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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Masks: New to the series, TEW2010 gives the option for workers to be masked. People can be masked or unmasked during the game (including after matches using a new Unmask road agent note), masks can be owned by workers or promotions, workers can have multiple masks in use (to simulate different characters in different promotions), and the prestige of a mask can increase over time.


Under 16: Workers can now be added to the game world down to as low as 5 years old. There are checks and blocks in place to stop odd things happening (like them getting married) and so that there stats don't become incredible due to the "extra time" they get in the game world.


Ageing Luchadores: To be more realistic, luchadores will now wrestle longer than normal, simulating the "keep going until you drop" mentality that is present in reality.


All that just screams to me ¡Mucha Lucha!


Hehe, the Buenachet All-Stars will reign supreme :)

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Regarding the mask feature, I'm thinking the title would be linked to the mask. The description made it sound like masks could be owned by promotions, so if someone won a title under a mask that "mask" would be the champion.


Or maybe it's linked to the worker..who knows.


With the ages being reduced things such as two workers having a baby could be introduced and they could join the universe right away. I wonder if a hidden feature like that is in place for in-game marriages.

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I wouldn't consider the NWF a real promotion, and I doubt that in TEW10 you can set a promotions product to only hire workers under the age of 16, and so in my opinion, if a kids promotion can not be correctly simulated, then these kids shouldn't be in the game.


As for the kids in angles argument, yeah, sure you got Sandman's kid in ECW, Reid Flair coming in on WCW TV for a while, etc. but should they be in the game to compensate for ONE angle/storyline? Have they ever been seen since? Do they warrant taking up loading time in a mod to serve the purpose of "Well they did make an appearence once, ya'know, like Mr T ... OH YEAH LET'S PUT HIM IN TOO!"

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As for the kids in angles argument, yeah, sure you got Sandman's kid in ECW, Reid Flair coming in on WCW TV for a while, etc. but should they be in the game to compensate for ONE angle/storyline? Have they ever been seen since? Do they warrant taking up loading time in a mod to serve the purpose of "Well they did make an appearence once, ya'know, like Mr T ... OH YEAH LET'S PUT HIM IN TOO!"


If people don't want them in mods, they can delete them. The point of the feature isn't to replicate certain appearances exactly - it's to add to the amount of stuff that's possible. No doubt you WILL get some modmakers putting in every wrestler's child in the world today, or at least trying to - no doubt also that the top level modmakers out there, at least, will use the feature sensibly.


Plus, Tommy Cornell Jr can now take part in angles when Wolf Hawkins starts an affair with his mother. :)

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Regarding the mask feature, I'm thinking the title would be linked to the mask. The description made it sound like masks could be owned by promotions, so if someone won a title under a mask that "mask" would be the champion.


I interpreted the "promotion can own a mask" sort of like NJPW owning Black Tiger or TNA owning Suicide or WWF owning Doink... and so on.

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Actually, Mr. T made at least 5 wrestling appearances - and I for one find it perfectly reasonable to have him in a mod. :)


I find it perfectly reasonable to see him in a mod that is bas in the 1980's, but when I see him in modern day mods, or even one's based in the mid-to-late 90's, it's rather annoying. The game isn't built to acommodate the Mr. T's, David Arquette's, or Mike Tyson's. Otherwise we'd have a celebrity section in the database.

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I think some of the features actually are thinking of fictional mods as much as any real mods, such as the age restriction thing.


An example off the top of my head is Teen Titan's or bassically just Robin in a mod like the Over 9000 verse. I think he was something like 8 or 9 when first teamed in the comics.


Just something to think about before getting too fussy about age debuts and such. Not to mention that there were plenty of debuts that you cannot simulate in historical mods, because of the age restriction on debuts in the past.

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I think some of the features actually are thinking of fictional mods as much as any real mods, such as the age restriction thing.


An example off the top of my head is Teen Titan's or bassically just Robin in a mod like the Over 9000 verse. I think he was something like 8 or 9 when first teamed in the comics.


Just something to think about before getting too fussy about age debuts and such. Not to mention that there were plenty of debuts that you cannot simulate in historical mods, because of the age restriction on debuts in the past.


Honestly, when it comes to mods that aren't based in wrestling I don't believe Adam gives a monkey's. TEW is a wrestling game/sim so any mod that brings in influences beyond that are totally irrelevant to what he is making.


As fun as mods like Crayon's and panix's are, they seem to have 0 relevant to the development process as far as I've seen. :)

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I find it perfectly reasonable to see him in a mod that is bas in the 1980's, but when I see him in modern day mods, or even one's based in the mid-to-late 90's, it's rather annoying. The game isn't built to acommodate the Mr. T's, David Arquette's, or Mike Tyson's. Otherwise we'd have a celebrity section in the database.


He spent time with WCW in like 1995, working as a manager, special referee, and even wrestled a match.

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I find it perfectly reasonable to see him in a mod that is bas in the 1980's, but when I see him in modern day mods, or even one's based in the mid-to-late 90's, it's rather annoying. The game isn't built to acommodate the Mr. T's, David Arquette's, or Mike Tyson's. Otherwise we'd have a celebrity section in the database.

Arquette is a former WCW Champion. If only for the sake of completeness, I'd include him.

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Workers shooting is both terrifying and intriguing. I see that being VERY interesting in-game. Better be careful who you give a live mic to.


You have no idea (but you will). This all dovetails nicely with the increased emphasis on backstage management. Keep your people happy or they can make you sorry. :)

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The celebrity section is not such a bad idea...I bet Vince Russo would be happy indeed. I wonder when we will see Freddie Prinze Jr as TNA World Champion :p


But honestly, I think the game is just great the way it is. Instead of nitpicking and coming up with crazy ideas (a children's wrestling promotion? *Miz Voice* Seriously? No, Seriously!?) we should be thankful Adam has put on such a lot of new stuff into the game. I for one, can hardly wait until the 25th!

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He spent time with WCW in like 1995, working as a manager, special referee, and even wrestled a match.

I still don't think celebrities have a place in TEW, but that's personal preference, I suppose. You'll keep them in, I'll delete them.


Arquette is a former WCW Champion. If only for the sake of completeness, I'd include him.

You want someone added to the game simply to show that he held a title once, then did nothing else for/in the wrestling business? I think simply adding him to the title linage would suffice.

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After completing my quick excel file on who in my database needs to be bald and who needs a mask, I just want to check that masks is something that can be mass-edited, otherwise I'm in for some tedious hours...


I already know that the baldness isn't a problem as it was the example given in the journal, but I just want to know what awaits me on Wednesday (and if the answer is "no it isn't, then what awaits me Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... and quite a bit of the weekend probably...)

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Then maybe we should make a post in the suggestions forum about having a "current rating" and a "peak rating" for each stat. Baseball and Basketball games (text-based sims) have employed this method and I think it could be beneficial for TEW as well. I really have no problem with the way the game is designed now, but after reading the last two posts this idea came into my head, so I guess I needed to post it.


Mods are always full of complaints and grievances.


Every person who plays TEW doenst play it the same way. If Steve (I dont know who he is) wants AJ Styles to be perfect, let him. If Joe wants AJ to be horrendous, let him. I think a disturbing trend in TEW (and the internet all together, especially with wrestling it seems) is there are so many views of how something should be, but people seem to have a bit of a high & mighty outlook that "THIS IS HOW I THINK IT SHOULD BE THIS WAY! ANY OTHER WAY IS DUMB!". Now I'm not saying you are saying this at all. Or are like that at all, but your post simply put me in random rant mode about this thing that I see more and more often.


Why does it seem to be a problem to some people what people are going to abuse pre-set chemistry? Or have a 3 year old win the World title? What does it matter to you? (again, you isnt you, you is a generic term applied to people who tend to act kind of stuck up.) It kind of seems ludicrous to me. Adam is putting this features in for 1 reason and 1 reason only. To try and make the game as profitable as possible. Dont bullpoop yourself, its a business. And with online text-based-games, especially wrestling games as proven though EWR / TEW / Promotion Wars / whatever, editors and expansiveness are what is important to a lot of people. If the ability to have a 3 year old win a world title sells the game to 1 person. Mission accomplished. So many people always have issues with stuff like this, but all they have to do is DELETE said stuff (like it a celebrity in the game) or not use it. Clear pre-set chemistry. How had is that? People who WANT 3 year olds in the game cant just re-program the game to do it, but those who dont want three year olds can simply remove them from the data, or screw with the debut date. I dunno. I'm rambling.

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I made the mistake of re-reading the Developer's Journal very carefully last night. I went from fairly amped and anticipating the game to almost desperate to play it. I had read each entry when it was done, but it pulls everything together so much to go through it all. Short of some massive changes to the CornellVerse that kill off every possible project plan I tentatively have, this game is going to take up way too much of my time... and likely even if there are those massive CV changes...
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I wouldn't consider the NWF a real promotion, and I doubt that in TEW10 you can set a promotions product to only hire workers under the age of 16, and so in my opinion, if a kids promotion can not be correctly simulated, then these kids shouldn't be in the game.


As for the kids in angles argument, yeah, sure you got Sandman's kid in ECW, Reid Flair coming in on WCW TV for a while, etc. but should they be in the game to compensate for ONE angle/storyline? Have they ever been seen since? Do they warrant taking up loading time in a mod to serve the purpose of "Well they did make an appearence once, ya'know, like Mr T ... OH YEAH LET'S PUT HIM IN TOO!"


I don't really know much about it, the only reason I've ever heard of it is from netflix, when I was looking for wrestling.

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If I counted correctly, 'The Rest of the Best' had 106 smaller features in it. :o


Can't wait, can't wait.. I bet that the time from Wednesday 20th to Monday 25th will be a lot harder and longer than the wait from today to Wednesday.. :p


No for me. Having the game in front of me, even not being a full version, will give me plenty to do. Tinker with new features, explore the CornellVerse, and make plans for games and/or diaries. Right now, nada.

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No for me. Having the game in front of me, even not being a full version, will give me plenty to do. Tinker with new features, explore the CornellVerse, and make plans for games and/or diaries. Right now, nada.


Not to mentioning editing. Just playing with the editor alone would be enough to keep me busy till the 25th.

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