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TNA Victory Road


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I was so pissed off as I actually stayed up late, the show started at 3AM ..


The moment Love defeated Tara I was :eek:


The moment Nash defeated Styles I was like :(


The moment Scott Steiner and Booker T won the tag titles I was :mad:


By the time Taz came out to a lackluster moment, I stopped watching. I knew that the PPV wouldn't suddenly turn out any better later.




Honestly. I've pretty much had it with TNA. Quoted from Richard Gray whom I agree 100% with.


Kevin Nash beat AJ Styles to win the TNA Legend's Championship. I don't care about the title, I'm not even sure what the Legend's Championship means but for Nash to go over Styles on pay-per-view in 2009 is a complete injustice. He should not be competing for what is considered to be the number two wrestling company in the world and he certainly should not be going over one of the most talented young workers in the business. The match was completely lackluster and I'm putting all the blame on Nash. He's old, slow and lazy. There is nothing Styles could have done to save this match but to have him do a job is sickening. It's unfair to Styles and every other young TNA worker that is doing all they can to come up in this business.


Beer Money vs. Booker T & Steiner


I was so frustrated with the outcome of the match last night I wrote that I wanted to punch Vince Russo in the face. First they kill Tara's momentum, then have Abyss win with a smoking tazer, they book a disastrous Knockout match on the middle of the card, they job out Styles and then cap it off by jobbing out their best up and coming tag team. Am I the only one seeing this? I guess workers such as Styles, Roode, etc. do as they're told with no alternative but this pay-per-view was a page out of WCW's playbook – no one but proven veterans go over. No one else gets a shot. The go-home sequence with Storm spitting beer in Steiner's face only to get beer in the face of referee Earl Hebner was out of sync and awkward.


TNA Victory Road 2009 was painful to watch. I spent the money on this pay-per-view to cover it as part of my occupation. If you ordered this show to be entertained, you got ripped off. There is no way nice way I can recommend this show to you. There was not a single match that was worth going back and trying to watch and the night was filled with questionable creative calls. To the young TNA wrestlers that read my column – I apologize to you. AJ Styles, Robert Roode, James Storm and all the workers that have busted their rear ends for this company only to play second fiddle to people like Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner – you all deserve better. I would recommend protesting to management but unfortunately they are not going to listen. It is up to the viewers to stop watching Impact, stop ordering the pay-per-views and stop buying the merchandise until serious changes are made.


This is news from rajah.com


-- The reason why the X Division belt was not defended at last night's Victory Road pay-per-view was due to the direction of the show. The central theme of the show was the Main Event Mafia taking "all" the titles. TNA decided to keep the belt off the show since they didn't want to move the title off of Homicide not to mention that the X Division wasn't going to be incorporated with MEM.
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joe........he is a former x champion......


Or Tazz. I know he can't bump, but he could just win with the Tazzmission.


It'd suck. And then you'd get Sharmell winning the Knockout Title and then... well, no-one would be watching to see what happened next.

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Agree that it wasn't necesarry for the MEM to be so overly dominant. But as soon as Angle said win or outta the mafia it was kinda a foregone conclusion. I actually thought Angle/Styles/Daniels/Beer Money dragged a decent match out of their respective opponents. Hated the Love win, Abyss vs Stevie was dissapointing after so much build. Joe vs Sting was lackluster especially given their BFG match as well as the way Tazz come out was a letdown moment.


There was simply no need for the Heels to be this dominant. They already had plenty of momentum and power and the "Originals/Frontline/TNA guys" where already in shambles. They need to give an extremely big turn around for the faces to come back from this.


We always knew Jenna vs Sharmell was going to be a stinker best part was Jenna's (lip slip) entrance and exit (splat).


3D vs Beer Money got kinda buried in the card and was decent for what it was. 3D can still go but again a draw at least would have been smarter or dq win by 3D with the brits stomping on em would have kept their momentum if they intend to keep them going strong.


Leaving the X title out was just plain dumb as well as the reason. If that was the reason then why have a knock out match? They don't hold that title do they? X- Division is about no limits so any MEM member can enter Angle has held it Joe has and NAsh has been very active in the division in the past. Could have had a Suicide vs Homicide "rematch" at least.


Overall crap booking, decent matches not to be recomended.

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was anyone else really upset about the tazz debut? i mean he is one of the most famous ecw guys around and one of my most favorite wrestlers and all he does and walk out and joe stands up and finishes the match, he couldn't even pick sting up for his finisher what a shame i like joe a lot but that match just messed up the whole ppv for me, i new every match was going to suck only 2 matches i knew that could be something was joe vs sting and angel vs foley. but for them to mess up so much and have tazz stupid debut just topped the cake. tna's the only wrestling i watch and im about to stop watching this its a shame wrestling went down so much...well atleast we still got mma
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its part of a storyline.......... the MEM winning it all was just a storyline


A storyline that produced terrible matches and necessitates even MORE terrible matches just for the babyfaces of the company to not look like total losers. If a storyline sucks, why not complain?

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A storyline that produced terrible matches and necessitates even MORE terrible matches just for the babyfaces of the company to not look like total losers. If a storyline sucks, why not complain?


I'd agree. Any storyline that requires Kevin Nash to wrestle, is a bad storyline. Putting him in a match with AJ Styles makes them both look foolish (AJ moreso because everyone knows Nash is useless in the ring). Lose/lose for AJ. Even though that title means nothing (it's about as prestigious as the Million Dollar Belt, for much the same reason), it's still pretty awful to have someone like that have to defend it. The only way they salvage this is if every young talent on the roster (all the way down to Shark Boy) beats the entire MEM, clean. Unfortunately, Russo wouldn't know a clean finish if it had his children and put 'em all through college.


No, I think folks' eternal optimism is going to be disappointed.



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Crap PPV, BUT if it sets up something better maybe it will be worth it. To be honest the young "Faces" are not what I want to see. I want to see Bobby Lashley come in and turn Matt Morgan & Joe against the MEM.


Lashley & Matt take the Tag titles, and Joe takes the Gold as 'payment' for leaving MEM. Lashley then runs rough shod over the under card for a couple of months before any real resistance is mounted. basicly the MEM have defeated TNA, and Lashley and his small group just come in and piss all over the Ashes of TNA while tearing down the MEM.


All this does not happen in a bubble though. the X-Division is reinvigorated, and treated as equal with the world Title. and they get rid of the women who can't actually wrestle, and let the ones who can loose. Keeping the women out of the mens troubles, so we don't ever have to see Sharmel in the ring again.

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Sounds like a terrible show. It's going to take a miracle at this point for me to get into TNA again.



Here's my problem with TNA... I tune in to Smackdown so I can see certain guys cut promos and have matches. I tune in for John Morrison, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, The Hart Dynasty. Every single episode I watch has all of these guys on it. Most of the time they get a decently long match too. Every time I watch Smackdown, I get what I want to see and more, so I watch every week.


When I tune in to RAW, I want to see Santino (talk) The Miz (talk) Evan Bourne (not talk) Orton (doing facial expressions) Matt Hardy (whatever he wants). Most of the time I get to see what I want, but not always, so I only watch occasionally.


When I tune into Impact, I want to see the Machine Guns, the other X-Division guys, Beer Money and maybe a Dudleys Promo... but it's always so damned hit & miss that most of the time I don't get to see half of what I want to see, and I NEVER get a decent length X-Division match. So I don't watch it. I'm not going to blame the booking, or what they're doing for the business. Title belts mean nothing to me. Wins mean barely anything to me. They're just not regularly presenting characters I want to see, so frak that show, I'm not gonna watch it.

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I vaguely knew he got hurt (something about his stomach meaning he couldn't do sit ups, as an excuse for the Jake Roberts' physique he's been packing) but I'd plum forgot about the trade. One more reason to watch Smackdown I guess.


Santino is one of the only things that I don't find dull and repetitive on RAw these days. I enjoy comedy in wrestling, and Santino does it better than most... although more so when he was a Heel (why are Heels always funnier, WWE? Fix it!) but yeah, I like Santino. Enjoyable comedy midcarder. I'd rather see 10 minutes of him talking than 90% of WWE guys wrestling. Haven't watched RAW for a few weeks though.


On topic, I've seen some gifs of Booker's Wife vs Girl from Survivor. Amusing stuff (in a 'laugh at them' kinda way) Might have to watch the whole thing.

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The finishes to the Sting vs. Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley matches at Sunday's Victory Road pay-per-view were not scheduled to end in the same manner. According to those in TNA, Sting allegedly forgot the finish to his match.


While Sting was still scheduled to lose his match to Joe, it would have been via pinfall after a Muscle Buster rather than submission. Towards the conclusion of the match, Joe attempted to get Sting up on the top turnbuckle to setup his Muscle Buster finisher, but he dead weighted him. After two attempts at getting Sting up for his finisher, Joe called an audible and put Sting in the rear naked choke, calling for him to tap out.




Foley had done a promo building up the idea that he hadn't tapped out in a match since 1991, and that while he may lose, he would never tap out. Foley did that promo to set up the shock of him tapping for the finish. Many backstage were unhappy with both Sting as Foley tapping out, as Foley's tap out was diluted by the fact it had just been done in the prior match. It also made the babyfaces come off weak as top babyfaces rarely tap, and it's only done to have huge impact or if they are somehow cheated on.






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