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DOTM: July Nominations

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Just a small nitpick/oversight to point out. You put: justtxyank "The Curious Case of WCW" in the rookie category. He was in that already last month so I think he should be in the Real world one then.

Nope, that's not how it works. Take a look at the rules on the first page of the topic: any diary started since June 1st is considered eligible for Rookie, unless it won the Rookie poll for June. And for the August poll, it'll be any diary started on or after July 1st.


On the HOF: I'm still debating it, mistaken. The system already in place seems pretty good, so I don't want to make an alternate suggestion unless I come up with something that I think sounds better.


EDIT: And seriously...only one RW diary with a 2nd?

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I'll second the nominations of the Two NWA's


both Wildfire's and dse's: Beyond Glory & the New NWA respectively


They both have done incredible job's of recreating the greatest organization ever in wrestling... The both have the same concept, yet are so different. I've always found it tough to follow along more than 1 diary of a similar concept. Bu these writers have consistantly brought the goods for a considerable amount of time

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DOTM has NOT been updated


I honestly think keef's way makes most sense, to be honest.


I agree it is a good system, but I think that it is going to favor newer active writers over older inactive writers. Say an InfinityWPI, or G-Prime. Now I maybe wrong, but I thought a list of those eligable, might spark a oh, yeah that person really does belong in over the guy who is a great writer but has only been doing this for a year. (the above is in no way an endorsement of any particular writer, they are used merely to make a point)


So I just wanted to make sure every one agreed on the system before anything got ran, so there was no hard Feeling later on, base upon how things were run.


Just a small nitpick/oversight to point out. You put: justtxyank "The Curious Case of WCW" in the rookie category. He was in that already last month so I think he should be in the Real world one then.


Edit: Also wouldn't it be an idea to give a link too all the nominations so far? I know its a lot of work but especially for those that haven't been seconded it could be beneficial bot for the writers by increasing potential readers and for the readers by having easy acces to some of the current best.


Edit2: also like the idea of the two round hall of fame and yes every year would be nice but every two would be fine too making it extra special. If you need any help running it I am at your service.


point 1: TFC answered that one for me, thank you sir


Point 2: I used to include links for all the diaries, it is immensely time consuming, and I no longer have the abundance of time I use too.


point 3:so noted :)

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should the current inductees get a nod of their own, or in some way get a say in the process?


If people think I'm being biased then fair enough. I would understand :p.


However, I think some sort of say by inductees in the process would be a very good idea (and not because I am one).


If you look at who is in and still regulary active:







...I think that's a very good mix of C-Verse and real world writers who have been around a long time. Trist, Keef and I have been writing/reading since the 05 days and Tigerkinney I think has been around for a similarly long time. Meanwhile both he (kinney) and Silver are two of the most respected C-Verse writers on the board.


I think that should be used in some capacity - not sure what yet, though... I'm thinking. This is for the simple reason that there are members who, although still active, are not writing diaries at the moment but have made fantastic contributions in the past. I think these should receive fair billing.


However, this idea itself, should be subject to popular opinion.


Quote The Raven


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Actually, there were two, "Let the Games Begin", a PPV, and then the following Supreme TV.




Ah, crap. Apologies NoNeck. I took a quick look and only saw the one, so I dropped you out of consideration. Sorry about that...


As for the Hall of Fame, I do like keef's idea. I can see the concern, Mistaken, but is there going to be any ideal solution?

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We are up to date,


Thanks go to ChicaGalesa for the links to the threads



So you need to 2ND rookies? If so,


I would like to second Oldschool's WWF "No Hulk / No Vince", first, because it's an interesting concept, two, because he doesn't rating whore, three, because it's an interesting concept.


Just a question of intrerest, wheat is a "Ratings whore"?


If people think I'm being biased then fair enough. I would understand :p.


However, I think some sort of say by inductees in the process would be a very good idea (and not because I am one).


If you look at who is in and still regulary active:




...I think that's a very good mix of C-Verse and real world writers who have been around a long time. Trist, Keef and I have been writing/reading since the 05 days and Tigerkinney I think has been around for a similarly long time. Meanwhile both he (kinney) and Silver are two of the most respected C-Verse writers on the board.


I think that should be used in some capacity - not sure what yet, though... I'm thinking. This is for the simple reason that there are members who, although still active, are not writing diaries at the moment but have made fantastic contributions in the past. I think these should receive fair billing.


However, this idea itself, should be subject to popular opinion.


Quote The Raven



I had two thoughts on this,

1) let the active hall members together select 1 honorary inductee

2) give you all hall members an anti vote as, essentially the ability to try an keep some one out.


Ah, crap. Apologies NoNeck. I took a quick look and only saw the one, so I dropped you out of consideration. Sorry about that...


As for the Hall of Fame, I do like keef's idea. I can see the concern, Mistaken, but is there going to be any ideal solution?


I don't know ideal, that is why I asked for suggestions before hand. chances are looking like Keef's rules will be more or less what we go with.

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He doesn't try to get the best ratings as possible...


Really? But go figure he's using KYR the easiest data to date.


That isn't a shot at Hyde's diary tbh I don't have enough time to read most of them on here and I only have a chance to follow a few. I just don't think "He's not a ratings whore" followed by that statement makes little no sense. I'm sure there is a better way to get what you're trying to say across Snoop.


Edit *Snoopy Facepalm*

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Really? But go figure he's using KYR the easiest data to date. :p


That isn't a shot at Hyde's diary tbh I don't have enough time to read most of them on here and I only have a chance to follow a few. I just don't think "He's not a ratings whore" followed by that statement makes little no sense. I'm sure there is a better way to get what you're trying to say across Snoop.


But I am not talking about Hyde's diary :D

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The issue that I have with the current HoF indcuting the next is that there is definitely a potential for people to be left out of the "popularity contest" for reasons other then their writing style.


The Hall of Fame isn't supposed to be a list of "Who is the most popular diary writers" but "What are the "best" diaries written."


I don't think it matters that Monkeypox isn't around anymore, he wrote an incredible DaVE story that deserves to be preserved for all time.


If you want to acknowledge those of you who've spent years writing and contributing, then have a "Lifetime Achievement" award or something and that could be decided by Hall of Famers, or maybe just an arbitrary formula:


X diaries started / ( 1 / Y # of shows per diary) = Z number to get into the Lifetime Achievement.

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The Hall of Fame isn't supposed to be a list of "Who is the most popular diary writers" but "What are the "best" diaries written."


Now, here is where we fundamentally differ.


For a start, this a poll of popular opinion... whoever is decided upon as "best" is really only most popular. There are no universal parameters for "best.


Secondly, the HoF is not supposed to be based on the quality/popularity of a diary but, in fact, of the author.


We already have DoTM, DoTY... why would we need/have another diary award? In my opinion, and I assumed in the opinion of others, it is specifically designed to induct those authors who have shown consistency as well as inginuity. The HoF is a lifetime achievement award of sorts. That's the point.


However, as I say, I understand if people would think it's becoming a "club". I just don't think this particular issue raised is true.


Quote The Raven


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Hmmm, sounds like I may be "mistaken" (ah, puns!).


I thought HoF = DotY, or more specifically, HoF = the authors of the DotY.


But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Either way, I think that as the Hall of Fame represents the GDS boards (specifically the TEW section) then it should be the boards as a whole who determine who goes in. I don't think we need to create an elite ruling caste to determine who's worthy of getting in or not. Just like we don't look to other people to determine what is the DotM/Y, so why do we need a select group to determine who's worthy of HoF induction?


Let the nominees make their claims and let the boards vote as a public democracy.

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Hmmm, sounds like I may be "mistaken" (ah, puns!).


I thought HoF = DotY, or more specifically, HoF = the authors of the DotY.


But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Either way, I think that as the Hall of Fame represents the GDS boards (specifically the TEW section) then it should be the boards as a whole who determine who goes in. I don't think we need to create an elite ruling caste to determine who's worthy of getting in or not. Just like we don't look to other people to determine what is the DotM/Y, so why do we need a select group to determine who's worthy of HoF induction?


Let the nominees make their claims and let the boards vote as a public democracy.


Sounds fitting. It may end up as a popularity test, however, just as any voting process goes... There will be some who vote on popularity and others who vote on issues. So, needless to say, a HOF induction would be much of the same.


Seems best to let the entire board to make a decision of who should go in based upon who they see fit (instead of a panel of people).


Side note: When do we leave our nominations for HOF?

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Hmmm, sounds like I may be "mistaken" (ah, puns!).


I thought HoF = DotY, or more specifically, HoF = the authors of the DotY.


But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Either way, I think that as the Hall of Fame represents the GDS boards (specifically the TEW section) then it should be the boards as a whole who determine who goes in. I don't think we need to create an elite ruling caste to determine who's worthy of getting in or not. Just like we don't look to other people to determine what is the DotM/Y, so why do we need a select group to determine who's worthy of HoF induction?


Let the nominees make their claims and let the boards vote as a public democracy.


Yes, fair... but at no point have I suggested not letting everyone vote.


I merely said inductees should have some greater say. Now, at the moment, I can't remember how Keef ran it. However, for example, if there is a nomination stage (requiring seconding and the rest), I think it should be possible for inductees to fully nominate someone without the need for back-up in the decision.


I don't believe our votes should count more but, as I said, I believe our experience of reading so many different writers should count for something. Maybe it could be something as simple as a recommendation process.


The only point is, at the risk of getting heat here, whilst there are some very good diaries around now, there are, frankly, legendary ones that have been forgotten by some (and not even read by others).


For instance, from the C-Verse perspective, Infinity should be right up there and, from the realworld perspective, Outlaw should be. Whilst you may think my proposition has the potential to turn into an "elite caste", I think not doing so could be exactly the same. The majority of people voting in the HoF this year won't have read Outlaw's work. Therefore, he will likely not be inducted and, for me, that's ludicrous.


Hundreds of diaries have been popping up as of late but certian guys were writing highly respected dynasties well before the forum became so flooded. I think that should count for something.


My only other concern is the possibility of C-Verse overly dominating the Hall of Fame. This, of course, should be down to consensus but I would prefer to see an even split.


Quote The Raven


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