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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Pretty sure they still do that last part. Punk mentioned once when he turned heel, Kelly Kelly was the veteran babyface on the bus.


Few years ago I went to a show and MVP(heel) was travelling with R-Truth(face). I'm fairly certain it's based more on who you're friends with than anything else nowadays.

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4-way tag match

Clusterfu** of action, very good


Rating: 77

Andre The Giant Battle Royal

Good moments and really liked Mizdow turning on Miz and Show finally winning a battle royal. I mean it's finally come to pass the WWE allows someone who is one of the big men in the match to win.


Rating 76


7 Man Ladder Match

Good opener with alot of great spots

Rating: 80



The forgetful match of the card but that ending was marvelous


Rating 81


I liked the old school psychology in this one, so much different than the usual fast-paced matches now a days. LOVED NWO VS DX and I don't think it could've been better.


Rating 87


Paige/AJ vs. Bellas

Some discombobulated moments but overall decent match, but NXT is still better


Rating 71



Pretty good match, liked the Springboard Stunner and the ending was a shock to me as well


Rating: 78



A great moment, Rock seemed slow-witted but still good. Maybe this sets up tag match for Summerslam ;)


Rating: 85



I didn't really enjoy this it felt like a boring match and the crowd not getting into it didnt help


Rating: 68



This was a bad ass brawl from Lesnar inventing Suplex City to him being busted wide open it was awesome. Then to have Seth cash in MITB with that great ending perfect way to end the show.


Rating: 92


Overall I rate this Mania a 90, one of the best Wrestlemania's I've experienced

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I was trying to place Stardust's look too, glad someone spelled it out for me. :)


As for Wrestlemania, I watched it live last night and I have to say that I was disappointed by it at the time. I rewatched it today since I have the day off, and I enjoyed it a lot more the second time around, free from the unreasonable expectations I always put on the show due to remembering all the awesome moments that have come in the past... and hoping for the entire show to be full of them again.


The pre-show did more or less what I expected it to do, giving Mizdow his chance to shine even though Big Show picked up the win. Tag titles stayed where I hoped they would too, Cesaro and Kidd have been great as a team lately so I've been enjoying their rise.


As for the main show.... the IC ladder match was fun, though I still have no idea why R-Truth was ever roped into this one. It was a good match to open the show, but by this point was already the third multi-man match of the night after the pre-show matches. I'm looking forward to a possibly Ziggler/Bryan rivalry going forward and I agree with some others in that the WWE needs another strong upper-midcard heel... Ziggler and Sheamus are probably the best options just now, which could be a lot of fun.


I was hoping for Rollins to beat Orton, mostly to give him two big wins in one night (I was a big fan of the idea of him cashing in) as a reflection of the Daniel Bryan situation from last year... but Orton picked up the win here. I liked the finish and the match itself was fairly typical WWE main eventer fare. Good enough but nothing too special.


Triple H vs Sting... or WWE vs WCW as it turned into. I was assuming it was HHH vs Sting, which I had Sting to win given the storylines built up over the last 4 or 5 months. I think most people who looked at the match that way assumed a Sting win was inevitable. But once it moved to WWF/E vs WCW then it was obvious that HHH had to win as it was booked more as a reflection of the Attitude era than anything else. I was a little surprised we didn't actually have a Ric Flair run in though... thought he'd come out to side with Sting/represent WCW, only to then turn on him since he's friends with Hunter. Was sure that was going to be the finish once shenanigans ensued. Last night I hated everything about this match, from the entrances to the interference to the finish. Today I enjoyed it for what it was. HEEL JBL and HEEL Steph heeling it up on WCW... well, it was over the top but they're heels. It's what they do.


As for the later follow up with HHH/Steph and Rock/Rousey... that was fun. I don't follow UFC but I know of Rousey and while the segment was a little bit too long for me (about 3am by time it aired here in the UK), it was still fun. Always fun to see the Rock...I still hope for Rock and Rusev to do something together some day given that they've interacted a couple of time so far...


The Divas tag match was solid, which is good enough for me. I've been enjoying the extra time that the Divas have been getting lately so I'm hoping it continues in future. RAW runs for about 29 hours a week these days so the Divas should be able to use the extra time to actually do something more fun. Between the main roster improvements AND all the talented gals in NXT, there could be some good things in future. Looks like we're going to get AJ vs Nikki soon, which could be good. :)


Cena vs Rusev was fun too. I've really enjoyed Rusev over the last year and he's proven himself to be a great worker. The winning streak had to come to an end eventually and to lose it to the top guy in the company (that is there every week) isn't a bad thing. Cena breaking out a springboard stunner was fun, he usually saves the new moves for when the crowd are chanting "same old...." so was a new thing there. The tank visual was awesome, made Rusev look important and the anger at Lana may be going somewhere. Was a good match, probably my second favourite of the night. But I am worried about what they will do with Rusev next... a rematch with Cena/Rusev at Extreme Rules would be likely but would they give the belt back to Rusev or does Cena go over again? Hmm...


Wyatt vs Undertaker... I loved Wyatt's entrance, it was very cool. At this point, Wyatt has literally carried the entire feud on his own as Undertaker hasn't even appeared. Wyatt has used his incredible mic skills and taken someone I didn't think was even going to return and looks like he's about to usurp him to become another top heel for the company. And then the match happened... and I hated it. I still hate it. Every time Wyatt starts to get hot, he loses a match he should win. Wins and losses aren't generally important, as long as things are good for the character... but Undertaker isn't exactly going anywhere in future and Bray Wyatt is not only the future, but should be the present already. As a character he is somewhere between two of the greats, Undertaker and Raven... and even they needed wins to get to the top. Bray Wyatt and Paul Heyman are two of the best mic workers they have... they're money. If the WWE wants money, they shoulld be making the most of both of these guys.


And now, the main event. Lots of people weren't looking forward to it... I was. From the moment it was concrete, I was looking forward to is because it was going to be a physically intense brawl and Lesnar can carry anyone to a great one of those. It was a great spectacle to behold, Lesnar looked great, Heyman was great at ringside, Reigns looked great and the finish.... it was everything I could hope, though I was expecting even more shenanigans. Rollins leaving Wrestlemania as champion made me very happy. :)


As for the future... the main event scene looks interesting. Orton and Lesnar have immediate rights to a title match and Reigns has a gripe for a shot at it too. With the champion actually likely to be on RAW again now, it has raised the stakes there. Meanwhile we've got Bryan and Cena with secondary titles, which ought to keep them out of the World title scene too. Makes things interesting, TV over the next month or two should be fun while we deal with Wrestlemania fall out.


As for NXT call ups, I'm expecting Adrian Neville and Charlotte to be making their way to the main roster very soon. Maybe the Lucha Dragons to help the tag division too. I would love to see Tyler Breeze get a call up soon too but I don't think we should expect call ups for Itami, Balor, Zayn or Owens any time soon. They all have skills but between storyline reasons in NXT and some things that Triple H has said, they're still working on learning things like working with camera positions and whatnot. Shouldn't take them long to learn but I don't think they're coming up yet.

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You saying that lines are drawn between WCW and WWE and that leads Vince to trash everything to do with WCW is somewhat ironic when you go on to trash all WWE fans like that. Broad strokes, indeed.


Ratings don't tell you everything - wrestling goes through boom and bust periods and that leads to peaks and troughs in ratings. Of course ratings are way lower than they used to be, but if that was purely down to WWE being 'trash' then it would be relatively straightforward for a competitor to blow them out of the water.


Not saying for a moment that the product is perfect - some of it is extremely painful. I like some of it, I dislike other parts. But that is also true of every era, and every company.


I agree. I consider Lucha Underground to be the best hour of wrestling every week at the moment. It's getting average ratings on a new obscure network. They even give their main event matches away for free on Youtube. And it's getting great buzz online.


He hasn't been buried by losing to triple h at wrestlemania, triple h has won how many wwe titles? Sting has 0, sting hasn't won a Wwe match, sting has been given a great deal by been paid and afforded a wrestlemania appearance without earning it in the Wwe.


The reason I think the product is garbage is because of the times we live in, the big tv companies dictate and they can't get away with what they could, plus they are making more money away from the show they can't afford to go down that route, in the past they needed to do it to make people buy into it. I can't see it ever going back to the level it was without them starting to lose money and drop on the commercial side


Parents won't buy their kids stuff if they are having people like slaughter sympathising with who they're at war with, or sexual content like the attitude era. It's such as shame because wrestling is about people fighting each other, and it feels like where watching children in the playground arguing


The Sting result I can live with. He's an old part-timer making his debut so ultimately the loss won't have much effect. I'm more concerned about Bray and Rusev's pushes being clipped at Wrestlemania (despite those guys being way more over than Reigns who were they were deadset on pushing to the moon until they were forced to listen to the fans).


Lesnar vs Reigns was a straight-up fight. Nothing childish about that match.


Cause they're nothing but a bunch of cowards who don't want to take any risk and it's making the product garbage.


And if you think they didn't have sponsors back then then you're deluding yourself.


They are taking risks with NXT. Loading the future of the company up with hot indy stars, telling good stories and giving us quality wrestling matches, taking it on the road and competing with ROH for dates. Not Attitude-era edgy but a step in the right direction. Not that I expect the main roster shows to ever copy the NXT style of booking 100% (with Vince and Co. in charge) but you can't say everything WWE is doing is garbage because it's simply not true.


They could've still had him win. Sting's first and quite possibly only match in WWE as a loss because Vince is still bitter. Yeah, sorry, I don't play that Vince still doesn't bury WCW, particularly after JBL's trash commentary.


Or at the very least, if you're going to have Sting lose, don't bury WCW on commentary.


Or better yet, don't bury WCW anymore. All this Sting is a big fish in a small pond BS. No, WCW was not a small pond Steph, but you know, revisionist history.


JBL's default setting is Burial Mode. It's annoying at times but that's his job. Steph and Hunter are the biggest heels in the company. It's their kayfabe job to ruffle feathers. Burying WCW, the fans and the roster to get heat is what they do best.

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I've just seen the sting v triple h match, basically it was closing the wwf v wcw I thinks. Obviously the commentators were instructed to talk about wcw and triple h and sting were used as the poster boys, (although it was more the rock or stone cold) but it was d-x could come in. Nwo obviously we're always against sting but they were brought in to bring an end to all.



Funnily enough as much as I would live to see loads of wrestlers from that era still going Scott hall looked like he was going to hurt himself lol.


Another thing, every single wrestler in there was part of the wwf before the wars began apart from sting, and apart from hulk hogan who left in 93 I think, all the others were in the WWF at the same time (95)

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So there's the first NXT promotion answer - Adrian Neville, or rather Neville, since the WWE seems to think we can't cope with someone having a first name.


(Edit: Actually not the first, the Lucha Dragons came up earlier tonight).


Funny thing is that all the WWE top guys have full names


Brock Lesnar

John Cena

Daniel Bryan

Seth Rollins

Randy Orton


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Neville was great, not sure what happened to the other half of his name though.


Neville is always great. Great execution on just about everything he does. The problem is, he's Neville. The Man That Gravity Forgot.


He has one name, and his entire gimmick is he can fly. Except it's gonna be the exact same flying every time we see him, which will quickly get old despite the fact that it is perfectly executed.


When he came to the main roster he needed something more. Something to make him his own man, and not just some flier. Instead they take away half his name. I'm really hoping they dive deeper into who he is really soon, and set him apart.

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Thought Neville's debut was great thought it was unique he had a cape as to he drew comparisons to Macho Man as Neville is not as good a mic worker however he is explosive in the ring and it shows on NXT also with the Lucha Dragons debut did was put over how unique Kalisto is and how he could be the next luchador in WWE.


Thought both US and IC title matches were great competitive bouts with the right results in both with Bryan and Cena winning in great first debuts. Lesnar flipping the proverbial switch was another glorious sight F5'ing Cole was believable for a wild card like Lesnar and his destruction of ringside proved it. The Divas match was fun Sheamus' return with new bizarre look was interesting, Rusev proved to not lose by destroying Goldust even though that crowd wanted Lana. The Main Event was fine for what it was I expecting Roman to be Randy's other partner along with Ryback and can I say Ryback Shellshocking Big Show was impressive even if Cena AA's Big Show on a weekly basis. Rollins is a perfect heat seeker as he saw the crowd was ignoring the match and drew the heat back on himself and the authority.


Next weeks episode will have to be a great one due to the NCAA Championship Basketball Game will be taking place at the same time so WWE will have to keep your attention.

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was i the only guy yelling "just flip the ****ing table back over" every time they cut back to the announce team


I wasn't yelling, but I did wonder that. It's not like it's the first time the tables ever been flipped over, usually they make it right pretty quick. I did like Brock's freak out though. Yeah, JBL buried under a table! Bury WCW now, my dude!



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I veeeery rarely get worked up over who wins and loses wrestling matches these days, but man... having Triple H of all people go over Sting for no good reason other than yet another burying of WCW, both in the ring and on commentary... that was a new low by Vince and Triple H. Outright disgusting. I cannot fathom that Sting went along with this, I always assumed this was the kind of outcome he kept refusing to join WWE to avoid. I hope at least he took a huge paycheck for it. It was obvious already from the huuuuge difference in intros that it was likely going down that path, but I kept hoping till the end that Vince and McMahon would for once put their egos aside. I was not surprised, but I sure was dissapointed. I could have accepted Sting losing to The Undertaker or John Cena or Randy Orton... but Triple H? An atrocity.
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Neville sounds like a superhero, Adrian Neville sounds like a footballer.


RAW was a little boring though, running the Lesnar angle that early killed the show for me. It was like half 2 in the morning and they then ran three commercial breaks with literally nothing going on, then Byron Saxton was making me snooooooooze.


It wasn't until 3:15 that I got my enthusiasm back, and that was only because me and my friend started discussing wrestling from a kayfabe point of view and started wondering why a wrestler doesn't kick out. Like, if they're conscious enough to roll over once the three has been counted, why not just kick out? :D

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - Another glorious Heyman monologue.

Ziggler vs Bryan (IC Championship) - Great match. 2 babyfaces fighting and not holding back makes a nice change. I enjoyed the return of Heel Sheamus, although the mohawk needs a trim.

8-Man Tag - Good match. Kalisto is already over. NXT chants!

Lesnar vs Rollins - Fun tease. F5s to Cole and a cameraman, Steph suspending Lesnar = face turn. So Reigns vs Rollins at Extreme Rules with Lesnar showing up unannounced to wreck them both?

Stardust vs Mizdow - OK match. Miz got good heat. I felt sorry for Byron Saxton who was totally lost on his own.

Axel vs Neville - Solid debut match. Cool entrance for Neville, but dropping his first name sounds weird. Works better with 3-4 syllables for chanting like "Ce-sa-ro."

Cena vs Ambrose (US Championship) - Good match.

AJ, Paige & Naomi vs The Bellas & Natalya - Good match. Natalya and Nikki busted out suplexes and submissions like they were on NXT. "We want Bayley" chants!

Goldust vs Rusev - OK match.

Rollins, Show & Kane vs Orton, Ryback & Reigns - Solid but uninspired match. The crowd were more impressed with themselves. I love how Rollins reacted to it.


Verdict: Great Raw but it ran out of steam in the last hour, proving once again 3 hours is too long. I hope Charlotte debuts next week.



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