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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The Uso's weren't even around most of the year, how did they win tag team of the year?


New Day were robbed.


I know the Slammy's are a joke, but that one just seems so wrong.


Xavier Woods tweeted a screenshot showing that more people retweeted the New Day post than the Usos one.


Xavier Woods ‏@XavierWoodsPhD · 1 hour ago

My Phd isn't in mathematics but I feel like someone's math was off when they announced #TagTeamOfTheYear #Conspiracy





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This sums up my feelings about most of the Raw/Slammys. And LOL at pretending NXT isn't worthy of awards.




The Uso's weren't even around most of the year, how did they win tag team of the year?


New Day were robbed.


I know the Slammy's are a joke, but that one just seems so wrong.


Most of the casuals and families will lean toward babyfaces, which is why Usos > New Day and Neville > Owens. At least Rollins and Nikki were recognised for their hard work while Champion.

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Just read a report that there's supposed to be 2 cage matches on tonight's Smackdown. My question is why! Gimmick matches are continuing to be buried. Maybe I like my wrestling a little old school. A cage match is an attraction used to build hype for a rivalry. Why are they giving it away on free tv? Better yet, why are we doing it when no feud on the roster has any reason to be in a cage? I really feel like the booking is the worst it's ever been, which is truly a shame because they have the best roster, in terms of talent that they've ever had.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lr10540" data-cite="lr10540" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just read a report that there's supposed to be 2 cage matches on tonight's Smackdown. My question is why! Gimmick matches are continuing to be buried. Maybe I like my wrestling a little old school. A cage match is an attraction used to build hype for a rivalry. Why are they giving it away on free tv? Better yet, why are we doing it when no feud on the roster has any reason to be in a cage? I really feel like the booking is the worst it's ever been, which is truly a shame because they have the best roster, in terms of talent that they've ever had.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The two cage matches are for the January 5th Smackdown, which is the first Smackdown on USA Network. Cage matches aren't used to build hype for feuds either. They're meant to be blow off matches.</p>
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<p>Only 2 wrestlers really benefited from Raw:</p><p> </p><p>

- Reigns who got a good pop for defying Steph</p><p>

- Rollins for actually showing up and giving a decent speech</p><p> </p><p>

To be honest they should just give the wrestlers and us fans a week's break over Christmas, IMO. There's still plenty of time to build toward the Rumble. Or take Cageside Seat's suggestion of combining the Slammys with a house show and airing it on the Network separate to Raw.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The two cage matches are for the January 5th Smackdown, which is the first Smackdown on USA Network. Cage matches aren't used to build hype for feuds either. They're meant to be blow off matches.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I suppose I read the report wrong, either way it's stupid.</p><p> </p><p> As far as building hype I meant in terms of announcing it a la, "You keep having all your british rejects come and attack me in the middle of our matches, we're having a cage match at the Royal Rumble."</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Only 2 wrestlers really benefited from Raw:<p> </p><p> - Reigns who got a good pop for defying Steph</p><p> - Rollins for actually showing up and giving a decent speech</p><p> </p><p> To be honest they should just give the wrestlers and us fans a week's break over Christmas, IMO. There's still plenty of time to build toward the Rumble. Or take Cageside Seat's suggestion of combining the Slammys with a house show and airing it on the Network separate to Raw.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would have to agree with you. Reigns playing off Steph was hilarious. The margin of error for that segment was very slim. It could've gone as two children arguing, but with the acting of Stephanie and Reigns laughing at her, it was damn good. </p><p> </p><p> Rollins promo work is really solid. I loved the line he delivered in regards to there being no competition for the award.</p><p> </p><p> Slammys definitely need be a network special. Air it in the hour before Raw. Tape it ahead of time, probably in Full Sail. Set your chairs up where the ring would be or in that general area. Have the voting take place ahead of time so you can book the damn talent to actually get the award so you don't look like the second rate, off brand "awards" ceremony that you actually are. Not to mention the fact it takes up so much tv time, the right people rarely win and it's incredibly boring more times than not.</p>
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<p>From the latest Observer.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>One thing that should be noted with Roman Reigns as management's choice to be the top guy, particularly when others can very rightfully believe they are better and haven't had the same opportunities is you'd think that would breed a lot of jealousy. But that really isn't the case. Most guys like him and were very happy for him winning the title. That really speaks to him being a nice guy to everyone.</div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>From the latest Observer.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That speaks to the fact that WWE is the only place to make great money and nobody wants to rock the boat.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iruleall15" data-cite="iruleall15" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Am I the only one who doesnt give a damn about Balor? Since he has won the title theres been no storyline until this one with Joe. Im just not caring about him as a character or champion.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="petecrimson00" data-cite="petecrimson00" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>1. Yes. Balor got everyone's attention with a gimmick and will not keep their attention as the guy is INCREDIBLY boring. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Guy can work, but in terms of entertainment and mic work, guy looks like a fish out of water.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I thought I'd voice my agreement on these, as I've just finished watching NXT London (Yes, I'm way late to the party.....I normally get my wrestling 1-2 weeks later than they air in the US, so I haven't even watched the Slammys yet). These is possibly the first NXT live event where the main event is the match I care least about. There's nothing wrong with the action, in fact it was very good and fun to watch, but this is the only match where I just don't care about who wins. I was really rooting for Enzo, Cass, Bayley, Asuka, even if I wasn't expecting some of them to win. I wasn't that invested in Crews/Corbin either, but the crowd reaction made it more fun than expected and I found myself going along with them to root against Corbin (not so much <em>for</em> Crews, though, it's the heel that gets my attention here).</p><p> </p><p> That's the thing about the crowd: it looks like they might be of the same mind as I was for the most part. They appreciate the good action in the main event, there were generic cheers, applause, and chants about "This is wrestling". They know it was a good match....but the guys in the ring didn't get the kind of fun sing-a-long, character-specific chants that Asuka, Bayley and Enzo were getting earlier. They enjoyed the match, but were not as interested in the characters. Action-wise it was way better than Bayley vs Jax, but it's clear that the latter is the one that really gets the audience emotionally-invested.</p><p> </p><p> I heard a lot of complaints (not talking about this board specifically, but on the internet in general) that the WWE has the tendency to use the same mould to create their top babyfaces, that they're trying too hard to make Roman Reigns the next John Cena, and that Cena was just a modern Hogan, etc.....well, I think NXT is starting to develop a similar problems. There's been way too many new babyface character coming out of the same mould because of their similar backgrounds: </p><p> </p><p> "He/she's always wanted to do this as a kid, had wrestled all over the world, paid their dues in various independent leagues, devoted most of his/her life to perfecting their crafts, sacrificed blood sweat and tears, yada yada.....and finally, they're fulfilling their lifelong dreams making it to NXT/WWE!"</p><p> </p><p> I get that for most of them it's a legit part of their history, and I'm not asking for the to pretend it didn't happen, but I'm really not that interested in seeing everyone from Finn Balor, Becky Lynch to Apollo Crews all saying the same kind of things in most of their promos....especially when I've already seen Sami Zayn do it before and do it so much better (mostly because he's way more natural on the mic and a much more convincing talker). I mean, it's a nice way to <em>introduce</em> a new character, but when you've been the top champion for a couple months now, I need to see more than that for you to stand out in my mind. It reminds me a bit of Chris Benoit's World Title reign. The way it started was great, the story of how he finally "made it" and prove that he's main event material was well-booked and the moment when he stood at the end of WM with the title was awesome....but two months after his big win and he's still trying to convince the crowd that he's "4-REALZ" and I just switched off after that.</p><p> </p><p> It doesn't help that, despite finally having an actual feud, his storyline is just too much similar to Sami Zayn's with Kevin Owens. Hardworking underdog babyface getting betrayed by a longtime friend because the friend wants the World title he has. It's a very similar storyline, except when the last time it happened I actually cared and really wanted Sami Zayn to kick Owen's ass. Now I just don't. Of course, part of it is also Joe not being as good a heel as Owens IMO.</p><p> </p><p> Now, speaking of Kevin Owens, <em>that</em> was an example of how you can retain the same background and still come up with a good character. Kevin Owens had similar backgrounds as the afore-mentioned babyfaces, but in his case all the sacrifices he's had to make and his desire to provide a better life for his family made him more mercenary ("prize-fighter") and ruthless. That makes him stand out. In two weeks, he's shown more personality than Finn had done in 2 months. Of course, the fact that Owens had a heel turn gave him more material to work with, but I need to hear something more Finn other than how much he's loved wrestling since young, how hard he's worked to get here, and what so many faces have already said for months. Some people can say and do the same thing every week and still make it entertaining (Enzo and Cass), Finn Balor is NOT one of those people. They need to come up with better material for him. So far the most memorable thing about him is his elaborate entrances.</p>
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In fairness,most baby faces are boring. It's why I'm a pro heel fan. The only baby faces I like, generally, are the ones more in the middle; edgy type characters, or cocky and charismatic a la Enzo and Cass. The vanilla, white meat baby faces suck. I love watching Finn wrestle, but it's hard to get invested in it because I have nothing to be invested in.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lr10540" data-cite="lr10540" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In fairness,most baby faces are boring. It's why I'm a pro heel fan. The only baby faces I like, generally, are the ones more in the middle; edgy type characters, or cocky and charismatic a la Enzo and Cass. The vanilla, white meat baby faces suck.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's why I think Bayley is an absolute gem. Most of the fans these days have been demanding "cool" and "edginess" from the babyfaces and absolutely refusing to get behind the pure innocent and fun-loving babyfaces, but Bayley somehow manages it to win the fans over with a character like that. She's one of the very few (in fact the only one in recent years) who manage to get to this level of popularity without ever being forced to be "edgy" or "show a darker side to her character", or (as so many women had been made to do) use sex appeal as a tool to get over. She's just a nice girl who genuinely likes what she's doing and really wants everyone to enjoy it with her. A talent like that is rarer than one who's good at being cool or edgy, because everyone is trying to do the latter these days, and frankly I'm getting a bit turned off by that. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Wrestling can a form of "wish-fulfilment" fantasy to some, and in that regard it's occasionally nice to see genuinely nice guys and girls actually having good things happen to them by staying nice, and people (the fans) actually feeling happy for them as a result. It's nice momentary escape from the cynical real world we live in. :/</p><p> </p><p> So many of the teens and smarks had been leery about the WWE's "PG" and kid-pandering approach, and the clash in interest is understandable. But it <em>is</em> nice (and undeniably good for business), I think, to be able to have a strong babyface who can make children smile by stepping into the shoes of their fantasy heroes and heroines without having the other parts of the fanbase turning on them. Bayley is one of the few who proved she can manage that, and I think the WWE needs to hold on to her for dear life if they wants someone like that as the face of their women's division.</p>
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That's why I think Bayley is an absolute gem. Most of the fans these days have been demanding "cool" and "edginess" from the babyfaces and absolutely refusing to get behind the pure innocent and fun-loving babyfaces, but Bayley somehow manages it to win the fans over with a character like that. She's one of the very few (in fact the only one in recent years) who manage to get to this level of popularity without ever being forced to be "edgy" or "show a darker side to her character",


Emma was the exact same way before she moved to the main roster.

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That's why I think Bayley is an absolute gem. Most of the fans these days have been demanding "cool" and "edginess" from the babyfaces and absolutely refusing to get behind the pure innocent and fun-loving babyfaces, but Bayley somehow manages it to win the fans over with a character like that. She's one of the very few (in fact the only one in recent years) who manage to get to this level of popularity without ever being forced to be "edgy" or "show a darker side to her character", or (as so many women had been made to do) use sex appeal as a tool to get over. She's just a nice girl who genuinely likes what she's doing and really wants everyone to enjoy it with her. A talent like that is rarer than one who's good at being cool or edgy, because everyone is trying to do the latter these days, and frankly I'm getting a bit turned off by that. :p Wrestling can a form of "wish-fulfilment" fantasy to some, and in that regard it's occasionally nice to see genuinely nice guys and girls actually having good things happen to them by staying nice, and people (the fans) actually feeling happy for them as a result. It's nice momentary escape from the cynical real world we live in. :/


So many of the teens and smarks had been leery about the WWE's "PG" and kid-pandering approach, and the clash in interest is understandable. But it is nice (and undeniably good for business), I think, to be able to have a strong babyface who can make children smile by stepping into the shoes of their fantasy heroes and heroines without having the other parts of the fanbase turning on them. Bayley is one of the few who proved she can manage that, and I think the WWE needs to hold on to her for dear life if they wants someone like that as the face of their women's division.


Wait till she gets to the main roster....When the "Hollywood writers" get a hold of her character she will be giving Ric Flair lap dances, taunting Vince McMahon with towel scenes and her hugs will only be for "HLA" purposes....I hate the writers of the main roster.

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Wait till she gets to the main roster....When the "Hollywood writers" get a hold of her character she will be giving Ric Flair lap dances, taunting Vince McMahon with towel scenes and her hugs will only be for "HLA" purposes....I hate the writers of the main roster.


Ummm you couldnt be more wrong... Considering there hasnt been any of this in WWE in what like 10 years?

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