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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The line about wrestling in front of 12 people in a high school gym made me wonder what's the biggest crowd that Daniel Bryan (:rolleyes:) has wrestled in front of?


He wrestled for New Japan Pro Wrestling for at least a few shows. They tend to draw pretty well.


Edit - damn, Countdown beat me to it.

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I'm not sure, but I'd think he wrestled in front of some pretty big crowds when he was in NJPW.


He wrestled for New Japan Pro Wrestling for at least a few shows. They tend to draw pretty well.


Edit - damn, Countdown beat me to it.




That's what I was thinking as soon as Cole said it... safe to say he's wrestled in front of bigger crowds than he did tonight.

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I have to say that Cole's heel turn on NXT had me rolling, I mean he was really getting hot on our boy Bryan wasn't he? :) Craziness


The thing about it was that Cole's ignorance to anything outside of WWE was so believable it was somewhat unsettling. His venom towards Bryan seemed very McMahon-fed - Bryan hasn't proven himself in WWE, so is instantly a nobody. The reality aspect of the show seemed like the commentators and Striker were being harsh, harping on whether the rookies had the 'personality or a lackthereof' - just seemed a bit over the top and aggressive to me. I'm guessing they'll get a fair shake, but the rookies came across as jabronis for the most part, - a stigma they might have trouble losing when they graduate from NXT.


Overall, it was an interesting show. Different camera angles and a different style was refreshing, and it looks like an intriguing way of building new stars.

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Just watched the DVR and I liked it. Danielson/Jericho was actually really good but like I've thought for awhile I think his size will keep him down long term.


Liked Slater, he seems fun and broke typical cookie cutters of recent rookies I think he would fit right in as a midcarder right now even without a lot of pushing. I think if they actually gave him room and a push he could do really well (not hyping main event but def IC title for sure, maybe winning MITB)


Didnt like Young getting squashed but hopefully means good things for Ortenga (sp) didnt like Wade Barrett either, seriously a bare knuckled brawler perfect english man with the accent? yeah, believable. Also didnt like the one guys MMA gloves but I liked his KO character so hopefully they lose the gloves.


Overall I liked how most of the pairs had storylines and as of now think its a good way to bring in new talent since hopefully by the end of the first season the stand out(s) will have shaken the "rookie" tag. Only thing that worries me is the one hour show, I actually wanted it to go two hours which is something I havent said about ECW in...well i dont think i ever wanted that, so hopefully it doesnt turn into a car crash trying to fit everyone in or w/people getting left out the get lost for good.

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Heath Slater impressed me. I think that he has the perfect gimmick, and he plays it real well. Also, Daniel Bryan has great in ring skills imo, but I just can't buy him as a future world champ. I just don't think that he has the star quality and charisma that makes world champions, well, world champions. To me he looks like some skinny kid who works at a fast food place, not a pro wrestler. But that's just my opinion. Anyways, I think that he has great in ring skills, so it will be cool to watch his matches.
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heath slater already gets on my nerves. that stupid taunt and head shaking thing has got to go. bush league.


on a positive note, i liked tarver a lot.


Totally agree. it was so incredibly repetitive. He did it so often during the video pormo thing that I wondered if there is anything to his character byond the head wag and toungue deal. He looked like a one note indy card guy.


Also agree that I like Tarver. A lot.


Heath Slater impressed me. I think that he has the perfect gimmick, and he plays it real well. Also, Daniel Bryan has great in ring skills imo, but I just can't buy him as a future world champ. I just don't think that he has the star quality and charisma that makes world champions, well, world champions. To me he looks like some skinny kid who works at a fast food place, not a pro wrestler. But that's just my opinion. Anyways, I think that he has great in ring skills, so it will be cool to watch his matches.


"great in ring skills imo" lol


The more you post the more I realize we - as fans - have almost nothing in common.


I really liked the show. I thought the storylines were varied and the interactions were smart. I loved the fact that the first episode was the American Dragon Power Hour, because he's obviously the one performer with the biggest following.


Not including Low Ki was a mistake.


I don't know tons about the rookies, and the show made me want to tune in and learn more about them. So...mission accomplished.

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Of all the bright and shining new stars, Danielson is of course my favorite - the hometown hero so-to-speak that I'll be rooting for all the way, ROH fan that I am. But from a sports entertainment perspective, I like this Otunga cat as well. He seems to have a little extra spark to me, that little star quality that WWE seems to look for in its wrestlers. I like him.


I have to admit, I'm looking forward to any interaction that might come between Danielson and CM Punk... I'm sure something will happen there.


I forget Punk's rookie's name also, but I found myself calling him 'Orblando Iaukea', since for some reason he brought Orlando Jordan and Prince Iaukea to mind for me.


Better show than I was expecting, honestly.



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I think not having lowki was a great movie. There is one dominate person on the show right now. That is danial........if you brough in ki would you want him to play second fiddle to him. Or would you want to take some screen from danial to give to ki?


Believe me i am a huge ki mark......might be the only one left in the world lol......but i am glad he is not on the show. I would want him to be the star and that is odviously going to be danial.


Plus isen't he hurt? or something like that? i knew a few weeks ago he was going to be on the show.


O yah, punk and danial.......didn't punk beat him for the roh title? or was that joe?


If they played off that it would be epic.

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I forget Punk's rookie's name also, but I found myself calling him 'Orblando Iaukea', since for some reason he brought Orlando Jordan and Prince Iaukea to mind for me.


Orblando Iaukea it is then. That's a lot better than some of the names on NXT.


Speaking of names I am very proud to say the my fiancee (who is essentially a casual fan and never seen a ROH show before) now is incapable of calling him Daniel Bryan because I refuse to acknowledge him as anything but Bryan Danielson.


Am I the only one too that sees NXT going for just two "seasons" with Danielson winning season 1 and Low Ki winning season two? It all just seems like one huge storyline to introduce those two (or atleast Danielson) in a huge way.

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Jericho's reversal on the announce table was SIIIIIIICK haven't seen a reversal or move like that in a loooooong time during Cena's PG-Kiddie Era has taken over. Maybe there was before and I just missed it cuz I can tend to tune out of WWE programming very quickly nowadays. I liked this show better than the WWECW. It was ok to hear the crowd get behind the rookies, or at least attempt to during the show. Like at the beginning with Miz and Bryan doing the promos and the crowd being a bit more lively than they've been on the B shows.


Was not buying Cole's 'he needs to respect Miz' blah blah garbage. I thought Cole was the face kiss-ass announcer.

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Slater looked like a poor man's southern babyface from the 80's. No chance.


R-Truth's protege either botched his only chance at a move, or has the worst finisher in wrestling history. He seems like he's all hype, his tape made him look like a star but once he got in front of the live audience it wasn't there.


Carlito's guy, Tarver (from the 'Kron!) looked pretty solid. He and Slater probably had the most time to shine out of the rookies so far (excluding Bryan, of course).


C.M. Punk's guy gets an incomplete grade since all he got to do was sell and job.


Jericho's rookie's promo skills clearly suck. "Quality" was about the worst answer he could have given within the broad spectrum of responses to that question. They did well to give him the hook before he screwed up any more.


And that brings me to our boy Daniel Bryan. I was never huge on him in ROH- even though I appreciated his style and certainly thought his matches were good, something about him irked me. I really didn't think he had the charisma or the look to be much more than what he was- but he looked comfortable out there with a mic and showed the capability to adapt his style to be more E' friendly by working a quite nice 7-minute TV match with Jericho instead of a 32 minute submission clinic.


I also liked the way he presented himself, he was confident but not too ****y- and he didn't overact when the Miz slapped him and bailed. I hate when people look like they're going to burst a blood vessel in their temple 5 minutes into a feud. Even though he's undersized, I think he's got enough of the other tools to overcome that and I'm betting he'll have a pretty long WWE career.

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Ok.......show just ended. It was a good show.........not exactuly what i thought but was good.


Ortaga has the look great sounded great and has a intresting gimmick. TIll he steped into the ring :(


The show was about danials though. He is going to get the push of a life time here if he does not do something really bad. I maked out for the old school lion tamer though......that was classic now we just need a cattle mudilation and my inner fan boy will be pleased ;)

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Jericho's reversal on the announce table was SIIIIIIICK haven't seen a reversal or move like that in a loooooong time during Cena's PG-Kiddie Era has taken over. Maybe there was before and I just missed it cuz I can tend to tune out of WWE programming very quickly nowadays. I liked this show better than the WWECW. It was ok to hear the crowd get behind the rookies, or at least attempt to during the show. Like at the beginning with Miz and Bryan doing the promos and the crowd being a bit more lively than they've been on the B shows.


Reminded me of that missed Benoit plancha against Booker T on Smackdown a few years back.


The thing that's interesting me is how much of the show is scripted and how much the rookies are being made to improvise - that would be nice to know. Sounded like Wade Barrett's interaction with Jericho and Striker was improvised, while most of Bryan's exchange seemed more WWE scripted. Just makes you wonder how far WWE are going with the chances to see who will crash and burn on screen.


On another note, I thought the Young loss in such quick fashion was a waste of a new character on debut, but then realised that whole angle put over how important the pros' input apparently is - Punk refusing to help meant that the influence that they have is apparently crucial in some cases, and helped give another dimension to that aspect of the show.

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