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Babes of Sin City - Through the Looking Glass

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Later that night...






Now, for our cat-fight of the week, we have a short clip caught of Raven Nightfall, best known for teaming with Joanne Rodriguez as 'The Dream Team' and for dating TCW newcomer Black Eagle, aka Plague, getting attacked by her fellow wrestler, in to loosest sense of the word, Alison Capone. Some people may not realize it but AAA actually has a little bit of a rival: the Babes of Sin City. Now, don't laugh, but BSC has actually been doing fairly well for itself and in the last half a year has undergone some major overhauls, which now seem to be bringing everything into place.


Anyways, speaking of Black Eagle, we have just gotten in an interview with him about how he feels about having made the jump to TCW only to have it lose both Total Wrestling and Extreme Warfare soon after.


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2nd Sunday of July 2008: The Piper Casino



Amy walked into my office and I motioned for her to close the door.


"Now, since your contract is coming up I've been thinking, assuming you do want to continue with BSC of course..."


"Of course."


"Well then, I'm assuming that you'd just like to sign a year long contract and just wait for it to come up again?"


"Actually," She asked rather meekly, "I was wondering if we could stick to something shorter?"


"Nine months?" I asked, putting my pen to the paper, then jotting it down when she nodded. "And you mentioned before that the hundred was a bit on the short side with having to drive all the way down here, so would an even hundred and fifty be enough?" I waited for her to nod again before writing it down and passing the paper to her to sign. "See?" I said jokingly, "I can't be all evil, now can I? I didn't even make you sign in blood."


{Now I'm feeling a bit lazy and don't want to just keep posting the same thing over and over, so I'm just gonna throw in that a little while later I made the exact same deal with Roxy Kitten. ~ Oh, just something else to add... TCW and SWF are now both cult.}

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I wonder what these girls actually do to make a proper living. I mean, $100 a show is hardly going to pay the bills, even if you run weekly. It's weird, I never think about any of this stuff running 'normal' promotions, but I expect most of the girls are living in Vegas, strutting their stuff, having far more colourful lives than working at a lumberyard or a deli counter and wrasslin' on Sundays.


Usually, I'm extremely pro-kayfabe, but here I'm more interested in the outside characters. It's odd.

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I am talking about the drink... I swear...


BSC Sex On The Beach

4th Friday of July 2008: The Piper Casino





We opened the show with a simple, but very good, stand by. Dharma went out in a form fitting pain of jeans and a tight white top, which was just too tight to fit anything underneath it. As much as we revamped BSC, the fans still liked the simple stuff. Either way, after a few minutes of shirt firings, Alison started coming down to the ring carrying a bucket of water. Dharma made a bit of a show of looking down at her shirt, then looking back at Alison before trying to make her escape around the ring. Alison, however, kept running to the other side, keeping Dharma from getting to far and constantly splashing more water on her, until finally she just threw the whole bucket, reached under the ring, grabbed anouther, and walked right up to Dharma to dump it over her head.


Dharma ran up the ramp, but stopped at the top whe Alison grabbed a mic. "You know, Dharma, as much as I like to tease and torment you, we do share something in common." They stared at each other for a few moments before Alison continued. "We both were in BSC when it first started, and we both have been screwed out of what should have been our titles to fight over since these new girls have come in." She then dropped the mic followed Dharma back into the entrance.

{Shirt Shooting Rating: C / Drenching Rating: D}


http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6250/officergoodheadalt2.jpg vs. http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7025/britneyhollywood.jpg

Officer Goodhead vs. Britney Hollywood


Britney came out first, and got a good response from the crowd, considering how rare it was for her to be on the show. Then

and they started the match. It was a fairly standard, but surprisingly good, match, which ended with Goodhead pinning Britney. Goodhead then rolls out of the ring and grabs a mic, saying that she hasn't really been preforming her duties as on officer, so she had to do a strip search... She got cut off at that point when Britney hit her from the back and, despite Goodhead's attempts to turn it around, stripped her to her underwear.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Officer Goodhead / Stripping Rating: D}


http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg vs. http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg

Sprite vs. Alexis Lee Littlefeather


Sprite came out just as Britney was headed in, and stopped her with a quick kiss, before dancing all the way to and around the ring. Her song looped twice while she danced for the crowd, putting on a good display, but was then ended when

and hit the ring. It was a bit of a dragged out match because of the lack of natural flow, but the ending got a good reception when, a bit over six minutes into the match, Sprite whipped Alexis into a corner, then tackled her. Sprite then threw her down and got up to the top rope and, after a moment to get herself composed, jumped out into a moonsault. Alexis, however, pulled her legs out, catching Sprite in the stomach, the rolled her up for the pin.

{Dancing Rating: C- / Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Alexis Lee Littlefeather}




Our segue was a

in front of a generic black backdrop. It then moved into a series of pictures of the first time Raven appeared on BSC, running down to the ramp with a bucket of water and dumping it over Dharma, then jumped strait to a clip of Raven hitting her with the Night Faller. We then had a slow motion clip of her collapsing in her match against Paige followed by a slow motion clip of Charlize attacking her right after that, only to jump to a normal speed clip of the later half of that attack when Charlize bent her over the ropes and spanked her. The clip them moved strait into Raven hitting Charlize with the Night Faller in the four way match for the title and then her wins over Nadia, Dharma, Wanda, Paige, Roxy and Charlize, only to end with the a shot of Raven grabbing the title in the ladder match.


http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3687/paigecroft.jpg vs. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2489/charlizeangelle.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)

Paige Croft vs. Charlize Angelle w/Sienna DeVille


Paige and Charlize put on a good, match with a few bigger throws, but mostly made up of some rather questionable holds. While the difference in size wasn't as extreme as when Paige wrestled Raven, how small Paige was always made the match rather interesting and different, at least to me. It was all fine with Paige putting on most of the offense until...




...Alison came running out and nailed our ref, Heather. Alison then used the Big Hit on Charlize and rolled out of the way for Heather to wake up and Paige to pick up the win via a pinfall. Then, while Paige walked back up the ramp and Charlize got up, looking dazed and confused, Alison got back in the ring and hit her again, striping her down to her bright red bra and panties. After some humiliation, she Charlize go, before grabbing a mic.


"You know what I was saying to Dharma earlier? Forget it. Neither of you deserve a title shot. I'm the only girl from the originals that could even hope to be good enough for the title now." She said, then tossed the mic away and followed Charlize out.

{Match Rating: D ~ Winner: Paige Croft / Strip Rating: C-}



Wanda Fish and The Neptune Twins vs. Hard Candy

in a Lingerie match



After the entrances, which showed that Coco and Lindsay's new worship of Roxy wasn't just a one off thing, we kicked strait into the match. This was the second time I was disappointed in a main event which involved Wanda, although the inclusion of Hard Candy did probably more damage to it than anything else, along with only having Buttercup to act as the Road Agent. Either way it was a good match for when I first joined BSC, but I was getting to a point where that just wasn't acceptable anymore. In the end, everyone put in their share of offense and defense ending the show with Wanda nailing Coco with the Dish of the Day for a pinfall. They then had a little impromptu bit where the six of them just messed around, hyping anything and everyone and just trying to play to the crowd for eight or so minutes until the end of the show.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Wanda Fish and The Neptune Twins / Celebration Rating: D}


{Final Rating: D}

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I wonder what these girls actually do to make a proper living. I mean, $100 a show is hardly going to pay the bills, even if you run weekly. It's weird, I never think about any of this stuff running 'normal' promotions, but I expect most of the girls are living in Vegas, strutting their stuff, having far more colourful lives than working at a lumberyard or a deli counter and wrasslin' on Sundays.


Usually, I'm extremely pro-kayfabe, but here I'm more interested in the outside characters. It's odd.


I know what you mean about the whole 'what else do they do?' thing. I was thinking about touching on that with one or two of the girls when I get a chance (or more realistically if/when I get around to it). I'd assume that some of the girls who have it noted that they were hostesses and show girls probably still do that even though it talks about it as if it were pass tense (although the ones like Coco who moved probably needed to pick up new jobs).


A C match in BSC? Wow; in my little BSC warm-up game I'm currently doing, none of my matches have even approached that.


I know. I think it may have been in part due to a (very lucky) good build up in the show and changing the product. I think I've noted it before, but I dropped comedy to low and cult to medium. What I'm really surprised at though is that the fans are cr*ping all over all my works. I think it may be the T&A levels that's keeping that from happening though...

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9:32pm 4th Friday of July 2008: The Piper Casino




Well, that was the last straw for me. I was talking to Buttercup, who, in addition to her duties as a road agent, did most of the secretarial work around BSC since Honey had passed it all off to me and I had no clue what I was doing. She was tired from the show and had fallen asleep in the chair in the office we used in the back of the BSC while we were talking about different storyline possibilities, so I covered her with a blanket and turned out the lights. I was gone for no more than a minute when I hear a scream from the office. I ran in to see Paige laughing at Buttercup trying to pull a bucket of honey off her head. I don't know exactly what I said because I just lost it, but I do know it didn't end until we were outside and I shouted, "And you can come back tomorrow and pick up your sh*t, cause you're fired!"


All she said was a somewhat meek, "Okay, if that is what you want, I'll abide by it."


When it came down to it though, we had a bit of a heart to heart. I'm not entirely sure she meant anything, but I do know that I couldn't just fired someone while angry. I told her that we weren't going to fire her, but it was her last chance, and if anything else happened, she would be gone in a heartbeat.

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Well, after getting completely shot down by 5SSW and NOTBPW for talent trades and having USPW say they would only take Raven for Cherry at 4k per show, I had to think of anouther way to get BSC hyped. I the end what I needed was already on my desk in the form of something I had brought in and phased out within a month. BSC Sunday Sins was back on, and while I didn't expect anyone to pay attention, and our attendance to drop over the next few months, I also knew that a small hour long show weekly was just what we needed... Or at least that's that's what I told to Honey. She wasn't exactly confident, but I knew that with a bit of work, I could turn the BSC into something big, I just needed time. She gave me the go ahead, so long as I dropped the bigger shows from twice a month to once a month, which I was probably going to do anyways. I also rearranged the names a bit, not that I think anyone cared.


I had $250,000 just sitting in the bank to play with, so I finally decided, 'lets play'.

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I know. I think it may have been in part due to a (very lucky) good build up in the show and changing the product. I think I've noted it before, but I dropped comedy to low and cult to medium. What I'm really surprised at though is that the fans are cr*ping all over all my works. I think it may be the T&A levels that's keeping that from happening though...


REDUCING The Product to get better grades? That's a new one for me. Makes sense, except raising Cult.... that seems a bit risky to me.

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REDUCING The Product to get better grades? That's a new one for me. Makes sense, except raising Cult.... that seems a bit risky to me.


Oh, more than just risky, I was fairly sure it was going to sink me if I didn't change it right back. But, if anything, that was about where my product was (from my understanding of the products), and I was more willing to change the product than my writing style. (If it did sink me I was probably going to drop it back down and raise probably mainstream or traditional, or something else, I really don't know.) I think, now remember that I'm still pretty bad at all this, and most of my success is just luck, so this is mostly just a guess, but I think that one part of reducing the products would be that the show relies a little more on T&A (which stayed at the same levels). Also, note that prior to that C match, all the actual wrestlers (Raven, Wanda, Nadia and Paige) only fought in standard rather than Eye Candy matches, so I don't actually have a match that is exactly the same to compare it to.

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1st Sunday of August 2008: The Piper Casino





Our opening segment was a very simple, rather surefire way of getting the crowd up a bit, if you know what I mean.

came out dancing, and just never stopped, dancing around the ring, up against the crowd and announcers' table and finally back up the stage, without pausing to say or do anything else.

{Rating: C}




Vampella came in with not only Sienna, but also Charlize in toe all three of them got into the ring and Sienna, speaking on behalf of Charlize, started telling Vampella about how, even though Alison had betrayed them, both she and Charlize were there for her, and not only would Sienna keep managing her, Charlize was even going to sit in as a special commentator at her match against Sprite...

{Rating: E+}


http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7313/vampella.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg) vs. http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg

Vampella w/Sienna DeVille vs. Sprite


...and, almost as if on cue, Sprite came running down to the ring. She jumped right onto the apron and leapt at Charlize, driving her out of the ring and to the announcers' table where she spent the rest of the match with Honey and Sara. She then jumped up onto the top ropes and struck a dramatic pose with one hand stretched out and pointing, only to be nailed from behind by Vampella. It was a pretty even match that ended suddenly when Vampella whipped Sprite into the ropes only to be hit with a clothesline and pinned. Then, just as expected, Charlize hit the ring and both she and Vampella stripped Sprite. They did make a game of it afterwords by bending her over the top rope and seeing who could smack her a** the hardest.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Sprite / Stripping Rating: D+}


http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2489/charlizeangelle.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg) vs. http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg

Charlize Angelle w/Sienna DeVille vs. Alexis Lee Littlefeather


This match, like the other, was a strait forward, but still fairly well done match with two girls trying to expose the other one as much as possible. Charlize nailed Alexis with the Angelle Delight, then stopped, looking at the entrance, as if waiting for something. When no one came out she pinned Alexis for the win...




...however, just as she was rolling out of the ring, Alison appeared right out of the crowd and hit her, throwing her back into the ring before whipping Sienna into the ring itself. She then jumped into the ring herself and stripped Charlize down before letting her go. She then grabbed a mic as Charlize and Sienna headed back up the ramp.


"You know, I'm only doing this to get reading for my chance at the main event. I want a shot at that title, but I know that I can't just walk up and take it. So I'm going to keep riding Dharma and your asses until you two wake up and make an effort. Maybe then I can get some real training in." She tossed the mic away and then followed Charlize back up the ramp, presumably to torment her a little more.

{Match Rating: D ~ Winner: Charlize Angelle / Strip Rating: C-}


http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpg vs. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3687/paigecroft.jpg

Nadia Snow vs. Paige Croft


came out and, just like the arrogant a-hole she was supposed to be, started in on about how she was the best and that she shouldn't be bothered to fight someone like Paige. It was a relativity quick hype that just seemed to drag on. Once Paige actually came out and they started the match, I made a note to not try to skimp on the stars again. I really needed either Wanda or Raven to carry a match between them as they just didn't have the same appeal. I was still the end to our show...

{Hype Rating: E+ / Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Nadia Snow}




...except for a quick announcement from Honey that our next should would feature Nadia vs. Wanda as well, "As well as other exciting match ups!"

{Rating: E+}


{Final Rating: D-}

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Make sure to read the other one two. I posted one right after the other.



2nd Sunday of August 2008: The Piper Casino



http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2489/charlizeangelle.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg) http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpg


by coming out with a mic and saying that she was glad that so many people turned up. After a few moments of generally flirting with the crowd, Alison stepped out and stood at the top of the ramp. For a while they just stared at each, Charlize started to say something twice before stopping and taking a few steps back and forth to try to catch her composure. When she started a third time though, Alison just cut her off.


"Now, I know what you're thinking. 'What is this girl doing here?', 'Why is this girl tormenting me like this?', 'Do these pants make my a** look fat?'" With that last one Alison gave a somewhat jokingly flip of the hair before settling back in with a serious attitude. "I just wanted to offer you a chance. You've been doing good, so I wanted to see if you would take me on in a match. Not only am I willing to fight you fair and square, I'm want to make it a bra and panties match so you can get your revenge." Charlize looked like she was going to say something, but Alison raised her hand to cut her off. "Now, that isn't all. Bra and panties matches aren't that huge of a deal, so lets make it this: If I win, I have to be your slave for a whole month. I'll do whatever you want, no questions asked. But if I win, you have to be my slave, and I can already tell you, I don't plan on being a gentle master."


Charlize paused a moment, then said "Agreed." Alison just turned and walked back through the entrance way.

{Rating: D+}


http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6250/officergoodheadalt2.jpg vs. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1817/nursehopedaye.jpg

Officer Goodhead vs. Nurse Hope Daye


This match was pretty par for the course considering how low it was. Daye hadn't been on our show in so long I wonder if the fans even knew who she was. Like a lot of our matches have been recently, it was as simple as 'two girls get in the ring, try to make the other flash the crowd for about six minutes, then one knocks the other down and mounts her while Heather makes sure that she can still count to three'.

{Rating: E+}




Our transition was a video hyping Roxy played going over her wins for the past little while, including her feud with the Kiss Of Death and what essentially became her side kicks in Sweet As Candy. For me it was just a moment to lean back and let the natural beauty of the girls carry the show.

{Rating: C}


http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2489/charlizeangelle.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg) http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpg

Charlize Angelle w/Sienna DeVille vs. Alison Capone in a Bra & Panties match


I knew I should have paid more attention to it when Wanda warned me, but these two put on a complete mess of a match. Alison was already in the ring when Charlize came out and hit her with a baseball slide, but from there the entire rhythm fell apart. It was dragged out and they completely missed the choke hold that was supposed to be the cue for Vampella to come out, so I had to tell her to just go out anyways once there was supposed to be less than a minute of match left. She didn't really get her chance to put on something decent with Alison, just getting thrown right back out before Alison turned right around and stripped Charlize. Then, while Charlize ran from the ring Alison grabbed a mic and said she go after her in a bit, but first she wanted to put on a little something for the crowd and stripped off her own cloths. It was a short bit, but still got pretty over.

{Match Rating: E ~ Winner: Alison Capone / Stripping Rating: C-}




came out next and put on a dance for the crowd. I wanted to give them a match, but between wanting to get Daye back on the show, Alison's complaints about wanting some wins for once, and the match I already announced between Nadia and Wanda, there was little I could do. Either way I was planning on adding them back into the mix as soon as I got the chance too.

{Rating: D+}


http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpg vs. http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg

Nadia Snow vs. Wanda Fish


Our main event was nothing special, just ten minutes of the expected wrestling mixed with flesh. I didn't bother even sitting through the whole thing, leaving a few minutes in for a smoke and coming back just in time to see Wanda hit the Dish of the Day and pin Nadia. Then, while Wanda was getting on a turnbuckle to celebrate, motioning like a belt was around her waist, Nadia ran up and knocked her off, rolling her and stripping her down to a surprisingly skimpy white bra and panties. I mean, I expect her to wearing something with a bit more coverage than a thong and what was essentially a string top. Unfortunately, the crowd just didn't seem to care as much either. Either way, it was still a decent end to what was a fairly decent show.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Wanda Fish / Strip Rating: D+}


{Final Rating: D-}

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3rd Sunday of August 2008: The Piper Casino



http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg) http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg


by coming out with the belt around her waist. I carried a couple of mics with me as I came in behind her. She slid into the ring and I tossed her a mic, which she took her time with flipping the switch on the bottom, tapping to check that it was on, and then raising it to her mouth. As soon as she started to say something, I kicked in with: "And now back from her short break from dealing with the deadbeats here at the BSC, our reigning Queen of the Ring champion, Raven Nightfall!" She paused and started at me while I waited for her. She took a deep breath, raise the mic to her lips, and was cut off again as I said, "Raven is tired of just trashing everyone here in the BSC. No one has been able to even come close to beating her. All were asking is for one girl, any girl, to come out here and put up an actual fight for once." She stared at me again, took anouther deep breath and acted as if she was going to say something, which of course cued me to cut her off. However, rather than just let me speak, she kicked me once in the stomach and hit me with a DDT.


She then took her time slowly standing up, brushing herself off, and picking up her mic. However, just as she raised it to her mouth Wanda's music hit, which of course prompted Raven to get pissed and throw her mic at me while I was still laying in the middle of the ring.


Wanda came down to the outside of the ring and stood there, looking at Raven for a long while before speaking, "Now something your little weasel of a manager there said earlier caught my attention. He said something about you having beaten everyone you've faced. Now, that is just a flat out lie and you know it. You've never once beaten me. The only time we've gone head to head, you lost if you would like to remember, and the only time you can claim to have beaten me was in that ladder match which the idiots setting up our matches decided to throw Nadia into. Now, I think you should just come out and say it. You're afraid of facing me. There's no shame in it. You're just not very good and you know it, which is why you have to come to a dump like this to fight." At about that point I staggered to my feet, and after a few I slurred a few insults Wanda and I got into a back and forth argument which ended with us deciding that Raven would go up against her, but that she had to prove herself is she wanted an actual title shot.

{Rating: D+}




Alison started down the ring, but after a few steps paused and looked back up, she then stepped back behind the curtain for a moment. When she stepped back out she was holding a leash. It wanked taunt when after a few steps and she had to pull on it to force Charlize to come out from behind the curtain wearing a fetish outfit made of just a few strips of leather covering everything important and a ball gag to go with it. Sienna came out behind Charlize, walking a few steps away, almost as if uncertain of how close she should be or if she should even be there at all. After a bit of leading her around Alison made her get right up onto the announcers' table and whipped her with a stick a few times before leading her back up the ramp.

{Rating: C-}



http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpghttp://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg vs. http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/1492/amygalaxy.jpghttp://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6250/officergoodheadalt2.jpg

Sweet As Candy vs. Amy Galaxy and Officer Goodhead in a Foam Party match


Roxy Kitten on special color commentary


came out with Roxy, who walked right over to the announcers and took a seat, and had their second title defense against anouther team that was just a mash up of two other wrestlers. I was trying to use the odd pairings to draw momentum from some of the girls that weren't as prominent in the show, but after this match I was fairly certain I was going in to go in anouther direction that I had been thinking about instead. Either way, it was a pretty average match, with Coco and Lindsay putting on a bit more offense than their opponents. Coco picked up the actual pin and the Roxy ran strait back into the ring and all three of the girls put on a dance, getting most of the foam out of the ring at the same time.

{Match Rating: E- ~ Winner: Sweet as Candy / Dancing Rating: C}


http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg vs. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1162/jenneptune.jpg (w/http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2228/kathyneptune.jpg) vs. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg

Alexis Lee Little Feather vs. Jen Neptune w/Kathy Neptune vs. Roxy Kitten


This would have actually been a pretty interesting match up for me if I didn't know how it was going to turn out in the end from the start. They were all part of my upper mid card, but didn't get nearly as much screen time as they deserved because when I wanted somewhat that high up I ended up using my main eventers. It was something I was working on. Anyways, that match was a pretty good flesh show that ended with Jen hitting Alexis with the Alabama Jam and pinning her, then, just like when Sweet As Candy won and Roxy got in the ring, Kathy jumped up and the twins started dancing for the crowd.

{Match Rating: D ~ Winner: Jen Neptune / Dancing Rating: C}


http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg vs. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg)

Wanda Fish vs. Raven Nightfall w/Sean Wolfe


This was anouther match that I thought was just too good to be true.

. I picked up a mic and tossed it too her when she motioned for me to fetch one. She waited for me to roll back into the ring before raising, only to, once again, be cut off by Wanda's theme. Raven just stood there a moment, then threw the mic at me. I rolled out of the ring as Wanda got up onto the apron, and there was no pause in the match starting. It was a standard BSC flesh show, but in the end, it was still exactly what the crowd wanted and, while strangely not the best match we've ever put on, was defiantly the second best received. The ending was something that we didn't see to often. Raven picked up the pin, but it was with her feet clearly on the ropes. Wanda looked furious and confused as I snatched up the title and we headed back up the ramp to end the show.

{Rating: C- ~ Winner: Raven Nightfall}


{Final Rating: D+}

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From the desk of Buttercup

4th Wednesday of August 2008


As per Honey and your requests, I've set the names of the shows for a twelve month rotation. I've used a couple of the names you have for the past few months, that is of course if you don't mind. Also, as per your orders, I've talked to the Piper Casino and told them that we plan on putting our shows on there for as long as we can and so they should make space every Sunday and on the fourth Friday of every month.

Jan: Extreme Exhibition

Feb: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Mar: All Night Long

Apr: Temptation

May: Wicked Women

Jun: Hot Nights

Jul: Sex On The Beach

Aug: Summer Sizzle

Sep: The Lights On Bright

Oct: Touch Of An Angel

Nov: Play Hard

Dec: Sweet Dreams


Our Roster is currently:

Main Event

Nadia Snow: Momentum: D ~ Gimmick: Arrogant Heel(Heel)

Paige Croft: Momentum: C- ~ Gimmick: Tomboy(Face)

Raven Nightfall: Momentum: B- ~ Gimmick: Mysterious(Heel) ~ Managed by Sean Wolfe

Wanda Fish: Momentum: D+ ~ Gimmick: Bitter Veteran(Heel)


Upper Midcard

Alison Capone: Momentum: C- ~ Gimmick: Prima Donna(Heel)

Jen Neptune: Momentum: C ~ Gimmick: Straight Edge(Face) ~ Managed by Kathy

Kathy Neptune: Momentum: B- ~ Gimmick: Clubber(Face) ~ Managed by Jen

Roxy Kitten: Momentum: C ~ Gimmick: Grunge Rocker(Face)



Amy Galaxy: Momentum: C- ~ Gimmick: Comic Book Hero(Face)

Charlize Angelle: Momentum: C- ~ Gimmick: Seductress(Heel) ~ Manged by Sienna DeVille

Coco De La Soleil: Momentum: C- ~ Gimmick: Sidekick(Face) ~ Manged by Lindsay

Dharma Gregg: Momentum: B- ~ Gimmick: Girl-Next-Door(Face)

Lindsay Sugar: Momentum: C ~ Gimmick: Sidekick(Face) ~ Managed by Coco

Sprite: Momentum: D ~ Gimmick: Comic Book Hero(Face)


Lower Midcard

Alexis Lee Littlefeather: Momentum: C- ~ Gimmick: Native American(Heel)

Britney Hollywood: Momentum: D+ ~ Gimmick: Diva(Face)

Officer Goodhead: Momenum: C- ~ Gimmick: Law Enforcer(Heel)

Vampella: Momentum: E+ ~ Gimmick: Goth(Heel) ~ Managed by Sienna DeVille



Nurse Hope Daye: Momentum: E+ ~ Gimmick: Nurse(Face)



Buttercup: Road Agent ~ Momentum: N/a ~ Gimmick: Secretary(Face)

Heather Halo: Referee ~ Momentum: A ~ Gimmick: Staff Member(Face)

Honey Golightly: Announcer ~ Momentum: E- ~ Gimmick: Authority Figure(Face)

Sara Silver: Color Commentator ~ Momentum: B ~ Gimmick: N/a(Heel)

Sean Wolfe: Manager ~ Momentum: D- ~ Gimmick: City Slicker(Heel)

Sienna DeVille: Manager ~ Momentum: F ~ Gimmick: Bitch(Heel)

What' you looking at punk?!

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4th Friday of August 2008: The Snake Pit

Attendance: 553


Backstage: Off-Camera / Before Show Starts



"Now, I know most of you aren't happy about having to come out here for our show, and I know some of you think that we should stick to selling out the Piper, but let me be clear. We are getting more recognition every day. People are no longer looking at the BSC and thinking 'it's a nice side show, but what should we do afterward?', nor is it just some random guys coming out hoping to pick up a girl. We are a true, blue wrestling promotion now. We now have a special spot in the world." I snatched up a newspaper and smacked Coco on the nose with it when she giggled. "Not that special spot! Look, just go out there, put on the best show you can, and call it all good. Nothing else can be expected of you."


The Start of the Show

http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg vs. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6250/officergoodheadalt2.jpg

Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. Officer Goodhead


opened our show with a match that was a bit worst than I expected. Their style just seemed to clash a bit, which I could only hope wouldn't have a major effect on the show. Unfortunately, I think that it did effect everything else. In the end, Alexis won with a simple roll up. She then jumped up to a ring post and started celebrating, only to have Goodhead slam her back to the mat and strip her of what little she wore before making her getaway.

{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Alexis Lee Littlefeather / Stripping Rating: D+}




This was a simple, expected little bit. Hard Candy came down and, after some flirting with the crowd, put on a dance. This was one thing I could always count on getting the crowd's attention, no matter what, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to just put on something like this for the whole show and still call it a wrestling promotion.

{Rating: C-}




The end Hard Candy's dance had the lights cut out, which was followed by a beat before

's music hit with some strobe lights. They, like Hard Candy, danced and flirted their way down the ring, except instead of heading into it, they both went around each side until they reached the announcers' table. Jen then grabbed two mics and tossed one to Kathy, before the both of them started in on how they hadn't really been in a lot of matches recently, but that was about to change, and they were about to hit the BSC like a hurricane, and as their first little trick, they were going to pick up the tag team belts, so they wanted Honey to mandate a match right then and there.


After a moment where Honey looked a little stun, she smiled and said, "I hope all you girls wore clean underwear, because not only am I going to make a title match between Sweet As Candy and The Neptune's, it's going to be a bra and panties match!"

{Rating: D}



http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpghttp://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg vs. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1162/jenneptune.jpghttp://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2228/kathyneptune.jpg

Sweet As Candy vs. The Neptune Twins in a Bra & Panties match for the BSC Girl Power Tag Team championships

With Special Color Commentator: Roxy Kitten



Roxy jumped out of the ring and took a seat with Sara and Honey. The first thing she said, of course, was that it didn't matter who Coco and Lindsay had to face, nothing stood a chance against them. Honey then immediately started listing all the recent match's she had lost until Roxy told her to shut up. The match itself was pretty bad, with Coco and Lindsay getting most of the offensive, but with a somewhat disjointed feel, as though it was just a series of moves all strung together.


Only a minute or so into the match, Coco and Lindsay tossed Jen from the ring then stripped Kathy, who spent the rest of the match wandering around the outside of the ring as Jen rolled back in. She put up a good fight, keeping them from just ripping everything off her until about six minutes in, when she Lindsay ripped her top off, only to have Jen whip her out of the ring. Kathy jumped right on her, ripping her clothes off before bending her over the announcers' table and spanking her. With the match equaled up, Jen was able to turn it around, strip Coco, and manage to get the titles. Roxy ripped her headset off and started shouting in surprise as Coco and Lindsay went back up to the entrance, with Roxy quickly following. On their own with the titles, Jen and Kathy (who ripped off her pants in celebration) put on a dance for the crowd before heading back out.

{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: The Neptune Twins / Dancing Rating: D+}


http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8403/dharmagreggalt08.jpg vs. http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/1492/amygalaxy.jpg vs. http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg

Dharma Gregg vs. Amy Galaxy vs. Sprite


This was where I had been hoping the match to pick up, but I was unfortunately disappointed. I don't know if the matches before this just dragged down the crowds mood, or if it was just the match itself, but I was hoping for, if not expecting, better. Either way, it was a passable match which Dharma won by hitting both hitting Amy with a One For The Road and pinning her. Then both Dharma and Sprite helped Amy back to her feet and the three of them put on a bit of a tease and dance for the crowd.

{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Dharma Gregg / Dancing Rating: D+}


http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg vs. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3687/paigecroft.jpg

Wanda Fish vs. Paige Croft


This ended up being where the show finally got decent. Wanda came out, stepped to the back of the ring and grabbed a mic, saying "Raven, you cheating bitch! Everyone know you had to get your legs up on the ropes cause you're too scared to face me! But, you know what? I'll humor you. I'm going to prove to you that I can take you without even breaking a sweat!"


Just as she threw the mic down, Paige stepped out. Once they were both in the ring they put on a pretty good, even match, although Paige seemed not to be into it, which might have been because I had told Coco to keep an eye on her. A bit after eight minutes in, Paige clotheslined Wanda, then took the opportunity to climb to the top rope and show off a bit. With a glance over her shoulder, she leapt out into a moonsault, only to have Wanda roll away. Paige then grabbed her stomach and rolled out of the ring...


http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg)


...Only to have

. Heather tried to throw us out, but I went around the far side of the ring, and kept her from looking at Wanda and Raven as they went at it right behind her. After a minute or so, Wanda whipped Raven out of the ring. I went to help her, but Paige, who had been on the ground since missing her moonsault, got up and knocked me down. She then rolled into the ring, only to meet Wanda, who immediately hit her with the Dish Of The Day and pinned her.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Wanda Fish}




At the end of the match, Honey got up and told Wanda to take a seat at the announcers' table. As Wanda did, Honey got up into the ring, then motioned for Raven, who I had joined up with on the far side from the announcers' table, to get into the ring. As soon as she did, Wanda went off on her. Telling her that if she wanted that title, she had to show that she was capable of beating everyone of the girls, not just those she wanted to. So she had decided, at least two other girls had been doing well recently, so Raven would be facing Nadia Snow and Alison Capone in a handicap match!

{Rating: D}


http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg) vs. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpghttp://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpg

Raven Nightfall w/Sean Wolfe vs. Nadia Snow and Alison Capone

With Special Color Commentator: Wanda Fish



, and stayed off the apron, until Alison was with her, although to the disappointment of the crowd, Alison didn't have Charlize with her. The match was a bit below where I wanted it to be, although that was to be expected. It was at the end of a pretty mediocre show, and Alison was really tired when she got to The Snake Pit, to the point that she couldn't drive herself home and had to stay in a hotel with Coco and me. It was still pretty good overall, and the first lose Raven had taken in BSC for a while, when Nadia rolled her up and pinned her.

{Match Rating: D ~ Winner: Nadia Snow and Alexis Capone}


http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpghttp://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg)


Nadia and Alison took off as soon as they had won, and Raven, who was pissed at having lost, looked around, before locking onto Wanda. Raven attacked and stripped her, tossing her around the ring a bit before shoving her to the ground face first, mounting her back and ripping off her bra. Wanda covered herself with her arms and ran for the back as I picked up the title and we took our time leaving the ring.

{Rating: C-}


{Final Rating: D}

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Anyone think the bit with Coco and Alison is a bit too much cheeze?



4th Sunday of August 2008: The Piper Casino





The show was just opening, with Honey and Sara not yet even at the bottom of the little ramp that lead to the ring, when Wanda came out and started down the ramp. Sara kept walking to the announcers' table, but Honey stood where she was to meet Wanda. As soon as they were face to face, Wanda started demanding a title shot against Raven, going on about how Raven had never once beaten her without something else getting in the way, and only a one on one would be a fair show of their skills. However, just as Honey took the mic from her,

claiming that if Wanda deserved a title shot, Nadia did too. She had deserved one too as she had just beat her at Summer Sizzle. Wanda went to say something back, by Honey cut her off, announcing that if they both wanted that title shot, they would have to face each other first.

{Rating: D+}




Once Honey was in her seat, and the girls that were to be in the main event gone, Roxy stepped out and got into the ring with a mic.


"You know, Hard Candy has been doing great. We really have. But sometimes sh*t happens, and, you know what? Sh*t happened two nights ago at Summer Sizzle when my girls, Sweet As Candy, lost their titles to The Neptune Twins. This was a fluke, and I want that twins out here this minute!"[/color]


were happy to oblige, coming out with the titles draped over their shoulders. They started mocking Coco and Lindsay for not being there, and Roxy asking on their behalf, and basically ignored Roxy in the ring as they came down. When they finally did climb into the ring and acknowledge her, they flatly refused.


After a back and forth Jen said, "Not only did we earn these titles, taking them right off their waists, they didn't even bother to come out here themselves to ask for the match. However..."

{Rating: D}


http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg (w/http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpg)


"...if they come out here right now, I might think of being nice and facing one of them in a one on one match."


There was a long pause, but just as Jen brought the mic back up to say something,

did come out and head strait into the ring. Lindsay took the mic from Roxy and said, "Fine, if you're too scared to let us get a shot at our titles again, I'll take you on, and I'll prove that I'm better than you, Kathy-"


"Jen." Kathy corrected, taking her sister's mic to say it.


"Whatever. I really don't care." Lindsay said. Kathy and Lindsay then flung a few more insults back and forth until Coco and Jen finally pulled them back. Kathy took the belts and laid them on the announcers' table as she and Coco left the ring so the match could start.

{Rating: D-}


http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1162/jenneptune.jpg (w/http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2228/kathyneptune.jpg) vs. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg (w/http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpg)

Jen Neptune w/Kathy Neptune vs. Lindsay Sugar w/Coco De La Soleil


The match was a pretty simple back and forth affair with no real notes on anything with Coco and Kathy staying well away from one anouther and the in ring action. Lindsay won it with a Sugar Rush followed by a pinfall and then rolled right out of the ring. As she and Coco were headed up the ramp they made motions to their waists as if wearing the belts, while Kathy snatched them up and jumped onto the ropes facing the ramp, holding them up.

{Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Lindsay Sugar}


http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpghttp://img199.imageshack.us/img199/7012/charlizeangellealt.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)


Alison came out with Charlize still on a leash and said how she still had a while with to humiliate her little slave, and so was going to make her put on anouther little tease. Charlize, dressed in the leather outfit Alison had made her wear at the last Sunday Sins, came out and put on a dance for the crowd, while Sienna lingered around the entrance. Alison and Charlize's little bit wasn't that great a storyline, but I do have to say that it kept the crowd's attention.

{Rating: C-}


http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpg vs. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg

Alison Capone vs. Roxy Kitten


Once Charlize was wearing nothing but leather boots, a leather thong and bra that she had to tape to keep from slipping with every step, and the gag, Alison finally let her leave back up the ramp. She then turned towards the entrance and grabbed the mic.


"Now, I've got some unfinished business. Roxy, I know you're here. I saw you out here earlier. You and I have clashed a few times in the past and I want to prove that I'm the best and that it was just Charlize and Vampella holding me back in the Kiss of Death. I never beat you when I was with them, so if you come out here, I can prove just how much they were throwing me off."


Roxy came right out and didn't even bother saying anything. She just stepped right into the ring and they went at it. While there were a few points were the flow of the match seemed off, it was still pretty good overall. Alison picked up the win following The Big Hit and rolled right out and walked away.

{Rating: D- ~ Winner: Alison Capone}


http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg vs. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpg

Wanda Fish vs. Nadia Snow


I unfortunately missed most of this match. A minute or so in, Lindsay tapped me on the shoulder and whispered into my ear, "Sean, we have a problem in the tables closet. I think you should go." I knew Lindsay wouldn't have bothered me unless it was something serious, and she would have told me as much as she thought she should, so rather than even bother asking questions I just pointed to the monitors and walked right to where she told me.


Coco was hiding in the closet, which of course meant that the first thing I said made her hit me in a location about a half inch above what every guy dreads the most. After a bit of prodding (not that kind) she finally told me that Alison had apparently been telling some of the girls that Honey had been considering firing Coco and that the fact that I was making the BSC do so well was the only reason she hadn't. Coco apparently got pissed and hit Alison before running off. That all, of course, meant I had to go track down Alison like some fetch quest and call Roxy, the first person to jump to mind, to look after Coco. After a few minutes I finally found Alison in the bathroom, with Charlize (who was back to jeans and a very baggy t-shirt unfortunately) looking at her eye which looked kind of black and swollen. I told Charlize to leave us and took over looking after her, wadding up some paper towels and wetting them to put on her eye as I looked at the scratches on her.


"She got you pretty bad." I said. She just nodded a bit. "Were you saying that Honey was going to fire Coco and that I was the only reason she was still here?" She nodded again. I sighed and took a step back. "Look, this might sound harsh, you better stop spreading rumors right f*cking now, 'cause I already have enough B-S to put up with Paige, and I don't need someone else screwing everything up. Now, I'm not gonna do anything 'cause Coco hit you, but I'm not doing anything to her either 'cause you started this sh*t." I looked at her for a while before continuing, making sure that I had her undivided attention. "Now let me be real here. This is flat out not acceptable, and I'm not here to babysit you guys. If you keep f*cking up like this, I won't hesitate to throw you out on your ass. Are we clear?"


"Yea, Whatever." She said, just blowing me off, but unfortunately I didn't have time to try to set her strait.

{Rating: D ~ Winner: Wanda Fish / Incident between Alison Capone and Coco De La Soleil almost leading to a fist fight ~ Stern Warning ~ Response: "Whatever."}


http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg)


I had to jog to catch the last of Wanda and Nadia's match, where Wanda hit her with the Dish Of The Day and pinned her. While she was celebrating, I made my way through the crowd and to the ring. With her back turned towards me I jumped into the ring and tried to grab her from behind but got tossed to the ground where she mounted me and started in with the punches. Just as she started to hit me,

to the ring. Wanda tried to get up, but I held her in place as Raven climbed in and started to strip her. It was probably my best built angle in my personally opinion. Wanda tried to hit me a few more times as Raven rolled her up and stripped off her pants while I exited the ring and grabbed a mic. After a bit more rolling around, Wanda finally made a break back up the ring while I tossed the mic to Raven.


"You know Wanda, you can beat Nadia, you can beat Paige, you can beat Capone, Charlize, Dharma, Roxy or anyone else on this roster, but you still can't beat me, and you still haven't proven to me that you deserve anouther title shot." Overall, I thought we did well.

{Rating: C-}


{Final Rating: D}

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pssst! Alison Capone = Riot Act or Last Chance/Final Warning (or whatever it is)


At least that's what tends to work for me.


Maybe take a look at a Chloe Dean, if only to stabilize your locker room. I'd say Vita too but she'd probably be expensive (she's got skills to match her looks). Chloe should only be $100 per show or somewhere around there.


You're doing really well. Only thing I can suggest is be careful about the Snake Pit. Sometimes it's better to have slightly fewer people in attendance (i.e. smaller venue) than a few more asses in seats due to the 'hot crowd' effect.

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Really nice journal. I really like the looks backstage. I was wondering what you put in for your booking notes when you make matches?


And Pagie is still here, I thought you fired her.


Edit: It also makes me want to start my own BSC Journal, but your doing a great job at it.

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@ Remianen: Thanks for the tip, I hope it helps 'cause Alison is up and pissed at me right now. (Third from the left in the talk to worker thing). As for Chloe, I've short listed her, but am probably not going to bring her in right away. Backstage is still pretty okay, for now at least. Same goes for Vita. Comically it looks at though Buttercup is having some trouble fitting in with two dislikes so far. I also see what you mean by the crowd (had to go look up a few things to get a better feel for it). Not sure if I'm going to go back to the Pit (wasn't really sure in the first place.)


@ BigRed: Thank you first of all, as for Paige, its the bottom half of where I 'fire' her (after the double lines) where I say I'm not going too. She is back to being happy with me, but we'll see if she can keep on the strait an narrow (or if I just let her go anyways when her contract is up).

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As a general note: I've been thinking about a tv deal once I hit regional. Now I was wondering if I should step out across the boarder so I can get a mexican station. Not sure, but that seems like it would be the easiest thing, and it would mean that my show would only end up in the South West in America, which would limit me from jumping to cult too soon (yes I know, I still have a ways off before it becomes important, but a guy can dream, can't he?) Also, I had something else to say, but don't remember what it was... anyways, next card should be up soon.


Oh yea:

@ BigRed: I sort of infer some of my booking notes in the diary (don't remember what they all are now though). I normally give every match the 'script' and 'work the crowd' notes, removing the 'script' if either Raven or Wanda are involved, and trading out the 'work the crowd' note for 'all out' on the last match. As for where I mention one of the girls getting more offence, that is normally where I added 'keep strong'. I also virtually always add decisive win unless I specifically want something else (the tainted win Raven got over Wanda, or the Cheap Win where Raven attacked Wanda with a chair). And there are a couple of times where I add interferance and a win by manager interferance, but those should be fairly easy to spot in reading.


As for this upcoming card I did something different with the notes. Ever match is all out. I'm just about to run it and see how it comes out.

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I'm refining how the shows look. When I make anouther Diary, it'll be more consistant



1st Sunday of September 2008: The Piper Casino



http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg) http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpg

& Alison Capone


Raven and I were the first in the ring. I carried her her title as she got into the ring and started right in on how she was 'so sad' that Wanda couldn't make the show and get her title match, but sometimes 'life just hits you like a car, then backs up over you a couple more times just to be sure.' After a bit more mic work, she tossed me the mic. Just as I caught it, Alison came out and started right in on how Nadia got recognized when both she and Nadia beat Raven, but how she didn't.


"Well, first off, let us be clear. Your win over Raven was a fluke. Nothing more. No matter how good someone is, and Raven here is the absolute best, everyone has an off day eventually, and you just caught her on the only off day she is ever going to have. However, you are right that you did manage to get a win over Raven, so you know what, we are going to give you a match. However, there has to be one little stipulation. Raven has really been wanting to humiliate someone for a while, so the only way you're going to get the match is if we make it a Bra & Panties match."


She agreed of course, but not after we had a few more words and she stormed off.

{Rating: D+}


http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1817/nursehopedaye.jpg vs. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6250/officergoodheadalt2.jpg vs. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7313/vampella.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)

Nurse Hope Daye vs.

vs. Vampella w/Sienna DeVille


This was a fairly strait forward three way match between three girls that weren't really a part of any of the major stories. Goodhead put up some good offense against both Vampella and Hope, but ultimately lost when, after being hit by Vampella, Hope got up to the top rope and hit a basic splash. Heather Halo moved to check on Goodhead and with the ref's back turned Sienna dragged Hope out of the ring, leaving Vampella to pick up the win.




Vampella was celebrating when Alexis came running down the stage out of the blue and stripped Vampella down to her underwear before running right making her way back up the ramp.

{Match Rating: E ~ Winner: Vampella / Strip Rating: D-}


http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpghttp://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg vs. http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7025/britneyhollywood.jpghttp://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg

vs. Hollywood Magic

With Special Color Commentary by Roxy Kitten



The next match was a strait forward bit as Hard Candy came out and grabbed a few mics before Hollywood Magic hit. Sprite, already holding a mic, started in on how Sweet As Candy didn't give her and Britney a match when they had the titles, so they were going to have to prove that they could take them on to prove that they more than deserved a shot at the new title holders. The four of them jumped right into the ring and started the match right away. It was fairly basic with the four of them rotating their offense until Coco nailed Britney with a clothesline a rolled her up. While Coco and Lindsay left, quickly followed by Hollywood Magic, Roxy got into the ring and started to dance for the crowd. I do have to admit that the segue was awkward at best, but I don't think anymore cared, or even noticed, with Roxy dancing.


http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpghttp://img199.imageshack.us/img199/7012/charlizeangellealt.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)

Alison Capone &


Just as Roxy ended her dance, with the lights flashing in and out, Alison came running down the ring without fan fair and hit her from the back. She then stripped her down to her underwear and threw her from the ring before grabbing a mic.


"I need a little warm up in stripping girls for when I take the championship off Raven later. Oh, and speaking of striping. Charlize?" She stopped a tapped her foot for a moment. "Look Charlize, either you can come out here yourself, or I can come and get you, and if I have to come and get you, I won't let you keep anything on. You agreed to our little deal, so you have to live with it." Finally Charlize came out wearing her skimpy bits of leather and gag and put on a show for the crowd. Again, it could have been better, but no one really cared.

{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner:

/ Dancing Rating: C / Striping Rating: D / Strip Tease Rating: C}



http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg) vs. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4978/alisoncaponealt4.jpg

vs. Alison Capone


Alison finally let Charlize head back up from the ring, but right as she was at the entrance, Raven and I stepped out. There was a long pause as the two of them stared at each other before Raven stepped around her and gave her a quick slap to the ass before heading down to the ring. Raven didn't bother with any formalities and jumped right into the match, mostly because we were running a bit later than we intended on the show and had to be able to clean up quick. While Raven didn't dominate the entire thing, she put really did control Alison most of the match before the obvious outcome of the Night Faller preceding Alison's own stripping. It was a decent show, but it left me wondering what exactly happened in the match between Charlize and Raven for some reason. How exactly could I get that success again? Either way, the show was on par with what we had been showing.

{Rating: D ~ Winner: Raven Nightfall}


{Final Rating: D}

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I would be wary about TV. Again, from a financial sense, you'll take a hit. If you look at your 'ticket prices' tab, you'll see that tickets to TV tapings cost less than tickets to Events. Even if they're $1 less, that's $300 less you have to spend per show, which is enough for Dharma Gregg & both Neptunes. You're already going to be taking something of a financial blow for hitting Regional, so it's something you should keep an eye on.


I don't know what your profit margins are. If you can afford it, it might be a good idea. I expect the Popularity gains would greatly improve.

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I would be wary about TV. Again, from a financial sense, you'll take a hit. If you look at your 'ticket prices' tab, you'll see that tickets to TV tapings cost less than tickets to Events. Even if they're $1 less, that's $300 less you have to spend per show, which is enough for Dharma Gregg & both Neptunes. You're already going to be taking something of a financial blow for hitting Regional, so it's something you should keep an eye on.


I don't know what your profit margins are. If you can afford it, it might be a good idea. I expect the Popularity gains would greatly improve.




Don't think about TV until mid-Regional. You need time to adjust to the added expenses that come with an increase in size. Sure, it's not quite as bad as the Regional to Cult shock but if you're not prepared for it, it can be rough.

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Okay, Okay, I'll trust your guy's expertise. I'm just making most of this up as I go along anyways. :D


Oh, as for our profit margin... well, its not. With the exception of the first two months (where I made 5/6k+ both months) I've been been floating right around 0 profit or loss... until last month where I took an 8k hit. I might stop Sunday Sins after this month to give myself time to work up some money (I haven't been too worried about it because my only financial goal is to not go into debt, and by the time I reach that point I'd have a good enough reputation to open my own promotion and put BSC under :p.) (No work today, so an update might end up somewhere around mid afternoon if I get around too it.)

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