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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So I guess they are hoping the magical Vince Pixy dust rubs off and this hot swap on a raw works?


Still not sure why on earth Vince or Steph had any motivation to even put him in a match, never mind a title match.


The raws the last 2 months have been so random and non-nonsensical, and for raw thats saying a lot.


From tonight: Why should I be "cheering" Lucha's and the Uso's now? just because the new day celebrated after a mutual show of respect? they were the heels here, not the New day.


Ryback and swagger: Why is every face team comprised of to morons who seem to have never wrestled a tag match before but heel teams are the freaking midnight express on team work?



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I have just read that they have hired Mauro Ranallo to be the voice of Smackdown. I know a lot of people love the way he calls MMA and Boxing but this dude seriously annoys me. He is always making stupid mistakes. I remember when he was calling a Strikeforce and he said something along the lines of, "Just like the great Yankee Clipper once said it ain't over till it's over."


For you folks that do not follow baseball the Yankee Clipper was Joe DiMaggio. The guy who said the quote was Yogi Berra (The guy whose picture I am using as my avatar.). Yes they were both Yankees, yes they played together. But they are two different people!:D That wasn't the only screw up he made that was just the first one to come to mind. Needless to say I am not a fan of Mauro.

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I have just read that they have hired Mauro Ranallo to be the voice of Smackdown. I know a lot of people love the way he calls MMA and Boxing but this dude seriously annoys me. He is always making stupid mistakes. I remember when he was calling a Strikeforce and he said something along the lines of, "Just like the great Yankee Clipper once said it ain't over till it's over."


For you folks that do not follow baseball the Yankee Clipper was Joe DiMaggio. The guy who said the quote was Yogi Berra (The guy whose picture I am using as my avatar.). Yes they were both Yankees, yes they played together. But they are two different people!:D That wasn't the only screw up he made that was just the first one to come to mind. Needless to say I am not a fan of Mauro.


Never heard him but I believe his New Japan work is well regarded. He's got to be better than Lawler at least.

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Good Raw. How is it that ECW vs Wyatts was so much better on Raw than PPV? The tag division triple turn was weird. Vince on TV was a desperation move but he played his part to perfection in the main event. I'm surprised Reigns is Champ before Elimination Chamber but I think he's done enough to deserve it. I wonder if Lesnar will do the job for him at Mania.
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Never heard him but I believe his New Japan work is well regarded. He's got to be better than Lawler at least.


Lawler is just a little too outdated in my opinion....honestly when he is not trying to be PG corny he really does good play by play. The biggest example is when he had to save Byron Saxton from bombing by himself. If you are wondering when this happened it was when Brock Lesnar killed the announce team on the RAW sometime after Mania.


When Lawler is able to express his true sense of humor he is a genius but when he has to keep it PG he is coming across as really corny and too kid friendly. Bobby Heenan is the only person's humor that can transcend no matter what the format is.

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Fun PPV for the most part. But in the tag team ladder match, the Usos and Lucha Dragons did moves that hurt themselves more than their opponents. And the Salida del Sol spot was cool, but it hurt him less than the trombone shot.


Swagger dropping the chair when Del Rio lost his was absurd too.

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When Lawler is able to express his true sense of humor he is a genius but when he has to keep it PG he is coming across as really corny and too kid friendly. Bobby Heenan is the only person's humor that can transcend no matter what the format is.


That's because Bobby Heenan is legitimately very funny and Jerry Lawler is not.


Side note: Heenan's Hall of Fame speech is the GOAT.

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I have just read that they have hired Mauro Ranallo to be the voice of Smackdown. I know a lot of people love the way he calls MMA and Boxing but this dude seriously annoys me. He is always making stupid mistakes. I remember when he was calling a Strikeforce and he said something along the lines of, "Just like the great Yankee Clipper once said it ain't over till it's over."


For you folks that do not follow baseball the Yankee Clipper was Joe DiMaggio. The guy who said the quote was Yogi Berra (The guy whose picture I am using as my avatar.). Yes they were both Yankees, yes they played together. But they are two different people!:D That wasn't the only screw up he made that was just the first one to come to mind. Needless to say I am not a fan of Mauro.


Jim Ross is considered the greatest play by play announcer of all time and he couldn't go a match without botching a call.


I like the person and her style, but her gimmick is not for me, just like steampunk games aren't for me. I made an exception for Fallout, I'll gladly make an exception for Becky :p.


Technically Fallout is dieselpunk :p:p:p

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That's because Bobby Heenan is legitimately very funny and Jerry Lawler is not.


Side note: Heenan's Hall of Fame speech is the GOAT.


Awww don't be that hard on Jerry.....I thought this was hilarious




Moving on away from Jerry Lawler......

Man if this promo was on RAW the PPV buy rate would have been through the roof


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I'm ok with them putting the title on Reigns on Raw. From a business standpoint it makes sense. Raw is at it's losest ratings in years and fans have the general sense that nothing of value happens on the show. By having the WWE title change hands it makes the casual viewer feel like they need to start tuning in so they don't miss anything.
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I'm ok with them putting the title on Reigns on Raw. From a business standpoint it makes sense. Raw is at it's losest ratings in years and fans have the general sense that nothing of value happens on the show. By having the WWE title change hands it makes the casual viewer feel like they need to start tuning in so they don't miss anything.


the way they did it was very predictable, BUT with that said, it still went over well. Now I'm not gonna say Roman is perfect by any means, but they got the crowd behind him a little more. All i wanna see is if the guy can evolve and this is his best shot. He's gotta remember Rollins is coming back so if he isn't up to snuff he will play second fiddle... and you better believe THAT (or however he says it)

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Reigns was always going to win the title (probably at the Rumble or Elmination Chamber) but after he turned the crowd around after the match at TLC, I believe Vince made the snap decision to push it forward. There was never going to be a better time and delaying it much longer would have been turned the crowds apathetic again. It certainly turned out to be best for business going by the ratings.



Average: 3.88 million


Hour one: 4.04 million

Hour two: 3.78 million

Hour three: 3.82 million


Average last week: 3.05 million

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As I slowly edge towards being older I like to think of characters in terms of good-neutral-evil and lawful-neutral-chaos. One of the reasons I think the WWE has been doing badly in recent times (IMO, obviously) is that too many of their good guys fall into the lawful side of things too... and then their villains also fall into the lawful side. It leads to fairly repetitive and predictable stories a lot of the time in a world that used to be, and still should be, a lot more chaotic. People are drawn to things that fall outside the usual rules which is why The Shield were so successful, which is why the Wyatts are so popular and why the likes of Dean Ambrose gained more popularity than his booking would suggest he should... chaos creates intrigue and that creates viewers that want to see more. After all, if you know what is coming then it's not as exciting.


In the last couple of nights, we saw things we didn't expect and as a result it was great! Roman Reigns finally stopped falling into the Lawful Good (that John Cena has sewn up as his domain) and moved more towards Neutral or Chaotic Good. Viewers immediately spiked, some people who were down on Reigns before have at least been momentiarily converted. But the WWE need to follow up on that to make things more interesting. A diverse range of characters makes for a better show, and putting Reigns in a different direction from Cena can only lead to good things. :)


Personally... I'm still hoping for a Reigns vs Lesnar rematch at Wrestlemania. I've been wanting it for ages as the character of Reigns came so close to proving how good he was. With this character shift, the hype for the match and the match itself could be a potential match of the year for the WWE. And since I can't see any other match that could have the title on the line, I guess it would have to be for the gold.... so, Lesnar to win the Royal Rumble I guess. :p

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The first hour did over 4 million for the first time in months, so people weren't tuning in expecting to see Vince


Ratings had actually gone DOWN following other recent PPVs


What were the quarterly splits though? What were the numbers BEFORE the announcement?


The idea that ratings were substantially higher because of TLC doesn't make any sense to me. The show honestly didn't do much for me, other than the tag title ladder match.


As I slowly edge towards being older I like to think of characters in terms of good-neutral-evil and lawful-neutral-chaos. One of the reasons I think the WWE has been doing badly in recent times (IMO, obviously) is that too many of their good guys fall into the lawful side of things too... and then their villains also fall into the lawful side. It leads to fairly repetitive and predictable stories a lot of the time in a world that used to be, and still should be, a lot more chaotic. People are drawn to things that fall outside the usual rules which is why The Shield were so successful, which is why the Wyatts are so popular and why the likes of Dean Ambrose gained more popularity than his booking would suggest he should... chaos creates intrigue and that creates viewers that want to see more. After all, if you know what is coming then it's not as exciting.


In the last couple of nights, we saw things we didn't expect and as a result it was great! Roman Reigns finally stopped falling into the Lawful Good (that John Cena has sewn up as his domain) and moved more towards Neutral or Chaotic Good. Viewers immediately spiked, some people who were down on Reigns before have at least been momentiarily converted. But the WWE need to follow up on that to make things more interesting. A diverse range of characters makes for a better show, and putting Reigns in a different direction from Cena can only lead to good things. :)


That makes a ton of sense. The 90s worked because Austin stepped out of the Hulk Hogan/Bret Hart baby face shadow and became the bad ass rebel we all loved. Reigns isn't Austin, of course, but that character would be a huge help. I'm probably just skeptical, and at this point, I have every right to be.

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Lesnar winning the Rumble is the best thing WWE could do right now to keep interest high from now until Wrestlemania (even if he'd probably have to lose to Reigns). They just need to build up some other credible challengers (like Cena, Orton, Henry, Big Show, Kane, Bray etc.) so it's not too obvious Lesnar wins the Rumble.
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