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June Gloom


Sunday, week 2, from the "world famous" Dallas Sportatorium

Mid South Wrestling proudly presents.....JUNE GLOOM<


in the dark matches, Kamala defeats Mike Bond (who replaces the no-show "evil giant" Tim Horner). Kamala looks good and Bond improves his performance skills. C-


Duggan whips Art Crews in 3:25, but match drifts without psychology. (Ross and guest color Landell have good chemistry - Landell hypes up his title match later tonite, saying he will win the North American title from Duggan's stablemate Ted Dibiase--. Duggan looked really good) D+


Mr Wrestling II no shows, and Magnum TA hobbles out to take his place in the match against Anvil. Magnum was off his game (due to injuries suffered in the post match Raider attack), but once again hits the Belly to Belly for the win



We go live with the Junkyard Dog coming out to fire up the crowd. (He'll usually deliver a B- to get the crowd going or a mediocre C+ which he did tonight). JYD hypes the main event by saying he gets the chance to get rid of two pains all at once. "They call the match a RODEO, but I think we'll hear the chant of GO DOG GO!!"


Bill Irwin gets the win over Terry Taylor. Good chemistry between these two. Akbar does a good job helping Irwin at ringside. Wild Bill is quietly proving to be quite the enforcer for Akbar's Devestation Inc.



And now for the moment we've all been waiting for, Ted Dibiase is outside waiting for his new bodyguard to arrive. The limo rolls up, and out steps the man Austin Idol sent to help them. At first we see a boot step out of the car, then out steps wearing bib overalls, Phil Hickerson. Dibiase does not look happy as he stares down the redneck hillbilly. He says he needs to call Austin Idol and hustles back inside leaving Hickerson to find his own way. C+


Jim Ross hypes up the Tag title match in the co-main event. D+


Jim Cornette accompanies Mr. Olympia at ringside. Olympia scores an easy win and celebrates with the Raiders. (C rating)

Note: Tiger Conway was not here, and I just send out another jobber for the masked man to beat down.


Butch Reed talks about his history with Devastation inc and especially Kamala. Tonight he looks forward to winning the TV title. Akbar interupts the interview - "Kendo Nagaski has been injured in a backstage attack!!! What have you done!!??? Now you will pay dearly!!!" C

<BOOM> Reed is attacked from behind and beaten down - Kamala, Akbar, and Friday drag him to the ring....


Kamala vs Butch Reed

Kamala runs out and jumps Reed. He drags Hacksaw to the ring where Akbar and Friday help him in the triple team. Reed never recovers from the sneak attack. Kamala lands the Ugandan Splash after Friday interferes to score the win at 8:44. Impressive match and B- rating!!!


Video hyping the upcoming 3-way rodeo match with JYD vs Landell vs Murdoch



Ted DiBiase and Matt Borne make their way to the podium, where DiBiase announces to the world the utmost superiority of the Rat Pack -- mostly due to DiBiase's leadership. With Borne in the background nodding his head in approval, DiBiase begins listing the team's many accomplishments over the past weeks...all the men and teams they have beaten like Mr Wrestling II and Tiger Conway, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Bill Watts and his army. Tonight it will be the world famous Von Erichs. "Isn't that right, Matt?"

Whenever Borne attempts to step to the forefront and speak, DiBiase stops him cold with another accomplishment to the list. "Wait, I almost forgot, in addition to being 2-time tag champs, the Rat Pack also lays claim to holding the North American HW title 4-times....of course each time would have been by me."

Finally, DiBiase turns the microphone over to the patient Matt Borne - who clears his throat to deliver a fine backing statement. As he speaks, time runs out on the segment. Cameras fade to black...and it's time to head to the ring.



Mid-South Tag title match

Ted Dibiase and Matt Borne © vs The Von Erichs

Rat Pack defend Mid-South tag titles vs Kerry & David Von Erich: Before the match even begins, Hacksaw Duggan and Phil Hickerson get into it with the Von Erichs. While they are able to fight them off, the damage was done. It just looks like Dibiase was quick to come up with a Plan B. All 4 men were wearing the proverbial crimson masks as they brawled all around the "world-famous" Sportatorium. It looked like we would have new tag champs when Matt Borne was trapped in the IRON CLAW, but Dibiase was able to make the save - knocking Kerry from the ring in the process. As David ran in, Dibiase and Borne double-teamed him in the corner diverting the referee's attention to them to break it up. With no one watching, Duggan cracked Kerry Von Erich over the head with with a steel chair - then rolls him back into the ring. Dibiase picks him up and applies his Cobra Clutch. Matt holds David off while the referee raises Kerry's arms. He is out cold and the arm drops. Alfred Neely calls for the bell - the Rat Pack has retained the tag titles/ Dibiase tells Hickerson to stomp away on Kerry Von Erich. He seems a little reluctant but then joins in with the rest of the Rat Pack to kick the fallen Modern Day Warrior. David Von Erich promises this war is not over yet!!

disappointing C rating for the match!


Jim Ross informs everyone that the North American Title match is up next- JYD is defending against 2 men in the first ever "3-man Rodeo". He not only has to face the #1 brawler in all of wrestling, but he also has the sneaky Nature Boy Buddy Landell and that snake Jim Cornette. Now let's go to the ring as here come the participants now....


Dick Murdoch pauses on the way to the ring to let everyone know he will be the new champ after tonight! His announcement is met mostly by boos - which quickly turn to cheers with Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" blares over the speakers and the champion Junkyard Dog emerges from the back.




JYD © vs Landell vs Murdoch: wild match to say the least. Despite a strange ruling that said Buddy Landell was not eligible to compete for the title due to weight restrictions, he was the star. Anyone who thought Murdoch and Landell might act as a team only had to remember that brawl on TV a couple weeks ago. They picked up where they left off and battered each other as much as they did the champ. Anytime one of the challengers got the upperhand, we indeed heard that famous chant...."GO DOG GO". Near the 25 minute mark, JYD was tiring when Landell locked on the Figure 4 leglock. JYD's leg was hurting and it looked like he might have to give it up when Dick Murdoch stomped Buddy to break it up. Dick brawls with Buddy while JYD caught his breath. Dick picks Buddy up for the Texas Brainbuster -


Jim Ross makes the call: "It'll be curtains if he hits this one folks. He has Landell up, the blood is draining to his head. Boom, Landell is down. Dick Murdoch is the new champion!! No wait, JYD is back to his feet." He charges and knocks Murdoch from the ring. JYD covers Landell and gets the 3 count. Junkyard Dog has retained his title tonight!!! 28:37 oh my stars, what a match. "The Junkyard Dog is standing tall after that one."



Dick Murdoch is angered at the outcome - he challenges JYD to one more match. "Put us in a cage this week on TV -I don't want Landell or anyone else getting involved. The Rat Pack and everyone else better mind their own business - I want the North American title and I want that shot at the NWA World title. I want you JYD...just YOU and ME."



Jim Ross reminds us the winner of JYD vs Dick Murdoch will indeed get the NWA world title match. And folks, when I say World title, I mean the champion of the entire world and not one is just recognized inside the city limits of Memphis TN or only in the Northeast/


Final Show Rating: C+

Borne improved his performance and charisma during the show. No booker notes as to why we didn't score a rating in the B's (I was really hoping to so we don't get killed in the regional wars at the end of the month - and thought we really had a chance with the big finish).

$8350 in net profit for the show, our biggest event money maker to date.

Another first - the Murdoch cage match challenge has given me my first ever B rated heat for a match. we'll find out if that brings some extra fans and forces us to upgrade to a larger building? and also if it will draw more fans to their tv sets (I sure hope! The Von Erichs could not pull them in, but David will get one more match before he has to leave. Then the only other ringer is the NWA World champ who will be here as well to hype up the 4th of July match)

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Pro Wrestling This Week


AWA Battle by the Bay: 10,000 people and a .43 buy rate saw Nick Bockwinkle defend the AWA World title over Hulk Hogan in an A rated match. Crippler Stevens & Wahoo battle to DCOR (B+ co-main event). Show rates B+ and was solid from top to bottom. DIck the Bruiser defeated Blackjack Lanza in the opener. They really struck gold with this event!


Meanwhile fans were very disappointed with the WWF at the Pittsfield Boys Club. Tony Garea was the star (he teamed with Invader 1 but lost to Fulton and Blair in the main event. (d rated, is there any wonder the fans were turned off?!)

Brody alienates the WWC lockerroom saying he is single-handedly carrying the company by himself


GCW: Anderson & Mr Wrestling II retain national tag over Road Warriors, Larry Z over Orndorff


CWF: Bobby Duncum beat Mike Graham in main event. Sullivan & Snake over Windham & Bass (B-)


PNW: Jules Strongbow retains PNW title over Rip Oliver


Bob Armstrong announces that he is pain free for first time in weeks which should be good news for wrestling fans around the southeast

HCW invades Norman OK - 1000 fans see C- show headling by Assassin's win over Jerry Brisco. Larry Z took the defeat to Jay Youngblood. Best match of show was Bob Armstrong's win over Bill Dundee (C+)


WWF sells out the Ice Garden (5000) for good (B) show. Backlund over Sarge (B+) headlines show. Other highlight was Afa clashing with Backlund (B) - Afa later loses to Morales (C+)


Stampede Wrestling: Dynamite Kid beat Davey Boy Smith (B-)


AJPW: 10,000 fans in Tokyo as Terry Funk teams with Jumbo Tsuruta to win the NWA International tag titles from Giant Baba and Tenryu. Brother Dory teamed with Stan Hansen to defeat Tiger Mask and Ueda (also B rated)


NJPW draw only 700 fewer fans across town to see Hulk Hogan retain his WWF Int, title over Maeda. (C+). Andre beats Saito (B) on undercard


MID-SOUTH: Bill Watts goes on a bit of a spending spree as we head into the hot summer months: While he brought in a few unknowns like Bobby Fulton and Brickhouse Brown, he also added some good talent like Hangman Bobby Jaggers. Needing some help in the tag team division, he dipped into the SWCW to sign Hector & Chavo Guerrero - while they play awesome comedy foriegn heels there, many expect them to come in as faces in order to go against the Rat Pack. Chick Donovan and the 375 pound Big Jim Lancaster should also shore up the enhancement talent - but could develop over time. no word as to when we will see the new guys in action.


The creative team suggests that Hector will be one our top show stoppers while brother Chavo will be a ring general and help develop our younger wrestlers (we hope).


For anyone wondering about the signing of the 20 year old Fulton. He came into our office asking for work - we gave him a little workout where he showed some C skills and some promise. While no one knows about him yet (F), we expect to see big things from him as he matures (compared to his Fantastic tag team partner Tommy Rodgers who is working in Central States right now. Some day, it might be fun to bring them together again.

Brickhouse Brown was also unemployeed, and though he spent most of his career in TN (CWA), we thought he could work out in a couple angles and get our other younger stars over. He's a C talent, but very good athleticism.

Jaggers could be the biggest pick-up for the immediate future. He's been turning in solid C matches in the Southwest and is fairly well known in the area (D-). No hints as to who he might align with at this time (ideas anyone?)

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Everyone knows Bobby Jaggers should be paired with Dutch Mantell.....we can call them The Kansas Jayhawks!:)


Actually that was a fairly good team, just a very dumb gimmick for them; my pick would probably be with Phil Hickerson(assuming you do really have him) as a good old "rough cowboy" team,I know both guys could do the roles and it should work for them...maybe just assign them some annoying little twit of a manager to help with interviews.


Speaking of Hickerson, that was a nice twist;he was actually my 3rd pick for the bodyguard(my 1st was Bundy but isn't in CWA yet, then Lord Humongous, then Hickerson)....if Humongous would have just gotten himself fired I would have nailed it.:)


Good call on Fulton, maybe you could put him with Terry Taylor as your "pretty boy rock & roll express" team? I'd really like to see how you handle it if you later brought in The Sheepherders, which was a good tag team feud from the UWF days (though there it was The Fantastics and Taylor vs. The Sheepherders).


I like the idea of the Guererros,people should be at least passingly familiar with them from SWCW and they have talent,it's just the language barrier(and possibly the backstage stuff) that will hold them back.


Brickhouse,Donovan, and Lancaster should develop into solid bottom of the card guys,good for those first few wins to establish your new stars.


Brody going off and claiming to carry the company himself amuses me....personally if I had the book there, I'd have him come out on TV the next week and reiterate the comments....he's the best,he's the reason everyone watches the WWC,etc.; then over the next few weeks put him over the top guys, each time shooting his mouth more a little more than the last,Colon comes out on fire as Brody is running wild and stands up to him,cuts a promo putting the fans over as the heart of WWC and challenges Brody,culminating in a big Brody win over Carlos Colon at your monthly show.Brody comes out for a week or two on TV and refuses to wrestle; he is now REALLY bragging as the centerpiece of WWC,the toughest guy ever, and just putting everyone down,getting crazier and crazier....next thing you know Brody is jumped in mid interview....it's Abdullah! Wild brawl all over the set, when it settles Colon reveals he called in the one man who could go toe to toe with Brody and there's your marquis feud for the next couple months.


Of course sooner or later Abby turns on Colon(after Abby and Brody go stale or Brody leaves the area), and there's your NEXT marquis feud....man,I think I gotta go start a WWC game now.....

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I've tried to sign Dutch Mantell (he's listed on the hot prospect list), but he wants half the gold in Fort Knox. Jaggers was happy with his basic asking price (a first) and a mid-level title (which I'm sure I can work out in the next 9 months. If I give him Main event title like tag belts, would that suffice? or does it have to be the TV title?)


I could allow Jaggers to play a "free agent" and let the managers/stables bid on him. There is someone is each stable that he would be good working with (and even Dick Murdoch who is the lone wolf)


I have at least a long range plan for Hickerson (but a long and windy road to get there, and who knows what he'll do on the way)

Lord Humongous would be a good addition at some point. Could even be fun seeing him go head to head with Kamala! hmm, something to ponder.


your booking notes on Brody are GOLD!! That would be fun to watch play out - we'll have to keep an eye on the WWC to see what Colon does for real in the game.

I need to re-divide my roster and decide who I'm going to put on the risers, and who will be the guys to put them over (on their way out the door). Have to decide which lower card guys will get the wins and hopefully develop into stars some day - even if just to carry the midcard. I can see half of Akbar's stable going bye-bye in a month or two. Always someone Skandar's millions can buy to support Kamala (at hopefully a smaller price tag than who he has now). If I can firm up who are the haves and have nots, it might be easier to make things work.


I just noticed - with GCW moving to ESPN, their new shows are on sunday!! So guys like Mr Wrestling II and Tim Horner will only be available on TV (which is fine, since I can use them 4 times a month). Tiger Conway signed with them too, so he's all but gone from my roster unless I add another monthly show on Monday (the one day that everyone is available).

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GIANT TV SHOW - Cage match main event


Welcome to our June Week 2 Tv taping

2322 fans attend our tv taping in Tulsa Oklahoma

(the B heat did not draw like I hoped, but we had to try - how else do we learn)


Chick Donovan debuts in dark match -he wasn't happy that his first opponent was Dr. Death Steve Wiliams who powerbombed him in 2:22, When Jim Cornette tried to get involved, Bill Watts jumped in. Their altercation was the highlight of the match. short match but still enough to bring down the crowd's mood. D-


Kamala (with Akbar) interview with Jim Ross about the whole Butch Reed situation. Things are coming to a head and these will meet in the ring at Red, White, and Brawl on the 4th of July (C- rating, not bad for Kamala, eh?)


Mr Wrestling II defeats KoKo B Ware with the sleeperhold in 2:37 (announcing and color boosted the match). D+


video plays to remind the fans of the main event - JYD vs Dick Murdoch - later tonight inside the steel cage! C+


Jim Ross is very proud to bring out the NEW NWA WORLD CHAMPION - "at the last clash of Champions in Tampa Florida, this man defeated Terry Funk to win the world title. And now he's here in Mid-South to defend it against the North American Champion". ... On cue, Jack Brisco comes out - happy to be back home in Oklahoma. He's looking forward to watching the match tonight between JYD and Dick Murdoch and I know I'll have my hands full no matter who comes out on top. ©


Brisco is rudely interuppted by Jim Cornette who thinks the high and mighty world champion ought to grace the fans with a match tonight!!! Before Brisco can accept or decline, Nature Boy Buddy Landell comes out in wrestling gear and says he's ready for a fight. "how about a little tune-up Jack? huh, what do you say?" Brisco says he wasn't prepared to wrestle tonight, and then Chick Donovan jumps him from behind!! Ross is in a panic - Cornette's Raiders looks to have added a new member. Brisco is beaten down until Mr Wrestling II gets in to chase off the villians. Brisco says if Cornette and Landell want a fight, then they got one. Thanking Mr. Wrestling II for his aid and asking if he'd watch his back during the match. Brisco heads to the lockerroom to change into his wrestling attire (Landell and Donovan improve their performance skills. Chick also imrproves his acting)



Butch Reed vs Volkolff - Reed continues to go thru members of Devastation Inc trying to get his hands on Kamala one more time. He pins the big Russian in just 2 minutes. Once again, Kamala makes his presence felt as he attacks Reed. D+


JYD comes to the ring fired up for the cage match. "With all these people behind me, there's no way Dirty Dick gonna beat me." He holds the title belt up proudly and says he can't wait to get his hands on Jack Brisco and bring the world title to Mid-South. "We all know what Jack and his brother did to Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood back in North Cackalacka, so he got some dues coming to him." (C rating - worse promo JYD ever cut. Seems like each is worse than the one before.)


Brisco vs Landell:

2 masters of the figure 4 - and both men got to use their pet hold. Buddy looked to have the champ in trouble early as Jack was still reeling from the attack. Cornette climbs up on the apron to use his tennis racket, but is pulled down by Mr. Wrestling II. Mr Olympia and Chick Donovan come out to help their manager, but they are headed off at the pass by Terry Taylor and a ball bat!! Buddy started out to help his manager, but Brisco rolls him up from behind to get the win. 8:30

(C rating)


While the cage is being put up for the main event, Jim Ross runs down the line-up for next week's TV show:


Just signed in the aftermath of the last match:

a 6-man match featuring NWA World Champ Jack Brisco teaming with Mr. Wrestling II and Terry Taylor to take on the team of Buddy Landell, Mr. Olympia, and raider newcomer Chick Donovan. The Raiders of course will be managed by Jim Cornette.


Also - a 10 man battle royal - the winner will receive a shot at the Mid-South TV title. Entering will be: Dr. Death Steve Williams, Hacksaw Butch Reed, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Magnum TA, Bobby Fulton, Koko B Ware, Anvil Jim Neidhart, Iron Mike Sharpe, Phil Hickerson and the GIANT......375 pound Big Jim Lancaster who is coming in for this event.


and finally, the Final Show-down: Texas Death match will pit David Von Erich against the leader of the Rat Pack - Ted Dibiase.


WE'LL BE BACK after this commerical break. When we return - JYD defends the North American title against Dirty Dick Murdoch inside the 15 ft high STEEL CAGE!!!!

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Hmm,I'm not real sure where the Tag Titles lie in that mix...I THINK what you need to do to keep Jaggers happy is check your belts and see which one has the prupose set as "midcard", then put THAT belt on him....I guess at the worst case you just "hot shot" the belt to him for a short run then put it back on whomever you have plans for.


Kinda sucks Dutch is so expensive;there may be other options though....if Hickerson is a no go,then maybe Ron Bass or Rick Harris(a.k.a.Black Bart,who may also solve your Devastation,Inc. problem as IIRC he was a member of that stable at some point or another)?;even Dennis Condrey or Frank Morrell(a.k.a. The Spoiler from the Memphis promotion) could work....basically anyone that can also play a "brute" role well. I still think the old "brute cowboy tag team" deal would be best for him,but failing that any sort of old school "rough and tumble brawler" type will work enough for the "right" type of team for a guy like Jaggers,plus add some depth and a different style to the Tag division.


I have to admit though,I always thought it would be entertaining to book one of those old school "tough guy brawlers" like Dutch Mantell,Ron Garvin,Blackjack Mulligan,etc. in a program with a "sissy" type like Adrian Street;I think if it were done right it would be a goldmine.


On your scheduling,I think your best bet is re-schedule your monthly shows to Monday to avoid any availability problems....heck,Monday night wrestling drew on average about 7-8,000 and during hot programs up to 12,000 in Memphis for a good 30+ years,it can work for you too.

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main event




Junkyard Dog vs Dirty Dick Murdoch


CAGE Match: JYD and Murdoch are all business as they meet nose to nose in the center of the caged ring. Murdoch attempts a cheap shot but the Dog was ready for him - JYD blocks the punch and delivers 3 of his own. He sends Dick into the ropes and catches him with a throat chop as he comes off. He suplexes Murdoch and then a bodyslam. JYD kicks and stomps away. He is able to thwart every move Murdoch attempts. JYD sends Murdoch into the steel, as Dick staggers off, JYD delivers a headbutt. Murdoch is on DREAM STREET. Murdoch swings wildly into the air and then falls face first to the mat. JYD rushes in and applies an armlock (so both could rest a minute). As they get to their feet, JYD lands a couple punches then slams Murdoch's head into the cage.....opening a nasty gash on the forehead!! Dog continues to slam, pound, even choke the challenger. JYD sends him into the cage once again, as Dick slumps to the mat, JYD follows up with a legdrop....but Murdoch was able to move out of the way at the last second. JYD crashes into the mat. Both men get to their feet and punches are exchanged. Murdoch is an expert brawler (voted #1 in the country by wrestling fans in the recent poll) and his punches are taking their toll. He slams JYD who is favoring the leg injured in the last match by Buddy Landell. JYD is limping noticably as Murdoch drags him over to the cage and grinds his face into the steel mesh. Jim Ross screams "He's lacerated - The Crimson is flowing!!" The crowd is chanting "go Dog go" but this time it's Murdoch who has the momentum - he absorbs the punches from JYD and slams his face into the cage. "there's a nasty gash on the forehead of the North American champion - the referee needs to stop this thing before the dog's career is ended once and for all." Bill Watts corrects Jim Ross saying "JYD knows he's in the fight of his life, he doesn't want the match stopped - not when his title is on the line. This is Mid-South Wrestling and these guys have gotta play with the pain." The carnage continues as JYD gets his foot stuck between the ring and cage!!! Dirty Dick Murdoch earns his nickname as he brutalizes the helpless champion until the referee helps him to get free. The damage has been done - there's no fight left in the dog. 22:22, Murdoch hoists up a bloody and tired JYD for the Texas Brainbuster and scores the pinfall. Dick Murdoch will face Jack Brisco at Red, White, and Brawl. A bloody Murdoch celebrates, holding up the title belt and hollering out the name of Jack Brisco. "Shine up that world title little man. You see what I just did to one of the toughest SOB's in the world. Do you think you really stand a chance against me??"


B RATING for match. C for post match celebration

Overall rating for show: C+


After the show, Chick Donovan provoked Dr Death. (gee and we had finally calmed down Williams). I read Chick the riot act (whatever) - I won't tolerate much from him, especially since he just got here

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Great main evet... I love Murdoch winning the title and Mudoch/Brisco match should be awesome... My only concern with Murdoch is the fact in MY game he doesn't want to sign anything more than 3 month deal as he is a bit of a free lancer... Hope he doesn't disapoint and if he did, you could always hotshot title back to JYD or to Dibiase...


And screw Chic Donaven, who does he thing he is and of all people he's going to mess with Dr. Death

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thanks for the feedback guys.

Murdoch's stock has been on the rise, and felt like he needed the title. Don't know if that will help him decide to stay here when his contract expires. He has a couple good friends in MSW (Watts, Dibiase, Kamala) - I'll sign a couple more if that would help him to stay. WHen the time comes, I'll take another 3 months from him. I expect him and Dibiase to jump ship some day - just hoping they stay long enough to help me.

I had a good idea for a Murdoch story - may have to wait til he re-signs before I do it though.

I think he should have a prime time match with Brisco (who I had to give a couple wins to in order to boost his stock). I haven't seen an attempt in a DOTT legacy before to book the "NWA world champion" -- even though he's really not the title holder, the matches were there where it could have happened. that's one feature that is not allowed in the set-up, but that's fine. real world, the champs dropped in couple times a year, so this works (for me anyway).


Chick - what a goof. And you know what a sense of humor that Watts has. I can only expect he lets them 'settle things' in the ring.


another "innovative" idea that I plan to unleash in Mid-South soon: interactive voting to let the fans book the matches. I'll set up 2 groups and let you dial in on a special 900 # to pick a name from each (actually a PM for ur votes). I'll tally them up and see where it takes us (prolly allow a first and 2nd choice to mix things up since we have a handful of regulars). I don't have any preconceived notions of what to expect (don't even know who to put in each group just yet). Just seems like it could be a fun idea.

anyway, hope it's well received - be watching for it later on.


Red, White, and Brawl is the next card. I'll post the line-up for those who wish to make predictions

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another "innovative" idea that I plan to unleash in Mid-South soon: interactive voting to let the fans book the matches. I'll set up 2 groups and let you dial in on a special 900 # to pick a name from each (actually a PM for ur votes). I'll tally them up and see where it takes us (prolly allow a first and 2nd choice to mix things up since we have a handful of regulars). I don't have any preconceived notions of what to expect (don't even know who to put in each group just yet). Just seems like it could be a fun idea.


I love this idea!

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Week 3 television - June 1983


Jim Cornette hypes the Raiders. What a bomb!! Sharp, Neidhart, and Landell gain performance skills (E+ rating)


Dick Murdoch beats Tim Horner with brainbuster. Dick looks great in the match (C+ rating)


Jim Ross interviews Dick Murdoch about the upcoming world title match. So-so (C-)

Bill Irwin destroys Brett Wayne. Akbar does good work at ringside, Irwin and Sawyer have good chemistry (D-)


6-man war: Jack Brisco, Mr. Wrestling II, Terry Taylor vs Buddy Landell, Mr. Olympia, and Chick Donovan.

Exciting match as the fans enjoyed seeing the NWA World Champion in action. Hoped putting these guys together might help bolster Neidhart's Raiders as more than a "job squad". Landell and Olympia look good and take the fight to Brisco and company. Chick does a so-so job, but still gets in a few good licks on Taylor. The ending was not what most would have predicted....Mr. Olympia submits to Brisco's Figure 4. (D+ rating)

Olympia looks good and improves technical skills. MW2 improves performance skills (Watts and Murdoch work good together at the announce table)


Ted Dibiase is asked backstage by Joel Watts if he's nervous facing David Von Erich in a Texas Death match -since he is a native of that state. Dibiase responds that at first he was a little worried about the prospect: "You see Joel, I'm a more polished wrestler. I rely on my superior abilities and skills. I'm not who gets down and dirty and cheats to win like those Von Erichs. <Joel rolls his eyes>. But, you see now I'm back into a corner. And like any rat that is trapped in a corner, I had to find a way to fight my way out. So I went out and found someone who is very familiar with this style of match. I called him in to see if he could help, he agreed. So, let me introduce the man I hired to teach me a few dirty tricks and prepare me for this match with David Von Erich....Here he is....The Hangman Bobby Jaggers!" Jaggers strolls out dressed in his cowboy gear. He glares at the camera: "I am a lone wolf but also a hired gun to the highest bidder.

Ted Dibiase is paying me good money to teach him the art of brawling for this match. After today, everyone is going to be afraid to cross paths with the Rat Pack"


Battle Royal: Jim Lancaster was tossing bodies around the ring, but everyone ganged up on him to put the big man over the top rope. Phil Hickerson was the next to go, as Reed and Doc double teamed the giant bodyguard of the Rat Pack. Bobby Fulton was drop kicked over the top rope by Koko B Ware. Doc and Duggan brawled around the ring, and end up eliminating each other. The Iron Anvil sent Ware out. This leaves Reed and Magnum on one side and The Iron Anvil on the other. First they jump TA and hurt him to where he slumps in the corner. Then they double-team Reed. Reed is poised against the ropes and they charge with a double clothesline - Reed is eliminated!!! Then they turn around and charge Magnum with the same double-clothesline.....Magnum ducks his head and with help of their momentum backdrops the Raiders out of the ring!!! Magnum TA is the winner and gets the TV title match against Kendo Nagasaki. (C rating!!)

Reed and Fulton improve performance. Fulton also improves his flying skills.


Reed didn't stay on the floor long as the Ugandan Giant Kamala runs down and attacks him. The two men brawl all around ringside, knocking over chairs and the announce table. They brawl all the way to the backstage area. (10 minute brawl, but just a C rating)


Texas Death Match

Ted Dibiase vs David Von Erich:

This match was not for the faint of heart - Both men opened up throwing punches. David connects with a Larait Clothesline and has Dibiase in trouble. Jaggers urges Ted on, and distracts David -- baiting him out to the floor. Dibiase follows from behind and attacks Von Erich. Dibiase uses everything not nailed down to adminster a brutal beating on Von Erich. He bashes him with a chair and a branding iron provided by Jaggers. David is busted wide open, but he shows heart as he continues to fight back. Back inside the ring, Ted chokes David in the ring ropes. He continues to batter him and the Crimson continues to flow. David cannot go on much longer - Dibiase applies the Cobra Clutch and Von Erich is out!!! Dibiase has won the match!! David's skills finally shine and he has an excellent match with Dibiase, but at 19:03 he is caught in the Cobra Clutch and goes out. Dibiase has won an epic match - and improves his performance skills in the process!!

B- Rating


C rating overall - still enough to boost our popularity (up to 49.8% in home Mid-South region) -- noticed that Bobby Fulton's popularity jumped 1.5% in the battle royal. Something to keep an eye on (since some guys haven't made that kind of a move in a month of matches)

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the announced card for Red, White, and Brawl


6-man match: Hacksaw Duggan, Phil Hickerson, and Bobby Jaggers vs Dr Death Steve Williams, Bobby Fulton, and Big Jim Lancaster (some unfinished business from the battle royal) E- heat


TV TITLE: Kendo Nagasaki defends vs Magnum TA (E)


Kamala vs Butch Reed (C-)


Rat Pack defend tag titles vs JYD & Mr.Wrestling II


NWA World Champ Jack Brisco vs North American Champ Dick Murdoch

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6-man match: Hacksaw Duggan, Phil Hickerson, and Bobby Jaggers vs Dr Death Steve Williams, Bobby Fulton, and Big Jim Lancaster (some unfinished business from the battle royal) E- heat


TV TITLE: Kendo Nagasaki defends vs Magnum TA (E)


Kamala vs Butch Reed (C-)


Rat Pack defend tag titles vs JYD & Mr.Wrestling II


I can't really see the Rat Pack losing to a makeshift team.


NWA World Champ Jack Brisco vs North American Champ Dick Murdoch


I am calling a no finish on this match.

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6-man match: Hacksaw Duggan, Phil Hickerson, and Bobby Jaggers vs Dr Death Steve Williams, Bobby Fulton, and Big Jim Lancaster (some unfinished business from the battle royal) E- heat

Duggan's time has 3 guys who have at least gotten some sort of face time,Dr.Death's partners not so much, so I go with Duggan to build up your 3 more big time players.


TV TITLE: Kendo Nagasaki defends vs Magnum TA (E)

Magnum will win but no title change;I there is more upside in having Magnum chase the belt as it both brings his stock up and elevates the title.


Kamala vs Butch Reed (C-)

Big man with the win but not without outside help;I'd like to see this go to The Steel Cage.


Rat Pack defend tag titles vs JYD & Mr.Wrestling II

Rat Pack needs belts to get over more than Dog and Wrestling II;again I think there is more upside in them chasing the titles.


NWA World Champ Jack Brisco vs North American Champ Dick Murdoch

Brisco is a loaner and NWA champ so I think he'll what all the "travelling champions" of old do,pop the gate a little and put your Main Event guy over as a bad man.


On a side note, JYD & MWII actually were a semi-established tag team in MSW, they Main Evented it against the Rat Pack many times.

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Pro Wrestling This Week / with Bill Apter


As we look around the world of wrestling this week, the WWF has been rather active with a mixed bag of results:


First they run All-star wrestling in the Ice Garden: Superfly and Backlund B- win over Soul Patrol/ Muraco retains IC title over Putski (B-). C+ show

Then - 10,000 fans cram into the Philedelphia Civic Center for this main event: Samula defeats SD Jones! Invaders over Jules and garea was the semi-main event. D rated matches and show. Amazing the crowd they drew -- but they went home not very happy with what they saw.

Lastly: follows up their stinker with a End of Month big show. Another 10,000 attend. Morales and Andre over Studd & Kernodle was main event (C+). Backlund retains World title over Masked Superstar (B+). Sarge had a B rated win over Invader #1. Samoans retain tag titles over Santana and Putski. Muraco retains I/C title over Tony Atlas. Garea and Eddie Gilbert team to defeat Matea and Fulton. C+ rated card


GCW: .24 buy rate for month end show. Larry Z defeats Ole Anderson to retain National title (B). Hawk over Mr. Wrestling II, Ron Garvin over Animal (retains TV title in C rated match

CWF: Florida champ Don Kent battles tv champ Blackjack Mulligan to a draw. Terry Allen continues his unbeaten streak beating the Pro. Ray Candy beats up Charlie Cook. Barry Windham retains the Bahamas title with win over Bob Roop


ICW: Ratamyus defeats and injured Ron Garvin. Ratamyus has been a dominant champion!!


SEC: Excellent show in Southeastern! Mr Olympia pins Robert Fuller (B- main event). Flame over Jimmy Golden (B-). Steve Armstrong and Tonga Kid beat Johnny Rich and Scott Armstrong (E+). Show was B- rated!


AJPW: Another solid (B+) show. Baba defeats Race in PWF title match. Funk over Hansen (A rated).


in other news: Riki Choshu turns heel in Japan (NJPW). Larry Maystik joins WWA. Mr Wrestling II is mulling retirement which is sending shockwaves thru the Mid-South to say the least.


Looking at Mid-South

We end the month with $480,000 in the bank. An increase of $83,236 (another record month). We spent a record $85,000 on workers (up $15K), but this was offset by higher ticket prices and TV. However, merchandise and sponsorships were down slightly on the month ($6,000 total decrease). An spokesman said we don't expect to continue setting record-breaking months in profits. We just want to continue to turn a profit each month.


In bad news, we finish 9th in the regional wars this month. This cost us a couple percentage points of popularity across the board.

Polynesian Pro Wrestling became the first region to amass over a million dollars in the bank. Only SWCW and WWC remain above 40% prestige levels. Central States and Southeastern Championship are at 39 (SEC jumped 5 pts with their awesome month-end show).


Looking ahead to July, the month kicks off with Red, White, and Brawl. If Brisco vs Murdoch cannot deliver, then it could be another long month in the regional wars. We need to just focus on ourselves and develop a good base. If Mr. Wrestling II does retire, it will leave a giant void and throw a monkey wrench into a couple long-range plans. Not sure what the timetable is after such an announcement. Grizzley Smith thinks he has 3-4 years left. He is 46 though, so that could be a stretch. We need to be looking hard to find someone to step up to Main Event Status when that time comes.


also, I am working up a PWQ (quarterly look at different promotions). I enjoy what Oldschool does with the rankings, etc in his WWF write-ups and will try to replicate that to some extent (quarterly instead of monthly though). Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I hope you don't mind.


lastly, thanks for the analysis and predictions for the 4th of July show. There will be an "event" during the show to set up the tag team titles match (better suited for tv I guess, but oh well). Reed vs Kamala is a feud that has simmered since the start - I don't see it ending anytime soon - and I too would like to see it end up in a cage at some point. Have you ever noticed that 6-man matches do more to create new feuds than to settle old ones? I'm hoping to recapture some of that old-school booking magic and use this match a springboard for other matches during the month.


PWQ is next, so still plenty of time to submit ur ideas and thoughts regarding Red, White, and Brawl

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<p>Pwq</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">Pro Wrestling Quarterly</span></strong></p><p>

a look at the champions and top wrestlers from different promotions</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">AWA</span></strong><strong>:</strong></p><p>

World Champion - Nick Bockwinkle (5-0, 2 defenses)</p><p>

TV champion - Greg Gagne (5 defenses)</p><p>

Light HW - Mike Graham (3 defenses)</p><p> </p><p>

#4 Curt Henning</p><p>

#5 Wahoo McDaniel</p><p>

#6 Crippler Ray Stevens (undefeated with a win over Hulk Hogan)</p><p>

#7 Hulk Hogan</p><p>

#8 Ken Patera</p><p>

#9 Rick Martell</p><p>

#10 Rock & Roll Buck Zumhoffe</p><p> </p><p>

High Flyers - 7 defenses of their AWA World Tag titles</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Georgia Championship Wrestling</span></strong></p><p>

National HW Champ: Larry Zbysko (4 defenses)</p><p>

National TV champ: Ronnie Garvin (4 defenses)</p><p> </p><p>

#3 Wildfire Tommy Rich</p><p>

#4 Mr Wrestling II</p><p>

#5 RW Hawk</p><p>

#6 King Kong Bundy</p><p>

#7 Buzz Sawyer</p><p>

#8 RW Animal</p><p>

#9 Bob Armstrong</p><p>

#10 Spoiler</p><p> </p><p>

note: Ole Anderson and Paul Orndorff are winless so far</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FFA500;">Mid-Atlantic</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair 2-1 (1 official defense of his NWA title)</p><p>

US Champ: Greg Valentine (2 defenses)</p><p> </p><p>

#3 Mike Rotundo (6-1)</p><p>

#4 Mark Youngblood</p><p>

#5 Ken Timbs (10-2)</p><p>

#6 Dory Funk Jr (Mid-Atlantic champ, only 1 match)</p><p>

#7 Ivan Koloff</p><p>

#8 Jos Leduc</p><p>

#9 Bugsy McGraw</p><p>

#10 Jerry Brisco</p><p> </p><p>

Note: Steamboat and Piper are winless. Flair and Valentine have been very inactive!</p><p>

Steamboat & Youngblood - 3 defenses of the NWA World tag titles.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">WWF</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

World champ: Bob Backlund (8-0, 3 defenses)</p><p>

I/C champ: Don Muraco (9-3, 6 defenses)</p><p> </p><p>

#3 Pedro Morales (6-1-1)</p><p>

#4 Superfly Snuka (7-1)</p><p>

#5 Iron Sheik (6-2)</p><p>

#6 Tito Santana (3-0)</p><p>

#7 Sgt Slaughter (4-4-1)</p><p>

#8 Andre the Giant (3-4)</p><p>

#9 Masked Superstar (3-5)</p><p>

#10 Johnny Rodz (11-5)</p><p> </p><p>

Wild Samoans have 7 defenses of the WWF tag team titles</p><p> </p><p>

that's the 4 largest promotions in US. Next up, the spotlight goes on some the other US regions.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="olympia" data-cite="olympia" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24735" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>note: Ole Anderson and Paul Orndorff are winless so far</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That is weird, wasn't Ole the booker of that promotion at that time?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24735" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That is weird, wasn't Ole the booker of that promotion at that time?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He sure was,and the CPU sure isn't booking to his personality either; Ole was always in the #1 or #2 slot, whether he was a face or a heel.....even then he really only occupied the #2 slot during the Tommy Rich/Buzz Sawyer "epic feud" which lasted about 2 years,and even THEN during that period he was still almost always a title holder of some sort.</p><p> </p><p> I just hope in TEW we can assign him a note that says "when you clean the garage, do NOT throw away those tapes!"<img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24735" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That is weird, wasn't Ole the booker of that promotion at that time?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ModernDayWarrior is correct and</p><p> he does hold the tag titles with Mr. Wrestling II, but only a lackluster 2 title defenses. Maybe he's booking himself a vacation.</p>
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<p>the announced card for Red, White, and Brawl</p><p> </p><p>

6-man match: <strong>Hacksaw Duggan, Phil Hickerson, and Bobby Jaggers</strong> vs Dr Death Steve Williams, Bobby Fulton, and Big Jim Lancaster (some unfinished business from the battle royal) E- heat</p><p>

Like others have said, only because Hickerson & Jaggers have been given something to do thus far...</p><p> </p><p>

TV TITLE: <strong>Kendo Nagasaki</strong> defends vs Magnum TA (E)</p><p>

Magnum stays on the chase, and when he wins it... He begis to become a superstar</p><p> </p><p>

Kamala vs <strong>Butch Reed </strong>(C-)</p><p>

Its time to elevate Reed and Kamala would stay strong even with a loss</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rat Pack</strong> defend tag titles vs JYD & Mr.Wrestling II</p><p>

With a win here, the Rat Pack's Tag titles are as much on par as the NA heavyweight championship</p><p> </p><p>

NWA World Champ Jack Brisco vs North American Champ <strong>Dick Murdoch</strong></p><p>

By Countout or DQ...Brisco remains champion, but Murdoch has his number ..</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24735" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What kind of face was Ole? The only time I ever remember Ole as a face was when he and Arn rejoined the Horsemen with Sting and Flair. And to be honest, even then as a kid I remember thinking that he was a horrible fan favorite.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ole did a quite a few face runs during his days in GCW,I think at least 2 of them ended with a big heel turn by Ole on Dusty Rhodes,another one saw him tag teaming with Thunderbolt Patterson,somewhere in there he had a tag team with Tommy Rich as well.</p><p> </p><p> Really Ole wasn't all that different as a face;he did the same "intense badass" character he did as a heel,the only real difference was the he beat up the bad guys.Ole was one of those guys who was always better as a heel;as a face he was one of those guys like Orndorff or Luger who turned so many times that after a while the fans didn't buy into him a face anymore.</p>
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