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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Why don't they just have Wyatt win matches that way? Lights go out and he's outside the cage when they come back on; lights go out and he's holding the briefcase when they come back on; lights go out and his opponent is out cold getting pinned when they come back on?


Might as well take full advantage of the goofiness of the gimmick at this point.


You might be on to something there...he could have stole the breifcase and be forced to defend it lol!


They have officially ruined my favorite PPV of the year.


Worst MITB in history tied with Cena's with a terrible result.


Nikki winning in a Russo finish. That was a clear DQ.


Also a shit DQ on a shit match.


Last thing I need is Owens being buried up next.


That Diva finish was crap they should have just let Paige win clean...Nikki drags all her matches down at this point...I actually been agreeing with Paige's promos all along in regards to the bellas

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I would just like to say this so no one gets confused......This was nowhere NEAR a burial; not even the slightest.


Kevin Owens has now pushed John Cena to the limit twice with two amazing matches; that is something we've only seen a few times before, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have been here.


And despite what happened in that match; what happened after showed us who the true winner was, Cena said that Owens deserved to be in the WWE and respected him, he even gave him his NXT title back. And Owens? He kicked his ass after tempting to shake Cena's hand; And when it was all finished, he gave a pop-up powerbomb on John Cena to the ring apron. Cena won the match; yes, but in all honesty; Kevin Owens has won the war.


And that, is much better than a win.

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I didn't see Sheamus winning the MITB. At the same time, I don't see his winning it as good or exciting. It just sucked away my interest in this show. It was more blah than when Randy Orton won it two years ago and took 5 minutes to climb the ladder.
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I didn't see Sheamus winning the MITB. At the same time, I don't see his winning it as good or exciting. It just sucked away my interest in this show. It was more blah than when Randy Orton won it two years ago and took 5 minutes to climb the ladder.


*Shrug* I've seen worse. Jack Swagger or Damien Sandow ring a bell?

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*Shrug* I've seen worse. Jack Swagger or Damien Sandow ring a bell?


You know I was actually rooting for Kofi on that one...even if it took New Day to win it I wouldn't mind Kofi at least being a transitional. He has been a jobber to the stars for years and letting him have a 2 month reign would have been a great thank you for always putting people over!

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Swagger and Sandow had the case when there were two world titles and Swagger's reign was 9 minute midcard matches on PPVs They have worked hard to revive the WWE title since Punk's long reign and frankly Sheamus being anywhere near it sets the company back five years.




That's a hell of a lineage and Sheamus most nights is wrestling to dead silence. It doesn't make much sense to me. The only thing worse than that was the fact that we'll have to suffer through a month of Wyatt cutting promos on Reigns.

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*Shrug* I've seen worse. Jack Swagger or Damien Sandow ring a bell?


I actually liked Swagger's win. His title reign was handled badly though. His feud with Big Show was actually entertaining but with a shit payoff at Over the Limit there wasn't much help for it. And Sandow winning was great like RKO pointed out, but he won just to say that he did, because to lose the cash-in to JOHN CENA no less you can see they had no plans for him as a champion. Cody Rhodes should have won the briefcase in 2013.

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Swagger and Sandow had the case when there were two world titles and Swagger's reign was 9 minute midcard matches on PPVs They have worked hard to revive the WWE title since Punk's long reign and frankly Sheamus being anywhere near it sets the company back five years.




That's a hell of a lineage and Sheamus most nights is wrestling to dead silence. It doesn't make much sense to me. The only thing worse than that was the fact that we'll have to suffer through a month of Wyatt cutting promos on Reigns.


You mean Bryan>Orton>Bryan>Vacant>Orton>Bryan. Can't leave the most decorated champion in history out...and Daniel Bryan. And also, another reign by Orton.

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Well, that was atrocious. It was probably the most unpredictable "special" I've seen in a while but sometimes there's good unpredictability and sometimes there's bad unpredictability, and this was unfortunately a case of the latter. It all started with the pre-show to be honest, as they continue to underutilise Barrett and make a mockery of the King of the Ring. What was the point in bringing it back if it wasn't going to be a sort of stepping stone for someone? Then Sheamus won the Money in the Bank, which I think Teh_Showtime explained my feelings towards far more eloquently than I ever could. The finish to the Divas Championship match was stupid (whether it was a tribute to Dusty Rhodes or not) and the fact that Nikki Bella is now close to being the longest reigning Divas Champion in history is deeply saddening. Anyone else get the feeling they want to take that accomplishment away from AJ Lee just because she's AJ Lee? Much like Sheamus winning the Money in the Bank, The Miz being involved with the Intercontinental Championship again is also a step backwards. I also don't think Kevin Owens should have been pinned clean this early into their feud. I'm not too upset with the booking of the match compared to the rest of the event, but I still believe a disqualification or stoppage would have added much more to the story. Then probably my biggest annoyance of the show is The Prime Time Players winning the Tag Team Championships. Honestly, I wouldn't have been saying this a couple of months ago but New Day were on a roll and not just adding a bit of credibility to the titles, but were actually competing in some very good tag team matches. Why change that now and ruin any momentum they had going for themselves? Not to mention, I could do without The Prime Time Players on my television. So all in all? That sucked. ¬_¬
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Yup, that's how I saw it as well haha. Lackluster PPV overall though, even though Owens/Cena and Ambrose/Rollins were amazing.


I'll say it - Ambrose vs. Rollins was better than Owens vs. Cena IMO.


Ladder matches aren't the best suited to nearly pure psychology.

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I was really loving the match but then it just Would. Not. End.


It reminded me of a HHH/HBK match that went 45 minutes just because they wanted to (take your pick which one) or one of those Davey Richards matches in 2011/12 and though the ladder match didn't get nearly bad as those it peaked like 15 minutes too early for me.

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Nah. They weren't doing a Dusty tribute, they were doing a Russo tribute. I think that Russo's rear-end booked the majority of the show.


It seemed like a Dusty Tribute honestly with all the Dusty Finishes.


The Divas match ending I think was stupid only in the sense that it should've been a DQ win for Paige. The match was good though just wish the crap crowd got into it. Cena/Owens tied at 1-1 is good so Cena winning clean is okay for me especially since after Owens Powerbombed Cena on the apron. Ambrose/Rollins was really good I just didnt like how Ambrose kept getting up after everything especially the two guardrail powerbombs and the chair ladder powerbomb.

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Money in the Bank Review:


R-Truth vs Barrett - OK match. Truth is entertaining but Barrett is too good to be jobbing to him.

MITB - Solid match. It could have used a few more high-flying spots but the false finishes with Reigns and Neville were good. I picked Sheamus to win. The main event needs another top heel.

Nikki vs Paige (Divas Championship) - The best PPV divas match in recent memory until the finish. I'd rather Nikki get heat on her own without pulling twin magic. I hope Natalya or Charlotte join Paige against the Bellas.

Big Show vs Ryback (Intercontinental Championship) - OK for a big man match.

Owens vs Cena - Great match. Cena pulled some nice moves out of the bag. I can see this feud lasting until SummerSlam. If Owens loses at the next NXT Special early August he'll be on the hunt for a new title.

New Day vs PTP (WWE Tag Team Championship) - Good promo from Big E & Xavier. Solid match. Million dollar champs!

Ambrose vs Rollins (WWE Championship) - Great slow-burner match with NXT-level psychology. Nice contrast to the Owens/Cena pin-fest. Would have preferred a clean finish.


Verdict: Solid PPV with 2 standout matches. It benefited from a slim card and longer matches but there were too many tainted finishes.

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I was really loving the match but then it just Would. Not. End.


It reminded me of a HHH/HBK match that went 45 minutes just because they wanted to (take your pick which one) or one of those Davey Richards matches in 2011/12 and though the ladder match didn't get nearly bad as those it peaked like 15 minutes too early for me.


I hope you don't watch Lucha Underground. The next episode is a 60 minute iron man match for the Championship between Puma & Mundo that has had minimal build. Personally, I don't mind. These types of matches are few and far between these days.

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It seemed like a Dusty Tribute honestly with all the Dusty Finishes.


The Divas match ending I think was stupid only in the sense that it should've been a DQ win for Paige. The match was good though just wish the crap crowd got into it. Cena/Owens tied at 1-1 is good so Cena winning clean is okay for me especially since after Owens Powerbombed Cena on the apron. Ambrose/Rollins was really good I just didnt like how Ambrose kept getting up after everything especially the two guardrail powerbombs and the chair ladder powerbomb.


Nah, the fact that Ambrose just kept fighting was the good part of the match...but Seth should have pushed him down and retrieved the title cleanly in the end. I get that they tried to do something unique but it didn't work and Seth looked stupid.

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Nah, the fact that Ambrose just kept fighting was the good part of the match...but Seth should have pushed him down and retrieved the title cleanly in the end. I get that they tried to do something unique but it didn't work and Seth looked stupid.


I kept playing that finish over and over in my head and I couldn't make myself like it. I know they wanted a finish to make Ambrose look as strong as possible but I rather he stayed buried under the ladder and chairs or the barricade powerbomb...or them slugging it out up top and Seth grabs the title and gets clocked but holds on to it on his way down.


I understand they were going for an innovative finish but it probably sounded way better them going over the match then it ever looked.

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