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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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There is only one show bigger than this in the world of professional wrestling, and damn few shows bigger in any sport. Total Mayhem XIV, the start of a new year's 'season' in TCW, is here.


We begin this year with the thorny question of respect - respect, or the lack of it, between Eric Tyler and Sean Deeley. Laura Huggins has let it be known that she refuses to side with either man, and that she will be at ringside solely to watch, not in a managerial capacity.


Afterward, we have the first title match of a night in which every title will be on the line. Greg Keith and Art Reed are a makeshift team, not the duo that won the tag team championships, but they are TCW management approved and they have shown that, makeshift though they may be, they have the quality and potential to perhaps evolve into a better duo than the Keith Brothers had been. Their opponents? The British Lions - two men highly decorated in Britain, with reputations as good as almost anyone to come out of the British Isles in recent memory, and who've overcome a rocky start to become one of TCW's more feared tandems. Last time these two sides met, they could not determine a winner.


The new All Action Championship belt will be unveiled for the first time in the following contest; fighting for it are reigning champion Frankie Perez and Koshiro Ino's student Shingen Miyazaki. As well as being a member of Team KOBRA, Miyazaki has spent time in the legendary House of Stone, making him truly a qualified challenger. Meanwhile, Perez has been selected by Phil Vibert as one of the five men who represent the best of this generation of professional wrestlers. Whatever you might say about Vibert's morals, his eye for talent is undisputed. Can Perez retain the championship and bring the new belt home for Generation Omega, or will Miyazaki honour Team KOBRA with its first championship?


The Hard-Hitting Championship may only be contested under No Holds Barred rules, which has benefited reigning champion Texas Pete in the past. His opponent, however, is the dark horse of Generation Omega, and a man who has promised to reach the next Total Mayhem the holder of the Ticket to the Top briefcase, Davis Wayne Newton.


A grudge match will follow; this one started three months ago, with Rocky Golden defeating Champagne Lover by way of the Rocky Road. Lover has gone on to score victories over some of TCW's best and brightest since then, though he has yet to best Golden. Meanwhile, Rocky's been getting advice from Stephanie Wade to improve his killer instinct. Can he keep the slate clean?


Last Man Standing. The words should terrify, quite frankly. They symbolise that nothing but utter destruction will do. And so it is that the Battle of the Bands rages toward a final chord. Troy Tornado. Jack Bruce. Both men are fallen World Champions; both men have helmed Painful Procedure. There is no shame in losing to either... though neither man will willingly accept that. Not when he could win.


The next match is born out of one of the strangest sequences of events to hit TCW TV in some years. Certainly, at the core of it, the situation is very simple; Edd Stone wants Aaron Andrews' International Championship, and he's been stalking the champ. He's just been doing so in... very... Edd ways.


Remo Richardson came to TCW, he tells us, to make a name. In order to do this he's set his sights on legends - and he's mown through them with almost no trouble. The latest in his sights is the reigning master of mind games, Sam Keith - but Keith's mantle is one that Remo's ally, Marc DuBois, clearly has his heart set on. Remo has power and to spare. Keith has decades of experience. It's Destroyer versus Proton Lock. Which will prove the better?


Last but one of the title defences, Kate Dangerous has held the Womens Championship since its introduction. She's proven more than capable as a champion, but the threat on the horizon seems all but unstoppable. Gorgon's manhandled people the size of Rick Law in the past, and she made her mark on TCW with a single Hydra Bomb to the Blonde Bombshell to settle the question of our main event. With the Stones by her side, she poses a challenge like few others.


Generation Omega know how to make an impact. At the core of that is the skill and strategy of Wolf Hawkins, who learned both from TCW's owner before he cast him aside. The hatred in Hawkins is a cold, calculating one, but it's clear that he harbors true resentment for Cornell - and he wants nothing more than to reduce Cornell to a footnote. Alongside Marc DuBois, he's been taunting Cornell all month with the threat of a tag team match. Now that Cornell has an ally - Ricky Dale Johnson - will Hawkins have second thoughts? RDJ remains one of the most talented competitors in TCW on any given night, after all...


It began with a flat denial. It ended, last night, with the champion throwing off Jeremy Stone's defenders to attack him. Mentor against student. Challenger against champion. Two of the greatest talents in the sport collide on the grand stage of Total Mayhem for Johnny Bloodstone's World Heavyweight Champion, pride, and the honour of the Blonde Bombshell. In Bloodstone's current emotional state, the challenger may well have a real advantage.


In light of Bloodstone's recent temper, and Sean Deeley's hospital stay following his match against Jeremy Stone last month, it's rumoured that TCW officials are considering enforcing some kind of stipulation on this match to guarantee that the victor will be identified decisively. It is believed that the Board of Investors do not wish to risk the current situation spilling over to threaten the rest of the roster, though none of them were available for comment - and their Representative, Mayhem Midden, refused to make a statement.


Prediction Key:

Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Prediction Key:

Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley - Deeley is the new wave of technician, passing off the torch here really


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins - Too soon for them to lose the belts


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily - If Ino isn't a champion, Miyazaki won't be one I'd think, Would create problems as to whos the more sucessful member



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert - Unless you're god pushing Newton then its too soon for him to get a belt


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden - Big Lover fan, so explains my pick



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado - Sammy needs something to do


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone - Edd Stone needs to be champion. FACT


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

- DQ Win I think


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon - Lucky win continues the feud


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson - Hawkins vs Bloodstone next PPV I think, if they pin Johnson then Hawkins can claim he's beat Cornell again and doesn't need to fight him again.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone - 40 something year old vetran against someone in their prime, who has so many more challengers he can face.

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Looking forward to the show. I could see a few of the matches going either way. But being its a major show, I expect to see some tiltes change hands.


Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


I was going to say that Tyler wins cheap to keep the feud going, but this is a major show and I think Deeley gets a sort of a passing the torch win here.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


I don't think Keith and Reed's run as the 'makeshift' champs is coming to and end anytime soon.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Miyazaki has been quietly built up as an actual threat for this belt and it's not unfeasible to think he could pull out the upset, but Generation Omega need some gold round their waists, and right now the all Action belt is the only one they have.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Too early in Texas Pete's run for him to drop the belt and it appears you are gradually pushing DWN, rather than pushing him to the moon straight away.


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden


Rocky Golden continues to be Lover's 'bogey' opponent.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


Troy Tornado wins to bring this I have to say 'disappointing' feud to an end. For me they've been victims of a bloated roster, taking what could have been a top drawer feud and pushing it back into an after thought in the midcard. Mind you if I was presented with signing all the talent you had available to sign I wouldn't be able to resist doing the same thing.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Edd Stone rules, but it's too early for Double A to drop the belt this early in his run.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Keith's at that stage where he is putting over guys who are good and popular enough 'over'.


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Dangerous finally meets the challenger who will take the Womens belt off her.


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


Generation Omega will be more united as a team and I think that will give them the edge in being able to pick up the victory.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


I'm going for Jeremy Stone to win the match, but not the belt as Bloodstone 'snaps' causing him to lose the match by DQ.

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazakiw/ Baroness Emily



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs.Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Haven't predicted in a while, but I think I've been following well enough to do OK here...


Prediction Key:

Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


Probably by DQ, as I don't see Tyler giving Deeley the satisfaction of a clean win.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


A title change here does nothing for anyone's story. Therefore, “Where it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change.”


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


No Holds Barred = Massive GenO group beatdown.


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden


Evens the score and sets up a potential 'best of three' PPV match down the road.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


More of a guess than anything else to be honest.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Don't get me wrong, I love the Eddster. But he's not the future of the franchise. Andrews is. He needs a longer run with the International strap.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Almost went the other way here, but Remo isn't going to be the only GenO member to lose at this event, and I think this is supposed to be the show that really establishes GenO as a dominant threat.


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Unless Gorgon's been getting massive overness and momentum gains via her run-ins with the Stones, not sure she's in a position to be a credible champ...yet.


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


Lots of juicy ways this could go. But GenO has to be going someplace, and this series of wins - I have every GenO member winning their match in this show - is too important to building towards that sense of dominance. The REAL question is how Tommy and RDJ play together, both during and after the match...


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


I can't go against Jeremy here. Johnny's had a good run with the strap, but this is a good time to move the belt other places. There will be run-ins a plenty in this one; I could see a rage loss via DQ, or I could see it being rage blinding him to a critical mistake.

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


Deeley's most recent promo is the impetus he needs to get over and move up. Next stop: Jerry Stone.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


No offense to the Lions, but does anyone think they're more than challengers here? Reed and Keith are the hottest thing going right now, and they're not going to lose. And even if they weren't the hottest thing, a loss here deflates the Matthew storyline.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Miyazaki is, what, the no. 3 guy in the stable? I'm actually a Miyazaki fan, but I don't see him dethroning Perez here.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


It's too soon on both sides. And just to confirm, this is the "no holds barred" that still allows for a DQ on weapons and run-ins, right?


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden


Golden doesn't rise to the challenge this time.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


If Bruce wins, it effectively breaks up the band. The Young Guns have just got a mild push, so let's keep them together.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

Aaron got this one too recently.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Remo will never be good enough to justify pushing him too far.


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Awfully anticlimactic if she doesn't, right?

Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


Makeshift alliance holds them off... for now.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


I always bet on the face in the last match of the biggest show of the year. It's not always right, but I always do it.

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley

A simple matter of age and quality.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Nice though it would be for the Lions to make it on the big stage, it's not going to happen yet, I think.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

Generation Omega remains dominant.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

But not that dominant.


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden

Draw, as the ball-punching goes out of control.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

A simple matter of quality.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

I love Edd Stone, but AA is the next big thing who's looking to become the current big thing.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Keith puts over the dominant stable.


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon

Quality. Simple as.


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson

TC and RDJ ought to win, but... no. It's not time. Nobody should take down Generation Omega yet.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Big Face win to top off the night.

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


Eric Tyler is about 90 years old and over. Deeley needs the win to cement his status after his 'almosts' with Jezza.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


The Lions are good, but KReed is money. No reason for them to lose the belt.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Frankie has looked vulnerable recently, but I can't see a Gen Omega whitewash



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


DWN looks good in defeat, but a win here seems like too much, too quickly.


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden


I think he's due a big win... which is a shame because the big guy has grown on me.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


Should've stayed in Supreme, Jacky-Boy.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


I love Edd, I really do, but Double A's reign will look pathetic if he drops the title here.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


REMO CRUSH. He's the type of guy that Keith can be sacrificed to. He's good and over enough to be worth it.


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Via DQ is plausible, but I can't see Gorgon being popular enough quite yet.


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


I think this feud has more legs in it, and another defeat would look bad for Cornell. Plus CoRDJ losing after the entire 'finding a partner' storyline would feel something of a disappointment.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


Jezza as the champ... nah, I just can't see it for some reason.

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley What bigger stage for the passing of the torch?


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins You've done a good job building the Lions, but I'm not picking against Greg and Reed


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily He has some money ro earn



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert Like I'd vote any other way


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden Can't recall if you've converted the '08 data or just modified '10 but either way Lover is the better worker



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado Doesn't seem like this has been running long enough for Tornado to take the duke


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone Not been champion long enough to lose


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell Matches like this are the ones Keith should lose


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon Go on, 'dad'. Gorgon needs to batter Kate here, and if that leads to her being DQ'd or whatever, fair enough, but my money's on a Gorgon win just to make her seem that much more of a threat to the women's division


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson Miscommunication by Cornell causes RDJ to lose, I think


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone Tempting as it is to back Jezza, I think this one goes to show that Bloodstone has reached the level of his mentor

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Prediction Key:

Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Dammit. I wrote this up once but it got disposed for stupid technical reason.

I blame North Korea.


Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley

- I love curmudgeon Tyler. A grumpy old man if ever there was one. Plus I've got a knee-jerk dislike of Deeley. I want Tyler to win to continue his 'pay your dues! PAY 'em!' Storyline.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

- The Lions have been impressive recently. But they're no Art & Greg Keith, brothers from different mothers. The story of the non-Keiths hasn't been told in full so they remain the champs.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

- You'll find a theme with my picks tonight. I'll explain below. But Perez is fighting for a half-year's pay. How can you not root for him? Plus Miyazaki's challenge seems forced.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

- GenOm's whipping boy is the only one I'll vote against, since Petey, since learning the ropes down in the Zone continues to shine. Now just get rid of the Texas references and I'd be wholly onboard.


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden

- I mark for Prince Adam but... Mr. Lover-Lover has done so well, so frequently how do you not give him the nod here? Strike while the Mexican sword is hot I say. Push him up, up, up~!



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

- I want Tornado to win, but if Bruce loses then... cut him free... he can go beg for a job to job with SWF. Bruce needs this more than anyone I've ever seen. I loved his debut. He's bored me since.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

- Yes, I want to pick Edd-Fuu but... again... Andrews needs this. He's not quite ready for Prime Time and when he's ready to drop the title, he will. Edd, doesn't need a damn thing to continue to be the most entertaining character in the C-Verse.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

- Monster's are only monsters until they lose. Then they are fallible. Remo (whom I don't like) isn't fallible... yet. A win here establishes him as a monster to reckon with. Even though I still dislike him.


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon

- The most dangerous move in TCW? The Hydrabomb. Here it goes from a move that ends matches (male or female) to a move that ends title reigns.


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson

- Easy call. This is the PPV that sets up the coming years storylines. There is no storyline bigger than Generation Omega. Cornell and RDJ are a great pairing... but they cannot win or PS has essentially castrated GenOm. PS... is much smarter than that.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

- Finally Johnny gets his Main Event slot. Sadly it's in a losing effort as Jezza's mindgames pay off as he makes Bloodstone unravel. Giving Jezza an un-feelgood win but still a well deserved one.

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley

No doubt Deeley is going to win this feud, however I´m not sure this is going to end here as I expect that Laura Huggins have to pick a side at some point before this one ends so I give Tyler a win here likely via dirty trick or interference.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

British Lions are build-up quite nicely but I still don´t see them going over Reed and Greg here.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

Miyazaki haven´t really shown anything that he´s stable mates couldn´t do so I´m doubful about he´s changes here.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

It´s not yet time for DWN to get a belt.


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden

Little bit off a coin flip here but I have more faith on Rocky.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

Bruce haven´t have all that big impact while Troy is former champion so I give this one to Troy.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

Too early for Andrews to drop the belt and I´m not sure whatever Edd really needs one right now as he is quite hot even without any gold.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Younger guy takes this one


TCW Womens Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon

Big show so some titles are going to change owners and this looks likely candidate for that as Kate have already defeated most of the top condenters.


Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson

I think that this one will continue further so I give the first match to Generation Omega simply because Tommy and RDJ are likely going to have some chemistry problems.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Jeremy isn´t the first guy who I would think getting this belt next but Johnny have had a long enough run and like I said some title changes are going to happen here.

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TCW Presents Total Mayhem XIV


Sunday Week 4 April 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.08)


Held at the Greenwalt Dome (Tri State)


Attendance: 50,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



As the pyro fades away and Five Finger Death Punch's song dies down. Autumn Gleeson makes her way to the ring, with a microphone and cue card both in one hand. She enters the ring, turns to take everyone in, smiling the whole time, then raises her microphone to her lips. “Ladies and gentlemen,” she says, “Welcome to Total Mayhem!” As the crowd reaction slowly dies down, she beams, then hesitates. “You all want to get to the wrestling, and so do we,” she says. “But there's one announcement I have to make first.”


She consults the cue card. “Owing to the level of violence this past week and a half involving the World Heavyweight Champion and his challenger, the Board of Investors have deemed their level of antagonism a danger to the remainder of the roster as well as to themselves. Accordingly, they have made it known that Jeremy Stone's challenge tonight will be contested under the rules of Ultimate Submission, with thirty minutes in which you may inflict as much pain on one another as possible, and at the end of which the victor shall be he who holds the most decisions over the other.”


She pauses. “The Board goes on to suggest that both competitors use up all of their aggravation tonight, rather than allowing it to fester in ways which might cause injury to other competitors in the future.”




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Eric Tyler vs. Sean Deeley

As the show opens properly, these two great technicians square off. Azaria reminds those watching of Deeley's achievements in amateur wrestling; Midden replies with a quick rundown of Tyler's own kayfabe history – a street fighter who came into the business by impressing when he went into a gym owned by William “Referee Billy” Barrowman, the father of TCW's own Guide and a former TWL official.


Tyler and Deeley put on quite the show, all told, with Deeley showing just how fast a technician can move and act, while Tyler relies more simply on a slow-paced, methodical system of counters – and cheating, of course. Deeley gets the better of the first exchange, a quick flurry ending with a good takedown that puts Tyler flat on his back. Deeley disengages and steps back, prompting an argument between Midden and Dangerous – is that a show of respect by Deeley, or an amateur-style error that someone like Tyler will take full advantage of.


The ensuing battle suggests it wasn't an error. Deeley evades a lot of Tyler's nastier tricks, but he keeps giving the veteran room. He keeps deferring, holding off...


That said, he dominates almost every clash they do have, but it seems like he doesn't want to take him out – until Tyler finally goes low; Deeley blocks it, spins Tyler around, hits him with a massive release German, then twists and goes for the Front Choke Lock. Tyler taps just before he would overwise have lost consciousness.

Sean Deeley defeated Eric Tyler

Rating: B+





In their locker room, the tag team champions are finishing preparation – mostly, taping their wrists – while Sam Keith looks on, smiling. “Now remember what we told you,” he says, and Greg nods. “The Lions don't lose the same way twice,” he says. “It's OK, dad. We're not planning on doing anything like what we did first time around. We can handle it.”



“I hope so,” Matthew offers, somewhat downbeat. He forces a smile onto his face. “No, seriously, good luck, guys. Bring my title back.”


“Count on it,” Reed grins.



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Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell


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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

As the champions head down to the ring, the camera picks out a sign in the crowd:






They square off against the Lions, the bell rings, and Art skids straight into Morgan, vaulting at the end to catch his arm and land with feet astride the rope. A backflip armdrag thus opens the match, and Reed races to capitalise – only to find Morgan waiting for him with a European uppercut. Morgan double-legs him down, twists him over, and tries an Indian deathlock, but Reed manages to twist clear and promptly scrambles to make the tag.


It's counter piled on counter on counter for a while. After maybe ten minutes, all four men find themselves in the ring, but Greg suckers the Lions in one by one and sends them flying over the top rope to the outside.


As they recover, Greg leans on the top rope watching them. Art starts out standing a pace behind him, vaults from a standing start onto Greg's shoulders, then soars off, wiping the Lions out with a shooting star press to the outside. He rolls them back into the ring and he and the young Keith both pick an opponent, standing them up and going to a grapple.


That's when Laura Huggins pounds the mat three times. On seeming reflex, and simultaneously, the Lions hit European uppercuts, breaking the lockups. Equally simultaneous are the two double-leg takedowns that sweep Greg and Art off their feet, and Morgan and O'Curle look at each other for just a fraction of a second before simultaneously stepping over, round, and through into figure-four locks. Just like that, the momentum has entirely deserted the champions.


Art Reed fights his hold for a long time, managing to turn Morgan over, causing him to break the hold. Greg follows in his father's younger days, however; while Ray Johnson is handling that, he delivers a precision thumb to O'Curle's eye and scrambles from there.


Both of them hit the ropes fast and come in with dropkicks to their opponents, but O'Curle was ready, sidestepping Greg. He charges Reed, catching him from behind, hooking his arm around the throat, and hits an inverted DDT before tossing Greg from the ring.


Coming back toward Reed, he's met with a quick knee, then a snap suplex. Art actually – and rarely – goes to the top rope, plunging down with a kneedrop across O'Curle's shoulder, setting up for either the Proton Lock or its Dread Lock variation. The similarity in styles between Reed and his tag partner is, once again, going to be useful.


He goes for the Dread Lock, but O'Curle gets his legs up, improvising an armbar as a counter. Having bought time and broken free, he delivers four headbutts in quick succession, takes Reed down with a snapmare, kicks him in the back of the head, and tags out. Morgan comes off the top rope himself with a flying splash to open his next engagement with the match.


The contest rattles on, not ending for another ten minutes, when Greg is finally able to bring O'Curle down with the Proton Lock. Both champions having worked on that shoulder on and off for much of the match, the Lion can't last long before he taps out.

Art Reed & Greg Keith defeated the British Lions

Rating: A*


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Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

About a minute into this contest, the rest of Team KOBRA file out onto the stage, sitting themselves down to watch. Perez glances over, but Vibert calls out, reminding him to concentrate on the ring and the match, and the champion does so.


We get our first glimpse at the new All-Action belt, and it's pretty clear that it'd be near-impossible to use this one the way Perez had been using the old one.


Nonetheless, Perez is clearly motivated here. He hammers Miyazaki constantly with stiff kicks and body shots, while the KOBRA man does his best to block, counter, ground and wrench. Two very contrasting strategies, but they make for a good match. Miyazaki gets busted open early, though he refuses to stay down for the count of three, repeatedly kicking out in response to all of Perez' strategies.


In frustration, Frankie goes for the same hook kick he'd been using with the belt – and Shingen grabs his foot as it comes, sweeps his other leg out, and clamps down and grapevines the ankle lock.


All of a sudden, Frankie Perez has nowhere to go, and in the end, he has to tap.

Shingen Miyazaki defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: B






The rest of Team KOBRA hit the ring, circling Miyazaki and bowing to him to show their respect. Hidekazu collects the belt from ringside – having to threaten Phil Vibert to reach it – and passes it to Koshiro Ino, who fastens it around Miyazaki's waist.



Vibert looks absolutely furious. Midden cackles. “Looks like things aren't going so well for you guys tonight, Phil.”


Vibert gets right in his face. “Watch your mouth, Ken,” he says. “The Board of Investors can always be persuaded to change their representative.”


Midden smirks. “Tommy Cornell didn't make that happen,” he says. “You really rate your in with the Board, don't you?”


“I don't need it,” he says. “I'll run you out of this company in an ambulance if I have to.”


“Still on the whole I-can't-handle-it kick?” Midden laughs. “I think you'll find you aren't the only one with hidden allies, Phil.”




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Texas Pete © vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

Probably the first big, legitimate test for Newton, and not one he seems willing to fail. Pete is besieged from the outset by a wily competitor who also knows exactly where the champion got injured the day before. And that, of course, is where he concentrates his offence.


Pete's response is, on a tactical level, simple. He takes the abuse and dishes out plenty of his own. There's a fire to Pete's punches, these days, a speed and snap to his kicks and slams, and it has to be said that the Generation Omega kid takes a hell of a beating. Pete staggers as Newton goes for his ribs, but the champion has the power, battering Davis around the ring, sending him flying with one particularly memorable overhead slam.


Injuries and all, Pete just... keeps... ticking. He won't say down, despite a number of innovative – many illegal outside a No Holds Barred environment – holds. And after sixteen minutes, he's able to keep Newton down with the Lone Star Drop... but as the dust settles, Azaria says something his co-announcers cannot dispute.


“Davis Wayne Newton is going to be a champion. Sooner rather than later.”

Texas Pete defeated Davis Wayne Newton

Rating: B





Rocky Golden is seen backstage, working the speedbag, dressed to compete. He takes a step back, twirls, and delivers a beautiful Rocky Road to the bag, then stands properly stepping back and nodding in satisfaction.


“Good shot.”



He wheels, startled, to find Stephanie Wade there, watching him.


“How long you been there?”


“Long enough to make my mind up on something.” She grins. “Good news for you, big guy.”




“Yeah. Whichever way it turns out, you're in luck tonight. But I still don't know if you rate as a long-term prospect.”


Golden frowns.


“Killer instinct, big guy,” she says cheerfully. “Learn to use it, learn to love it.” A shrug. “I'll see you back at the hotel.”




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Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden

The look on Lover's face as this match begins is intense; the look on Golden's could be better described as a halfway-dreamy smirk.


As the match begins Lover hurls himself at the bigger man. Golden fights back, hammering rights and lefts, but it's still far from being a perfect plan.


Rocky keeps going for quite a while, but Lover seems a lot more motivated on the big stage, He just keeps on hitting, keeps on pulling out big, high-risk moves, and in the end, it comes down to the Champagne Sunrise as a counter to Rocky's attempted Torture Rack. That's enough to get the pinfall.

Champagne Lover defeated Rocky Golden

Rating: B





Sean Deeley has changed back into his street clothes, as has Laura Huggins – although, in both cases, not so much 'street' as 'nightclub'. They walk comfortably together, Sean's arm around Laura, obviously getting ready to leave the arena.



And then Sean halts, abruptly. Laura takes a second longer to stop, then registers what has Sean so suddenly tense; Jeremy Stone.


Stone nods curtly. “Good performance this evening,” he says. “Of course, a dedicated athlete – a real wrestler – wouldn't have needed three weeks to get back in the ring after what I did to you.


“But you did alright. And hey – it's no bad thing, losing to a World Heavyweight Champion.”


“You aren't,” Deeley says flatly.


“Give it a couple hours,” Stone grins.



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Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

It's brutal. It's intense. It's in-your-face.


And, in all honesty, perhaps it doesn't showcase Bruce's talents the way it should. Certainly it's not Troy's best outing, constrained as he is from really cutting loose with his high-flying skillset by the story arc.


It hasn't been a great opening feud for Jack Bruce – not in the ring, at any rate; he's certainly won quite a number of friends while rocking the microphone, and made even more enemies. But the results between the ropes just haven't lived up to expectations.


And here, again, this has no chance of being the match of the night – though the tag match earlier guarantees that spot is taken, in any case.


It gets frantic, and it's certainly a good enough match – just not great.



Sammy Bach arrives earlyish on, only to be caught and overwhelmed when both Young Guns arrive, simultaneously swinging chairs for the aloof rock god's head.


They make their retreat shortly afterward, and Tornado is thus left with the opportunity to pick his opponent apart, wear him down and – with the Tornado Driver – keep him down for ten.

Troy Tornado defeated Jack Bruce

Rating: B+





I Touch Myself by the Genitorturers, known to TCW fans as Edd Stone's anthem, blares through the arena while a video package plays. Beginning with Edd's declaration that he had something planned, all thanks to Rocky Golden, moving through Gorgon's debut, his attempted backjump of Aaron Andrews foiled by Andrews' awareness it might be a trick, his superkick from behind, and the Party's Over on Joey Minnesota followed by a blackout escape, it smoothly recaps Edd's path to his title shot.



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Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


It doesn't take long before Gorgon arrives, making her presence felt even as she simply lurks at ringside. Aaron takes that as a cue to stay on the other side of the ring from her, confining himself – which, of course, Edd is under no obligation to respect.


His hit-and-run shenanigans just get wackier as a result; at one point, with Andrews down following a superkick, he forgoes a cover, instead encouraging Eugene Williams to raise his hand; once this is done, he leaps onto the second rope, spins, and launches himself off in a diving high-five to the ref.


By the time he does go for the cover, Andrews is playing possum; he rolls swiftly into a cradle. Edd kicks out – no; Edd handstands out before two, though, and spins into a legdrop across the champion's back.


He continues to press the advantage until a straight right by Andrews leaves him briefly punch drunk. The champion takes that as his cue to work over the challenger, hitting him hard, fast and consistently. It's a remarkable exhibition of Andrews' skills that ends only when he steps too close to one side – Gorgon grabs his ankle.


Aaron spends maybe thirty seconds in trying to stomp her hand loose, and when he turns around he turns into a boot to the gut. Edd goes for the Party's Over – NO! Andrews blocks it by hoisting Edd higher – gets him on his shoulders – GAME BREAKER! Aaron covers for – and gets – the pin.

Aaron Andrews defeated Edd Stone

Rating: B-





Backstage we go, to the familiar interview area. In front of the Total Control 2009 poster bearing his likeness stands Sam Keith, alongside whom is Autumn Gleeson.


“Sam,” she begins, “as soon as we wrap up these questions, you go out and face Remo Richardson. I guess the first question I have to ask,” she grins, “is how long would you like me to spin this out?”


Sam shakes his head, his mouth taut and grim. “I've spent most of this month thinking about two things; my kids and Remo. One of those is just natural worry. The other is Remo – unnatural worry.


“Remo Richardson is a hell of a fighter. Everything I've seen him do looks like it hurts, and the couple of times we've crossed gloves for a few seconds, those few seconds have been long enough to prove to me that what he does hurts worse than it looks.


“I've been nerving myself up to get into the ring with him with no tag partners, no allies on either side, no respite. It's taken me the last week.


“We let this run too long, though, and I'm going to lose it.”


“OK,” Gleeson nods. “And I guess that tells us what you think about Remo. How about Generation Omega as a whole?”


“Well, where do I even start?” Keith smiles. “I've wrestled most of them now, one way or another, and Phil Vibert has a real eye for talent. Not that they're good – everyone can see that – but they just might be as far ahead of their contemporaries as they claim – and not a one of them with more than six or seven years in the business, but all of them fight like they've been doing it for over a decade. They've got the physicality and athleticism of youth, plus the mentality of most veterans. And it's rare, let me tell you, that you encounter a combination anything like that. I've run across it maybe five or six times before, in my career. The last time was a young kid from England by the name of Tommy Cornell, but he's got his hands full tonight.”


“And his partner?”


“RDJ might just be his ace in the hole – I've yet to meet the man who can persuade RDJ to back down, the man has so much heart – but like it or not, he and I are getting on a bit, and those two young punks are faster and fitter. It's not going to be easy for either side.”


“Thanks. Just one last question, Sam – Remo's already said he plans to take on Eddie Peak next month at Where Angels Fear To Tread. Some people have described this as looking past you. Do you think that gives you an advantage?”


“Hell, no,” Keith says. “Because I don't think he is looking past me.


“Remo's been talking about taking down legends. He knows why we are legends; that's his whole point, honestly. He's going to give this match everything. And next month, he's going to give Eddie everything. If he doesn't feel tonight proves what he wants it to, my guess is he'll come back for me later. But he has a list, and he's working his way through it.”



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Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Sam Keith's expression hasn't gotten any lighter as the match begins. Remo looks just as focused; however, when the bell rings, he makes a point of holding out his hand for a shake. After a few cautious moments, Keith accepts.


There turns out to be no trick to it; Remo smiles tightly, then the two break away and circle – and Sam gets an early advantage with a drop toe hold.


He does his best to stay on top of Remo, For a while, it works, but it does have a very clear downside, as evidenced when, as Keith works a chancery on the ground, Remo powers to his feet with sufficient strength to dump Keith out as in a backdrop.


From that point on, Keith has to go cagey, has to work defensively, and the announcing slowly drifts over to a 'matter of time' attitude. Sam does get the Neutron Plex in, but Remo kicks out hard – and nails the Destroyer mere moments later, for a ten-minute victory over Sam Keith.

Remo Richardson defeated Sam Keith

Rating: B+





Gorgon by Angel Witch hits and a pre-made video begins to air next. It shows Gorgon's month of devastation, focusing on the Hydra Bomb – a chokeslam lift into a Protobomb. More, it focuses on the victims to date; Greg Keith, Kate Dangerous, the Blonde Bombshell, and Rick Law.



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Kate Dangerous © vs. Gorgon

To date, every match between the women of TCW has been a close-fought contest featuring two or more competitive wrestlers who all give the impression of being able to win on the day.


This match changes that dynamic entirely. Dangerous fights hard, shows a lot of courage, and pulls off some impressive stuff – notably, she does take the bigger woman off her feet, not just with a suplex but at one point with a spear. But she can't keep her shoulders down to the two count, let along past it. And Gorgon...


The main reason the match doesn't end inside twenty seconds – a lockup, followed by a struggle, followed by a Hydra Bomb fifteen seconds in – is that Gorgon seems unwilling to settle for a victory so early on, preferring to continue the beatdown. A second Hydra Bomb around the five minute mark puts this one beyond doubt.

Gorgon defeated Kate Dangerous

Rating: B-



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Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Cornell and Hawkins both start this one out, and neither of them seem willing to give their opponent any kind of quarter. It's not a brawl, though – this is two men doing their level best to one-up the other at what he does best.


Or that's how it starts, anyway. Before too long, both men have started to take some cheap shots, some harsh swings. Cornell tags out and lets RDJ run wild on Hawkins as the fresher man. DuBois gets a blind tag, though, and rolls RDJ up from behind while he's trying for the Southern Justice.


Ricky kicks out, naturally enough, and DuBois and Hawkins double-team him for a few moments before Cornell comes to his rescue – leading Azaria to speculate that maybe Tommy enjoyed watching that a little too much.


From there things get out of hand, very out of hand, and Sam Sparrow has no joy trying to keep the four separated. Generation Omega have the advantage early on, though as time ticks by Cornell and RDJ start to relax a little more into trusting each other.


A Rough Ride on DuBois sends him staggering backward into a Leaping Lariat – that almost gets a pinfall, but Wolf Hawkins stomps Sparrow unconscious.


Ray Johnson runs down to help. As he does so, it turns into two pairs of fighters; on the outside, Hawkins and RDJ, on the inside, DuBois and Cornell.


Cornell loses his temper with DuBois when the 'can't miss prospect' brings a chair into the ring. Cutting him off, he punts DuBois in the crotch, a clear low blow. Johnson is about to call for the bell when the sound of a steel chair impact rings out; on the outside, he sees Hawkins standing over RDJ. A replay sees RDJ climb onto the guard rail and attempt a leaping Lariat, only to be caught with the chair on the way down.


Faced with evidence of wrongdoing on both sides, Johnson calls a double disqualification, throwing the match out.

The match went to a double disqualification.

Rating: A



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Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Bloodstone charges Jeremy who blocks, going for an armbar. This leads to a number of reversals to start out, ending with Stone back on the armbar. Not to be outdone, Bloodstone promptly grabs Stone's heel, shifting into a single leg crab. Bloodstone drops the crab and misses a knee drop. Stone press slams Bloodstone, who rolls to the outside for a breather. Stone suplexes him back in and goes back to the arm.


Bloodstone powers out with chops driving Jeremy back, then charges, catching a stiff short-arm clothesline from the more controlled Jeremy. He keeps rolling until the champ catches him with a punch to the “midsection” to turn the tide. “Midsection,” Dangerous responds, his voice full of scorn. “Sure. Right.”


Bloodstone is blocked as he tries for the Bloodstone Mutilation. He keeps working, though, trying one hold after another.Next comes a knee from the second rope and a sleeper hold. Stone runs Bloodstone into the top turnbuckle and steps behind going for a cobra clutch It works for a couple of seconds before Bloodstone loses his temper and elbows clear.


Stone corners him and delivers a series of chops. Backing off, he charges for the kill and winds up taking a vicious clothesline. Back to the Bloodstone Mutilation; it doesn't get all the way on, but Johnny keeps hold of Jeremy's arms, sweeps his leg for the takedown, and starts stomping away at Jeremy's forehead. Stone does his best to steer clear, but with his arms locked in place there isn't much he can do. Before too long he's bleeding crazily. He manages to get a foot on the ropes, but Johnny drags him back off them and shifts into a Proton Lock, causing Azaria to excitedly wonder if Jeremy's learned to counter that.


Whether he has or not is academic, however, as Jeremy's bleeding means he decides to tap quickly, buying himself a breather. He bails for the outside, accosts Mayhem Midden, and whips his do-rag from his head, mopping the blood away..


Johnny launches himself from apron to the floor, but Jeremy moves at the last second, perhaps catching what's coming in the expression on Dangerous' face. He promptly whips Bloodstone into the announce desk, stomps away at his ribs, then tosses him back into the ring. A Stone Hold later and scores are tied at 1-1, with seven minutes left on the clock.


Midden, meanwhile, announces on air “By the way, Jeremy, pray you don't win this match, or I'm going to make sure your reign is a short one.”


Johnny starts to really lose his rag now. A rare dropkick seems to work well, and he follows it by going back to the stomps on Stone's head. Sure he has him dazed, he tries once again for the Bloodstone Mutilation, but once again, possibly purely on reflex, Jeremy is able to get clear.


Frustrated, Johnny takes the turnbuckle cover off one corner. Laying in forearms to Jeremy's back, he sets up to German suplex him into the exposed metal, but Stone elbows free, transitions behind him, and delivers one himself.


He goes straight back to the Stone Hold; the Bombshell grabs a drink from one of the fans at ringside, takes a gulp, then sprays it into Jeremy's face. The hold is broken; Jeremy takes a second to recover, turns around -


POWERBOMB! It's not a move people associate with Bloodstone, but it's executed well. He grabs Stone's leg and yanks on it, turning him over, then leaps, double-stomping into his spine, before ducking down, hooking the arms -


And flipping forward into the Bloodstone Mutilation. With forty-five seconds left on the clock, the crowd roar louder and louder until, finally, Jeremy taps. Ten seconds later, the buzzer sounds for the end of time.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Jeremy Stone

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A*

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Some notes on the diary at this point -


  • 2000+ posts. Holy crap. If this ends up the longest diary on the board I'll... well, be somewhat confused.
  • An A* show for Total Mayhem. Damn, but that feels satisfying.
  • Since I moved over to TEW10 I've had a lot of A* matches. Until this show, however, they all ranked below Cornell vs. Law, the first of them. Until this show... and Art & Greg vs the Lions.
  • Is it daft that I really, really wish I had this show on DVD to watch whenever I feel like it?
  • Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado... yeah, an also-ran phoned in feud by ME standards. I'll cop to that; the match results have had me disheartened with it since early on. I'll cop to accidentally shooting Bruce's momentum in the knee.
  • Still, there's a bonus to this being a diary; I can, somewhere along the line, turn that into part of the story. For now, I'd like to admit to the mistake first.
  • Coming up next: More Stone-anigans.

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So two A* matches, right? Final and second match? How'd you pull out an A* overall? Sure, you had an A semi-main, but remember when I called you out on the two A* at the end of the night?


If I understood the game's maths, I could give you an answer. I don't.


Anyway, Jeremy needs to lrn2EddStone. Powerbombs and all. Some of the stuff you have Jeremy doing don't seem anatomically possible; stomps with a (Cattle?) Bloodstone Mutilation in the works seems...whatever.


Down opponent. Stomp their back. Lean down, hook arms, flip forward.


Also: why couldn't Perez do the hook kick with the belt?


If you've been following the past month's shows, you'll recall that the belt wasn't present with him this month. It was visible for the first time during the match, being on display, and thus not with Frankie.


Point is: BSC should be a dev territory for you <_<


One women's feeder league is enough. Especially when you've got Fish the Dish and Cherry teaching the ladies to use the mic.

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That is a show grade and main event fitting of Total Mayhem.


Is it daft that I really, really wish I had this show on DVD to watch whenever I feel like it?


No, cause I do too. I think I'd cry a little watching my no. 1 female wrestler get squished. (By the way, what are Kate's stats like? I'm curious. Are the boys still in Japan?)



TCW Tag Team Championship

Art Reed & Greg Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


The Lions are good, but KReed is money. No reason for them to lose the belt.


As the champions head down to the ring, the camera picks out a sign in the crowd:






Hahaha yes! I don't know if I called it or inspired it, but either way that made my morning.

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No, cause I do too. I think I'd cry a little watching my no. 1 female wrestler get squished. (By the way, what are Kate's stats like? I'm curious. Are the boys still in Japan?)


The boys are still with WLW, doing OK but not brilliantly as they build up overness.


Kate's stats... she's no Alicia Strong, but she isn't far off. Mind you, she's had nearly an extra decade to get that way.


Hahaha yes! I don't know if I called it or inspired it, but either way that made my morning.


Inspired, definitely. I'm still not sure whether or not they merit an official team name down the line - will depend how the angle plays out - but it's a possibility.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/bookbanner.jpg</span><p>


<strong>Thursday April 25th 2009</strong></p><p>

There's something about Aaron and Edd's approach to putting a feud together that you really do have to laugh about. Their enthusiasm is astonishing, and it's creative stuff.</p><p> </p><p>

And, really, I only gave them loose reins on how to book their segments because the traditional approaches don't really fit Edd's style. But, of course, put a youngster together with someone who thinks like Edd, and just like that, you have a very different feud.</p><p> </p><p>

It seems to be cementing Edd as a candidate, though, so there's really no way I can legitimately complain.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sunday April 28th 2009</strong></p><p>

Just back in my hotel room after the post-show party. And the operative word is 'party'. It's actually been Monday for about three hours now, but as I've just got the two hours flight back to Philly tomorrow, I'm still getting a night's sleep. Privilege of not being properly on the road, I guess.</p><p> </p><p>

TCW policy on PPV nights is, once the show is rolling, no one talks business until it can legitimately be called the next Monday. Instead, any comments you want to give the bookerman or the big cheese get sent to the little handheld computer they gave me that claims to be a cellphone. (OK, OK, it's actually a pretty sweet Blackberry, but if I don't bitch about technology they'll take away my Grumpy Veteran union card, and my local is pretty good.)</p><p> </p><p>

Tonight's is busier than normal. I thought a quick rundown of what I've got here might be interesting for you folks:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Far as I'm concerned, those four just earned themselves lifetime contracts. Do WHATEVER IT TAKES to keep them happy and active until we can get behind them properly</strong> – Tommy Cornell (by the timestamp, I'd guess this was just after the tag title match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Do I smell stable wars with Sam's boys and Team BLOCKCAPS? I knew you had something good coming my way</strong> – Eric Tyler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Promise you won't be mad.</strong> - Jennifer Cornell (I'll be honest – I have a sinking feeling all of a sudden)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rocky just got promised sex on air? What happened to the prude I used to know, Harry?</strong> - Adrian Barber (my old boss at Philly Pro, for anyone who doesn't know. Considering the infamous Gilmore 'shibari' incident, I assume this is pure rib)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>You lucky bastard. I'd be a lot more pissed if she didn't deserve the exposure. Use her right.</strong> - Victoria Stone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>I'm thinking of shifting to an emo gimmick. What d'you reckon?</strong> - Eddie Peak (still the joker)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>I just want to say thank you to RDJ and you for giving me this kind of push. I won't let you down.</strong> - Alison Rush, AKA Gorgon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>I wish I'd called that show. Paying your dues can be painful sometimes.</strong> - Duane Fry</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Boss, I've got to thank you. Merle and Walt were a joy to work tonight. We're giving them a rematch, right?</strong> - Art Reed</p><p>


Damn, son, if you just wanted to use my company as a feeder league, it would've been polite to ask. You know what it's like to have kids in the business – look after her, Harry. And hey – if you're going to keep stealing my talent, a few more plugs would be nice. (Oh, and this is me calling to say I recognise that main event, thank you very much.)</strong> - Dan Stone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>By the way, if you're still looking for more luchadores, one of the original breakthrough acts just gave his son the mask. Might be worth a look.</strong> - Antonio Marquez, AKA Champagne Lover</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>That's my girl! Don't **** Alison's push up now</strong> – Sherie Guthrie, AKA Cherry Bomb</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>You've done the right thing, man. Hell, I taught her how to put her finish on myself!</strong> - Edd Stone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>It's the weirdest damn thing, I can't see any money going out to your talent scouts but you seem to be doing me a favour. Did you really have to take Nate and Bobby and then just sit on them?</strong> - George DeColt</p><p> </p><p>

The worrying thing is, I only understand about half of these comments. I think I need to phone Jenny tomorrow...</p>

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Total Mayhem has entered the record books... and the buck does not stop here. There are always new challengers, always new issues, and Tuesday's main event looks set to create plenty more.


We begin, however, with a tag team contest Jack Bruce promised on Saturday - himself and Sammy Bach will go toe to toe with the Young Guns to settle whatever issue Bruce perceives himself as having with them.


Following that, it looks like we're set for a clash of two stables, as Global Tradition square off against Team VIPER. With one-half of VIPER now wearing All-Action gold, and a number of candidates for that gold in the School of Tradition, there's every chance this could get extremely physical extremely fast.


The Conquering Kings take to the ring next. Their opponents? Davis Wayne Newton and Frankie Perez. Are this increasingly-regular duo setting their sights on tag team gold?


In the meantime, another tag team expert faces competition solo. Guide has found himself locked in against Tyson Baine. This isn't a match we at TCW.com expected, and we're not sure of the reasoning behind it. What little we've gleaned indicates it was requested by one of the participants.


In the semi-main event, Sam Keith locks horns with Champagne Lover. Can Lover round off a particularly solid winning streak with a victory over one of the true legends of the sport?


And then there's the Main Event. Mayhem Midden has ordered a 15-man Battle Royale for the right to face Johnny Bloodstone for his World Heavyweight Championship at Where Angels Fear To Tread. In that main event are fourteen men Midden has singled out, by dint of overall performance, promise, recent title history, "and Marc DuBois, because Vibert is a prick."


Prediction Key:

The Young Guns vs. Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert


Guide vs. Tyson Baine


Champagne Lover vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


#1 Contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship

Battle Royale featuring Aaron Andrews, Billy Fonda, Brent Hill, Chris Rockwell, Eric Tyler, John Anderson, Marc DuBois, Merle O'Curle, Peter Hopper, Rick Law, Ricky Dale Johnson, Rocky Golden, Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado & Walter Morgan

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