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DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way)

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I had big plans for Ladd. Plus I was having blast coming up with things for him to say lol. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Would it be "bad" to have someone else take over for him. :-) Someone just has to keep the JYDummy thing goin




I double checked and YES - popularity over performance. I only have 8 guys who are C- popularity or better in MidSouth. Doc, Magnum, Irwin, Borne, Landell are D's. Not sure how long (or how) it takes to boost them up. Guess a good steady diet of quality matches (and wins) should help.


Also it says main match should be 30 minutes, medium 15, and minor 8.


I don't think I have many guys who can go 30 minutes in a main event - especially JYD (have 3 face and 3 heels who have B stamina or better). After the supershow, I'll try to book a main event with half the tv show and see if that helps. For now, I've been trying to get more guys on the show and some exposure.


I wonder if Ron Wright and Don Carson still hold the record for "Consecutive Arena Sellouts"?



Sounds like it'll be a little rough until you build up your main guys and prospects a little....from there it should be smooth going though.


You can always try tweaking the product a little and see if you can get away with shortening the expected match times a bit without upsetting anyone...if that's not an option then the only thing I can say is do it old school style and put tag matches in the main event...even in this era that was still pretty common on TV,IIRC.


I'd say go with DiBiase to carry on the JYDummy tradition,I can see him saying something like that as well as Ladd.


Show names are tough since this is the era of the big arena show as opposed to PPV's,it used to just be "Come down to the xxxx in xxxx,it's going to be huge! Don't miss it!" The closest I can think of from that era are things like "Championship Wrestling at the Mid South Colliseum", "L.Afflis presents....Wrestling","Wrestling at the Chase" which appeared on the tickets.....but even those are still "generic",if you will.


On a final note,push Dick Murdoch....he's an old favorite of mine.

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I not sure if you wanted picks or not so I will do them this once and if you do not I will stop:


Butch Reed vs Mr. Olympia


Well Doom was an awsome tag team, and even if this was like six years before that I have to go with the Natural.


Buddy Landell vs Tim Horner


I never saw these two as anything but jobbers (I do not think they are jobbers,they just lost a lot on WWF and WCW televison). I will go with the Nature Boy.


Dr Death Steve Williams vs Matt Borne of the Rat Pack (after this week's altercation)


I will take Dr. Death over Doink.


JYD vs Wild Bill Irwin


I still have the JYD poster from when I was a little kid.



Just a few things that I would like to talk about:


Also it says main match should be 30 minutes, medium 15, and minor 8.


I don't think that pretains to you the player. I am pretty sure that is just there for when the A.I. plays as the company.



You can always try tweaking the product a little and see if you can get away with shortening the expected match times a bit without upsetting anyone...if that's not an option then the only thing I can say is do it old school style and put tag matches in the main event...even in this era that was still pretty common on TV,IIRC.


I did this in my C-Verse diary game, I am playing as NYCW and the product sucked because the default roster sucked. It was based equally popularity and performance. That was not going to fly with the likes of Whistler on the card. So I tweaked it a bit to make it based more on popularity.


With you it might be harder because you are doing a real life diary and you kind of have to be as historically accurate as possible. That being said a little tweak here and there is not going to hurt anyone. Bill Watts may not allow you to do it depending on his in-game personality in the mod that you are playing.


As far as card names go, I just steal song name. I always use Ball Of Confusion (The Temptations song) and Land of Confusion (The Genesis song which was not out in 1983 so that is a bad example) in most of my games.


You have Grizzly Smith in your game is Sam Houston and Jake "The Snake" to far behind?

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do it old school style and put tag matches in the main event
does the game engine take into account it's a tag match? If I have a pair of guys with C stamina (which are good for about 15 minutes in a singles match from what I understand), can they last closer to 30 in a tag match without dropping over dead? And if I book a 6-man match I should easily be able to get into that 30 minute range and beyond (and get more guys involved).

so far each event has helped my overall popularity, so I think we are on track. Maybe by having "only C" rated match at first will be a benefit later? If they start improving the quality, then maybe they can have more than 3 matches against each other (I keep reading about that pesky "rule")


On a final note,push Dick Murdoch....he's an old favorite of mine

Granted, I'm struggling a little bit early with him but have 2 great ideas going forward (hope he stays around long enough to see them all thru). I just want to keep him active in the background right now until the right now to unleash the fury. I think you will be pleased - especially with the first one! All I can say right now is I pulled off a small coup and it's going to be a fun little angle tho I'll have to "kayfabe" part of the storyline. Is that good enough of a teaser?


I not sure if you wanted picks

sure absolute! especially for the big monthly show - I'm sure I'll glean all kinds of extra ideas from these.


BTW - Buddy Landell was scheduled to win the NWA World title from Ric Flair if he hadn't got messed up. Still after that, he bounced back and a great regional star. His match in SMW against Shawn Michaels for the WWF IC title was a classic and completed his face turn there.


You have Grizzly Smith in your game is Sam Houston and Jake "The Snake" to far behind
I'm sure we would welcome The Snake with open arms (Sam doesn't exist yet that I could find). I plan to wait til May to make any roster changes though. I want to get one month under my belt, see how all the finances work out and work out a few kinks.


You guys are correct about the monthly cards not usually being named. Exceptions being Last Tango in Tampa and things like that. While we don't do house shows per se (until we reach National Status), those are what they promoted for on the TV shows (I just assume "for game purposes" they go on in the background sort of invisible to all and pretty much break even - and the Big Show is where we all get our payoff -- much like back in the day they would run the same match in every city). These monthly shows might not be PPV's or anything, but there is a little build up to them - most can have just a generic name that is month specific (so I don't keep having the "big one" every month - hard to keep them straight). So these would be just a little bigger than your normal house show even.

I think they may grow in importance each year within the game - not sure if that means they will draw a bigger crowd down the road or not?


BTW, does anyone know how well Battle Royals go over in the game? Thought that might be one way to "choose" a future challenger for a title and get several guys involved in a show which will be tougher if I'm try to run 30 minute main events on a 1 hr show.

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BTW, does anyone know how well Battle Royals go over in the game? Thought that might be one way to "choose" a future challenger for a title and get several guys involved in a show which will be tougher if I'm try to run 30 minute main events on a 1 hr show.


I don't if it they work for anybody else but they usually work great for me. They usually get good ratings and it helps the wrestlers whom are in the match with their stats. I usually see three or four workers stats improve after being in a battle royal.

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Ok,I messed around a little this morning,using MSW,I found that:


-I ran a test match with JYD and Kamala at 15 minutes and 30 minutes;although JYD was much more tired after 30 minutes,it did not seem to affect the match grade.


-I ran a similar match but turned it into a tag match;Tag or single doesn't make a difference of whether or not a wrestler gets tired....but with 3 other guys involved I found it was easier to offset the exhaustion factor with notes,thus upping the grade by one step.


-I ran a Mr.Wrestling II/Ted DiBiase match....I was able to get a B- match with no notes,and got it up to a B match just by making it an open match...I got those grade consistently except for the rare times when both guys had a lousy night.Are you adding a lot of booking notes to your match? if so,you may be "overbooking" a little and it's hurting the match.


-Battle Royales can work,just be real careful with them...it's easy to screw one all up with booking notes and you don't want to run them TOO often so they stay special.

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I haven't been using too many notes. Pick a winner most the time, use "keep strong" for some of the guys. For the Dibiase-Wrestling 2 match, I made it a 15 minute draw. That was probably 2 strikes (short match and no winner). I will book them for a rematch soon and give them half the show to wow the crowd.


I know sometimes it may just be random whether the match or angle gets a B- or a C+ (could be just a subtle change and a very small difference between the two). Guess it's best to experiment a little now and maybe by the end of the year, I'll be turning in some solid B shows.

Thanks for helping and checking that out for me!!


When the TV deals come up, is it worth me trying to expand my current show into SE and/or Midwest (next hight pop at 30)? No clue if I'll be able too. I'm currently on a very small midwest station and my Wednesday evening time slot shows "low" ratings on the grid

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I haven't been using too many notes. Pick a winner most the time, use "keep strong" for some of the guys. For the Dibiase-Wrestling 2 match, I made it a 15 minute draw. That was probably 2 strikes (short match and no winner). I will book them for a rematch soon and give them half the show to wow the crowd.


I know sometimes it may just be random whether the match or angle gets a B- or a C+ (could be just a subtle change and a very small difference between the two). Guess it's best to experiment a little now and maybe by the end of the year, I'll be turning in some solid B shows.

Thanks for helping and checking that out for me!!


When the TV deals come up, is it worth me trying to expand my current show into SE and/or Midwest (next hight pop at 30)? No clue if I'll be able too. I'm currently on a very small midwest station and my Wednesday evening time slot shows "low" ratings on the grid


Hmm...on my test I did DiBiase-Wrestling II...15 minute length....my notes were "Draw" and "Time Limit Finish"...I scored a "B-" 10 tries out of 10.I added the "Open Match" note and got a "B" 9 tries out of 10,I got a lower grade one time with both guys having the "really off night" note....that's a differnce of 3-4 steps compared to your result,with one throwaway result we can chalk up to bad luck....out of curiosity could you post up or pm me the stats for II and DiBiase,as well as their popularity rating for the Mid South region?I want to see if they match mine.


Otherwise I would say don't go nuts and try to expand real fast,work on getting a really solid foothold in your "home" territory.


When it comes to TV the networks can be a real pain,your best would be to:


A)Schedule your TV tapings on a day when you have the most worker availability(do this for your monthly big shows as well,don't want to shoot yourself in the foot building something up then a guy can't make it)




B) Try to negotiate your current show into a time slot that gets better ratings;that way you'll make more cash,which you will need when it's time to expand to Cult.

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week 3


Mid-South TV -week 3 April 1983


open with a short video hyping the Terry Taylor-Kendo Nagasaki feud over the TV title. (E+ -- what a flop these two have been)


Hacksaw Duggan pins Art Crews with a Three-Pt Stance Tackle. (C-)

Hacksaw improves his performance skills.


C-rated video to hype Duggan vs Dr. Death Steve Williams


Buddy Landell defeats Tim Horner with the Figure 4. (E).

This is the 2nd time I found chemistry between two workers and the match flops.


Kamala Bodyslam Challenge: Akbar is bragging how no one can slam his Ugandan Giant, but his tune changes when Magnum TA comes out!!! "No, no, no. We will not allow him in the challenge. He has that slick move that is not really a bodyslam and we don't want him trying to use it." Bill Watts won't take any excuses. "you issued an open Challenge and this young man answered it. But it has to be a clean Body Slam and I will make sure of that"

Magnum TA moves in - he dodges the Ugandan Chops and lands a couple good ole American rights and lefts. he staggers Kamala then goes for the slam. He almost gets Kamala off his feet when the giant regains his balance and clubs Magnum in the back to break the momentum. At that point, Akbar orders his the rest of Devastation Inc to get in there and attack Magum "make him pay for his transgressions!"

(Magnum improves acting in this C rated angle)


As Devastation inc puts the boots to Magnum TA, Hacksaw Butch Reed runs down to make the save. He sends Akbar's stable scrambling and tends to the fallen Magnum. (Kamala comes across good in this bit, but it gets a D rating)


Butch Reed vs Mr Olympia

Reed was still fired up from his previous encounter with Kamala and started fast. Mr Olympia got a break and battled back but Reed's power was just too much on this night. Press Slam for the win at 14:58.

(I left this as an open match and let Grizzley Smith decide the winner. C rating)

Kamala gets a little payback as he runs back down and lays Reed out ©


Dr. Death Steve Williams vs Maniac Matt Borne (of Rat Pack)

Hacksaw Duggan comes down with stable-mate Borne "just to keep an eye on things". Bill Watts tells Jim Ross that he'll be keeping his eyes on Duggan as the match progresses. The match goes back and forth as they slam and suplex each other. AS they battle on the floor, Doc slams Matt into the ring apron. It looked like he was starting to get the upper hand - that's when Duggan made his play. As Steve started to climb back into the ring, Hacksaw hit him from behind and slams him on the concrete floor. He rolls Steve back into the ring, then helps up his partner. Borne goes to the top rope and dives off with his Bombs Away...but Doc rolls out of the way at the last second!!! Matt hits the mat hard....Dr Death picks him and starts stomping.....Oklahoma Stampede. 1--2--3. D rating

As Doc celebrates his win, Duggan blindsides him. Bill Watts quickly gets involved to keep things from getting out of control. He announces that The Blowout, he's adding a match between Duggan and Dr. Death. ©


Dr Death Steve Williams cuts a promo and blows off some steam about what he'll do when he gets his hands on Duggan the Blow-out. "I've had it up to here with people sticking their nose where it don't belong. Duggan, you brag about your football career with the Atlanta Falcons - well I played a little football too.. At the Blow-Out, we're gonna find out who the toughest man in Mid-South really is." ©


Boyd Pearce catches up with JYD before he heads to the ring for his match against Wild Bill Irwin. JYD comes across well © as he reminds us "every dog has his day...ar ar ar


Junkyard Dog vs Wild Bill Irwin (w/ Akbar)

JYD was off his game and the match flow drifts - definite lack of psychology on display! Big Thump give JYD the win ©


Show rates a C. This is an improvement over the last show and didn't have as big a build or as good of quality main event on paper. With no psychology, I may need to try to script JYD's matches in the future and see if that helps.


The line-up for The April Blow-out:

Dick Murdoch vs ??? (TBA)

Kamala vs Butch Reed

Jim Duggan vs Steve Williams

North American Title: JYD vs Nicolai Volkolff

Mid-South Tag team title: Mr Wrestling II & Tiger Conway vs Rat Pack (Dibiase and Borne)


there will be one more match of little consequence (and no clear winner) so I did not include for the pick-em game. One thing I'm excited about is the matches improve from a beginning heat of E+ and D's up to C's from the TV programming. Positive news - hoping next month we start a little higher and get a better build.

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Ah, so scripting helps a lack of psychology.


Good card.


Yep....I think the "protect" note may also help if it's just one guy with poor psychology,I know it helps with other problems like poor stamina,etc.


That first month is always tough,it's really hard to able to build up that first big show...you moving in the right direction though and soon you'll have good heat....remember you can use certain angles on your weekly TV to promote matches for your monthly and build the heat for it.


Ow,overness rated segment involving Taylor & Kendo....that one hurt.


Landell and Horner.....I'm sure the match itself was not bad,it's that fans don't care too much about either guy.....yet.

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The line-up for The April Blow-out:

Dick Murdoch vs ??? (TBA)

Debuts ont usually lose, but Murdoch is awesome... Probably a non finish, DQ or countout if I had to venture a guess



Kamala vs Butch Reed

I think A win for Reed would do wonders for him, while Kamala would still be over as Akbars monster even if he loses


Jim Duggan vs Steve Williams

Apparently Williams is just too green yet, and a good rub, from Duggan could help him


North American Title: JYD vs Nicolai Volkolff

I'd be shocked if Nicolai won... He's probably best utilized to help get some guys over and then let go, because of his pay


Mid-South Tag team title: Mr Wrestling II & Tiger Conway vs Rat Pack (Dibiase and Borne)

Tiger doing you no good as tag champ, get belts off him, then perhaps have II regroup with Magnum

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Ah, so scripting helps a lack of psychology.


Good card.


thank you sir. I'll give it a whirl - and the "protect" idea too. Hadn't thought about that


remember you can use certain angles on your weekly TV to promote matches for your monthly and build the heat for it.


Ow,overness rated segment involving Taylor & Kendo....that one hurt.


Landell and Horner.....I'm sure the match itself was not bad,it's that fans don't care too much about either guy.....yet.


I have 2 "stories" going and 2 "open" (unchained) stories. Eventually, I'll have to kill them off and start anew. Taylor-Kendo is one the chained stories, so I'm trying to follow the script. It's D- while the other 3 are in the C's. Sad part is Kamala's story was B+ when he was going against Horner and Magnum. The minute Reed gets involved and it tanks. Who'd a thunk it? Rat Pack story is floundering along as is JYD's title run story. In a month or two, the guys should be finding their groove.

Taylor-Kendo, I only ran the video for a minute just in case. I'll let them both fight someone else next and then come back to see if they can give me a good match. If not, maybe have to scrap their story and move on (I could keep it on the dark match, but they just kill the crowd heat). A lot of guys are just D popularity, so it may take some growing pains on the undercard.

Landell-Horner: just needed to get them some exposure. You're right that no one really cared for the match. Tim was 5% popular (now, he's 10% after the match though!). I'll save the rematch for a rainy day when they're both more over. Horner needs to hone his craft, and Landell is not a bad guy to teach him the ropes.


thanks to everyone for the encouragement.

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Really liked the Steve Williams interview, it was simple yet it was something that I could hear him saying. You did good work on the crowd, and I really do not think your numbers came off all that bad.


The line-up for The April Blow-out:

Dick Murdoch vs ??? (TBA)


Kamala vs Butch Reed


Part of me thinks this is a match that could go either way. The other part of me knows that Kamala is going to win.


Jim Duggan vs Steve Williams


Got to go with Steve Williams.


North American Title: JYD vs Nicolai Volkolff


I just can not see Nicolai as your main champion.


Mid-South Tag team title: Mr Wrestling II & Tiger Conway vs Rat Pack (Dibiase and Borne)


I am not sure about this match, I think you are saving Dibiase for a singles title so I will go with my old nemesis from Old School's diary Mr. Wrestling II and Conyway.

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Dick Murdoch vs ???

I like ol' "Captain Redneck" but I usuallt find it safer to bet on ???'s


Kamala vs. Butch Reed

Kamala needs to be pushed as a monster,can't have him loose se early on.

Jim Duggan vs. Steve Willaims

Jim's a little more reliable,plus "Rat Pack Duggan" was actually a pretty dastardly cheater.


JYD vs Nicolai Volkoff

Another One Bites The Dust.


Mr.Wrestling II & Tiger Conway vs. The Rat Pack

If Conway were more available it might go differently,but only being able to book the Tag Champs once a month is not good.....Besides DiBiase & Borne are both good,they should be a solid "alternative" for you.


Don't sweat Taylor,Kendo,Horner,and Landell...they'll produce for you eventually but need to be built up,consider it a long term project to secure your future in case one of your "big guys" goes down to an injury or is signed away.

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I looking over some old wrestling and came across something that may(or may not) help a little.....for a time both Kamala and Kendo Nagasaki were managed by J.J.Dillon....you may not have Dillon but the stable connection there might be something for Kendo to do to build him up....Terry Taylor was also involved at time against Kamala and Kim Chee in Mid-South,doing that (with a little bit of your own touch) might be just what they need.
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Thanks - I included Kendo in Skandar's Devastation inc. along with Kamala and Bill Irwin (for reasons to be revealed later, lol). stable has very little heat yet compared to The Rat Pack, but that could change. Friday is E+ momentum and not sure if it will ever move much. I set Friday as Kamala's manager and then Skandar as his. That seemed to work as Skandar has been active in Kamala's matches while Friday just stands around. The JJ reference could come into play too. Skandar is my only manager right now. Any other stable is kind of running on their own - which they did for real (like Rat Pack did not have a manager at first). I just put together some loose associations hoping it will help some chemistry or teamwork and maybe help the lesser guys get some popularity rub off the top stars.


I remember a few matches where Friday was very active in the matches. In fact, there was one where a SECOND Friday got involved after the first one got knocked down. Kamala did not take well to the imposter - who was revealed to be Ray "Hercules" Hernandez - and had to be calmed down. Not sure if there is a true game angle for such an event, but can always include it in the write-up if the situation presents itself and build up something (like Ray vs Kamala - or Ray vs whoever Kamala's opponent was. think it was Iceman in that particular match)


Some of the real-life angles, I may play off of them or refer to them without actually recreating them (unless it makes perfect sense to me at the time). even If if the angle took place in later years - Mid-South has a history and I think it's good to make mention of it. -- watch for the Gorilla! ;)


I'm not sure if I'll get to post Blow-out tonight or wait til tommorrow. Thanks for the predictions - and your thought processes. In some cases we are thinking exactly alike, but I'm sure there will be a slight swerve or two (wasn't really intentional to be). For your participation, you can each pick a mid-card match for an upcoming show :D

likewise for anyone else who wants to chime in.

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of course I was serious. I know it's not a fabulous prize package or a new car, but could add some spice to things. The fun part for me is to try to make the match interesting and meaningful (not just a throwaway match for no reason). It may not always be possible, but I love a good challenge.


magnum vs anvil: looks like a good start. Not sure why I thought you'd throw Iron Mike Sharpe at me. haha I'll put them on the battle board and start to work

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Somewhere on Youtube there's a MSW match involving Kamala that goes to a wild brawl and Terry Taylor comes out and gives Friday a piledriver onto the concrete floor.....matter of fact i think that might have been the last time we saw Friday too....thinking in "Bill Watts" mode here.....if the Kendo-Taylor stroyline is tanking,you can always evolve it into a different story and get Devastation,Inc. involved,then someone equivalent on Taylor's side...the sensible link is there and people like Akbar and Kamala may give it that little rub it needs.


One of my favorite old school storylines from GCW kinda worked like that.....Piper came to town and worked as Solie's co-host;at first he was very cool and fair,but gradually he starts a subtle turn (pointing out when faces cheat but ref doesn't call it and so on)...then he starts getting on Brad Armstrong,claiming his dad "Bullet" Bob Armstrong is carrying him(they were a tag team at the time).Piper starts picking on Brad more and more,saying how he's no good and everything, Bob finally hears enough and confronts Piper...Piper gets slapped and flips out....next thing you know every guy in the promotion is getting involved,taking sides with either Piper or Brad Armstrong....pure genius and it really helped Brad get more credible without shoving down the viewer's throat.


When it comes to the historical stuff,personally I don't want to see a 100% re-hash of RL,I think it'd be better if you used similar elements but gave it your own touch......maybe Mr.Wrestling II never turns on T.A.,but gets taken out by The Rat Pack or Duggan leaves the Rat Pack but stays heel and feuds with JYD....basically use it to your advantage but make it your own and see if you can do history one better.

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April Blowout


It's Sunday and that means it's time for the April 1983 Blow-out!


New Orleans (ABF Arena) - we have another sell-out crowd (2,000)

Dark match has Mr. Olympia going to a 15 minute draw with Terry Taylor. C rated match as the announcers helped out.

Announcement that Butch Reed will be here - then a short video of Jim Neidhart and Buddy Landell does nothing to help get their team over.


And we go LIVE with the Junkyard Dog coming out to fire up the crowd with a spirited promo (B). He's going to take a bite out of the Russian and anyone that gets in his way. JYD is out to prove he his the greatest North American champion ever!! Ar Ar ArAr


Dick Murdoch comes out next to await his mystery challenge. Bill Watts lets the crowd know that here in MidSouth we put the focus on wrestling. We have the finest stable of young talent of any promotion in the country. We're going to bring you quality matches every week. Now for all of you who was expecting Dusty Rhodes to come out and face Murdoch, I hope you are not too disappointed. Instead I give you a young man with quite a wrestling pedigree - he's not the son of a plumber - he's the son of a legend. A man who may very well become a legend in his right. I give you Brad Armstrong!!! Dick Murdoch licks his chops as the young prospect comes down the aisle to some nice applause. Brad's debut goes well as Dick carries him to a decent match and looked excellent in the process. It didn't hurt that these two have good chemistry. Brad makes a good showing, but Murdoch gets the win with the Texas Brainbuster at 13:47.

Match Rating: C


Kamala and Akbar come out and put down the crowd. Akbar wanders why no one will accept the bodyslam challenge. Hacksaw Butch Reed comes out and says he'll do it. Akbar gets between them and Friday quickly tries to hustle Kamala from the ring. © That didn't work as they didn't get far as Butch Reed grabs Kamala and the war is on.

HACKSAW REED VS KAMALA: Reed knocks Friday from the ring and slams Akbar. Kamala takes advantage and jumps Reed from behind while his attention was diverted. Reed is good, but he cannot fight all 3 men at once. Kamala comes down hard with the Ugandan Splash and gets the quick count. 3:32 (Reed improves Rumble, Kamala improves performance). This match could have gone either way and I let Grizzley decide the outcome. I overbooked it and let them go all out for as wild a match as they could deliver - it worked out pretty well as they deliver a C+ match.


Akbar says that's just the start. He's going to unleash the second coming of pestilence. Butch Reed you better think twice before you come out here to challenge Kamala again!! ©


Hacksaw Duggan vs Dr. Death Steve Williams

Two former footballers deliver a hard-hitting match - however both trying to prove their manhood refused to sell for the other. At 16:27 Duggan gets in the 3-pt stance, charges, and takes Doc off his feet for the win! I scripted the match, put Watts in charge of it, and still got a lack of psychology note. (both guys were tiring at the end).

Match rated a D+


Jim Ross hypes up a new wrestler coming to MidSouth: Birdman Koko B Ware. -- as good as Ross is, he struggles on promos (D-)



JYD vs Volkolff

Dick Murdoch helped with the color commentary and boosted the match. Dick says it should be him in the ring "I should be getting title shots instead of breaking in snot-nosed punks in the curtain jerker. It's high time someone around here take notice of that and give me what I want." The match goes as expected with JYD carrying the offense and neither man giving an inch. 11:42, JYD gets the win with the BIG THUMP!

match rating = C

(Volkoff was off his game and once again a JYD match shows no flow and no selling, even though I scripted this one - ran the match before the tips to also protect so I'll give them a rematch at the next tv show). After the match, Volkolff uses his russian chain to open a cut on JYD's head.


Music video to hype the Mid-South Tag team title match. (no one cares - they are ready for the action - D+)



champs: Mr Wrestling II & Tiger Conway Jr vs Rat Pack

Mr. Wrestling II and Tiger Conway defend vs former champs Rat Pack (Dibiase and Borne): the tag team champs were not on the same page at all and their timing was all over the place. Meanwhile, the Rat Pack were a well-oiled machine and Dibiase put on a stellar performance. Mr Wrestling II seemed to carry his team and got in a few good licks. But the Rat Pack isolated Tiger Conway and began to work him over. Spike Piledriver on the concrete!! Tiger Conway is out cold - the man is hurt!! Dibiase rolls him into the ring and locks on a Cobra Clutch. He's unconscious so when the referee lifts his hand, it drops and we have new tag team champs!! Watts makes a comment that Tiger Conway has spent a lot of time up North in the WWF - he must have forgotten what it's like to be in the ring against real tough guys. Well he found out tonight and it cost him the tag team championship. I feel for Mr. Wrestling II - he fought his heart out. Too bad his partner just didn't have as much heart as he did. (C rated match)


Rat Pack starts to celebrate, but decide they have not done enough damage! They assault the former champs and are beating them within an inch of their lives. (D+)


Cowboy Bill Watts has seen enough! He leaves the broadcast table and heads to the ring with a chair. He gets in a few shots but the Rat Pack numbers finally get him down. Then here comes Dr. Death Steve Williams!!!! Watts is able to get back on his feet and they clear the ring!!!! Jim Ross yells: Watts and Williams are standing tall!!!! Medics come in and stretcher out Conway. C-

Once the smoke clears, Mr. Wrestling II thanks Watts for his help and says he has a favor to ask. He wants DiBiase in the ring and he wants to make sure his goons cannot get involved like this again. Bill Watts tells Mr Wrestling that he's got it. Next Wednesday on TV - the main event will be Mr Wrestling II vs Ted Dibiase. no time limit, no DQ....and the rest of the Rat Pack are barred from the building!!!!



Final Rating was C- which will continue to raise our popularity. Made a nifty $5300 profit on the night. From a booking perspective despite the lower than hoped for rating, we moved things along and I'm happy to get the tag belts off of Tiger Conway. Couple of you hit that nail on the head - can't have a champion who can only make one booking date a month. I will keep him around though...he's cheap ($500) and has some good qualities that he can pass on to the new guys (even if it IS just one time a month).

matches booked for our next TV show are: Hacksaw Reed vs Mr. Olympia, JYD vs Volkolff (Russian Chain - non title), and Mr Wrestling II vs Ted Dibiase. The rest of the Rat Pack are barred from the building and we will have security on hand to ensure it. That will be the final show of the month - I'm anxious to see how all the other financial things work out. Hope you're enjoying so far... BUSINESS is about to pick up!!

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Glad to see Brad Armstrong being brought in as I always liked him. Even though by the time I saw him wrestle he was mainly used as a jobber on WCW Saturday Night.


Couple of you hit that nail on the head - can't have a champion who can only make one booking date a month.


Not sure why I did not pick up on this, I guess I am going to have to go back and read the diary again. I thought for sure you were saving Ted for a feud with JYD...

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Glad to see Brad Armstrong being brought in as I always liked him. Even though by the time I saw him wrestle he was mainly used as a jobber on WCW Saturday Night.




Not sure why I did not pick up on this, I guess I am going to have to go back and read the diary again. I thought for sure you were saving Ted for a feud with JYD...


Brad was actually much better than people give him credit for,he had a good look and could wrestle and make anyone look good....he just couldn't cut a good promo though,so he ended up on the bottom making other guys look good....then when the time came they decided to push him he had been in the basement so long people didn't buy it;of course it didn't help his push was as part of the "new" Freebirds with 'P.S.' Hayes and Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin,which was not the greatest idea ever...went over about as well as Tommy Rich and Eddie Gilbert as the "New" Fabulous Ones.


Ted will still feud with JYD I'm sure,it made more sense to have Tag Champs wth higher visibility,plus The Rat Pack SHOULD have some gold at all times,it reinforces them as a dominant group...in fact I wouldn't be suprised if at some point a certain Dog and a well known Masked Man teamed up to try and take those belts away from The Rat Pack.



It was cool to see Mr.Olympia and Terry Taylor put on a pretty good caliber match....I figured Taylor was good enough in the ring;Olympia is good in the ring and has the tools needed to carry it,plus he's kind of over so he could pull it off,happily I was right.


Loved my boy Murdoch picking up the win,he was another really good wrestler that could make his opponent look good that is sort of unremembered now;the chemistry with Armstrong could be gold if Armstrong can be made credible.


Good to see Reed/Kamala step it up a little...I think he might be the one to slam Kamala...I saw him do it IRL on MSW TV.


Duggan/Williams was a little rough,but once they mature a little it will be gold.


JYD/Volkoff brought the goods well enough to be a solid semi-main...I just JYD is careful or he may catch a "100 pound sack of wheat" to the head courtesy of the Russian.


The Main Event was pretty good, considering the result would be inevitable...thankfully, it was enough for the fans to buy it and I imagine will be seeing better quality here in the future as you'll no longer have to rush things due to circumstances.


Overall,you gained popularity and made a profit...at the end of the day that's the objective.....well done.

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Another useful card Olympia.

Thanks and thanks for following along

Not sure why I did not pick up on this, I guess I am going to have to go back and read the diary again. I thought for sure you were saving Ted for a feud with JYD...


Dibiase and JYD may still feud at a later date. I think I left a clue (subtle or not) about Tiger spending his time in the WWF who runs their tv show opposite of mine.


The Main Event was pretty good, considering the result would be inevitable...thankfully, it was enough for the fans to buy it and I imagine will be seeing better quality here in the future as you'll no longer have to rush things due to circumstances.


Overall,you gained popularity and made a profit...at the end of the day that's the objective.....well done

Thanks for the in depth analysis and feedback Moderndaywarrior!! I may not be happy with the end result grades, but things seem to be progressing in the right direction. I have to believe matches will get better as the guys gain popularity (thru having ok matches)


the one thing that is really getting my goat is trying to sign new talent. It doesn't matter who I approach they want the moon, the sun, and all the gold under it. Example: I approached an unemployeed manager (Sputnik Monroe). The Neg. screen said listed $1,000 as the going rate ($700 downside). yeah right! I offered that - even doubled the downside and he refused saying he wanted more pay (at least $1500) AND merchandise. I countered by raising the downside even more and giving him a chunk on merchandise (not sure what formula is used to compute what that would cost me - but in real life a heel manager won't be selling very much merchandise!!). He vetoed that too - holding out for that $1500 paycheck. Considering that only JYD gets that much, there was no way I would give it to a manager. -- also when I signed Koko B Ware, his rate was $400. He wanted more Travel expenses too (which if I read right would be equal to the ppa cost - so double). He did sign for $600 (so I got a decent wrestler for under a grand which is my goal right now. If I can fill some roster spots with guys who have decent skills,pop, and room to grow for around $500 I think it will be a long term win. I'm just not sure exactly how to do that -- would expect the "going rate" that the game suggests would be closer to what the wrestler would take more times than not. I mean it's not like I've been going after Ric Flair, Jimmy Hart, JJ Dillion, or any of the big stars. I do ok getting some temorary talent trades, but that is only going to be a very short term solution to hopefully get me a couple good matches/cards and even pass on some skills/momentum to guys who need it.

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