He was... a little faster than he is now.


“But he didn't know so many holds. He wasn't as fast as he had been when I first saw him, but that didn't matter.


“It didn't matter because... Well, Sam Keith is Sam Keith. He knows how he moves better than any other wrestler.


“And that lets him use exactly the moves he needs. He's slower now, but that's because he knows himself. He's changed his name again.


“I grew up watching Sam Keith. Learning from him. I became a man, and I heard how he was doing. And I wanted to test myself against him.


“I have, and I've done OK. Some wins, some losses.


“But you don't give up chasing the dream when you're only halfway done.


“Sunday... Sunday, I aim to pass the test.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg

Cornell & Hawkins vs. Kingman & Alexander

There is nobody – nobody – in Club Absinthe who doesn't know how this is going to finish. And they don't doubt it for more than fleeting moments as the match rolls on.


It's not impressive that Kingman & Alexander fight back so well. It's impressive that, against two of the best wrestlers in the company, they last nearly ten minutes, keeping each other in the game with the teamwork that took them to a win over the Machines.


But nonetheless, in a match that had much of the Club cheering, the Rough Ride finishes, laying out Barry Kingman.

Cornell & Hawkins defeated Kingman & Alexander

Rating: B-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpgvs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Chris Rockwell vs. Rick Law

And the crowd stay active, stay energised, stay into it. Law and Rockwell are pitted as very nearly equal – which means, after Law's performance against Cornell, that Rockwell looks like a top guy – but in the end, Rockwell gets Law into the Furusawa Armbar.


Law fights to the ropes; Rockwell rolls him clear, and Law manages to regain his feet with the momentum and launches himself backward, smashing Rockwell to the mat.


The Squad Car Slam is countered; Rockwell tries for a DDT, gets blocked, and bounces off the mat after a Long Arm of the Law.


But the contender kicks out, and Law finds himself back on the defensive. Gradually, they brawl to a stalemate, Rockwell visibly becoming frustrated. He rolls out of the ring, Sam Sparrow tracking him...



And Frankie Perez is suddenly in the ring, steel chair in hand. The fans roar in protest; Sparrow, on reflex, whirls, and catches sight of the P-Dawg as he wraps a chair around Law's head with a brutal swing. The DQ ends it in Law's favour.


Perez looks stricken, staring at Rockwell. The camera picks him up mouthing what looks like “I'm sorry,” and Rockwell shrugs. “You tried,” he calls.”

Rick Law wins via DQ

Rating: B-








The Summer Showdown logo fills the screen as its theme for this year plays. Pitched against the addiction/desire lyrics we see shots of Troy Tornado with the World Heavyweight Championship, Eddie Peak's smirk as blood spatters his torso, of Koshiro Ino holding the International Championship, intercuts of Ino's battles with Bach over the All-Action Championship, of Ricky Dale Johnson landing the Southern Justice on Sam Keith, Wolf Hawkins and Rockwell brawling to a standstill in their contendership match, and more and more moments from each man's careers, notably their biggest moves, their biggest moments.



The show fades out on a shot of Troy Tornado, Johnny Bloodstone, and Sam Keith standing off against Cornell and Hawkins.


Show Rating: B

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Four perfect scores as we head into Summer Showdown, and that means four Acid shirts on their way to Regis, Zeel1, Hyde Hill and Truth:




On a sad note, the trojan attack mentioned about two weeks back means that, unless I can either find the other CD or grasp the complexities of GIMP, this will be the last T-shirt I'm able to put together, so there may not be a picture for the Summer Showdown award. We'll see.

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We're back in the Manhattan National Center this Sunday for the annual Summer Showdown! And it looks like showdowns is the theme of the night, if you'll excuse a really, really bad segue.


First on the card is going to be Koshiro Ino defending his International Championship against Sammy Bach! It's not very long since the pair had a legendary battle over Bach's All-Action Championship in which the Kobra ultimately came out on the losing end - but the boot may be on the other foot now. On the other hand, Ino's manager Baroness Emily didn't seem happy to be making this match.


Aaron Andrews and Eric Tyler. For four months these two have had an issue and it's spread; it led to the reformation of the School of Tradition, it led to Andrews teaming up with Joey Minnesota, and Rick Law got involved. Now, indications are it ends - after their match on Sunday, the loser will have to pay the winner respects.


We haven't seen much of Edd Stone's latest challenger, but he certainly shone in his debut, winning a ladder match that also featured rising star (and apparent ally to Chris Rockwell) Frankie Perez to confirm, on his debut, that he would be the next All Action contender. Will Hell Monkey make it two for two and walk off with the championship on his second match in TCW?


The New Wave became our tag champions last month. They were given that shot in a deal that saw them promise their first defence would be against the Young Guns, and while both teams have looked impressive all month, the Wave have kept true to their word. The title goes on the line now, however, as two of the biggest fan favourite teams in TCW face off.


And then we come to the Hard-Hitting Championship. Inaugurated only last month, we can't talk about its epic history - but we can say that the first champion was legendary Sam Keith, and the first challenger after the title was claimed will be former World Heavyweight Champion Ricky Dale Johnson. No title starts off as a legend, but this belt is well on its way. The match, of course, will be No Holds Barred.


Tommy Cornell wanted into that match. If he'd known the match he actually has, we suspect he'd have worked harder to get into it - because he's up against the 'Hardcore Assassin' Eddie Peak, indisputably one of the most dangerous men ever to step between the ropes. Over the past year, Eddie Peak has quietly amassed a huge pile of wins mingled with occasional bloody losses. Now he finds himself face to face with one of this sport's true greats on the big stage. How will he handle the limelight?


And then we come to the biggest question of the night. Troy Tornado will be defending his World Heavyweight Championship for the first time against not one but two men. One - Wolf Hawkins - he knows well, though they've never before faced off with stakes like these. One - Chris Rockwell - is making his first challenge for a company of this size's top gold. But you can't count either man out. Rockwell seems obsessed with notching up more and more wins in the record books, and Tornado will have to work hard to retain his championship. Will Chris Rockwell prove the others don't have what it takes, or will Wolf Hawkins give the Syndicate a second title? Can Troy come through in the end?


Prediction Key

TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

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TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach

Bach's a great fit for the belt, and probably should be holding it by the end of the year, but I see Ino as having a pretty lengthy title run, and this is only his second PPV defense, I beleive. Too early to get it off him. (Although you sure as hell wouldn't know that by looking at how many pages have passed since he won it..you lucky bastard. *Shakes fist in half-hearted rage.* :p)


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Andrews should be high enough up the card by now, that winning here is more likely. I get keeping Tyler strong, but in an angle like this, it just seems right that Andrews wins the final match. Could very well be wrong, but I stick with the young hopeful.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey

Myself, I don't typically go for giving someone an immediate title run just after their debut, and I'll just assume for right now, that the same goes for you.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns

I know Young Guns are quite the big team at this point, but I'm just not feeling it. They do well with the PP stable, sure, but taking the tag titles off THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY? Come on..


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

This is mainly because Keith/Cornell just screams "personal over business", and in my estimation, really shouldn't be over a title. And since it really isn't a good thing for a new title to have it's champ in a Non-Title PPV match, I think RDJ gets a well-deserved run with another high level belt here. Guys Keith's age don't usually have very long reigns anyway..unless they're Steve Flash, of course.. :p


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell

Peak's dangerous in every diary he's in, but he hasn't stood out enough for me to really see him beating Cornell, especially with the last-minute booking. Cornell gets a good win going into the Keith match.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Interesting Main Event choice..but while Rockwell's your posterboy, I just can't see this reign ending here. One of the mainstays of Tradition see that the World Heavyweight Champ have a long reign, I suspect Tornado's to continue for quite a while, perhaps into the next year.

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Prediction Key

TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

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TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach

Bach's a great fit for the belt, and probably should be holding it by the end of the year, but I see Ino as having a pretty lengthy title run, and this is only his second PPV defense, I beleive. Too early to get it off him. (Although you sure as hell wouldn't know that by looking at how many pages have passed since he won it..you lucky bastard. *Shakes fist in half-hearted rage.* :p)


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Andrews should be high enough up the card by now, that winning here is more likely. I get keeping Tyler strong, but in an angle like this, it just seems right that Andrews wins the final match. Could very well be wrong, but I stick with the young hopeful.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey

Myself, I don't typically go for giving someone an immediate title run just after their debut, and I'll just assume for right now, that the same goes for you.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns

I know Young Guns are quite the big team at this point, but I'm just not feeling it. They do well with the PP stable, sure, but taking the tag titles off THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY? Come on..


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

This is mainly because Keith/Cornell just screams "personal over business", and in my estimation, really shouldn't be over a title. And since it really isn't a good thing for a new title to have it's champ in a Non-Title PPV match, I think RDJ gets a well-deserved run with another high level belt here. Guys Keith's age don't usually have very long reigns anyway..unless they're Steve Flash, of course.. :p


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell

Peak's dangerous in every diary he's in, but he hasn't stood out enough for me to really see him beating Cornell, especially with the last-minute booking. Cornell gets a good win going into the Keith match.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Interesting Main Event choice..but while Rockwell's your posterboy, I just can't see this reign ending here. One of the mainstays of Tradition see that the World Heavyweight Champ have a long reign, I suspect Tornado's to continue for quite a while, perhaps into the next year.


Usually I'd be less lazy than this, but not only do I agree with Zeel's choices, I'd just be repeating what he said in terms of the logic behind those picks too. Sometimes in this predicting game you just have to admit that someone beat you to it.

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Usually I'd be less lazy than this, but not only do I agree with Zeel's choices, I'd just be repeating what he said in terms of the logic behind those picks too. Sometimes in this predicting game you just have to admit that someone beat you to it.


Et tu, TK? ...I've always wanted to say that..


But anyway, it really is weird how similar our pickings always are, isn't it? And you know, we both are apparantly well known for long write-ups as well. Sometimes it's like we're The Undertaker and Kane. Everything we do is done differantly, and is dressed up differantly, but in the end, it's all..kinda the same..

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TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

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TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Prediction Key

[]TCW International Championship[/i]

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


Apparently, I don't feel there will be much in the way of title changes.

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Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

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TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach

I still think you need to establish Ino a bit so he holds onto the belt for now.


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Really torn on this one. A big part of me thinks AA will win, but I like Tyler's School of Tradition and want to see them moving forwards.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey

Is this show in Hawaii? Nope? Ok, Edd for the win.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns

Not a great Young Guns fan, even after their makeover. I'd just rather see the straps stay on the New Wave for now.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Keith drops the strap to RDJ. Gives RDJ something to fight over. Keith doesn't really need anything to fight over right now. Not with Tommy round the corner.


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell

TC gets a boost with a win over the Great White Shark.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

I don't see any of the titles changing on this show, to be honest. I think I'd enjoy this match if I was there live though.

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TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach

The Champion's advantage is rarely wrong.


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

I just don't think Andrews is over enough to win here. He'll look strong in defeat, though.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey

The only remaining member of the Syndicate to hold a title keeps it.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns

They can't just be made to look like chumps after not appearing on TV for so long.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Keith can hold on until his retirement.


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell

No contest - but I'm calling this a sleeper prospect for MOTN.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins


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TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach

Perfect guy to have the title, and a great way to realy move him to the next level.


Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Aarn should come close, but Tyler's got bigger fish to fry.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey

Too early for Hell Monkey to win. Needs to build some popularity & momentum first.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns

New Wave are number 1 for a reason.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

I can see interferrence costing Sam the belt.


Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell

He already dropped the belt. TC is not loosing two matches within a year.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

A loss this early for Troy would be a mistake.

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TCW Presents Summer Showdown


Sunday Week 4 July 2008


Live on U-Demand, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp (2.03)


Held at the Manhattan National Center (Tri-State)


Attendance: 25,179




Jason Azaria – Kyle Rhodes - Horatio Dangerous




The theme tune keeps playing past the pyro and Summer Showdown segues into another slick video package. Included in this one; the rising tension between Keith and Cornell, the Number One Contendership matches – featuring Hawkins, Rockwell and Hell Monkey's incredible performances – Troy Tornado's battle alongside Sam Keith, and Mayhem Midden's announcement of Peak/Cornell. The title belts feature prominently throughout the package, reminding everyone just what the 'Perfect Drug' for a pro wrestler is.





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Sammy Bach

Once again, these two just work together well. Different styles notwithstanding, Bach has enough experience of working with brawlers and Ino seems to have an innate understanding of how he ticks.


Sammy, for the first time in a while, attacks immediately, putting Ino down with a volley of legs followed by a whilrwind leg lariat. He pauses a moment later, his gaze wandering to the timekeeper's table where the title belt rests, and we see why his motivation is so strong here.


The Kobra battles back; a punch to the chest, jawbreaker to stagger Bach, and twists around to grab the reeling opponent and go for a cutter – but Bach counters that, turning it into something not unlike an inverted suplex.


Off the ropes, flying forearm ducked; Bach whirls and eats a boot. The pace just doesn't seem to be letting up – and it never does. Fifteen minutes in Ino finally manages to hit the Kobra's Bite, retaining with a quick pin.

Koshiro Ino defeated Sammy Bach

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Andrews and Tyler stare each other down as the bell rings, circle warily, and then close. Aaron's known for his hard punches and general streetfight approach, but in the early going he appears determined to outwrestle Tyler – that doesn't work, however, and he starts to change his pace up with a volley of elbows followed by a leaping DDT. Tyler tries to go with him and Andrews promptly offers up a headbutt that splits Tyler open, dazing him.


Around the seven or eight minute mark Tyler can be seen nodding to Huggins during a breather. She promptly vanishes from ringside, and Andrews gets two off a spinebuster before Tyler rallies, only to be cut off – double-A is simply recovering from punishment much faster.



Sean Deeley appears in the ring, going for Andrews, as a returned Laura Huggins distracts the referee – but Aaron manages to counter him into a spinning sideslam before Tyler jumps him. An inside cradle counters Tyler's assault – and gets the three!

Aaron Andrews defeated Eric Tyler

Rating: C





Back in the Syndicate locker room, Cornell is in the middle of giving his men a pep talk. “We've only got one title right now,” he says, and Edd Stone preens slightly, “but that changes tonight.” He claps a hand on Wolf's shoulder. “I want all our weight behind Wolf. This past couple of months, we've had setbacks, but we can get past them. Tonight we get the World Heavyweight Championship back. Next month, we show the world what happens if you betray the Syndicate.”


He pauses, looking across at the Machines. “After that, we can see about maybe getting you boys some gold, too.” Hill and Anderson do not exactly look overjoyed.





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt13.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey.jpg

Edd Stone © vs. Hell Monkey

Well, it's not great; with any luck, Hell Monkey can become a much more credible contender in America with further exposure.


For now, though, the pair concentrate on popping the crowd with high spots and it doesn't quite work. The end is pure formula; Hell Monkey goes for a powerbomb, only to learn that YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE and receive the Party's Over in retaliation. Edd promptly grabs a quick pin.

Edd Stone defeated Hell Monkey

Rating: D+





Backstage again, and Chris Rockwell grins into the camera as Jasmine Saunders approaches him, microphone in hand.


“So,” he begins, “you've been demoted to Pretty Girl With Microphone, huh? Man, that takes me back....”


“I don't recall the great Chris Rockwell getting interviewed this way before,” Saunders retorts spiritedly.


Rockwell's face instantly sours. “You wouldn't,” he snaps. A slight smile returns. “Let's just say it's a damn sight easier to wrestle without that stupid crap on my head. Which is probably why I've started winning despite the fact the challenges here are tougher.”


“You think it affected you that much?”


“What other reason could there be?” He smirks. “What was your question, anyway?”


“Well,” she begins. “This past Thursday, in your match with Rick Law, we saw some interference by Frankie Perez and words passed between the two of you.


“Now, I've been watching the in-depth interviews on Total Wrestling, and I noticed in Perez' interview he suggested he might have allies even though he wasn't with the Syndicate.”


“And you want to know if he meant me?” Rockwell cuts in. He shrugs. “Well, yeah. He's got a lot of potential, Frankie – almost, almost enough to be Chris Rockwell – but he needs to learn to win.” He spreads his arms, shrugs. “And who better to teach him, huh? Hell, you'll see me win tonight...”





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

The New Wave © vs. The Young Guns

As Azaria noted, that confident, relaxed attitude of Rockwell's was a far cry from anything seen on the faces of either team here.


It's pure determination on both sides – they launch into it all fast, with slick high-flying moves linking together into submission holds. Particularly of note, Steve Gumble tags in, springboards across into Scout and while it looks like he's going for a tornado DDT, the spin turns out to be a takedown into an armbar.


Guide, meanwhile, is already in action, a shining wizard breaking the hold before any real damage can be done. Both teams have fans in the crowd, but they don't seem to be treating that as any kind of reason to go easy on each other, not with the tag titles at stake.


Pin attempt follows pin attempt, breakup follows breakup, and the pace picks up. Savate kicks, Guided Missiles, Gunslinger's Revenges – they go crazy seguing from one major move to another, and it's pretty quick that it ceases to really matter who's the legal man; it's just who can make it back into the ring.


And, ultimately, that's the situation when Guide gets Harry Allen locked into the Special Force. Guide sprints the length of the ring, launching out into a suicide dive to keep Steve Gumble from intervening, and Allen's forced to tap.

The New Wave defeated the Young Guns

Rating: C+




Once again the feed cuts to a pre-recorded video.



Troy Tornado tilts his head to look at the camera. “What does a win at Summer Showdown mean to me?” he asks.


“It means no one can call me a fluke. It means I stay the champion.


“It means one more message sent back to everyone who called Painful Procedure some kind of joke. Who said that rock stars couldn't commit to wrestling.


“It means more time with the grandest prize in American wrestling.


“It means Wolf has to eat his words. It means Rockwell has to shut his yap.


“And it means, once again, I get to stand in front of the best fans in the world and hear them cheer.


“I'll never get tired of that.”



Eddie Peak looks off into the distance. “Winning?” he asks. “Hope so. Mostly, I want to make a mark.


“Tommy Cornell. He broke in when me and my brother were starting out. He got the break I didn't.


“Now he owns his own wrestling company. He brings his pampered pets in. He's got the money to do that.


“I figure I deserve to show him how I feel. So tonight, I'm gonna try to win... But, you know...


“The thing about Tommy Cornell, his success turned him into kind of a dick. I might get carried away and get disqualified. Because...”


He looks into the camera and grins. “He really, really deserves a beating.”



Sam Keith is shown seated in the locker room, the Hard-Hitting Championship belt draped across his lap. He looks at it for a long moment before he breaks the silence.


“The thing about a championship,” he says, “is that it has to earn its place.


“I won this. I became the first man to hold it. The only man who has any say in how good this championship can look is the man who holds it.


“I have... a responsibility tonight. I need to go out there tonight. I need to face off with RDJ, one of the best wrestlers out there...


“And I need to beat him. For this. I need to go out there against the rest of the best, and I need to beat them. Until everyone knows that this championship is held by the best. Is sought after by the best.


“Until this championship has respect. Has a first mark in its legacy that TCW can be proud of.


“And when I lose it, I need to have shown everyone that this is a championship that only the best can hold. That you have to be the best to challenge for. That deserves to be spoken about that way.


“I intend to hold on to this championship until there's a better man.” He looks up. “This is my chance to get what might be the last important thing I do in my career right. Tonight. Next month. Every time I step between those ropes and put this prize on the line.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Sam Keith © vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Well, Sam certainly brought his A-Game, but you could tell that RDJ's heart wasn't entirely in this one.


Still a pretty good match, this just didn't quite crest the heights that Sam and Ricky probably helped to achieve. One of the big highlights came during the mandatory brawl on the outside; RDJ got Sam up for the Southern Justice but made it a two-parter, smashing the veteran into the ring post before dumping him onto the floor.


Keith still, somehow, kicked out once he'd been rolled back into the ring for the cover. Johnson promptly went to the second rope, calling for the leaping lariat – but Sam ducked it, capitalising as RDJ crashed by going to work the arm, setting up for the Proton Lock, though RDJ fought clear and started to dominate.


In desperation, Sam Keith booted him firmly in the nuts – and as Dangerous pointed out on commentary, it's a No Holds Barred match and Keith was well within his rights. A big lariat followed from Keith, a repeated driving elbow to RDJ's shoulder, and shortly afterward, the Proton Lock was clamped down. RDJ tapped not long afterward...

Sam Keith defeated Ricky Dale Johnson

Rating: B





Prompt and punctual is Tommy Cornell, rolling into the ring and jumping an already clearly hurting Keith, delivering a volley of punches before slamming him to the mat and going to work in earnest.



The crowd sound pissed as hell, but it isn't long before their tone changes. Eddie Peak storms the ring, tearing Cornell loose from Keith and military pressing him before hurling him out of the ring into the guardrail. Still in street clothes, he makes sure RDJ is shepherding Keith back up the ramp before tearing his shirt off and dragging Cornell back into the ring for their match...




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Tommy Cornell

Brutal, to the point, and not as hot a crowd as you might have hoped. Cornell and Peak focus entirely on the punching end on their spectrum as Eddie just can't go with Tommy on the rest of his repertoire, and while the slams and throws look lethal, it's clear that things are just a little too focused and this isn't the match that the pair would hope for.


Peak does get to brutalise Cornell for a good long stretch, which boosts his rep more than a little, but in the end Cornell manages to fight clear, mostly by fairly basic holds, and the Rough Ride follows. Peak promptly kicks out, so Tommy goes for it again. He's blocked and booted to the mat, but turns Peak's assault aside with a drop toe hold and the Guilt Trip – and, in the end, that finishes it.

Tommy Cornell defeated Eddie Peak

Rating: B-





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Troy Tornado © vs. Chris Rockwell vs. Wolf Hawkins

Fortunately, the main event picked the pace right back up. Tornado lives up to his name in here, and it's clear that he means to defend his championship with everything at his disposal.


After a little while, Rockwell and Hawkins form an uneasy alliance, which ends when Hawkins betrays Rockwell; the pair of them having hurled Tornado to the outside, Hawkins cuts Rockwell off, hoists him, and sends him over the top into the champion with a crucifix powerbomb that lays them both out. An elbow from the apron to the floor swiftly follows, but Tornado had recovered enough to get clear and a Star Maker wipes Hawkins out on the outside.


A lengthy Tornado-Rockwell sequence develops, with neither man really getting the upper hand. Wolf returns and chops Rockwell down with the Full Moon Rising, delivered from behind, and stares down the champion for a moment. Then he backs to the ropes and charges forward with a flying shoulderblock.


That shoulderblock causes quite the argument at the announce desk. Did Hawkins deliberately miss, or did Troy just get clear? Either way, it's Sam Sparrow who takes the hit, bouncing all the way out of the ring.


Tornado goes for a backdrop suplex, Wolf flips out, goes for the Full Moon Rising, and Tornado catches him, turning it into the Tornado Driver tilt-a-whirl piledriver, but of course there's no count.



Cornell is suddenly in the ring, and the pair double-team Tornado, taking him down pretty brutally before, Rockwell having arisen, it turns into a two-on-two as the other challenger sees how close he is to getting screwed.


The company owner turns to the entrance ramp and gestures with his hand – and Tornado lands the Star Maker! Rockwell promptly DDTs Hawkins and turns to go after the champion, but he's bailed from the ring, standing watching the ramp, waiting.


And nothing comes. Chris Rockwell shrugs, clamping the Furusawa Armbar onto Hawkins as Sparrow finally revives, and the roar of the crowd tells Tornado to get back in there. He breaks it up, tosses Rockwell out of the ring, and picks up Hawkins, who's managed to recover enough to smash a knee into the champion's face.



As Sparrow checks on Rockwell another face finally does join the fray, as Frankie Perez doles out stiff kicks to both men still in the ring until the champ finally blocks one. A Tornado Driver follows, much to the crowd's approval, and as Rockwell returns to the ring Troy hooks a front facelock on Hawkins, running up the ropes and springing off.


The resulting tornado DDT also boots Rockwell square in the face and as he recovers, Troy measures him. Yet another Star Maker brings the recent SWF import crashing back down to the mat and Tornado covers fast, finally getting the duke.

Troy Tornado defeated Chris Rockwell and Wolf Hawkins

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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Monday 1st August 2008

The buzz after the show was better than I'd expected; a couple of the matches hadn't been as strong as I'd hoped for, and Eddie Peak had gone off the script a bit during his promo. Joel had been on edge after the 'dick' comment until he found out Tommy found it hilarious.


I told Eddie to watch it in future, and he grinned; the post-show drinking session in a local hotel bar is the kind of place, it turns out, where the booker has zero authority.


That said, Jennifer (Cornell, Tommy's wife) was there – which is kind of rare, but if we're running a show in the area and she can find a sitter for Tommy Jr she'll pop in occasionally.


I'm hazy on Jennifer's actual job, if only because I have pretty much nothing to do with the business end of the company. I don't believe she's actually under TCW contract – I think it's some kind of consultancy job, as I know she's also worked with a couple of the network bods we talk to when it's time to renew shows – but it's financial in some way.


This time, she was there to deliver some good news. We'd heard that the buyrate for this show had been hot, fuelled by the main event, Keith/RDJ and the late addition of Tommy and Eddie – but the total numbers hadn't been available until we went out there, and we hadn't had a chance to hear.


For only the third time, our buyrate was above 2.


The first couple of times that happened (I'm told), the assumption was that it was Total Mayhem finally beginning to emerge as our signature PPV, the same way that the Supreme Challenge has been the flagship of the SWF for the last nearly thirty years. This time, however, it was Summer Showdown, traditionally not one of the biggest shows we put on – and one of the reasons we don't tend to pull out all the stops, and one of the reasons I held off on Cornell/Keith, is that Summer Showdown goes up against the Supreme Challenge. The budget of the average wrestling fan is limited, and we all know that the Challenge will sweep any fan of both companies who can only afford one.


To put that in context: We usually get about a quarter of what the SWF get. With an unusually successful Summer Showdown, we pulled a little over a fifth of their Challenge buyrate – and their buyrate was down.


So why was their buyrate down? Were we persuading people to drop dollars on the opening phase of Troy Tornado's reign? That's the spin that a lot of people are putting on it. I'm not so sure.


Jack Bruce leaving – whatever the reason – undefeated for his championship with two weeks before the Challenge didn't help. The fact they went with Frehley against Eric Eisen for their main event also probably didn't help.


But the big candidate here is the reason that, even as I don't think we're winning their fans over, I'm happy with our buyrate spike.


I don't know when this book will come out – if it even does, I might be shouting into the wind – but for what it's worth, late 2008 is shaping up to be an economic disaster zone. For me, that's the number one reason that Supreme Challenge 28 was the first Challenge in five years to drop below a 10 buyrate, and it's the number one reason why gaining fans at this point is, to me, a sign we're making REAL strides.


Now let's just see if we can maintain it til the end of the year – or better ourselves. Jennifer tells me that we're coming up on the end of our contract with U-Demand, and with this kind of success rate we might be able to get a bigger provider and have a chance of selling to more homes.


Tuesday 2nd August 2008

Cliff phoned me today to tell me that, in his opinion, the mini-stable he's been nurturing are as close to go as they're going to be. All they need now is a figurehead, which means, of course, one more argument about swamping the roster with former DaVE guys – but I'll live. Whether the stable makes it or not, a couple of the members have skillsets people need to be exposed to.


Those three, and the returnee and his partner... that's five new guys. If Rocky's concerns were valid, I'm going to need to talk to the boys today. We've got feelers out for other people too.

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Summer Showdown is in the books and once again TCW has to look forward - there's no time for looking back.


It's a DaVE opening to the show as Eddie Peak will be facing off with Sammy Bach. Neither man won Sunday - who gets back on the win train first?


In the next match - more of TCW's current tag team renaissance - Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota step into the ring together, facing off with Miyazaki & Ota. Both teams are relatively new, and it's a pretty safe bet that both teams will want to move ahead in the rankings now that the position of Number One Contender is once again free following Summer Showdown.


Tag action will be continuing after that, but with quite a different tone to it - the Easy Riders, for the first time, will actually step into a TCW ring to compete, facing off with the men they've attacked over the last month, Painful Procedure. Karen Killer's men are in this, it seems, for revenge.


Changing our pace up, we return next to singles action, in which Art Reed and Chris Rockwell will face off in what should be a fast-paced technical masterpiece. Reed has a chance to establish himself on a much higher level if he can beat the man who took his ally Bloodstone to a time-limit draw.


Danny Fonzarelli makes a welcome return to the ring this week, too, becoming the first of two men to face off with a member of the Machines. In Danny's case, it's John Anderson, and personally we're looking forward to seeing if Fonzarelli will try for the Ammo Dump.


Brent Hill, Anderson's teammate, will be in the squared circle immediately following that contest - he faces another big challenge in Rocky Golden. Golden has been accused recently of lacking motivation, but the Machines have been on rocky fortunes of late - so who will take this one?


Another first will take place following that, as the new team School of Tradition - Sean Deeley & Joel Bryant - will take on Ricky Dale Johnson and Johnny Bloodstone, tagging up for the first time.


And then there's the main event. The two champions Troy Tornado and Sam Keith will also be pairing up, facing off with the men who've been giving them trouble - Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins. No chance that Tornado and Keith will be as in sync as legend and protege - but Cornell's been turning to anger a lot of late. Is that going to be enough for the champions to win through, or are twin reigns coming to an end?


Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

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Eddie Peak vs. Sammy Bach Eddie is a known quantity. Volatile, but known. Sammy... You can do a lot with Sammy and have it be believable, and beating Eddie could be one of those things.


Andrews & Minnesota vs. Miyazaki & Ota Capitalising on the momentum gain from Andrews' win.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Painful Procedure Easy Riders could lose, but this early on in their TCW game, a win seems more likely.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell Can't see Reed winning this one on TV


Danny Fonzarelli vs. John Anderson Fonzie has more singles experience


Brent Hill vs. Rocky Golden Emphasising Hill and Anderson's blip in form


Johnny Bloodstone & RDJ w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins A tough call, as the SoT would win a lot of matches - but RDJ is a powerful factor in any match


Sam Keith & Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins Ah, the classic tag match - and one the heels generally take, by hook or by crook

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