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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT (from Brooklyn):


Enzo & Cass/Hype Bros vs The Mechanics/Jordan & Gable - Fun tag match. Enzo pinned Gable to make the Brooklyn crowd happy. Served as a teaser for the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

Eva Marie vs Carmella - Looked like a training match. Both girls are green and Eva is way too slow at her transitions. At least they booked Eva as a heel this time. They should have had Charlotte beat Eva and made Becky vs Emma the main event.

Elias Samson (aka The Drifter) vs Bull - OK match. Samson's "anti-social hipster hobo with a guitar" gimmick isn't going to get him over. The Bull-Fit gimmick is already over but Dempsey's top rope finishers are still lame.

Emma vs Dana vs Becky vs Charlotte - Started off solid with Charlotte & Becky squaring off but Dana sucked and they botched the ending. Emma pinned Becky and everyone looked shocked. Charlotte speared Emma, hit her finisher and pinned her without the ref. Dana attacked Charlotte, Becky suplexed Dana and Charlotte kneed Dana in the face. Either Becky got knocked out by Emma's stiff crossbody into the turnbuckle or she wasn't supposed to kick out. Supposedly Dana missed her cue to break up the pin. Charlotte was supposed to win the match so she had legit heat. You can't really blame her for being mad but it was still unprofessional to bury Emma & Dana like that.


Verdict: Had the potential to be a really fun show but they dropped the ball. Eva, Dana and Carmella need a lot of work.

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Yeah, with the big three moving up the nxt women took a huge hit. Eva has improved significantly however and what she has left to be an asset requires time in the ring with the women she will be working with. I don't mind them using next for this as its the best place to do so. I do agree that Charlotte would have been the better choice to work with Eva.


Unfortunately the division has to go through this transition phase, we should just hope the new girls coming up can bring something new and interesting to the table to help hold the division up.


I also agree the drifter isn't a gimmick that will go very far. I feel the same way about the hacker gimmick.

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Smackdown was good. The best parts: New Day protesting against the Dudley Boyz destroying tables, Neville vs Owens, Rollins' promo, Rusev trolling Big Show, Ambrose vs Sheamus, Braun Strowman kicking ass.


I hope they start treating it like a B+ show every week when it switches to USA next year.

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New Day the best part of Raw again. So good that Vince actually let them main event. Bubba Ray's backstage promo was good. Cesaro vs Owens was great (especially Cesaro selling the rib injury) but Cesaro should have won to setup a rubber match at NOC. I really hope Owens goes after Ryback's title soon. Braun manhandling Dean and Roman is cool but I don't want to see a dozen Raws and 3 straight PPVs of them being outnumbered by the Wyatts only to pull off a superman comeback to end the feud. They should recruit Orton after NOC. I also don't want to see Sister Abigail like they're teasing. The rest of Raw was a mess.



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This sums up the Women's Revolution:




Barring a swerve, Nikki will beat AJ's record before Night of Champions :rolleyes:


Yea they used the newbies as a distraction from the fact that Nikki isn't even defending the damn thing and is going to carry it past the mark. It's been almost 2 months since she has defended it.

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Sasha Banks being effectively squashed in 2 minutes is much more offensive than Nikki Bella breaking a record for a title reign that was just as bad as her own


Isn't she hurt though? Also no one won the match right? I mean, i get it that Paige was going for the tap when the bell sounded, but Sasha hadn't yet. Not sure she losses anything by just beating the time limit.


I thought that she picked up a "undetermined injury" (read: concussion from Bayley Reverse Frankensteiner) in the NXT title match and thats why Team BAD has been absent from TV.


Doesn't explain why they couldn't have just tossed Tamina to the wolves there though, I agree.


Maybe they are going to run a "I never got pinned" angle with her, I deserve a title shot too, ect.. I'd be shocked if this isn't somehow a three way by night of champions so either Sasha or Charlotte can take the pin from the other to swap the titles. Can't have ol' Cena side piece getting pinned clean.

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Maybe they are going to run a "I never got pinned" angle with her, I deserve a title shot too, ect.. I'd be shocked if this isn't somehow a three way by night of champions so either Sasha or Charlotte can take the pin from the other to swap the titles. Can't have ol' Cena side piece getting pinned clean.


That's the thing though. Both Charlotte and Sasha have made her tap already. The challenge was pointless

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Her being a much better wrestler probably helped as well.


I'd say they are about the same really. Both are average but can pull off decent matches when given the stage. Nikki's work with Paige is right next to AJ's work with Natalya and Kaitlyn - neither is really that much better than the other.

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