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Your Greatest Heel/Face Turns

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What are your greatest and most succesful heel or face turns?


I'm running a WWE game, now in February, just turned Edge face and he won the Royal Rumble, turned Batista heel on Shawn Michaels who he will face off against at WrestleMania, and turned Triple H heel on The Undertaker who he will defend the Title against in a triple threat with Cena at WM. All are proving very succesful and it's a nice way to boost momentum.

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In a joint diary I was running with The Shape a while ago, we had Cena and Jericho as the top faces of the two brands heading into our King Of The Ring tournament. I forget who Cena was feuding with at the time but Jericho was in a feud with Vince McMahon, who had stacked the odds up against Jericho by having people attack him throughout the competition, changing the stips in his matches to make them more dangerous and such. It came to the final with Jericho vs Cena and near the end, McMahon interferes with a steel chair and just as he swings back to hit Jericho, Cena grabs the chair and stares him down, shaking his head... then clobbers Jericho to turn heel! It was kind of a homage to the Austin turn at Mania against The Rock.


And something from the plans of the same diary that I know we never got to, for Survivor Series in a traditional Elimination match, the two champs were captaining Raw and Smackdown teams, with MITB winner Mr Kennedy also on Raw's team. He had made hints at such that he was going to cash in on the Raw champ for weeks and then right at the end of the match, after already being eliminated, he returns to the ring to screw Raw and hand the win to The Rock for Smackdown... then as they celebrate, he smacks Rock with the briefcase and cashes in on him to win the title, turn heel and switch brands.

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In a WWE diary I was doing I had Punk as the World Champion. In the weeks leading up to the Breaking Point PPV, the lights kept going out when Punk was in the ring. Whilst the lights were out the infamous gong was to be heard. Punk looked incredibly nervous and kept searching for Taker. Eventually he was put in a match with the Deadman at Breaking Point, a match which he went on to win. As he was celebrating with his World title raised in the air, the lights went out one more time. When the lights came back on Edge was standing over Punk holding the title. Edge was a heel no longer. It had been Edge playing with Punk the whole time.
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I managed to turn Lobster Warrior after a PPV match with Jack Bruce for the SWF title. It was one of those 'mutual respect' matches, but Lobby snapped after Bruce pinned him for the win, putting him through the table at ringside. His momentum shot up to A* and he redebuted a few months later with a Turncoat gimmick and got massively over.
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I had Cena losing the WWE Championship to Orton in a triple threat match, also including Michaels. After the match, Cena clicked and F-U'ed Michaels through the announcing table. The next night on RAW, Cena shows up and announces his alliance with Orton. Cena and Orton then began to feud with D-X, ending in a fatal 4-way for the wwe title, which Orton retained with a little help from Cena
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The best Heel turns, for me, are the ones that open up whole new worlds of possibilities. That turn the promotion on it's head and make it fresh and new and exciting. Probably the best turns I've had were in my CGC games, when I turned one of the DeColts. I can't remember if it was the game I turned Alex into a Corporate Scumbag, or the one I turned Steve into a Preening Adonis, but one of them hit every target. It gave me months worth of PPV Main Events as he fought his brothers. It shot him up to A* momentum. He had positive chemistry notes with 2 of his brothers. Plus it just so happened I was able to turn Eddie Chandler face off of the back of it and he had good chemistry teaming with Jack. It was a domino effect of awesomeness and the next 9 months basically wrote itself.
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Tyson Baine. I ran a long program with him and American Buffalo where Buffalo kept taunting him about going soft. Buffalo wanted him to go back to his old ways when they were tag team partners. Buffalo would attack him backstage and during matches. They fought in singles matches and in tag matches with other partners as Buffalo tried to enrage him. After 8 months they had one final, a hell in a cell match and Baine won because in the end he gave into his baser self. As he continued to beat on Buffalo even after the match was over his long time ally against the syndicate and during his time fight Bufallo, RDJ came out to calm him down and Baine attacked him. The lights go out and an eerie voice announces the return of BLZ Bubb.


It was a great turn that allowed me to continue to run a program with Buffalo as he and Bubb started teaming again and taking on the Main Event faces mostly RDJ and other partners as Ricky tries to now turn him back to the side of good. That gave me another 6 months of matches and some good ratings.

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McFly turning on the Stones and joining Bloodstone with his wife still being a face GM caught in the middle in NOTBW. Basically while he was injured he kept saving the Stones and allies from attacks from the Bloodstone stable (keeping and increasing his momentum) but when he returned to active duty his wife and Dan Sr proudly proclaimed the creation of the World title for NOTBW due to the fact that NOTBW was the best wrestling in the world not just Canada plus it would be the parting gift of Dan Sr. before he left the business for good and that there would be a tournament held for it, McFly then lost in the semi finals to Bloodstone due to an inadvertent mistake by Dan Jr and Jeremy when they got McFly dqed while trying to protect him from interference from Bloodstones allies. Dan Jr went on to win the world title in a match against Bloodstone who was forced to vacate the Canadian belt because of that, the world title was first offered to him but he would have to vacate the Canadian for that to happen he declined and stated he wanted both titles, to which Dan Sr. and Vicky agreed but only that if he lost in the tournament he would lose the Canadian.


Bloodstone then convinced McFly that this was unfair after the tournement and the fact that Jeremy and Dan Jr. cost Mcfly a shot at the title while he kept saving them pissed him off and they never thanked him for it plus Bloodstone hinted they did it on purpose because they where afraid of McFly. This caused McFly to turn on them and join Bloodstone's stable. Dan Sr. announced his retirement at the end of the tournament and passed the reigns to Vicky leaving her in the middle of the stable war with her husband on one side and her brothers on the other.

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i did a good change for Batista this is how it happened 2010


Batista was no.1 contender leading into No Mercy against Chris Jericho but because a hatred against Batista by Edge the general manager after bad injury and really bad surgery which stuffed his career Edge put Batistas worst enemy of the last 2 months HBK into the match, at No Mercy HBK would kick Batista but get attacked by The Predators a group who continuosly attack HBK made out of Hellfire (Heath Miller) & his tough body guard Blazter (Lance Hoyt) attack HBK which allows Chris Jericho to pin him.


Batista is angry at the lost and spends the next week pounding on people back stage even Blazter.


leading into survivor series Batista was announced as captain against Chris Jericho, Jericho already had his team which was Blazter, Hellfire & Joe Hening while Batista only had him & Big Show on his team they get Ryan Hening (Ryback Kayfabe Brother of Joe) who wants revenge on Joe for attacks but Batista cant find a last team mate so he asks HBK who accepts but is a little jumpy and nearly hits Batista with the sweet chin music, Batista & HBK are the last people left in the match against Joe, Jericho & Hellfire, Hellfire gets batista bombed & Joe hening gets sweet chin musiced they corner Jericho and as Shawn Michaels goes to kick him Batista hits him with a spear and then beats him into a blood pulp Batista reveals that he is now apart of The Predators2 and will now be known as Teror while Jericho will be Nvy & Joe Hening will be known as Pr7yde

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i did a good change for Batista this is how it happened 2010


Batista was no.1 contender leading into No Mercy against Chris Jericho but because a hatred against Batista by Edge the general manager after bad injury and really bad surgery which stuffed his career Edge put Batistas worst enemy of the last 2 months HBK into the match, at No Mercy HBK would kick Batista but get attacked by The Predators a group who continuosly attack HBK made out of Hellfire (Heath Miller) & his tough body guard Blazter (Lance Hoyt) attack HBK which allows Chris Jericho to pin him.


Batista is angry at the lost and spends the next week pounding on people back stage even Blazter.


leading into survivor series Batista was announced as captain against Chris Jericho, Jericho already had his team which was Blazter, Hellfire & Joe Hening while Batista only had him & Big Show on his team they get Ryan Hening (Ryback Kayfabe Brother of Joe) who wants revenge on Joe for attacks but Batista cant find a last team mate so he asks HBK who accepts but is a little jumpy and nearly hits Batista with the sweet chin music, Batista & HBK are the last people left in the match against Joe, Jericho & Hellfire, Hellfire gets batista bombed & Joe hening gets sweet chin musiced they corner Jericho and as Shawn Michaels goes to kick him Batista hits him with a spear and then beats him into a blood pulp Batista reveals that he is now apart of The Predators2 and will now be known as Teror while Jericho will be Nvy & Joe Hening will be known as Pr7yde

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Mine was never supposed to happen...


Ricky Dale. You know him now as Ricky Dale Johnson, TCW's No. 1 babyface, but back in TEW 2004 he was an upper midcard heel in HGC. (Cornell was still Lord Of All He Surveyed.) He got his first title run in the fall of '04, winning the belt from Liberty, who'd taken it from Cornell after Cornell retired Sam Strong.


His title run was... uninspiring. He lost the belt back to Cornell in January in a three-way match that saw Tommy pin Jack Bruce. By March, I was out of ideas for him and he actually got a contract offer from DAVE... which I was considering letting him take.


Then, two weeks before the biggest show of the year, Jack suffered a neck injury that would sideline him for a year. The plan had been for him to beat Cornell for the title at that show. Ricky had been slotted into a five-way No. 1 Contender's match on the same card. My solution: Put Tommy into that match and make it for the title. Cornell retained after Genghis Rahn cost Ricky the match.


The next TV show, Ricky turned face by running in on a show-ending brawl with Cornell's Domination stable (Rip, Eddie Chandler, Tommy Morgan, Rahn and someone else I don't remember). He spent the spring and most of summer running through Domination - including effectively retiring Rip - before beating Cornell for the belt at whatever HGC's big summer show was then, becoming the most popular wrestler in North America in the process.

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