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ECW 2006: The Blunder That Changed Wrestling

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Mike Knox vs. Rob Van Dam

Competitive loss for Knox, probably with a post match angle.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Sean Morley

Morley's getting the big shove, and Dreamer is better loosing with heart.

Doring and Roadkill vs. The FBI

I love the FBI, and never saw much in Doring and Roadkill.

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ECW on FX Results

Episode One: An Extreme Debut


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After the new introduction airs, we go down to the center of the LIVE ECW Arena where Joey Styles is in the ring where a HUGE "ECDub" chant is on full speed. Joey welcomes us to FX and ECW on FX. Styles begins to hype the show and ECW when suddenly...


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To a very big heel reaction splatter in with quite a few pro cheers, walks in a smirking CM Punk enters the ring and takes the mic from Joey Styles. You know for what feels like an eternity, I've been coming out here and telling you people the truth. I tell you how to live, I tell you that I'm the best wrestler in ECW and I tell you that the heroes you all worship are just the thing I am fighting, useless drug addicts who pollute themselves and pollute all you marks out there. But it's falling on deaf ears. For a while there I actually gave a ****. I wanted you people to life like the fine upstanding citizen that I am. But everytime I come out here, I look at you people, I see you boo me and I've come to realize you just don't care. So then I don't care. Because, I have come out here tonight to officially announce that the contracts have been signed, the t's crossed and the i's dotted and I am happy to announce that the ONLY straight edge champion in ECW...the greatest athlete this building has ever seen....myself...CM Punk, will officially make my ECW in ring debut next week. And there is one man, only one man who I want to face me...


Suddenly the opening chords of "Enter Sandman" hits and the crowd loses it as they search for the beloved ECW Icon. After a few seconds of searching, The Sandman is seen and procedes to slowly make his legendary entrance while a clearly upset CM Punk begs him to enter the ring. Sandman enters and Punk rushes Sandman and attacks. As Punk gets an early advantage, Sandman evens up the odds nailing Punk in the ribs, back and then face with the singapore cane. Punk instantly bails out, clutching his face and screaming at the Sandman, as Sandman poses with cane raised over his head and beer being poured down his throat. Joey infers that it has to be CM Punk vs. The Sandman next week on ECW on FX.





Doring and Roadkill vs. The FBI


The history books were written as Doring/Roadkill vs. The FBI was the first official match on ECW on FX's first show. And the two yet again put on another very good bout, which was quite similar to their battle at "Tag Turmoil" but with this one lasting somewhat longer. What didn't change though was the result of this one as Doring and Roadkill once again defeat the FBI following Trinity accidently slapping Tony Mamaluke in the face who walked into the Bareback from Doring and a running Yakuza kick from Roadkill for the win. As the FBI argued and Doring and Roadkill celebrated, from the back walked Tag Champs The Career Killers, who sarcastically clapped for Doring and Roadkill. Joey hyped the eventual meeting of these two teams.


Back from break, we go to Joey who hypes Anarchy Rulz, in 3 weeks live on PPV before throwing it backstage to ECW's newest backstage correspondant, as Joey slowly shakes his head in disbelief.




And well....well....well...it is I, the Quintessential Studmuffin and the only straight male backstage interviewer in professional wrestling, Joel "You can't have any pudding if you don't eat my meat" Gertner and right now I'm here with a man, I believe doesn't need an introduction..."Superstar" Sean Morley... Morley walks onto camera, smiling and laughing. Now Sean, tonight you face a man who you have recently said alot of serious things about in the form of "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer. What are your thoughts on tonight's big match? Morley smiles as he inches Gertner and the mic over to him. Well hey there Joel...you know, I have to be honest here, I kinda stole some of your schtick when I was doing the whole Val Venis thing...good to see it worked for one of us. A look of sadness is seen on Gertner's face. Tommy Dreamer, alot of people backstage here and out there and watching at home love and respect you because you're hardcore. You always fought for ECW. You took all these crazy bumps, bled buckets. Sacrificed your body, your career and your life for three letters. See some people see that as admirable. I see it as stupid. Se Tommy, that was old ECW. We're in ECW 2.0 man. The biggest story in pro wrestling is ECW right now. Do you really think all the crap you did back then is going to work now? Correct me if I'm wrong but it didn't really work when you were in the E. What did you ever do there? Oh yeah, you ate hair and drank piss. I main evented pay per views, held some of the most prestegious titles in the business before the business took over. You see Dreamer, as my tights say, I'm a Superstar. It's not a gimmick, it's a face. You Dreamer, you're nothing. You're not good enough to be a has been, hell your not even good enough to be a never was. You're nothing. You're **** on my shoe. And Dreamer tonight, the first ECW on FX will be one of many for me, but it will be your first and last.



Tommy Dreamer vs. Sean Morley


The bad blood between these two got the best of them early as the foes brawled to the outside, into the fans and back into the ring. Dreamer's early advantage was obvious as he continued to take it to Morley. Most notably, Dreamer drives Morley through a table with a stiff Spicoli Driver. The crowd were surprised how easily Dreamer was destroying Morley. But as Dreamer went for the DDT, Morley's friend and protege Bobby Roode ran in and nailed Dreamer with a stiff running Lariat to the back of Dreamer's head. Roode lifted Dreamer and droped him with a Cradle Powerbomb onto 2 open steel chairs. Morley slowly raised Dreamer up and nailed him with the Seanshank Redemption for the victory. Following the match, Roode helped Morley out of the ring as the 2 make their way backstage. Joey hypes that we have definetly not seen the last of Dreamer and Morley and that Bobby Roode should watch out because Dreamer's at his best when the odds are against him.


Back from break Joey Styles hypes next week's show, talking about the main event of CM Punk vs. The Sandman, as well as the ECW on FX debuts of the greatest tag team in ECW history as The Dudley Boyz will be in action. Hype video for the night's main event (getting everyone up to speed with not only the Kennedy/RVD feud but basically everything going on in ECW)



Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs. Mike Knox


Never will you see two more different styles and levels of popularity here and it made for a very good main event. As RVD took an early advantage on Knox, nailing him with quite a few of his trademark spots, Knox quickly turned the tide after nailing an ungodly lift up backbreaker. Knox quickly took the advantage and worked RVD over. But soon enough, RVD mounted a huge comeback, caping it off with a Van Daminator knocking Knox off the top rope. Suddenly Mr. Kennedy attempted to run down but himself walked into a Van Daminator, which caused RVD to nail a big 5 Star Frog Splash for the victory. Suddenly, Kennedy runs in and blindsides RVD. And almost instantly Knox and Kennedy begin to take out RVD.


RVD is being beaten down severly as Knox nails a vicious Hard Knox, followed by Kennedy nailing an STO and the Kenton Bomb. Suddenly, "Lunatik Fringe" hits and the crowd goes ape **** as out runs Kurt Angle. Angle clotheslines Kennedy and backdrops him to the outside. Knox is scouting Angle and attempts a huge running boot but Angle ducks under and nails Knox with the Angle Slam. Angle then goes for the Ankle Lock but Kennedy pulls Knox to the outside of the ring. Angle looks increidbly intense as Knox is out on his feet and Kennedy is seemingly satisfied with the damage he's done to RVD. Angle goes to check on RVD as Joey tells us tune in next week for more ECW on FX as we're going to close....


Then familiar music hits....could it be.....?


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"Sandman....you have alot of balls, coming out here and hitting me with your gimmick. But I understand....I understand you want the time now because next week, everything I spoke about, everything I told you...I'm going to do. Sandman, you are a poision to my industry. You are everything I am against. And I won't stop until you are gone. And next week Sandman, I'll show you why straight edge means....I'm....better....than you.




.....(long drink, followed by long puff)...as far as I'm concerned.....Punk...Is....DEAD...




Hey Dreamer...just in case you didn't know....my name is Bobby Roode and I'm the Real Deal...but seeing as I just gave you a concussion a few minutes ago...you proably already knew that. Remember this Dreamer...mess with men of our calibar, it ends the same way. You in intensive care...




Ha ha....what did I tell you Dreamer?




Bobby Roode...Sean Morley....you pulled a fast one on me. Jumping me. You wanna call me a loser, a has been. Go ahead. Get em all in now. Get in all your shots boys. Because you should have left me on my back in a hospital bed....because now you have my attention...




(Hero) You're looking at the greatest team in the world...Tag champions in the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Across Europe....Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli...The Kings of Wrestling...we don't lose matches and if someone says we do...they lose consciousness..(Claudio)...ask the Dudleys.




(Sydal) Lizzie, finally you and me..wrestling's most photogenic couple...are in ECW and finally on TV....Baby...what's wrong? (Lizzy) Matty, everyone here backstage smells, they're all ugly and fat, there's no special suites for us...people are wearing (wimpers) flannel and drinking (whimpers again) RC Cola....and we're (starts crying) we're not on MTV like I wanted (The 2 hug as Sydal consoles her).




You know why I like FX....cause finally, a channel on TV with.....Balls.




FX...what the hell is an FX...I aint watch the TV no more since they started putting on all that queer ****. All I ever watch is the Blue Collar Boys...CMT.....NASCAR....the good stuff.....hey FX ain't one of them channels where they have it in all Mexican and all you got is a bunch of damn Puerto Ricans on talking in Mexican, making tacos and crap....no....ok good....(throws down a bottle) get me another drank...








(Bubba Ray): Kings Of Wrestling...you cost us our titles....the titles we've held 8 prior times...the titles we deserve....you two just made the biggest mistake of your lives...because you broke one of the rules....(D-Von)...THOU SHALL NOT KILL......THOU SHOW NOT STEAL.....AND THOU SHALL NOT **** WITH THE DUDLEYS.....OH MY BROTHER......TESTIFYYYYYY.




Hey ECW...you want to talk about this being the best place in the world for wrestlers...well get ready for me...cause I'm Doug Williams and I'm coming to ECW.





(Doring) Hey Eugene, Hurricane....guess what, you 2 ain't ECW, we are and when we get the chance, those belts are going back home.......(Roadkill)...CHICKKKKEEENNNNSSSSSS




Hey....is FX one of them networks when you can see some titties? AWW HELLLL (throws bottle at camera).








(Kennedy) Looks like to me that Rob Van Dam can't cut it against me or big man here. Van Dam, face it...it's all about me so if I were you call up Vince or Dixie and see if Cena or Double J need new shoulders to pin. Oh and Kurt....do yourself a favor and stay out of this because Mr. Knox will break that neck for you again, and you like Van Dam will be laying out on the injury list of the organization I saved...because all you people out there, you're looking at the franchise player of ECW.....MIISSSTTTTTEEEERRRRRR KENNNNNNNEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYY







WHOA WHOA WHOA.....Franchise? Does somebody have the balls in ECW to call themselves the Franchise? Ha ha ha.....it wouldn't be ECW without it's REAL Franchise back....ha ha ha ha ha ha.




Kennedy...Knox....you two want a war? You want a war...you got one. Because we all know I'm "Mr. Thursday Night" and "The Whole F'N Show" but you two *******s want to try and take me out? You've unleashed a new side of me...(puts in a mouth guard identical to Kurt Angle's)




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....YEEEAAAHHHHHH


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ECW on FX Preview


Following last week's debut of "ECW on FX", we are going to follow it up with another huge edition. Last week, the "Straight Edge Superstar" CM Punk, following weeks of attacking The Sandman, relvealed he would be making his offical in ring debut. But as he made this announcement, "The Hardcore Icon" let it be know he wants revenge on Punk. In this week's main event, the Sandman will take on CM Punk in a battle of differing styles of not only wrestling but ways of life. Will The Sandman's beer drinking, cigarette smoking and cane swinging ways get him the win or will Punk prove that straight edge means he's better than "The Hardcore Icon".


We will also see the team many call the "team of the new milenium", arguably the greatest team in ECW history The Dudley Boyz in action. The Dudleys are still very much upset at The Kings Of Wrestling for costing them the ECW World Tag Team Titles.


We will also see two of the new young stars of ECW in action as "The Shooter" Brent Albright takes on Ace Steele. Albright is considered to be one of the most technically sound comptetors in ECW and Steele is a longtime star who helped train ECW's owner CM Punk and Colt Cabana.


All this and much more this Thursday when ECW takes FX to the EXTREME.


Confirmed Matches


CM Punk vs. The Sandman

The Dudley Boyz vs. ???

Brent Albright vs. Ace Steele

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CM Punk vs. The Sandman

think Punk wins round 1 - Sandman keeps his heat with a post match caning to set up the rematch

The Dudley Boyz vs. ???

Dudleys are on a mission!


Brent Albright vs. Ace Steele

with the info in the hype for the match can see where Punk might run down to make the save after Albright wins. Could lead to a tag match with Albright-Sandman vs Steele-Punk to further both feuds a little.

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