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"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson to WWE


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If Nigel McGuinness went to WWE, and didn't get buried, I'd be the happiest dude in all of England.


Unlike them burying Regal in a four second squash...


I wouldn't call it a squash. Christian jumped him before he could get his robe off. It wasn't so much a burial of Regal, but a show of disrespect to two great workers and the ECW brand.

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I just thought this was a little intresting I wonder who there looking at? My best guess would be Chris Hero for one but Necro Butcher could be but his style is not really whay WWE looks for.


This is promising. Punk's success shows that it's possible to do it after circling the indies for years but still he and the possible names suggested are reasonably young. Pretty much a whole generation of guys WWE backed to be stars like Kennedy, Lashley and Carlito it all went wrong for, so people coming up with a different style through a different route and already knowing how to work can only be a good thing.

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I wouldn't call it a squash. Christian jumped him before he could get his robe off. It wasn't so much a burial of Regal, but a show of disrespect to two great workers and the ECW brand.


If it leads to Christian and Regal getting 20-25 minutes to work a match later - either on ECW or on another PPV - then it will be worth it to me. But that "match" was the most disappointing thing about SS to me.


When they were beating down Christian afterward, I had hopes someone would come to the rescue. Nope. Just annoying.

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I'm saddened...ROH just won't feel the same without the American Dragon. It also sucks to me because ROH finally had a TV show, and I was getting to see Bryan wrestle on a fairly regular basis, without shelling out the cash for DVDs. Some great matches, too, like the trilogy with Tyler Black, and the four way with Black, Aries and Lynn.


At the same time, though, I'm happy for Bryan. I wish him all the best, and the moment he debuts on WWE TV, I will immediately begin watching whatever show he is on. Good luck, AmDrag.

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I hate when people complain about when a guy signs with WWE saying that he's going to be buried. The man hasn't even stepped into an FCW ring, much less a WWE one. This WWE isn't a big man's promotion anymore. That ship started to sail in 1993.


Give this some time. It took Punk like a year in OVW to debut (a perfect debut BTW). Danielson also has more "friends" in WWE right now than Punk had during his debut too.


Not saying there isn't a chance of them dropping the ball on him, but at least wait till it happens.


So in other words, you believe, despite evidence to the contrary, that WWE won't screw up the best technical wrestler in the States, by changing his style because the style that worked for him on the indies doesn't appeal to WWE's audience at all? Everyone likes to use Punk as an example like he's the baseline or something. You can't cite the exception as the rule, it's silly. What about Burchill? You mean to tell me he's not capable and talented? Where is he? Oh, that's right, they always saddle him with a lame gimmick (first the Pirate then the hinted "relationship" with his onscreen sister) and don't let his talent shine through. Nicky was repackaged with a gimmick that suits his skill set and look at him now. And Nick can't hold a candle to Burchill or Danielson, as far as skills are concerned.


Sorry, every time WWE signs an 'independent name' and folks even mention the bad side of it, someone always comes in with the "they don't always ruin people. Look at Punk!" argument. Strange that it's always the same exact person held up as an example of what they do right. What, aren't there more people they haven't screwed up on or is that the only positive example? You can't blame folks for 'once bitten, twice shy' or 'fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice....' attitudes. I've taken an 'I'll believe it when I see it' stance because they have a lot of real talent festering in FCW when they could be getting real exposure and seasoning at least on ECW. Why is Serena Deeb even in FCW? She outclasses most of the divas on the regular rosters.


If Nigel McGuinness went to WWE, and didn't get buried, I'd be the happiest dude in all of England.


Unlike them burying Regal in a four second squash...


God no. I'm pretty sure a dev deal isn't going to pay Nigel as much as he makes now. The only way to really make dosh is to make a main roster and judging from Sheamus's long path, Nigel would be taking a bath financially before he even got a sniff of the real money. Admittedly, there are some people I think are too good for WWE. The E's audience doesn't appreciate real wrestling, in my view. So taking a real wrestler and turning him into a "sports entertainer" is really restricting and sad.

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I am glad to hear this but fear it will lead to nothing incredible. Glad he will make money doing what he was trained to do though.


As for a gimmick he will have to have something done to him. I am a fan of course but the casual viewer has no interest in seeing just some pale skinned kid named Bryan. I hope they don't go over the top. Even if it is a WWE style jazzed up red white and blue ring attire with an updated American Dragon mask. Something would have to be done though to get him over quickly. If he doesn't get over quickly then he will flounder in the midcard if not lower.

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Admittedly, there are some people I think are too good for WWE. The E's audience doesn't appreciate real wrestling, in my view. So taking a real wrestler and turning him into a "sports entertainer" is really restricting and sad.


I agree with this statement 100%! Last year ROH held a PPV in Boston, I was really happy to go (which is not usual as I could care less if the WWWF/WWF/WWE held a show anywhere around where I live). So myself and a couple of friends decided to go see it, (I had never watched a live ROH event) I had two friends that had already watched ROH so they knew the wrestlers somewhat, my other friend is a WWF fan and a Cena mark.


We go to the show and the three of us are enjoying the matches, while the Cena mark is yelling boring and I want my money back throughout the whole card. After the show I asked him what his problem was with ROH, and he said it was boring, he did not know any of the wrestlers, and it was held in a dirty gym (he said the same thing about TNA when he went to see Lockdown with me in 2008 the night Joe won the title well he did not make the gym comment).


One of the other guys who went with us told me that his friend, who is supposed to be a wrestling fanatic (he goes to Wrestle Mania ever year), would not go see ROH because it was the minor leagues (This guy said the same thing about TNA as well).


To sum up what I am trying to say these are the normal WWE fans, and they are not going to give two craps about how good Bryan Danielson is or where he came from. Because to them he will be just some dude from the minor leagues.

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To sum up what I am trying to say these are the normal WWE fans, and they are not going to give two craps about how good Bryan Danielson is or where he came from. Because to them he will be just some dude from the minor leagues.


...untill the WWE re-package him as the evil time travelleing brother of John Cena who always wrestles in a purple space suit and thinks he's a martian or a smurf (depending on which of his split personalities is present), later revealed to be Hornswoggle's son from another dimension. He will then form a tag team with the Boogieman (now with 40 % more worms) and feud with the likewise new and amazing tag team consisting of a once again returning Eugene, now more retarded than ever, and Britney Spears (who will of course have won WWE from Vince McMahon in a poker game that also saw her win Stephanie and HHH's babies, which HHH then will have started feud #46 with Britney Spears' onscreen boyfriend Randy Orton for). Then the WWE fans will absolutely love him.

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...untill the WWE re-package him as the evil time travelleing brother of John Cena who always wrestles in a purple space suit and thinks he's a martian or a smurf (depending on which of his split personalities is present), later revealed to be Hornswoggle's son from another dimension. He will then form a tag team with the Boogieman (now with 40 % more worms) and feud with the likewise new and amazing tag team consisting of a once again returning Eugene, now more retarded than ever, and Britney Spears (who will of course have won WWE from Vince McMahon in a poker game that also saw her win Stephanie and HHH's babies, which HHH then will have started feud #46 with Britney Spears' onscreen boyfriend Randy Orton for). Then the WWE fans will absolutely love him.


The funny thing is my friend that I was talking about would love this!

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...untill the WWE re-package him as the evil time travelleing brother of John Cena who always wrestles in a purple space suit and thinks he's a martian or a smurf (depending on which of his split personalities is present), later revealed to be Hornswoggle's son from another dimension. He will then form a tag team with the Boogieman (now with 40 % more worms) and feud with the likewise new and amazing tag team consisting of a once again returning Eugene, now more retarded than ever, and Britney Spears (who will of course have won WWE from Vince McMahon in a poker game that also saw her win Stephanie and HHH's babies, which HHH then will have started feud #46 with Britney Spears' onscreen boyfriend Randy Orton for). Then the WWE fans will absolutely love him.

This sounds perfect I'll email Vince the idea then I'll be offerd a spot on the creative team.:p ( I really do like this idea. I'm going to use it in my WWE TEW game.)

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I think the wwe can handle roh or "indy" wrestlers very well. London and spanky......when they were booked right they were a great team. I know everyone looks at punk and says they can but to be honest look at cabanna? Every indy fan was waiting for a second city saints reunion *i know i was* and it never happend. If they put colt with punk they would have been gold. They could do the comedy wwe likes and they could both work.


I do hope danielson is booked well. The guy has earned the spot. and yes, every wrestler out there is working to get to the wwe. No matter what they say in interviews and so forth, wwe is the show and were every wrestler want's to be *unless they are in japan and working njpw*.

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I think the wwe can handle roh or "indy" wrestlers very well. London and spanky......when they were booked right they were a great team. I know everyone looks at punk and says they can but to be honest look at cabanna? Every indy fan was waiting for a second city saints reunion *i know i was* and it never happend. If they put colt with punk they would have been gold. They could do the comedy wwe likes and they could both work.


I do hope danielson is booked well. The guy has earned the spot. and yes, every wrestler out there is working to get to the wwe. No matter what they say in interviews and so forth, wwe is the show and were every wrestler want's to be *unless they are in japan and working njpw*.



I can't help but say I have to completely disagree with this. To say every wrestler wants to get to WWE is a stretch. Most wrestlers perhaps want to get there but a perfect example of not wanting to get there or go there even is Sting. He's been given offers to go there after WCW was bought out but never did and doesn't have the desire to go there because he doesn't like what they are about.


You can't say there all want to because you can't say what every single wrestler is thinking for sure.

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Sting was kind of in an unique situations he had money enough and invested it wisely (,realistate Steve,) and he had a very good legacy to leave behind and also to maintain. SO he could afford to say no and had a reputation/legacy to protect. For current workers the WWE is still the big leagues especially if they don't want to remain in Japan or are loyal to TNA then almost all will strive to get to the E apart from those that don't want that schedule or type of wrestling no matter how much money/exposure they get but those are few and far between.


On topic U am the same as Remi a wait and see approach. As someone mentioned Danielson may have more friends coming in then Punk but Punk had someone rooting for him in the right place which is far more important.

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Sting was kind of in an unique situations he had money enough and invested it wisely (,realistate Steve,) and he had a very good legacy to leave behind and also to maintain. SO he could afford to say no and had a reputation/legacy to protect. For current workers the WWE is still the big leagues especially if they don't want to remain in Japan or are loyal to TNA then almost all will strive to get to the E apart from those that don't want that schedule or type of wrestling no matter how much money/exposure they get but those are few and far between.



I agree that Sting is a unique situation but it still proves my point that not everyone wants to go to the 'E.


Anyway congrats to Danielson.

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I agree that Sting is a unique situation but it still proves my point that not everyone wants to go to the 'E.


Anyway congrats to Danielson.


It really doesn't prove your point though. Wrestlers want to "make it" in WWE because it represents national/global recognition, which translates to making money and/or getting to perform in front of the widest possible audience. Sting never pursued that dream because he already was a top star in the #1 promotion in the world. It's just that today WWE is the only place you can go to get that type of stardom (which translates into money).


A guy like Punk was able to support himself and maybe even live comfortably by working full-time on the Indys, but the only way to be a millionaire or be watched by millions of people at once is the WWE (unless your name is Brock Lesnar). Even if you take that risk you'll end up being the next Paul London, a lot of Indy guys would take it because it's worth the reward.

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ok, maybe i should state it diffrently. Every YOUNG worker wants to go there. a guy who has not been in the big times *wcw, wwe, new japan, maybe ecw*. A guy like sting does not even have to wrestle at this point. He could just sit back and enjoy his life. He wants to, I am talking guys who are show to show type of guys. Who work there ass off for one hundred bucks. They are the guys who would kill for a wwe contract.
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ok, maybe i should state it diffrently. Every YOUNG worker wants to go there. a guy who has not been in the big times *wcw, wwe, new japan, maybe ecw*. A guy like sting does not even have to wrestle at this point. He could just sit back and enjoy his life. He wants to, I am talking guys who are show to show type of guys. Who work there ass off for one hundred bucks. They are the guys who would kill for a wwe contract.


I'll agree with you on that point. However the only reason most want to end up there is because they are it. Options are slim for wrestlers looking for stardom and a big pay day. Which is a shame IMO.

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At this point, the WWE is the major league of professional wrestling. And the only major league. Sting is a pretty unique example, because he is a holdover from a time when there were clearly two major leagues. But for most other younger workers, there are few reasons (few situation, previous issue with E or Vince, etc) that the E wouldn't be an enticing opportunity.
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Everyone likes to use Punk as an example like he's the baseline or something. You can't cite the exception as the rule, it's silly.


First and foremost I adore Punk's work, I really do....from the moment I first saw him in ROH to see what all the fuss was about, I immediately said "wow, this guy's awesome, he could be the new heel Rock or HBK in WWE" and he is certainly talented enough.....now onto my point, regarding your post, I agree with some parts - namely the part I quoted - Punk was ALWAYS going to receive a major push, 1) because he is talented in all areas and has the look 2) can play face and heel very well 3) more to the point, he is a poster child for the WWE Wellness policy to both talent and global media given their recent problems and Punk's straight edge lifestyle.


However I do disagree that WWE audiences do not appreciate good wrestling, that's BS. Granted there's alot of childeren, but I was a kid like them when I first got into wrestling and I grew up with WWF....and who were my favorite wrestlers as soon as I got the wrestling bug as a 9 year old ? Bret Hart and HBK. So to say that WWE audience doesn't appreciate good wrestling or good wrestlers is just an ignorant assumption - but admittedly not totally without merrit.


Also one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time in WWE was headlined at Wrestlemania and featured 2 small guys who are two of the best in ring wrestlers - Bret Hart vs HBK Iron Man match at Wrestlemania XII......and WWE's audience doesn't appreciate good wrestling or good wrestlers ? They do, it just may not be a majority sometimes.

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4) for quite a period of time CM Punk had Heyman go to bat for him and really push him and convince the E to do the same.


And yeah it definitely isn't all E fans and I don't think people meant that but it is more typical and or most E fans what was meant.

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However I do disagree that WWE audiences do not appreciate good wrestling, that's BS. Granted there's alot of childeren, but I was a kid like them when I first got into wrestling and I grew up with WWF....and who were my favorite wrestlers as soon as I got the wrestling bug as a 9 year old ? Bret Hart and HBK. So to say that WWE audience doesn't appreciate good wrestling or good wrestlers is just an ignorant assumption - but admittedly not totally without merrit.


Also one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time in WWE was headlined at Wrestlemania and featured 2 small guys who are two of the best in ring wrestlers - Bret Hart vs HBK Iron Man match at Wrestlemania XII......and WWE's audience doesn't appreciate good wrestling or good wrestlers ? They do, it just may not be a majority sometimes.


WWE has changed a lot since their WWF days. IMO you cannot compare your childhood experiences to what they are doing now. Wrestlemania XII was 13 years ago. That's a lot of time, and a lot has happened in WWE since then. Can you even imagine seeing a WWE match lasting 60 minutes nowadays?

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And yeah it definitely isn't all E fans and I don't think people meant that but it is more typical and or most E fans what was meant.


Yes I did not mean all WWF (I refuse to call it its new name) fans but the vast majority of fans that I know hate other promotions. I know a lot of people who like the WWF who would not even watch TNA. I mean TNA has a lot of wrestlers who were once in WWF but these fans still refuse to watch it because to them it is the minor leauges.


I used to go to Hooters to watch the PPV's a couple of years ago and I would often hear people crap all over TNA because it was not the WWF.

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WWE has changed a lot since their WWF days. IMO you cannot compare your childhood experiences to what they are doing now. Wrestlemania XII was 13 years ago. That's a lot of time, and a lot has happened in WWE since then. Can you even imagine seeing a WWE match lasting 60 minutes nowadays?


Cena HBK two years ago?

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