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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So lets break this down for a second. Ronda signs telling them that she wants to have a baby, works Mania-Mania like a grown up, and then puts over Becky and leaves. Gets absolutely roasted.


Becky canoodles with Seth until she gets surprise preggo and then HHH's the belt to Asuka, kills the business on the way out, and basically retires? She's revered like a patron saint...




I mean, happy for them. But this is a 30+ year old couple. Surely they've figured out how sex functions. Either she didn't want to do a job out the door, or she didn't give a crap about the WWE, and the state of the company, which put her over and signed her to a deal worth a ton of money. The least she could do is put Asuka over and then do the babymaking. Either way, Seth is really on fire. He may very well burn that whole company down at this rate.


Holy ragefire Batman!


Either way, congratulations to Seth and Becky.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Makhai" data-cite="Makhai" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So lets break this down for a second. Ronda signs telling them that she wants to have a baby, works Mania-Mania like a grown up, and then puts over Becky and leaves. Gets absolutely roasted.<p> </p><p> Becky canoodles with Seth until she gets surprise preggo and then HHH's the belt to Asuka, kills the business on the way out, and basically retires? She's revered like a patron saint...</p><p> </p><p> ??? </p><p> </p><p> I mean, happy for them. But this is a 30+ year old couple. Surely they've figured out how sex functions. Either she didn't want to do a job out the door, or she didn't give a crap about the WWE, and the state of the company, which put her over and signed her to a deal worth a ton of money. The least she could do is put Asuka over and then do the babymaking. Either way, Seth is really on fire. He may very well burn that whole company down at this rate.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's none of WWE's business whether Seth is wearing a johnny or not when he ploughs his missus. What is WWE's business is not having a pregnant woman taking bumps in the ring. Besides, they already have creative lined up for Becky Lynch's return, she'll be an ex-champ that never lost the belt.</p>
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Seen a bit of the MitB PPV. Looking forward to this once-in-a-lifetime concept I guess, but not expecting too much as it's kinda flawed on paper.


First half of the show has been lackluster to say the least, especially the Tamina match. What: she a face now? I couldn't tell. A bunch of spots that just seemed weird and meaningless, including the finish. Also bad ref work I guess, or maybe it's just clearer with no crowd present. Bailey's post-match antics were awesome though.


But the Bray match saved it. :cool:

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It's none of WWE's business whether Seth is wearing a johnny or not when he ploughs his missus. What is WWE's business is not having a pregnant woman taking bumps in the ring. Besides, they already have creative lined up for Becky Lynch's return, she'll be an ex-champ that never lost the belt.


That's all lovely. But these are two of your highest paid, and she in-particular is probably your 2nd or 3rd biggest star at the moment. You would hope that these two would be a lot more responsible in situations like this. Its 2020, they have access to the best healthcare in the world, and there is no such thing as an "accidental" pregnancy these days for people in their age and income brackets. I get that these are likable people, who probably mean well. But let's look at the fallout objectively.


WWE spent the last 3 years building up, promoting heavily at the expense of other better performers to invest in women. They went out and signed an outside star, used her well, spent a lot of money, all to get to the point where Becky could ride the lightning and take the responsibility of carrying the company. There were twists and turns along the way, but 13mos later, here we are. Both made stars are now gone. Both to start families. What does that leave them? Comedy mid-carders who just got out of a racist tag team, as champion, as their ratings TUMBLE into IMPACT levels. That's the reality.


Does Becky need to work in servitude? No. Should they have the ability to plan a family? Absolutely. Should they be expected to be more responsible in planning their family? Yes. I think people aren't thinking about this realistically. They think of this as an injury. As she said on twitter. This could be it for her. She elevated no-one, she established nothing, she cost a lot of money, and in the end, she went into business for herself. That deserves fair criticism, on both the happy couple and the WWE for poor booking, honestly.

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The "killing the business" post got me curious and I checked out the segment on youtube. The spoilers don't really matter as it's kinda tuesday already. :o


They should treasure Asuka. That performance after 'getting the title' deserves a medal. Such a blatant disregard for a crying woman in the ring. I was in tears from laughing so hard.


But aren't you overreacting with the "killing the business"? The roster is stacked enough. They can honestly go on without Becky. And the comparison with Rousey isn't very accurate. Afaik she got raving reviews. I don't know whose comments you read, but those people were either having some unrealistic expectations, or don't know Rousey or probably hated her in the first place. I loved her passage and she only elevated people when she was there.


Did she announce it too late? Does she still have a contract for the next 2 years? It both answers are no, she is not to blame imo.

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That's all lovely. But these are two of your highest paid, and she in-particular is probably your 2nd or 3rd biggest star at the moment. You would hope that these two would be a lot more responsible in situations like this. Its 2020, they have access to the best healthcare in the world, and there is no such thing as an "accidental" pregnancy these days for people in their age and income brackets. I get that these are likable people, who probably mean well. But let's look at the fallout objectively.


WWE spent the last 3 years building up, promoting heavily at the expense of other better performers to invest in women. They went out and signed an outside star, used her well, spent a lot of money, all to get to the point where Becky could ride the lightning and take the responsibility of carrying the company. There were twists and turns along the way, but 13mos later, here we are. Both made stars are now gone. Both to start families. What does that leave them? Comedy mid-carders who just got out of a racist tag team, as champion, as their ratings TUMBLE into IMPACT levels. That's the reality.


Does Becky need to work in servitude? No. Should they have the ability to plan a family? Absolutely. Should they be expected to be more responsible in planning their family? Yes. I think people aren't thinking about this realistically. They think of this as an injury. As she said on twitter. This could be it for her. She elevated no-one, she established nothing, she cost a lot of money, and in the end, she went into business for herself. That deserves fair criticism, on both the happy couple and the WWE for poor booking, honestly.


and how would that not be WWE's fault for not having a plan, if you center everything around a limited amount of people it's your own damn fault if they leave and you're not prepared

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Saw the MitB match and I honestly liked it. Didn't get some of the references and cameos (was that Laurenitis? and who was the dude in the bathroom?) and some of the jokes and appearances were a bit cheap and random (a clown, rly?), but there were definitely a couple of laughs there, and without the crowd and commentators you get to see the workers in a different light.


But let's never do that again. :p


And ffs: the rules on these matches... :confused: It is the match type I dislike most. Apparently you can have your lackeys pick it up for you, as we've seen with Ellsworth, but now you need to have "sole control of the briefcase". Also made AJ look like a schmuck with that finish. They should've locked him in that room. What was that with Corbin attacking Asuka? They have a history or something? Didn't make much sense to me at all.


But it doesn't take away from the fact that it was unique and I thought it was entertaining.

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That's all lovely. But these are two of your highest paid, and she in-particular is probably your 2nd or 3rd biggest star at the moment. You would hope that these two would be a lot more responsible in situations like this. Its 2020, they have access to the best healthcare in the world, and there is no such thing as an "accidental" pregnancy these days for people in their age and income brackets. I get that these are likable people, who probably mean well. But let's look at the fallout objectively.


WWE spent the last 3 years building up, promoting heavily at the expense of other better performers to invest in women. They went out and signed an outside star, used her well, spent a lot of money, all to get to the point where Becky could ride the lightning and take the responsibility of carrying the company. There were twists and turns along the way, but 13mos later, here we are. Both made stars are now gone. Both to start families. What does that leave them? Comedy mid-carders who just got out of a racist tag team, as champion, as their ratings TUMBLE into IMPACT levels. That's the reality.


Does Becky need to work in servitude? No. Should they have the ability to plan a family? Absolutely. Should they be expected to be more responsible in planning their family? Yes. I think people aren't thinking about this realistically. They think of this as an injury. As she said on twitter. This could be it for her. She elevated no-one, she established nothing, she cost a lot of money, and in the end, she went into business for herself. That deserves fair criticism, on both the happy couple and the WWE for poor booking, honestly.


Have you ever tried to make a baby? Do you know how long it takes some people? Do you know that women have the right not to be treated differently at work during this process (which is one of many reasons why they don't have to tell their employer)?


Yes, Ronda was treated differently by some fans (as usual, we'll call them a vocal minority). That doesn't make them right and Becky wrong, it makes them wrong.

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Lol **** wrestling when it comes to real life. If Becky wants a kid, no storyline or mark has any say in that. If you don’t like the effect of her family life on your shitty tv show then write an angry letter to Vince.
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Lol **** wrestling when it comes to real life.


Hey, you take that back, yow! It's still real to me, damnit! :D


Anyhow: on the Becky "situation" (dramatizing much?). Indeed: it's not something that comes easily to everyone. I have friends that have been trying for years on end. If she has an abortion for some f'd up reason, and tries again after her career but fails? That will haunt her for the rest of her life, no kidding. She'll be staring at those titles hanging on the wall for a long, long time. If she was 20 and just breaking into the business, I can understand, but right now I'd probably do the exact same thing. You can question her dedication, but honestly... she's already done everything. What's left that would legitimize NOT choosing for the child?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>NXT was good. Vignettes were great. Riddle vs Thatcher was as close to a shoot fight as I've seen in NXT.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I thought it was a great show in general. The main event was indeed presented as some shoot.</p><p> </p><p> Not sure what to expect about In Your House (don't know what's so special about that) but that segment was hilarious.</p>
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I'll put this here as it seems to get more traffic then the AEW one.





Larry Csonka of 411mania passed away today. There has been a huge outpouring on the comment section of the news on the site there. As well as many from the business like Chris Jericho, Austin Aries, iMPACT, EVOLVE, Wrestling Observer, and others through Twitter. A prolific reviewer (pretty much every major show in the last decade was covered by him.) And a class act all the way. Thoughts and prayers to the wife and two daughters he left behind, thanks for the reviews.

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- The Kross/Ciampa feud is off to a good start.

- Good to see Tozawa more often in NXT. Fantasma was always going to win his block.

- Shotzi is awesome! That was the best NXT women's promo in a long time.

- They should use Santana more often. Probably the best enhancement talent they have. Gargano rap karaoke LOL. Mixed tag match incoming.

- Nice pin from Roddy to end a solid match but Lumis is always in hunt mode.

- Maverick vs KUSHIDA was great. Maverick is doing the best in-ring work of his career, showing he's more than just a comedy character or GM in this tournament. Ending with the 3-way tie was smart booking.

- Io vs Rhea was good but the non-finish to setup a tiple threat was predictable.

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<p>Really impressed with Ciampa and Candice made a good impression too (for the first time since her heel turn imho).</p><p> </p><p>

Looks like the new bros are going to have an actual cage fight. Can't wait. <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The whole "round robin" tournament is stupid. Evertime they try some sort of competition system, it's just done poorly. It was written in the stars there was going to be a tie somewhere (changes of that are actually quite high).</p><p> </p><p>

As for the main event: Shirai actually looks great in this role, as opposed to Kairi (looks horrible in that Kabuki gimmick, good god...). Asuka of course will always look good (never change!).</p>

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- Maverick vs KUSHIDA vs Atlas was great. All 3 have benefitted from this tournament. Maverick winning was a shock, even though it was controversial.

- I like Gargano's new theme. Using him to debut jobber talent is smart. The Mia/Lee/Tegan skit was funny.

- Shotzi vs Gonzalez was solid but that bump Shotzi took was bad. Looked like a combination of her overshooting and Dakota & Gonzalez standing too close. Very similar to Fenix on Dynamite last week.

- Rhea & Io vs Charlotte & Chelsea was good.

- Nice work from Cole but this Dream feud feels like it's dragging on too long. I'd like to see Lee or Riddle pushed into the main event.

- Enjoyed the Lorcan and Burch promo.

- Ciampa destroying Ruff with Scarlett watching was good. Loved Kross cutting a promo with his faced zoomed in on the titantron. Made him look powerful.

- Riddle vs Thatcher Fighting Pit match was pretty cool. I don't think a No-ropes Scaffold Cage shoot-style match would be on the cards if it weren't for Covid. It's forced WWE (and AEW) to get creative to good effect.


One of the best NXT shows of the year.

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Yeah, that triple threat is the stuff real lightweight wrestling is made of. The whole tournament has been great, surprising me here and there and not even upsetting me with having my boy KUSHIDA take a couple losses. Though I'm not sure about that win for Drake considering despite the submission, KUSHIDA was technically covering Atlas as well. Fantasma deserves it too, he is so smooth in there already, but this is Maverick's story.. you don't put anyone over KUSHIDA for no good reason (unless Cameron Grimes*) and I think he's going to take down Fantasma who handedly won his bracket anyway.


I'm happy for Drake though. Crying into the camera right after he got released has paid dividends.

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Yeah, lots of stuff was very well done. Loved the teeth spot they did in the main event. Not a big fan of Drake but it's understandable he got a push after getting that traction. But the other guys did perform better imo. I felt both squash matches had some set-up purpose, and Gargano is always entertaining. I hope that Thatcher & Riddle get back together after the obvious rubber match. Or not and Riddle could move up to the title picture. Either way would make sense.


Again: finish of the first (but nice) match made no sense. We've seen plenty of 'cocky' covers that got counted despite not covering the opponent. We've seen plenty of covers during submission attempts (last week even if I'm not mistaken). I get that they were obviously just looking for a way to set up a controversial finish, but they should've put more effort in it. But the match was good so whatever.


Other bad point was the lack of a crowd, but not much to do about that. The other talent present do add to it, but some of them shout too much all the time.


@milamber: I don't see the cage match have anything to do with COVID other than making it perhaps slightly interesting on some sports news report. They're already having more measures in place than one would suspect. But at least it'd give sports papers something to write about. :p

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