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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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If booked properly the guy is money....they just need to play to his strengths. Very short promos and Superman punching everyone in sight. He don't need long rants because he can't play them off. He is too big to be an underdog IMO unless it's handicap situations. I think he was booked best as the Shield's mysterious enforcer that barely said anything speared everything out of their shoes!


Dean and Seth were always going to be the stand out promo guys in that group but Reigns always looked like the true killer in the ring. I can't wait for a babyface Rollins because his ROH run was amazing! Hell is NXT pre shield run was just as good.


I hope Vince realises Heel Reigns vs Babyface Ambrose and Heel Reigns vs Babyface Rollins are potential big money feuds.

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I hope Vince realises Heel Reigns vs Babyface Ambrose and Heel Reigns vs Babyface Rollins are potential big money feuds.


Yea that's about 6 months of booking that writes itself....Have Roman get pissed at The Rock and superman punch his teeth down his throat.


Dean tries to talk him down afterwards and gets his ass handed to him....When Dean is finally broken after 3 PPVs in comes Seth from injury and now we have Face Seth chasing Heel Roman for the title (because spoiler Roman won the belt from HHH at Mania ;)) leading up to SummerSlam.....book it Vince!

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I doubt Enzo & Cass get the call up until after Wrestlemania but it wouldn't hurt to do it after Fast Lane to build them up. I'm convinced this Goldust/Truth stuff is leading to a Goldust/Cody (not Stardust) tag team. They could feud with New Day through Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules until Enzo & Cass are over.


I wonder if Enzo & Cass will be able to get over on the main roster. Now I have been wrong about this plenty of times in the past but I think they just reek of a team who does well in the indy promotions (Or in this case NXT) but they will have a hard time transferring that popularity over to the main roster. Yeah the NXT fans all repeat Enzo & Cass' pre-match spiel in the smaller arenas but it is going to be tougher getting that over when you have a larger crowd. If you take away that speech there really is not much special about them.


Ambrose is pretty dismal at selling to me. His gimmick for the last 2 years has been "guy who doesn't react to pain". Some of his not selling has been far more egregious than the worst of John Cena.


But alas they are opinions for a reason


I cannot remember were I read it but someone compared Dean Ambrose to Terry Funk. The writer of the article responded, "Yeah that's if Terry Funk couldn't throw punches and sell."

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I think Enzo and Cass will be fine on the main roster. They have almost too much charisma to fail. Out of all the top tier talents in nxt, Bayley worries the most. She's practically a female John Cena and a lot of people don't really like cheering for the white meat baby face. I really hope she is able to get over on the main roster. She's sooooo good in the ring. I want more Bayley vs Sasha in 20 minute+ matches.
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They don't actually need new tag teams to be brought up. Sin Cara getting injured was a big blow, but they have plenty of guys on the main roster that they can use but are somehow choosing not to use in the tag team division. There was no real reason to break up Titus and Darren. I mean, I understand if they want to give Titus a singles push, I even like him personally as a singles competitor, but the guy is not even really doing anything as a singles star at the moment. He doesn't have a real feud despite getting put of TV quite often.


As for the rest, Los Matadores have disappeared for no apparent reason The Wyatt Family are still around but is never in the title picture. Again there's no reason not to use them there, even if they're supporting characters for Bray's feuds. Being HHH's lackey's never stopped Evolution from going after the tag titles, and being JBL's or Edge's lackeys never stopped the Bashams and Hawkins/Ryder, so I don't see why they have to be kept away.


Same with Social Outcasts. You have a new faction formed and not really doing anything. Why not the tag titles. Yeah, they're jobbers and joke characters, nobody said they have to win the titles, but again, what's the point of having teams and factions around when none of them are interested in going after what's supposedly the biggest prize for teams?


On that note, even the League of Nations can get involved. It's not like any of them are getting any success on their own right now.


It's not a matter of them not having enough tag teams, it's them choosing not to use what they have.


If they do bring in new teams, I'm pulling for Jordan and Gable. I don't know if Enzo and Cass' shtick will work on the main roster, but I definitely have high hopes for the Alpha Americans. They look like they can fit in any time.

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Jordan & Gable will get over on the main roster in no time, but I have doubt about Enzo & Cass. Their gimmick is better for ROH/NXT/ECW promotions due to the sheer size of the RAW arena. Or they have to adapt. Same for the Vaudevillains.


Bailey - in her current form - will also struggle, but she will have no problem with another face gimmick.

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Bailey - in her current form - will also struggle, but she will have no problem with another face gimmick.


Honestly if they consistently write Bailey she will have no problem getting over. She just needs opponents that are clearly drawn heels and not tweeters to introduce her character against. If they keep Charlotte in the direction she is going that would be the perfect opponent to unleash Bailey on. Sasha is falling in the grey area to quickly in my opinion because she herself is a fantastic heel.


I guess Naomi or Tamina wouldn't be a bad option either because they don't tease them on the face side as well. Bailey vs. Sasha are those type of opponents that you keep far away from each other until Mania comes around. It's like Daniel Bryan vs. Punk or HBK vs. Hitman.

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Jordan & Gable will get over on the main roster in no time, but I have doubt about Enzo & Cass. Their gimmick is better for ROH/NXT/ECW promotions due to the sheer size of the RAW arena. Or they have to adapt. Same for the Vaudevillains.


Bailey - in her current form - will also struggle, but she will have no problem with another face gimmick.


I think that's why were getting "serious enzo and cass" right now, which I've enjoyed. they must know they cant do over the top comedy all the time at the main roster level. Like don't lose that, but you have to be able to do what they are doing now in the dash and dawson feud.


The Vaudevillians yea, i don't know how you make that gimmick work on the main roster.


Bailey I think will be fine, nothing wrong with a female Cena. The kids will eat her up, and she can actually go in the ring. I'd lose the wacky arm blow up thing part of her entrance though.

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I think Enzo and Cass will be fine on the main roster. They have almost too much charisma to fail. Out of all the top tier talents in nxt, Bayley worries the most. She's practically a female John Cena and a lot of people don't really like cheering for the white meat baby face. I really hope she is able to get over on the main roster. She's sooooo good in the ring. I want more Bayley vs Sasha in 20 minute+ matches.


In a shocking turn of events Becky Lynch is more over on the main roster than she was in NXT thanks to some good booking by Divas Division standards. If they book Bayley in a similar fashion she'll be fine. Have her overcome Charlotte on her way to an epic feud with Sasha. The potential merch sales will also motivate Vince and Co. not to drop the ball.

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I think that's why were getting "serious enzo and cass" right now, which I've enjoyed. they must know they cant do over the top comedy all the time at the main roster level. Like don't lose that, but you have to be able to do what they are doing now in the dash and dawson feud.


The Vaudevillians yea, i don't know how you make that gimmick work on the main roster.


Bailey I think will be fine, nothing wrong with a female Cena. The kids will eat her up, and she can actually go in the ring. I'd lose the wacky arm blow up thing part of her entrance though.


When it comes to Enzo and Cass I think they have a good shot of getting over on the main roster. Though the intro is going to be a big part of it. I mean if you can get an intro that the fans get behind and say with you that is huge. That was a large part of why people loved the NAO. Now if they don't get behind it they are going to have to change even more than they have over the last month or two.


I don't get the whole Bayley is Cena thing. She has failed before and didn't always overcome the odds, making her seem like an actual underdog and meaning she actually overcame something. Her character has never been portrayed as cocky and I don't see her cracking stupid jokes on the heels. The issues I see with Cena (and I don't hate him or anything) isn't that he is a white meat babyface like Bayley, but instead a superman who overcomes everything (to just ridiculous ends) and is also a bully (with grade school material). If anything Bayley is more Daniel Bryan than John Cena.


If I had to guess what happens the Raw after Wreslemania is that Sami and Bayley debut largely the same way. With Bayley's debut Sasha will be celebrating her win the night before and how she is going to be the best champion ever and all the Women she has beat leading to Bayley's music and her officially joining the main roster (though I don't see a match happening that night). With Sami I could see him interrupting an Owens promo or having a match that Owens interferes in. Either way I see WWE starting both's stay on the main roster with time proven feuds.

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Finn Balor is apparently injured at a live event. Supposedly not a major one, but he's on crutches at the moment.


But to me, the major thing is this:




really didn't think it was possible to like both of them more, but I guess I was proven wrong with this. awesome video, thanks for the share!

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With all the hooplah of him seeking independent doctors this announcement may be a work....I'm hoping that is the case anyway.

From my understanding, he's actually been cleared by respected independent doctors; it's the WWE and their doctor(s) who won't clear him. It was just a few days ago that I read he tried to give his notice so he could go wrestle elsewhere (NJPW? ROH?), but the WWE blocked him from doing so. So I have no clue what to make of any of this right now.

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