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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I watched the Royal Rumble with my fiancee who doesn't watch wrestling except for when I have the PPVs (now big events?) on, so I was kinda trying to keep her updated as the match went on as to "Who, currently in the ring, was most likely to win" and sometimes it was Kane or Jericho or AJ (after Roman's 'injury' that is), even though those guys had probably a less than 2% chance at best. That's the problem that I had with this rumble; in my opinion, there should always be someone in the ring that is a reasonable winner. That's who the focus would then be on and it makes for an easy storytelling narrative.


Any remaining complaints that I have either have already been laid out or have to do with who was or wasn't in the rumble (Daniel Bryan at 30 would've been the biggest mark out moment in history but they won't clear him to compete, boo) or to do with not actual Rumble matches, which was the only match on the card that I cared about.

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Kevin Owens was the highlight of the Rumble for me. First a fist fight with Styles and a really entertaining elimination. Then tangling with another rival of his in Neville. Then Ambrose comes down and the two go at it again, and then bloody hell, Sami Zayn! Amazing sequence. He was in there for all of five minutes and was easily the MVP for me.


Another great moment, that others have mentioned. Owens screaming "I hate you!!" and Dean looking back and going "I hate you too brotha" was amazing. It's little stuff like that that make Kevin so good.

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While the Royal Rumble had some cool points, it was overall a bit of let down, the winner was so predictable. Why can't WWE surprise us for once? They are so afraid of taking risks now. HHH Vs Reigns will in all odds be a boring match because Roman Reigns sucks. Once again WWE has me siding with the heel. If Reigns wins fans should pelt the ring with garbage. Maybe start some snarky anti Reigns chants.
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While the Royal Rumble had some cool points, it was overall a bit of let down, the winner was so predictable. Why can't WWE surprise us for once? They are so afraid of taking risks now. HHH Vs Reigns will in all odds be a boring match because Roman Reigns sucks. Once again WWE has me siding with the heel. If Reigns wins fans should pelt the ring with garbage. Maybe start some snarky anti Reigns chants.


LOL it will never end.

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It's getting old, Warhawk... :p


I liked the match. They could've switched one of the big guys to a comedy appearance, which wasn't really there. I kind of expected the Wyatts to start an angle with someone. Glad it's Lesnar. WWE actually had me believing Reigns was going to win the damn thing, and I thought the Wyatt-Lesnar elimination was the traditional way of 'selling' that win. Trips competing seems logical in hindsight, but it surprised me somewhat. AJ was to be expected, but given the fact that I gave zero thought to predictions I liked the revelation (I should do that more: NOT trying to predict :p). The only thing I thought about from before was the Zayn-Owens angle, setting up a potential match at Mania.


For a moment, I thought the Lunatic was going to pull it off. Having a title already means nothing (at least not in their current title policy), but it would just seem a little too soon given his recent booking.

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The sad indictment of WWE is there was only two possible Main Events to sell Wrestlemania (which is still their no. 1 priority despite the network):


Triple H vs Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar vs Ambrose / Wyatt / Owens


In other words, they can't sell a Main Event between full time wrestlers.


I know they've got a lot in injuries, but with Raw and Smackdown each week they've got plenty of time to build new stars. Yet Owens is the only person built up to anywhere near Main Event level recently (Wyatt and Ambrose have been in the bubble for a while, without getting over the line). This is very sad.


So I have no problem with the Rumble, it's the whole product that's failing. NXT can build Main Eventers, why can't WWE?

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Raw Highlights:


- Surprisingly, I enjoyed the opening segment with Vince, Steph & HHH.

- Owens selling his Royal rumble injuries was glorious. Only Ambrose comes close to this level of detail on the active roster.

- Bo Rida > Flo Rida! And Bo finally got new ring gear.

- AJ vs Y2J was a real treat. AJ should either face Owens at WM (unless they rush the Owens/Zayn feud which I hope they don't) or face Ambrose and Heel Jericho in a triple threat for the IC Title.

- Sasha & Becky are over and Charlotte is getting good heat. Bow Down to the Queen is back in play.

- Bray vs Kane has always been and will always be a boring match.

- Golden Truth :D

- The Miz trolljob, The Rock backstage and his non-PG mic battle with The New Day were all fun.

- Ambrose and Rusev made the main event watchable.



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LOL it will never end.


It's getting old, Warhawk... :p


Oh Blackman...you've seen nothing yet.


I realize this might come across as being slightly dickish but screw it.


Kinda tiring to see the same people always post against Warhawk's rantings with the attitude of "you've seen nothing yet" or "he was always like this on Skype". Sure, Warhawk's a bit over-zealous in his opinion of Reigns but it's still an opinion. It'd be a boring place if everyone thought and said the same things with the same enthusiasm.


Handy guide on how to avoid seeing Warhawk's posts, to save the same tired back and forth (using my own profile as an example)




After clicking on the circled, it'll take you to page where all you need to do is hit save list. Warhawk's posts will be hidden and there won't need to be any more posts that are essentially just as "bad" as Warhawk's Roman posts.


On a more WWE note (it's the WWE thread after all! :p) Bo Rida seems like the most wonderful thing ever. It's crazy amazing how fun stuff like New Day and the Social Outcasts are.

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Mixed feelings on that Raw.


On the one hand, the matches were good, with AJ - Jericho being the clear standout. I also enjoyed "Bo-rida" who, lets be honest, had the much better rap. Always good to see Rock, though i notice he didn't actually get around to saying he'd be doing anything at Mania.


On the other hand, the main storyline continues to make no sense. So, the authority hates reigns and ambrose, and challenges the rest of the roster to impress them. We get matches throughout the night that Steph and H tell us are to "prove yourself to us, and we will have the M/E of fastlane by the end of the night"


Then they go with Reigns (who should have to chase much harder for a rematch, what was the point of screwing him if your just going to let him get another shot at the title?), Ambrose (why would the authority put two guys in who are somewhat allies? seems to make it likely one of them will win.) and Brock, who wasn't even on the show.



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Then they go with Reigns (who should have to chase much harder for a rematch, what was the point of screwing him if your just going to let him get another shot at the title?), Ambrose (why would the authority put two guys in who are somewhat allies? seems to make it likely one of them will win.) and Brock, who wasn't even on the show.




This. I thought the exact same thing. Why would they simply hand them another shot? And adding Brock made the whole premise of this weeks show a waste of time. It would have made more sense if they added Owens, Sheamus or AJ and made it a fatal four way or something. Then just stack the odds to make sure a heel wins.

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I think that them handing the match to Reigns was really lazy booking as well...they should have given him something big for him to be able to qualify first. Because oh well...they hate him, but easily give him chances to get to the top? Makes no sense at all. Ambrose is looking more like a star in this than anybody else...Brock being added didn't make any sense either, they could have put in someone else who wrestled last night on the match, a heel most probably, and Brock could have attacked that someone to take his place next week. It would have made more sense.
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What's this about sexism in the latest RAW? How is this even a thing? Sounds like people are trying to grasp some desperate buzz. Or am I blind? What's wrong about Rock's promo with Lana? Sure, she's not being booked as the strong character she used to be, but quite frankly, I thought her character was boring as soon as she "broke up" with Rusev first. But sexism because he insinuated at sexual acts? Come on, man...
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What's this about sexism in the latest RAW? How is this even a thing? Sounds like people are trying to grasp some desperate buzz. Or am I blind? What's wrong about Rock's promo with Lana? Sure, she's not being booked as the strong character she used to be, but quite frankly, I thought her character was boring as soon as she "broke up" with Rusev first. But sexism because he insinuated at sexual acts? Come on, man...


They also made Rusev look real weak in the Rumble match, he must have really pissed off management.

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What's this about sexism in the latest RAW? How is this even a thing? Sounds like people are trying to grasp some desperate buzz. Or am I blind? What's wrong about Rock's promo with Lana? Sure, she's not being booked as the strong character she used to be, but quite frankly, I thought her character was boring as soon as she "broke up" with Rusev first. But sexism because he insinuated at sexual acts? Come on, man...


I mean, i get why the "Pc police" are upset with rock basically saying "oh yea? you're marrying her? more power to ya man, but always know I got there first and really stretched that out for you. Enjoy your sloppy seconds!"


while Lana sits there smiling happily. it did come off as a very "I hit that first, so she's sloppy seconds for you, pal" vibe. I didn't care, but not surprised the always looking to be offended internet picked up on it.


I was honestly more uncomfortable with Ric sticking his tongue down Becky's throat at the Rumble as a distraction for Charlotte. That came off awful rapey. yet strangely, people are more focused on Rock's comments to Lana today and that's flown under the radar.

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I was honestly more uncomfortable with Ric sticking his tongue down Becky's throat at the Rumble as a distraction for Charlotte. That came off awful rapey. yet strangely, people are more focused on Rock's comments to Lana today and that's flown under the radar.

That was probably worse, yeah. As an isolated incident you could say that Rock and Lana segment wasn't something to get worked up about, but the WWE has a pretty long history of belittling women/portraying them as skanks, so if there is outrage over this maybe that is part of it.

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I think that them handing the match to Reigns was really lazy booking as well...they should have given him something big for him to be able to qualify first. Because oh well...they hate him, but easily give him chances to get to the top? Makes no sense at all. Ambrose is looking more like a star in this than anybody else...Brock being added didn't make any sense either, they could have put in someone else who wrestled last night on the match, a heel most probably, and Brock could have attacked that someone to take his place next week. It would have made more sense.


It was really lazy booking and I don't see Reigns getting any benefit from it at all. If he had to chase the chance to fight at Fastlane much harder, then the crowd would likely be much more into him. At the end of the day, this just shows that the WWE is a one trick horse, or whatever the expression is. They only know how to super push Super Man style, and when they have to go on another direction...they screw up.

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Yesterday was way too late so I skipped ahead to the Rumble match. I've just seen the Flair segment now. That was indeed unnecessary for sure. Why, one could ask? He could've done any heel trick.


Good point on "it might seem worse if she looked offended". Unfortunately the reality is that women are trained by society to act like nothing happened. It would've be the first time some prick made up a similar story Rock told (here it was part of the Superstar gimmick and supposedly true), and that the woman involved just keeps her mouth shut as to not make it worse. But that's a little off-topic. I'm sorry. WWE is doing enough imo to take women seriously, IF you know where they are coming from (and that's pretty frickin' far: some good examples on the previous posts).


Let's just indicate the Rumble divas match was great. Solid B in TEW terms.

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What's this about sexism in the latest RAW? How is this even a thing? Sounds like people are trying to grasp some desperate buzz. Or am I blind? What's wrong about Rock's promo with Lana? Sure, she's not being booked as the strong character she used to be, but quite frankly, I thought her character was boring as soon as she "broke up" with Rusev first. But sexism because he insinuated at sexual acts? Come on, man...


First thing I thought when I saw that part was that Lana was still being punished for their engagement announcement appearing on TMZ. And what better way for Vince to continue to do so then by implying she is slutty.

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....So Triple H wins the belt and flaunts it out there. Vince claims Roman is a broken man and then Stephanie tells everyone there is an evaluation for the main event of Fastlane. Gives the main event to the two last guys that appear on screen and one that was not even in the building?


Are they even trying to have a cohesive story? Nobody questioned this logic before they spew it on tv? With the popularity of shows like Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory and NCIS that tell cohesive stories they decided to go the route of "It's Wrestlemania season and our fans are stupid..." Are you wondering why you can't get big ratings anymore WWE? You continue to insult the intelligence of your fans. They went from "making sense" with the Triple H rumble win (that is not a very good justification IMO) to throwing sense out the window and backing a bus over it several times.



First thing I thought when I saw that part was that Lana was still being punished for their engagement announcement appearing on TMZ. And what better way for Vince to continue to do so then by implying she is slutty.


If we are going to pick on women for appearing to be sluts I don't remember anyone hating on AJ Lee when she was juggling Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Kane, John Cena and Dolph Zigller around at the same time. Good god people need to pick their battles better!

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....So Triple H wins the belt and flaunts it out there. Vince claims Roman is a broken man and then Stephanie tells everyone there is an evaluation for the main event of Fastlane. Gives the main event to the two last guys that appear on screen and one that was not even in the building?


Lesnar's involvement in the Main Event would of made sense with a quick backstage segment with Heyman showing he had some kind of negotiations with The Authority.

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