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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<p>I'm not surprised. I try not to be negative in general on wrestling, but the entire booking of Retribution (and a LOT of Raw) has been incredibly terrible. So little internal consistency, teams coming together and splitting for no reason, a stable who are heel feuding with a stable who are heel (but now face) and one of those members just turned heel on his friends... endless tag team matches with the same combinations of workers over and over and over and over and the whole show is a mess....</p><p> </p><p>

There is so mcuh talent in that roster and it's awful to see it being used like it is. At least NJPW has the G1 just now to make me happy. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> And AEW exists. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> And NXT is still pretty good. And even Smackdown is alright.... just... Raw.... no.</p>

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Was it just me or did the Main Event go a little too long?


And not that they are supposed to be Hollywood caliber, but the Usos need to work on their acting.


Overall, enjoyed the event. Will be interesting to see how they fix the apparent botch on the Street Profits/Andrade & Garza match.


EDIT to add - the storytelling in the final match was really good. From Heyman yelling at Jimmy to throw in the towel, knowing that he doesn't know how far Roman will go with this, and Jimmy's reaction being to protect Jey as opposed to attacking Roman.

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I watched the first few matches of Clash of Champions, but skipped a few. Watched the main event and was bored beyond belief. Roman stopping to repeat the same lines over and over again was awful. Saying the tribal Chief line repeatedly was grating.


The triple threat for IC and Asuka vs Vega were pretty entertaining though.

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I watched the first few matches of Clash of Champions, but skipped a few. Watched the main event and was bored beyond belief. Roman stopping to repeat the same lines over and over again was awful. Saying the tribal Chief line repeatedly was grating.


The triple threat for IC and Asuka vs Vega were pretty entertaining though.


I can appreciate that - not sure if some cues were misses somewhere. But overall I enjoyed the match. It really came across that even Heyman doesn't know how far Reigns can/could go with an attack.


The event was predictable, but I felt it was enjoyable - perhaps with the exception of Asuka coming out for Bailey. Given what the finish was I'm glad they didn't waste the spot on someone else, but enough with the goofiness of someone holding two belts.

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I can appreciate that - not sure if some cues were misses somewhere. But overall I enjoyed the match. It really came across that even Heyman doesn't know how far Reigns can/could go with an attack.


The event was predictable, but I felt it was enjoyable - perhaps with the exception of Asuka coming out for Bailey. Given what the finish was I'm glad they didn't waste the spot on someone else, but enough with the goofiness of someone holding two belts.


Roman didn't come across as vicious to me sadly. I like Roman and I think his heel turn was much needed, but doesn't seem like he's found his legs yet. Pairing him with Heyman, who I consider the second greatest manager of all time, is a good way to get the act over.


That said, I can see why people liked the main event, but it was just boring me to with lots of down time and rest periods.


I know the Cody/Jericho match was forever ago in wrestling time, but it still seemed far to soon to do the throw in the towel finish

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I don't even remember the throwing the towel in Jericho/Cody (WWE I'm assuming)?


I was referring to MJF throwing the towel in for Cody when Cody faced Jericho at the first AEW Full Gear show.


Obviously it's a different company and it was almost a year ago, but still very fresh in my mind at least.

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Watching NXT from Wednesday, even as a face, Kyle O'reilly is insufferable and has no personality. He's literally the most vanilla midget wwe has ever had.


He should be bagging groceries, not main eventing a wrestling show.


If they put our opinions on a globe they would be so far apart they would almost be next to each other! :D


I remember I used to hate that title air guitar, but now I kind of miss it. He won't win tonight - nor should he. Not because of skill level, but because Balor just got the belt again. But I think like the Roman/Uso match it could go a long way to defining Balor's character.


I guess WWE (both NXT and main roster) are now letting the Japanese workers just speak Japanese in promos? Better than being the silent type, I guess, even if no one makes an effort to explain what was said.


Thunderdome-lite built at the PC as the Capitol Wrestling Studio or something like that, starting with tonight's PPV. Looking forward to the set up. After watching the Thunderdome on the main roster, it's weird to go back to the sparse talent banging on the plexiglass.


I wonder if the O'Reilly storyline is going to lead to someone coming down to NXT and kicking Cole out of UE, on Cole's way up to the main roster.

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Really enjoyed the show.


Gargano is so dislikeable, he makes a good heel.


Extra aggressive Kushida is bad ass. Good job of Dream looking vulnerable after the post match attack.


Santos vs Swerve was exciting, but seemed to drag a little long.


Shirai vs LaRae was great. You can't win with your husband as the ref doing a fast count? Sucks for you. The second ref bump was goofy but did its job. Excited for Toni to come in. Not sure about Ember Moon. Hopefully she does well after being out for so long.


Really enjoyed Balor vs KOR. Curious about the attack on Adam Cole. Is this what is going to lead to Cole's departure to the main roster? Did the new leader have Holland attack him? Or do we see Finn and UE have a tenuous alliance to fight Holland?

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I don't know if it's just because I've been in a crappy mood or my disdain for Kyle O'reilly, but the main event almost literally put me to sleep. I expected more when everyone was hailing it as a MOTY contender.


Don't feel bad. This is how I have felt about anything Sami Zayn until the last PPV (from his main roster run). Or anything Wyatt/Fiend. I really enjoyed it, but can appreciate it not being for everyone.

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Balor got hurt. Hopefully he doesn't vacate the title. If he did have to relinquish the title, just being Lesnar in and have him wrestle every third or fourth TakeOver, get you a nice long reign out of it. :D


Mercedes Martinez out of Retribution, apparently. Back to NXT? Main roster but not in group? Or was she just unavailable?

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Why have Xavier and Kofi win the smackdown tag belts if they're moving to raw? Seems dumb to me


A way to call for brands to interact. Give a belt that belongs to one brand, to another, and vise versa, and you have the appearance of brand splits while still being able to have match's involving both brands?


Haven't watched in a while, but that's why I would do it.

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