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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins

Bryant cheat his way to victory


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers

No way Enforcers take those tag belts in their first match


The Disrespected vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer

Batch returns a favour here and give Teddy a loss


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez

Alexander is mainly a tag team guy so he can take a loss here


Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey

Tyler gets a payback win after losing to Young Guns.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. ????

Isn´t it a rule in these boards that you should always go with mystery guy:p

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Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers


The Disrespected vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez


Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. ????

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Prediction Key:

Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins

I'll say that Joel happily puts over the young guy.


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers

Not a chance.


The Disrespected vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer

Retaliation interference makes its presence known.


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez

P-Dawg's kind of floating right now. Give CA the win.


Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey

Rick Law doesn't lose on Badge Of Honour. Evidence to the contrary may be safely ignored.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. ????

Ooh, someone Tommy's sided with? Let's go for this guy.

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Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins


I think the wiley vet Bryant will edge this one out, the Young Guns with the gimmick change have managed to get rid of the jobber stench they had before but I just don't seem them being succesful in singles unless they break up.


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers


Debut by winning the belts not happening, can't help thinking that 'The Enforcers' will end up being The Syndicates's designated jobs squad :p


The Disrespected vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer


Seems like you are building the Easy Riders as a genuine threat in the Tag ranks, so I'd say they win here


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez


As it's singles and not tag I see P-Dawg picking up the win in this one


Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey


As you said in the preview this could go either way, but I'll side with the face this time round.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. ????


Mystery man apparently is being backed by Tommy, so yeah I'm going with him.

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Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins

Has Harry actually done anything?


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers

No title changes on a B show


The Disrespected vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer

Get them stronger


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez

Other than picking up occassional wins with Barry Kingman, I don't see Clark going anywhere


Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey

Rick Law heel turn?



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. ????

Art Reed has the Dread Lock. His link with Sam should serve to piss off Tommy.

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Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins

With help.


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers

No chance.


The Disrespected vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer

Agree with TK here, Easy Riders are being built into legitimate threats.


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez

Frankie has the brighter singles future.


Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey

It's his show.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. ????

It's Art Reed.

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Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins

- I have never been a fan of Allen, combined with Bryant being pretty cool and in (night) School, I'll go with them.


TCW Tag Team Championships

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers

- Yes, not even with the combined might of the Syndicate running in, in waves, does Syndicate Security take the titles here.


The Disrespected vs. Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer

- The Easy Riders have a finishing move, The Disrespected have two storylines.


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez

- Perez kicks Alexander so hard it's almost Ironic... dontcha think?


Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey

- I refuse to support a team called LawMonkey or MonkeyLaw. MonkeyPox I could get behind though.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. ????

- I never vote against ??? so ???? is one more ? so there is NO way I can vote against ????

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 September 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.47)


Held at the West Texas Coliseum (Mid South)


Attendance: 2000




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Harry Allen vs. Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins

Not a great contest by any stretch of the imagination – both men really have come to rely on being part of a team. Bryant stays steady, working a close-quarters game, while Harry tries to play the speed game.


The decider is Laura Huggins, tripping Allen's ankle and allowing Bryant to score with the One Shot Drop around ten minutes in.

Joel Bryant defeated Harry Allen

Rating: D+





The camera rolls backstage, as Laura Huggins looks agitated while Sean Deeley knocks on a door. The door opens, revealing Guide of the New Wave, who tenses, while Deeley holds his hand up.


“Sorry,” Deeley says apologetically. “I just need to prove something. Can I speak to your buddy? You can watch – make sure I don't try any funny business.



Guide, silent, falls back a step, and the camera follows Deeley and Huggins into the room. Scout sets his tag title belt aside and stands up.


Deeley again raises his hands in supplication. “I want you to put me in the Special Force,” he says.


Scout tips his head to one side, eyebrows raised.


Deeley nods. “I know, right? But we lost to you guys, in a title match, because Laura called us down.” A pause.


“Now if we're going to do what we need to do, I need to prove to her I can break holds before they break me.”


Scout shrugs, and seteps forward.


“Full strength,” Deeley says softly.


A nod, and Scout swiftly applies the hold.


Huggins watches as, for ten seconds or so, Deeley struggles to find a way out of the hold. Eventually, he does it, transitioning into the Sure Shot armlock.


Guide steps forward instantly and, as he does, Deeley releases the hold, rising, stepping back, palms out. “That's all,” he says, looking down to Scout. “Thank you,” he says. “Enjoy your match tonight.”


Deeley and Huggins leave, and the New Wave exchange glances.





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JungleJack_FIN4.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg

The New Wave © vs. The Enforcers

Short and sweet; the Enforcers show a lot of style of their own, and come on hard and fast.


On the other hand, Guide and Scout are still growing into an even greater understanding of each other, seeming at present to be adopting more and more of each other's moves.


And they are the Tag Team Champions.


That said, the Enforcers have a mission, and they start off fast and get faster – and Scout is swept off balance, beaten down, by Jack Marlowe. Marlowe eventually slams him in the centre of the ring, heading back to his turnbuckle.


He tags out, and Julian Watson ascends the top rope. Marlowe follows, hooking up for the superplex onto a downed opponent that is the Gojira Falls -


Guide, tearing across the ring, leaps, hitting Marlowe in the side with a leaping Guided Missile, both men tumbling to the outside.


Left to his own devices, Watson is quickly brought down by Scout, who cinches in the Special Force with gusto to finish the match.

The New Wave defeated The Enforcers

Rating: C



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StevieGrayson_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TeddyPowell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/karenkillerlosttrem.jpg

The Disrespected vs. The Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer

This begins as a brawl, and that's exactly how it ends.


The Riders have the size advantage and use it to full effect here, tossing Grayson and Powell around whenever they have the slightest opportunity. Their opponents fight nobly – there isn't the kind of rage seen whenever they encounter Hawkins or Bach, just good, solid wrestling.


And then they arrive.



Hawkins and Bach both, from different directions, show up at virtually the same time. First Powell on the outside is beaten down; then he's rolled into the ring, and as Sam Sparrow turns to deal with this illegal entry, Peter Hopper hurls Stevie Grayson from the ring and watches as he, too, receives a beating. He's promptly rolled back in, however, and the Emergency Stop brings an end to proceedings.

The Easy Riders defeated The Disrespected

Rating: C-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg

Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Frankie Perez

Alexander pulls himself to remarkable heights here, bringing the crowd to their feet by showing a tightness against Perez that belies their lack of experience facing each other.


It's actually a stunningly even match given the difference in perceived level between these two, and Perez finds himself on the back foot against a clearly motivated Alexander, whose frequent glances ringside show exactly where his motivatin comes from.


The finish comes when Perez takes advantage of that glance, snagging a handful of Clark's hair, yanking him off his feet The P-Clutch follows almost immediately.

Frankie Perez defeated Clark Alexander

Rating: B-




“What the hell?”



Danny Fonzarelli appears on the entrance ramp, microphone in hand.


“That's just becoming your thing, isn't it, Frankie? You grabbed my hair at Hotter Than Hell You've been pulling this crap a while now.


“I'm kind of waiting for someone to pull that crap on you...


“If no one does it soon, Frankie, maybe I'll put you in your place myself.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey.jpg

Eric Tyler & Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Hell Monkey

More solid, decent work here, continuing the long-running saga while allowing Acid and Monkey to showcase their stuff on the side.


Law and Tyler stalemate, as do Acid and Hell Monkey, and the result is inevitable; Freddy Huggins arrives to tip the scale.



Mere moments later, Rick Law ducks the Huggins Kiss and it hits Eric Tyler. A clothesline sends Freddy out of the ring, and the pinfall follows not long afterward.

Rick Law & Hell Monkey defeated Eric Tyler & Acid

Rating: B-





Art Reed makes his way down to the ring, ready for the main event submission match... And Breakin' The Law begins to play, as Tommy Cornell emerges, flanked by Tyson Baine and Wolf Hawkins. He smirks.


“I'm sure you're going to love this match, Art,” he begins. “It promises to be a doozy, and I've heard you talk about loving your best opponents, no matter what you think of them as people.


“And I happen to know you think highly of this man.


“I just hope that finding out the identity of the newest member of the Syndicate won't upset you too much...”



“Please, everyone, welcome Edd's big brother, the newest member of the Syndicate...



“Jeremy Stone!”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone_alt1.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

An extremely good match, weighed down surprisingly heavily by Kyle Rhodes' colour. Nonetheless, there's more than just back-and-forth here, as mentor and student put on an intense contest rooted in their shared understanding of the Stone ground game.


It's a perfect introduction for Jeremy, who wraps things up after eighteen minutes of slick action with the Stone Hold.

Jeremy Stone defeated Art Reed

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B

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Meh, I think Dan Stone Jr. would have been better, so Jeremy is nothing more than a complete and total disappointment. The man only does, like, one thing.


When you're as good at that 'one thing' as the Canadian Wrestling Machine is, you don't need to learn anything else.


Haven't kept up with this diary for a while. Should probably get caught up.

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Meh, I think Dan Stone Jr. would have been better, so Jeremy is nothing more than a complete and total disappointment. The man only does, like, one thing.


Just out of curiosity, are you referring to the massive technical skills, or the B-rated puro, or simply the 'I've got iron fundamentals and can thus get a B+ rated match out of Art Reed when he's barely B- pop and I'm lower?'


Assuming you mean the massive technical skills...


Bear in mind that the one thing Jeremy does is Tommy's strength, Wolf's strength, Bloodstone's strength, Brent's strength, John Anderson's strength, Chris Rockwell's strength, Sam Keith's strength (marginally) and Troy Tornado's strength these days. TCW's main event issue in 08 pretty much is 'here's the faces - all brawlers - and here's the heels - all better on the mat'.


Actually, if I coulda picked a Stone at random, I'd have gone for Duane, but I value the hell out of tag experience.

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Saturday 13th September 2008

So there we have it; the last member of the new Syndicate unveiled. Obviously, with him being a new signing, he completes a different approach to the one I was originally planning on (which was to have Rockwell eventually pressured into signing up and renouncing his earlier stance) when Edd phoned to let me know Jeremy might be interested.


Or even the original original plan, in which Rick Law would have turned heel, probably partnering up with one of the Machines. That plan changed when Chris came on board.


That said, I think the group is the stronger for Jeremy's addition, and Chris will work better for not having to stick with the Syndicate.




Workrate 9-5: The Syndicate, September 2008 - TCW promotional shot


My original thoughts on the faction when I started familiarising myself with TCW were that too much of the talent was locked up in it, and as a result, tied up on the same side. Tommy, Brent, Sam, John, and Wolf; some of the absolute best wrestlers we have. On the other side, a loose alliance between RDJ, who'd asked to be moved out of perennial-Cornell-rival spot (something I've managed, even if I haven't found anything else for him to to), Rocky Golden, Tyson Baine and Rick Law...


With no disrespect to any of them, the problem was that we found ourselves with one side only capable of brawling, the other side being excellent all-round wrestlers – and the faces are the brawlers, the violent men, when the fans see us as the 'wrestling' company.


So the question was: how do you balance out the sides without weakening either one?


I haven't really done that, either. Instead, we have a very, very different outlook at the top of the company for faces. Troy Tornado turned before I got here, but at my request – which tied Tommy up long enough to plant some seeds. Rather than destroy an act that was getting Sammy Bach over by giving him a different gimmick, I handed it to Edd Stone, who has promptly gone on to be exactly as he was, but wearing a suit now – which only someone with Edd's background could really get away with.


Wolf Hawkins spent a long time as a whipping boy, establishing Koshiro Ino as a force to be reckoned with, taking the fall to keep our faces strong, before I could look at making him a stronger character – which I did, chiefly, by furthering the friction within the group, giving the Machines a reason not to be at their best – and then to get very motivated, very fast, as they distanced themselves and eventually translated into faces.


But the centre of it was Sam Keith.


I've been inspired by Sam's work many times over my career. He holds tremendous cachet in the industry for good reason.


And, when I first went along to a booking team meeting, he mentioned that his sons were champing at the bit to enter the industry. I filed that away until I knew they were good, but when I did...


When I did, RDJ's replacement as Tommy's main rival, at least in the short term, became clear. And when Johnny Bloodstone's contract became available, that set the shape of it all for me.


Bloodstone had been, however briefly, trained by Sam. He could reasonably have issues with Sam, and his work for Dan Stone made it clear he was a main eventer in the making.


Johnny pointed out that Sam had done more for Art Reed, giving him a submission hold invented by the master, and more pieces fitted into place.


Sam Keith, once turned, wasn't just a dream match. He was the capstone of a group that would go up against the Syndicate, and give the fans a pure wrestler to cheer for. His sons balanced the Syndicate's tag team. Art, known for exciting bouts against high-flyers like Acid, could match up with Edd. Sam would match Tommy, Johnny would match Wolf...




Bombshell's Boys: Sam Keith's motley crew (photo from John Baker's personal archive)


Tyson Baine gave the Syndicate some muscle to counter the brawlers and redistribute that balance a little. The Machines became free agents I could drop into a conflict on either side, punching things up even more.


I don't envision the Syndicate adding anyone else, but I could well be wrong. It'll depend how the program ends up going.


At this point, however, we've got more-or-less matched sides... I just need something for Ricky, Rocky, Rick and Eddie to do. Eddie, I think I have covered; Rick, more or less. Rocky... Well, it's time to move a planned program up a bit, I think.

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Okay, okay, I've learned my lesson about trash-talking Jeremy Stone, no matter how ridiculously one-dimensional he his. But that's your mess, I suppose. I just wonder what kind of shambles poor NOTBPW must be in, with you gutting them heartlessly. Why not take Duane and Sean McFly, and leave Big Dan all alone and heartbroken without his family around, then? And you can loot the DeColts, too, because why should Canada have any talent?


I've lost track of what my point was supposed to be. All I can say is that being ridiculous has proven to be quite fun...

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Okay, okay, I've learned my lesson about trash-talking Jeremy Stone, no matter how ridiculously one-dimensional he his. But that's your mess, I suppose. I just wonder what kind of shambles poor NOTBPW must be in, with you gutting them heartlessly. Why not take Duane and Sean McFly, and leave Big Dan all alone and heartbroken without his family around, then? And you can loot the DeColts, too, because why should Canada have any talent?


Well, Duane left by the start of 08.




Nah, as I say, I'd rather get Duane than Jeremy for various reasons, but Jeremy is the one who's loose.


As a side note, I've signed only Sean Deeley direct from NOTBPW - Jeremy and Johnny both became too big to stay and left, at which point I gave them a job.


Not much of an argument, I know, but hey.

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Just out of curiosity, are you referring to the massive technical skills, or the B-rated puro, or simply the 'I've got iron fundamentals and can thus get a B+ rated match out of Art Reed when he's barely B- pop and I'm lower?'


Assuming you mean the massive technical skills...


Bear in mind that the one thing Jeremy does is Tommy's strength, Wolf's strength, Bloodstone's strength, Brent's strength, John Anderson's strength, Chris Rockwell's strength, Sam Keith's strength (marginally) and Troy Tornado's strength these days. TCW's main event issue in 08 pretty much is 'here's the faces - all brawlers - and here's the heels - all better on the mat'.


Actually, if I coulda picked a Stone at random, I'd have gone for Duane, but I value the hell out of tag experience.


Well, your promotion is "popularity equals performance".


A related issue for me is... it's hard for me to see Dan Stone Jr. as a heel. He literally screams "FACE" to me. And him in the Syndicate? For real? I can't see Tommy Cornell AND Dan Stone Jr. on the same side. It's just too much.


Jeremy, on the other hand, screams "Cold Precision", which is something I find heelish.


Besides, having both Dan Stone Jr. would literally "pop" this diary. I would hold him back for reserve, because his "face" side needs some pushing. Adding Dan Stone Jr. into the mix wouldn't help.


As for Duane Stone, I also have hard time seeing him as a heel. He's too nice-looking for me. Doesn't have that defined edge that Jeremy has.


As for the DeColts... unless Steve reaches A-level popularity, he's not leaving. Alex isn't leaving because he's probably going to become the owner of the company when George DeColt retires. Jack's popularity is just low enough that he isn't going anywhere for a while. Ricky DeColt is the LEAST likely to leave, considering his lowish popularity (compared to to his brothers).

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An explosive start to the show this Tuesday as, per Mr Cornell's order, the Keith Brothers will take on Tommy Cornell himself and his protege, the golden boy Wolf Hawkins!


The Syndicate action won't stop there, either, as Edd Stone pairs up with the Enforcers to challenge Art Reed in a six-man tag. Reed's allies for this match? With the Keith Brothers occupied, Art was able to secure a promise of help from the Young Guns.


People have been talking about both these men for some years now, touting them as future champions and major names in wrestling. Tonight they clash. Chris Rockwell will take on Joey Minnesota.


John Anderson threw out an open challenge to anyone who didn't have a match yet. He's stated that he waited until Rockwell as occupied, in disgust at the man's continued ducking of former International Champion Koshiro Ino. The International Championship will be on the line against the first man to answer Anderson's challenge, the young Frankie Perez!


More young talent has a challenge ahead of it, too, as Sean Deeley looks to advance his career with what could be a major win over Johnny Bloodstone.


Informed of a tag match that had been made in which he and a partner would face Tyson Baine and Jeremy Stone, Sam Keith found a potentially massive ally - in the shape of Eddie Peak. This one promises to be an all-round exhibition, guys...


And in the main event, the World Heavyweight Champion wrestles Sammy Bach in a ladder match. Suspended above the ring? The contract for the Championship match at Destructive Energy - and the opportunity, should Bach win, to add his name to the triple-threat.


Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers


Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell


Ladder Match (Entry into Destructive Energy's World Heavyweight Championship match)

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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The camera rolls backstage, as Laura Huggins looks agitated while Sean Deeley knocks on a door. The door opens, revealing Guide of the New Wave, who tenses, while Deeley holds his hand up.


“Sorry,” Deeley says apologetically. “I just need to prove something. Can I speak to your buddy? You can watch – make sure I don't try any funny business.



Guide, silent, falls back a step, and the camera follows Deeley and Huggins into the room. Scout sets his tag title belt aside and stands up.


Deeley again raises his hands in supplication. “I want you to put me in the Special Force,” he says.


Scout tips his head to one side, eyebrows raised.


Deeley nods. “I know, right? But we lost to you guys, in a title match, because Laura called us down.” A pause.


“Now if we're going to do what we need to do, I need to prove to her I can break holds before they break me.”


Scout shrugs, and seteps forward.


“Full strength,” Deeley says softly.


A nod, and Scout swiftly applies the hold.


Huggins watches as, for ten seconds or so, Deeley struggles to find a way out of the hold. Eventually, he does it, transitioning into the Sure Shot armlock.


Guide steps forward instantly and, as he does, Deeley releases the hold, rising, stepping back, palms out. “That's all,” he says, looking down to Scout. “Thank you,” he says. “Enjoy your match tonight.”


Deeley and Huggins leave, and the New Wave exchange glances.


I am SO stealing this. ;)


Oh and typo in your promo post (unless Wolf Hawkins actually is a golden by). :)

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A wrestling Houdini? Pretty cool. Best keep it to lower-card Submission finishes though. Don't want to kill any important moves.


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers

Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota

TCW International Championship: John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell

Ladder Match: Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado


That Blonde Bombshell's going to be busy.

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers


Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell


Ladder Match (Entry into Destructive Energy's World Heavyweight Championship match)

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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