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DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way)

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I am not too suprised on Monroe;he was actually "the man" before and during the big run of Jackie Fargo in Memphis,so he's been around enough to be shrewd plus in the Mid-South and South East he has good name value.


The "Comment" on Conway reminds me of classic Bill Watts, the kind of smack he talked on JYD after he left for "up north".


I think you best bet is to just concentrate on solidiflying your main event scene, then slowly build up your prospective future stars while using your drawing power on top to keep the seats full and build up some money.

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Pro Wrestling This Week


2 episodes as I have to do some catch up here:


PWTW - week 2


Pro Wrestling sees it's First ever "PPV" event. The AWA gets a .32 buy rate on closed circuit. C+ show saw Patera and Stevens defeat Martel and Baron in main event, also Hogan-Wahoo over Bockwinkle-Regal. Only title match bucked the recent trend as the High Flyers retained over Ventura and Blackwell (match was right after a huge brawl between Hogan and Blackwell)



in other news: Rip Oliver and Buddy Rose defeat Billy Jack and Stan Stasiak to become new PNW tag champs

Andre the Giant makes a face turn in New Japan


HCW is opening the pocketbook trying to bring in top talent to the new organization. They recently signed Don Muraco and The Assassin. Thankfully, Ted Dibiase turned them down and stayed in MSW. They also have veteran referee Dick Woerhle. Roy Shire is the owner and head booker. They have a ways to go though to fill a roster.


ICW: Ratamayus defeated Macho Man Randy Savage (C rating) 1949 paid in Tampa.

AWA: Nick Bockwinkle's B+ win over Baron Von R gave 7900 fans a solid B rated show. Hogan teamed with Wahoo to defeat Patera and Stevens (B) on the undercard


SWCW sees new tag champs!!! Hangman Bobby Jaggers teams with the Raging Bull to defeat the Grapplers (B-)/ Also of note, R&R Ricky Morton retains the SW Jr title over Exotic Adrian Street

Ernie Ladd also pulls a title switch in PPW. Lars Anderson and Sakaguchi defeat Tui and Sakalei. Main event saw Don Muraco go over Inoki! (B-). Show was C+ showing the booking power of ladd that we will miss in MidSouth


in a twist, GCW, MAC, and WWF all put on less than stellar shows on the same night (D rated or less). Meanwhile, SEC and CWA light it up with awesome shows

CWF - seems like the hot trend right now. Dusty Rhodes and Blackjack Mulligan win the Florida tag titles from Windham and Graham

IWA: Roddy Piper defeats Adrian Adonis to win the Canadian Title in an average match (MLW). Across the country, Rick Martel shines in his International title defense

WWA: At "The Price" champ Dick the Bruiser drops the title to Chris Markoff.

WWF: Don Muraco retains IC title over Rocky Johnson. Sgt Slaughter's star shone bright even in defeat to Pedro Morales (pair of B- matches, but show is only C+)

NJPW: Abdullah the Butcher meets Andre the Giant for the International title (Vacated by Fujinami's injury). The winner and new champ?.....Abdullah!!!! (Inoki vs Steamboat put on an "A classic" midcard)


PWTW - week 3


Ratamyus defeats Randy Savage to win the ICW HW TITLE - 2 wins over the owner's son (just like real life - but a break from history as he takes the title from Randy!!!)


Wrestling at the Chase - Fernandez and Super D defeat Race and Brody. B+ match (other 3 on card were D, but card comes out at B-)

WCCW: Freebirds beat Von Erichs to retain 6-man titles ©

The Sensational Intelligent Destroyer announced that he is ready to retire. "After seeing Ernie Ladd take off for the beaches of Hawaii, I started thinking it was time for me to do the same."


WWF loses a little steam with their show at Carnegie Hall. D- rating headlined by Tiger Conway and Tony Garea going to a double DQ with Invader and Johnny Rodz - Guess Vince is trying to reward Tiger for doing their TV instead of mine


GCW has a huge hit (B-) with Larry Z defending National title over Paul Orndorff. Ron Garvin retains TV title over Spoiler. Road Warriors rip the Armstrongs (C match)


2 web polls came out this week and MSW figures in one of them:

Dirty Dick Murdoch was voted BEST BRAWLER>

Best young prospect was Road Warrior Hawk


WWF: Tuesday Night Titans - Don Muraco defeats Andre the Giant. So much for his undefeated streak - poor Andre can't seem to buy a win (draw 9700, B rating)


Porkchop Cash and Jacques Rougeau form "The Vanguard" in CWA. They defeated Phil Hickerson and The Spoiler. They look to challenge "Pysch Ward" (Idol and Spot)


NEXT UP FOR MID-SOUTH: our month-end TV show:

Ted Dibiase vs Mr. Wrestling II will be the main event. no time limit

JYD vs Volkolff - Russian Chain Match

we'll also see Mr. Olympia take on Hacksaw Reed

I'm looking forward to seeing how the books balance after my first month (sponsors, merchandise, etc). I'm also about to get a nasty little surprise. Anyone else that started out playing a regional promotion knows exactly what I'm talking about.

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Watch out for HCW... It looks like some of the same names creeping up in your DOTT world as mine... They build a nice roster... I also dont recall Tiger Conway on my roster to start, but it may be that I let him go right out of the gate


our month-end TV show:

Ted Dibiase vs Mr. Wrestling II will be the main event. no time limit

Flipped a coin here

JYD vs Volkolff - Russian Chain Match

Volkoff could get you a few good matches to build JYD, then to move on to more formidible contenders


we'll also see Mr. Olympia take on Hacksaw Reed

Reed needs some mo after losing to Kamala, Olympia makes him look really good in doing the job


Curious as to your surprise TV cancelled ??? Big leagues raiding????

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When it comes to HCW,it should be ok.....their TV runs on either Sunday or Monday so there should be no scheduling conflicts most of the time,even so MSW is higher rated than HCW(IIRC) so if one does pop up you'll likely get precedence.


If it's not in place yet, I'd suggest going for a working agreement with them;MSw and HCW had one IRL that ran pretty well...it might get you some access to some interesting people.


My Picks:


Ted DiBiase vs. Mr. Wrestling II

Ted is awesome....a win will get him momentum and make the fans want to see him get beat up.


JYD vs. Volkoff

It's non title and a gimmick match, I'll be bold and say Nikolai takes it.


Hacksaw Reed vw. Mr.Olympia

Reed needs to looks good if will going to go at it with Kamala, and Mr.Olympia excels at making people look good.


Knowing D.O.T.T. and TEW your TV either was cancelled or ran out and you couldn't get a new contract.....do not despair over it, it happens to just about every promotion in the world in D.O.T.T., we never did find a good answer for that one.

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Week 4 tv


We kick off the final week of April


Ross and Watts run down the events from The April Blowout


Video showing the awesome strength of Butch Reed. Does he have what it takes to slam the massive Kamala?? No one has been able to get the Ugandan Giant off his feet yet! (C-)


Hacksaw Reed vs Mr. Olympia

Wild match. Reed overpowered Olympia in the early going, but the crafty masked man had an ace up his sleeve. Skandar Akbar was the fly in the ointment - he came to ringside just long enough to distract Reed. Mr Olympia nails him with a dropkick and covers for the win. 12:36. (Reed was off his game - think this outcome caught many by surprise. I was brave and just let Grizzley Smith book the winners for this TV card.

Match Rating C-


Skandar Akbar comes out to gloat: Jim Ross greets him: "Ladies and Gentlemen... as we have all witnessed these past weeks, the Skandor Akbar - Kamala the Ugandan Giant partnership has proven to be a very successful one, indeed. We would like to get a few words in with the mastermind in question, Skandor Akbar. Akbar?"

At that, a very confident Skandor Akbar saunters out to the podium. "Well, J.R., once again it is your pleasure to have yours truly to add some much needed class and dignity to this otherwise plebeian broadcast. You know it. I know it. And the Stay Puff fans out there watching this knows it. Let me tell you something, J.R.: You have all seen the way Kamala the Ugandan Giant has carved through the competition in this territory. And with my brains behind this talent, who know how far Kamala will go! I can see the North American title in our near future, can't you?"

Ross nods his agreement - "one has to wonder if even the great Junkyard Dog could stop Kamala!" (after this segment, the "Midsouth Monkey" makes his rounds passing out treats to the fans. The kids seem to enjoy the lovable Gorilla). The Akbar segment earns me a C rating.


Junkyard Dog comes out carrying his chain - he's ready to take it to the Russian tonight. "That Ruskie busted me upside the head last week with a chain. Well tonight, I'm gonna get some payback! And if Kamala or anyone else wants a shot at my title, then step up to the plate" (B-, now we're talking).


JYD vs Nic.Volkolff - Chain Match

JYD comes out like a house on fire. He shows he knows how to use the chain too. Volkolff is the master though and he's able to use the chain to regain the advantage. The crowd rallies JYD who is able to bust the Russian up just like he said and come out the victor. 11:47 (using protect did remove the negative notes regarding psych, but match gets same C rating)


video of Brett Wayne Sawyer working out -he's heading to Mid-South in the very near future (ok - this was just a test to see if a video like this would affect a wrestler who is on loan. survey says NO!! however, it also did not have any affect on his momentum or popularity that I can tell. But at least when I do bring in some bigger names for a few matches, maybe the videos in between can prolong their visit and build up their big match. D- for this one minute test.


Mr. Wrestling II vs Ted Dibiase

Oh my where do we start. They put on a great show for the crowd. Slowly, MW2 took over control of the match and that's when it all broke down. The masked gorilla came back out throwing candy and balloons to the fans. As he got closer to the ring, Bill Watts jumped up from his broadcast position - "I know who that is!! I warned them not to get involved. He takes off after the gorilla whose mask falls off when he runs to reveal Jim Duggan. Meanwhile, one of the security guards started to the ring - Jim Ross screams "that's no guard!! That's Matt Borne!!!" but before he can get involved, Dr. Death Steve Williams cuts him off and they begin brawling. Jim Ross makes the call: "Ted Dibiase stands alone. All of his tricks have been thwarted and it's just one on one!!!!! Dibiase begs off but Mr. Wrestling II has waited a long time for this moment - he tears into the leader of the Rat Pack. Then the coup de gras -- The Million $ Kneelift and Ted is down!!! 31:24, and Mr. Wrestling II is the victor!!!! Finally a match that lifts the crowd (and improves 2's performance skills).

B- rating


Watts and Dr. Death come back in after their brawl with the reast of the Rat Pack and congratulate Mr. Wrestling for his hard fought victory. Bill Watts seems a little out of breath, but he has a little announcement to make regarding the Rat Pack. "Since Rats travel in a Pack always showing up in 3's and always finding a way to get involved, at Mayhem we'll just make it 3 on 3. Doc…Mr Wrestling….if you'll have me, I'll be your tag team partner against the Rat Pack!!!" The 3 men shake hands and the crowd roars its approval of the new alliance!!


final show rating…..B-!!!!!!!!!!! The main event carried the entire show to a new level!!! And we cut a nice profit check at the gate too.


a very special Pro Wrestling This Week is up next (with a month end report)

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special month-end edition


First thing to report:


BLACK SATURDAY!! - week 4 1983!!! Ga Championship Wrestling has been a staple since it started airing in 1972 on WTCG - which later became WTBS. But today, the network pulled the plug because their .29 ratings was just not good enough. Many claim that WWF owner Vince McMahon was behind this as he may have offered TBS cash to something more in line with his own wrestling product - maybe 3 Stooges reruns or cartoons. Mid-South owner Bill Watts was quite upset by the development "GCW is still a strong company and put out a quality rasslin product. I'm sure they will be back on the air soon. Meanwhile something has to be done about this attack on our very way of life." In related news: a candlelight vigil was being held outside the Omni far away from the near riotous situation at CNN Center where more rowdy fans were throwing chairs and creating quite a scene. It was reported that Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes were among those at the candlelight vigil. More news on this as it develops.

What can possibly follow Black Saturday??



apparantly .32 ratings are not good enough either. Vinnie Mac was able to persuade TBS brass to also pull World Wide Wrestling from their programming one day later!!!! Black Sunday was like rubbing salt in the wounds of rasslin fans of the Southeast and around the country who were so fond of watching their stars every week. Both leagues are reeling and scrambling to find replacement programming. In other news............


SECW Bob Armstrong retains title over The Flame. Midnight Express (Rose-Condry) defeat the Stud Stable - C rated show

ICW Garvin and Savage once again defeat the Conv.Blondes, and Ratamyus defends his title over Lanny Poffo

SWCW Manny Fernandez shines again in SW as he defeats Tully Blanchard (B)

GCW Month end PPV in Detroit gets .24 buy rate (C+ show) larry Z defends vs Ole. Armstrongs beat Road Warriors (our loan Art Crews got used and put over Itallian Stallion)

WWF turned in a C+ show on All-Star Wrestling opposite of the Mid-South show. Sarge defeats Atlas in the main event

WWF They bounce back big in their End of the Month Show - 10,000 sellout for B rated show. Backlund defends vs Sarge. Snuka and Superstar brawl. Andre was the "star" in his win over Swede Hanson


PPW Brody beat Inoki in highlight match (c match and card)

GCW Sunday show: Sawyer, Larry, and Hawk defeat MW2, Anderson, and Rich. Bullet over Bundy, RW Animal over Orndorff - all C+ matches (as was the card)


Onto Mid-South news:

I was caught a little by surprise when I got the report of the Regional Wars that I didn't know we were involved in (didn't read that part close enough - oops). Mixed bag results though as we finish 5th (out of 13 promotions).

The clear winner was Central States (led by Harley Race, Bruiser Brody, and Manny Fernandez having great matches). They are followed by SWCW, WWC, and CWA. Our last card saved us from possibly being destroyed in these wars. we are followed by Pacific Northwest, CWF, SECW, World Class, WWA, ICW, and GLOW brings up the rear. If HCW ever fills their roster, I'm sure they'll figure into the mess at some point too.

The Regional War is based on the best show from the month. CS and SWCW had a B show. WWC and CWA had B- like me, just must have been a tad better. Everyone else was C+ (glad that last tv show saved me!)


Mid-South Top 10

North American Champion: JYD

1) TV champ Kendo Nagasaki

2) Dick Murdoch

3) Mr Wrestling II

4) Ted Dibiase

5) Hacksaw Jim Duggan

6) Mr. Olympia

7) Kamala

8) Hacksaw Butch Reed

9) Matt Borne

10) Dr Death Steve Williams


Weak tag team division at the moment:

Champs: Rat Pack (Dibiase-Borne)

former Champs Mr Wrestling II and Tiger Conway; Lightning Express (Horner-Brad Armstrong), Landell-Olympia, Sharp-Anvil


A quick look at our first financial statement:

We made $120,000 on ticket sales and tv while spending just over $100,000 on salaries and show costs. Tack onto that $54,314 from sponsors, a net $5,368 on merchandise sales (made 8080 with 2712 in costs). The misc column netted us another grand and we spent $1600 in production plus $5,000 in marketing. So what does all that mean?? We added $66,450 to the bottom line ($316,450 in the bank at the end of the month).


So I'm going out on a limb to say despite the mediocre showing in the Regional Wars that wiped out all the popularity gains for the month and then some (lost .8), that we did ok the first month. The regional wars put Central States and SWCW in dominant prestige positions (46 and 42). Mid-South, CWA, and CWF (who fell from 50 to 37) are fighting to stay relevant and get back into the 40's. I think Central States ended the month with around $75K in the bank, so it is questionable how long they can keep rolling out the big stars like Race and Brody. I hope we are able to buld on what we have started. Our tv is good for about 17 more shows, but we are not near popular enough outside of the Mid-South to consider trying to expand our reach just yet.

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May - week 1


We kick off May TV with the formation of a new stable


The Anvil Jim Neidhart comes out. First he says he's tired of hearing about the football backgrounds of Jim Duggan and Steve Williams. "I played for the Oakland Raiders after all under the great John Madden, so I'm not impressed at all with Duggan's one game with the Falcons or Doc's career in the USFL. But that's not really why I'm here. You see Jim Ross, a couple of guys in the back started talking about the experience we have in this sport and how we ought to share our knowledge - mentor and shepherd the next wave of superstars in our great sport. First off, let me introduce my two cohorts in crime - and you'll have to agree Jim Ross that you won't find a pair of better wrestlers anywhere.....Iron Mike Sharpe and Mr Olympia!!!! Now we put our heads together to find the greatest young talent in the sport today. Someone we can groom to have as much success as we have had. And here he is now.....20 year old sensation.....the Nature Boy Buddy Landell!!!!!!


JIM ROSS: Well I'm not going to argue that you three have a ton of experience, each of you have won titles all across the country. But I'm going to take exception to one thing. While Landell is very talented, how can you stand there and say he is without a doubt the greatest and very best young talent when you have guys like Terry Taylor, Magnum TA, and Brad Armstrong out here. I'm sure a lot of fans would disagree with you as well.


Anvil strokes his beard and muses the point: "WELL, all I have to say to that is if anyone disagrees then let them come out here and say it to our face!! Any one of my Neidhart's Raiders will give any of the punks you mentioned the wrestling lesson of their life. (D)

Note: This was the group I wanted to bring the "Diamond Ring and Cadillac Man" Sputnik Monroe in to manage and speak for (but he demanded more than all 4 combined. gee. Maybe with the help of Jim Ross, they'll improve in their promos without a moutpiece)


Butch Reed vs Volkolff:

Reed is still off his game for some reason, but he is still able to powerslam the big Russian for a 10:11 pinfall victory.


Bill Watts announces a Mid-South Tag title match for later in the show: Rat Pack vs Lightening Express (Horner-Armstrong) D


Rat Pack come out to hype their title match.

(Ted looks good, Matt looks bad; however, he does improve his performance skills and charisma which is a huge reason why they team together) C


Dick Murdoch vs Dr. Death Steve Williams

Doc muscles Murdoch around, and Dick sells it like a million bucks. Both men gain some techical skills during the match. Doc makes a mistake as he charges the corner, but Dick moves out of the way. From there, Murdoch shows why he was voted the "Best Brawler" by the internet fans as he starts to take Steve apart and busts him open in the process. At the end, Murdoch gets the win with the Texas Brainbuster. 9:12


After the match, Dick Murdoch says it's time for a change. "Once again, I'm out here in the opening match showing some greenhorn the ropes and teaching him a wrestling lesson. That's not why I came here to Mid-South. I'm here for a big payday and everyone knows to get the good money, you have to win titles. I'm asking...no I'm demanding a title shot. WHERE ARE YOU Junkyard Dummy??? Get out here and put that North American title on the line. We all saw what you could do with a washed up Russian. Let's see what you can do against the baddest man to ever walk out of West Texas!" Dick's words fired up the crowd!! B-


TV title: Kendo Nagasaki vs Terry Taylor

leave it to Kendo Nagsaki and Terry Taylor to bring the crowd back down. The match was better than last time though (D-). Skandar Akbar does good ring at ringside and helps Kendo defeat Taylor in 8:21

Rat Pack defend M-S tag titles vs L.Express

Brad and Tim are tiring by the end as Rat Pack toyed with them for the most part. Dibiase lands a Fist Drop to pin Armstrong at 17:59


That was not good enough for the Rat Pack though. They continue the assault after their hands are raised. Dibiase takes Brad out to the floor - Spike Piledriver onto the concrete!!!! Armstrong's legs are quivering!!! He looks hurt bad!!! Bill Watts checks on his condition and waves for paramedics to get out stat. As they tend to Brad, Bill makes his way back to the broadcast table.......


Bill Watts comments how guys get hurt in this sport all the time, "It's a rough business. But not this way, that's uncalled for!! Now I have to call that young man's father and explain to him what happened and why his son is coming home in a body cast. That's right, I have to call Bullet Bob Armstrong to explain that one of my wrestler deliberatly and malaciously piledrove his son on the concrete and injured him. Excuse me fans, I'm a little upset right now. Don't hold me accountable for my words and actions, but there is something I have to do. This kind of crap has to stop. I only know one way right now.... Dirty Dick Murdoch, I want you out here right now!!!" Murdoch walks out. Watts stares him down. "Dick, earlier tonight, you put a beating on my protege Dr Death Steve Williams. I didn't think I'd live to see the day that someone put that kind of beating on him but you did it. He's supposed to be my tag team partner at Mayhem and now I'm not sure what kind of shape he's going to be in for that match." Murdoch gets all red in the face: "YOU CAN"T SUSPEND ME FOR THAT!!"


Watts says he has no intention of suspending Murdoch, he wants a favor.... Murdoch holds up his hand - "wait a minute , wait a minute. If you called me out here to ask me if I'd take Doc's place and team with you at Mayhem then save your breathe. no way, no how". Watts smiles, "I knew better than that Dick. Heck, I don't know if I could even trust you to be my partner. But there is something I think I can trust you to do. See....you took out one of mine.....now.....I want you to take out one of theirs!!" Murdoch's eyes bulge out - "why in Sam Hill do you think I'd do you a favor like that?" Watts replies "because if you do me this one little favor....if you do what I'm asking. I don't care if you win or lose the match I just want you to beat the sap out of him. If you do that, then I'm going to give you what you want! I'm going to put you in the Main Event at Mayhem....I'm going to give you the North American title shot you've been demanding. I'm going to give you The Junkyard Dog for the title!!! What do you say Dick?" Now Murdoch is all smiles and rubs his hands together. "you're telling me that all I have to do is beat up one of the Rat Pack here next week and you'll give me a shot at the North American HW Title?? <watts nods> Heck yeah, you got a deal....which one you want me to bust up? Borne? Duggan?" Bill Watts has a very solemn look on this face when he says "Ted Dibiase" :eek:





After the card, Dr Death gets into a fight with road agent Grizzley Smith and they had to be pulled apart by other wrestlers. This is the 4th altercation he's had - enough is enough. Maybe if I hit his pocketbook, we can get his attention. He only makes $500 - I'm taking $100 of that away.


Final show rating: C- which raised our popularity. I wasn't expecting too much for this one - only to set what I trust will be a barn-burner next week as we build for the Mayhem supershow

Quick results:

Reed over Volkolff C-

Murdoch over Dr Death C+

Kendo over Taylor D-

Rat Pack defend tag titles over Lighning Express C

Rat Pack post match attack rated D

Watts promo with Murdoch rated C

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Pro Wrestling This Week


HCW runs their first card - a D+ affair in New Orleans. Jay Youngblood beat the Assassin in the main event. Tommy Rich stole the show with a DDQ with larry z


Abdullah the Butcher defeats Hulk Hogan, Animal Hamaguchi, and Andre the Giant to win the MSG League title in NJPW. Friends close to Andre say he is close to the breaking point and needs a rest


Don Muraco defeats Sifi Afi to win PPW title.

Same night, Jules Strongbow wins PNW title from Sheik Abdullah Ali Hussien


Race and Fernandez win over Super Destroyrs to set the bar high once again with a B- card for Central States


Dynamic Duo win Southwest tag belts for 6th time (defeat manny fernandez and bobby jaggers)

AWA: Bockwinkle wins over Rick Martel in A rated match - for some reason he did not put the AWA title on the line and has yet to defend it.

SEC: Mr Olympia over Bob Armstrong. Flame over Jimmy Golden as they turn in a highly regard B- show


WWF: Tiger Conway headlines in NY and wins over Charlie Fulton. Any wonder why it gets a E+ rating (not a single non-jobber on the card - well Tiger is not exactly a jobber but that's not my point)


GCW gets back on tv - ESPN signs them and fans around the world rejoice

CWF sees Dusty Rhodes brawl with Kevin Sullivan. Dusty was rumored to be near retirement, but has agreed to stay on the roster for now


Tiger Conway appeared on The 40 Countdown with Casey Kasem (appears that Vince is pulling out a few stops to get back at our comments and give Tiger Conway a monster push). Tiger said he doesn't like being in the ring with guys bigger than him feeling that it doesn't fit his style, but he's just a dynamo against stars like Charlie Fulton. (hmmm - wonder who I should pick as his next opponent at Meyhem? hehe)

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I love the way you setup the Dick Murdoch vs. Ted Dibiase match. It was so smiple, yet it was a great setup.


I never knew that Jim Neidhart played for the Raiders and that he played for Madden to top it all off. How old is he? That means he would have played in what the early 1970's! Man Jim must be an old fart!:D


Speaking of Neidhart him in the same group as Iron Mike Sharpe and Mr Olympia= equals gold!:D


I liked the whole Bill Watts interview where you have him saying that now he has to talk to Bob Armstrong about the attack on his son. That just seems so real like he probably would actually say something like that. And it is the perfect setup for Bullet to join your promotion so that he can help his son out.


You have put on some really good shows thus far, but this was by far and away my favorite. Keep up the good work!

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I love the way you setup the Dick Murdoch vs. Ted Dibiase match. It was so smiple, yet it was a great setup.


I never knew that Jim Neidhart played for the Raiders and that he played for Madden to top it all off. How old is he? That means he would have played in what the early 1970's! Man Jim must be an old fart!:D


Speaking of Neidhart him in the same group as Iron Mike Sharpe and Mr Olympia= equals gold!:D


I liked the whole Bill Watts interview where you have him saying that now he has to talk to Bob Armstrong about the attack on his son. That just seems so real like he probably would actually say something like that. And it is the perfect setup for Bullet to join your promotion so that he can help his son out.


You have put on some really good shows thus far, but this was by far and away my favorite. Keep up the good work!


Anvil's game age is 26. His bio shows he played preseason games for the Raiders and Cowboys (but do not think he ever played in a regular season game). I won't swear he actually played for Madden - but the timeline would be close enough to play into a more fun storyline. (born 1956, wrestling debut was 1979 (and Madden coached until 1978). Incidently, Jim got the nickname "Anvil" after he won the anvil toss contest at a Calgary Stampede Festival - he set the Calif. HS shot put record that stood for 12 years (1973 until 1985).


BACK TO MID-SOUTH: I'm glad you like the promos and angle. I will admit I'm not a big fan of long word for word promos in diary write-ups, but this one made sense to do. I spent some time writing and re-writing it, so I'm glad it came across well. I hope the match comes off well too - I have a few interesting things planned. Now if I could actually sign any of these guys to a long term contract instead of just 3 days lol

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Anvil's game age is 26. His bio shows he played preseason games for the Raiders and Cowboys (but do not think he ever played in a regular season game). I won't swear he actually played for Madden - but the timeline would be close enough to play into a more fun storyline. (born 1956, wrestling debut was 1979 (and Madden coached until 1978). Incidently, Jim got the nickname "Anvil" after he won the anvil toss contest at a Calgary Stampede Festival - he set the Calif. HS shot put record that stood for 12 years (1973 until 1985).


BACK TO MID-SOUTH: I'm glad you like the promos and angle. I will admit I'm not a big fan of long word for word promos in diary write-ups, but this one made sense to do. I spent some time writing and re-writing it, so I'm glad it came across well. I hope the match comes off well too - I have a few interesting things planned. Now if I could actually sign any of these guys to a long term contract instead of just 3 days lol


That sounds right,Neidhart got on with the Raiders and Cowboys sheerly on his incredible strength,but he wan't really used outside of pre-season.From awrestling standpoint "The Madden Connection" works,the timeline is close and wrestling does kind of have a rep for stretching the truth a little(inflating heights and weights,Andre was "undefeated" even though he lost plenty of times by countout or DQ, and was pinned here and there overseas,etc.)


The Bill Watts promos were classic,if it leads to what i think it will,that is spot on Watts style booking/set ups, the kind of stuff you don't see since wrestling has become a dumbed down product ruled by demographics studies and marketed to the casual fan.


I caught the other reference too;I won't elaborate because I don't want to spoil the suprise,way to work it in there.


There is STILL one more classic Mid-South trick you have not touched on yet,but again I won't elaborate too much because I don't want to ruin it,and I want to see the reactions when you pull it off...man,I just realized I am maintaining kayfabe and protecting the business.....that's sorta cool.

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That is a nice group of youngsters you have in Taylor, Armstrong, Magum and Landell... I like your alliance of Neidhart, Landell, Olympia and Sharpe....


I never realized that Dr. Death is such a prick... 4 instances already...Wow! I always thought Doc was one of the good guys...


I agree with BHK1978 about the Watts promo talking about Brad and Bullet Bob... Thatreally does sound so like what Bill Watts would say


Funny thing about your DOTT world and thats Nick Bockwinkle not defending his title... He probably is one othe harst working champions in my DOTT


Tiger Conway headling vs Charlie Fultan in the WWF....YIKES!!!!


anyways enjoying this this alot...Keep up the good work

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I like long winded promos, but that is just me (My promos seem to go on for ever). I do like how the promos that you have written seem to sum up and get everything across that you need to get across. I think you do a good job with your style of promo writing.


Your match writeups are great! I mean long match write ups are great like the stuff that Save_Us.Necro and Nevermore do. However, I do find myself scanning more then reading their match writeups. Your match writeups are short and to the point and that is actually the style that I as a reader prefer.

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That is a nice group of youngsters you have in Taylor, Armstrong, Magum and Landell... I like your alliance of Neidhart, Landell, Olympia and Sharpe....


I never realized that Dr. Death is such a prick... 4 instances already...Wow! I always thought Doc was one of the good guys...


I agree with BHK1978 about the Watts promo talking about Brad and Bullet Bob... Thatreally does sound so like what Bill Watts would say


Funny thing about your DOTT world and thats Nick Bockwinkle not defending his title... He probably is one othe harst working champions in my DOTT


Tiger Conway headling vs Charlie Fultan in the WWF....YIKES!!!!


anyways enjoying this this alot...Keep up the good work


Kinda of interesting he has 4 guys earmarked that all had boat loads of potential but none of them ever fully realized it for various RL reasons: Taylor was horribly misused/destroyed by the WWF which killed his credibility, Brad went places somewhat in CCW(SECW's new name look in the later 80's) but was jobbed out so frequently on the big stage the fans wouldn't buy him higer up on the card(plus he was stuck with a past their primes Hayes and Garvin in "The New Freebirds",a gimmick doomed to fail from the start), Magnum's career was cut short at a young age due to that tragic car accident, and Landell was torpedoed by his "personal problems".....it'll be interesting to see how things change in the world of TEW.


Not sure on Doc,I thought he was a bit more tolerable as well,wonder why he is set that way?


Like I said, the Watts promo was awesome;it's the kind of promo you don't see any more today.....no silly catch phrases or "cheap pops",just a simple,sensibly worded,relevant, and logical thing to keep the story going,delivered with the right tone and emotion,all coming together to make it real.


Bockwinkle not defending is odd...in other games I see him defending against (and beating) Wahoo McDaniel and Hulk Hogan on a regular basis...kind of a shame since IRL Nick was probably the last of the "old school touring champion" types that really embraced the role.

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I like long winded promos, but that is just me (My promos seem to go on for ever). I do like how the promos that you have written seem to sum up and get everything across that you need to get across. I think you do a good job with your style of promo writing.


Your match writeups are great! I mean long match write ups are great like the stuff that Save_Us.Necro and Nevermore do. However, I do find myself scanning more then reading their match writeups. Your match writeups are short and to the point and that is actually the style that I as a reader prefer.


true, they both have some epic events and write-ups. I enjoy their stuff immensely but like you find myself having to skim over it when time is at a premium. The cool thing is there are so many different styles and each has its merits. Glad you like how this is going. I'll try to come up with something for my four hardcore fans on "Fan Appreciation Day" -- and I also appreciate everyone else who stops by to check up on what's going on too. I know everyone isn't going to post and that's perfectly fine (gee, I was a lurker for over a year, lol).


Next tv show will be ready later tonight:

Ted Dibiase vs Dick Murdoch (w/ Bill Watts) is the main match

Also will have Dr. Death and Bill Watts teaming up against Sharp-Anvil. Be a chance to get Watts some in-ring action before the 6-man match @ Mayhem. I will post the complete line-up for Mayhem as well

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It's interesting seeing some wrestlers before I got to know about them.


How does the whole territories thing work by the way? The first wrestling I ever saw was WrestleMania III.


Before the WWF went big time, the way it worked in the U.S. was you had a sort of consortium of promoters who each run their company in the specific area of the country or "territory", there was an agreement that each promoter would stick to their own little area(where they had a semi-monopoly) and not run it cities where other "official" promoters ran...for example Championship Wrestling From Florida(CWF) ran Florida while Georgia Championship Wrestling(GCW) ran all the cities in Georgia...Championship Wrestling Association(CWA....aka Memphis Wrestling) ran most of Tennessee and Kentucky....these would all be members of the National Wrestling Alliance,whose World Heavyweight Championship was THE title of all titles(this is the belt Flair held during the 80's)....basically the Champion was a "travelling special attraction"....he'd go around the country to the different areas defending the belt against the local hero(just about always to a full house,which was the real purpose of the belt...to bring up attendance and make the regions top star look like world class talent).


Strange as fragile as the setup sounds,it actually worked for many years....most "hardcore" wrestling fans would say it was MUCH better than the current WWFE "Sports Entertainment" style.....a big effort was made to promote things as something you'd actually see happen in a real fight, plus with each area only having limited TV exposure (1 hour a week usually) there was less burn out....and since you only saw the guys currently working your area, workers who got stale in one market simply went to work for another market where they'd never been seen before(or not seen for a couple years), so there always a feeling that new and exciting things were happening that kept viewers interested instead of feeling like one guy is being forced down your throat ad nausem.

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On to my picks:


Ted DiBiase vs. Dick Murdoch

The cards seem stacked against Ted,so I'm guessing he finds a way to win....besides Watts never said The Rat Pack will be not allowed in the building,so I'm guessing Ted will have back up.....no matter what I'm guessing this ends with 'Cowboy Bill" getting beat up.


Dr.Death & Bill Watts vs. Sharp-Anvil

This thing is like the definition of a "tune up match";still it will give Sharp & Anvil some needed exposure and ring time to hone their craft.

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The territories sound like a pretty good system. I take it it changed because the WWF grew so large and simply took over everywhere?


More or less, when Vince McMahon took over the WWF from his father Vincent J. McMahon, he got decided to ignore the old rules and expand...he got the WWF onto the national TV on the USA Network and started promoting wherver he felt....through clever moves he was able to lock up most of the countries top talent to written contracts(which had never been done before), which left the remaining promotions to run their businesses with second rate talent....and if they managed to build them up to be any good,Vince just signed them away with a promise of a fat contract.....I guess the best modern parallel would be the WWE's recent signing of Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuiness;they worked for a small but respected company and have talent so Vince offered them much more than they'd make on the independent circuit to work exclusively for the WWE...now if you can imagine if the ONLY wrestling show you got to see was ROH and all the good wrestlers kept getting signed away until you had noone to watch but the lousy guys,you have an idea of how McMahon took over the wrestling world in the 1980's.

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plus when Vince brought his traveling show to the territory, he was able to parade out more of their old stars than they had (so he looked more like the territory than the actual territory did).

For example, he'd roll into Mid-South and headline with Junkyard Dog, Ted Dibiase, Hacksaw Duggan, Kamala, etc. He signed guys like Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat who were huge stars in Mid-Atlantic (with their cross-over into Canada via the MLW connection). He raided AWA for Hogan, Ventura, Heenan, Mean Gene, and more.


Plus he threw his money around to lock up the best arenas and best TV slots everywhere. Some of the AWA's annual supercards had to be moved to a new venue - and often didn't have TV to promote them.


Guys honed their craft and gained fans across the country as they moved from territory to territory. An angle that works in San Fran can be copied and used in Dallas, then borrowed in Atlanta - and no one was the wiser. Can't exactly do that with Smackdown and Raw (only chance would be to put one on each side of the Mississippi River or Mason Dixon line - and really treat them like different territories). Always thought they should take one of their many smaller tv shows and use it to promote one of the smaller developmental territories they have. Give the guys some exposure before the big stage. But I digress.

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