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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm trying to be optimistic about Extreme Rules but it won't be anywhere near as extreme as last week's Lucha Underground. Son of Havoc moonsaulting off the railing, Angelico doing an insane cross-body off the office into the ring and Ivellise wrestling for 20 minutes with a legit busted ankle. WWE needs to pull something big out of their asses to beat that.



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Watching the show and Barrett's kicks on Neville in the corner right before the finish looked weak. He was slapping his leg way before contact didn't look good at all. Neville's finish was sick though even if it takes him a long time to set it up so Barrett was laying there for what felt like forever before he finally hit the move.


Watching the Ambrose/Harper match I really liked Ambrose. He's sitting in the chair after beating up Harper and Harper lifts his head up to a smiling Ambrose. Then he reversed a suplex and hit a suplex on Ambrose onto a seated chair I thought that was a sick move. However the problem I have is Harper goes for a "wrestling pin" he lays down, hooks the leg and tries to get a pin after the first move he hit. I thought the whole story was Harper was looking to finish crippling Ambrose. In something like a street fight I hate pinfall attempts. I think they should be few and far between and preferably just at the end after one or the other have destroyed their opponent.

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How is the spot being stolen not doing their homework? That spot happened nearly 20 years ago. Ambrose was 10 when that spot happened. I'm pretty sure its ok to do it again. I thought it was pretty awesome except for again why is Harper running away from Ambrose. Its not like Ambrose has nearly destroyed him or anything he took less offense than he normally would in a normal match.
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How is the spot being stolen not doing their homework? That spot happened nearly 20 years ago. Ambrose was 10 when that spot happened. I'm pretty sure its ok to do it again. I thought it was pretty awesome except for again why is Harper running away from Ambrose. Its not like Ambrose has nearly destroyed him or anything he took less offense than he normally would in a normal match.


Absolutely. It's been 20 years since they did that spot. That's about old enough for them to revisit.

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That spot was also reused. It happened in early 2012. Why are they recycling spots? The worst thing about the table one is that it was originally used on Big Show.


They reused the guy getting pinned spot. They reused the guy rolls somebody up and holds the tights. They re used the Russian Chain match! They reused guys having entrance music! This company sucks! Seriously guys everything you do needs to be 100 percent never seen before or why even bother putting out a product???

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They stole that from the Hulkster, brother


I love Hulk, he's by far my childhood hero and I'm staring at a large stuffed Hulkster wrestling buddy that I was given way back in 1990. That being said


They stole that from the Hulkster the same day he wasn't sure if Andre was gonna shoot or not while he was pressing slamming all 900 pounds of him over his head, tearing every muscle in his back. Andre died just hours afterwards god rest his soul brother :)

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I don't have that big of a problem with Extreme Rules (in terms of results) but there is just one result I have a problem with and that's the result of Sheamus Vs. Dolph Ziggler. The loss for Sheamus is really ill-timed, as it's hard to buy a "bully" that gets shown up the first time he's in a fair fight. Plus, Dolph Ziggler is already playing the "frustrated, held back, little engine that could" card on Twitter and a humbling defeat here wouldn't hurt him all that much, especially as the "Kiss My Arse" stipulation was never going to come to fruition. Apart from that, it was all fairly predictable.
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That is a beautiful thing to here. I'm hoping that the Quarterfinals happen on RAW.


From Cageside Seats:


The deal with the King of the Ring tournament appears to be that they'll do matches for it on Raw later tonight and the live special tomorrow will be the semi-finals and/or finals for it.

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I think Extreme Rules was pretty average overall, I think just about every match ended the way I expected.


Ambrose is by far my favorite wrestler so it was nice to see him finally get a PPV win. I didn't mind them "reusing" the driving off in a car crap. Although I've very thankful they didn't feed us old OJ Simpson footage and try to sell it as the chase. I do however wish they would've shown more footage into "what happened outside the arena". It would have been fun to see that match go the entire match with spots here and there of them wrestling in various spots throughout the city.


My biggest complaint is probably the main event. I was ok with Seth winning the belt because all of his matches are so fun to watch, he's always flying and doing crazy stuff. But there was nothing exciting about yesterday's match. I get the need to sell him as the weasel heel who wins not on his own merit, but every now and then it would be great to see him just win a match outright. And like someone else said, I really miss the days of a steal cage actually keeping someone out.

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i liked he Neville/BNB match, but i fell asleep until New Day vs Cesaro and Kidd and i was thoroughly entertained by most of the match, not sure what to make of New Day though


The best match for me was Reigns vs Show, i knew Reigns would win, but i thought this match really delivered, only thing i will say, there should of been less counts, so that when Reigns went through the tables it would mean more


i didn't really watch the main event, but i do like a weasel champion


my mos hated bit was the Ambrose/Harper match , i love both guys, but it just seemed so uneven Harper was pretty much estroyed i was expecting them to batter each other rather than Harper walking away and Aambrose punneling him and repeat

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Average show as stated above. Some good matches worth a watch (Neville/Barrett, Tag Title Match, Reigns/Show). Main event was terrible.


Worth mentioning that Roman Reigns is winning me over with these strong PPV performances.



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