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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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It's depressing as all get out, but he seems to be staying in good spirits at least. He's overcame a lot since he was forced to retire health-wise.


On the topic of WWE in general though, anyone else feel that the Miz will end up being an amazing manager after his in-ring career is done? He's great on the mic and can get heat in almost any environment. He's just so easy to hate in the absolute best way possible. I've been a fan of his for years and I still want to punch him in the face.

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On the topic of WWE in general though, anyone else feel that the Miz will end up being an amazing manager after his in-ring career is done? He's great on the mic and can get heat in almost any environment. He's just so easy to hate in the absolute best way possible. I've been a fan of his for years and I still want to punch him in the face.


Lol seriously. I've been a huge fan since he was with Morrison, and went nuts when he won the title, but man, he's annoying.

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It's depressing as all get out, but he seems to be staying in good spirits at least. He's overcame a lot since he was forced to retire health-wise.


On the topic of WWE in general though, anyone else feel that the Miz will end up being an amazing manager after his in-ring career is done? He's great on the mic and can get heat in almost any environment. He's just so easy to hate in the absolute best way possible. I've been a fan of his for years and I still want to punch him in the face.


He can talk, he can work, he can get a face pop and he can really get under your skin when called to do so. Yea we might be looking at shades of the next Bobby Hennan for sure. Honestly he should be main eventing more and one more run with the strap isn't too far out of the picture (especially with this main event scene) if they build him back up correctly. I would be in favor for one teeth grinding 6 month run for the Miz.



Dammit. I follow Bret Hart on Twitter, and he just revealed that he has prostate cancer.


He is the Best there was....is and ever will be. Cancer doesn't stand a chance. I'm praying for you Hitman!

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Thoughts and Prayers to Bret, he's gonna beat this thing!


On Raw itself, I give it a B.


I thought Ambrose cut a really good babyface promo. Refreshing to see. I felt like Brock played it well too, great facial expressions to sell "alright man, I'm still going to destroy you, but I'm giving you credit for having the stones to come out here and say it to my face."


I thought both guys came out of this well. Dean got a great promo in (which Reigns still lacks in this fued) and Brock looked unconcerned while still giving Dean a rub. Loved the way Dean ended it too.


I loved how they handled AJ's appearance on Miz Tv. Miz did a great job of putting AJ's career over, and AJ showed alot of fire in the beat down. I also liked that it allowed him to cut a promo (You think I belong now, huh? you don't want none of this!) while protecting him from a 5 minute + talking segment. I'm quite ok with Miz v. AJ at fastlane, assuming it's just a quick fued to set up AJ for bigger things at Mania (Jericho in a longer match maybe? or a triple threat for the IC title if ambrose doesn't have anything?)



I like that Team BAD is over, but Jesus, Namoi, you needed to sell that beat down alot more. this is your big "I'm a player here too!" moment and you...did a back rake kinda? ok.


Also mixed feelings on Becky helping Sasha there. On the one hand, I get that Becky is playing the ultimate "play fair!" babyface right now, so it made sense she would even the odds. We criticize Cena's character for not doing that, so it would be somewhat disingenuous for me to criticize Becky for standing up for the out numbered arrogant character.


However, Sasha just booted Becky at the Rumble, and made it clear they aren't allies so....no real reason Becky should help her.



Charlotte vs. Brie felt like so forced, like a favor to Nikki. What on earth has Brie done to earn that spot, other than mail in matches and do yes kicks? We don't need to get into it, but Brie has been mailing in matches for a solid 2 years now, while complaining on Total Divas that she wants to start a family. So why put her anywhere near the title?


Unlike the rest of the internet today, I didn't hate Dolph stealing a win from Owens, assuming that Dolph and Owens will have a match at fast lane, and Owens wins, clearing the way for Owens - Zayn to heat up. Dolph has lost like, 5 matches to Owens over the last 6 months, so if his win was just to set up a stop gap fastlane match, fine.


What i fear (and don't want) is that they think Dolph vs. Owens is a good mania matchup. no thank you. Have Owens beat dolph, tease the apron bomb, and Sami come down and save Dolph at fastlane from the fate he suffered in NXT. That would be my ideal booking.


Big misses for me include:


Big Show taking an extended Wyatt beatdown - Didn't we JUST run a video package where Big Show saved the "face of the company" in reigns? where was roman and dean here? getting a sandwich at catering? Why should the audicen cheer for reigns who gets saved on Thursday, but leaves the new ally out to dry for a 10 minute beat down on Raw?


Good lord, that promo with Steph, Reigns and Ambrose. Just, what was this even there for?


Can we stop with the "so edgy, Truth thinks Golddust wants his dick!" promo's? it's 2016 guys. I like the Goldust character because of Dustin, not the tired "is he coming onto me?!?" gimmick from the 90's.


Wow, the tag team division sucks. I really think several teams from NXT are ready to come up. it's getting real tired that there are, essentially, 3 teams.

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Big Show taking an extended Wyatt beatdown - Didn't we JUST run a video package where Big Show saved the "face of the company" in reigns? where was roman and dean here? getting a sandwich at catering? Why should the audicen cheer for reigns who gets saved on Thursday, but leaves the new ally out to dry for a 10 minute beat down on Raw?


I didn't even think about that when I watched Raw, but you are right. Reigns is becoming infamous for his lack of helping his friends/family though.

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Wow, the tag team division sucks. I really think several teams from NXT are ready to come up. it's getting real tired that there are, essentially, 3 teams.


It's funny that they had a really deep tag team scene this time last year but this year there seems to be only The Ascension (who has been jobbed to nothing), The New Day and The Usos.


Did Sin Cara get injured again because that would explain the Calisto singles run? Why was Prime Time Players broken up? I know the Dudley Boys are old but they would have been decent transitional champs atleast. I mean for Christ sakes the New Age Outlaws had the belts 3 years ago and they couldn't go past 10 minutes.


WWE is starting to book themselves in a corner because they are running out of opponents for The New Day. There is nobody in their league when it comes to promo work. An Enzo and Cass call up would be a really entertaining feud and needs to happen! They are the only guys I can see that can keep up with The New Day as far as mic work goes.

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I've heard before from mod makers (I'm not sure if this is the exact reason) but some people like Cpt. Charisma used to name AJ Lee as Miss April because AJ Lee was a WWE name. However I'm pretty sure Fleisch & TheWho changed it because her name is April Jeanette so AJ stands for her initials which is why WWE couldn't copyright it. Same goes for Styles. His name is Allen Jones (AJ) so TNA didn't have exclusive rights to it and therefore WWE could use it if they wanted to. Combine that with how much of a legacy Styles has paved, it would be downright silly to change his name. (Once again just reiterating I'm not 100% on the initials thing.) :)


Warner copyrighted Prince, that was his name, and they can't copyright 2 initials?

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It's funny that they had a really deep tag team scene this time last year but this year there seems to be only The Ascension (who has been jobbed to nothing), The New Day and The Usos.


Did Sin Cara get injured again because that would explain the Calisto singles run? Why was Prime Time Players broken up? I know the Dudley Boys are old but they would have been decent transitional champs atleast. I mean for Christ sakes the New Age Outlaws had the belts 3 years ago and they couldn't go past 10 minutes.


WWE is starting to book themselves in a corner because they are running out of opponents for The New Day. There is nobody in their league when it comes to promo work. An Enzo and Cass call up would be a really entertaining feud and needs to happen! They are the only guys I can see that can keep up with The New Day as far as mic work goes.


I wouldn't mind The Usos turning heel. I want New Day to stay heel until Balor Club are dominating the main roster, then they could do a babyface turn like they did with The Shield.


I doubt Enzo & Cass get the call up until after Wrestlemania but it wouldn't hurt to do it after Fast Lane to build them up. I'm convinced this Goldust/Truth stuff is leading to a Goldust/Cody (not Stardust) tag team. They could feud with New Day through Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules until Enzo & Cass are over.

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It's funny that they had a really deep tag team scene this time last year but this year there seems to be only The Ascension (who has been jobbed to nothing), The New Day and The Usos.


Did Sin Cara get injured again because that would explain the Calisto singles run? Why was Prime Time Players broken up? I know the Dudley Boys are old but they would have been decent transitional champs atleast. I mean for Christ sakes the New Age Outlaws had the belts 3 years ago and they couldn't go past 10 minutes.


WWE is starting to book themselves in a corner because they are running out of opponents for The New Day. There is nobody in their league when it comes to promo work. An Enzo and Cass call up would be a really entertaining feud and needs to happen! They are the only guys I can see that can keep up with The New Day as far as mic work goes.


Sin Cara has a separated shoulder. Injured it on tv in December I believe it was.

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Wrestlemania match predictions:


Start with the obvious..


HHH (w/ Steph and Vince) vs Reigns (w/ Rock and Ronda?)

Lesnar vs Bray Wyatt


And then the not so obvious


Ambrose vs Jericho

Owens vs Styles

Charlotte vs Sasha vs Becky


Just starting to throw stuff against the wall


6 Man Ladder US Title - Kalisto, Del Rio, Ziggler, Miz, Neville, Stardust

New Day vs Usos? I mean who else could it be, dudleyz? Social Outkasts?

Andre Battle Royal - I either see it as a nod to someone like Kane or Mark Henry or a boost to someone like Strowman


And lastly the Undertaker match. I have no idea who to have him face. I think the internet keeps saying Strowman but jesus that would be horrible. The guy needs carried in a 4on4 cluster. I liked the idea of Sheamus but now I think he is hurt. If this reallly REALLY is his last match i think it is only right to have him face Kane? That would be boring.. Rusev?


With the following talent on the shelf this really is a year for someone new to steal the show


Daniel Bryan

John Cena

Randy Orton


Seth Rollins


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Wtf is going on with Rowan? Why is he being buried in squash matches lately? I really hope they arnt having him break off again from the Wyatts. Unless this is to show how dangerous Strowman is which I hope thats all it is.



Either way HHH/Reigns at WM will suck. Prolly wont watch the match. Im sick f HHH and Reigns is one of the worst "talents" on the roster. Im praying for an Amrose or preferbly Reigns heel turn. Reigns needs it more. Ambrose just needs a gimmick. How is he a lunatic? I just dont see it.



Wyatt needs a win at Mania. He cant keep losing like this. The man is a god on the mic and good enough in ring plus his family should easily make him to be a great Main Event heel.





So if I am WWE i would book WM the next 2 months like this.



Ambrose pins Reigns in the Fastlane triple threat, Lesnar obviously gets taken out by the Wyatts and out of the match. Reigns gets bested by Ambrose which sets Reigns for a heel turn at WM out of jealousy that Ambrose hit best friend beat him. Ambrose beats HHH for the title but after the match Reigns comes out to speak Ambrose and "attempt" to cut a heel promo about Ambrose betraying him and the fans betraying him




This sets up a nice lengthy feud for these 2 with HHH leaving the picture. Also in time for Rollins to return to have a triple threat at Summer Slam assuming they can keep this feud going long enough as Ambrose would be a face with Reigns being a heel away from the Authority also.




As for Lesnar vs Wyatt I think this is when you bull the trigger on Wyatt as your top heel. As the biggest heel on your roster. This is when his path of destruction starts. Wyatt needs to beat Lesnar clean or close to it being clean. Lesnar needs to be pinned by Wyatt. This sets the entire family up to run thru the entire face core until he can feud with the champion. While I dont think Wyatt ever needs a title and i think his character should never care about a title. I think it needs to be a personal thing with him and whatever champ is holding the title at the time.




With Taker this is a bad year for him. No one credible to challenge him. Strowman is awesome but him vs Taker isnt interesting and theres no story besides Taker beating Wyatt at WM 2 years ago now i think.




New Day cannot turn face. They need to stay heel. Look what happened when they tied to turn the wyatts... It didnt work. They need to allow New Day to be these tweener heels. Let them get cheered. Whatever they are doing it working and they won me over. Sadly the WWE cant book any other teams other than the damn Usos who are so damn boring.


How can 1 man from the entire damn family have charisma and the rest be so damn boring and terrible on the microphone?


Social Outcasts need to be faces. Remember 3MB a few months before Drew and Jinder got fired? Which im still salty as hell about. McIntyre should have been world champ not Super Reigns... But 3MB was hugely over and the crowd loved them. The Outcasts have that potential. Bo Dallas won over the crowd with his rap. I loved it. While Adam Rose is awkward and I believe Bo needs to go on a diet as he is getting flabby the group as a whole especially Slater and Axel are badass. Turn them face. They sould beat New Day and win the titles and keep winning these "lucky" victories that no one has nay idea how they win. They keep going until Balor Club arrives to destroy them and take over the tag division.




I could keep going but ill save you all from my rant.

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I wouldn't mind Brock losing to Bray, but I really wouldn't want to see Bray beat him cleanly or even close to cleanly. I think they've done a good job of making Brock look nearly unstoppable, especially in matches, to the point where it would be weird for me to see him lose to anyone who hasn't been booked like a juggernaut.


And Bray hasn't. They've clearly been making Bray a bigger deal and placing more emphasis on the Wyatt Family, but I think he works quite well as a charismatic and intelligent leader. To me, that type of character doesn't need to be, and, honestly, to me, shouldn't be the best or toughest wrestler, but should be able to consistently beat them through the use of the Wyatt family to interfere, intimidate, cheat, etc.


Just my 2 cents though.

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Reigns is one of the worst "talents" on the roster.


What about Reigns makes him bad to you? I'm genuinely curious. He's probably the second best seller they have on the roster (Rusev), has good matches regularly, and aside from being booked terribly, I can't think of anything he does that is actively offensive

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What about Reigns makes him bad to you? I'm genuinely curious. He's probably the second best seller they have on the roster (Rusev), has good matches regularly, and aside from being booked terribly, I can't think of anything he does that is actively offensive


I call it "The Warhawk Syndrome". People read enough of Warhawk's posts and they start irrationally hating on Reigns too.

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Wrestlemania match predictions:


Start with the obvious..


HHH (w/ Steph and Vince) vs Reigns (w/ Rock and Ronda?)

Lesnar vs Bray Wyatt


And then the not so obvious


Ambrose vs Jericho

Owens vs Styles

Charlotte vs Sasha vs Becky


Just starting to throw stuff against the wall


6 Man Ladder US Title - Kalisto, Del Rio, Ziggler, Miz, Neville, Stardust

New Day vs Usos? I mean who else could it be, dudleyz? Social Outkasts?

Andre Battle Royal - I either see it as a nod to someone like Kane or Mark Henry or a boost to someone like Strowman


And lastly the Undertaker match. I have no idea who to have him face. I think the internet keeps saying Strowman but jesus that would be horrible. The guy needs carried in a 4on4 cluster. I liked the idea of Sheamus but now I think he is hurt. If this reallly REALLY is his last match i think it is only right to have him face Kane? That would be boring.. Rusev?


With the following talent on the shelf this really is a year for someone new to steal the show


Daniel Bryan

John Cena

Randy Orton


Seth Rollins




I got to wondering about Jericho vs Undertaker? Might be good. Ambrose can take on Del Rio or something instead

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Wyatt needs to win at Mania if he wants to become the new face of fear. But against Lesnar that will be tough.


I think they'll leave Becky out of the women's title scrap and have the long-awaited Charlotte vs Sasha 'bigleague' match. Becky might play a role though. The triple threat does make a lot of sense, but I don't like the type of match a lot (maybe because in TEW it's kind of a 'win-loss-loss' situation).


And Owens vs AJ? I like the sound of that. But I'm afraid AJ will not play a huge role at Mania. Maybe they'll put them in the Battle Royal or the 6-man ladder match.

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What about Reigns makes him bad to you? I'm genuinely curious. He's probably the second best seller they have on the roster (Rusev), has good matches regularly, and aside from being booked terribly, I can't think of anything he does that is actively offensive


I think it's genuinely just that it's "cool" to hate him now. Like it was for John Cena for years.


No matter what positive things the worker in this position does, it's never good enough.

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What about Reigns makes him bad to you? I'm genuinely curious. He's probably the second best seller they have on the roster (Rusev), has good matches regularly, and aside from being booked terribly, I can't think of anything he does that is actively offensive


I mean, I don't hate the man, but he isn't the "2nd best seller they have". Laying down and breathing hard isn't selling. He isn't bad, but Rusev, Ambrose, Ziggler, Owens, Kofi, Rollins and a few others come to mind before him. Not like he's awful, but he's a solid C+ B- in TEW terms.


He's god awful on the mic. They have been doing better at keeping him out of 10 minute + talking segments though, he's much better as the silent bad ass type face.


and "good matches regularly" is sort of a stretch. he has ok brawling skills, which are improving. He has a limited moveset, but his athleticism helps him make the super man punch, Samoan drop, and spear look good. His stamina is awful. They had to run an injury angle to keep him out of a punching and kicking contest ala the rumble, because he couldn't go past 15 minutes without gassing out.


I really don't dislike reigns, but he just isn't at a super star level on the Mic or in the ring. I see him as a UMC who visits the main event scene right now. The problem is WWE is ramming him down everyone's throat so hard that they are putting unrealistic expectations on him, in particular his mic work. The worst thing they do is send him out there in front of crowds to give long promos, he's brutal and the crowd always turns on him.


Example: Dean Ambrose gave a great babyface promo to Brock on Monday. Reigns has yet to give a promo anywhere near that good in his entire run in the WWE. And Dean is the "third wheel" in this feud.

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Personally I think Reigns is on par with Cena in the ring. Solid but limited moveset, has good matches with good opponents on PPV, decent at selling. Outside the ring though, Cena is miles ahead on the mic and the behind the scenes work like media promotion, make-a-wish and merch selling. Like Cena, Roman's booking as a powerhouse underdog is hit and miss.


I don't know why people assume Reigns didn't have the stamina to last in the Rumble and it wasn't just poor booking from Vince. They put Reigns in at #1 because storyline reasons. The crowd would have crapped on the match if he were the Rumble's iron man and it wouldn't have allowed other feuds to develop if Reigns was always in the ring. So they were forced to write him off for most of the match and bring him back at the end.


As with Cena, YMMV with Reigns. I see why people don't like him but he's far from terrible.

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If booked properly the guy is money....they just need to play to his strengths. Very short promos and Superman punching everyone in sight. He don't need long rants because he can't play them off. He is too big to be an underdog IMO unless it's handicap situations. I think he was booked best as the Shield's mysterious enforcer that barely said anything speared everything out of their shoes!


Dean and Seth were always going to be the stand out promo guys in that group but Reigns always looked like the true killer in the ring. I can't wait for a babyface Rollins because his ROH run was amazing! Hell is NXT pre shield run was just as good.

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