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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Smackdown was really good this week. They even include Raw Recaps so you don't have to suffer through Raw when it's bad <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> It's a shame the ratings have declined to almost Syfy levels.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lazorbeak" data-cite="lazorbeak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is not true. The independent contractor/employee designation has never been won on the merits by the WWE, ever. The Raven lawsuit was dismissed for being beyond the statute of limitations. <strong>I have no idea where you're getting the idea that ex employees are "constantly" suing WWE</strong>. I think the only guy who's ever won an injury claim was a jobber who took a Rocker Dropper incorrectly and was paralyzed. And he <span style="text-decoration:underline">won</span>! Then there was Jesse suing re: home video payments, and he won that, too.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Billy Jack Haynes, Sakoda, Big Vito, and Luther Reigns have all sued for concussions.</p><p> </p><p> Ivan Koloff, Blackjack Mulligan, Barry Windham, Koko B Ware, and Dynamite Kid all sued for injuries.</p><p> </p><p> The family of Matt Bourne sued WWE for wrongful death due to injuries he sustained while working for the company. Same with the wife of Big Daddy V.</p><p> </p><p> In nearly all of the lawsuits, the defense was that the workers are considered independent contractors and therefore WWE is not responsible for their healthcare.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Billy Jack Haynes, Sakoda, Big Vito, and Luther Reigns have all sued for concussions.<p> </p><p> Ivan Koloff, Blackjack Mulligan, Barry Windham, Koko B Ware, and Dynamite Kid all sued for injuries.</p><p> </p><p> The family of Matt Bourne sued WWE for wrongful death due to injuries he sustained while working for the company. Same with the wife of Big Daddy V.</p><p> </p><p> In nearly all of the lawsuits, the defense was that the workers are considered independent contractors and therefore WWE is not responsible for their healthcare.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No, again, this is not true. WWE is fighting these lawsuits by transferring the venue to Connecticut based on a clause in the contract, consolidating them, and moving to have the cases dismissed on statute of limitations issues. Several of the wrestlers you mentioned have been joined into a single class action.</p><p> </p><p> What you're talking about is one class-action lawyer convincing wrestlers he met at some convention to join in a class-action lawsuit. Unfortunately, pretty much any claim any of these wrestlers have is pretty much defeated by the statute of limitations. The attorney threw in fraudulent concealment, but that would require some showing that WWE knew the dangers of concussions in 1988, or 1995, or whenever, and that they intentionally didn't tell wrestlers in an attempt to defraud them. That's unlikely to pass a motion to dismiss under the heightened standard for pleading fraud.</p>
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Some crazy claims here.....thoughts anyone?


It's associated with WrestleZone. I wouldn't touch it with a thirty nine and a half foot pole.


Not only that but it's WrestleTalkTV which is a pretty low rent thing in the UK ran by Alex Shane - the guy nearly responsible for killing British wrestling. With stuff like this, they're barely right.

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Not only that but it's WrestleTalkTV which is a pretty low rent thing in the UK ran by Alex Shane - the guy nearly responsible for killing British wrestling. With stuff like this, they're barely right.


I been watching alot of What Culture Wrestling and those brits usually get it right. I didn't know these guys so I'm glad I asked before getting my hopes up.

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Is it me or does it seem like WWE just doesnt care about Mania anymore? The past what 3-5 years they have given fans the exact opposite of what we wanted? They have constantly had to adjust at the last second. But their entire build up has been that of a crappy B PPV.



They have how many storylines running now? How many that are interesting?





New Day/LON

Owens vs Everyone?

Charlotte vs Becky vs Sasha

AJ vs Jericho



I wouldnt remember half of there if Raw wasnt tonight. Outside of Shane vs Taker I dont care about a single match on this PPV. More so the match than the story itself Lesnar and Ambrose with Lesnar hopefully coming out on top.


Had this been Owens vs Zayn they would have my attention... But im assuming they are holding that off until after WM.


But why do the Wyatts not have something going on at Mania? This might be by far the worst built WM with the worst storylines in history. They dont even seem to care anymore. They dont care what the fans want. The WM Main Event was known back even in December. Yet they change nothing?


I can honestly say the only match I care about this WM weekend is American Alpha vs Dash and Dawson.

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That undercard looks fantastic. Kalisto vs. Ryback is likely for the pre-show and will be enjoyable because Kalisto works great against bigger guys. The Andre Battle Royal of the last two years has been better than the Rumble, I'm excited to see if they can match this year's awesome rumble. I can't pick a winner though...


The Owens ladder match promises to be one hell of a match. New Day vs. League of Nations will be a ton of fun, AJ & Jericho will go 15 minutes and will be a good match at the very least. Taker vs. Shane will your sports entertainment match of the evening, full of run-ins and swerves. Ambrose vs. Lesnar will be physical and brutal and Reigns will have yet another great singles match and prove all the doubters wrong again.


Then again I don't watch Raw. The show is bad and none of it matters. I don't care about the build but the matches always deliver and that's the important thing to me. So there's reasons to be excited, even for the most jaded of fans. Just stop watching Raw, it's not worth your time!

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Love that picture, above. I'm very much looking forward to NXT Takeover: Dallas, even more than WrestleMania, (though I am also very much behind Ambrose to somehow win his match against Lesnar).


What I'd LOVE to see is Samoa Joe somehow get a spot in the Andre Battle Royal and then win the thing, doubt that'll happen though. What I'm expecting is either a Big Show repeat or a Braun Strowman victory, (assuming he's in the thing).

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That undercard looks fantastic. Kalisto vs. Ryback is likely for the pre-show and will be enjoyable because Kalisto works great against bigger guys. The Andre Battle Royal of the last two years has been better than the Rumble, I'm excited to see if they can match this year's awesome rumble. I can't pick a winner though...


The Owens ladder match promises to be one hell of a match. New Day vs. League of Nations will be a ton of fun, AJ & Jericho will go 15 minutes and will be a good match at the very least. Taker vs. Shane will your sports entertainment match of the evening, full of run-ins and swerves. Ambrose vs. Lesnar will be physical and brutal and Reigns will have yet another great singles match and prove all the doubters wrong again.


Then again I don't watch Raw. The show is bad and none of it matters. I don't care about the build but the matches always deliver and that's the important thing to me. So there's reasons to be excited, even for the most jaded of fans. Just stop watching Raw, it's not worth your time!


The Rumble wasnt good this year... Hasnt been for years. Are you sure you are watching the same company? Reigns has never been capable a "a great singles match" let along "another".The second Reigns went out early of the Rumble because he couldnt handle going the distance of the entire 30 showed he was going to win.

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The Rumble wasnt good this year... Hasnt been for years. Are you sure you are watching the same company? Reigns has never been capable a "a great singles match" let along "another".The second Reigns went out early of the Rumble because he couldnt handle going the distance of the entire 30 showed he was going to win.


Except he didn't win.... He lost... Triple H won.... And I've enjoyed a decent amount of Reigns' matches. I've never been like "why is this on TV" to a Reigns match. Lesnar vs Reigns last year was great, as was Big Show vs Reigns whenever they did it. The Triple Threat at Fast Lane was really good. And I'm sure Triple H vs Roman will be good-to-great. It's gonna be a fight, It's gonna be a brawl. It's gonna be violent, the feud calls for it, they've each bleed going into the match, I'm going to assume that either leading up to mania or at mania itself Trips will make it No-DQ because I think the match can benefit from a No-DQ stipulation.

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Reigns had a great match with Lesnar last year also a great match with the big show at extreme rules nevermind the fastlane match with Daniel Bryan. Also Reigns did not win the rumble this year hence why Triple H is defending against Roman.


You mean the match that Lesnar german suplexed Reigns beating him down until Rollins cashed in? Anyone can do what Reigns did in that match.

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You mean the match that Lesnar german suplexed Reigns beating him down until Rollins cashed in? Anyone can do what Reigns did in that match.


I'm certainly not pro Reigns, but to me his problems aren't lack of ability to put on a good match witha more experienced hand.


It's his lack of promo ability and in ability to connect with a large portion of the audience is more my issue with him. He's had some decent to good matches.

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I'm certainly not pro Reigns, but to me his problems aren't lack of ability to put on a good match witha more experienced hand.


It's his lack of promo ability and in ability to connect with a large portion of the audience is more my issue with him. He's had some decent to good matches.


Same. Reigns entire issue is with character and booking. Some of it is his fault but the majority of the blame lies with Creative trying to make him something he isn't. Reigns hasn't had bad matches for a while if we only look in a technical way.

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He's miscast but I even think he's a great promo. I've got no qualms about his delivery, he comes across as convincing even with shoddy material. It must be very difficult to do your job under his circumstances. I do often wonder where he would be now if he had the same consistent support that guys like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan got when they were ascended up the card.
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He's miscast but I even think he's a great promo. I've got no qualms about his delivery, he comes across as convincing even with shoddy material. It must be very difficult to do your job under his circumstances. I do often wonder where he would be now if he had the same consistent support that guys like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan got when they were ascended up the card.


You sound like a reverse warhawk. A great promo? Lol dude you have to be trolling at this point. He isnt a great promo. He isnt even an average promo. He has terrible mic skills.


His ring work isnt even good. Im assuming you are new to watching wrestling as a whole? Never seen Daniel Bryan or Cesaro wrestle? Thats a real wrestler. Also Bray Wyatt are what a great promo sounds like.


Also Punk and Bryan had 0 support! They have to fight and earn everything because the crowd loved them. Because they earned everything they got. Reigns is being shoved down peoples throats like Cena was for the past 10 years and no one wants it. Reigns is being given the keys to a new ferrari for no reason. You are acting like he is being held back when its the exact opposite... He is being treated like a King when he isnt even blood related.

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