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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Hate to ask this...but are any of you guys actually getting to watch Clash Of Champions? Maybe it's just me... but WWE Network hasn't been hitting on a lick since they upgraded it. The old stuff works well enough, which, to be fair, is what I watch more than anything else, but anything live.... just dead on arrival from the opening bell.


I've already taken to just watching 205 Live, NXT Original Recipe, and NXT Extra Crispy later in the week, and that works out well enough, but tonight was pay per view Sunday.


So far tonight, starting with the pre-show...


It's just been a mess. Seems like I might get anywhere between 90 seconds and 5 minutes worth of mildly pixilated action, before the Network encounters a problem and needs to close. I bring it back up, but I only get more of the same.


Talked with Customer Service back when this first became an issue, and did as they suggested, (uninstalled the App and then re-installed it), didn't seem to help. Talking to them tonight seemed to indicate I wasn't the only one having this problem, and that all these problems would go away as soon at they were able to work all the bugs out of their system.


Just curious if I'm the only one having this problem, is all.




Won't show on my Roku (though it will stream everything else, and other apps have no issue). Works fine on my phone. Thankfully I never have people over to watch.

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I get that The Fiend itself is a cool character...but it's Bray Wyatt with a fresh coat of paint. Same moves, and you add the Mandible Claw. Very meh to me.


I just hope they keep him away from the old Wyatt Family, unless he's targeting them. He's better on his own right now.


It would also be cool if he wrestled on TV as his Mr Rodger's babyface persona to present him as conflicted but the boat might have sailed on that one. I always thought they dropped the ball not running a Cody/Stardust storyline where his 2 personalities were struggling for domination of his mind and he wrestled as both.

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NXT did 1.179 million on USA. They must be happy with that. I can't see AEW beating that in the short term but long term they might because NXT isn't exclusively live.


Important to keep in mind, this is debut, with no competition. So let's not get carried away. Looking at the trendlines on ticket sales, buzz and exposure, I think AEW does this exact number pretty much and I expect NXT to slide back as live viewers chose the option they can't get on the network the next day. But we'll see. Until we see a few months of hard data we don't know very much.

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Important to keep in mind, this is debut, with no competition. So let's not get carried away. Looking at the trendlines on ticket sales, buzz and exposure, I think AEW does this exact number pretty much and I expect NXT to slide back as live viewers chose the option they can't get on the network the next day. But we'll see. Until we see a few months of hard data we don't know very much.


I'm expecting about 1 million for the AEW debut but I'd love if it did more. Viewer retention will be critical for both. NXT has the benefit of being under the WWE umbrella while AEW are still establishing themselves. Does anyone know the average viewers for USA and TNT?

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Before this week’s NXT I had never seen Artua Ruas. I’m officially a fan


He's spent the entire year doing EVOLVE shows where he's been getting good reviews. Like many transtioning from MMA and Amateur Wrestling he has the technique just needs to work on his transtions and intangibles. He represented Brazil in wrestling at the 2004 Athens Games and was a silver medalist in wrestling at the 2003 Pan American Games. 8-3 record in MMA. He is 37 with only 4 year's experience so time isn't on his side to make a splash.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Before this week’s NXT I had never seen Artua Ruas. I’m officially a fan</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I saw him on an NXT show before the debut I think. I think he's entertaining.</p>
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From YouTube and some recent TV showing in Belgium (we got WWE about a year now)...Luke Harper is, I think, one of the best big workers you got. He looks legit, I think he can work better (face and heel) than Stroman.


Not sold on the Fiend/Bray stuff...seems like Undertaker v2 over and over again. Never liked Undertaker (undead, can't be beaten, etc from the start....I'll give him props for being a great worker back then. Bit like Cena).


The Women's division at this stage looks gold for WWE...they should be pushed to main eventing PPV's. Get a great face, give her a year (or 2) run, establish heels....etc, what they did for Cena, Orton, etc...would be excellent. The talent is there.

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Feels like with the new TV deal and the AEW threat, WWE is FINALLY realizing they need characters and storylines and not vanilla midgets doing floppy dos in 25 minute “Epics” with a million near falls and This is Awesome Chants.


The Fiend has mainstream appeal/potential due to its simplicity and visceral, instant appeal.


Lashley/Lana is a step in the right direction, but it’s tasteless and I’m wary of the depths WWE will take that angle in particular.



Overall, with the Fiend, the Lana angle, and Becky Lynch, Raw has at least 3 big angles that will actually draw, and that’s been extremely rare for them in the last several years.


Smackdown is also doing work with the Brock stuff.



Time to see what the Khans will do as a counterpunch. I’m not sold on them being super on board with this mega indie show idea, indie wrestling stays indie for a reason. I think they need to turn it up and get some hot angles themselves, they probably have the talent for it and with the caveat of being more adult oriented have more wriggle room than PG WWE does(although I question how much a cuckold storyline fits into PG programming)

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