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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I agree with all of your points.


It was an above-average B-PPV, although the final match didn't really work for me. I never really believed Orton would win, and the story of the match involved Kane a bit too much. Cena/Rusev was the worst encounter they've had; can't wait for a QTE in WWE 2K17 where you have to light up corners. That said, Show/Reigns really surprised me how much fun it was. If the ending had just been Reigns spearing Show through the table, I think it would've been my match of the night. But that dumb "cover the heel with stuff" gimmick has been done, so I gotta go with the tag match.

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It was an above-average B-PPV, although the final match didn't really work for me. I never really believed Orton would win, and the story of the match involved Kane a bit too much. Cena/Rusev was the worst encounter they've had; can't wait for a QTE in WWE 2K17 where you have to light up corners. That said, Show/Reigns really surprised me how much fun it was. If the ending had just been Reigns spearing Show through the table, I think it would've been my match of the night. But that dumb "cover the heel with stuff" gimmick has been done, so I gotta go with the tag match.


I thought I was the only one confused as to why Cole keep saying the red light was on whenever Rusev touched a corner. I also feel that Reigns/Show was surprising, but Reigns is nowhere near convincing me that he deserved a shot at Mania.

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I will admit that Roman has gotten better in the ring and every ppv match he's been in since Fastlane has been good (although in my opinion Daniel and Brock definitely carried him) however there's still multiple people on the roster who are better in the ring and I can't think of anyone (at least anyone that's been on the mic recently) that's worse on the mic... I mean does he have any emotion other than smug prick(I don't care if that's not an emotion).




Edit: Hell yeah Sandow is back

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First off I'm sad to hear about the passing of Verne Gagne, the guy was a legend and the business wouldn't be where it is with his help, RIP.


Secondly, I had an issue with the finish of the main event of Extreme Rules. The stipulation stated that the RKO was banned but Seth Rollins used the move that was supposed to be banned. I don't remember hearing them say it was only banned for Orton so it's a bit odd and Seth Rollin's cop out excuse that it was an SKO was just plain dumb because the name makes zero sense if you really stop and think about it.

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I think the controversy around the stipulations for the main event was intentional so they can drag this thing some more. And was the cage even used apart from the door? Didn't like it at all.


The diva match was ok as well, but gods... could they make Naomie even more annoying? Such a shame as she's quite talented in-ring, but this is a disaster. The comparison with Banks is a just one. She does it so well, but this... this is a disaster.

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Secondly, I had an issue with the finish of the main event of Extreme Rules. The stipulation stated that the RKO was banned but Seth Rollins used the move that was supposed to be banned. I don't remember hearing them say it was only banned for Orton so it's a bit odd and Seth Rollin's cop out excuse that it was an SKO was just plain dumb because the name makes zero sense if you really stop and think about it.


I accuse this heel of not following the rules as they were intended! I demand justice!

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - They need to stop stretching 5 minutes of content into 15 minutes.

Ziggler vs BNB - Solid match.

Kidd vs Big E - Wasted potential. After their MOTN at Extreme Rules they were rewarded with a 2 minute match on Raw. WTF!

Ryback vs Dallas - OK match. At least Bo is an entertaining jobber. Finally some movement on the Wyatt front.

Cena vs Slater (US Championship) - I would have liked to see that match. Even jobbers need to wrestle on TV sometimes to stay relevant.

R-Truth vs Stardust - Solid match. The only reason Truth won is because WWE didn't want a heel vs heel match in the semi-final.

Fandango vs Rose - OK match. Both guys need character development to make me give a crap about them. Why is Rosa on TV and why did she get a mic segment?

Brie vs Naomi - OK match.

Ambrose vs Sheamus - Good match with a finish that protected Ambrose.

Sandow & Axel - These 2 should be a dysfunctional tag team.

Neville vs Harper - Good match.

Reigns & Orton vs Rollins & Kane - Solid match.


Verdict: Not all bad but it was a hard slog and I fast-forwarded most of the main event. Aside from Neville, Sheamus, Ziggler and the tag feud it feels like WWE Creative are struggling to make use of the talented roster.

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The extended focus on Ziggler/Sheamus is making both guys look like huge stars. It's mind blowing how they have done a better job with this feud than anything Reigns has done and they want to make Reigns the new guy.


I disagree. Once they quit having reigns quote Looney Toons lines he has been improved. The last few weeks have been good.


Everyone just shits on Reigns because its the cool thing to do right now. If they would give him the Goldberg "bad ass that doesnt need to talk" approach he would get miles.

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I never said he was bad but he's been in a feud with the Big Show since December, that's a damn near death sentence. Nobody has gotten over from feuding with Big Show since Cena did 11 years ago.


I think the Brock and Bryan matches were the best 2 matches in WWE this year including NXT but his character development has been so bad. It's not just him either, they are booking Rollins terribly as well to the point where the main event is the least interesting part of the show and the undercard is far more compelling.

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I never said he was bad but he's been in a feud with the Big Show since December, that's a damn near death sentence. Nobody has gotten over from feuding with Big Show since Cena did 11 years ago.


I think the Brock and Bryan matches were the best 2 matches in WWE this year including NXT but his character development has been so bad. It's not just him either, they are booking Rollins terribly as well to the point where the main event is the least interesting part of the show and the undercard is far more compelling.


That I will agree with. They book anyone verses Big Show to show off the other guys "power". Its really stupid.


I actually don't mind Rollins weasily booking. It reminds me a little bit of Edge. I just wish he would finally break way from the Authority and they would let him do his own thing. Still keep him the same but someone how he finds a way to cheat his way through everything.

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Once he breaks away from The Authority, wouldn't they automatically start going after him - turning him face in the process? He's the face of the company (in terms of storyline), so why would The Authority just stand by and let him leave, without any sort of retribution?
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I disagree. Once they quit having reigns quote Looney Toons lines he has been improved. The last few weeks have been good.


Everyone just shits on Reigns because its the cool thing to do right now. If they would give him the Goldberg "bad ass that doesn't need to talk" approach he would get miles.


he's gotten better in the ring I give him that(there's still a pretty big list of better guys there though) he's still awful on the mic though (better than the looney tunes stuff) as i said before he seems like he doesn't know how to come across as anything other than annoyingly smug, which is particularly bad since the words of his promos make it seem like he's supposed to be powerful, intimidating and badass. he looks like it but he simply doesn't act the part.

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