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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I, for one am delighted to have 40 days of HHH burying Roman on the mic to pop the internet


If you didn't see it by the layout of the main event last night, they clearly don't want Roman to succeed


The show started great and man it got terrible in the back end. Still though loved Del Rio/Kalisto a whole lot and the divas tag was really good with a shockingly hot crowd

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I, for one am delighted to have 40 days of HHH burying Roman on the mic to pop the internet


....But it's not going to be quick witted Hunter burying Roman. It's going to be heavily scripted Hunter lobbing soft balls at Roman and Roman going to say...."grr superman punch!"


Did they really have to involve the title in this story?....I'll attempt to watch RAW tonight but I'm pretty convinced I'm too frustrated at the product to care anymore.

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....But it's not going to be quick witted Hunter burying Roman. It's going to be heavily scripted Hunter lobbing soft balls at Roman and Roman going to say...."grr superman punch!"


No it's not because HHH is the vindictive one on the side of the anti reigns camp who has been booked like literal God superhuman babyface against Reigns when he is supposed to be the heel.


Triple H returned from injury (that reigns gave him, unprovoked) and cleanly beat Reigns at rumble to win the title. HHH is positioned as the total babyface here and it does nothing but position Roman as unlikeable. Triple H is a smart dude, when he WANTED to put someone over (Batista, Bryan) he made them look amazing in the build. When he didn't (like Punk), it was patronizing compliments and making him to look like a crybaby before pinning him and ending his hot run (Punk lost 4 PPVs straight after beating Cena, by the way)

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Ahhh, WWE Fastlane... one of the last stops on the road to... Loading, please wait.


Hands down, one of the worst experiences I've ever had as a wrestling fan watching wrestling events. Was the show bad? Were the matches bad? Couldn't tell you. Seems like I spent most of the show staring at a blank loading screen. Can't say I was thrilled with that.


Only things I got to see in their entirety were the AJ-Y2J match, (which I thought was pretty good), the New Day - Edge & Christian segment, and the Truth-Axel match. The New Day segment and the Truth match both disappointed the daylights out of me... but that may have been (at least partially) my own fault. Before the show began, I saw something somewhere online that said Enzo and Big Cass might be making their debuts on the show, possibly in that segment, and so I got my hopes up pretty high. When the League Of Nations came out, my smile very quickly turned upside down.


Then, the Social Outcasts came out, and I got my hopes up again, but when R-Truth's music hit, I once again dared to be sour. When Truth counted the Outcasts, (1.... 2... 3... 4...) I got my hopes up AGAIN. I envisioned an 8 man tag, with Enzo, Cass, and Golden Dust...


Alas, t'was not to be. Oh, well, guess you shouldn't put too much faith in wrestling news you find online.


I imagine I'll re-watch the show at some point to see what I missed, (I did get to see most of the finishes - it was only the pre-show match that I missed in total). But from what I saw of the main event, Lesnar didn't look anywhere near as dominant as I'd expect a Lesnar to look, and the same for the Wyatts.



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The main event was booked into a corner. They wanted to keep Brock as this unstoppable force, but needed him stopped. This was complicated by the fact that there was no real heel in the match to break up the pins and keep lesnar frustrated. Instead you have Dean being boo'd for breaking up brock's pin attempts.


So we got this storyline where a quasi sorta face Brock destroyed two of your more over (face) workers for 10 minutes, then the babyfaces teamed up to keep putting him through announce tables and in general acting like heels, leading to Brock finally getting back in the ring only to be hit by one chair shot and roll out to lose.


Made no sense. Either have Brock win, or have something take him out of the match. The booking here just makes it seem like Dean has to cheat to even land a punch on brock, and that Reigns was just a guy who got lucky when Dean went nuts with a chair (which chair shots Reigns shook off in 2 seconds, meanwhile Brock gets hit once and dies. Don't get me started.)


So no one comes out looking good. Real excited to see this rumored Brock Dean match at mania too. "great, so unless Dean gets in a low blow nut shot, he's just a ragdoll for brock. lets go WM nut shot match!"


The only match I would say go back and watch was Ziggler-Owens, it was good and the Diva's tag match was decent, mostly due to the hot crowd as someone mentioned.

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Im baffled at anyone who actually thought this PPV was anything more than a C- at best. How the hell can you people still buy into Reigns? How can anyone still be a fan of him?



I understand why the kids and women are fans. They are stupid who dont understand what wrestling means and just look at who they find attractive(the women) or who they are told their hero is(the kids). But how can anyone with a knowledge of wrestling enjoy Reigns? The man is average at best in the ring. He will never be able to carry a match like a Cena can. Do I even need to mention his inablility to talk? His absolute lack of charisma? Or the fact his 4 moves that are beyond lame and only "pop" the kids and women who cant see beyond that.



There is 0 reason for Reigns to be pushed the way he is. Or the fact that people should root for him. Whats his character? Same theme, same attire and same 4 moves since he was with the Shield. How can anyone like that pathetic excuse for a "wrestler"



Or have enjoyed that Sh*tfest of a PPV called FastLane. Worst PPV they put on in a while.

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Im baffled at anyone who actually thought this PPV was anything more than a C- at best. How the hell can you people still buy into Reigns? How can anyone still be a fan of him?



I understand why the kids and women are fans. They are stupid who dont understand what wrestling means and just look at who they find attractive(the women) or who they are told their hero is(the kids). But how can anyone with a knowledge of wrestling enjoy Reigns? The man is average at best in the ring. He will never be able to carry a match like a Cena can. Do I even need to mention his inablility to talk? His absolute lack of charisma? Or the fact his 4 moves that are beyond lame and only "pop" the kids and women who cant see beyond that.



There is 0 reason for Reigns to be pushed the way he is. Or the fact that people should root for him. Whats his character? Same theme, same attire and same 4 moves since he was with the Shield. How can anyone like that pathetic excuse for a "wrestler"



Or have enjoyed that Sh*tfest of a PPV called FastLane. Worst PPV they put on in a while.


Mate you seriously need to calm down. Take a breath and realize something. This one 3 hour show got you this mad. Dude. Really? It's planned out and it's not like it was unpredictable. We all knew Reigns was winning. I knew, you knew, the fans in the arena knew. There's literally nothing we can do about it. Complaining online gets you nowhere. There's only 2 options you can have, sit back, realize that you can't control things, and keep watching, or stop watching WWE. Both options are not hard, but the fact you're getting so fired up about this is kind of pathetic.

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"I understand why the kids and women are fans. They are stupid who dont understand what wrestling means"


You know, I've never understood this line of thought. It's basically telling children and women to go away because they "don't understand" wrestling. Nothing better than moving wrestling out of the social stigma of being "that guy that likes that fake sport" than to post stuff online that basically says "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE A FAN".


Maybe you just need a break from wrestling irule. If you're ranting on a message board about how much you hate a guy that is just doing his job - because let's face it, if you were in his position would you turn away the chance to be the face of a company and get the big payday to go "You know what, I didn't 'earn' my break the right way. Sorry Vince, I'll pass" - then it's clear you're not able to enjoy the product as a whole.

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Haven't watched Fastlane yet but a quick comment on RAW.


- The GoldenTruth segments keep being just really good. I can't help but chuckle every time. Someone please make a compilation at the end of the angle. Please...


- Pretty much every segment was actually good (to my surprise). Even Charlotte's and Reign's, but the latter is still better off as a heel.


- Hilarious how they showed a clip of the supposed "four horsewomen (of mma)" during Becky's entrance. Is that an intended pun? Probably.


- And Paige losing was a little weird. I've been searching for reasons, but it honestly can't be her statement about the Divas title looking "stupid". Or is it? :p


And they are closing the show with... what? Did that really happen? Sure, we've seen quite enough of Reigns and Ambrose, but doesn't this come out of nowhere?

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Haven't watched Fastlane yet but a quick comment on RAW.


- The GoldenTruth segments keep being just really good. I can't help but chuckle every time. Someone please make a compilation at the end of the angle. Please...


- Pretty much every segment was actually good (to my surprise). Even Charlotte's and Reign's, but the latter is still better off as a heel.


- Hilarious how they showed a clip of the supposed "four horsewomen (of mma)" during Becky's entrance. Is that an intended pun? Probably.


- And Paige losing was a little weird. I've been searching for reasons, but it honestly can't be her statement about the Divas title looking "stupid". Or is it? :p


And they are closing the show with... what? Did that really happen? Sure, we've seen quite enough of Reigns and Ambrose, but doesn't this come out of nowhere?


I honestly expect we won't ever hear of that Paige - Summer match on the main shows, but it will be the heavy focus of a Total Diva's episode. They do this all the time. Then the storyline on the show will be:


Paige making fun of summer, summer "gurl powering" out in a promo to the camera about not being taken seriously, build up with Paige saying she's going to "teach summer a thing or two" then a quick shot of the match (2-3 moves and the pin at most) and then Paige realizing she shouldn't underestimate people.


Paige's character on that show is so predictable. in the first 10 minutes of the episode, she does something stupid any young 20 year old would do, in the next 10 minutes the vets (normally Brie, sometimes they drag Nattie into it) sits her down for a "real talk" where the Vet tells her she could be one of the best all time, but she needs to grow up and act professional, and in the last 10 minutes Paige tells us what the lesson was this week.


- signed, a Husband who watches that show Vicariously through his Wife.

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- signed, a Husband who watches that show Vicariously through his Wife.


You poor....poor...man. I legitimately feel bad you have to watch it. After the dusts settles of my anger between the Rumble and Fastlane I think I've checked out of the WWE. The only thing I think that can save that main event is a shock move of Daniel Bryan coming out of retirement or CM Punk showing back up....we all know neither one is going to happen so I think I'm done.

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You poor....poor...man. I legitimately feel bad you have to watch it. After the dusts settles of my anger between the Rumble and Fastlane I think I've checked out of the WWE. The only thing I think that can save that main event is a shock move of Daniel Bryan coming out of retirement or CM Punk showing back up....we all know neither one is going to happen so I think I'm done.


90% sure I'm switching to the World and cancelling the Network.

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I don't think Reigns is being boed, other than by a few smarks. Maybe those who hate him would like to post here and be mad at that main event, but it was expected. WWE has been building to it for a long time. Granted, they could have done a much better work at building it, and the whole tripe threat wasn't really the best way to go, IMO, especially with Ambrose and Lesnar, but the fact that Reigns isn't having the booking he should does not mean he is hated.


Maybe he will be in the future, especially if they continue to try to book him as a superman, which is clearly a mistake. But saying the show was horrible is an exaggeration. There were good matches in the card, especially the US championships and Styles vs. Jericho. And the first time i see AJ finally delivering the Styles clash...Jericho kicks out. Not cool.

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You poor....poor...man. I legitimately feel bad you have to watch it. After the dusts settles of my anger between the Rumble and Fastlane I think I've checked out of the WWE. The only thing I think that can save that main event is a shock move of Daniel Bryan coming out of retirement or CM Punk showing back up....we all know neither one is going to happen so I think I'm done.


I don't so much watch it as throw snarky comments in on the way by to play Xcom2.

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Im baffled at anyone who actually thought this PPV was anything more than a C- at best. How the hell can you people still buy into Reigns? How can anyone still be a fan of him?



I understand why the kids and women are fans. They are stupid who dont understand what wrestling means and just look at who they find attractive(the women) or who they are told their hero is(the kids). But how can anyone with a knowledge of wrestling enjoy Reigns? The man is average at best in the ring. He will never be able to carry a match like a Cena can. Do I even need to mention his inablility to talk? His absolute lack of charisma? Or the fact his 4 moves that are beyond lame and only "pop" the kids and women who cant see beyond that.



There is 0 reason for Reigns to be pushed the way he is. Or the fact that people should root for him. Whats his character? Same theme, same attire and same 4 moves since he was with the Shield. How can anyone like that pathetic excuse for a "wrestler"



Or have enjoyed that Sh*tfest of a PPV called FastLane. Worst PPV they put on in a while.


I agree with you

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If you dislike Reigns this much, why do you bother with the company at all? It's clear he isn't going away and it's clear your blind hatred of him hurts your ability to enjoy the shows.


Blind hatred? I listed every reason for him not to be liked at all. Maybe your blind love might be what you cannot see. Reigns isnt good. He is literally being pushed for 2 reasons. Rocks Cousin, and he's attractive. Thats it. He cannot talk or wrestle. I used to really hate Cena when he was doing the same Superman BS that Reigns is doing now. But even Cena has changed his tune and has started to show he isnt a pile of crap and can wrestle hell of a match. Reigns hasnt done that yet. Reigns has had to continuously needed to use his "popping" moves to appeal to the crowd which you seem to be falling for.


I watch WWE hoping they do something right. Like maybe the Wyatts the truly unstoppable force they need to be. Yet WWE fails. Or allowing Ambrose to really show his character instead of being the sidekick to Reigns.


Or maybe give Owens, Ziggler, anyone a damn push instead of shoving the same crap down our throats. THE COMPANY SHOULD NOT BE PREDICTABLE!!


Stop with the "1 man is the top guy and will never ever ever ever lose or look weak" BS they have been doing for almost 10 years. No one wants that. The attitude era was beautiful because it didnt revolve around 1 person. HHH, Taker, Rock, Foley, Austin, ect all on top during that portion. But guess what else was beautiful... The fact that NO ONE WAS SUPERMAN!!



Reigns is the most protected pile of talentless crap this company has attempted to produce. WWE gives up on The Chosen One Drew McIntyre who actually could wrestle and cut a decent promo but refuses to stop pushing Reigns who isnt half the wrestler Drew or even most of this roster is down peoples throats? But I guess Reigns getting booed must be blind hate right? The intelligent fans must all be blind.

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Reigns has had to continuously needed to use his "popping" moves to appeal to the crowd which you seem to be falling for.


You know who else does that? Every single wrestler working today. All of them. They all have their spots that they do in every match with the exception of battle royals. You don't like his character or push? That's your right. But don't use Reign's move-set usage as a reason, because you come off as a hypocrite when you don't complain about anyone else doing it.

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Blind hatred? I listed every reason for him not to be liked at all. Maybe your blind love might be what you cannot see. Reigns isnt good. He is literally being pushed for 2 reasons. Rocks Cousin, and he's attractive. Thats it. He cannot talk or wrestle. I used to really hate Cena when he was doing the same Superman BS that Reigns is doing now. But even Cena has changed his tune and has started to show he isnt a pile of crap and can wrestle hell of a match. Reigns hasnt done that yet. Reigns has had to continuously needed to use his "popping" moves to appeal to the crowd which you seem to be falling for.


I watch WWE hoping they do something right. Like maybe the Wyatts the truly unstoppable force they need to be. Yet WWE fails. Or allowing Ambrose to really show his character instead of being the sidekick to Reigns.


Or maybe give Owens, Ziggler, anyone a damn push instead of shoving the same crap down our throats. THE COMPANY SHOULD NOT BE PREDICTABLE!!


Stop with the "1 man is the top guy and will never ever ever ever lose or look weak" BS they have been doing for almost 10 years. No one wants that. The attitude era was beautiful because it didnt revolve around 1 person. HHH, Taker, Rock, Foley, Austin, ect all on top during that portion. But guess what else was beautiful... The fact that NO ONE WAS SUPERMAN!!



Reigns is the most protected pile of talentless crap this company has attempted to produce. WWE gives up on The Chosen One Drew McIntyre who actually could wrestle and cut a decent promo but refuses to stop pushing Reigns who isnt half the wrestler Drew or even most of this roster is down peoples throats? But I guess Reigns getting booed must be blind hate right? The intelligent fans must all be blind.


I agree with you. I also hate Reigns. I want him to learn to wrestle or get off my TV. Hopefully WWE will have to learn the hard way. Maybe when fans pelt the ring with garbage when Reigns wins at Wrestlemania or at the least chant "Triple H" during the match. Roman Reigns basically will wrestle the same damn match every time he goes out there and it got old a LONG time ago. To the point I would rather watch a Khali match than a Roman Reigns match.

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I agree with you. I also hate Reigns. I want him to learn to wrestle or get off my TV. Hopefully WWE will have to learn the hard way. Maybe when fans pelt the ring with garbage when Reigns wins at Wrestlemania or at the least chant "Triple H" during the match. Roman Reigns basically will wrestle the same damn match every time he goes out there and it got old a LONG time ago. To the point I would rather watch a Khali match than a Roman Reigns match.


Or you could really punish yourself and watch TNA Impact Wrestling.

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