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[GDS-Verse] PWU - Wrestling Unleashed

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Pro Wrestling Unleashed has recently been purchased from Skip Campbell by an unlikely duo following Mr. Campbell's lose in a poker game. (Yes, a poker game.) The two individuals are J.G. Paulson and Tobias Goldfinch.




J.G. Paulson is an unknown manager and business man out of Maryland. Paulson has a reputation that is known for being very hard-nosed and verbally and psychically agressive. Paulson is currently not available for comment at the present time, but will be settling in and having an interview with us soon.




The other man is a one, Mister Tobias Goldfinch. Tobias's father Stanley Emile Goldfinch was a figurehead in wrestling for many years before his untimely death. Tobias hasn't been seen for many years, but has recently resurface into wrestling appearing at a few Pro Wrestling Shark shows, Wrestling Edge Federation shows, and even IGC show on-screen in the crowd a time or two. It is unknown how Goldfinch entered into a poker game with Skip, but what is done is done and we are under new management. Tobias is currently not available for comment.


It is said that Skip and his sister, Chastity, will still be employed by Paulson and Goldfinch and will even be helping with the booking. Neither Chastity or her brother could be gotten on the phone for a response. We will hear one from J.G. Paulson soon for an interview as I said earlier. So stay tune.


The PWU Webmaster.

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Paulson Interview..






Folks, I am back with an exclusive interview with one-half of the new management in Pro Wrestling Unleashed.. a one Mr. J.G. Paulson. The former bouncer and bodyguard has become a very successful business man with his gentlemen club known as 'The Sweet Spot'. I got into contact with Paulson via many loops and holes and run-arounds. Paulson finally agreed to let me talk to him following some begging and a little money. So Paulson sat down with him and talked a little bit.


PWU Webmaster: The first question that everybody needs to be answered is how did you come into contact with Tobias Goldfinch. Nobody has really seen or heard much from him for quiet some time now.


JG Paulson: It was easy. When you own and run such a...fine business like I do than you get 'bump' into a few well-known people and it never hurts to be well connected.


PWUWM: So he came into your club, 'The Sweet Spot'?


JGP: Yeah. Tobias came in and asked to speak to me. I am a fair guy so I sat down with him to see what he wanted. I didn't know what kind of business that he wanted to talk.. but I knew that whatever it was... there was going to be money. Tobias told me about this federation ran by a richy-rich kid and said that the kid had a serious gambling problem.


PWUWM: That would be former PWU owner, Skip Campbell.. correct?


JGP: Yea. I knew who he was because I've ran into him a couple of times scouting Maryland Championship Wrestling with his fine-ass sista, Chastity. I hit on her a couple of times. I got mased once during a match by her following some strong suggestions.


PWUWM: What was your first impression of Skip and Chastity Campbell?


JGP: Basically that all the rumors and gossip was true. Skip was a moron. You can tell that he ate from a silver spoon. Drank from a golden glass. S--t into a platinum toilet. The kid got on my nerves so much from the first minute that I thought about 'offing' him the minute that I saw him. His sister on the other hand.. goddess. She is like a pale princess. I think that now that she see a man like myself into power... she will see that this brotha is all bout it.


PWUWM: Huh?!


JGP: Basically what I am saying is... forget it.


PWUWM: So what was Tobias' offer.


JGP: Well.. Goldfinch knows that I'm not a 'straight shooter' when it comes to how I run things. I happen to know some underhand tactics when it comes to life as a whole. Tobias came up with this idea that has become myself and Tobias as co-owners of PWU. Tobias is very skilled and experience when it comes to the world of wrestling and I know how to run a successful business. I think things will follow well because most people seem to be scared of my...well history.


PWUWM: Should they be..well scared?


JGP: Just cross me and see what the f--k happens to you! I am a nice guy, but business is business and if somebody tries to come between me and my money... son, let me tell ya! You understand me?!


PWUWM:...Yeah! I'm not saying that I will cross you! I'm just stating a...statement. I'm just making a comment, Mr. Paulson.


JGP: Good! I wouldn't hope that you would be thinking about anything since you are on OUR payroll and the rest of you family lives were? South Dakota, right?!


PWUWM: Um...yeah.? How did you know about that?


JGP: How..did..I..KNOW?! It paid to know about the Campbells. It will always pay to know about anybody and everything that goes on around you. I am here for a reason, kid. I can and WILL use things I know against people. It is all about the 'bens', kid. I am here to help Tobias destroy his enemies. I am here to help Tobias make PWU the top orginzation in the world. I am here to..well you will see. That is ALL that you need to know at this current time.




Well folks, that was my...very.. well it was my sit-down with JG Paulson. I will hopefully have an interview from Tobias Goldfinch very soon. I hope he is a little more... well.. I hope Mr. Goldfinch is nicer than JG Paulson or this could be a hell of a company to be working for. Until next time folks.


The PWU Webmaster.

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Mr. Tobias Goldfinch has announced the that Pro Wrestling Unleashed will be having its first big show under the new management. PWU Unleashed World Championship will be on the line as Forsaken Angel will defend. PWU Unleashed National and Tag Team titles will also be up for grabs. The show will be entitled 'PWU Fight of Champions'.


There isn't much more information that has been produced right now for the card. Also, there has been a few new names signed and added to the roster. As of right now, 7 men have been signed to pay per appearence deals. The names of those individuals have yet to be announced, but we are sure they will be announced and apart of the upcoming big show.


When we get more information, folks.. I will be sure to give it to you and I hope I will soon have a chance to sit down with Mr. Goldfinch and have a few words with him.


The PWU Webmaster.


PWU Fight of Champions

Card subject to change.


Forsaken Angel © versus ???




OOC: Thanks, Kam. I been toying with GDS-Verse for awhile and can't wait for the full version. I was toying with using one of the guys to run the show with Tobias that I made, but J.G. Paulson's look just screams 'backstory!'. I am still working on getting the first show together. I'm awaiting to see where a few of my guys go with WWA, AWA, and DWA doing a lot of signings. I'm hoping not to lose two guys that I just signed and one guy that is on my roster from the start because of plans. If it happens it will happen. I am also toying with the idea of 'local' wrestlers squashed and how to do that.

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Folks, I have a very special interview with Tobias Goldfinch. Tobias has finally came out of the shadows to open up and touch on a few things about PWU and the wrestling world as a whole. I shall now present to you.. my interview with Tobias Goldfinch.



PWU Webmaster: Mr. Goldfinch, it is a huge honor to be able to sit down with you and talk. I am so grateful that would take time out of your busy schedule to let me ask you a few words.


Tobias Goldfinch: No problem.


PWUWM: We have already found out how you came to meet J.G. Paulson. I must ask you how did you know Skip Campbell?


TG: Well, I was asked to come and talk to Skip by his sister one day in early part of the year to have a business chat with him about how PWU was playing out and what he could do to fix it. I told him what I thought and he told him point blank how I felt.


PWUWM: ..And he didn't like it?


TG: I'm surprise you didn't hear about it... or you are acting like you didn't. Either way... it is what it is.


PWUWM: For those that don't know, Mr. Goldfinch.


TG: Call me, Tobias. But.. well, I told Skip that he doesn't know one thing about wrestling. I told Tobias that he is basically brain dead when it comes to business and he should quit living off of his sister's abilities.


PWUWM: And than...


TG: I'm getting there. Well, he made a comment about my dad. There is one thing that no man will do. If anybody ever makes a bad remark about my father than they will pay for it.


PWUWM: What did he sa--




PWUWM: ...Um..sir, yes sir.


TG: Want me to continue?


PWUWM: Yes, sir.


TG: Ok. Well, Skip made some remarks about my father and about how wrestling is for dumb folks and about dumb crap like that. I turned around to leave and I heard him laugh and make one more remark to his sister and I turned around, punched him in the face, and walked away.


PWUWM: You were sued, weren't you.. Tobias?


TG: Yeah. Skip tried to sue me, but he really didn't have any evidence and his sister wasn't really backing him in his statements. Chasisty is a good girl. She has just gotten involved with her idiotic brother's business. I told Skip that I would get him back. I knew his weakness. I knew that the kid loved to gamble. I heard grapevine that there was a 'business man' that worked up in Maryland that could help me out. I've actually seen him at a few shows in Maryland and I knew he had the look and when I found out that he was a gambler too... it made my day.


PWUWM: So you got revenge from with the help from Mr. Paulson?


TG: Yea. It was a combination idea from the both of us. Paulson wanted to get out of Maryland and let his nephew run the 'Sweet Spot' while he worked in wrestling a little bit more. So, I made him the deal and like they say.. the rest is history.


PWUWM: Great news. I've heard that Skip and his sister are still with us though..


TG: Yea, I'm the type of guy to just toss people to the curve. I let Skip and Chasisty stay on the pay roll. Skip will stay on as the lead announcer and I will be working beside of him for the first show.


PWUWM: You think everything will be ok?


TG: Yea. I've had a talk with Chastity and she said she will keep her brother straight. If he acts up than he will be fired after the show. I have no problem letting somebody go if they aren't going to play ball and be apart of the team.


PWUWM: There are rumors of new signees..


TG: Yea. I've signed a few guys that will all make their debut at 'Fight of Champions'. I've very excited about the Tag Team titles match. It is eight guys that could all make a huge impact one day. The National title is a five-man match that will hopefully blow the roof off of the building. It should be a great show. I'm looking very forward to where PWU will be going in the next couple months.


PWUWM: Well, Tobias... I'd like to thank you for stopping by and letting the fans know a little more into how you came to acquire PWU.


TG: No problem. Just remember the motto, Pro Wrestling Unleashed - Wrestling is Unleashed.


PWUWM: Thanks.


The PWU Webmaster.


The first card will be up in a couple of days. I will am still working on the story for some of the guys. I like my current roster. I'm hoping not to lose anybody too soon.

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Axel Smoker versus Johnny Rebel






PWU Unleashed National Championship

Chris Gomez versus Jason Morris versus Jubal Hawkins versus The Alkatraz Kid versus Kamikaze Mike




Cypher versus Dakota Blue






PWU Unleashed Tag Team Championships

The Hunters (Russell/Hunter) versus California Wave Makers (Li/Jarrett) versus EMO (Oeser/Fuller) versus Los Brasiguayos (De La Vega/Santos)






PWU Unleashed World Championship

Forsaken Angel © versus Cypher Fusion


Quick Predictions:

Axel Smoker versus Johnny Rebel

Chris Gomez versus Jason Morris versus Jubal Hawkins versus The Alkatraz Kid versus Kamikaze Mike

Cypher versus Dakota Blue

The Hunters (Russell/Hunter) versus California Wave Makers (Li/Jarrett) versus EMO (Oeser/Fuller) versus Los Brasiguayos (De La Vega/Santos)

Forsaken Angel © versus Cypher Fusion

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Quick Predictions:

Axel Smoker versus Johnny Rebel

Chris Gomez versus Jason Morris versus Jubal Hawkins versus The Alkatraz Kid versus Kamikaze Mike

Cypher versus Dakota Blue

The Hunters (Russell/Hunter) versus California Wave Makers (Li/Jarrett) versus EMO (Oeser/Fuller) versus Los Brasiguayos (De La Vega/Santos)

Forsaken Angel © versus Cypher Fusion

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No idea about any part of the GDS Verse, so I'm going with pictures here for my predictions:


Axel Smoker versus Johnny Rebel

Chris Gomez versus Jason Morris versus Jubal Hawkins versus The Alkatraz Kid versus Kamikaze Mike

Cypher versus Dakota Blue

The Hunters (Russell/Hunter) versus California Wave Makers (Li/Jarrett) versus EMO (Oeser/Fuller) versus Los Brasiguayos (De La Vega/Santos)

Forsaken Angel © versus Cypher Fusion

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The results should be up within the next week or so. I'm currently working on them and working the next card which I'm toying with calling 'PWU Big Bang!'. So, I just thought I'd keep everybody posted. I'm probably going to either do PWU Webmaster thoughts on the show or a website/message board individual/reporter thoughts on the show as well.
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2,000 in attendance (Sell Out!)


Carson City, Nevada




Keymo the Tattoo Warrior and Joaquin versus Jay Jay West and Azzurith


These two teams were put together to test out three new signees under Tobias Goldfinch's current reign as owner and PWU Original Azzurith. The match wasn't taken too well, but at the same time, timing for both teams were all over the place and it can be understood. Keymo and Joaquin worked well as the face tag team against J.J. West and Azzurith. Keymo got a little heat from the Nevada crowd inside the Grissom Auditorium (which could very well become the home turf for PWU). All four men flew around the ring during the matches which featured a lot of missed spots and blown momentum. Since being the biggest man in the match, Joaquin would dominated while in the ring with Azzurith, who would be isolated by Joaquin and Keymo. The duo kept the masked heel in the ring for a good portion of the match and stay hot. Keymo and Joaquin soon ran into some communcation problems allowing Azzurith to tag in Jay Jay. West proceed to take out Joaquin with a very awkard looking DDT and only leaving the tattoo superstar, Keymo. West and Azzurith would work on Keymo before Keymo took out one of his opponent's as well when he hit Jay Jay West with 'Trouble Comes Home'. This left Keymo and Azzurith to a one-on-one like match with both of their partners left down and out. Keymo and Azzurith's fast pace competition was short-lived as Joaquin went to hit Azzurith with a top rope clothesline, but Azzurith was too quick and Joaquin came off the top and hit Keymo. Azzurith hit Joaquin with a dropkick to the back sending the big man to the outside into the crowd. Azzurith would end the opening match with an 'Iconoclasm' on Keymo to pick up the victory for his team in this hectic match.


Results: Jay Jay West & Azzurith defeated Keymo the Tattoo Warrior & Joaquin in 7:57 via pinfall.


Rating: E+




The main part of the show begins with 'Money for Nothing' by Dire Straits kicks up around the Grissom Auditorium in Carson City, Nevada. Tobias Goldfinch stands to his feet from the announcer table outside the ring. Goldfinch takes his time and waves to the crowd as Elvia L’Viaquez, who has also been sitting at ringside steps into the ring and to interview Mr. Goldfinch. Elvia L’Viaquez has been given the job of ring announcer until a new (and better) one is hired. Tobias finally gets inside the ring and stands next to Elvia.


Elvia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new owner of Pro Wrestling Unleashed, Mr. Tobias Goldfinch!


A next pop from the crowd as they remember his father and know the last name Goldfinch.


Tobias: Thank you. Thank you. Fans here in Carson City, Nevada... it is a honor to be standing in front of you and being apart of this great organzation that is known as PWU. We have a great card ahead of us. We are standing on the brink of a new era. We are standing on a brink of a great time. I know that people have been turning their noses up at indepedent wrestling promotions as of late, but I can tell you that PWU is the top of the crop! We have such great guys like our World Champion, Forsaken Angel!


Another good pop from the crowd.


TG: Cypher and Cypher Fusion *CHEERS* Axel Smoker *BOOS* and many others. Folks, I'd like to also thank my co-host for tonight.. NONE OTHER THAN MR. SKIP CAMPBELL!


Skip awkardly stands up and wakes at the crowd who boos him as they have many times before.Skip plays off the boos like a pro (or maybe he is just brain dead) and waves at the crowd.


TG: Ladies and Gentlemen, please get ready for....FIGHT OF CHAMPIONS!!!


Tobias exits the ring as Elvia pulls out her cards for the following match.


'Stillborn' by Black Label Society plays and Axel Smoker walks down to the ring to boos from the crowd. The big heavyweight stalks to the ring with his theme music playing loudly as he mouths off at little kids about 'squashing them' and yells at the older people in the crowd about 'they should just go ahead and die'... you know real heel stuff. Axel Smoker finally makes his way to the ring and snatches the microphone from Elvia L’Viaquez.


Axel Smoker: Cut..my..bangin'...music! Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the workhorse of PWU! I am 'Ironhorse' Axel Smoker! If you have never seen me and what I can do... let you me tell you something... it ain't pretty! I don't come out here to make you people happy! I come out here to listen to my music, get into a fight, and than go to a bar and repeat...WHAT..I..DO..HERE! My music is already off.. so Johnny Rebel.. get your AWA reject ass out here....NOW!


With that Axel pushes the microphone back into the hands of Elvia L’Viaquez and knocks her down. Our Spanish ring announcer just picks herself back up all business-like and continues with her job. 'House of Straw' by Bury Your Dead plays and Johnny Rebel comes out from the back with a good pop from the crowd. Johnny Rebel slaps the hands of the PWU fans before running to the ring and sliding in.




Axel Smoker versus Johnny Rebel


A very good match to start the first event under the new ownership. Suprisingly Rebel and Smoker were able to mesh quiet well. Rebel played the underdog while Smoker played the massive unstoppable force in this one and mouthing off at the crowd every chance he got. Smoker dominated most of the start of the match, but half way through... Johnny Rebel surprised the bigger man and started mounting a comeback. Johnny stay on Axel and wouldn't let him regain a vertical standpoint. Rebel got a few nearfalls before the giant Asgard came out to the ring. Rebel continued his assault until he saw Asgard, got the distracted, and received a big foot to the face for his troubles from Axel. Axel made the cover and got the victory.


Following the victory by Axel Smoker, Asgard steps into the ring and starts stomping on the defeated Johnny Rebel along side Axel. The two big men beat on the fallen Johnny Rebel, but before long... The Alcatraz Kid comes running down the aisle with a chair in hand. The Kid slides into the ring and starts blasting the bigger wrestlers with the chair before both of them stumble out of the ring and to the floor. Alcatraz tells both of them to come back into the ring and get some more. Axel and Asgard decided against it and head back to the back as Alcatraz helps Rebel back to his feet and out of the ring.


Results: Axel Smoker defeated Johnny Rebel in 7:34 via pinfall.


Ratings: Axel Smoker Promo (C+), Match (B-), Attack & Rescue (C+)


Tobias: What a match! Johnny really put on a real showing against the much bigger Axel Smoker.


Skip: ...But to no good! You see how Axel Smoker and Asgard torn that little shrimp apart? It was like a bad party in the Hamptons! It is ugly! If it wasn't for that damn Alcatraz Kid.. Johnny would have been taken care of...for...GOOD!


Tobias: Speaking of Alactraz Kid... he will be one of the particpants in the upcoming five-way ladder match for the PWU Unleashed National Championship. Actions is coming, folks.






Jubal Hawkins versus Kamikaze Mike versus Jason Morris versus Chris Gomez versus The Alcatraz Kid


Every single competitor in this match was trying to play a face which made the match's draw a little weak. Kamikaze Mike played the netural/heel in this match as did Chris Gomez. Mike and Gomez would take a few extra punches or use a little more 'face'-like tactics in this match. Jason Morris and Alcatraz Kid played the full-time faces in this match while Jubal Hawkins was more of the middle man. As was expected from these fives guys..with ladders involved.. this match looked more like an airport with people flying in and out of the ring. Jubal Hawkins was the only person not taking to the air during the match. Hawkins would calculate and than attack. Morris and Kid exchanged some very high impact and aerial moves to the excitement of the crowd. Morris and Kid had and exchange back and forth which went on for a while before Asgard made his presents felt once again. Asgard (somewhat) darted to the ring and came in. Asgard attacked The Kid. Asgard lays a ladder in the middle of the ring, grabs Alcatraz Kid, and powerbombs him viciously onto the ladder in the middle of the ring. Alcatraz bounces off of the ladder and lay motionless in the ring. Asgard is happy with what he has done and exits the ring. Following the attack by Asgard, the match seemed to forced as it didn't seem to follow well. The end of the match was close to the attack of Alactraz Kid as Jubal Hawkins, Kamikaze Mike, and Jason Morris all were on the ladder and Gomez running up and pushed all three men off their respective ladders and out to the floor. Gomez easily climbed up the ladder and grabbed off the PWU Unleashed National title for the victory.


Following his victory, 'Pardon Me' by Incubus plays as Chris Gomez celebrates his victory by slapping the hands of some of the fans (to show he is still a face) as he exits to the back.


Results: Chris Gomez wins PWU Unleashed National Championship via retrieving the title in 13:06.


Ratings: Match (D+), Post-Match Celebration (D+)


Tobias: What a show put on by those five men.


Skip: It looks like The Kid got what some people might say was coming to him. He shouldn't have interfered in the Smoker/Asgard business from the first match and he might have won that match.


Tobias: He was just being a good person, Skip. He was helping out a fellow competitor in need of some help and look what he got him.


Skip: I'd love to talk more about what just happened, but I have to interview...Dakota Blue. Awesome. Great.


Tobias: Remember what I told ya.


Skip: Yeah. Yeah.


After the carnage of the last match clears up, a wolf howl is hear than tribal chants start up as the veteran Dakota Blue walks toward the ring and Skip Campbell gets up from the announcer spot and enters the ring as Eliva announces Dakota Blue. Dakota Blue does the old school face entrance with hand slapping and baby kissing. Dakota gets into the ring and poses for the crowd with his 'tomahawk' symbol in the air as little kids return the favor. Skip offers his hand for Dakota to shake, but Dakota looks at him before Skip saids...


Skip: Let start a new left, Dakota. I know I was a bit of a prick during our time together, but I've changed. I promise.


Dakota looks at the crowd than at Tobias Goldfinch, who gives the thums up to Dakota. Dakota shakes the hand of Skip Campbell than gets ready to talk in his very strong Native American accent.


Dakota: Ok. P..W...U...it is time that Dakota Blue gets back to the top! It is time for myself to dance with the wolves and get back to the promise land! It is time that I find whatever has been hindering my spiritual conquest and..SQUASH IT! I have had a talk with some of the other elders in my tribe and they said to me that I need to put behind me what happen in AWA and move on. The elders told me that I need to think about the present and look to the future and than I will see what is in store for me. I have looked into the future, my friends. I see what I need to do. I will start tonight against a fellow soul on a journey as myself. Tonight, I will fight Cypher than I will look toward the future...and that future looks plentiful! That future has a shine to it! That future is a champion!


Skip: Dakota, are you putting a challenge down to a championship shot?


Dakota: Yes, Skip. The newly crowned National champion, Chris Gomez. PWU World champion, Forsaken Angel. The tag team champions... whoever they may be. It doesn't matter. I need to get back on my correct path in life. I have seen the light after talking with the elders. I will not revert from that light! I will not revert from my path! If I revert than I will chance my destiny! Changing one destiny...changes the earth!


Skip: Thank you, Dakota.. I hope you, the fans are ready for Dakota Blue versus Cypher...NEXT!




Dakota Blue versus Cypher


Dakota and Cypher shake hands after Cypher entrance and than they shake one more time before they lock up. The two veterans' style meshed quiet well during their encounter. Cypher played the more technical and calucated approach while Dakota threw in his bar room abilities. Both of these guys played to the crowd to keep them into it. Cypher isolated the left leg and knee to play off of the injury that Dakota once had. Cypher stay on his prey as he worked on Dakota's knee. Dakota tried to make a comeback, but his knee was too far gone. Cypher would soon follow up a missed clothesline from Dakota into a swinging neckbreaker and end the assault with a Moonsault from the top for the victory.


After the match, Cypher celebrates his victory in the ring by posing climbing the turnbuckles and waving to the crowd. Dakota Blue slowly gets up as he favors his knee. Dakota finally gets up as Cypher climbs off his final turnbuckle and turns around. Dakota and Cypher goes nose to nose before Dakota extends his hand in form of respect. Cypher quickly accepts it as the two veterans hug and shake hands.


Results: Cypher defeated Dakota Blue in 7:52 via pinfall.


Ratings: Dakota Blue Promo (C-), Match, (C-), and Post-Match Handshake ©


Tobias: A great show of sportsmanship from Dakota Blue and Cypher. They showed that they still have what it takes to be one of the top contenders for the World Championship.


Skip: Match wasn't too bad, but they overshadowed it with the pansy attack at the end of it. Who hugs these days?! I mean come on, this isn't Maury! This isn't Ricky Lake! This is PWU Wrestling!


Tobias: Calm down, Skip. It was just a show of respect after such a match. Our next match will be for the vacant PWU Unleashed Tag Team titles.


Skip: My money is on EMO.


Tobias: Remember what happen the last time you bet?


Skip: Um.. damn. Yeah. Still, they are two guys that could be big here in PWU.






EMO versus California Wave Makers versus The Hunters versus Los Brasiguayos


A cluster at the beginnning as every competitor involved tried to show what they did best and it just didn't seem to mesh right. EMO was first to be eliminated followed their run-in with every team before James Li of California Wave Makers took out Jackson Oeser with Five Star Dragon Splash to make it only three teams. As EMO walked to the back, J.G. Paulson walked down to the ring. Paulson watched on from the outside of the ring as The final three teams worked back and forth. It would soon be down to The Hunters and Los Brasiguayos as Jackson Jarrett would be eliminated by Hunter Russell with via a Spinebuster. The Hunters and Los Brasiguayos would both have many near counts and break-ups as both teams wanted to be in position of the gold and the top team of PWU. J.G. Paulson would soon be the deciding factor as he would start jaw-jacking with Jake Hunter. Hunter would think nothing else about it until Paulson pulled him off of the ring apron and drop him with a DDT on the floor. Hunter Russell would see this leading to Manuel De La Vega coming up behind Russell and school boying him for a three count as he held on to the tights.


Following the match, J.G. Paulson enters the ring and hands the titles to what looks to be his new clients. Manuel and Rafael throw the titles over their shoulders and start putting the boots to Hunter Russell as J.G. Paulson joins in and yells at the fallen team of the Hunters before the trio leaves.


Results: Los Brasiguayos defeated EMO, The Hunters and California Wave Makers in 19:21 to win PWU Unleashed Tag Team titles.


Ratings: Match (D-), Post-Match Attack/Turn (D-)


Skip: Sweet Jesus! EMO gets defeated! Los Brasiguayos turns on their fans here in PWU! They were once good kids until J.G. Paulson came into PWU.


Tobias: This..coming..from..you?! So, how much money did you lose?


Skip: ...don't wanna talk about it. You know what I do want to talk about?


Tobias: What?


Skip: PWU Big Bang!


Tobias: Ah, yes. PWU Unleashed Big Bang coming to you fans next month! If its anything like this month.. I'm sure it will be full of surprises. Next we have our main event!


Skip: World Champion, Forsaken Angel versus the monster and student of Cypher.. CYPHER FUSION! It should be great!



'Wake Up' by The Notorious B.I.G. plays as the PWU Unleashed World Champion, Forsaken Angel walks down to the ring to a good reaction from the crowd. Angel slowly stalks to the ring. Angel makes it to the ring and gets the microphone from Elvia and stands in the middle of the ring. Angel slowly turns and looks at the crowd. Angel has a mild smile on his face before it looks toward the entrance way before he starts talking.


Forsaken Angel: Tonight, I will defend my World title for the first time in this new era. Tonight, I face the big man known as Cypher Fusion. I put nothing past you, Fusion... but I don't think that you are World Champion material. I don't think you have paid your dues just enough yet to call yourself champion! I have paid my dues. I have been overlooked by the 'big boys' of America wrestling! I was told that I didn't have the skills or the look to become a World Champion! I was snubbed by the Olympic community! I was snubbed as a child when I grew up in the projects of ATL. I was told in school that I wouldn't make it in what I wanted to do. I was told that I wouldn't make it to see my 21st birthday because of who I was..where I lived..and what I wanted to do. I will not be snubbed again! I hold this title with pride and honor, Fusion. I will be damned if anybody every takes it from me! I represent these great fans! I stand up here holding this title for those people that were looked at like I was. I stand here apart of this great company..the World Champion...you, the fans', world champion! So, Fusion.. if you feel like you can really defeat me.. I invite you to step from the locker room in the back and enter this ring. I know you have the drive, my friend. Only... you lack one thing. You lack the heart. If you feel the need to prove me wrong...be my guest!






Forsaken Angel © versus Cypher Fusion


Angel and Cypher Fusion didn't quiet mesh in their first match against each other in what could be a long running feud as they are both big players in PWU. Angel is the more quicker of the two big men and he used it to his advantage. While Cypher Fusion can fly, the big man still would lose the battle in the air as Forsaken Angel had seem to have read the playbook of Fusion. Angel went up top and everytime, Angel would duck out of the ring or not be in place for the big man to take flight. Cypher start gaining control of the match as his mentor, Cypher looked on from the outside of the ring. Cypher cheer on his student as Cypher took Forsaken Angel to the limit. Fusion signal that the end was near. Fusion picked Angel up to a standing position and Angel went for the Fall From Grace, but Cypher Fusion blocked and drilled Angel with as modified Death Valley Driver. Fusion than point to the turnbuckle. Fusion took his time as he climbed up top with his back facing the World Champion. Cypher Fusion looked at his mentor to give the thumbs up before going for the Moonsault. As Fusion came flying down from the heavens, Angel moved out of the way just in the nick of time. Angel slowly got to his feet using the ropes as Fusion tried to get to his feet. Angel slowly walked over to Fusion, helped him to his feet and hit him with the Fall From Grace! Angel covered Fusion in the middle of the ring for the victory to retain his title.


Results: Forsaken Angel defeated Cypher Fusion in 17:04 via pinfall.


Ratings: Promo ©, Match (D+)


Skip: FORSAKEN ANGEL RETAINS! He retains in his own fashion! You expect this man to be down and out and look what happens! Cypher Fusion is beside himself in the ring!


Tobias: Folks. I hope you enjoyed our show. We hope to see you next month for PWU Big Bang! Good night!


Final Rating: D-


OOC: I'm thinking of posting some random thoughts about the show soon and rumors/news from around the America.

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Hello, folks. It is me again. Your webmaster!Lets get down to business. PWU Fight of Champions went down and it seemed to run pretty smoothly. Skip Campbell seem to be in a pretty good mood. His sister Chastity was not seen during the show. I still hadn't gotten word with either of the two former owners of PWU Unleashed.


Anyways, I'd like to give out congratulations to the new PWU Tag Team Champions Los Brasiguayos and new PWU National Champion Chris Gomez. Good job guys. Speaking of the card, it seem even with all the great thing that went on.. the fans were still kind of turned off by the fact that we didn't have as many major storylines take in effect. I'm looking for Tobias and company to turn that around at 'Big Bang!'. I enjoyed the turn of Los Brasiguayos as they joined up with real-life bad boy, J.G. Paulson. Paulson is a person that the fans can love to hate and I think he is just what Los Brasiguayos needs to get over. The staff are very high on Manuel De La Vega and Rafael Dos Santos and that is why they were given the titles. Had Jake Hunter and Hunter Russell been in PWU from the start of the new era.. it is sure that they would have gotten the turn and titles.


Speaking of new signees.. the fans saw The Hunters, EMO, Keymo the Tattoo Warrior, Joaquin, and Jay Jay West. They all debut on the last card at some point in the night, but who wasn't seen was the new official, Bradley Bradley... who will make his debut at 'Big Bang!'. Deranged Gary Jenkins, who is rumored to have been brought in by Paulson. Troy Memphis, former Memphis champion is now going to be working for PWU behind the scenes. One that I am very hyped about is none other than 'Beast from Britain' Sir Ian Webb! Ian Webb has come to PWU to help out it much needed heel side of the card. Ian Webb is rumored to be in a big tag team match against two of the main event faces here in PWU. I'd look for things to blow up when the big 300 pounder from Great Britian steps into the PWU ring!


I figure I'd post some rumors and happenings around the world:




AWA's 'Dark Storm' Gary Goodger got injuried during a match with teaming with partner Koichi Tahara to take on La Mafioso, Tony Santarelli and Giuseppe Montella. A move went wrong and Goodger went down, but he did finish the match taking the big, final bump and further injuring himself. He is expect to be out for three months.




ESE's and DWA's Chad Moore got injuried during a 6-Man tag team match for the ESE Tag Team titles where he teamed with Jeff Awesome and Antonio Dare against champions, Pasquale Fleming, Ki-Low, and Ryzen. It is said that Ki-Low kicked Chad Moore a little too hard in the calf causing fluid to build up. The calf began to swell during the match and Moore had to leave the match. He is expected to be back sometime in June.




It is expected that XKW's owner Oswaldo Acosta will step down from ownership in June. He has stated that he feels that he is getting too old and there needs to be somebody younger that takes over as the owner. The 64 year old Acosta is a hard nose man and is known for the mark he left on Puerto Rico and XKW. It is expected that his current booker Matt Devlin will take over the ownership of the company when Acosta leaves.


That is all for the main news and rumors in the world. Stay tune for more information on PWU and 'PWU Big Bang!'


The PWU Webmaster




Good show.


Push The Hunters...




Thanks. I plan on using the Hunters as one of my main tag teams. It is just hard to work around what you start out with in PWU as the roster is very face heavy. I'm having to convert a few of the faces into heels and sign in a few other heels. An EMO/Hunter feud actually seems good to me as it is very different in styles and look. I should have the next card up and ready in the next couple days.


This report isn't what I really wanted it to be. I'm going to edit it later with a few extra things, but it will work right now before I have to go open up my store.

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Hm. Are the Hunters heel?


If I remember they aren't...but they can be.


Northern Hard asses.


Nah, The Hunters are faces. They will probably be one of my main face tag teams alongside Wave Makers. I just not too fond of Wave Makers from past games experiences.


Good show, needs more "Supreme" Liam Watson though :p


You never know about who will show up. I need to look into somebody to team with Sir Ian Webb since his current tag partner turn us down.


Loving the diary so far, but it lacks something. And that something is more James Heatly. It's the GDS-Verse version of cowbell. There can never be enough. ;)


Heatly is in development for CMW. IGC signed him and threw him into development.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/BigBang.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/Asgard.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/versus.png</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/Victor.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Asgard versus Victor</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/AxelSmoker.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/versus.png</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/TheAlkatrazKid.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Axel Smoker versus The Alcatraz Kid</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/HunterRussell.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/JakeHunter.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/versus.png</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/JacksonOeser.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/JonathanFuller.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> The Hunters versus EMO</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/PWUnleashedNational.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/ChrisGomez.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/versus.png</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/KrisBoone.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Chris Gomez © versus Keymo The Tattoo Warrior</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/PWUnleashedTagTeam.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/ManuelDeLaVega.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/RafaelDosSantos.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/versus.png</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/DakotaBlue.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/Blackfoot.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Los Brasiguayos © w/J.G. Paulson versus Sacred Spirit</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/CypherFusion.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/ForsakenAngel.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/versus.png</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/GaryJenkins_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/GDS/IanWebb.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Forsaken Angel & Cypher Fusion w/Cypher versus Deranged Gary Jenkins & Sir Ian Webb</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24948" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quick Predictions</span><p> Asgard versus Victor</p><p> Axel Smoker versus The Alcatraz Kid</p><p> The Hunters versus EMO</p><p> Chris Gomez© versus Keymo The Tattoo Warrior</p><p> Los Brasiguayos© w/J.G. Paulson versus Sacred Spirit</p><p> Forsaken Angel & Cypher Fusion w/Cypher versus Deranged Gary Jenkins & Sir Ian Webb</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Asgard versus <strong>Victor</strong></p><p>

Axel Smoker versus <strong>The Alcatraz Kid</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Hunters</strong> versus EMO</p><p>

<strong>Chris Gomez©</strong> versus Keymo The Tattoo Warrior</p><p>

<strong>Los Brasiguayos© w/J.G. Paulson</strong> versus Sacred Spirit</p><p>

<strong>Forsaken Angel & Cypher Fusion w/Cypher</strong> versus Deranged Gary Jenkins & Sir Ian Webb </p><p> </p><p>

The main event was a tough call <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Asgard versus <strong>Victor</strong></p><p>

<em>God...both men are scary</em></p><p> </p><p>

Axel Smoker versus <strong>The Alcatraz Kid</strong></p><p>

<em>Anyone from Alcatraz is tough</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Hunters</strong> versus EMO</p><p>

<em>EMO...ha!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Gomez© versus <strong>Keymo The Tattoo Warrior</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Los Brasiguayos© w/J.G. Paulson </strong>versus Sacred Spirit</p><p> </p><p>

Forsaken Angel & Cypher Fusion w/Cypher versus <strong>Deranged Gary Jenkins & Sir Ian Webb</strong></p>

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<p>Awesome! A diary with the fed I created for the GDSVerse <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Obviously will keep tabs on this one.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Asgard </strong>versus Victor</p><p> </p><p>

I mark for Asgard.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Axel Smoker</strong> versus The Alcatraz Kid</p><p> </p><p>

Axel is definitely one to keep pushing. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Hunters</strong> versus EMO</p><p> </p><p>

You said you had plans for them to be your top tag team so my vote goes to them.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Gomez©</strong> versus Keymo The Tattoo Warrior</p><p> </p><p>

Don't think he'll drop it too soon.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Los Brasiguayos© w/J.G. Paulson </strong>versus Sacred Spirit</p><p> </p><p>

Brasi is good and young and an eventual fued with The Hunters should be good. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Forsaken Angel & Cypher Fusion w/Cypher</strong> versus Deranged Gary Jenkins & Sir Ian Webb </p><p> </p><p>

Think they'll get the win despite not wanting to team up.</p>

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Asgard versus Victor

Axel Smoker versus The Alcatraz Kid

The Hunters versus EMO

Chris Gomez© versus Keymo The Tattoo Warrior

Los Brasiguayos© w/J.G. Paulson versus Sacred Spirit

Forsaken Angel & Cypher Fusion w/Cypher versus Deranged Gary Jenkins & Sir Ian Webb

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