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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Some great features so far and originally Adam said there was like 200. We not even through 50 of them yet. I hope there is a file to explain all the changes, since he won't get to all of them before the release.

Perhaps they are all included in Help file? But since no one ever reads the help file, as we have learned in the past, I bet the boards will be flooded with questions regarding new features in the very near future. I wish Adam all the best with his future task at hand.

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I hope the reverse is true - that workers who particularly loathe certain activities would become unhappy if the owner allows it backstage. I mean, I doubt a hardcore straight edge type would be thrilled working for a promotion where the backstage is filled with people participating in drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse.
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Gonna outlaw talking. It causes arguments.


Also gonna ban physical contact, and sign language.


That way nothing wrong will ever happen.

You'd be surprised by the amount of people whose trains of thought actually do process exactly like this. And heck, this IS how the government seems to operate. But I guess this is not the place to discuss that. :p

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Actually, here's how I feel about this. Obviously, doing any 'no-no's" while you are AT the arena is definitely out of the question. I'm generally harsh against drug/alcohol/smoking/steroids and what-not in the game, but doing it AT the arena (except smoking)? That's a HUGE mark against a particular wrestler that does that.


As for smoking, if the game allows it, the worse I'm going to do is either make you smoke outside or have a smoking designated area. Besides, a lot of arenas force this anyway, regardless of laws or regulations.


As for the other rules:


All workers must arrive three hours before the show starts: This seems to imply two things to me. The first is quite obvious - everyone mus arrive 3 hours before. The second, however, I just caught. EVERYONE must arrive, even workers I'm not going to use that night? Seems a bit harsh and unnecessary. I heard from RL shoot interviews that, even on shows where you KNOW you aren't going to wrestle, you still had to show up with your gear and BE at the show. It seems like a waste of time to have everyone when you know you aren't going to use them. Arrival three hours before? Well, I can see why it would nice of them to do that, but, unless you are needed to be taped for backstage stuff, or the support crew (color commentator, referees, road agents), I can't see why three hours is that necessary.


Providing catering \ a masseuse \ a chiropractor: I can definitely see why providing the last two would be "practical". Catering... well, I'm iffy.


the promotion organize \ pay for transport and accommodation: I'll probably ORGANIZE accomodations, I'm not going to pay for it. I'll probably organize transportation as well, but that's not coming out of my pocket.

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All workers must arrive three hours before the show starts: This seems to imply two things to me. The first is quite obvious - everyone mus arrive 3 hours before. The second, however, I just caught. EVERYONE must arrive, even workers I'm not going to use that night? Seems a bit harsh and unnecessary. I heard from RL shoot interviews that, even on shows where you KNOW you aren't going to wrestle, you still had to show up with your gear and BE at the show. It seems like a waste of time to have everyone when you know you aren't going to use them. Arrival three hours before? Well, I can see why it would nice of them to do that, but, unless you are needed to be taped for backstage stuff, or the support crew (color commentator, referees, road agents), I can't see why three hours is that necessary.


ampulator, stop being pedantic. Just because last week you didn't think you'd be using a worker doesn't make that tablets brought down from the mount. People fill-in for a wide variety of reasons. If someone has food poisoning or is otherwise unable to perform or a last minute rewrite is done for overbooking purposes, the people who formerly were not on the format sheet, could find themselves there. If you need a filler match, you gonna use a worker who has already done a match or would you pick a couple workers who weren't previously booked to do that?


Having workers at the arena 3 hrs prior gives you OPTIONS. It's also a pre-emptive no-show insurance. Tell a worker the show starts at 7:30 and they're in the main event might give them the idea that they don't need to be there until 9. What happens if you plan a promo before the main event and your headliners aren't in the building?


Providing catering \ a masseuse \ a chiropractor: I can definitely see why providing the last two would be "practical". Catering... well, I'm iffy.


EVERY promotion has catering of some sort. Even the cheapo shows Tony Atlas used to do in Vermont & New Hampshire had cold cuts and bread on the sideboard. The feature specifies whether you'll have 'Craft service' (which costs you money) or just do the normal 'vending machines at the venue' (which doesn't) method. A cooler with water bottles in it, qualifies as 'catering' (even though it's low budget and barebones).


Regardless of how people might fill it in, I'm curious.


Does taking steroids actually raises their stats? Or does it just 'happen' without any benefit to the worker?


Steroid use increases the power, stamina, and perhaps star quality at the expense of resilience and increased physical wear, if I remember right. All of the benefits are lost when the roid use is stopped or after an OD. derek or Adam can correct me where I'm fuzzy. :p

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Remi, I suppose that's true. But I can't literally see "everyone". That's a bit... much. Some or even most of the workers? Sure. I guess you are right about the 3-hour time-limit too.


As for the Catering explanation, thanks. I can understand that better. Maybe just drinks from vending machines from me. :p

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ampulator, stop being pedantic. Just because last week you didn't think you'd be using a worker doesn't make that tablets brought down from the mount. People fill-in for a wide variety of reasons. If someone has food poisoning or is otherwise unable to perform or a last minute rewrite is done for overbooking purposes, the people who formerly were not on the format sheet, could find themselves there. If you need a filler match, you gonna use a worker who has already done a match or would you pick a couple workers who weren't previously booked to do that?


There's a saying in acting that applies all over the place called "hurry up and wait." Basically you need to be ready at a moments' notice even if it never happens. The fact is you're being paid, you need to be ready to work. Even if it's just "hey we need 3 guys in this backstage segment in the background" or something like that. You never know, you know? Worst case scenario, you're ready and don't get used.


Seriously a lot of these complaints just reflect a lack of understanding as to how ANY large-scale live show works.


What I'm curious about is how much the AI will use any of these new rules. One of the things that bugged me about 08 is that if I signed Jay Chord I had to put up with his headaches, while if he went to Japan or TCW he would shoot right up the card and never have any problems.

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