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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. New Wave (non-title)


The Brothers could well have built themselves up enough now to get the upset win here and set themselves up as future challengers.


American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine


This Eagle is getting his wings clipped.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


A solid win to re-establish Ino in the eyes of the fans and to continue the gradual disintegration of the SoT.


Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


Damn hard match to call, but I'll go for Remo to continue his impressive start


Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Deeley will give Hill a strong test but the TCW veteran will come out on top here.



Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


Another coin flip, but I see the heels winning here to retain some heat.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 November 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 6.64)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.00)


Held at the Nevada State Armory (South West)


Attendance: 25,692




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



Troy Tornado is out in the centre of the ring as the show begins, pacing up and down. He stops occasionally to exchange a smile with a fan, and eventually, as his theme comes to an end, nods to himself.


“Alright,” he begins. “Let's see...


“Now, I haven't had anyone make a direct challenge all month. Wolf Hawkins seems to be chasing a favour. RDJ's chasing Remo, Remo's letting himself get chased, Peak and Khoklov are having their own problems, Rockwell's after Johnny, Cornell and Baine can't challenge, Jeremy wants tag gold...


“Don't get me wrong, there are reasons. Seems like tempers are flaring all over. But this...” He runs his hand over the gold around his waist. “This should be the thing everyone's looking for, everyone wants a shot at. Right now, it isn't... and that's my responsibility to fix.


“I've been thinking about it, too. I know I've been having good matches. I know I've been putting up a good fight – I must have, I've still got the belt.


“And the fans are enjoying them, I know that. I see the comments on TCW.com. I talk to you every time my plane touches down, in the bars, at gigs... You seem to like to watch me defend my title.


“So it ain't either of those, and that means I need to figure it out and fix it. And I just don't believe it's because people are running scared... Here's my guess.


“Ain't so long since Tommy Cornell decided he had the main event, in spite of my title defence. In spite of this gold.


“Tommy, you've been crapping all over my run every chance you've had. Keeping yourself the centre of attention at all costs.


“That stops now, man. I won't be defending this belt on Sunday – because I'm going to take you on, one on one, and you're not allowed a title shot.


“You beat me. I beat you. I beat you twice, in fact. So one more time, this Sunday, puts me outta your reach whatever. Proves my point. And if I do this, Tommy, then you absolutely have no reason whatever to be overruling me, get me?” He frowns into the camera.


“I am champion, Tommy. Learn to live with that, because it's not going away. I'm not going away.”




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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. The New Wave

An excellent contest here, simply excellent. Both sides are able to land all their big moves, but both sides also bring a lot of slick competency in other directions, too – and both sides are clearly evenly matched, with all four men having to rely on their partners to break up pins, interrupt submissions, and all the rest.


Simply put, it's a good, solid opening match, and everyone's clearly enthusiastic – and then it comes crashing to a halt.



The Easy Riders hit the ring, each of them with chairs, and both Greg Keith and Scout find chairshots to the head instantly. Guide and Matthew come in moments later to get the same treatment, but it's almost irrelevant; Ray Johnson has already thrown out the match.

The Keith Brothers and the New Wave went to a no contest

Rating: B




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American Eagle vs. Tyson Baine

Poor old Eagle. He tries, he certainly does, but he doesn't have long here. Baine practically just stands there, virtually ignoring Eagle's assaults and hardly seeming to fight back at all, for the first minute – and then the Eagle makes a fatal mistake, and doesn't evade the big man's grasp in time.


The Hades Bomb looks even more lethal when applied to someone like the Eagle, who bounces off the canvas so hard he flips and lands on his stomach. The three count surprises absolutely no one.

Tyson Baine defeated American Eagle

Rating: C+




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Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Eric's style is distinctly North American, where Ino's is definitely Japanese, but the two men have the experience necessary to blend the two together and produce something greater than the sum of it's parts.


This is a good, solid contest with a tough edge to it, but it'd be hard to say which man had the advantage, almost all the way through; and as so often happens in such circumstances, the break is a matter of chance. Ino goes for the Kobra's Bite and misses, crashing into the turnbuckle; Tyler is almost immediately behind him with the Tradition Lift, and, dazed, Ino submits.

Eric Tyler defeated Koshiro Ino

Rating: B-





And as the match ends, Jason Azaria hurriedly introduces footage from mere minutes earlier, Marat Khoklov and Eddie Peak brawling backstage. The battle spills out of the Armory; Khoklov has the advantage, carrying a steel chair that seems absurdly small as he holds it in one meaty hand.


Peak is already bleeding as the footage begins and he gives ground, but eventually cuts the Russian off with a big boot that smashes the chair against the Russian's forehead.


Sensing this to be the short breather that it is, Peak dives for his car and reverses out of the parking lot, heading off at speed.



The scene cuts, and Mayhem Midden is shown backstage banging on a door. Rick Law's head emerges.


“We lost Eddie,” Midden says shortly. “I need someone for the tag match. You ready to stand up and be counted?”


Law grins and disappears back inside. A few moments later the door opens. “Ready,” he announces, resplendent in his ring gear.




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Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach w/ Phil Vibert


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Rick Law & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

A stunningly fast brawl here, with Law doing his best to provide the kind of presence of Eddie Peak. Remo and Law's moments toe to toe make for, as Azaria puts it, “a tantalising teaser of the future”, while Bach's aggression toward Keith promises only good things for their match on Sunday.


But the true force in this contest is the one you'd expect. Remo Richardson is only slowed down – and that only briefly – by Keith's work on his knee. It's not enough, ultimately; by fifteen minutes in, Richardson is able to power Keith up for the Destroyer and slam him right back down, snagging himself the pinfall.

Remo Richardson & Sammy Bach defeated Rick Law & Sam Keith

Rating: B+





And we come back from commercial. The Blonde Bombshell stands in the backstage interview set, smiling, tranquil. Behind her, Greg Keith and Johnny Bloodstone are talking in low tones and appear, by their gestures, to be discussing counters to particular holds.


The Bombshell herself pauses for a moment as the audience's reflexive cheer dies down, nods slightly to acknowledge them, and begins.


“I haven't been back long,” she says softly, “and I wouldn't be back without Johnny,” who looks up at the sound of his name and grins, suddenly bashful. Greg Keith and he share a fist bump before getting back to their discussion, and the Bombshell continues. “But I am. And I've got so much talent under me...” A wink as the innuendo is delivered. “Johnny, obviously. Sam Keith – Sam freakin' Keith, come on! His twin sons, both of them incredible wrestlers. Art Reed.


“I have two champions under contract to me,” she continues. “On Sunday, Johnny Bloodstone will show Chris Rockwell that it's not enough just to be as good a wrestler as Chris is – you have to be able to keep your temper. You have to know just what you're doing.


“Sam Keith will show Sammy Bach why he is a true legend.” She smiles. “And that leaves me with two champions. But... here's the important thing...


“Greg and Art both have a chance to win the All Action Championship, too. And that means I'll have three champions to work with. Who knows? If Art snags the belt, then it might be as soon as Psycho Circus that Greg and Matt capture the tag championship – and then everyone I work with will have a championship.” She beams winningly.


“Sounds like the Syndicate, doesn't it?” she asks. “Except that... well, except that we welcome the kind of challenges you only get in TCW. The only reason for us to gang up on someone is to even the score after they do it.


“I... didn't understand how good I had it, working here, the first time. Meeting Johnny...” She smiles dreamily. “Meeting Johnny made me pat more attention to what I should have looked at before. To what wrestling is. To what makes us all buy tickets, buy Pay-Per-Views, watch these shows over and over again.


“It's time to give back.”




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Brent Hill vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Sean Deeley confirms once again, with this showing, that he is one of the men TCW need to nurture for the future, giving Hill a tough fight straight from the off. Hill rises to the challenge and the occasion, a broad grin on his face as he steps up his game.


It's practically an exhibition match, in fact, and before too long both men are beaming as they test one another. And it genuinely could go either way – except...


Laura Huggins captures Ray Johnson's attention. Sean doesn't even seem to notice; as Dangerous notes, now would be the perfect time for a thumb to the eye or a low blow, blatant as you like. Laura becomes increasingly desperate for that to happen, in fact, as she continues to monopolise the referee's attention.



Freddy Huggins nails Deeley from behind with the Huggins Kiss to the back of the head. Brent Hill promptly grabs Huggins and DDTs him, then tosses him from the ring to the approval of the crowd, but Deeley's still down. Doakes is just speculating on the possibility that Huggins had loaded his boot before the kick when Hill, shrugging, comes off the top rope with the King of the Hill and, having regained Johnson's attention, collects the pinfall.

Brent Hill defeated Sean Deeley

Rating: B+





Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


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John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

A simply beautiful main event ensues. Both sides have men who can fly, who can brawl, and who can take it to the mat. It comes to something, indeed, when Johnny Bloodstone is the closest you have to a 'limited' competitor in a match.


The match divides down into its three rivalries, the Syndicate & Rockwell trying to avoid that, but Anderson, Bloodstone and Tornado taking a certain amount of pleasure in tagging the relevant man in. Bloodstone has something of a cruel smile as he baits Rockwell to lose his temper – something that only fails to happen thanks to Hawkins' work in getting between them.


But, sooner or later, something's bound to happen – and eventually Hawkins manages to keep Anderson pinned down before tagging out to Cornell, who – after a Full Moon Rising – clamps down the Guilt Trip. Rockwell blocks Tornado from breaking it up, and Hawkins cuts off Bloodstone. Thus trapped, Anderson eventually taps out.

Chris Rockwell, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins defeated John Anderson, Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado

Rating: A





The by-now expected PPV video begins to play as the show closes out, intercutting between Sam Keith's title reign, Sammy Bach's unorthodox challenge, Troy Tornado and Tommy Cornell's series over the World Heavyweight Championship earlier in the year, Eddie Peak under threat from Marat Khoklov, and RDJ's attack on Remo last month, followed by his challenge at the start of this month and his injury at the hands of Remo's steel chair.


Show Rating: B+

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Thursday 25th November

Established thought in the pro wrestling world says you should keep your title belt on the best talent in the company and ride them to the top. This is one of those rules, obviously, that isn't meant to be taken entirely literally – the occasional title change is necessary. And in any case it's a tough one to balance out – who's the best talent on your roster? The man who flies better than anyone else? Your submission specialist? The biggest brawler you have? A seasoned all-rounder, perhaps less good in any of those directions than the others but able to go with all of them?


In some circumstances, it might not even mean the best talent in the ring – just the guy who gets the most attention. The guy people will tune in to see.


Which brings me to the news that I think the SWF might just be starting to get is feet back under it. I've spent the last two hours sat with my sons watching this past Tuesday's Supreme TV, the centerpiece of which was the title change – Steve Frehley toppled by Rich Money.


Frehley is not a bad talent by any stretch of the imagination, but the SWF is in a position where it has to scramble and find the best it's got. Christian Faith is locked in a neverending feud with Runaway Train. Angry Gilmore is trapped in tag team purgatory. We've just stolen Remo. Jack Bruce left a while ago.


There aren't many choices, and they've hurt themselves with some of them, but breaking up the Almighty Dollar may have been the best thing I could have done for both men's careers.


Or Rich could lose it in another month or so as they try to figure things out. We'll just have to see.

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By the way, why haven't you gotten Jack Bruce (back) yet? Still mulling it over? I would... if I was TCW, I woudn't be so sure if he was useful enough for his asking price.


I put in an offer in early June (I think) when he abruptly left the SWF, figuring he'd make a great first feud for Troy. He asked for around double what I was paying anyone else, and that was more than I was willing to hike other main eventers' asking prices (IIRC, Brent Hill was almost as over already and was two months off negotiations) immediately.


I intend to put a bid in when we hit the 2009 mark and I translate the game across to TEW2010, as that'll be six months clear and he'll fit in more smoothly.


In hindsight, I'm kinda glad it worked the way it did, as I like the 'Triple-Threat Champion' schtick for Troy, cheesy as it is, and the triple-threat as an expected thing made the Johnny/Troy/Tommy match and the belt replacements a lot simpler. If he does come back in, he'll fill a very different role to the one he'd have gone into back in June.

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Just days to go before TCW heads A Little South of Sanity and everyone sees what they can do.


Our first three bouts are tag team contests featuring the champions and their two teams of challengers; in the first match of the night, the New Wave will be taking on the British Lions, who have a chance here to rocket straight up the rankings - and who are more than capable, even when losing, of doing enough damage that their opponents wouldn't be at full strength come Sunday.


The Conquering Kings have volunteered to face off with the Stone Brothers. Says Barry Kingman: "Any time you step in the ring with a Stone it's an honor. And any time you step in the ring with a Stone, you learn something."


The Easy Riders face, by title records, the biggest threat, going up against the Young Guns, former multi-time tag team champions. Who's going to look strongest going in to Sunday?


More tag team action follows, as the Keith Brothers challenge the Syndicate's Enforcers to a contest. The Enforcers have, on paper, a longer history tagging together, but how can you have the kind of history brothers have?


Eric Tyler and Koshiro Ino met on Tuesday. It seems that Friday, they meet again; Tyler will be bringing Acid and Freddy Huggins with him, while Ino's two partners are yet to be named.


Mr Cornell has returned to his testing matches against "the best of the rest"; Chance Fortune is the latest challenger in his sights. How well will Fortune fare?


And in the main event, Rick Law will go one on one with the resurgent Texas Pete. Law has stated that he admires Pete's pluck in going straight for Anderson (and Hawkins) but that his improvement interests Law more - so he wishes to see it for himself.


Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title) Non-title or not, no way the Lions take this.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers Yup.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns Yup.


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell Yup.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily Just can't get behind any team managed by Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell Uh-huh. I like Chance, but he's gone past the point where he's ever likely to achieve his once-considerable potential.


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete I could go for a Pete win, because there's bound to be shenanigans... But I don't think you'd go for that.

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Guest cmdrsam

British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete



Its been a while since I have left a comment here. I am still reading and following your work here. I still find it a very enjoyable read sir. Cant wait to see what you have instore for us.

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell

Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell

Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

I approve

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Yeah this may be non title but the British Lions have absolutely no chance of winning this


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Higher up the TCW totem pole both individually and as a team


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Easy Riders have been in the title hunt lately, where as the Young Guns seem to have slipped back to the semi jobber status they were at when the new booking regime came into power.


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Enforcers are just a pair of lackeys for the Syndicate, the Keith's are really beginning to establish themselves now and a loss to Tommy's 'dumb muscle' would to more harm than good.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Hey bunch of mystery guys and Koshiro Ino...why not ?


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell


Look's like Fortune is going to be all out of luck


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete


Pete may be vastly improved, but Rick Law is 'the man' on Badge of Honor

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title) - Build up New Wave before the PPV


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers - Kings get thrown around


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns - Easy Riders continue their solid push.


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell - DCO schmozz


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily - I'm going to say PS got some new Japanese guys on the roster.


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell - Cornell squash!


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete - It's still Law's show.

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)



Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers

Much though I love K&A, they won't carry the day here.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns

The Riders have overshadowed the Guns for a while now.


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Sorry, boys, not a chance.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily

The Kobra Kommander and his new allies take the day here. Seeds have been sown for a while.


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell

Chance never really had it to begin with.


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

It's his show, damn it!

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British Lions vs. New Wave (non-title)

Title or non-title, it doesn´t really matter at this case.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Stone Brothers

One of these teams are in title picture the another one isn´t


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns

Same here.


Enforcers vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

I actually would like to see Enforcers win for a chaince but I doubt it happens here.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, ???? & ???? w/ Baroness Emily

Huggins don´t work well with rest of the school so Ino plus two mystery guys pick up a win here.


Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell

No change for Fortune here


Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

Pete have been somewhat impressive but I don´t see him pinnig Law here

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 November 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.48)


Held at the West Texas Coliseum (Mid South)


Attendance: 2000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


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British Lions vs. The New Wave

These two teams have both, at times, been dedicated but underrated. That's not an issue the New Wave encounter any more, and the Lions are starting to show that they can be relied on to give anyone a real challenge. Morgan counters through the Special Force and clamps down a hold of his own before Guide manages to break it up.


Scout actually comes in for quite the battering, with both Morgan and O'Curle targeting his shoulder intently, working it over, leaving his left arm hanging close to nonresponsive by his side. It's only when he finally tags free and Guide is unleashed that things begin to change, as Guide doesn't try to play the submission game with the Lions – he hits fast and he hits hard, and after ejecting Walter Morgan from the ring he hits the ropes and launches himself forward blind, catching Merle O'Curle with the Guided Missile to pick up the pin.

The New Wave defeated the British Lions

Rating: B-




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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. the Stone Brothers

A less evenly fought contest here, but the Kings nonetheless put up a surprisingly good fight against the Stones' expert assaults; it's just nigh-on impossible to overcome someone like Jeremy Stone without either power or the kind of depth of study he's known for.


And it's Jeremy who really carries the day here, bringing the Conquering Kings down when he finally clamps Barry Kingman into the Stone Hold. There's no escape and Edd Stone is more than prepared to cut Clark Alexander off before he can help.

The Stone Brothers defeated Conquering Kings

Rating: B





Mayhem Midden grins at the camera again, leaning against a door in the corridors. “Well,” he begins, “I showed you guys the start of this one. You deserve another look, I figure... And you've got to be as curious as I am.” The door swings open as, with no more ceremony, he pushes his way in.



Sean Deeley steps a little closer to Laura Huggins as he sizes up the interloper. Eric Tyler, seated, looks up with a resigned expression. The camera has to pan to catch sight of Freddy Huggins, sulking in a corner, as far from Deeley as the room will allow.


“So,” Midden says, his head turning to take in the entire room bit by bit, “you know what I'm here for, lads. Frankie, Greg and Art deserve to know who they're going to be facing – so who are you putting in? Sean or Freddy?”


Deeley's face betrays absolutely no emotion. Freddy's looking away, silent, obviously resigned.


Tyler nods. “Freddy,” he says. Laura Huggins looks surprised, and Freddy's head whiplashes around to stare; Deeley remains unmoved.


Midden nods. “Alright,” he says quietly. “Freddy, good luck.” He turns to exit, but the camera lingers on the surprised looks within the School of Tradition locker room. Laura looks like she wants to say something, but is holding off – at least until the camera leaves.




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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Young Guns

The crowd reaction to the wrestling on display, sadly, drops a bit here, as the Guns and the Riders can't combine to quite such effect as the prior outings. Of course, they do work virtually opposite styles, and there's some awkwardness whenever one man takes the upper hand.


But the Guns do their best, and the Riders simply power through it. Notably, toward the end Harry Allen lands the Gunslinger's Revenge on Pete Hopper, who kicks out just after two. Somewhat worried, Allen tags in Gumble and calls for the Blitzkrieg Bop, but Hopper overpowers him, sending him crashing into Gumble as the latter sets up for the savate kick. A big boot takes Gumble down and the Emergency Stop finishes moments later.

Easy Riders defeated Young Guns

Rating: C




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The Enforcers vs. The Keith Brothers W/ Blonde Bombshell

Now this one worked a lot better, but as both teams have some flexibility in the styles they can excel at, this is probably no surprise.


The Enforcers concentrate on doing damage here; Marlowe in particular simply acts as a heavy hitter, beating on and battering Matthew Keith with a vengeance. Watson does his best to tie down the injured Keith, but Matthew is still a hell of a wrestler and fights out from under it, eventually turning a double-chickenwing by Watson into a pin. As Marlowe dives to break it up, Greg Gauge cuts him off with the missile dropkick.

The Keith Brothers defeated the Enforcers

Rating: B-





The camera then switches to the Syndicate's locker room, where Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, and the Stones are sitting, focused. “The important thing,” Cornell tells Wolf, “is that we come out of this with those belts so we can shut Keith up. Jeremy and Edd should have theirs sewn up, but Anderson's a crafty bugger – and some idiot taught Pete to fight.


“But you have to come out with that belt, Wolf. I'd rather you were taking it off Keith but, well, you had that promise to the Bach kid. Least that's done now, though.” Hawkins opens his mouth, then thinks better of it and closes it again.


“We need the belt. I'm giving you the Enforcers on Sunday. Just make sure it works.”



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Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


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Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily

Hey, kids. Can you say 'brawl'?


Then you've got this match in one. Most of the time, all six men were in the ring, and as it was becoming even more apparent that Sam Sparrow had lost control, it got worse.



Miyazaki had Huggins trapped in one corner, raining down punches, and as Laura began to look worried, Sean Deeley slid into the ring, catching Miyazaki from behind with a forearm before drilling him with a suplex. Sparrow, furious, turned to the timekeeper only to be taken out from behind by a dropkick from Acid.



Hidekazu alt render credit to jtlant

That prompted someone else to arrive, a newcomer sporting the same facepaint Shingen Miyazaki had just applied. A DDT to Acid was followed by an armlock takedown on Deeley.


Eugene Williams, sprinting down to the ring, quickly signalled to the timekeeper, sending the match to a no contest.

Acid, Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins went to a no contest with Koshiro Ino & Team VIPER

Rating: C




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg

Chance Fortune vs. Tommy Cornell

The eventual result of this match, it's safe to say, shocked nobody, but nonetheless it remains one of the best matches Fortune's found himself involved in.


The divide between them is clearer than it was between Cornell and Andrews, or between Cornell and Hell Monkey, but Fortune does his best, and manages to land a couple of shots in the course of Cornell's 'testing'.


However, it's not enough; a spinebuster and into the Guilt Trip finishes fairly swiftly.

Tommy Cornell defeated Chance Fortune

Rating: B





Back from commercial, and Ricky Dale Johnson sits in the interview room, looking steadily at the camera. “So,” he begins. “Here it is. My arm's kept me out this month, and Remo's the man who did that, but let's face it – that's not the important thing here.


“I think it's back to 100%. The docs are due to sign off on it by Sunday.


“So on Sunday, Remo and me, we go one on one. TCW's honor is on the line.” He grins. “It's in safe hands, gang. Don't worry...


“Remo will have to learn a whole new level of the game if he wants to be successful here.” A shrug. “Hell of a wrestler already, though. So... You know what, I think he'll get taught. Class is in session on Sunday, Remo.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TexasHangman.jpg

Rick Law vs. Texas Pete

Two big men, both of them fast, both concentrating on knocking each other's heads off. It's a long-term TCW staple and it's executed here pretty well, with the pace changing up and down and the occasional outbreak of genuine wrestling to season it.


Pete is grinning throughout, and after a little while, he grabs Law, lifting him for the Lone Star Drop. Law's feet catch Ray Johnson in the jaw as he's lifted, and maybe that's what does it but Law's able to arrest his motion, block the lift, and land on his feet, countering with the Squad Car Slam. He goes for the cover, but Johnson is out.



Law turns away to check on Johnson, and as Pete makes it to the ropes, Wolf Hawkins arrives. A Full Moon Rising attempt is blocked, and Pete gets the Lone Star Drop. He scoops Hawkins up for more punishment and catches a low blow.


Law, turning around, hits the Long Arm of the Law out of nowhere, then spots Hawkins – who bails just before receiving one of his own. Law turns back and covers Pete, getting the three count from a recovered Johnson.

Rick Law defeated Texas Pete

Rating: B

Show Rating: B

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Saturday 27th November 2008

Women's wrestling appears to be going through a renaissance, if the amount of talented newcomers – always a good metric of how well the trend is going – is to be believed. As someone who showcased Wanda Fish, Kit Hatoyama, and others ten years ago, I'm not new to the scene, but I've spent a good chunk of today watching footage of girls who are. Girls who Jennifer Cornell has provided with TCW developmental contracts – and, to my delight, Wanda and Kit are among those who're helping to train them. I'm not sure how much we're paying Kit to keep her away from her country and her man, but in my eyes, it's got to be worthwhile.


But it looks like this isn't something I'm going to need to watch too closely with my booking hat on. Tommy has gotten behind his wife's initiative – Joel tells me that, sooner or later, he always does – in a very general way. There's a lot of hedging – 'when enough of them come up to a high enough standard not to let TCW down' has been the catchphrase of the moment, seems like, but I think it's on the table.


I just don't have to worry about it. The concensus of the booking committee as a whole is that we should reach out to my daughter – exactly what I was worrying about in here a few days ago – and as a result...


Actually, as a result we had a shouting match. Having given Kate her start in the business – along with my boys – I was seen as not having much of a leg to stand on in wanting to avoid accusations of favouritism, particularly when Kate's done pretty well for herself in the past few years, down in Japan.


But I stood my ground, somewhat, and eventually something of a compromise was reached.


Ricky Dale Johnson likes to periodically panic the committee by discussing retirement from the ring, but he's also someone who's as active in suggesting angles and programs as anyone not on the committee, and he's spoken a few times – apparently seriously – about booking a company once he retires next month – the less serious part. As a result, and to hopefully make him understand how much it annoys us when he talks about this stuff, we've given him primary responsibility for the women's division, if and when it happens.

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A Little South Of Sanity seems to be further north than you might expect this year, coming as it does from the Greenwalt Dome in New Jersey. In terms of what's going on, however, you can surely expect this to live up to the name.


We begin with what could be the most brutal fight any company will broadcast this year, professional wrestling or not, as Eddie Peak and Marat Khoklov face off at Mr Cornell's insistence - and at Mr Cornell's insistence, the contest will be No Disqualification. Can Eddie Peak turn back the giant? Those of you who are faint of heart, we almost want to recommend you tune in after this contest has finished - but you wouldn't want to miss this!


After that, the first of the evening's title bouts will begin. Frankie Perez is the All Action Champion, and he faces Art Reed, Greg Keith, and Freddy Huggins in a match guaranteed to live up to the division's name. As first defences go, this one will be tough as hell - will Perez survive his first month, or will one of the other talented wrestlers slip away with the glory?


A three-team elimination match makes for the second title match of the evening, as the New Wave will defend their Tag Team Championships against the Easy Riders and Stone Brothers both. The tension has been greatest between the Riders and the Stones, but when the belt is actually on the line, priorities always change.


He calls it a fight for TCW's honor. Ricky Dale Johnson interfered in last month's title match, cutting Remo Richardson off from victory, and the two square off tonight. Richardson returned the favour by putting RDJ on the injured list, however briefly - and he has Phil Vibert in his corner. TCW's honor may indeed be on the line.


The Hard-Hitting Champion, Sam Keith, is a true legend in this business, someone who has built a name for himself on three continents. Tonight, he faces not - as he'd expected - Wolf Hawkins, but Sammy Bach, a man who has made it his mission to destroy the names of legends, a man who announced his contendership with a chairshot. Bach is a rising young talent, though, and Keith may not be able to hold him back...


Another beleaguered champion is John Anderson. Having no pre-arranged challenger last month, this month he has two, as Wolf Hawkins stepped in to interfere when Texas Pete challenged him. Pete has been resurgent since his return and Wolf Hawkins is a former International Champion; will Anderson's reign cut off abruptly, or can the tag team expert prove himself in singles competition?


Something of a grudge match comes next. The championship is not on the line due to Mayhem Midden's edict, but Troy Tornado has asked for a fourth match against Tommy Cornell to settle the issue of whether Tornado's championship reign should have been 'overshadowed' as he claims it has.


And the other half of the World Heavyweight Championship will be defended, as is right and fair, in the very main event; Johnny Bloodstone and Chris Rockwell, two men with incredible talent, two men with unbelievable tempers. We can't predict whether this will be a measured mat classic or an outright brawl, but we can promise that it will be an excellent match.


Prediction Key:


Eddie Peak vs. Marat Khoklov


TCW All-Action Championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

New Wave © vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete vs. Wolf Hawkins


Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship (Canadian belt)

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

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Eddie Peak vs. Marat Khoklov

Khoklov cannot lose. Seriously. Monster of Monsters.


TCW All-Action Championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

The others are awesome, but P-Dawg's reign needs to be a bit longer to be truly credible.


TCW Tag Team Championship

New Wave © vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers

The New Wave, by contrast, have a nice long reign to look back on. Maybe it's time for a change?


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Remo goes over here, but this is far from the end of the matter!


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach

Not yet, Sammy. Not without more buildup.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete vs. Wolf Hawkins

Mister Anderson, welcome back. We missed you.


Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

If Cornell wins, Troy looks like a punk.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship (Canadian belt)

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

Johnny won this belt, and he will unite this belt.

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Eddie Peak vs. Marat Khoklov


TCW All-Action Championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

New Wave © vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete vs. Wolf Hawkins


Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship (Canadian belt)

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

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Eddie Peak vs. Marat Khoklov

It´s pretty hard to predict against Khoklov espesially in no DQ match


TCW All-Action Championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Not a time for a title change yet


TCW Tag Team Championship

New Wave © vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers

I think it´s time for a change here and Jeremy might be a little bit too big name for midcard belt so I go with Easy Riders here.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Can´t decide so I go with draw her in order to continue this fight.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach

It´s only a madder of time bofore Bach gets a title run but I don´t think he will get it here against Keith


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete vs. Wolf Hawkins

I toyed about Wolf winning this one but I would rather see him in main event title picture so I go with Anderson retaining here.

Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)

Non-title so I give this one to Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship (Canadian belt)

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

I´m not convinced that Rockwell has what it takes to get the main event title away from Johnny.

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Eddie Peak vs. Marat Khoklov


TCW All-Action Championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

New Wave © vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Stone Brothers


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Texas Pete vs. Wolf Hawkins


Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado (non-title)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship (Canadian belt)

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Chris Rockwell

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