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Could you help explain this B- Grade?

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BHOTWG Inferno of Purity

Optimus defeated Acid GRADE: B-

VENOM defeated Silver Shark GRADE: C+

Marihito Masuko defeated Kansuke Konda GRADE: C-

Hyosuke Kokan defeated Super Joshuya GRADE: D+

Optimus defeated VENOM GRADE: C-

Marihito Masuko defeated Hyosuke Kokan GRADE: C-

Optimus defeated Marihito Masuko for the BHOTWG Best of the Super Juniors title GRADE: C




How??? Would the presitige of the tournament title really carry over the the overall grade that much? I wasn't aware it did at all actually but it is the only thing I could think of for the reason of the evil Hammer getting that grade. Unless it is really blessed by the Gods, in which case I need to address my locker room. Its Hari-kari time.

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Oh I am not the Hammer. I am just a small regional sized indy puro promotion, just was kinda hoping that with match grades like that then the overrall grade would be lower. Would mean that a fall to Cult for the Hammer could be a possiblity which means of course when the contracts come up I might be able to snag a guy to two. Plus the grading baffles my mind that it just shot up to a B- for no apparent reason.
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Ah, yeah, I think Adam's the only one that really understands where the overall grade comes from. It's not the prestige of the tournament title, I guess it was just the hot start lifting up the entire show. Suppposedly the idela formula is your best match last, second best match in the semi final, and third best in the opener, and that card...didn't exactly follow that, but it was kind of close. Almost. Sort of.



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No idea how that grade came to pass other then that the AI has certain advantages and don't worry BHOTWG generally falls to cult pretty quick. B- aint enough hehe even if it was by magic. Trouble is a lot of the Hammer roster is loyal check the editor to find out who aren't.
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Your opener and main event usually carry the whole rating granted you don't have any stand out stinkers. Your opener was more then solid and your main event was prob .02% or something from a C+.


So take into consideration you had a B- opener, a C+ main event, all solid matches in between and if you booked it completely high rated storylines that saw pay offs.

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Your opener and main event usually carry the whole rating granted you don't have any stand out stinkers. Your opener was more then solid and your main event was prob .02% or something from a C+.


So take into consideration you had a B- opener, a C+ main event, all solid matches in between and if you booked it completely high rated storylines that saw pay offs.


I can't agree with that. The main event was a C, not a C+. I don't care if it was .00000000000000001 away from C+, it was still a C. I see what you're saying and it still doesn't make sense. That's a C+ show (TOPS) if I ever saw one. Sure, if the AI is rounding, it could be entry level B- but that's some seriously hardcore rounding then. The entire show after the opening screams CEE and a B- plops out? :confused:


And seriously, D+ is 'solid' for BURNING HAMMER?? Maybe if the show was held in the Tri-State. I also disagree with the weighting of the opener. It's main event, semi-main, then opener as far as I know. I can put on a poop show with my best matches at the end and a 'meh' match to open and the show will typically rate out as the average of the main and semi-main (so C+ and B = B- show).

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I can't agree with that. The main event was a C, not a C+. I don't care if it was .00000000000000001 away from C+, it was still a C.


It's not really to be agreed with or not it's the way it is I believe. I don't think you see what I'm saying...


I see what you're saying and it still doesn't make sense.


I don't think I explained it properly but I can remember addressing this happening from time to time a while back and it's what I was trying to say.

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I think I know what you're saying, Genadi. You're saying that because it was so close to a C+ (in your theory) that the odd 0.4 of a percent or whatever doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, it's close enough to a C+ that we can ignore the fact it's not a C+ and count it as one for the purposes of justifying the overall grade.


Just because I know that's what you're saying doesn't make it any less wrong however.


I can't think of any reason at all why a show that gets WORSE as it goes on, then redeems itself very slightly at the end should get enough of a bonus to the overall show grade as to drag it up TWO letter grades. Regardless of how close it is to a C+ main event or how low the B- is in reality, that just doesn't seem right.


Unless Inferno of Purity is a super-awesomely famous show (how far are you into the game? I'm guessing, by the fact that Optimus is stil wrestling, not very at all), something seriously screwy is going on there. :p


If this was Night of the Burning Hammer (or Firedream of the Immortals, can't remember which is the super-famous one), then maybe the event prestige could help out. But it's not, so...


Still, B- is fairly crap for Burning Hammer. It's not like they had a 'fairly good' card and got an A* overall. They had a weak card and got an average grade.

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I think I know what you're saying, Genadi. You're saying that because it was so close to a C+ (in your theory) that the odd 0.4 of a percent or whatever doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, it's close enough to a C+ that we can ignore the fact it's not a C+ and count it as one for the purposes of justifying the overall grade.


Just because I know that's what you're saying doesn't make it any less wrong however.


I can't think of any reason at all why a show that gets WORSE as it goes on, then redeems itself very slightly at the end should get enough of a bonus to the overall show grade as to drag it up TWO letter grades. Regardless of how close it is to a C+ main event or how low the B- is in reality, that just doesn't seem right.


Unless Inferno of Purity is a super-awesomely famous show (how far are you into the game? I'm guessing, by the fact that Optimus is stil wrestling, not very at all), something seriously screwy is going on there. :p


If this was Night of the Burning Hammer (or Firedream of the Immortals, can't remember which is the super-famous one), then maybe the event prestige could help out. But it's not, so...


Still, B- is fairly crap for Burning Hammer. It's not like they had a 'fairly good' card and got an A* overall. They had a weak card and got an average grade.


I am in August of year one and Inferno of Purity happened in June. I don't really know how important a PPV it is for em, maybe we should ask Tiger. :) BUT it does have the Super Junior tourney on it so it might be pretty important. - Yes B- is crap for the Hammer but that card deserved to be graded even crappier.




Sucks Remi man, I thought if anyone could give me a explanation that half makes sense it would be you.


The card in my opinion even giving the game some slack should of been a C+ at the most. There has to be some programming reason that it shot to B-.

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I think I know what you're saying, Genadi. You're saying that because it was so close to a C+ (in your theory) that the odd 0.4 of a percent or whatever doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, it's close enough to a C+ that we can ignore the fact it's not a C+ and count it as one for the purposes of justifying the overall grade.


Just because I know that's what you're saying doesn't make it any less wrong however.


Going off your reply you don't know what I'm saying mate, I don't expect you to ignore any grades in fact the opposite. Look closer at what grades he scored. In percentage terms it could've looked like this...


Optimus defeated Acid GRADE: 77%

VENOM defeated Silver Shark GRADE: 71%

Marihito Masuko defeated Kansuke Konda GRADE: 58%

Hyosuke Kokan defeated Super Joshuya GRADE: 53%

Optimus defeated VENOM GRADE: 59%

Marihito Masuko defeated Hyosuke Kokan GRADE: 58%

Optimus defeated Marihito Masuko for the BHOTWG Best of the Super Juniors title GRADE: 65%




That doesn't look as strange of an overall grade to me, it may to you and you consider it wrong but if it is a bug it doesn't seem to be a big one.

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