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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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At least we get to see Lana :p


Xavier screaming at Cole when Cole called Kalisto "Sin Cara" was great.


I don't hate Ryback though. I think he's fairly underrated. Not a huge fan, I just think he gets a bad rap.


I miss ice queen Lana though. It was a much better character for her.


No issues against Ryback here myself either, but his current character of book lover doesn't help the matter...

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Swagger and Del Rio worked hard and it was a pretty good match.


The ECW Originals vs the Wyatt Family was fine for what it was. I marked out majorly for the Doomsday Device. Rhino's put on some weight, but he's still a hard worker.


I keep hoping Bubba Ray will get a Bully Ray push. He'd be a much better marquee heel than the majority of the major "heels" in the company.


King: Is that a cheese grater?!

JBL: Tommy's not known for his diet.

Legit chuckle

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Strong showing from Roman and Sheamus. Not a huge fan of either, and in fact I find Sheamus to be incredibly boring and think he looks and sounds like a total goof.


Still, the best match on the card was the tag title match. Becky and Sasha in the pre show was better than the majority of the card though. I just wish they wouldn't show commercials during the pre show matches. You have hours of pre show time, why interrupt a match?

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Who do you guys think will face champ at Mania now that Reigns is after Trips?


It's still going to be Reigns man. They are literary booking Daniel Bryan's grass root storyline for Roman trying to catch that lightning for him. It's been funny how blatant it's been at times.


If it holds to form, Reigns now has to beat Hunter earlier in the night at Mania to make the main event a three way, and we are off to the races lol.


I thought it was an ok PPV, hate Owens losing but they couldn't have Ambrose take that loss either. that was one of those bookings where it was like "we don't want to heart either guy, but Dean's looked more like a pansy as roman's buddy so we can't give him another "almost bud" moment."

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It's still going to be Reigns man. They are literary booking Daniel Bryan's grass root storyline for Roman trying to catch that lightning for him. It's been funny how blatant it's been at times.


If it holds to form, Reigns now has to beat Hunter earlier in the night at Mania to make the main event a three way, and we are off to the races lol.


I thought it was an ok PPV, hate Owens losing but they couldn't have Ambrose take that loss either. that was one of those bookings where it was like "we don't want to heart either guy, but Dean's looked more like a pansy as roman's buddy so we can't give him another "almost bud" moment."


Nah I'm calling this right now....Roman is going to be feuding with Trips which then will pull in the Rock to distract Trips so Roman can go back after the title. It will be whomever is champ vs. Roman at Mania and The Rock vs. Triple H.

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I'm all for Roman losing last night, I get it I do, but I'm pretty over the cheap finishes as of late. And I know I can't be the only one watching thinking Where the hell is Ambrose, why isn't he running to the aid of Roman.


On another note, I hate hate hate hate the character they have developed for Charolette. Her promos are boring, she's constantly bringing up her dad, and she can't decide if she's a heel or a face. On top of all that she isn't even good eye candy! ;)


As a huge Ambrose fan I was excited to see him win, but they once again seem to be playing hot potato with the IC title that's no good for anyone involved. TBH when Dean won I was thinking to myself it would set up Roman to win his match as well then have KO win the Rumble and challenge Roman at Mania. There's no way they let him win the Rumble a second year in a row, so they have to put the strap on him before that. Unless, as stated above they are just going to redo the same angle they did for Daniel Brian.

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I've never found Charlotte attractive either, but the outfit she wore last nite was noice.


The PPV as a whole was amazing. The ladder spot with Kallisto may have been the biggest mark out moment of the year. I legit was worried that someone would be seriously hurt, and at the same time I was blown away and on the edge of my seat.


Roman going MDK was great too, but I think it's obv that he his getting 'fired' tonite.

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In all honesty, I thought TLC was one of the best PPVs of the year, and it wasn't even that good. The thing is so many PPVs have been utter trash that it made TLC look pretty good compared. The ladder match was the best match on the card by far. The Reigns thing is starting to make me like him a little more. His transition could be good or bad. I'm hoping they don't screw it up.
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From an in-ring standpoint it was a pretty dang good show in my opinion. The stories told in some cases weren't the greatest, but the action was good.


But seriously, whoever is writing the Charlotte/Paige angle needs gone. They're both generational workers who are good workers. There's no need for all this crap. It's so frustrating.


Sasha and Becky had a no frills match in the pre-show and it was great. It's not that hard to book the divas when they're this talented. This is the best female roster they've ever had and they're squandering it.

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From an in-ring standpoint it was a pretty dang good show in my opinion. The stories told in some cases weren't the greatest, but the action was good.


But seriously, whoever is writing the Charlotte/Paige angle needs gone. They're both generational workers who are good workers. There's no need for all this crap. It's so frustrating.


Sasha and Becky had a no frills match in the pre-show and it was great. It's not that hard to book the divas when they're this talented. This is the best female roster they've ever had and they're squandering it.


Oh, absolutely. The women they've brought up (Sasha, Becky, Charlotte), Sasha in particular, are capable of great things in the ring if they're just allowed to.


After seeing what Sasha has done in the ring in NXT this year, I think she might be the most talented wrestler, male or female, on the WWE roster right now. To see her squandered in a storyline with Tamina and Naomi is very disappointing.


The character they're developing for Charlotte right now is terrible. The writing for the whole Paige/Charlotte (and Becky I guess) feud just hasn't done anything worthwhile.


I wish they'd all just go back to NXT.

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TLC Review:


Sasha v Becky - Good match. At least on the pre-show they were given plenty of time.

Triple Threat Tag - Great match. Lots of cool spots and no dangerous botches. Kalisto was the MVP. The Salida Del Sol off the ladder was like something off a Lucha Underground highlight reel. The Lucha's deserved to win but New Day as champs is best for business. Their merch sales are super strong so they have Vince's backing... for now. Xavier is one of the best announcers in the company.

Rusev vs Ryback - OK match. The build was bad but at least Rusev won.

Del Rio vs Swagger - Solid match let down by underselling of chair shots and submission moves.

Wyatt Family vs Team Extreme - Poor match. It was too chaotic, the cameramen missed most of the action outside the ring and they wimped out on the "extreme" finish to keep Strowman strong.

Owens vs Ambrose - Good match. Deano finally won a title again. No more hot-shotting -- he needs to hold it for 5-6 months. A feud with Breeze could be fun.

Paige vs Charlotte - Solid match but still not NXT quality. The creative team made no effort to make Paige sympathetic even though she was right about Charlotte all along. Becky should be Charlotte's next opponent and Sasha should win the title at Wrestlemania.

Sheamus vs Reigns - Great match and aftermath. It didn't deserve the crowd crapping on it. Both guys worked their asses off and Sheamus took a legit beating. Fantasy booking: Triple H agrees to face Reigns to keep him out of the Rumble. Lesnar wins the Rumble. Reigns wins the title at Elimination Chamber. Wrestlemania: Lesnar vs Reigns vs Sheamus.


Verdict: Half the PPV was a glorified Raw but the ladder tag match and main event surpassed my expectations. Average PPV but good for what is considered a 3rd-tier PPV.




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I thought the ending segment went on way too long.


I think I'm ok with that if it ends up meaning that Reigns becomes more of a silent badass type and rarely touches a mic again.


this! guy is repetitive and rambles. His "promo" against Sheamus recenty where all he had to say was "get in the ring and fight" over and over cuz he didnt wanna be on the mic lol

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